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4. Humanities[X]
401. Archaeology[X]
1Name:  Dr. Caroline Bruzelius
 Institution:  Duke University
 Year Elected:  2020
 Class:  4. Humanities
 Subdivision:  401. Archaeology
 Residency:  resident
 Living? :   Living
 Birth Date:  1949
Caroline Bruzelius, Professor Emerita at Duke University, has published many books and articles on medieval architecture in France and Italy. She has written on the abbey St.-Denis, medieval Naples, the architecture of women’s convents, and the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, among other topics. Her most recent book, Preaching, Building and Burying: Friars in the Medieval City, focused on how Franciscans and Dominicans transformed medieval cities through their social practices, which included creating piazzas for outdoor preaching and building massive convents with funding provided by lay donors. Bruzelius has been a pioneer in exploring how technologies can transform our understanding of historic monuments and communicate narratives about art and the built environment. She founded the "Wired!" group at Duke University, a team that integrates visualization technologies with teaching, engaging undergraduate and graduate students in multi-year research initiatives . She founded two international and interdisciplinary collaborations, Visualizing Venice: a project that models time and change in the remarkable city of Venice, and The Medieval Kingdom of Sicily Image Database, a virtual museum that collects images of historic sites in South Italy for researchers and travelers. From 1994 to 1998 Bruzelius was Director of the American Academy in Rome. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Medieval Academy of America, the Society of Antiquaries (London) and has received numerous other awards in the United States and abroad.
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