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A wealthy retired businessman and art collector from New York and Newport, R.I., Theodore M. Davis financed a series of archeological excavations in Egypt between 1889 and 1912. Avid, but not necessarily disciplined in his approach, he supported a remarkably productive series of excavations at Thebes and, in the work for which he is best remembered, in the Valley of the Kings. On many of these expeditions, Davis was accompanied by his relative, Emma B. Andrews. The diary that Andrews kept during these expeditions is valuable on two scores. First, at its best, it provides a literate and often detailed record of an adventurous American woman traveling in fin de siecle Egypt and (to a lesser degree) Italy and her encounters with life in the colonial British settlements along the Nile. Second, it provides some important details on the appearance of tombs in the Valley of the Kings as they were first unearthed, with interesting comments upon Davis and a number of his fellow Egyptologists.
Call #:  
2 volume(s)



This collection of Morton letters forms part of a bound volume of incoming correspondence. It is a companion volume to the original letters in the Morton collection at the American Philosophical Society, which were also originally bound. Most of the subjects of the two collections overlap, but additional subjects in the microfilmed collection include American Indians, archaeology, Egyptology, and phrenology.
Call #:  
1 microfilm_reel(s)



Through his craniometic studies of human races, the Philadelphia physician Samuel George Morton (1799-1851) exerted a profound influence on the development of physical anthropology in antebellum America, and made substantial contributions to mineralogy, paleontology, and natural history. Relating primarily to Morton's scientific interests, the Morton Papers include insights into Morton's perspectives on education, medical practice, geology and mineralogy, craniology, paleontology, the Wilkes Exploring Expedition (also known as the United States Exploring Expedition 1838-1842), and his two major monographs, the Crania Americana and Crania Aegyptiaca. Several of the letters were written by Morton in his capacity as corresponding secretary of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Also included in this collection are Morton's "Some Remarks on the Infrequency of Mixed Offspring Between the European and Australian Races" (1850), Joseph Barclay Pentland's notes on the aborigines of Peru (ca. 1840?), and newspaper clippings on Morton's death; a diary of Morton's trip to the West Indies, 1834, a set of craniological sketches for use in Crania Americana, and a microfilm of letters in private hands, written to Morton, 1838-1844
Call #:  
2.25 Linear feet

African American | Archaeology | Aymara Indians | Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1823-1887 | Barbados -- Description and travel -- 19th century | Botany | Chapman, Nathaniel, 1780-1853 | Conrad, Timothy Abbott, 1803-1877 | Cooper, William, 1776-1848 | Craniology. | Craniometry | Dana, James Dwight, 1813-1895 | DeKay, James Ellsworth, 1792-1 | Diaries. | Doornik, Jacob Elisa, 1777-183 | Education | Egyptology. | Exploration. | Fermine Gomez Farias | French, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1799-1877 | General Correspondence | Geology | Gliddon, George R.(George Robi | Gomez, Jose Justo Gomez de la | Grave robbing | Hildreth, Samuel P. (Samuel Pr | Human remains (Archaeology) | Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859 | Indians of North America -- Kentucky | Indians of North America -- Massachusetts | Indians of North America -- Mississippi | Indians of North America -- Ohio | Indians of North America -- Physical characteristics | Indians of North America -- Rhode Island | Indians of North America -- Tennessee | Indians of South America -- Peru | Indians of South America -- Physical characteristics | International Travel | Kane , John K. (John Kintzing), 1795-1858 | Lyell, Charles, Sir, 1797-1875 | Medicine | Mineralogy | Miscegenation | Morton, Samuel George, 1799-1851 | Natural history | Naumkeag Indians | Ornithology | Paleontology | Peale, Rembrandt, 1778-1860 | Pentland, Joseph Barclay | Phrenology | Race | Race, race relations, racism | Rush, William, 1756-1833 | Science and technology | Scientific Correspondence | Sketches. | Skull. | Slavery -- Barbados | Slaves, slavery, slave trade | Travel | Travel Narratives and Journals | United States Exploring Expedition (1838-1842) | Watercolors



An archaeological anthropologist and linguist, John Alden Mason spent the majority of his career at the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania. After receiving his undergraduate degree at Penn in 1907, Mason received a doctorate at Berkeley (1911) for his ethnographic work on the Salinan Indians of California, but his diverse interests in later years ran the gamut from Puerto Rican folklore to Piman languages and cultures (including Pima, Papago, Pima Bajo, Northern and Southern Tepehuan, and Tepecano), Mayan, Aztec, and Incan archaeology, and the languages of South American Indians. Mason was curator of the University Museum at Penn from 1926 until his retirement in 1958. The Mason Papers include both in-coming and outgoing correspondence, linguistic material, notes, and photographs relating to Mason's work in the southwestern U.S., northern Mexico, and South America. Centered on the years after Mason's return to Philadelphia in 1926, the collection covers all aspects of Mason's professional life, from reports on field work to answering casual questions referred to him through the University Museum to data and analyses on Piman and other languages. The collection also contains voluminous files relating to the Mason's editorship of the American Anthropologist (bulk: 1945-1948). Of special note are a series of class notes (1908-1910) kept by Mason for course work in ethnology, archaeology, and linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania under Edward Sapir and Frank Speck.
Call #:  
38 Linear feet

Agogino, George | American Anthropological Association | American Anthropological Association. Publishing | American Anthropologist | Anthropology -- Societies, etc. | Archaeology | Bascom, Burton William, 1921-2004 | Benedict, Ruth, 1887-1948 | Birket-Smith, Kaj, 1893-1977 | Black, Fred L. | Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Bororo language (Brazil) | Brugge, David M. | Butler, Mary | Cadzow, Donald S. | Carpenter, Edmund, 1922-2011 | Cattell, James McKeen, 1860-1944 | Chihuahua (Chihuahua, Mexico) | Cole, Fay-Cooper, 1881-1961 | Cross, Dorothy | De Laguna, Frederica, 1906-2004 | Diagrams. | Durango (Mexico) | Eggan, Fred, 1906-1991 | Egyptology. | Ethnology | Fejos, Paul, 1897-1963 | Gamio, Manuel, 1883-1960 | Ge language | Gelatin silver prints | Greywacz, Kathryn B. | Harrington, John Peabody | Herskovits, Melville J. (Melville Jean), 1895-1963 | Hodge, Frederick Webb, 1864-1956 | Indians of Mexico | Indians of Mexico -- Languages | Indians of North America -- Languages | Indians of North America -- Southwest, New | Indians of North America -- Southwest, New -- Antiquities | Indians of South America -- Languages | Jalisco (Mexico) | Judd , Neil Merton, 1887-1976 | Kelly, David H. | Kidder, Alfred Vincent, 1885-1963 | Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960 | Latin-American Institute for Race and Culture Studies | Linguistics | Madeira, Percey Child, Jr. | Malali language | Malinowski, Bronislaw, 1884-19 | Maps. | Mason, John Alden, 1885-1967 | Mayas -- Antiquities | Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978 | Mexico -- Antiquities | Morley, Sylvanus Griswold, 1883-1948 | Negatives | Nuttall, Zelia, -- 1858-1933. | Palenque (Chiapas, Mexico) | Photoprints | Phrenology | Pima Bajo language | Pima Indians | Pima language | Piman Indians | Piman languages | Quechua language | Radin, Paul, 1883-1959 | Recordings | Redfield, Robert, 1897-1958 | Reichard, Gladys Amanda, 1893-1955 | Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939 | Satterthwaite, Linton, 1897- | Sketches. | Sonora (Mexico : State) | Southwest Indians | Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950 | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Symbols | Tepecano Indians | Tepehuan language | Tohono O'odham Indians | Tohono O'odham dialect | Tozzer, Alfred M. -- (Alfred Marston), -- 1877-1954. | University of Pennsylvania. | University of Pennsylvania. University Museum | Uto-Aztecan languages | Vaillant, George Clapp, 1901-1 | Whorf, Benjamin Lee, 1897-1941 | Wissler, Clark, 1870-1947 | Yaqui Indians