American Philosophical Society
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5. The Arts, Professions, and Leaders in Public & Private Affairs[X]
502. Physicians, Theologians, Lawyers, Jurists, Architects, and Members of Other Professions[X]
1Name:  The Honorable Stephen Breyer
 Institution:  United States Supreme Court
 Year Elected:  2004
 Class:  5. The Arts, Professions, and Leaders in Public & Private Affairs
 Subdivision:  502. Physicians, Theologians, Lawyers, Jurists, Architects, and Members of Other Professions
 Residency:  Resident
 Living? :   Living
 Birth Date:  1938
Stephen Breyer, Associate Justice, was born in San Francisco on August 15, 1938. He married Joanna Hare in 1967. They have three children, Chloe, Nell and Michael. He is a graduate of Stanford University, Oxford University (Magdalen College), and Harvard Law School. During the United States Supreme Court's 1964 term he was a law clerk to Justice Arthur J. Goldberg. From 1965-67 he worked as a special assistant to the head of the Justice Department's Antitrust Division. From 1967-80 he taught at Harvard University, as professor of law and at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. He also worked as an Assistant Watergate Special Prosecutor (1973), as a Special Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee (1975), and as the Judiciary Committee's Chief Counsel (1979-80). In 1980 he was appointed Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. He became the Circuit's Chief Judge in 1990. He has also served as a Member of the Judicial Conference of the United States and of the United States Sentencing Commission. He has written books and articles in the field of administrative law and government regulation. President Clinton nominated him as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and he took office in August 1994. He recently wrote Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge's View (2010).
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