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This scrapbook includes diplomas, certificates of membership, invitations, programs, letters, family photographs, obituary notices, and a historical sketch of the Goodspeed family in America.
Call #:  
1 microfilm_reel(s)



These papers include diplomas, testimonials, and letters from Benjamin Rush.
Call #:  
1 microfilm_reel(s)



Founded in Cap François, Saint Domingue (now Haiti) in August 1785, the Cercle des Philadelphes was one of the most prestigious colonial learned societies of the Ancien Regime. During its brief seven year existence, the Cercle pursued an agenda of promoting improvements in agriculture, manufactures, the arts and sciences, published five volumes of memoirs, and established correspondence with their peers in the American Philosophical Society and other learned societies. Their foreign membership included both Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Rush. The Cercle des Philadelphes Collection is a small, but important assemblage of documents relating to French colonial science. Each of the documents is associated with Louis Narcisse Baudry de Lozières, the first president of the Cercle, including three certificates appointing him to office, and two important addresses. The first of these appears to be his opening remarks to the Cercle at its first public meeting on Aug. 15, 1784. The second is an early, but undated document outlining the organization of the Cercle and its aims.
Call #:  
0.25 Linear feet



This collection contains certificates and diplomas of learned societies and letters to Dodge from Charles H. Peck, William G. Farlow, David R. Goddard, Robert A. Harper, and H. Rehm. There are letters about Dodge to William J. Robbins, who used them in preparing his memoir of Dodge for the "Biographical Memoirs" (v. 36) of the National Academy of Sciences.
Call #:  
0.25 Linear feet



Passports, 1827, membership certificates, receipts, family letters, and 20 letters to La Roche from Thomas Dunn and Ayres Phillips Merrill on scientific, medical, and personal topics.
Call #:  
0.25 Linear feet



These papers include correspondence concerning the publication and republication of Wood's "Dispensatory of the United States" and "Treatise on Therapeutics and Pharmacology, or Materia Medica" by J.B. Lippincott & Co. Also included are twelve diplomas and certificates of membership in American and European professional societies.
Call #:  
30 item(s)



This is miscellaneous material relating to postal affairs, including Hazard's appointments in the service, and certificates of membership in various institutions. There are letters from Richard Bache, George Clinton, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Samuel Huntington, Thomas Jefferson, Timothy Matlack, Samuel Miller, George Washington, and others. One manuscript is endorsed, "My Covenant with the most high God," which is Hazard's reaffirmation of the vows made for him by his parents at the time of his baptism.
Call #:  
1 volume(s)



This correspondence is with Charles Francis Adams, Jr., Edgar Fahs Smith, and Thomas Sovereign Gates, about undergraduate days at Harvard College, his interest in Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Wistar Institute. The papers include a list of publications, biographical data, papers on Robert G. LeConte and Daniel Moreau Barringer, a certificate of membership in the Governor Thomas Dudley Family Association, and 25 drawings of crystals and 35 original sketches made to accompany his Harvard thesis, "The Nature and Origin of Deposits of Phosphate of Lime."
Call #:  
0.25 Linear feet



This collection of correspondence, accounts, and certificates primarily concerns the China trade of Talbot, Olyphant & Co., New York, and Olyphant & Co. and Gordon & Talbot, both of Canton, China. The papers also concern their missionary endeavors in China and the vicinity.
Call #:  
1 microfilm_reel(s)



The papers include miscellaneous letters, letterbooks, books, certificates, and diplomas of various members of the Muhlenberg family. Among them are photostats of letters and papers of General John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg and officers of the Continental Army on military affairs in the Southern Department during the American Revolution (1772-1804); photostats of letters to Albert Gallatin, Nathanael Greene, Edward Hand, Winthrop Sargent, Baron von Steuben, William Alexander, and George Washington; photostat of General Muhlenberg's journal of trips to the Ohio (1784, 1797); photostats of letters and notes of Gotthilf H. E. Muhlenberg, including a diary kept at Halle (1771) and extracts of thirty letters to Stephen Elliott of Beaufort and Charleston, South Carolina (1808-1815); photostats of letters of Henry A. Muhlenberg about his biography of General Muhlenberg (1848-1849); and photostats of letters of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg (1711-1787). Also included is an original letterbook of Peter Muhlenberg, paymaster of the United States Army, kept at Augusta and Savannah, Georgia (1836-1842). Henry Muhlenberg's notebooks (1784-1813), written in Latin or German script, in a small hand, includes a wealth of botanical observations, with a focus on Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The Henry Muhlenberg journals are a record of daily occurrences, with many features of a commonplace book, containing prescriptions, notes of questions asked candidates for the Lutheran ministry, and the plan of a barn. There is also a biographical account of Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg (1711-1787).
Call #:  
4.25 Linear feet


1459-1862 January 25

The Scaliger Family Papers, when taken together, trace the history of a noble family that was originally from Italy but lived primarily in Agen, France from the mid-1500s through the mid-1800s. Beginning with the patriarch, Julius Caesar Scaliger (1484-1558), a celebrated Italian scholar and physician, the members of the Scaliger family upheld an illustrious reputation over the centuries as scholars, military leaders, and noblemen. Throughout their family's history, the Scaligers maintained that they were descended from the Della Scallas, Princes of Verona. It is as a result of the necessity to defend this claim as well as later attempts to prove their ties to their noble heritage that this collection of documents has remained so well intact. The Scaliger Family Papers is a collection that encompasses several different kinds of documents that span from 1539 to 1862 including letters, genealogical material, works by members of the Scaliger family, as well as military, legal, and financial documents.
Call #:  
1.5 Linear feet



This is a diverse collection, including correspondence, drafts of letters, notes and notebooks (on biometric methods; tables and formulae; science, nature and method; coefficient and correlation; vitalism; Japanese language); commonplace book (1924); autobiography; and over one hundred folders of unpublished writings. The correspondence and other material covers a variety of topics, including biology, eugenics, evolution and natural selection, human heredity, paramecia, protozoa genetics, U.S. immigration policy. There is much on the Seventh International Congress of Zoology (1907); letters to his father and wives, and from students and colleagues on his seventy-fifth birthday, 1943 (1 v.); diplomas and certificates of membership; and photographs.
Call #:  
30 Linear feet

Alexander, Jerome, 1876-1959 | Animal behavior. | Autobiographies. | Aydelotte, Frank, 1880-1956 | Biology. | Biometry. | Blumer, Herbert, 1900-1987 | Brennemann, Joseph, 1872-1944 | Burbank, Luther, 1849-1926 | Calkins, Gary N. (Gary Nathan) | Cattell, James McKeen, 1860-1944 | Certificates. | Chen, Tze-tuan | Commonplace books. | Conklin, Edwin Grant, 1863-1952 | Correlation (Statistics) | Cowdry, E. V. (Edmund Vincent), 1888-1975 | Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 | Diplomas. | Emigration and immigration law -- United States. | Eugenics. | Evolution. | Fisher, Irving, 1867-1947 | Geiser, Samuel Wood, 1890-1983 | Genetics. | Harrison, Ross G. (Ross Granville), 1870-1959 | Heredity. | Japanese language | Jennings, H. S. (Herbert Spencer), 1868-1947 | Kellogg, Vernon L. (Vernon Lyman), 1867-1937 | Korzybski, Alfred, 1879-1950 | Lectures. | Lillie, Frank Rattray, 1870-1947 | Mast, Samuel Ottmar, 1871-1947 | Metcalf, Maynard M. (Maynard Mayo), 1868-1940 | Metz, Carl W., 1889-1975 | Muller, H. J. (Hermann Joseph), 1890-1967 | Natural selection. | Notebooks. | Osterud, Hjalmar Laurits | Paramecium -- Physiology. | Pearl, Raymond, 1879-1940 | Philosophy of science | Photoprints. | Pomeroy, Fred Elmer | Protozoa -- Physiology. | Raffel, Daniel | Shull, George Harrison, 1874-1954 | Sonneborn, T. M. (Tracy Morton), 1905-1981 | Vavilov, N. I. (Nikolai Ivanov | Vitalism. | Watson, John B. (John Broadus), 1878-1958 | Whitney, Leon Fradley (1894-1973) | Wilson, Edwin Bidwell, 1879-1964 | Yerkes, Robert Mearns, 1876-1956 | Zoologists -- United States.



The geneticist Milislav Demerec emigrated from Yugloslavia in 1919, spending nearly his entire career in the Department of Genetics at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Working initially on the genetics of maize and later on Drosophila virilis, his research interests included radiation and chemical mutagenesis, and during the Second World War, penicillin and the genetics of antibiotic resistance. Demerec served as head of the laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor from 1941 until 1960. The Demerec collection contains the extant professional papers of Milislav Demerec, dating primarily from the time of his arrival at Cold Spring Harbor until his retirement. In addition to his correspondence with colleagues, the collection includes interesting material on the administration of Cold Spring Harbor laboratory during the 1940s and 1950s, data and research notes, material relating to professional organizations (e.g. Genetics Society of America, American Society of Naturalists), a lengthy series of lectures given by Demerec, and a large number of photographs pertaining to Demerec's research, but also to his colleagues and Cold Spring Harbor itself. There is also a Register of visitors to the laboratory (1927-1945) and a Milislav Demerec reprint list.
Call #:  
14.25 Linear feet

Academic freedom | American Society of Naturalists | Antibiotics | Atomic Energy Commission | Babcock, E. B. (Ernest Brown), 1877-1954 | Bacterial genetics | Bacterial genetics -- Nomenclature | Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Bateson, Beatrice | Bibliographical matters | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data | Biographical and personal data -- Belling, John | Biographical and personal data -- Blakeslee, Albert Francis | Biographical and personal data -- Bridges, Calvin B. | Biographical and personal data -- Demerec, Milislav | Biographical and personal data -- Demerec, Rada | Biographical and personal data -- Muller, Hermann Joseph | Biographical and personal data -- Sutton, Eileen | Blakeslee, Albert Francis, 1874-1954 | Bridges, Calvin B. | Bridges, Calvin B. (Calvin Blackman), 1889-1938 | Bronk, Detlev W. (Detlev Wulf), 1897-1975 | Business | Business -- Grant proposals | Business -- Reports | C. W. Post College | California Institute of Technology | Cancer, chemotherapy | Cancer, chemotherapy -- Chemical mutagens | Carnegie Institution of Washington | Caspari, Ernst W., 1909-1988 | Castle, William E. (William Ernest), 1867-1962 | Certificates. | Chemical mutagenesis. | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory -- Department of Genetics | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. | Columbia University | Committee activities | Committee activities -- Reports | Condon, Edward Uhler, 1902-1974 | Conferences and symposia | Conferences and symposia -- Bacterial genetics | Conferences and symposia -- Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Congratulations, greetings, thanks | Cytogenetics | Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 | Demerec, M. (Milislav), 1895-1966 | Diplomas. | Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich, 1900-1975 | Drosophila -- Genetics | Drosophila Information Service | Drosophila genetics | Editorial matters | Editorial matters -- Journal of Heredity | Educational matters | Emerson, Rollins Adams | Emerson, Rollins Adams, 1873-1947 | Ephrussi, Boris, 1901-1979 | Evolution | Fellowships, assistantships | Fellowships, assistantships -- Buck, John B. | Fellowships, assistantships -- Delbruck, Max | Fellowships, assistantships -- Gustafsson, Ake | Fellowships, assistantships -- Hoecker, Frank E. | Fellowships, assistantships -- Slizynski, B. M. | Fellowships, assistantships -- Westergaard, Morgens | Genetics | Genetics -- Mutable genes | Genetics -- Mutation rates | Genetics -- Neurospora | Genetics -- Penicillium | Genetics -- Research | Genetics -- Variegation | Genetics -- Yeast | Genetics Society of America | Genetics of plants | Genetics of plants -- Barley | Genetics of plants -- Crepis | Genetics of plants -- Delphinium | Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict | Goldschmidt, Richard, 1878-1958 | Graduate study | Haldane, J. B. S. (John Burdon Sanderson), 1892-1964 | Hollaender, Alexander | Hollaender, Alexander, 1898-1986 | Honors | Honors -- American Philosophical Society | Human evolution, physical anthropology | Human genetics | International Congress of Genetics | International Congress of Genetics -- Eighth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Ninth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Tenth Congress | Invitations | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Lectures | Lectures, public speaking | Long Island Biological Association | Maize -- Genetics | Mangelsdorf, Paul C. | Medical research | Metz, Charles William, 1889-1975 | Moe, Henry Allen, 1894-1975 | Mouse genetics | Muller, H. J. (Hermann Joseph), 1890-1967 | Muller, Hermann Joseph | Mutagens | Mutation (Biology) | National Academy of Sciences | National Academy of Sciences -- Committee on the Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation - Genetics Panel | National Research Council | National Science Foundation | Notebooks | Penicillin | Photographs | Plant genetics | Political issues | Political issues -- Yugoslavia | Population genetics | Publication | Publication -- Advances in Genetics | Publication -- American Naturalist | Publication -- Genetics | Radiation genetics | Radiogenetics | Recommendations | Recommendations -- Brink, R. Alex | Recommendations -- Carlson, Elof Axel | Recommendations -- Fano, Ugo | Recommendations -- Harnley, Morris H. | Recommendations -- Huskins, C. Leonard | Recommendations -- Slizynski, B. M. | Recommendations -- Spencer, Warren P. | Recommendations -- Waddington, Conrad Hal | Referee's report | Referee's report -- American Naturalist | Research support | Reviews | Rockefeller Foundation | Russian politics and science | Russian politics and science -- Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Scientific refugees | Sonneborn, T. M. (Tracy Morton), 1905-1981 | Timofeev-Resovskiĭ, N. V. (Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich), 1900-1981 | Travel -- Australia | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | Travel -- Yugoslavia | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Urey, Harold Clayton, 1893-1981 | Weaver, Warren | World War II -- Impact on science | World War II -- Yugoslavia | Zea (maize) genetics | Zoology -- Nomenclature.