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1.Title:  Journal of a Vacation Spent in New England (1895-1900)
 Dates:  1895 - 1900 
 Extent:  1 volume  
 Locations:  Boston | Chamonix | Eastport | Grindelwald | Gulf of Saint Lawrence | Halifax | Heidelberg | Hyannis Port | Martha's Vineyard | New York | Portland | Versailles | Windsor 
 Abstract:  In an anonymous journal maintained between 1895-1900, a female diarist documents several family trips with lengthy accounts of places, sights, other travelers, item prices, and modes of travel--including sailboat. Judging from the destinations (e.g. Hyannis Port and Marie Antoinette's Garden) the diarist's family is upper-class. The diarist also furnishes several illustrations and numerous dried flowers from her travels in Europe. This volume may interest researchers seeking accounts of New England, Quebec, and Europe at the turn of the twentieth century, European fauna, and perspective of upper-class women in the Gilded Age. 
"Journal of a Vacation Spent in New England" actually contains accounts of several trips taken over a five-year span. The first trip is to Massachusetts (hence the journal's name) and Quebec in the summer of 1895. The second trip, the following summer, culminates in Nova Scotia after stops in Boston and Portland. During a visit to Longfellow's house, the diarist furnishes an illustration of the tombstone (8/25/1896) and, later, a sketch of the "Jelly-Fish Medusa." The diarist also includes pressed, dried flowers, which she associates with various destinations on a trip to Europe in the summer of 1900. Several of those labels are excerpted in Selected Quotations.
In an anonymous journal maintained between 1895-1900, a female diarist documents several family trips with lengthy accounts of places, sights, other travelers, item prices, and modes of travel--including sailboat. Judging from the destinations (e.g. Hyannis Port and Marie Antoinette's Garden) the diarist's family is upper-class. The diarist also furnishes several illustrations and numerous dried flowers from her travels in Europe. This volume may interest researchers seeking accounts of New England, Quebec, and Europe at the turn of the twentieth century, European fauna, and perspective of upper-class women in the Gilded Age.
"Journal of a Vacation Spent in New England" actually contains accounts of several trips taken over a five-year span. The first trip is to Massachusetts (hence the journal's name) and Quebec in the summer of 1895. The second trip, the following summer, culminates in Nova Scotia after stops in Boston and Portland. During a visit to Longfellow's house, the diarist furnishes an illustration of the tombstone (8/25/1896) and, later, a sketch of the "Jelly-Fish Medusa." The diarist also includes pressed, dried flowers, which she associates with various destinations on a trip to Europe in the summer of 1900. Several of those labels are excerpted in Selected Quotations.
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  Selected Quotations
  • "Picked Marie Antoinette's Garden at the Little Trianon, Wednesday, July 11th, 1900"

  • "Picked at Heidelberg Castle, Friday, July 27, 1900"

  • "Picked at Grindelwald, Switzerland, Friday, August 3d, 1900"
 Subjects:  Diaries. | Europe. | New England. | Seafaring life. | Travel. | United States--Civilization--1865-1918. | Women--History. 
 Collection:  Journal, 1895-1896, of trips to Cape Cod and Nova Scotia  (Mss.917.4.J82)  
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2.Title:  William Strahan Journals (1751-1777)
 Dates:  1751 - 1777 
 Extent:  4 volumes  
 Locations:  Aberford | Belford | Biggleswade | Burrow Bridge | Carlyle | Doncaster | Durham | Edinburgh | Elvanfoot | Felton | Glasgow | Harwood | Hatfield | Lille | London | Newark-on-Trent | Newcastle | Northampton | Oxford | Paisley | Scarborough | Shropshire | Stamford, United Kingdom | Windsor | York 
 Abstract:  The William Strahan diary encompasses four volumes spanning 1751-1777. The first volume features the most detailed entries, whereas the second and third volumes include shorter accounts of multiple excursions and the fourth volume serves less as a journal than a summation of accounts, debts, and holdings. The first volume's accounts of mid-eighteenth-century England ought to interest researchers interested in English urban space, governance, and social conduct. 
Researchers will likely gravitate to Strahan's first volume, a detailed, six-week account of European travels taken in 1751 (7/6-8/28). Alongside accounts of weather, road and travel conditions, and various social gatherings (e.g. breakfasts, dinners, teas), Strahan's entries offer glimpses into eighteenth-century English conduct, church services, universities, courts, libraries, as well as villages, towns, and cities and their inhabitants. For example, Straham describes Newcastle as a "a place of Business and Industry equal to London" (7/15) and Paisley as a "perfect hive of industrious people" (8/6). Attending a trial, he remarks upon the conduct of the participants, writing, "The court was very solemn and the lawyers were both elegant and behaved with remarkable decency" (7/22). Strahan even visits a poorhouse in Edinburgh, by which, he remarks, "the City is not only freed of all beggars, but the offspring of such are [tirelessly] snatched from Destruction, so that the Race of disorderly people are hereby extinguished" (7/30).
The second (1759, 1760, 1766), third (1768, 1773, 1777), and fourth volumes (1755-1761) are much less detailed but sketch his travel (and distances covered). The fourth volume, in particular, more closely resembles an account book than a journal. As he takes stock of his properties, assets, and debts, Straham records his increasingly wealth—from £ 5,000 in total assets in 1755 to £ 12,000 in 1761.
The William Strahan diary encompasses four volumes spanning 1751-1777. The first volume features the most detailed entries, whereas the second and third volumes include shorter accounts of multiple excursions and the fourth volume serves less as a journal than a summation of accounts, debts, and holdings. The first volume's accounts of mid-eighteenth-century England ought to interest researchers interested in English urban space, governance, and social conduct.
Researchers will likely gravitate to Strahan's first volume, a detailed, six-week account of European travels taken in 1751 (7/6-8/28). Alongside accounts of weather, road and travel conditions, and various social gatherings (e.g. breakfasts, dinners, teas), Strahan's entries offer glimpses into eighteenth-century English conduct, church services, universities, courts, libraries, as well as villages, towns, and cities and their inhabitants. For example, Straham describes Newcastle as a "a place of Business and Industry equal to London" (7/15) and Paisley as a "perfect hive of industrious people" (8/6). Attending a trial, he remarks upon the conduct of the participants, writing, "The court was very solemn and the lawyers were both elegant and behaved with remarkable decency" (7/22). Strahan even visits a poorhouse in Edinburgh, by which, he remarks, "the City is not only freed of all beggars, but the offspring of such are [tirelessly] snatched from Destruction, so that the Race of disorderly people are hereby extinguished" (7/30).
The second (1759, 1760, 1766), third (1768, 1773, 1777), and fourth volumes (1755-1761) are much less detailed but sketch his travel (and distances covered). The fourth volume, in particular, more closely resembles an account book than a journal. As he takes stock of his properties, assets, and debts, Straham records his increasingly wealth—from £ 5,000 in total assets in 1755 to £ 12,000 in 1761.
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  Selected Quotations
  • Woolsthorpe: "[P]assed by a small house in an obscure village called Woolsthorpe, where the great Isaac Newton was born" (7/9/1751)

  • Newcastle: "Here is a place of Business and Industry equal to London. The town is large, has a great many streets, and substantial Inhabitants" (7/15/1751)

  • Paisley: "[T]he most thriving place in this country...It is indeed a perfect hive of industrious people" (8/6/1751)
 Subjects:  Accounts. | Booksellers and bookselling. | Conduct of life--Anecdotes. | Diaries. | Europe. | Great Britain--History--1714-1837. | Great Britain--Social life and customs--18th century. | Printing. | Scotland--History--18th century. | Travel. | Urban planning and environment | Weather. 
 Collection:  William Strahan journals and accounts, 1751-1777  (Mss.B.St83.St83x1)  
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3.Title:  Amelia Smith Calvert Diaries (1912, 1929)
 Dates:  1912 - 1919 
 Extent:  2 volumes  
 Locations:  Amsterdam | Antwerp | Basel | Bellagio | Bolzano | Brussels | Bruges | Cambridge | Canterbury | Carlisle | Cologne | Como | Cortina | Dawlish | Delft | Durham | Edinburgh | Ely | Eton | Exeter | Freiburg | Geneva | Genoa | Ghent | Glastonbury | Gloucester | The Hague | Heidelberg | Innsbruck | Interlaken | Kenilworth | Keswick | Koblenz | Lincoln | Liverpool | London | Lucerne | Lugano | Mainz | Melrose | Milan | Montreux | Namur | New York | Oban | Oberhausen | Oxford | Padua | Perth | Philadelphia | Plymouth | Rotterdam | Salisbury | Schaffhausen | Stratford | Venice | Verona | Wells | Windermere | Windsor | York | Zermatt 
 Abstract:  Amelia Smith Calvert maintained two journals of European trips taken in the summer of 1912 and 1929. Although both trips appear to coincide with scientific conferences, Calvert dedicates most of her entries to enthusiastic observations of sightseeing in the United Kingdom, Holland, Belgium, Germany, and Italy. These volumes may interest researchers exploring early-twentieth-century science and European travel. 
The first journal, "Diary of a Trip to England & Scotland in the Summer of 1912" documents a three-month trip (6/22-9/23) that Amelia and Philip Calvert took while attending the Second International Congress of Entomology. Given the numerous references to "P," it appears that Amelia maintained most if not all of this volume. The journal is remarkable for its variety of modes of transportation: the narrative begins with the transatlantic voyage from Philadelphia to Liverpool aboard a steamer (the S.S. Merion), and includes transport by sailboat, rail, carriage, auto, and funicular. Calvert also furnishes numerous descriptions of European towns and cities, architecture, people, dress, history, weather, and sightseeing of religious and cultural institutions. Notably, the journal includes occasional illustrations and ephemera such as advertisements, receipts, bills, and even a peacock feather (280).
The second journal, "Diary of Trip to Europe 1929" follows much the same structure. Once again, it provides an account of a several months travel (7/12-10/2) associated with work, this time a visit to the Zoologists Institute at Freiburg. The couple travels from New York to Antwerp by steamer (the S.S. Lapland). Alongside notes concerning sightseeing—and illustrations and ephemera—Calvert furnishes some comparative observations that might interest twentieth century historians. For example, she writes, "While there are many automobiles and trucks on the streets of Brussels, there is not yet the density of traffic to be seen in Philadelphia" (7/23/1929).
Amelia Smith Calvert maintained two journals of European trips taken in the summer of 1912 and 1929. Although both trips appear to coincide with scientific conferences, Calvert dedicates most of her entries to enthusiastic observations of sightseeing in the United Kingdom, Holland, Belgium, Germany, and Italy. These volumes may interest researchers exploring early-twentieth-century science and European travel.
The first journal, "Diary of a Trip to England & Scotland in the Summer of 1912" documents a three-month trip (6/22-9/23) that Amelia and Philip Calvert took while attending the Second International Congress of Entomology. Given the numerous references to "P," it appears that Amelia maintained most if not all of this volume. The journal is remarkable for its variety of modes of transportation: the narrative begins with the transatlantic voyage from Philadelphia to Liverpool aboard a steamer (the S.S. Merion), and includes transport by sailboat, rail, carriage, auto, and funicular. Calvert also furnishes numerous descriptions of European towns and cities, architecture, people, dress, history, weather, and sightseeing of religious and cultural institutions. Notably, the journal includes occasional illustrations and ephemera such as advertisements, receipts, bills, and even a peacock feather (280).
The second journal, "Diary of Trip to Europe 1929" follows much the same structure. Once again, it provides an account of a several months travel (7/12-10/2) associated with work, this time a visit to the Zoologists Institute at Freiburg. The couple travels from New York to Antwerp by steamer (the S.S. Lapland). Alongside notes concerning sightseeing—and illustrations and ephemera—Calvert furnishes some comparative observations that might interest twentieth century historians. For example, she writes, "While there are many automobiles and trucks on the streets of Brussels, there is not yet the density of traffic to be seen in Philadelphia" (7/23/1929).
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  Selected Quotations
  • "While there are many automobiles and trucks on the streets of Brussels, there is not yet the density of traffic to be seen in Philadelphia" (7/23/1929)
 Subjects:  Diaries. | Entomology. | Europe. | Science. | Travel. | Weather. | Women--History. | Zoology. 
 Collection:  Amelia Smith Calvert diaries, 1912-1929  (Mss.B.C13)  
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