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Military Records[X]
Official Government Documents and Records[X]
1Author:  Weedon, George,1734-1793.Requires cookie*
 Title:  George Weedon Orderly Book     
 Dates:  1777-1778 
 Abstract:  This volume contains a daily account of the Continental Army under General George Weedon during their stay at Valley Forge. The volume covers the period known as the "Valley Forge Winter." Frequent references to the "Commander in Chief" are made. Weedon also provides insight into the daily life of the encampment, reporting daily orders and events, including courts martial.

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 Call #:  Mss.973.3.W41 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Military History 
 Genre:  Military Records | Official Government Documents and Records 
 Subjects:  Courts-martial and courts of inquiry | Germantown, Battle of, 1777 | United States -- History -- Revolution, 1776-1783 | Whitemarsh, Battle of, 1777 
2Author:  unknownRequires cookie*
 Title:  Keugh, Lieutenant William, Report of British Officer to His Majesty from Camp at German Town 28th of Setptemr. 1777     
 Dates:  1777 September 28- October 7 
 Abstract:  This collection contains an official account of the British Army's actions in the Philadelphia-area during the American Revolution. It complements SMS Coll 7 and SMS Coll 9. Recorded by British Army officer Lieutenant William Keugh, the after action report is extensive and detailed.

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 Call #:  Mss.SMs.Coll.8 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Military History | Philadelphia History 
 Genre:  Military Records | Official Government Documents and Records 
 Subjects:  Brandywine, Battle of, 1777 | British Landing at Head of Elk, Maryland, 1777 | Germantown, Battle of, 1777 | Paoli Massacre, 1777