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Pennsylvania History (1)
1Author:  Rittenhouse, David, 1732-1796Requires cookie*
 Title:  David Rittenhouse receipt book, 1779-1785     
 Dates:  1779-1785 
 Abstract:  This small volume records the various payments David Rittenhouse, as state treasurer, received from John Hart, the treasurer for Bucks County, for the years 1779-1785. The accounts do not contain much detail aside from the amount of funds Hart received for fines, taxes, and other fees that he then transferred to the state treasury. The data may complement some of the lieutenant and treasury data contained in the Pennsylvania Archives, however.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.R51r 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Government Affairs | Pennsylvania History 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Official Government Documents and Records 
 Subjects:  Taxation -- Pennsylvania -- Bucks County.