Resources in Early American History
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Business Records and Accounts[X]
General Correspondence[X]
Legal Records[X]
Family Correspondence (3)
Institutional Records (2)
Educational Material (1)
Manuscript Essays (1)
Maps and Surveys (1)
Miscellaneous (1)
Notebooks (1)
Political Correspondence (1)
Travel Narratives and Journals (1)
1Author:  Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844Requires cookie*
 Title:  Peter Stephen Du Ponceau Collection     
 Dates:  1781-1844 
 Abstract:  The Peter Stephen Du Ponceau Collection has a wide array of material. This entry refers to his correspondence. Although Du Ponceau is most well-known today for his work in Native American linguistics, the Du Ponceau Collection includes a significant amount of correspondence from Du Ponceau's legal career in the nineteenth century (B D92p). As a practicing lawyer often working on trade issues, his correspondence also includes large collection of business news and legal affairs happening in Philadelphia. Most of these documents are from cases Du Ponceau worked on, and many of these cases involve international trade and merchant concerns. One of the more interesting case files includes a brief on whether or not the family of a mariner lost at sea can recover lost wages.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.D92p 
 Extent:  0.5 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Business and Skilled Trades | International Trade. | Law 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | General Correspondence | Legal Records 
 Subjects:  Admiralty -- United States | Indians of North America -- Languages | Law -- United States -- History -- 19th century | Maritime law -- United States | Merchant mariners -- United States | Silk 
2Author:  unknownRequires cookie*
 Title:  William Tilghman papers, 1771-1838     
 Dates:  1771-1838 
 Abstract:  This collection consists of two different holdings. B.T45.2 is a small, bound volume that contains receipts from his checkbook. The second part of the collection is slightly richer and contains correspondence and receipts relating to the Tilghman family's various business interests. Land holdings and legal proceedings are discussed. Most of the correspondence dates to before 1800.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.T45 
 Extent:  58 item(s) 
 Topics:  Land and Speculation | Law 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | General Correspondence | Legal Records 
 Subjects:  Courts. | Law. 
3Author:  Price, Eli K. (Eli Kirk), 1797-1884Requires cookie*
 Title:  Eli K. (Eli Kirk) Price papers, 1820-1853     
 Dates:  1820-1853 
 Abstract:  Eli Price was a prominent Philadelphia lawyer who became a member of the APS in 1854. This small manuscript collection is primarily related to his legal career and financial dealings. Court records and other legal documents comprise much of the collection. There are other types of documents as well, including some correspondence about international trade, business, and politics. The most notable letters include one to Daniel Webster regarding patent applications, a series of letters on lobbying efforts to reduce the tariffs on teas coming from Asia, and an essay by Price on the "impolicy" of slavery that he delivered to the "association formed for the education of men of colour."

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 Call #:  Mss.B.P926 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  African American | Early National Politics | Education | International Trade. | Law 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | General Correspondence | Legal Records | Manuscript Essays 
 Subjects:  Commercial law -- United States. | Personal property. | Real property. 
4Author:  Yeates, JasperRequires cookie*
 Title:  Jasper Yeates Papers     
 Dates:  1738-1910 
 Abstract:  The Jasper Yeates Collection contains a range of documents from this prominent Pennsylvania lawyer and judge, most of which are from the early republic. Because the collection is new to the APS, the MOLE entry contains an item level catalogue of the collection's content. Yeates was active during the American Revolution as a leader of opposition to Great Britain in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. After the Revolution, he became an Associate Justice on the State Supreme Court. He was also related through marriage to the Shippen and Burd families. This collection contains personal letters written between Jasper and his wife Sally. There are also legal records and court proceedings. Within these documents, there is an account of a slave insurrection in Lancaster County during the American Revoltuion.

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 Call #:  Mss.Ms.Coll.151 
 Extent:  3 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  African American | Law | Marriage and Family Life | Pennsylvania History | Seven Years' War | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Family Correspondence | General Correspondence | Legal Records | Political Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Lancaster County (Pa.) -- History | Pennsylvania -- History -- French and Indian War, 1755-1763 | Pennsylvania Supreme Court | Slavery -- Pennsylvania. | United States -- History -- French and Indian War, 1755-1763 
5Author:  Vaux, George, V, 1721-1803Requires cookie*
 Title:  Vaux Family Papers, 1690-1996     
 Dates:  1690-1996 
 Abstract:  The George Vaux Papers is a massive collection which is focused on the business and financial interests of a prominent Philadelphia family. What follows is a list of some of the more notable parts of this expansive collection: - Correspondence: There is a massive amount of correspondence, much of which is personal and familial in nature. Nonetheless, the letters often discuss politics, current affairs, and society. The earliest records date to 1701, although the great bulk are focused on the revolutionary era to the first quarter of the nineteenth century. - Almanacs, 1790-1870: The collection contains a large collection of small pocket almanacs from Philadelphia. Some of the earliest ones contain records of financial transactions and diaries. - Charles Thomson Correspondence: The collection has a series of letters from Charles Thomson, the Secretary of the Continental Congress. These letters are from the 1780s, after Thomson had largely retired from the political arena. - Legal and Estate Documents: This portion of the collection is extensive and difficult to summarize. The family owned a huge amount of property throughout the state. These papers contain deeds, information on rents, surveys of land, and other transactions. Moreover, the Vaux family had ties through marriage and friendship to other prominent families, and some of their estate business is included in this collection. Among the notable papers are documents pertaining to John and Sally Norris Dickinson's properties and the estates of the Emlens and the Sansoms. One document complements the Jane Aitken Collection, as it has an accounting of the Bible that she printed. - Travel Accounts: Most notably, George Vaux VII made a trip to "Indian Country" in 1802-1803. He wrote numerous letters home and kept a small and incomplete travel journal. - Philadelphia City Affairs: The Vaux were active in civic life. The collection contains information on city improvements, with specific letters and records relating to the water supply. The collection has letters that discuss building the Water Works, records of a Committee on the Sewers, and an agreement between the city and Peale's Museum. - Business Affairs: The record of the Vaux's diverse business interests is contained in this collection. In addition to their land holdings, the Vaux's were very active in internal improvements, with records from numerous navigation companies held in the collection. The Vaux's were also involved in mining and mineralogy, including Pennsylvania's oil lands, which is also reflected in the content of this collection. Finally, there are partial records of some prominent Philadelphia institutions, such as the Bank of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia Contributorship. - Native American Documents - In addition to George Vaux's travels into Indian Country, there are extracts from Indian Treaties and some records of the Friendly Association in this collection.

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 Call #:  Mss.Ms.Coll.73 
 Extent:  150 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  African American | American Revolution | Antebellum Politics | Early National Politics | Marriage and Family Life | Native America | Pennsylvania History | Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom | Surveying and Maps | Travel 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Family Correspondence | General Correspondence | Institutional Records | Legal Records | Maps and Surveys 
 Subjects:  Abolition, emancipation, freedom | Genealogy. | Land speculation | Mineralogy. | Quaker businesspeople | Quakers -- Missions. | Seneca Indians | Slaves, slavery, slave trade | Social conditions, social advocacy, social reform | Yellow fever. 
6Author:  Hare-Willing family.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Hare-Willing Family Papers     
 Dates:  1724-1965 
 Abstract:  This is a large and wide ranging collection on materials. The collection contains over 1300 individual items along with 53 bound volumes, which range from letter books to records of the First Colored Wesley Methodist Church. Letters to and from the various members of the extended Hare-Willing family compose the bulk of the loose correspondence.

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 Call #:  Mss.Ms.Coll.104 
 Extent:  52 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  African American | Americans Abroad | Business and Skilled Trades | Early National Politics | Education | International Travel | Law | Natural history | Philadelphia History | Religion | Science and technology | Travel | Women's History 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Educational Material | Family Correspondence | General Correspondence | Institutional Records | Legal Records | Miscellaneous | Notebooks | Travel Narratives and Journals 
 Subjects:  African American churches -- United States | Banks and banking -- United States -- History -- 19th century. | Religion, religious organizations | Science -- United States -- 19th century. | Social conditions, social advocacy, social reform | Steam-engines. | Titantic (Steamship) | World War I | World War II