American Philosophical Society
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1. Mathematical and Physical Sciences[X]
101. Astronomy[X]
1Name:  Dr. Judith L. Lean
 Institution:  Naval Research Laboratory
 Year Elected:  2013
 Class:  1. Mathematical and Physical Sciences
 Subdivision:  101. Astronomy
 Residency:  Resident
 Living? :   Living
 Birth Date:  1953
Judith Lean is Senior Scientist for Sun-Earth System Research in the Space Science Division of the Naval Research Laboratory where she studies the integrated extended environment of the Earth, from its surface to the Sun. A U.S. citizen since 1992, she earned a Ph.D. in atmospheric physics from the University of Adelaide, Australia (1982) and a Bachelor of Science (Hons) from the Australian National University (1975). She has worked at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC since 1986, following an initial appointment as a research assistant at the University of Colorado at Boulder (from 1981 to 1986). Her research focuses on the mechanisms and measurements of variation in the Sun's radiative output at all wavelengths, and the effects of this variability on Earth, including space weather, climate change and the ozone layer. She has testified to the U.S. Congress on the role of solar output variations in climate change, and chaired the National Research Council’s (NRC) Working Group on Solar Influences on Global Change. She has served on a number of NSF, NOAA, NRC and NASA advisory committees, including the NRC Decadal Survey on Earth Science and Applications, the NRC Decadal Survey on Solar and Space Science and NASA’s Science Advisory Committee. A member of the AGU, IAGA, AAS/SPD, APS and AMS, she was elected a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union in 2002 and a member of the US National Academy of Sciences in 2003. She is the author (or co-author) of 150 published papers in the scientific literature, and has made more than 290 presentations at scientific meetings, seminars, colloquia and lectures. Judith Lean was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 2013.
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