American Philosophical Society
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4. Humanities[X]
406. Linguistics[X]
1Name:  Dr. George Cardona
 Institution:  University of Pennsylvania
 Year Elected:  1997
 Class:  4. Humanities
 Subdivision:  406. Linguistics
 Residency:  Resident
 Living? :   Living
 Birth Date:  1936
A linguist and Indologist, George Cardona is supremely well versed both in the modern Indo-Aryan languages and what is known as "Hindu grammar": the activities which express the ancient Indian concern for the formal properties of the Sanskrit language and their ritual and philosophical significance. During his many stays in India, he has immersed himself both in the (exceedingly difficult) written texts and in the extant oral tradition. His publications include A Gujarati Reference Grammar (1965); Studies in Indian Grammarians, I (1969); Panini, A Survey of Research (1976); Linguistic Analysis and some Indian Traditions (1983); and Panini, His Work and its Traditions (1988). A member of the University of Pennyslvania faculty since 1960, Dr. Cardona currently holds the title of Professor of Linguistics Emeritus. He is a member of the American Oriental Society (president, 1989-90) and the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (1984).
Election Year