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Abolition, emancipation, freedom (3)
Africa (1)
Agriculture -- United States. (1)
Apprentices -- Pennsylvania. (1)
Architecture -- Pennsylvania. (1)
Arctic Indians (1)
Arctic regions-Pictorial works (1)
Art -- United States. (1)
Aurora (Philadelphia, Pa.) (1)
Bees. (1)
Braddock's Campaign, 1755. (1)
Business and politics -- Pennsylvania. (1)
China -- Foreign relations -- United States (1)
Cholera -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia (1)
Civil engineering -- United States. (1)
Colonization, repatriation (1)
Commerce. (1)
Craven Street Gazette (1)
Dance -- Societies, etc. (1)
Death (1)
Delaware Indians (3)
Drawing. (1)
Electricity -- Early works to 1800 (1)
Engineering. (1)
Epidemics -- United States (1)
Exploration (1)
Explorers -- United States (1)
Gardening -- United States. (1)
Genealogy. (1)
Geometry -- Study and teaching (1)
Germans -- United States. (1)
Great Britain -- Social life and customs -- 18th century (1)
Grinnell Expedition, 1st, 1850-1851 (1)
Grinnell Expedition, 2d, 1853-1855 (1)
Horses (1)
Hospitals -- Pennsylvania (1)
Household supplies -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia. (1)
Indentured servants -- Pennsylvania. (1)
Indians of North America (2)
Indians of North America -- Nunavut (1)
Indians of North America -- Pennsylvania (3)
Indians of North America -- Treaties (1)
Insurance agents -- United States. (1)
Inuit -- Canada (1)
Inuit -- Greenland (1)
Inuit -- Nunavut -- Baffin Island (1)
Jackson, Andrew -- 1767-1845 -- Correspondence. (1)
Lancaster County (Pa.) -- History (1)
Land speculation (1)
Landscape -- Pennsylvania. (1)
1Author:  St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia.Requires cookie*
 Title:  St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia minutes and accounts, 1749-1843     
 Dates:  1749-1843 
 Abstract:  The minutes of St. Andrew's Society begin in 1749 and end in 1776. Included in the minutes are member lists, governing rules, and meeting minutes of the Society. The volume at the APS is a photocopy of an original that the St. Andrew's Society owns. The Minutes record various petitions the Society received and the charitable works of the Society.

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 Call #:  Mss.361.Sa2 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  Institutional Records | Miscellaneous 
 Subjects:  Societies. 
2Author:  Philadelphia Assembly.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Philadelphia Assembly book of expenses, 1748-1749     
 Dates:  1748-1749 
 Abstract:  This volume contains the records of the Philadelphia Dancing Assembly for 1748-1749. John Swift served as treasurer of this group. This volume also contains some of Swift's personal expenses.

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 Call #:  Mss.974.811.P33a 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Institutional Records 
 Subjects:  Dance -- Societies, etc. 
3Author:  Moore, Ira.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Ira Moore papers, 1848-1856     
 Dates:  1848-1856 
 Abstract:  This assortment of letters and other material primarily discuss the social life of Ira Moore, a nineteenth century teacher and surveyor. Letters discuss his circle of friends and family in Massachusetts, Maine, and Connecticut. Many of the letters were written by Moore from southeastern Massachusetts. Also included are various notes and receipts. There is some record of his time at Yale included in the documents, including a ticket to attend "The Burial of Euclid."

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 Call #:  Mss.B.M79 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Education | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Family Correspondence | General Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Schools -- Connecticut. | Schools -- Maine. | Schools -- Massachusetts. 
4Author:  Rush, Samuel,1795-1859.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Occasional glimpses at the world,1824     
 Dates:  1824 
 Abstract:  This collection, "Occasional Glimpses at the World, 1824" complements the Samuel Rush notebook. Both contain short essays on topical matters.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.R895.o 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Literature, Arts, and Culture | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  Literature | Manuscript Essays 
5Author:  Vaughan ClubRequires cookie*
 Title:  Vaughan Club papers, 1838-1841.     
 Dates:  1838-1841 
 Abstract:  The Papers of the Vaughan Club (1828-1841) are various records of this informal social club at the APS. There are copies of correspondence among members, songs that were sung at meetings, and menus and other items from their gatherings.

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 Call #:  Mss.Temp5.Misc Ms 
 Extent:  0.5 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  General Correspondence | Institutional Records 
6Author:  Philological Society (Philadelphia, Pa.)Requires cookie*
 Title:  Philological Society (Philadelphia, Pa.) papers, 1809-1811     
 Dates:  1809-1811 
 Abstract:  This collection contains various records from Philadelphia's Philological Society. Its contents lends insight into the literary culture of Philadelphia's polite society in the early nineteenth century (1809-1811). The collection contains many essays that discuss city life and problems. Other essays deal with issues such as ambition, avarice, literature, history, and the like. There is a detailed index with the title and topic of each essay. The Society's records also contain correspondence (often short) that documents its workings.

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 Call #:  Mss.405.P5o 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Literature, Arts, and Culture | Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  Institutional Records | Manuscript Essays | Miscellaneous 
 Subjects:  Learned institutions and societies -- Pennsylvania. | Philology. 
7Author:  Day, Sherman,1806-1884.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Ephraim Dyer IV Collection, ca. 1842, of the sketches of Sherman Day     
 Dates:  Circa 1842 
 Abstract:  This collection contains the proofs of images for Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania. The book is over 700 pages long with more than 200 images. The book and images capture Pennsylvania life past and present and can provide insight into the customs of the period. Days' engravings provide detailed images of towns and areas of Pennsylvania circa 1840. Some of the over 250 images included in this collection are: Pittsburgh with steamboats traveling up the rivers and smoke spouting in the sky from factories, a redoubt at Fort Pitt, a vista of Reading, mines in western Pennsylvania, Native American engravings found on a rock, the public squares at Chambersburg, Lancaster and Erie, and Ephrata's houses.

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 Call #:  Mss.917.48.D33 
 Extent:  0.5 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Literature, Arts, and Culture | Pennsylvania History | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  Art | General Correspondence | Sketchbooks 
 Subjects:  Architecture -- Pennsylvania. | Delaware Indians | Indians of North America -- Pennsylvania | Landscape -- Pennsylvania. | Seneca Indians 
8Author:  Evans, Harriet Verena, 1782-Requires cookie*
 Title:  Harriet Verena Evans Diary     
 Dates:  1827-1844 
 Abstract:  This volume is the diary/commonplace book of Harriet Evans. It is often deeply religious. For a full description, please read the full MOLE entry.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.Ev5 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Literature, Arts, and Culture | Religion | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  Commonplace Book | Diaries | Literature 
 Subjects:  Cholera -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | Death | Mourning customs | Spiritual life | Women -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 
9Author:  Hays, Isaac,1796-1879.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Isaac and I. Minis Hays papers     
 Dates:  Circa 1820-1925 
 Abstract:  Isaac Hays was a Philadelphia ophthalmologist who was also deeply involved in natural history. The Isaac Hays material has two discreet sections: a volume of correspondence for 1824-1855 and a collection of loose manuscripts. The first part of the collection is a bound volume that contains the correspondence Hays carried on with other prominent naturalists in the nineteenth century from 1824–1855, although the bulk come from the 1820s and early 1830s. Prominent correspondents in this series include Charles Lucien Bonaparte, George Ord, Thomas Say, and Charles Lesueur. All of the correspondence is incoming, addressed to Hays. Occasionally the correspondence involves commentary on other current events in addition to the obvious scientific nature of the correspondence. A letter from Bonaparte, for instance, discusses the rivalry between the Philadelphia and New York orchestras. The Ord correspondence, written mostly from Europe, makes reference to Audubon, Ord's ornithological rival, and scientific publications and thought prominent in Europe. The Say correspondence, written from New Harmony, also provides insight on that utopian experiment and his relationship with Lesueur, who also settled in New Harmony. There are only a few Lesueur letters, all of which are in French and written from New Harmony.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.H334 
 Extent:  1.75 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Natural history | Science and technology | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  General Correspondence | Scientific Data 
 Subjects:  Medical publishing -- United States -- 19th century. | Medical publishing -- United States. | Medicine -- Societies, etc. | Medicine -- United States -- 19th century. | Medicine -- United States. | Natural history. | Paleontology. 
10Author:  Hewson family.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Hewson family papers, 1767-1836     
 Dates:  1767-1836 
 Abstract:  The Hewson's were close to the Franklin family. Mary Stevenson Hewson was Franklin's landlady when he was in London, and they maintained a correspondence throughout their lives. This collection contains some of the family correspondence. Most are not originals, which are in private hands. The original manuscripts are primarily letters to and from Mary Stevenson Hewson. Of note is a poem/prayer written by Mary Stevenson Hewson. The MOLE record is very detailed, but the record does not mention records of a controversy Benjamin Franklin had with Dr. William Hunter that are part of this collection.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.H492.h, .br, .b1, .b 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Marriage and Family Life | Social Life and Custom | Women's History 
 Genre:  General Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Medicine. 
11Author:  Wilson, James,1742-1798.Requires cookie*
 Title:  James Wilson account book and diary, 1773-1786     
 Dates:  1773-1786 
 Abstract:  The James Wilson collection consists of a printed almanac from 1773 that also served as diary for its owner, believed to be James Wilson, the signer of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. The diary notes daily activities, often financial transactions, within the calendar pages of the almanac, which was a common practice then. There is a second hand in the almanac that dates to a later period, believed to be from 1782-1786. This second diary records in graphic details the often shocking sexual exploits of its author.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.W6915 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom | Women's History 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Diaries 
12Author:  Gibson, Elizabeth Bordley, 1777-1863Requires cookie*
 Title:  Elizabeth Bordley Gibson Papers     
 Dates:  1795-1863 
 Abstract:  This collection contains materials which may be of interest to students of Early American History.

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 Call #:  Mss.SMs.Coll.30 
 Extent:  1.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Marriage and Family Life | Social Life and Custom | Women's History 
 Genre:  Family Correspondence 
13Author:  State Penitentiary for the Eastern District of PennsylvaniaRequires cookie*
 Title:  State Penitentiary for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Records     
 Dates:  1819-1955 
 Abstract:  These two volumes record the admissions to Eastern State Penitentiary for the years 1839-1850 (excluding, apparently, 1844). The records contain a wealth of information about each prisoner admitted. The entries often contain a physical description of the inmate, a description of the crime(s) committed, and, occasionally, statements the prisoner made. Most entries contain a detailed biographical history of the prisoner that includes information on the background of the criminal, such as their family life, how they were raised, previous incarcerations, and the social habits of the prisoner, such as drinking in taverns or their religiosity.

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 Call #:  Mss.365.P381p 
 Extent:  0.5 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Government Affairs | Law | Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  Legal Records | Official Government Documents and Records 
 Subjects:  Prisoners -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | Prisons -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | Women prisoners -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 
14Author:  Pemberton, Israel, 1715-1779Requires cookie*
 Title:  Israel Pemberton, Letterbook D, 1744-1747     
 Dates:  1744-1747 
 Abstract:  The Israel Pemberton Letter book contains a range of data on Philadelphia shipping and trade. Pemberton was a merchant who had connections to Samuel Coates (Mss.B.C632 , Mss.C.632.1d , Mss.B.C632.1). These records precede Coates and pertain to trade in Philadelphia during the 1740s. They show a merchant with strong ties throughout the Atlantic World. His letters discuss a range of business matters, such as prices of commodities, costs of insurance, and general trade environment. Pemberton's letters discuss intercolonial trade with Maryland and Virginia (tobacco in particular), while others with matters in Europe and the Caribbean (sugar, rum, bar iron), reflecting his various trading interests. In addition to the business correspondence, Pemberton's letters occasionally discuss more quotidian matters, describing events in Philadelphia and relaying news he hears from abroad and on very rare occasions his family affairs.

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 Call #:  Mss.380.P36 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Business and Skilled Trades | International Trade. | Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom | Trade 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | General Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Commerce. 
15Author:  Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790Requires cookie*
 Title:  James S. and Frances M. Bradford Collection     
 Dates:  1749-1898 
 Abstract:  The Bradford Collection contains a signficant portion of Franklin correspondence. It includes a miscellany of Franklin writings that includes things like vocabularies and a mock newspaper he composed in 1774. The bulk of the collection contains correspondence Franklin had with the Stevenson and Hewson families, especially with Polly Stevenson Hewson.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.F85.bra 
 Extent:  0.5 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Colonial Politics | International Affairs | Marriage and Family Life | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  Family Correspondence | General Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Craven Street Gazette | Great Britain -- Social life and customs -- 18th century 
16Author:  Hiltzheimer, Jacob, 1729?-1798Requires cookie*
 Title:  Jacob Hiltzheimer Diaries     
 Dates:  1765-1798 
 Abstract:  The Jacob Hiltzheimer Diary takes up twenty-eight volumes and offers insight into the social life and customs of Philadelphia. He describes a wide range of events, such as sleigh riding to ice skating to attending a large celebration of King George's Birthday on the banks of the Schuylkill attended by over 380 Philadelphians (before Independence). During the imperial crisis, Hiltzheimer's observations can provide an interesting perspective on the events happening within the city. He notes the arrival of dignitaries from other colonies and records some of the events happening in the city. Hiltzheimer's journal also records family and personal details, like the death of his thirty-year old son. He records the weather in Philadelphia on a nearly daily basis, and his account of the Yellow Fever epidemic in Philadelphia is fairly exhaustive.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.H56d 
 Extent:  28 volume(s) 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Medicine | Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom 
 Genre:  Diaries | Meteorological Data 
 Subjects:  Horses | United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 | United States -- Politics and government -- 1775-1783 | United States -- Politics and government -- 1783-1809 | Yellow fever -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 
18Author:  Rush, Julia Stockton, 1759-1848Requires cookie*
 Title:  Julia Rush Letters, 1776-1809     
 Dates:  1776-1809 
 Abstract:  This small collection of Julia Rush correspondence is noteworthy for being one of the largest collections of letters between Julia and her husband Benjamin, the prominent Philadelphia physician. The collection begins in 1776 and continues into the early nineteenth century. There are a series of letters from Julia to Benjamin from 1793 at the height of the Yellow Fever epidemic in Philadelphia.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.R894 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Marriage and Family Life | Medicine | Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom | Women's History 
 Genre:  Family Correspondence 
19Author:  Shippen, Joseph,1732-1810.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Joseph Shippen letterbook, 1763-1773     
 Dates:  1763-1773 
 Abstract:  The Joseph Shippen letterbooks consist of Shippen's outgoing correspondence from 1763-1773. Shippen was active during the Seven Years' War and a prominent official in the colonial government before the American Revolution. His letters touch on a wide range of important events happening within the colony in the years preceding the American Revolution.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.Sh62.j 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  African American | Colonial Politics | Pennsylvania History | Social Life and Custom | Surveying and Maps 
 Genre:  Family Correspondence | General Correspondence | Maps and Surveys | Political Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Indians of North America 
20Author:  Shippen, Edward,1729-1806.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Edward Shippen receipts, 1754-1789     
 Dates:  1754-1789 
 Abstract:  The Edward Shippen Collection is composed of nineteen documents, which are contained within the Shippen Family Collection. The documents are Edward Shippen's receipts from 1764 to 1789. The receipts are for various personal purchases he made. A small, disjointed collection, the receipts touch on the personal consumption preferences of one of the wealthiest men in the colony.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.Sh621 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Business and Skilled Trades | Marriage and Family Life | Social Life and Custom | Trade 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts 
 Subjects:  Household supplies -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia. 
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