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Colonial Politics (1)
Government Affairs[X]
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Native America (1)
Trade (1)


Manuscript Essays (1)
Official Government Documents and Records[X]


Anishinaabe (1)
Fur trade -- Great Lakes[X]
Ottawa Indians (1)
1Author:  Rogers, Robert, 1731-1795Requires cookie*
 Title:  Estimate of the Fur and Peltry Trade in the District of Michilimackinac     
 Dates:  1767 
 Abstract:  This rich document provides insight into a facet of post-Seven Years War British imperial thought and planning as officials tried to consolidate their holdings. Robert Roger's manuscript essay includes a detailed plan for how the British Empire should handle its expansion, estimates the fiscal needs of western posts, and proposes a form of government for these new areas that would maintain peace for Indians, British troops, and settlers.

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 Call #:  Mss.970.1.R63 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Colonial Politics | Government Affairs | International Trade. | Native America | Trade 
 Genre:  Manuscript Essays | Official Government Documents and Records 
 Subjects:  Anishinaabe | Fur trade -- Great Lakes | Ottawa Indians