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Business and Skilled Trades (1)
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Medicine (1)
Philadelphia History (1)
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Commonplace Book (1)
Diaries (1)
1Author:  Rush, Benjamin, 1746-1813Requires cookie*
 Title:  Benjamin Rush commonplace book, 1792-1813     
 Dates:  1792-1813 
 Abstract:  The commonplace book is better described as Benjamin Rush's diary of events from 1792. Rush recounts in great detail the spectacular failure of William Duer and other investors in Philadelphia and New York, noting the panic and uncertainty that swept elite society in those months. The second portion of the volume contains a range of Rush's thoughts and observations on society, making this portion more like a traditional commonplace book.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.R89c 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Business and Skilled Trades | Early National Politics | Land and Speculation | Medicine | Philadelphia History | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Commonplace Book | Diaries 
 Subjects:  Hospitals -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia. | Indians of North America | Marriage. | Medicine. | Religion.