American Philosophical Society
Member History

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5. The Arts, Professions, and Leaders in Public & Private Affairs[X]
502. Physicians, Theologians, Lawyers, Jurists, Architects, and Members of Other Professions[X]
1Name:  Ms. Jill Abramson
 Institution:  Harvard University
 Year Elected:  2012
 Class:  5. The Arts, Professions, and Leaders in Public & Private Affairs
 Subdivision:  502. Physicians, Theologians, Lawyers, Jurists, Architects, and Members of Other Professions
 Residency:  Resident
 Living? :   Living
 Birth Date:  1954
Jill Abramson has been a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English at Harvard University since 2014. She was the executive editor of The New York Times from September 2011 to May 2014. Previously she was managing editor of the paper from August 2003 until August 2011. As managing editor, Ms. Abramson helped supervise coverage of two wars, four national elections, hurricanes and oil spills. She also wrote about politics, in the Week in Review and Book Review sections. She served as Washington bureau chief from December 2000 until July 2003. She joined the newspaper in September 1997 and became Washington editor in 1999. Previously, Ms. Abramson worked at The Wall Street Journal from 1988 to 1997. While there, she served as deputy bureau chief in its Washington, D.C., bureau and investigative reporter, covering money and politics. Ms. Abramson is the author of Merchants of Truth, published in 2019. She is also the co-author of Strange Justice: The Selling of Clarence Thomas, published in 1994, and Where They Are Now: The Story of the Women of Harvard Law 1974, published in 1986. Strange Justice, a non-fiction finalist for the National Book Award and National Book Critics Circle Award in 1994, details the circumstances surrounding the confirmation hearings of Justice Clarence Thomas. Where They Are Now is a study of the 71 women in the Harvard Law School class of 1974. Ms. Abramson won the National Press Club award for national correspondence in 1992 for political coverage of money and 2018 she was appointed Adjunct Professor at Dublin City University's School of Communications. Ms. Abramson is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. She serves on the Journalism Advisory Board of ProPublica, an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest. She also serves on the board of visitors of Columbia University's School of Journalism. She was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 2012.
2Name:  Dr. Charles K. Williams
 Institution:  American School of Classical Studies at Athens
 Year Elected:  2012
 Class:  5. The Arts, Professions, and Leaders in Public & Private Affairs
 Subdivision:  502. Physicians, Theologians, Lawyers, Jurists, Architects, and Members of Other Professions
 Residency:  Resident
 Living? :   Living
 Birth Date:  1930
Charles K. Williams II is both a Trustee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and Field Director Emeritus of its Corinth Excavations. Born in Pennsylvania, he received his Ph.D. in 1978 from the University of Pennsylvania. In 1993 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Archaeological Institute of America. He is the author of The Temple of Zeus at Nemea, revision of B.H. Hill's 1966; Hesperia, annual reports of excavations at Corinth, 1966-96; and editor of Corinth the Centenary: 1896, 1996 (with N. Bookidis). Charles K. Williams may well be the finest excavator among all contemporary classical archaeologists. He devoted thirty years as Director of excavations at ancient Corinth in Greece, where he spent the greater part of every year and trained scores of archaeology students in what are now famous methods of excavation. Every season was promptly followed by a very substantial report. His guidance and encouragement of other scholars and openness to new interests and approaches, e.g. study of the neglected Frankish period and of faunal remains, made Corinth an unmatched center of research in classical archaeology. He was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 2012.
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