Resources in Early American History
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Education (1)
Science and technology (1)
1Author:  Ewing, James Hunter, 1798-1827Requires cookie*
 Title:  James Hunter Ewing lecture notes, December 22, 1818 - January 19, 1819     
 Dates:  1818-1819 
 Abstract:  This small volume contains John Ewing's medical lecture notes for 1818-1819. The notes are from various classes he took. He records some medicinal recipes and therapies as well as medical theory, practice, and ethics.

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 Call #:  Mss.610.7.L49 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Education | Medicine | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Educational Material 
 Subjects:  Diagnosis. | Fever. | Materia medica. | Medicine -- Study and teaching -- 19th century. | Surgery -- United States -- 19th century.