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Bacterial genetics
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Lectures, public speaking



The maize geneticist Barbara McClintock (1902-1992) is credited with the discovery of "jumping genes," that is chromosomal "crossing over" and translocation. She received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1983. The collection is organized into six series: I. Correspondence, 1931-1991; II. Subject files, 1938-1989; III. Works by McClintock, 1944-1989; IV. Works by others, 1927-1991; V. Research notes, notebooks, and card files, 1930s-1990s ; VI. Photographs, 1928-1991.
Call #:  
70.5 Linear feet

Bacterial genetics | Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Beadle, George Wells | Beadle, George Wells, 1903-1989 | Bibliographical matters | Biographical and personal data | Blumenschein, Almiro | Brenner, Sydney | Brown, W. L. (William L.) | Carnegie Institution of Washington | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Columbia University | Conferences and symposia | Congratulations, greetings, thanks | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Nobel Prize | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Presidential medal | Corn -- Genetics. | Crick, Francis H. C. | Crossing over (Genetics) | Cytogenetics | Demerec, Milislav | Drosophila genetics | Educational matters | Evolution | Fellowships, assistantships | Fellowships, assistantships -- Guggenheim | Genetics | Genetics of plants | Graduate study | Hershey, Alfred Day | History of biology, especially genetics | History of biology, especially genetics -- Carnegie Institution of Washington | Honors -- Nobel Prize | Invitations | Kato Yamakake, Takeo Angel | Laboratory notebooks | Laboratory notes | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Lantern slides | Lectures | Lectures, public speaking | Lederberg, Joshua | Maize -- Genetics | Mangelsdorf, Paul C. | McClintock, Barbara, 1902-1992 | Molecular genetics | National Medal of Science | National Science Foundation | Nobel Prizes | Peterson, Peter Andrew, 1925- | Photonegatives | Photoprints | Plant genetics | Publication | Publication -- Genetics | Publication -- Nobel Prize | Radiation genetics | Recommendations | Research support | Research support -- Rockefeller Foundation | Shapiro, James Allen | Sharp, Lester W. (Lester Whyland) | Solicitations for support or contribution | Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics | Teaching | Translocation (Genetics). | Travel -- Brazil | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | Travel -- South America | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Wallace, Bruce | Watson, James D. | Wolf Foundation Prize | Women botanists | Women geneticists | Women in science | Women scientists | Zea (maize) genetics



A bacteriologist from MIT, Salvador E. Luria's work with Max Delbruck on bacteriophage demonstrated that bacterial resistance to certain phages arose through genetic mutations. His later work showed that phages also mutate genetically. He received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1969 with Max Delbruck and Alfred D. Hershey. The collection is organized into seven series: I. Correspondence, 1938-1992 ; IIa. Subject Files, 1938-1990 ; IIb. Personal Material. 1923-1991 ; III. Works by Luria, 1938-1987 ; IV. Works by Others, 1944-1990 ; V. Research Notes and Notebooks, 1941-1979 ; VI. Course Material, 1931-1991 ; VII. Photographs and Negatives, 1957-1982. Arrangement: Alphabetical by folder title and then chronological within each folder.
Call #:  
44 Linear feet

American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Philosophical Society | American Society for Microbiology | Anderson, Thomas Foxen, 1911-1991 | Annual reports. | Bacterial genetics | Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Bacteriophages-Genetics | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data | Bolton, Ellis T. | Borek, Ernest, 1911-1986 | Boston Area Faculty Group on Public Issues | Business | Cancer, chemotherapy | Carlson, Elof Axel | Carnegie Institution of Washington | Central America-Foreign relations-1979- | Civil defense | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Columbia University | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Congratulations, greetings, thanks | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Horwitz Prize | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Nobel Prize | Crick, Francis H. C. | Crow, James F. | Darwin, Charles | Davis, Bernard D., 1916-1994 | Delbruck, Max | Demerec, Milislav | Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich, 1900-1975 | Doermann, August H | Editorial matters | Educational matters | Ethical issues | Federation of American Scientists | Fellowships, assistantships | Fondation Royaumont | Genetics | Genetics Society of America | Glass, Bentley | Graduate study | Gunsalus, I. C. (Irwin Clyde) | Harvard University | Hershey, Alfred Day | History of biology, especially genetics | Hollaender, Alexander | Honors -- Horwitz Prize | Honors -- Nobel Prize | Honors -- Sc.D. | Human genetics | International Cell Research Organization | International Congress of Genetics | Jacob, Francois | Laboratory notebooks | Laboratory notes | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Lantern slides | Lectures | Lectures, public speaking | Lederberg, Joshua | Luria, S. E. (Salvador Edward), 1912-1991 | Lwoff, Andre | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | McClintock, Barbara | McClintock, Barbara, 1902-1992 | Medical research | Microbial genetics | Molecular biology | Molecular genetics | Monod, Jacques | Muller, Hermann Joseph | National Academy of Sciences | National Research Council | Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine | Nobel Prizes | Nuclear energy | Nuclear weapons | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Pauling, Linus, 1901-1994 | Photoprints | Political issues | Political issues -- Atomic weapons | Political participation | Preservation of historical materials | Protozoan genetics | Publication | Publication -- Not in Our Genes | Publication -- Science | Publication -- The Path to the Double Helix | Radiation genetics | Recommendations | Requests for reprints | Research support | Russian politics and science | Salk Institute for Biological Studies. | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics | Stern, Curt | Teaching | Travel -- France | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | United States. National Institutes of Health | University of Pennsylvania | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 | Viral genetics | Wallace, Bruce | Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.) | Wiesel, Elie, 1928-



The geneticist Milislav Demerec emigrated from Yugloslavia in 1919, spending nearly his entire career in the Department of Genetics at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Working initially on the genetics of maize and later on Drosophila virilis, his research interests included radiation and chemical mutagenesis, and during the Second World War, penicillin and the genetics of antibiotic resistance. Demerec served as head of the laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor from 1941 until 1960. The Demerec collection contains the extant professional papers of Milislav Demerec, dating primarily from the time of his arrival at Cold Spring Harbor until his retirement. In addition to his correspondence with colleagues, the collection includes interesting material on the administration of Cold Spring Harbor laboratory during the 1940s and 1950s, data and research notes, material relating to professional organizations (e.g. Genetics Society of America, American Society of Naturalists), a lengthy series of lectures given by Demerec, and a large number of photographs pertaining to Demerec's research, but also to his colleagues and Cold Spring Harbor itself. There is also a Register of visitors to the laboratory (1927-1945) and a Milislav Demerec reprint list.
Call #:  
14.25 Linear feet

Academic freedom | American Society of Naturalists | Antibiotics | Atomic Energy Commission | Babcock, E. B. (Ernest Brown), 1877-1954 | Bacterial genetics | Bacterial genetics -- Nomenclature | Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Bateson, Beatrice | Bibliographical matters | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data | Biographical and personal data -- Belling, John | Biographical and personal data -- Blakeslee, Albert Francis | Biographical and personal data -- Bridges, Calvin B. | Biographical and personal data -- Demerec, Milislav | Biographical and personal data -- Demerec, Rada | Biographical and personal data -- Muller, Hermann Joseph | Biographical and personal data -- Sutton, Eileen | Blakeslee, Albert Francis, 1874-1954 | Bridges, Calvin B. | Bridges, Calvin B. (Calvin Blackman), 1889-1938 | Bronk, Detlev W. (Detlev Wulf), 1897-1975 | Business | Business -- Grant proposals | Business -- Reports | C. W. Post College | California Institute of Technology | Cancer, chemotherapy | Cancer, chemotherapy -- Chemical mutagens | Carnegie Institution of Washington | Caspari, Ernst W., 1909-1988 | Castle, William E. (William Ernest), 1867-1962 | Certificates. | Chemical mutagenesis. | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory -- Department of Genetics | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. | Columbia University | Committee activities | Committee activities -- Reports | Condon, Edward Uhler, 1902-1974 | Conferences and symposia | Conferences and symposia -- Bacterial genetics | Conferences and symposia -- Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Congratulations, greetings, thanks | Cytogenetics | Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 | Demerec, M. (Milislav), 1895-1966 | Diplomas. | Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich, 1900-1975 | Drosophila -- Genetics | Drosophila Information Service | Drosophila genetics | Editorial matters | Editorial matters -- Journal of Heredity | Educational matters | Emerson, Rollins Adams | Emerson, Rollins Adams, 1873-1947 | Ephrussi, Boris, 1901-1979 | Evolution | Fellowships, assistantships | Fellowships, assistantships -- Buck, John B. | Fellowships, assistantships -- Delbruck, Max | Fellowships, assistantships -- Gustafsson, Ake | Fellowships, assistantships -- Hoecker, Frank E. | Fellowships, assistantships -- Slizynski, B. M. | Fellowships, assistantships -- Westergaard, Morgens | Genetics | Genetics -- Mutable genes | Genetics -- Mutation rates | Genetics -- Neurospora | Genetics -- Penicillium | Genetics -- Research | Genetics -- Variegation | Genetics -- Yeast | Genetics Society of America | Genetics of plants | Genetics of plants -- Barley | Genetics of plants -- Crepis | Genetics of plants -- Delphinium | Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict | Goldschmidt, Richard, 1878-1958 | Graduate study | Haldane, J. B. S. (John Burdon Sanderson), 1892-1964 | Hollaender, Alexander | Hollaender, Alexander, 1898-1986 | Honors | Honors -- American Philosophical Society | Human evolution, physical anthropology | Human genetics | International Congress of Genetics | International Congress of Genetics -- Eighth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Ninth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Tenth Congress | Invitations | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Lectures | Lectures, public speaking | Long Island Biological Association | Maize -- Genetics | Mangelsdorf, Paul C. | Medical research | Metz, Charles William, 1889-1975 | Moe, Henry Allen, 1894-1975 | Mouse genetics | Muller, H. J. (Hermann Joseph), 1890-1967 | Muller, Hermann Joseph | Mutagens | Mutation (Biology) | National Academy of Sciences | National Academy of Sciences -- Committee on the Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation - Genetics Panel | National Research Council | National Science Foundation | Notebooks | Penicillin | Photographs | Plant genetics | Political issues | Political issues -- Yugoslavia | Population genetics | Publication | Publication -- Advances in Genetics | Publication -- American Naturalist | Publication -- Genetics | Radiation genetics | Radiogenetics | Recommendations | Recommendations -- Brink, R. Alex | Recommendations -- Carlson, Elof Axel | Recommendations -- Fano, Ugo | Recommendations -- Harnley, Morris H. | Recommendations -- Huskins, C. Leonard | Recommendations -- Slizynski, B. M. | Recommendations -- Spencer, Warren P. | Recommendations -- Waddington, Conrad Hal | Referee's report | Referee's report -- American Naturalist | Research support | Reviews | Rockefeller Foundation | Russian politics and science | Russian politics and science -- Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Scientific refugees | Sonneborn, T. M. (Tracy Morton), 1905-1981 | Timofeev-Resovskiĭ, N. V. (Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich), 1900-1981 | Travel -- Australia | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | Travel -- Yugoslavia | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Urey, Harold Clayton, 1893-1981 | Weaver, Warren | World War II -- Impact on science | World War II -- Yugoslavia | Zea (maize) genetics | Zoology -- Nomenclature.



Sewall Wright ranks among the most influential figures in the field of population genetics during the 20th century, and made important contributions to biostatistics, biometrics, and evolutionary theory. These papers contain much of Wright's professional correspondence, scattered research notes, and drafts of a small number of papers.
Call #:  
17 Linear feet

American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Institute of Biological Sciences | American Museum of Natural History | American Philosophical Society | Avery, Oswald Theodore | Babcock, Ernest Brown | Bacterial genetics | Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Beadle, George Wells | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Berry, L. Joe | Bibliographical matters | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data | Biographical and personal data -- Castle, William Ernest | Biographical and personal data -- Muller, Hermann Joseph | Biographical and personal data -- Obituary | Biographical and personal data -- Wright, Sewall | Blakeslee, Albert Francis | Bush, Vannevar | Business | California Institute of Technology -- Thomas Hunt Morgan memorial | Cancer, chemotherapy | Carnegie Institution of Washington | Caspari, Ernst Wilhelm | Castle, William Ernest | Cattell, James McKeen | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Cole, Leon Jacob | Columbia University | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Conferences and symposia -- American Society of Zoologists | Conferences and symposia -- Darwin Centennial | Conferences and symposia -- Mendel Centennial | Congratulations, greetings, thanks | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- 50-year membership | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Leon J. Cole Professor of Genetics | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Muller, Hermann Joseph. 70th birthday | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- National Academy of Sciences | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Presidential medal | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Royal Society (Great Britain) | Crow, James F. | Cytogenetics | Davenport, Charles Benedict | Demerec, Milislav | Displaced German scholars | Dobzhansky, Theodosius | Dronamraju, Krishna R. | Drosophila genetics | Dunn, Leslie Clarence | East, Edward Murray | Editorial matters | Educational matters | Embryology, developmental genetics | Emerson, Rollins Adams | Epling, Carl | Eugenics Record Office | Evolution | Evolution (Biology) | Evolution -- Race | Fellowships, assistantships | Fisher, Ronald Aylmer | Genetic algebras | Genetics | Genetics -- Animals | Genetics -- Birds | Genetics -- Cattle | Genetics -- Genetic drift | Genetics -- Guinea pigs | Genetics -- Mammals | Genetics -- Neurospora | Genetics -- Nomenclature | Genetics -- Snails | Genetics -- Wasps | Genetics Society of America | Genetics Society of America -- Golden Jubilee | Genetics of plants | Gillespie, John H. | Glass, Bentley | Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict | Gordon, Robert Dean | Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson | Harvard University | History of biology, especially genetics | Honors | Honors -- Kimber Award | Honors -- Royal Society (Great Britain) | House Un-American Activities Committee | House, Verl L. | Human genetics | Human genetics -- Race | Iltis, Hugo | International Congress of Genetics | International Congress of Genetics -- Seventh Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Sixth Congress | International Congress of Zoology | Invitations | Jennings, Herbert Spencer | Kaufmann, Berwind Peterson | Keeler, Clyde A. | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Lectures, public speaking | Lectures, public speaking -- University of California, Berkeley | Levit, Solomon G. | Lewontin, Richard Charles | Little, Clarence Cook | Luria, Salvador Edward | Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole | Medical research | Mendel, Gregor | Mohr, Otto Louis | Molecular genetics | Morgenstern, Oskar | Mouse genetics | Muller, Hermann Joseph | National Academy of Sciences | National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) | National Academy of Sciences -- Committee activities | National Research Council | National Research Council (U.S.) | National Research Council -- Committee activities | National Science Foundation | Navashin, Sergei Gavrilovich | Neel, James V. | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Osborn, Frederick Henry | Paleontology | Pearl, Raymond | Physiology | Political issues -- Hitler manifesto | Population genetics | Preservation of historical materials | Protozoan genetics | Provine, William | Publication | Publication -- American Naturalist | Publication -- Genetics | Publication -- Journal of Heredity | Publication -- Nature | Publication -- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | Publication -- Science | Publication -- Society for the Study of Evolution | Rabbit genetics | Radiation genetics | Rat genetics | Recommendations | Reed, Sheldon Clark | Referee's report | Requests for aid in finding positions | Requests for reprints | Research support | Reviews | Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory | Russian politics and science | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- American Society of Zoologists | Serebrovsky, Alexander Sergeevich | Sheppard, Philip M. | Society for the Study of Evolution | Sociology | Sokoloff, Alexander | Solicitations for support or contribution | Sonneborn, Tracy M. | Stadler, Lewis John | Stalker, Harrison Dailey | Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics | Stern, Curt | Stern, Kurt | Sturtevant, Alfred Henry | Teaching | Tower, William L. | Travel -- Brazil | Travel -- Great Britain | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | Travel -- Norway | University of Chicago | University of Chicago | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. -- Research data | Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich | Wallace, Bruce | Watson, James D. | Whiting, Phineas W. | Wilson, Edwin Bidwell | Woodson, Robert E. | World War II -- England | World War II -- Impact on science | World War II -- Norway | Wright, Sewall, 1889-1988 | Zoology