| Author: | American Eugenics Society. | Requires cookie* | | Title: | American Eugenics Society Records
| | | Dates: | 1916-1973 | | | Abstract: | This collection contains materials which relate to the history of genetics.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.575.06.Am3 | | | Extent: | 12.0 Linear feet | | | Subjects: | American Eugenics Society | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Biographical and personal data | Biology, genetics, eugenics | Business | Business -- Newsletters | Carnegie Corporation | Committee activities | Committee activities -- Massachusetts | Committee activities -- Pennsylvania | Committee activities -- Utah | Conferences and symposia | Congratulations, greetings, thanks | Educational matters -- Research programs | Embryology, developmental genetics | Eugenics | Eugenics--Societies, etc. | Eugenics--United States | Fellowships, assistantships | Fellowships, assistantships -- University of Michigan | Fitter Family Contests | Genetics--Societies, etc. | Graduate study | Harvard University | History of biology, especially genetics | Human evolution, physical anthropology | Human genetics | Human genetics -- Pedigrees | Human genetics -- Race | International Congress of Eugenics -- Second Congress | Lectures, public speaking -- Sermons | Maps | National Research Council | Osborn, Frederick, 1889-1981 | Photographs | Political issues | Political issues -- Birth control | Population Council | Population genetics | Population, demography | Princeton Conferences | Publication | Race, race relations, racism | Research support | Research support -- Bajema, Carl Jay | Reviews | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- Population Council | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- Society for the Study of Social Biology | Solicitations for support or contribution | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Whitney, Leon Fradley, 1894-1973 | World War II -- Impact on science | | | | |
| Author: | American Society of Human Genetics. ASHG. Human Genetics Society of America. | Requires cookie* | | Title: | American Society of Human Genetics archives, 1948-1981
| | | Dates: | 1948-1981 | | | Abstract: | This collection contains materials which relate to the history of genetics.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.Ms.Coll.49 | | | Extent: | 14.0 Linear feet | | | Subjects: | American Society of Human Genetics | Business | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Cotterman, Charles William, 1914-1989 | Genetics -- Societies, etc. | Human genetics | Human genetics. | International Congress of Human Genetics | Minutes. | Muller, H. J. | Muller, Hermann Joseph | Publication -- Journal of Human Genetics | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Snyder, L. H. | Strandskov, H. H. | Strandskov, Herluf Haldan, 1898- | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | | | | |
| Author: | Anderson, Thomas Foxen, 1911-1991 | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Thomas Foxen Anderson Papers
| | | Dates: | 1928-1989 | | | Abstract: | This collection contains materials which relate to the history of genetics.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.Ms.Coll.75 | | | Extent: | 43.0 Linear feet | | | Subjects: | American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Philosophical Society | Anderson, Andy, b. 1927 | Anderson, Thomas Foxen, 1911-1991 | Bacterial genetics | Bacterial genetics. | Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Bacteriophages | Bibliographical matters -- Schultz, Jack | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data -- Schultz, Jack | Biophysical Society | Biophysics | California Institute of Technology | Cancer, chemotherapy | Caspari, Ernst Wilhelm | Chance, Britton | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Columbia University | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Delbruck, Max. 60th birthday | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Horwitz Prize | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Pauling, Linus. 75th birthday | Crick, Francis, 1916-2004 | Crow, James F. | Cytogenetics | Demerec, M., (Milislav), 1895-1966 | Drosophila genetics | Electron Microscope Society of America. | Electron microscopy | Fellowships, assistantships | Fellowships, assistantships -- Guggenheim | Genetics | Genetics Society of America | Gibbons, Ian R. (Ian Read), b. 1931 | Glass plate negatives | Hall, Cecil Edwin, b. 1912 | Hayes, William | Heidelberger, Michael | Hershey, A. D., (Alfred Day), 1908- | History of biology, especially genetics | Honors -- Horwitz Prize | Honors -- National Medal of Science | Human genetics | Institute for Medical Research | International Committee on Nomenclature of Viruses | International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics | Invitations | Israel, Vance | Jacob, Francois, 1920-2013 | Kellenberger, Eduard | Kozinski, Andrzej W. | Laboratory notes | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Latarjet, Raymond, 1911- | Lederberg, Joshua | Luria, Salvador Edward | Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole | Metz, Charles W. | Mintz, Beatrice | Mirsky, Alfred Ezra | Molecular genetics | Monod, Jacques, 1910-1976 | Morgan, Thomas Hunt | Mudd, Stuart, 1893- | National Academy of Sciences | National Cancer Institute (U.S.) | National Research Council (U.S.) | National Science Foundation, U.S. | Pauling, Linus, 1901-1994 | Philadelphia Electron Microscope Society | Photonegatives | Photoprints | Poetry and literature | Population genetics | Preservation of historical materials | Protozoan genetics | Publication | Publication -- Genetics | RCA Laboratories | Radiation genetics | Radiation--Physiological effect | Raman spectroscopy | Recommendations | Referee's report | Requests for aid in finding positions | Richards, A. Glenn, Jr. | Schultz, Jack | Schultz, Jack,1904-1971. | Slides. | Smadel, Joseph E. (Joseph Edwin), 1907-1963 | Sonneborn, T.M., (Tracy Morton), 1905-1981 | Sonneborn, Tracy M. | Stanley, Wendell M., (Wendell Meredith), 1904- | Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics | Stereographs | Teaching | The Institute for Cancer Research | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. | United States. National Institutes of Health. | United States. Office of Naval Research. | United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development | University of Pennsylvania. | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Viral genetics | Walker, Donald H., Jr. | Wollman, Elie | Wulff, Peter | Wyckoff, Ralph W. G. (Ralph Walter Graystone), 1897- | Yost, Don M., b. 1893 | Zinder, Norton D. | | | | |