Resources in Early American History
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Marriage and Family Life[X]
Military History[X]


Family Correspondence (1)
Legal Records[X]
Military Records (1)
Official Government Documents and Records[X]


Medicine -- United States.[X]
Trust indentures. (1)
1Author:  Cassin, Charles Luke, 1846-1878Requires cookie*
 Title:  Charles Luke Cassin papers, 1745-1878     
 Dates:  1745-1878 
 Abstract:  The Cassin Collection is heavily focused on Charles Luke Cassin's correspondence in the late nineteenth century. Charles Cassin was a physician in the U.S. Navy in the late-nineteenth century. His family's roots date to the colonial era. There are approximately seven documents from the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, however. This portion of the collection includes three legal documents from colonial Pennsylvania that were likely handed down through the family: one is a will for Aaron Thompson dated 1745, another is an indenture from 1758, and another is a copy of a court decision in Berks County in 1774. There are two letters from James Mullins to Eliza Cassin relating to their past affairs and children. Finally, there are official documents relating to Joseph Cassin, Charles Luke's father, including a commission in the U.S. Navy signed by James Madison.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.C274 
 Extent:  70 item(s) 
 Topics:  Marriage and Family Life | Military History 
 Genre:  Family Correspondence | Legal Records | Military Records | Official Government Documents and Records 
 Subjects:  Medicine -- United States. | Trust indentures.