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Official Government Documents and Records[X]
Political Correspondence[X]
Business Records and Accounts (2)
General Correspondence (2)
Legal Records (2)
Military Records (2)
Institutional Records (1)
Printed Material (1)
1Author:  Hughes, John. -1772Requires cookie*
 Title:  Letter to the Commisioners of the stamp office from the Pennsylvania Collector     
 Dates:  1765 
 Abstract:  This document is cross-listed with the Pennsylvania Non-Importation Collection (Mss.973.2.M31). The finding aid for that collection contains additional details on this item. In summary, part of the collection contains a series of letters that John Hughes, the appointed collector of the stamp tax in 1765, wrote detailing his experience.The letters provide an account of Philadelphia's reaction to the Stamp Act from the persepctive of Hughes.

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 Call #:  Mss.973.31.H87 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Colonial Politics | Government Affairs | Philadelphia History 
 Genre:  Official Government Documents and Records | Political Correspondence 
2Author:  Greene, Nathanael, 1742-1786Requires cookie*
 Title:  Nathanael Greene Papers     
 Dates:  1777-1780 
 Abstract:  The Nathanael Greene Collection is a large collection of correspondence primarily related to supplying the Continental Army. The bulk of the correspondence dates from 1778-1780, during which time Greene served as Quartermaster General of the Continental Army. The correspondence captures the supply issues that the Army faced during the war, and the means of financing and supplying it. Because the bulk of the collection is correspondence and not account or ledger books, the letters to Greene from the field often provide interesting details and anecdotes on requisitioning.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.G83 
 Extent:  4 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Government Affairs | Military History 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Military Records | Official Government Documents and Records | Political Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Quartermasters -- United States 
3Author:  Hazard, Ebenezer, 1744-1817Requires cookie*
 Title:  Ebenezer Hazard papers, 1766-1813     
 Dates:  1766-1813 
 Abstract:  The Ebenezer Hazard Collection contains a range of documents relating to the early history and establishment of the postal service in the new American nation. Ebenezer Hazard was a New Yorker who served as a deputy postmaster general during the American Revolution and early republic.Included in the collection are two letters from Benjamin Franklin, one appointing him to the post and another advising him to quickly establish a post to Albany. There are a series of military passes issued to Hazard, lending insight into how the postal service operated during the war years. Other correspondents include Thomas Jefferson, who wrote a letter to Hazard in 1775 endorsing a proposed public papers project, and George Washington, who corresponded with Hazard as General of the Army during the war and as President.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.H338 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Government Affairs | Military History 
 Genre:  Institutional Records | Military Records | Official Government Documents and Records | Political Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Postal service -- United States. 
4Author:  unknownRequires cookie*
 Title:  Papers of American Loyalists, 1782-1798     
 Dates:  1782-1798 
 Abstract:  The Loyalist Collection contains ten documents that pertain to the interests and affairs of American Loyalists after the American Revolution. The items convey the grievances of Loyalists, particularly merchants. The documents of relate to how the states treated Loyalists and their property after the Revolution. Most of the documents are either official government documents or formal reports. Reports by the Committee of American Merchants, a Loyalists group that formed in Britain after the war, are included as are records relating to the disposition of Penn family interests in Pennsylvania. Also of note is a multi-page, loose-leaf list of loyalists and their claims on the British treasury for services rendered during the war.

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 Call #:  Mss.973.314.L95 
 Extent:  10 item(s) 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Colonial Politics | Government Affairs | Land and Speculation 
 Genre:  Legal Records | Official Government Documents and Records | Political Correspondence 
 Subjects:  American loyalists. | Commerce. 
5Author:  VariousRequires cookie*
 Title:  Pennsylvania Stamp Act and Non-Importation Resolutions Collection     
 Dates:  1765-1775 
 Abstract:  This collection contains a range of documents on the imperial crisis in Philadelphia. Specifically, the documents focus on the Stamp Act and the Non-importation agreements of 1773. For the Stamp Act, there are many letters from John Hughes, the Stamp Tax collector. The letters detail his tribulations. There is also a large, oversize letter from John Hughes to the Commissioners of the Stamp Office in London defending his actions and outlining his experiences during the Stamp Act controversy (first page missing). The documents surrounding the 1773 boycott of tea in Philadelphia include detailed reports from commissioners appointed by residents to negotiate with the East India company officials and the testimony of the firm of James and Drinker who were designated distributors of the tea.

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 Call #:  Mss.973.2.M31 
 Extent:  2 volume(s) 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Colonial Politics | Government Affairs | Pennsylvania History | Philadelphia History 
 Genre:  Legal Records | Official Government Documents and Records | Political Correspondence | Printed Material 
 Subjects:  Non-importation agreements, 1768-1769 | Sons of Liberty | Stamp Act, 1765 | Tea tax (American colonies) 
6Author:  Penn, Thomas, 1702-1775Requires cookie*
 Title:  Thomas Penn correspondence, 1747-1771, with James Hamilton     
 Dates:  1747-1771 
 Abstract:  This Thomas and Richard Penn Collection contains a range of correspondence from the proprietors of Pennsylvania, Thomas and Richard Penn (especially Thomas, the chief proprietor), to their agents in Pennsylvania, especially James Hamilton, who served as governor in the 1750s. The Collection begins in the 1740s, spans the Seven Years' War, and ends in the midst of the imperial crisis. Because of the time period covered, the letters touch on many important matters regarding the militarization of Pennsylvania, political battles within the colony, and the crisis brought about by imperial consolidation in the 1760s.

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 Call #:  Mss.974.8.P36c 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Colonial Politics | Government Affairs | Land and Speculation | Military History | Pennsylvania History | Seven Years' War 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | General Correspondence | Official Government Documents and Records | Political Correspondence 
7Author:  Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826Requires cookie*
 Title:  Thomas Jefferson papers, 1775-1825     
 Dates:  1775-1825 
 Abstract:  This is the primary collection of Thomas Jefferson Papers at the APS. The collection is rich and extensive. The collection is well-described and inventoried in MOLE. What follows below is a general summary of some of the more noteworthy pieces.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.J35 
 Extent:  0.5 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Colony and State Specific History | Diplomatic History | Early National Politics | Government Affairs | Native America | Natural history | Science and technology 
 Genre:  General Correspondence | Official Government Documents and Records | Political Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Boundaries, State. | Canals. | Chemistry | Indians of North America -- Languages | Linguistics. | Louisiana Purchase -- Enclopedias. | Plants. | Science -- United States -- 18th century. | Scientific apparatus and instruments. | Seeds.