Resources in Early American History
Manuscript exactEssays in genre [X]
Conception -- Early works to 1800 in subject [X]
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1Author:  Questebrune, JohnRequires cookie*
 Title:  A Short Introduction to Natural Philosophy     
 Dates:  1718-1720 
 Abstract:  This volume compiles a wide array of scientific knowledge for the early eighteenth century. John Questerbrune wrote the volume between 1718 and 1720. It covers natural philosphy, medicine, astronomy, and the environment. The hand-written volume includes a series of sketches.

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 Call #:  Mss.500.Q3 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Literature, Arts, and Culture | Science and technology 
 Genre:  Art | Dissertations | Educational Material | Manuscript Essays | Maps and Surveys | Sketchbooks 
 Subjects:  Anatomy -- 18th century | Astronomy -- 18th century | Botany -- 18th century | Chocolate | Coffee | Conception -- Early works to 1800 | Death | Diseases | Medicinal plants | Mineralogy -- 18th century | Natural history -- 18th century | Occultism -- Early works to 1900 | Physics -- Ireland -- Early works to 1800 | Religion and science | Sympathy | Tea