Resources in Early American History
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Results:  6 Items   Page: 1


Abenaki language (1)
Abolition, emancipation, freedom (1)
Abolitionists. (1)
Acquisitions (Libraries) (1)
Actors (1)
Aeronautics -- History (1)
Agricultural exhibitions (1)
Agriculture -- Missouri (1)
Air -- Purification -- Equipment and supplies (1)
Albert Medal (1)
Alcoholic beverage industry -- United States (1)
Alphabets (1)
American Anti-Vivisection Society (1)
American Philosophical Society (1)
American Philosophical Society -- Prizes (1)
American Philosophical Society. Library (1)
American loyalists. (1)
Anatomy -- Study and teaching. (1)
Animal magnetism. (1)
Anthropology (1)
Antiquities -- Collection and preservation (1)
Aquariums. (1)
Archaeology -- Mexico (1)
Archaeology -- United States. (1)
Architecture (1)
Archives (1)
Arithmetic. (1)
Art -- Exhibitions (1)
Astronomical instruments. (1)
Astronomy (1)
Astronomy -- Early works to 1800 (1)
Balloons. (1)
Bank notes -- Forgeries (1)
Bank notes -- Great Britain (1)
Banks and banking -- Pennsylvania (1)
Barometers. (1)
Bartram's Garden (Philadelphia, Pa.) (1)
Beaver Meadow Railroad and Coal Company (1)
Bible - Criticism, interpretation, etc. (1)
Bible. New Testament (1)
Bible. O.T. Psalms, II, 1 -- Sermons (1)
Biology. (1)
Birds (1)
Birds -- North America (1)
Birds -- Pictorial works (1)
Birmingham (Pa.) (1)
Bookbinding (1)
Books -- Auction catalogs (1)
Booksellers and bookselling (1)
Boston Port Bill, 1774 (1)
1Author:  New York (State). Supreme CourtRequires cookie*
 Title:  Account pertaining to his appeal of a jury verdict, to the Privy council, ca. 1766     
 Dates:  Circa 1766 
 Abstract:  This bound volume contains two printed documents. One reproduces court records for a trial in 1764; the other contains resolutions of the New York Assembly.

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 Call #:  Mss.347.9.F77 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Colony and State Specific History | Law 
 Genre:  Legal Records | Official Government Documents and Records | Printed Material 
 Subjects:  Trials (Assault and battery) -- New York (State) 
2Author:  Various authorsRequires cookie*
 Title:  Broadside Collection, 1638-1980     
 Dates:  1638-1980, Undated 
 Abstract:  This collection includes printed broadsides from early America. Most are official government documents.

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 Call #:  Mss.973.C683 
 Extent:  760 item(s) 
 Topics:  Freemasons | Travel 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Official Government Documents and Records | Printed Material 
 Subjects:  Abenaki language | Abolition, emancipation, freedom | Abolitionists. | Acquisitions (Libraries) | Actors | Aeronautics -- History | Agricultural exhibitions | Agriculture -- Missouri | Air -- Purification -- Equipment and supplies | Albert Medal | Alcoholic beverage industry -- United States | Alphabets | American Anti-Vivisection Society | American Philosophical Society | American Philosophical Society -- Prizes | American Philosophical Society. Library | American loyalists. | Anatomy -- Study and teaching. | Animal magnetism. | Anthropology | Antiquities -- Collection and preservation | Aquariums. | Archaeology -- Mexico | Archaeology -- United States. | Architecture | Archives | Arithmetic. | Art -- Exhibitions | Astronomical instruments. | Astronomy | Astronomy -- Early works to 1800 | Balloons. | Bank notes -- Forgeries | Bank notes -- Great Britain | Banks and banking -- Pennsylvania | Barometers. | Bartram's Garden (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Beaver Meadow Railroad and Coal Company | Bible - Criticism, interpretation, etc. | Bible. New Testament | Bible. O.T. Psalms, II, 1 -- Sermons | Biology. | Birds | Birds -- North America | Birds -- Pictorial works | Birmingham (Pa.) | Bookbinding | Books -- Auction catalogs | Booksellers and bookselling | Boston Port Bill, 1774 | Boston Tea Party, Boston, Mass., 1773 | Botany | Botany -- Catalogs -- France | Botany -- Catalogs -- Great Britain | Botany -- Catalogs -- United States | Botany -- New York (State) | Braddock's Campaign, 1755. | Brandywine, Battle of, 1777 | Bridges. | Building materials | Bunker Hill, Battle of, 1775 | Business cards | Cables -- Atlantic Ocean | Calculators. | Calendars | Campus Martius (Marietta, Ohio) | Canada -- Description and travel | Canada -- Maps | Canals -- Pennsylvania | Capture at sea | Carriages and carts | Cements, Adhesive | Cetacea | Charities -- England -- London | Chemicals | Chemistry | Chemistry -- History | Chemistry -- Nomenclature | Chemistry -- Study and teaching | Cherokee language -- Alphabet | Cherokee language -- Texts | Chesapeake and Delaware Canal | China -- Medical care | Chinese language | Chipewyan language | Christian calendars | Christianity | Christmas | Chronometers | Church buildings -- Pennsylvania-Philadelphia | Church of Scotland | Civilization -- Early works to 1800 | Clocks and watches. | Coinage. | Coins | Colombia -- Census | Columbia (Symbolic character) | Comets -- Orbits | Congratulations, greetings, thanks | Conjoined twins | Conservation of natural resources. | Constitutional history -- United States | Cotton | Cotton -- Diseases and pests | Cotton -- Statistics | Counting | Court summons | Courtship -- Songs and music | Criticism -- History | Crucero Iberia | Crusades | Cuba -- Statistics, Vital | Cutlery | Cyclopedia | Dance cards | Darwinism. | Daylight saving | Delaware Indians | Delaware Indians -- Religion | Democratic National Convention (1864 : Chicago, Ill.) | Design | Dickinson College -- History -- Sources | Dwellings -- Heating and ventilation | Earth (Planet) | Eclipses. | Education | Education -- Congresses | Education -- South Carolina | Education -- Study and teaching -- England. | Education -- United States. | Eidouranion | Electricity | Electrotherapeutics | Encyclopedias and dictionaries, French | English language | Entomology -- United States. | Episcopal Church -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | Eskimo languages | Fairmount Water Works (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Fire extinction -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | Fisheries -- Great Britain | Fishes -- Catalogs and collections | Fishes -- Italy | Flags -- United States. | Flight | Flour | Forests and forestry -- United States -- Maps | Forests and forestry -- United States. | Foundries | France. Chambre des pairs | France. Code civil | Franklin (Aircraft carrier) | Franklin Institute (Philadelphia, Pa.) -- History | Franklin Journal | Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790 | Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790 -- Imprints | Freemasonry -- France -- History. | Freemasons -- Pennsylvania | French language | Friendly Association for Regaining and Preserving Peace with the Indians by Pacific Measures | Fruits | Furnaces | Gas-lighting. | Genetics -- History. | Genetics -- Societies, etc. | Geodesy | Geography -- Europe | Geology | Geology -- Great Britain. | Geology -- Pennsylvania. | Geology -- Tables | Geology, Stratigraphic. | Girard College | Girls' Schools -- France -- Paris | Gorlitz (Dresden, Germany). Gymnasium | Grapes | Great Britain -- Colonies -- America | Great Britain. Treaties, etc. United States, 1783 Sept. 3 | Great Central Fair for the U.S. Sanitary Commission (1864 : Philadelphia, Pa.) | Grinnell Expedition, 2d, 1853-1855 | Haiti -- History -- Sources | Harvard University -- Students | Hessians | Historic buildings -- Canada | Historic buildings -- United States | History of the earth and animated nature | History. | Hollywood (Md.) | Honors -- Royal Society (Great Britain) | Hospitals -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia. | Hospitals -- United States -- Civil War, 1861-1865. | Human beings -- Origin | Hybridization | Hymns | Hypnotism | Independence Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Indians of North America | Indians of North America -- Antiquities | Indians of North America -- Government relations | Indians of North America -- History | Indians of North America -- Languages | Indulgences | Inland navigation -- United States | Insurance -- Great Britain | Iron and steel bridges | Iroquois Indians -- Agriculture | Jena, Battle of, Jena, Germany, 1806 | Jesus Christ | Kings and rulers | Laboratories | Lamps | Land use -- Ohio | Landscape architecture | Language and languages -- Orthography and spelling | Latin language | Law -- Periodicals | Law -- Virginia | Lectures, public speaking | Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company | Liberty Bell | Library rules and regulations | Library science -- Congresses | Life preservers | Light | Lightning | Lightning conductors | Lions | Lippincott's magazine of literature, science and education | Locks and keys | Locusts | London (England) -- Maps | Longitude. | Lord's prayer | Lotteries | Lowell Observatory | Lumadrama | Lyceums. | Machinery. | Magic squares | Magna Carta | Mammoths. | Martial law -- Philadelphia (Pa.) | Massachusetts -- Finance | Mastodon | Mastodon -- Exhibitions | Mathematical instruments | Maxims | Medical sciences -- Periodicals | Medicine -- Congresses | Medicine -- Humor | Medicine -- Study and teaching. | Menageries -- Boston (Mass.) | Menageries -- Great Britain | Menageries -- Philadelphia | Mercantile Library of Philadelphia | Merino sheep | Mesmerism. | Meteorology | Meteorology - Observations | Meteorology -- Observations -- England -- London | Meteorology -- Observations. | Meteorology -- Tables | Meteors. | Mexico -- History -- 1821-1861 | Mexico -- History -- Sources | Microscopy. | Mineralogy | Missionaries -- China. | Mississippi River Valley -- Description and travel | Missourium | Mohawk Indians | Mohawk language -- Texts | Mohegan Indians -- Religion | Mollusks. | Money | Moral philosophy | Moravians -- Missions | Morphology. | Mosquitoes. | Mothers | Mound-builders -- United States | Mounds -- United States | Mount Vernon School (Boston, Mass.) | Museums | Museums -- New York (State) -- New York. | Museums -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- 19th century. | Mustard | Mysticism | National Academy of Sciences | National songs -- United States | Natural Philosophy | Natural history | Natural history -- Periodicals | Natural history -- Societies, etc. | Natural history -- South America | Natural history -- Technique | Natural history -- United States. | Nebulae | New Orleans Canal and Banking Company | Newspapers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | Occultism | Odometers | Oneida Community | Optical instruments | Orators | Ordnance | Ozone | Painting -- Exhibitions | Paleontology | Paleontology -- Missouri | Paper money -- United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 | Patent medicines | Patriotische Martyrer | Peale's Museum (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Pennsylvania -- History | Pennsylvania -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 | Perpetual calendars | Perpetual motion | Pharmacology. | Philadelphia (Pa.) -- Finance | Philadelphia (Pa.) -- Statistics, Vital | Philadelphia (Pa.). Militia | Phrenology. | Physical geography -- Canada | Physical instruments | Physicians | Phytogeography -- United States -- Maps | Planets | Planets -- Observations | Plants -- Collection and preservation. | Plows. | Polarization (Light) | Political geography | Political satire | Poor laws -- Great Britain | Portraits. | Portsmouth (N.H.) -- Statistics, Vital | Postal service -- History | Postal service -- United States. | Presidents -- United States -- Autographs | Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1804 | Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1840 | Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1864 | Prices | Prices -- France | Prices -- Italy -- Trieste | Prices -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | Prices -- United States | Princeton, Battle of, Princeton, N.J., 1777 | Printing machinery and supplies | Printing presses | Prisons | Privateering | Prizes | Processions -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | Promissory notes | Propaganda, American | Prophecies | Quakers. | Railroads -- Mexico | Railroads -- Pennsylvania | Railroads -- Pennsylvania -- History | Railroads. | Real property -- Pennsylvania. | Real property. | Redwood family | Reigate and Godstone Railway | Religious education -- Massachusetts | Retired women -- France -- Paris | Rewards programs (Criminal investigation) | Roads -- Pennsylvania | Roots, Numerical | Royal College of Physicians of London | Royal Humane Society (London, England) | Rutgers College | Salt industry and trade | Scales (Weighing instruments) | Schools -- Denmark | Science | Science -- Congresses | Science -- History -- Study and teaching | Science -- Philosophy -- Study and teaching | Science -- Societies, etc. | Science -- Study and teaching. | Scientific apparatus and instruments. | Scientific expeditions. | Seals and labels (Philately) -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | Seeds -- Catalogs | Seneca Indians | Serpents | Sheffield (England) | Shipbuilding | Shippensburg (Pa.) | Ships, Iron and steel -- Great Britain | Signals and signaling | Silk | Slavery -- Pennsylvania. | Slavery -- United States. | Slaves, slavery, slave trade | Slavey language | Smallpox | Smallpox -- Vaccination | Social cards | Societies. | Society of Friends | Society of Friends -- Great Britain. | Solar eclipses. | South Carolina -- Politics and government | Southwark (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Spelling reform | Stamp Act, 1765 | Stars. | Steam | Steam-carriages | Steam-engines. | Steam-navigation | Steamboats -- United States. | Stoves | Strikes and lockouts | Success | Sugar beet | Sun | Susquehanna County (Pa.) | Sweden. Treaties, etc. United States, 1783 April 3 | Tariffs | Taxation -- Massachusetts | Taxation -- United States | Te Deum laudamus (Music) | Telegraph | Telescopes | Temper | Temperature -- Newfoundland -- St. John's | Temperature measurements. | Texas -- History -- Republic, 1836-1846 | Texas. Navy | Theology | Thermometers | Tobacco -- Commerce | Tobacco industry -- Bermuda Islands | Tobacco industry -- Virginia | Tornadoes | Trains -- Central Europe | Transactions of the American Philosophical Society | Transylvania University | Treaties. | Trees -- North America. | Trees. | Trieste (Italy) -- Commerce | Trust indentures. | Tunnels -- England -- Thames River | Type and type-founding -- Specimens | Typhus fever. | U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey | United Nations | United States - Politics and government | United States - Politics and government - 1783-1809 | United States -- Anniversaries, etc. | United States -- Foreign relations -- China | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Songs and music | United States -- History -- French and Indian War, 1755-1763 | United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 | United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- American forces | United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Participation, German | United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Personal narratives | United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Prisoners and prisons | United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Sources | United States -- Military policy | United States -- Statistics | United States History Civil War, 1861-1865 Caricatures and cartoons | United States. Army | United States. Congress (2nd, 1st session : 1791-1792) | United States. Constitution | United States. Continental Army -- Organization | United States. Continental Army -- Staff -- Biography | United States. Declaration of Independence | United States. Navy -- Warrant officers | Uruguay -- History | Vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 | Virginia. Declaration of Rights | Vivisection | Vivisection -- 19th century | Volapük | Warships | Washington Hall | Water -- Purification | Water -- Purification -- Filtration | Water mills | Wayne, Anthony, 1745-1796 | Weights and measures. | Whales | Wharton School | Wine and wine making | Women -- Education | Women -- Employment | Wood -- Preservation | Yale University | Zoology | Zoology -- India | Zoology -- Italy | Zoology -- Pictorial works | Zoology -- Study and teaching. 
3Author:  VariousRequires cookie*
 Title:  Pennsylvania Stamp Act and Non-Importation Resolutions Collection     
 Dates:  1765-1775 
 Abstract:  This collection contains a range of documents on the imperial crisis in Philadelphia. Specifically, the documents focus on the Stamp Act and the Non-importation agreements of 1773. For the Stamp Act, there are many letters from John Hughes, the Stamp Tax collector. The letters detail his tribulations. There is also a large, oversize letter from John Hughes to the Commissioners of the Stamp Office in London defending his actions and outlining his experiences during the Stamp Act controversy (first page missing). The documents surrounding the 1773 boycott of tea in Philadelphia include detailed reports from commissioners appointed by residents to negotiate with the East India company officials and the testimony of the firm of James and Drinker who were designated distributors of the tea.

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 Call #:  Mss.973.2.M31 
 Extent:  2 volume(s) 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Colonial Politics | Government Affairs | Pennsylvania History | Philadelphia History 
 Genre:  Legal Records | Official Government Documents and Records | Political Correspondence | Printed Material 
 Subjects:  Non-importation agreements, 1768-1769 | Sons of Liberty | Stamp Act, 1765 | Tea tax (American colonies) 
4Author:  Braddock, Edward, 1695-1755Requires cookie*
 Title:  Manuscripts on Indian affairs, 1755-1792, [n.d.]     
 Dates:  1755-1792 
 Abstract:  These volumes contain an assortment of documents relating to colonial Pennsylvania's relations with Indian groups. Most notably, the collection contains journals and treaty minutes from the Seven Years' War, including a journal by Conrad Weiser, a manuscript version of Charles Thomson's "Enquiry into the Alienation," and official government records from the war. There are other documents that do not bear directly on Indian affairs. Most notably, there is a manuscript essay by Lewis Evans on German immigration that details the often brutal experience of immigrants' journey to Pennsylvania and proposes a series of reforms. There is also a printed essay in the back of the volume that opposes capital punishment and was printed in Philadelphia in 1792.

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 Call #:  Mss.970.4.M415 
 Extent:  2 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Diplomatic History | Law | Native America | Pennsylvania History | Seven Years' War | Social Life and Custom | Travel 
 Genre:  Diplomatic Material | Manuscript Essays | Official Government Documents and Records | Printed Material | Travel Narratives and Journals 
 Subjects:  Braddock's Campaign, 1755. | Delaware Indians | Indians of North America -- Pennsylvania | Indians of North America -- Treaties | Pennsylvania -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 | Shawnee Indians 
5Author:  Penn, William, 1644-1718Requires cookie*
 Title:  William Penn miscellaneous letters and documents, 1665-1801     
 Dates:  1665-1801 
 Abstract:  This collection of William Penn's miscellaneous documents and letters largely consists of material relating to the early settlement of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. There are also records that relate to William Penn's interests in the Jerseys. Most documents are from before 1710, although some do come after and some appear to be manuscript copies of older documents. Most of the documents are signed by or addressed to William Penn and have been published in various publications from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania and in the Papers of William Penn.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.P38 
 Extent:  4 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Colonial Politics | Military History | Pennsylvania History | Philadelphia History | Seven Years' War 
 Genre:  Business Records and Accounts | Maps and Surveys | Official Government Documents and Records | Political Correspondence | Printed Material 
 Subjects:  Land speculation | Sugar. 
6Author:  Feinstone, Sol,1888-1980,colleRequires cookie*
 Title:  The Sol Feinstone Collection of the American Revolution, ca. 1760s-1850s     
 Dates:  Circa 1760s-1850s 
 Abstract:  The Sol Feinstone Collection of the David Library contains a wide array of original documents relating especially to the American Revolution. The collection is particularly strong in military affairs and contains a variety of original letters from generals and prominent officers from both British and American forces. The collection has a notable number of items relating to George Washington and his family, including a deed from 1604 to Laurence Washington that contains an original seal from James I.

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 Call #:  Mss.B.F327 
 Extent:  27 Linear Feet 
 Topics:  American Revolution | Business and Skilled Trades | Colonial Politics | Colony and State Specific History | Diplomatic History | Early National Politics | Military History | Pennsylvania History 
 Genre:  Family Correspondence | General Correspondence | Military Records | Miscellaneous | Official Government Documents and Records | Political Correspondence | Printed Material