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American Revolution[X]
Education (2)
Philadelphia History[X]
Americans Abroad (1)
Marriage and Family Life (1)
Medicine (1)
Religion (1)


Educational Material[X]
General Correspondence (2)
Family Correspondence (1)
Legal Records (1)
Miscellaneous (1)
1Author:  Jones, Robert Strettel,1745-17Requires cookie*
 Title:  Robert Strettel Jones papers, 1761-1779     
 Dates:  1761-1779 
 Abstract:  The Robert Strettell Jones Collection contains an assortment of small, but potentially interesting documents. Jones' notes from a course on metaphysics and rhetoric at the University of Pennsylvania are included in a bound notebook. Also from his college days, Jones apparently ran into trouble receiving his degree, crossing paths with Doctor Francis Allison, the vice provost. Jones' appeal and supporting documents are also included in the collection. During the British occupation of Philadelphia, Jones was accused of treason for helping raise arms and there are depositions taken to rebut this charge, including statements from prominent Philadelphians like Joseph Shippen.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.J732 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Education | Philadelphia History 
 Genre:  Educational Material | General Correspondence | Legal Records 
 Subjects:  Metaphysics. | Rhetoric. | Treason -- United States. 
2Author:  Hutchinson, James, 1752-1793Requires cookie*
 Title:  James Hutchinson papers, 1771-1928     
 Dates:  1771-1928 
 Abstract:  The James Hutchinson Papers detail this prominent Philadelphian's medical education and life. The collection includes records of Hutchinson's formal education, lectures he either attended or delivered, and his travels throughout London to advance his career. The documents from the American Revolution provide interesting commentary on events happening in Philadelphia and how the Revolution affected Quakers.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.H97p 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Americans Abroad | Education | Marriage and Family Life | Medicine | Philadelphia History | Religion 
 Genre:  Educational Material | Family Correspondence | General Correspondence | Miscellaneous 
 Subjects:  Medicine -- Study and teaching -- England -- London -- 18th century. | Medicine -- Study and teaching -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- 18th century.