Resources in Early American History
American Revolution in topic [X]
Official Government Documents and Records in genre [X]
Land and Speculation in topic [X]
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Results:  2 Items   Page: 1


American Revolution[X]
Colonial Politics (2)
Government Affairs (2)
Land and Speculation[X]
Military History (1)
Pennsylvania History (1)
Seven Years' War (1)


Official Government Documents and Records[X]
Political Correspondence (2)
Business Records and Accounts (1)
General Correspondence (1)
Legal Records (1)


1Author:  unknownRequires cookie*
 Title:  Papers of American Loyalists, 1782-1798     
 Dates:  1782-1798 
 Abstract:  The Loyalist Collection contains ten documents that pertain to the interests and affairs of American Loyalists after the American Revolution. The items convey the grievances of Loyalists, particularly merchants. The documents of relate to how the states treated Loyalists and their property after the Revolution. Most of the documents are either official government documents or formal reports. Reports by the Committee of American Merchants, a Loyalists group that formed in Britain after the war, are included as are records relating to the disposition of Penn family interests in Pennsylvania. Also of note is a multi-page, loose-leaf list of loyalists and their claims on the British treasury for services rendered during the war.

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 Call #:  Mss.973.314.L95 
 Extent:  10 item(s) 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Colonial Politics | Government Affairs | Land and Speculation 
 Genre:  Legal Records | Official Government Documents and Records | Political Correspondence 
 Subjects:  American loyalists. | Commerce. 
2Author:  Penn, Thomas, 1702-1775Requires cookie*
 Title:  Thomas Penn correspondence, 1747-1771, with James Hamilton     
 Dates:  1747-1771 
 Abstract:  This Thomas and Richard Penn Collection contains a range of correspondence from the proprietors of Pennsylvania, Thomas and Richard Penn (especially Thomas, the chief proprietor), to their agents in Pennsylvania, especially James Hamilton, who served as governor in the 1750s. The Collection begins in the 1740s, spans the Seven Years' War, and ends in the midst of the imperial crisis. Because of the time period covered, the letters touch on many important matters regarding the militarization of Pennsylvania, political battles within the colony, and the crisis brought about by imperial consolidation in the 1760s.

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 Call #:  Mss.974.8.P36c 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Colonial Politics | Government Affairs | Land and Speculation | Military History | Pennsylvania History | Seven Years' War 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | General Correspondence | Official Government Documents and Records | Political Correspondence