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Science and technology[X]
Education (4)
Americans Abroad (1)
Early National Politics (1)
Military History (1)
Native America (1)
Natural history (1)
War of 1812 (1)
1Author:  AnonymousRequires cookie*
 Title:  [Eclipses of the sun and moon, 1820-1838], n.d.     
 Dates:  Circa 1820-1838 
 Abstract:  This collection of astronomical calculations from 1786-1838 consists of various loose notes on eclipses and solar/lunar calculations, including information on an eclipse as witnessed in Canton and Philadelphia. The collection also has a folio size bound volume that diagrams (sometimes with color added) eclipses for the years 1818, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1829, 1838, as observed in Philadelphia.

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 Call #:  Mss.521.8.Ec6 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Science and technology 
 Genre:  Scientific Data 
 Subjects:  Astronomy. | Eclipses. 
2Author:  Freehauff, Daniel.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Astronomical calculations, 1778, 1779     
 Dates:  1778-1779 
 Abstract:  These two volumes contain astronomical calculations for two eclipses observed in Philadelphia, one in 1778, the other in 1779. In addition to the data and calculations, the volumes contain detailed essays of how to make such calculations.

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 Call #:  Mss.523.78.F87c 
 Extent:  2 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Science and technology 
 Genre:  Manuscript Essays | Scientific Data 
 Subjects:  Astronomy. | Eclipses. 
3Author:  Roberts, Joseph,1793-1835.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Astronomical calculations,1820-1821     
 Dates:  1820-1821 
 Abstract:  Joseph Roberts was a teacher at Friends Academy. This volume contains various astronomical calculations done by him and his students for 1820-1821.

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 Call #:  Mss.524.M44 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Education | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Educational Material | Scientific Data 
 Subjects:  Astronomy. | Meteorology -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia. 
4Author:  AnonymousRequires cookie*
 Title:  Scientific copybook, [n.d.]     
 Dates:  Circa 19th c. 
 Abstract:  This scientific copybook is like a commonplace book. It has various essays on a range of scientifc topics. The essays had been printed in various journals that were then copied in manuscript form in this notebook. Some entries note the source from which they were copied. The partially filled notebook was likely compiled sometime in the early nineteenth century.

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 Call #:  Mss.500.Cop79 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Science and technology 
 Genre:  Commonplace Book | Educational Material | Manuscript Essays | Notebooks | Scientific Data 
 Subjects:  Astronomy. | Natural history. | Zoology. 
5Author:  Spencer, Nathan.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Nathan Spencer's account of Godfrey, 1809     
 Dates:  1809 
 Abstract:  This volume contains an essay, apparently written by Pennsylvania farmer Nathan Spencer, about Thomas Godfrey. There are also copies of James Logan's correspondence. Some believe Godfrey invented the quadrant, and Spencer's biography argues this point. Spencer also claims to live on the same farm that Godfrey had owned.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.G54s 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Science and technology 
 Genre:  Manuscript Essays 
 Subjects:  Astronomy. | Hydrographic surveying. | Navigation. | Quadrant. 
6Author:  Roberts, Joseph,1793-1835.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Joseph Roberts philosophical and mathematical papers, 1812-1814     
 Dates:  1812-1814 
 Abstract:  This collection includes scientific educational material and data from nineteenth century scientist Joseph Roberts. The volumes contain problems, lectures, and notes.

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 Call #:  Mss.510.R54 
 Extent:  3 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Education | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Educational Material | Manuscript Essays | Notebooks | Scientific Data 
 Subjects:  Astronomy. | Mathematics -- Problems, exercises, etc. | Physics. | Spherical trigonometry. 
7Author:  Olmsted, Denison, 1791-1859Requires cookie*
 Title:  Notes taken from Professor Olmsted's lectures on natural philosophy, 1827-1829     
 Dates:  1827-1829 
 Abstract:  This volume contains lecture notes from Denison Olmsted's class on natural philosophy at Yale University, 1827-1829. Discussions include astronomy, physics, principles of machinery, and Isaac Newton.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.OL5 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Education | Natural history | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Educational Material | Notebooks 
 Subjects:  Astronomy. | Physics. | Science -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- 19th century. 
8Author:  unknownRequires cookie*
 Title:  Robert M. (Robert Maskell) Patterson papers, 1775-1853     
 Dates:  1775-1853 
 Abstract:  The Robert Patterson Collection contains a range of documents that touch on many different topics, although most have to do with science and engineering. The earliest documents relate to the Leiper Canal, including Rittenhouse's appraisal of it, and official documents relating to its creation. The largest portion of the documents is scientific correspondence to Robert Patterson, a member of the American Philosophical Society. Much of this correspondence is done under the cover of official APS business. Of particular note are a series of letters relating to nautical calculations that include complex equations used to determine longitude and latitude for nautical almanacs. There are also various lecture notes on natural philosophy, death, mathematics, engineering, and other subjects.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.P274 
 Extent:  0.5 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Americans Abroad | Early National Politics | Education | Military History | Native America | Science and technology | War of 1812 
 Genre:  Educational Material | General Correspondence | Institutional Records | Notebooks | Political Correspondence | Travel Narratives and Journals 
 Subjects:  Algebra. | Annuities. | Astronomy. | Canals. | Clocks and watches. | Coal. | Electricity. | Magnetism. | Mathematics. | Meteorology -- Observations. | Navigation (Astronautics) | Optics. | Physics. | Quarries and quarrying -- Pennsylvania. | Sound. | Time clocks.