Resources in Early American History
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1Author:  Cadwalader, LambertRequires cookie*
 Title:  Lambert Cadwalader Papers     
 Dates:  1779-1798 
 Abstract:  This collection of letters, while tiny, is actually quite rich in content. Cadwalader wrote to Samuel Meredith, a politician and fellow Revolutionary War soldier, concerning the war, his real estate holdings in Philadelphia, and the local political climate. The seven items are dated from October 5, 1779 to March 9, 1798, during which Cadwalader served in the military, reentered politics, got married, and then retired from public service.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.C625.1 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Business and Skilled Trades | Land and Speculation | Philadelphia History 
 Genre:  General Correspondence | Political Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Inoculation | Smallpox | Taxation -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 
2Author:  Rush, Benjamin, 1746-1813Requires cookie*
 Title:  Benjamin Rush commonplace book, 1792-1813     
 Dates:  1792-1813 
 Abstract:  The commonplace book is better described as Benjamin Rush's diary of events from 1792. Rush recounts in great detail the spectacular failure of William Duer and other investors in Philadelphia and New York, noting the panic and uncertainty that swept elite society in those months. The second portion of the volume contains a range of Rush's thoughts and observations on society, making this portion more like a traditional commonplace book.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.R89c 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Business and Skilled Trades | Early National Politics | Land and Speculation | Medicine | Philadelphia History | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Commonplace Book | Diaries 
 Subjects:  Hospitals -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia. | Indians of North America | Marriage. | Medicine. | Religion. 
3Author:  Smith FamilyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Smith-Houston-Morris-Ogden Family papers, 1659-1985     
 Dates:  1659-1985 
 Abstract:  The Smith-Houston-Morris-Ogden Collection is the APS's largest collection. It has a vast array of materials from early America. The APS has on file a 303-page survey of the collection that scholars may want to consult before beginning their research. In general, the collection contains information on business, politics, family and social life, Philadelphia history, land expansion, and estates. A good part Morris portion of the collection comes from Governeur Morris and his wife. The bulk of this material begins with his time as an emissary to France during the early republic and continues to his death. There is also a fairly extensive collection of his wife's correspondence, most of which follows Governeur's death. Her letters touch on issues relating to his estate and to other affairs. It includes discussions of slavery in Virginia and contains correspondence from memebers of the extended Jefferson family. The Ogden's were surveyors and land speculators in the late colonial and early national period. This portion of the collection contains discussion of land, business, politics, and family matters. A significant amount of these papers focus on the operations of a grist mill in New York. There are papers from numerous other prominent families, such as the Clemsons, Morgans, and Lewises, who were related through marriage.

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 Call #:  Mss.Ms.Coll.76 
 Extent:  350 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Business and Skilled Trades | Colony and State Specific History | Diplomatic History | Early National Politics | International Affairs | Land and Speculation | Pennsylvania History | Philadelphia History | Surveying and Maps | Trade 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Diplomatic Material | Family Correspondence | Miscellaneous | Political Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Land speculation 
4Author:  Bancker familyRequires cookie*
 Title:  Charles Nicoll Bancker family papers, 1733-1894     
 Dates:  1733-1894 
 Abstract:  This extensive collection (13 boxes) contains a range of correspondence, although the bulk of it relates to Charles Nicoll Bancker, a prominent Philadelphia businessman in the 1800s. The letters provide a picture of the family life and business career of Bancker from his earliest beginnings to his success later in life. Aside from the Charles Bancker portion of the collection, the holdings contain a wide variety of other documents, ranging from colonial era documents written in Dutch in Albany to letters from James Madison to Thomas Jefferson from the nineteenth century on religious education.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.B22.c 
 Extent:  3.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Antebellum Politics | Business and Skilled Trades | Colonial Politics | Colony and State Specific History | Early National Politics | Education | Land and Speculation | Literature, Arts, and Culture | Marriage and Family Life | Pennsylvania History | Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom | Trade | Travel | Women's History 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Family Correspondence | General Correspondence | Literature | Manuscript Essays | Political Correspondence | Sketchbooks | Travel Narratives and Journals 
 Subjects:  Insurance agents -- United States.