• | 102. Chemistry and Chemical Biochemistry | [X] |
| 21 | Name: | Dr. Vladimir Prelog | | Institution: | Federal Institute of Technology | | Year Elected: | 1976 | | Class: | 1. Mathematical and Physical Sciences | | Subdivision: | 102. Chemistry and Chemical Biochemistry | | Residency: | International | | Living? : |
| | Birth Date: | 1906 | | Death Date: | 1/7/98 | | | |
22 | Name: | Dr. C. N. R. Rao | | Institution: | Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research | | Year Elected: | 1995 | | Class: | 1. Mathematical and Physical Sciences | | Subdivision: | 102. Chemistry and Chemical Biochemistry | | Residency: | International | | Living? : |
| | Birth Date: | 1934 | | | | | Prof. C.N.R. Rao (born on 30 June 1934, Bangalore, India) is the National Research Professor as well as Honorary President and Linus Pauling Research Professor at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research. He is also an Honorary Professor at the Indian Institute of Science. His main research interests are in solid state and materials chemistry. He is an author of over 1400 research papers and 45 books. He received the M.Sc. Degree from Banaras, Ph.D. from Purdue, D.Sc. From Mysore universities and has received honoris causa doctorate degrees from 53 universities including Purdue, Bordeaux, Banaras, Delhi, Mysore, IIT Bombay, IIT Kharagpur, Northwestern, Notre Dame, Novosibirsk, Oxford, Stellenbosch, Grenoble, Uppsala, Wales, Wroclaw, Caen, Khartoum, Calcutta, Sri Venkateswara University and Desikottama from Visva-Bharati.
Prof. Rao is a member of many of the major science academies in the world including the Royal Society, London, the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., the Russian Academy of Sciences, French Academy of Sciences, Japan Academy as well as the Polish, Czechoslovakian, Serbian, Slovenian, Brazil, Spanish, Korean and African Academies and the American Philosophical Society. He is a Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Foreign Member of Academia Europaea and Foreign Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He is on the editorial boards of several leading professional journals and is a distinguished visiting professor of the University of California and Cambridge University.
Among the various medals, honours and awards received by him, mention must be made of the Marlow Medal of the Faraday Society (1967), Bhatnagar Prize (1968), Padma Shri (1974), Centennial Foreign Fellowship of the American Chemical Society (1976), Royal Society of Chemistry (London) Medal (1981), Padma Vibhushan (1985), Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry, London (1989), Hevrovsky Gold Medal of the Czechoslovak Academy (1989), Blackett Lectureship of the Royal Society (1991), Einstein Gold Medal of UNESCO (1996), Linnett Professorship of the University of Cambridge (1998), Centenary Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry, London (2000), the Hughes Medal of the Royal Society, London, for original discovery in physical sciences (2000), Karnataka Ratna (2001) by the Karnataka Government, the Order of Scientific Merit (Grand-Cross) from the President of Brazil (2002), Gauss Professorship of Germany (2003) and the Somiya Award of the International Union of Materials Research (2004). He is the first recipient of the India Science Award by the Government of India and received the Dan David Prize for science in the future dimension for his research in Materials Science in 2005. He was named as Chemical Pioneer by the American Institute of Chemists (2005), Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur by the President of the French Republic (2005) and received the Honorary Fellowship of the Institute of Physics, London (2006) and St. Catherine’s College, Oxford (2007). He received the Nikkei Asia Prize for Science, Technology and Innovation (2008). He was awarded the Royal Medal by the Royal Society (2009) and the August-Wilhelm-von-Hoffmann Medal for his outstanding contributions to chemistry by the German Chemical Society (2010). He received the Ernesto Illy Trieste Science Prize for materials research in 2011.
Prof. Rao is Chairman, Scientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, immediate past President of The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) and Member of the Atomic Energy Commission of India. He is Founder-President of both the Chemical Research Society of India and of the Materials Research Society of India. Prof. Rao was President of the Indian National Science Academy (1985-86), the Indian Academy of Sciences (1989-91), the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (1985-97). He was the Director of the Indian Institute of Science (1984-94), Chairman of the Science Advisory Council to Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi (1985-89) and Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee to the Union Cabinet (1997-98) and Albert Einstein Research Professor (1995-99). He was elected an International member of the American Philosophical Society in 1995. | |
23 | Name: | Professor Dame Carol Robinson | | Institution: | Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery, University of Oxford | | Year Elected: | 2023 | | Class: | 1. Mathematical and Physical Sciences | | Subdivision: | 102. Chemistry and Chemical Biochemistry | | Residency: | International | | Living? : |
| | Birth Date: | 1956 | | | | | Professor Dame Carol Robinson DBE FRS FMedSci FRSC
Carol Robinson is the Dr. Lee’s Professor of Chemistry at the University of Oxford and is the first Director of Oxford’s Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery. She is recognised for establishing mass spectrometry as a viable technology to study the structure and function of proteins. Carol graduated from the Royal Society of Chemistry in 1979 and completed her PhD at Cambridge University. After a career break of eight years to focus on her family, she became Professor of Mass Spectrometry at Cambridge, returning to Oxford in 2009 to take up her current position. Her work has attracted numerous awards including the 2022 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry, the 2022 Louis Jeantet Prize for Medicine and most recently the ASMS John B. Fenn Award for a Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry. Carol is the former President of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences USA and an International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She was awarded a DBE in 2013 for services to science and industry. | |
24 | Name: | Sir John Meurig Thomas | | Institution: | The Royal Institution of Great Britain & University of Cambridge | | Year Elected: | 1993 | | Class: | 1. Mathematical and Physical Sciences | | Subdivision: | 102. Chemistry and Chemical Biochemistry | | Residency: | International | | Living? : |
| | Birth Date: | 1932 | | Death Date: | November 13, 2020 | | | | | Professor Sir John Meurig Thomas was born in December 1932 in South Wales. The son of a coalminer, Sir John's interest in science was greatly aroused as a teenager when his physics mistress talked about the life and work of Michael Faraday, who has remained one of his scientific heroes. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree from the University of Wales, Swansea, and completed his Ph.D. at the University of London. His first academic appointment (1958) was at the University of Wales, Bangor, where inter alia he demonstrated the profound influence that dislocations and other structural imperfections exert upon the chemical, electronic and surface properties of solids. He became Professor and Head of Chemistry at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth in 1969, where he broadened his interests in solid-state, surface and materials chemistry and pioneered the application of electron microscopy in chemistry. In 1978 he became Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Cambridge, where his development of new techniques in solid-state and materials science and his design and synthesis of new catalysts progressed greatly. From 1986-91 he was Director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, where he occupied the chair that was created for Michael Faraday. He was also Director of the Davy Faraday Research Laboratory. At Cambridge he extended his earlier electron microscopic and surface studies of mineral and intercalates to encompass the synthesis and structural determination of zeolitic materials by a combination of solid-state NMR, neutron scattering and real-space imaging. At London he added synchrotron radiaton to his armoury and devised techniques which combine X-ray spectroscopy and high-resolution X-ray diffraction to determine the atomic structure of active sites of solid catalysts under operating conditions. He has also designed new microporous and mesoporous catalysts, onto the inner surfaces of which active centres (for isomerizations, epoxidation, chiral hygrogenations and chiral amination) were grafted from organo-metallic precursors. He has also devised molecular sieve catalysts that convert n-alkanes to n-alkanol, cyclohexane or cyclohexene to adipic acid, n-hexane to adipic acid and cyclohexanone to its oxime and caprolactam, all in air under solvent-free conditions. One of his inventions, the single-step, solvent-free catalytic synthesis of ethyl acetate, is the basis of a 220,000 ton p.a. plant in the U.K., the largest of its kind in the world. One of his most significant recent catalytic innovations is the boosting of the enamtioselectivity of asymmetric organometallic catalysts by constraining them within mesoporous supports. This has been multiply patented (2003) by German industry as a means of producing enantiomerically enriched hydroxycarboxylic esters. He is the author of over 950 research papers and twenty patents, of two definitive university texts on heterogeneous catalysis (1967 and 1997), and of Michael Faraday and the Royal Institution: The Genius of Man and Place (1991; Japanese translation, 1994; Italian translation, 2006), and co-editor of many other monographs. His awards include the Davy Medal and the Bakerian and Rutherford Lectureships of the Royal Society, the Faraday Medal, Longstaff Medal and four others of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Messel Gold Medal of the Society of Chemical Industry, the Semenov Centenary Medal and the Kapitza Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Science, the Willard Gibbs Gold Medal of the American Chemical Society, the Royal Medal (Queen's Medal), and the first recipient of the Award for Creative Research in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, also of the American Chemical Society. In 1995 the European Federation of Catalyst Societies (EFCATS), representing 24 national societies, chose him to give the first series of François Gault Lectures at 12 centers in 6 European countries. An FRS since 1977, in 1999 he was elected Honorary Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering for work that "has profoundly added to the science-base of heterogeneous catalysis leading to the commercial exploitation of zeolites through engineering processes". He was a Foreign Member or Hon. Foreign Fellow of fifteen other national and international academies and holds numerous honorary doctorates from Australian, British, Canadian, Chinese, Dutch, Egyptian, French, Italian, Spanish and U.S. universities. In 2000 The Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Society of America held a symposium in his honour at their annual convention in Philadelphia, In September 2002 an International Symposium of Catalysis was held in London by the Royal Society of Chemistry to celebrate his 70th birthday. Stanford University awarded him the Linus Pauling gold medal in 2003 for his contributions to the advancement of science, and the Italian Chemical Society presented him with its Guilio Natta Gold Medal for meritorious work in catalysis. In 2007 the International Precious Metal Institute awarded him its Distinguished Achievement Award for "pioneering contributions to the field of heterogeneous catalysis using precious metals over a long, distinguished career." In 2010, he was awarded three lectureships: the Bragg Prize lecturship of the British Crystallographic Association, the Sven Beggren Prize lectureship of the Royal Lund Physiographic Academy, and the Ertl Prize lectureship of the Max Planck Gessellschaft. One of the world's most highly cited chemists, Sir John was founding co-editor-in-chief of Catalysis Letters (1987), Topics in Catalysis (1992), and Current Opinion in Solid-State and Materials Science (1996). He has done much to popularize science amoung young people and adult lay audiences, giving numerous lecture-demonstrations, radio, television, and national Portrait Gallery talks: his Royal Institution Christmas Lectures on crystals were broadcast on BBC national TV in 1987. He served (1982-85) as a science advisor in the U.K. Government Cabinet Office Committee, as Chairman of CHEMRAWN (chemical research applied to world needs), and Trustee of the Science Museum and of the Natural History Museum, London. In 1991 he was knighted for his services to chemistry and the popularization of science. In recognition of his contributions to geochemistry, a new mineral, meurigite, was name after him in 1995. John Meurig Thomas was Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at the Davy Faraday Research Laboratory, the Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, and Honorary Professor at the Department of Materials Science, University of Cambridge. From 1993-2002 he was Master of Peterhouse, the oldest college in the University of Cambridge. He is Vice President of the Cambridge University Musical Society. Sir John died on November 13, 2020, at age 87. | |
25 | Name: | Lord Todd | | Institution: | University of Cambridge | | Year Elected: | 1965 | | Class: | 1. Mathematical and Physical Sciences | | Subdivision: | 102. Chemistry and Chemical Biochemistry | | Residency: | International | | Living? : |
| | Birth Date: | 1907 | | Death Date: | 1/10/97 | | | |
26 | Name: | Dr. Stephen Weiner | | Institution: | Weizmann Institute of Science | | Year Elected: | 2022 | | Class: | 1. Mathematical and Physical Sciences | | Subdivision: | 102. Chemistry and Chemical Biochemistry | | Residency: | International | | Living? : |
| | Birth Date: | 1948 | | | | | Stephen Weiner was born in Pretoria, South Africa. He obtained a BSc degree in chemistry and geology at the University of Cape Town, an MSc in marine geochemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a PhD at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, USA in 1977 working in the field of mineral formation in biology (biomineralization). In the same year he joined the faculty of the Weizmann Institute of Science. He is now a professor emeritus at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
Steve Weiner carries out research in two fields: biomineralization and archaeological science. His biomineralization research focusses on basic mechanisms of mineral formation in biology, on the functions of organic crystals in manipulating light in biology, as well as on structure – function relations in vertebrate mineralized tissues such as bones and teeth. His archaeological research focuses on addressing key questions in archaeology by studying both the visual macroscopic record, as well as revealing the microscopic record with the help of instrumentation. Much of this research is carried out on-site during the excavation. In 1989 he published a book entitled “On Biomineralization” with the late Prof H.A. Lowenstam, and in 2010 he published another book entitled “Microarchaeology: Beyond the Visible Archaeological Record”.
Prof Weiner has published over 350 peer reviewed papers and has a Google H index of 125. He is the recipient of the 2010 prize for excellence of the Israel Chemical Society, the 2011 Aminoff Prize for Crystallography from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and he received the 2013 Pomerance Award for Scientific Contributions to Archaeology from the Archaeological Institute of America. In 2022 he will receive the gold medal of the Israel Chemistry Society; its highest award. | |
27 | Name: | Dr. Theodor Wieland | | Institution: | Max Planck Institute for Medical Research | | Year Elected: | 1979 | | Class: | 1. Mathematical and Physical Sciences | | Subdivision: | 102. Chemistry and Chemical Biochemistry | | Residency: | International | | Living? : |
| | Birth Date: | 1913 | | Death Date: | 11/24/95 | | | |
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