American Philosophical Society
Member History

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2. Biological Sciences[X]
203. Evolution & Ecology, Systematics, Population Genetics, Paleontology, and Physical Anthropology[X]
1Name:  Dr. J. Steve Jones
 Institution:  University College London
 Year Elected:  2011
 Class:  2. Biological Sciences
 Subdivision:  203. Evolution & Ecology, Systematics, Population Genetics, Paleontology, and Physical Anthropology
 Residency:  International
 Living? :   Living
 Birth Date:  1944
Steve Jones is a geneticist whose research, primarily concerned with snails and the light their anatomy can shed on biodiversity and genetics, has led to the publication of over 100 specialist papers. He also does more than his share of university teaching and administration, but his main contribution is in the popularization of science. Jones is one of the best known contemporary writers on evolution, and in 1996 he won the Royal Society’s Michael Faraday Prize “for his numerous, wide ranging contributions to the public understanding of science in areas such as human evolution and variation, race, sex, inherited disease and genetic manipulation through his many broadcasts on radio and television, his lectures, popular science books, and his regular science column in The Daily Telegraph and contributions to other newspaper media.” Jones combines profundity with wit, as the APS members who attended his two lectures in the UK in June/July 2009 can attest. His publications include: The Language of the Genes, 1993; (S. Jones, et al) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, 1994; In the Blood: God, Genes and Destiny, 1997; Almost Like a Whale: The Origin of Species Updated, 1999; Darwin’s Ghost: The Origin of Species Updated, 2000; Y: The Descent of Men, 2003; (with B. Van Loon) Introducing Genetics, 2005; Coral, 2007; and Darwin’s Island, 2009. In addition to the Faraday Prize, he has been awarded the Institute of Biology Charter Medal (2002) and the Thomson Reuters Award of the Zoological Society of London (2009). He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh in 1971. He was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 2011.
Election Year