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1Author:  unknownRequires cookie*
 Title:  Torpedo marmorata Sur la Torpille..., ca. 1770s. (Manuscripts, [ca. 1770-1779], concerning the torpedo fish)     
 Dates:  Circa 1770-1779 
 Abstract:  This collection contains correspondence on the torpedo fish, an animal of interest to scientists in the eighteenth century.

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 Call #:  Mss.597.5.Su7 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Natural history | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Electrophysiology. | Fishes -- Research. 
2Author:  Airy, George Biddell, Sir, 1801-1892Requires cookie*
 Title:  Sir George Biddell Airy Papers     
 Dates:  1840-1890 
 Abstract:  This manuscript collection falls outside the geographic scope of the Early American guide (British North America and the United States before 1840). It may be of interest to scholars interested in global history, international relations, imperialism, or the U.S. in the world.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.Ai7p 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Beyond Early America | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Artifacts | Astronomy - Research - England | Electricity - Experiments | Geology - Research - England | Geology, Structural | Magnetism - Experiments | Magnets | Observatoire de Paris | Pendulum | Stars -- Magnitudes. | Telescopes 
3Author:  Bartram, John, 1699-1777Requires cookie*
 Title:  Collinson-Bartram Papers, 1732-1773     
 Dates:  1732-1773 
 Abstract:  While the APS has a number of Collinson collections on microfilm, it primary source holdings contain only thirty-seven letters written to Peter Collinson. The majority of the letters discuss natural history. There is a letter written about the culture of bathing in Wales in the 1730s. There is also extended correspondence between Collinson and Lady Petre on the botanical gardens on the Petre's estate and a series of letters from Spanish officials in the Caribbean relaying information to Collinson. There is also notable amount of correspondence between Collinson and various nobility discussing horticultural issues.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.C692.1 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Natural history | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Gardening -- England. | Gardens -- England. | Horticulture -- England. | Horticulture -- United States. | Plants, Cultivated. | Seed industry and trade -- England. | Seed industry and trade -- United States. 
4Author:  Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823Requires cookie*
 Title:  Manasseh Cutler papers, 1787-1806     
 Dates:  1787-1806 
 Abstract:  The Mannasseh Cutler Collection contains photocopies of Cutler correspondence to prominent scientists in the early republic (1787-1806). Correspondents include Benjamin Smith Barton and Henry Muhlenberg.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.C974m 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Natural history | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Botany -- England. | Botany -- Europe. | Botany -- United States. | Zoology -- England. | Zoology -- Europe. | Zoology -- United States. 
5Author:  De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Augustus De Morgan letters, 1841-1866     
 Dates:  1841-1866 
 Abstract:  The contents of the Augustus De Morgan Collection are almost entirely beyond the scope of this guide. One letter dates to 1841; most date to after the Civil War. The correspondence is almost all from De Morgan to William Hepworth Dixon, the editor of the Athenaeum.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.D396 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Beyond Early America | Printing and Publishing 
 Genre:  Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Astronomy. | Publishers and publishing. | Science publishing. 
6Author:  Rawlins, Ray,1917-,collector.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Collection of autographs of scientists, 1772-1973     
 Dates:  1772-1973 
 Abstract:  Compiled by collector Ray Rawlins, The Autograph Collection of Scientists contains approximately two boxes of letters from prominent scientists, mostly dating to the mid- nineteenth century. Nearly all of the letters are to and from British scientists.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.R199 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Beyond Early America | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Scientists -- Great Britain. 
7Author:  Sedgwick, Adam, 1785-1873Requires cookie*
 Title:  Adam Sedgwick Collection     
 Dates:  1825-1870 
 Abstract:  The Adam Sedgwick Collection consists primarily of correspondence among English scientists in the middle of the nineteenth century.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.Se25L 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Beyond Early America 
 Genre:  Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Geology -- Great Britain | Geology -- Study and teaching (Higher) | Religion 
8Author:  Stauffer, Jacob,b. 1808.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Jacob Stauffer Papers, 1844-1879     
 Dates:  1844-1879 
 Abstract:  The Jacob Stauffer Collection contains correspondence about science and scientific institutions in the United States. Only one letter dates to before the 1850s (1844).

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 Call #:  Mss.B.St15 
 Extent:  0.5 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Science and technology 
 Genre:  Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Botany. | Learned institutions and societies. | Natural history. | Paleontology. | Zoology. 
9Author:  unknownRequires cookie*
 Title:  John Torrey papers, 1819-1864     
 Dates:  1819-1864 
 Abstract:  The John Torrey Papers consist of two separate collections. The first contains original documents, often from John Torrey, a prominent botanist in the nineteenth century. Torrey's letters often discuss natural history, books, and flora. Amos Eaton is his most regular correspondent, and the letters are often of a personal nature in which Torrey gives Eaton support for his scientific pursuits. Mention is also made of temperance. This portion of the collection is relatively small. The second part of the collection contains various notes and transcriptions Chapman Robbins made for a study she undertook on Torrey. This larger part of the collection consists of over two boxes of transcriptions of Torrey correspondence and provides a far more complete picture of Torrey.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.T63.1 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Natural history | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Botany. | Geology -- New York (State) -- Surveys. | Insects. | Mineralogy. | Natural history. | Temperance. 
10Author:  Wheatley, Charles M. (Charles Moore), 1822-1882Requires cookie*
 Title:  Charles M.(Charles Moore) Wheatley papers, 1840-1882     
 Dates:  1840-1882 
 Abstract:  This collection contains the correspondence of Charles Wheatley. The correspondence captures his scientific undertakings in the mid/late-nineteenth century. Wheatley was based in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania and he was active in Philadelphia's scientific community.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.W558 
 Extent:  0.5 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Education | Philadelphia History | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Mineralogy. | Mines and mineral resources -- Pennsylvania -- Phoenixville. | Mining engineers. | Natural history. | Paleontology. | Shells. 
11Author:  Alexander, William, 1726-1783Requires cookie*
 Title:  Variation of the compass, 1773     
 Dates:  1773 
 Abstract:  This slender volume is an essay by William Alexander, a prominent figure in New Jersey politics and business. Alexander wrote this essay with the hope that it would spur the American Philosophical Society to support the study of variations in compasses. Alexander's interest in this subject likely had to do with his background as a merchant. He realized compass variations created inefficiencies and risks for captains and the merchants that relied on them. Alexander appeals specifically to the APS's mission by stating that such a study would be "useful to mankind." Alexander's essays shows that he is conversant in many of the current theories about variations. He also proposed a plan for the APS to facilitate a systematic study of compass variations that he believed would produce a clear general law for variations in compasses.

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 Call #:  Mss.522.76.Al2 
 Extent:  1 item(s) 
 Topics:  Science and technology | Surveying and Maps | Trade 
 Genre:  Scientific Correspondence | Scientific Data 
 Subjects:  Astronomy -- 18th century | Compass. | Learned institutions and societies. 
12Author:  Ord, George, 1781-1866Requires cookie*
 Title:  Extracts from letters on John James Audubon, [n.d.]     
 Dates:  n.d. 
 Abstract:  This single volume serves as George Ord's indictment of Audubon's work. The volume contains twenty-two letters likely written by Ord between 1831 and 1838 that highlight deficiencies and mistakes in Audubon's work. There is also a manuscript copy of a review of Audubon's work that details Audubon's history in Philadelphia and the origins of the rivalry between Ord and Audubon.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.Au25o 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Natural history | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Manuscript Essays | Scientific Correspondence 
13Author:  Bartram, John, 1699-1777Requires cookie*
 Title:  John Bartram correspondence, 1735-1775     
 Dates:  1735-1775 
 Abstract:  The John Bartram Collection consists of typed transcriptions of originals held at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The transcripts take up two volumes and are extensive.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.B28.w 
 Extent:  719 item(s) 
 Topics:  Colony and State Specific History | Natural history | Pennsylvania History | Philadelphia History 
 Genre:  General Correspondence | Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Botanists. | Botany. | Horticulture. | Horticulturists. | Natural history. | Plant collectors. | Plants -- Collection and preservation. 
14Author:  Bonaparte, Charles Lucian, 1803-1857Requires cookie*
 Title:  Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte letters, 1825-1857     
 Dates:  1825-1857 
 Abstract:  The Charles Lucien Bonaparte collection is noteworthy for its ornithological content and for the exchanges with William Cooper, a fellow ornithologist who had a large collection of bird specimens. The majority of the correspondence surrounds Bonaparte's American Ornithology. The letters are all from Bonaparte to Cooper. Their content shows Cooper to be an engaged and active ornithologist who provided Bonaparte with critical advice on his proofs. Copper founded the Lyceum of Natural History in New York and studied zoology in Europe. He is credited with helping edit Bonaparte's last two works. Bonaparte, for his part, repaid his friend by naming a new species of hawk Cooper's Hawk.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.B642.1.7 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Literature, Arts, and Culture | Natural history | Science and technology 
 Genre:  General Correspondence | Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Learned institutions and societies. | Ornithology. | Science -- Societies, etc. 
15Author:  Collinson, Peter, 1694-1768Requires cookie*
 Title:  Peter Collinson letters, [ca. 1740]-1770     
 Dates:  1740-1770 
 Abstract:  The APS has a number of Collinson collections on microfilm. Its primary source holdings contain approximately thirty-seven letters written to Peter Collinson, a prominent figure in the eighteenth century British scientific community. Because of his networks in trade and science, he served as an important node in the conveyance of knowledge throughout the Atlantic World.The majority of the letters involve discussions of natural history. The letters offer a range of correspondence. There is a letter written about the culture of bathing in Wales in the 1730s to extended correspondence between Collinson and Lady Petre on the botanical gardens on the Petre's estate, and a series of letters from Spanish officials in the Caribbean relaying information to Collinson. There is also a notable amount of correspondence between Collinson and various nobility discussing horticultural issues.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.C692 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Natural history | Science and technology 
 Genre:  General Correspondence | Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Natural history. 
16Author:  Collinson, Peter, 1694-1768Requires cookie*
 Title:  Peter Collinson transcripts, 1721-1768     
 Dates:  1721-1768 
 Abstract:  The Peter Collinson Collection contains copies of correspondence directed primarily to Collinson's North American contacts, especially those based in Pennsylvania. His correspondents include members of the Penn family and Benjamin Franklin. The letters discuss current affairs, politics, and scientific matters.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.C692a 
 Extent:  0.5 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Colonial Politics | Natural history 
 Genre:  General Correspondence | Scientific Correspondence 
17Author:  Fabbroni, Giovanni Valentino Mattia, 1752-1822Requires cookie*
 Title:  Giovanni Valentino Mattia Fabbroni papers, ca. 1770s-1875     
 Dates:  Circa 1770-1875 
 Abstract:  This Collection of Giovanni Fabbroni letters contain a range of correspondence that Fabbroni carried on with fellow scientists throughout Europe. Although much of Fabbroni's travel and correspondence focused on Continental Europe, his wide-ranging correspondence can offer insight into the British Atlantic World and the flow of ideas and information within it.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.F113 
 Extent:  8 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Beyond Early America | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Foreign Language | Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Agriculture | Botany. | Bridges. | Coinage. | Geology. | Locks (Hydraulic engineering) -- Middle Atlantic states -- History. | Machinery -- Drawings. | Manufacturing processes. | Museums -- History. | Natural history. | Tools -- Drawings. | Weights and measures. 
18Author:  Featherstonhaugh, George William, 1780-1866Requires cookie*
 Title:  George William Featherstonhaugh papers, 1809-1840     
 Dates:  1809-1840 
 Abstract:  This collection of George William Featherstonhaugh Correspondence. Featherstonhaugh was a prominent British scientist who traveled to America numerous times and helped promote internal improvements. The single original letter is to Benjamin Franklin Peale and discusses mineralogy. The other documents, all photocopies of originals in private hands, discuss science and APS business and are from APS members Peter Du Ponceau, John Vaughan, and James Mease.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.F31 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Science and technology 
 Genre:  General Correspondence | Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Science -- Societies, etc. 
19Author:  Fothergill, John, 1712-1780Requires cookie*
 Title:  John Fothergill letters, 1737-1778     
 Dates:  1737-1750 
 Abstract:  The John Fothergill Letters Collection, 1737-1778 (bulk 1737-1750), consists of fourteen copies of letters Fothergill wrote. Most of the letters are addressed to Charles Aston and most discuss medicine.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.F82 
 Extent:  0.25 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Education | Medicine 
 Genre:  General Correspondence | Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Botany. | Medicine. | Science. 
20Author:  Frazer, John Fries, 1812-1872Requires cookie*
 Title:  John Fries Frazer papers, 1834-1871     
 Dates:  1834-1871 
 Abstract:  John Fries Frazer was a prominent Pennsylvania scientist in nineteenth century America, serving as a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and very active in both the Franklin Institute and the APS. This large collection of his correspondence provides a snapshot of the growing scientific community in mid-nineteenth century America. Frazer's correspondence involves a wide range of topics: science and scientific institutions (shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, geology, geography, astronomy, chemistry, among others), although there are fragments of personal correspondence. His range of correspondents is as diverse as the topics, but there is a notably large collection of letters from scientific heavyweights Titian Ramsey Peale, Louis Aggasiz, Joseph Henry, and Alexander Dallas Bache.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.F865 
 Extent:  3 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  Education | Philadelphia History | Science and technology 
 Genre:  General Correspondence | Scientific Correspondence 
 Subjects:  Boilers. | Education -- United States. | Electricity. | Geology -- United States. | Haida Indians | Magnetism. | Natural history. | Paleontology. | Scientific apparatus and instruments. | Scientists -- United States. | Solar eclipses. | Tsimshian Indians | Weights and measures. 
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