Resources in Early American History
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African American (1)
Business and Skilled Trades (1)
Government Affairs (1)
Philadelphia History[X]
Social Life and Custom[X]
Women's History[X]


Business Records and Accounts (1)
Legal Records (1)
Official Government Documents and Records[X]
1Author:  Philadelphia (Pa.).Mayor.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Record of indentures of individuals bound out as apprentices, servants, etc., and of German and other redemptioners, 1771 October 3 - 1773 October 5     
 Dates:  1771-1773 
 Abstract:  This large volume contains the records of those entering contracts of indentured servitude in Philadelphia from 1771-1773. The records not only list the name of the person, but contain details on their profession and on the terms of the indenture. Although the volume is described as the records of German immigrants, there are other indentures included, such as that of John Slour, "a free negro," records of those arriving from Ireland, and of young Philadelphians choosing to enter indentured contracts. The volume had been on loan to the City Archives until 1987. During that time, approximately twenty pages went missing. Otherwise, the volume appears to be complete and contains over 800 pages of records with each page containing information for about four to six individuals.

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 Call #:  Mss.647.P53 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  African American | Business and Skilled Trades | Government Affairs | Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom | Women's History 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Legal Records | Official Government Documents and Records 
 Subjects:  Apprentices -- Pennsylvania. | Germans -- United States. | Indentured servants -- Pennsylvania.