American Philosophical Society
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4. Humanities[X]
1Name:  Dr. Ann M. Blair
 Institution:  Harvard University
 Year Elected:  2009
 Class:  4. Humanities
 Subdivision:  404a
 Residency:  Resident
 Living? :   Living
 Birth Date:  1961
Ann Blair is Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor at Harvard University and a specialist of early modern European intellectual and cultural history. Her interests include the history of science, especially traditional natural philosophy and the relations between science and religion (e.g. in The Theater of Nature: Jean Bodin and Renaissance Science, Princeton University Press, 1997), and the history of education, the history of the book and of methods of working. Her articles include discussions of the methods of note-taking and of responses to overload in early modern Europe (e.g. in Critical Inquiry 2004, and the Journal of the History of Ideas 2003). In her forthcoming book with Yale University Press she examines the role and nature of Latin reference books 1450-1700, in light of earlier models and sources as well as the new resources and challenges that resulted from printing.
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