Subject• | Abolition, emancipation, freedom |
| • | Advance (Brig) |
| • | Africa, West -- Description and travel |
| • | Agriculture -- Tennessee. |
| • | Algonquian Indians |
| • | American Academy of Music (Philadelphia, Pa.) |
| • | American Colonization Society |
| • | American Philosophical Society |
| • | Anatomy -- 18th century |
| • | Animal magnetism. |
| • | Anishinaabe |
| • | Antislavery movements -- Pennsylvania |
| • | Archaeology -- Pennsylvania |
| • | Arctic Regions -- Discovery and exploration |
| • | Artists -- Pennsylvania |
| • | Artists' materials |
| • | Astronomy -- 18th century |
| • | Astronomy. |
| • | Auroras. |
| • | Balloons. |
| • | Banks and banking -- United States. |
| • | Bee culture -- Great Britain |
| • | Bible - Criticism, interpretation, etc. |
| • | Bible stories, German. |
| • | Biology, genetics, eugenics |
| • | Blacks. |
| • | Blasting, Submarine |
| • | Blowpipe. |
| • | Books of Hours -- France |
| • | Botany -- 18th century |
| • | Botany. |
| • | Boundaries, State. |
| • | Braddock's Campaign, 1755. |
| • | Bridges -- 18th century |
| • | Cakchikel language |
| • | Canals -- New York (State) |
| • | Capital punishment. |
| • | Chemical apparatus |
| • | Chemistry |
| • | Chemistry -- Experiments. |
| • | Chemists -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia |
| • | Chocolate |
| • | Coffee |
| • | Colonization, repatriation |
| • | Commercial law -- United States. |
| • | Conception -- Early works to 1800 |
| • | Copernican system |
| • | Cosmography. |
| • | Creek Indians -- Government relations |
| • | Crops and soils. |
| 2 | Author: | Bruno, M. de | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Essai metaphysique, physique et phisiologistique relativement à la découverte de M. Mesmer, 1786
| | | Dates: | 1786 | | | Abstract: | This is a handwritten essay on Franz Mesmer and his claims to have healing and other metaphysical powers. Mesmer is today thought of as an early user of hypnosis. Throughout the 1770s and 1780s, he captivated French society. Marie Antoinette was particularly interested in his abilities. Finally, King Louis convened a scientific body in 1784 to examine the claims of Mesmer and his disciples. Benjamin Franklin, still in France as an American envoy, headed the committee, which debunked Mesmerism. The report can be found in the Papers of Benjamin Franklin and in the Diary of Benjamin Franklin Bache, both of which are at the APS.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.134.B83 | | | Extent: | 1 volume(s) | | | Topics: | Beyond Early America | Medicine | Natural history | Science and technology | | | Genre: | Manuscript Essays | | | Subjects: | Animal magnetism. | Hypnotism. | Mesmerism. | |
3 | Author: | unknown | Requires cookie* | | Title: | H. I. Z., Advice and instruction to the Palatines newly arrived in the Province of Pennsylvania
| | | Dates: | 1727 | | | Abstract: | This short piece offers a satirical take on some Philadelphians. Framed as a list of advice for new German immigrants, the piece has a more political tone in which it offers a critical appraisal of some prominent members of society and business. These two pages are in Benjamin Franklin's hand. Once thought to a work of Franklin's, since 1963, it has been believed that Franklin was not the original author of this piece.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.171.6.Z1 | | | Extent: | 1 item(s) | | | Topics: | Colonial Politics | Pennsylvania History | Philadelphia History | | | Genre: | Manuscript Essays | |
4 | Author: | Freeman, Tom | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Adviser advised by Tom Freeman, pseud.
| | | Dates: | n.d. | | | Abstract: | This single page is a manuscript essay in Benjamin Franklin's hand that attacks prominent proprietary figures in Pennsylvania's government, especially James Logan. The document is in a standalone volume, but it was originally part of Benjamin Franklin's papers. Not much is known about it. It may have been an essay submitted to him for publication in the Pennsylvania Gazette or, as scholars of Franklin have suspected, it could be an early, unpublished essay of Franklin's.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.172.2.F87 | | | Extent: | 1 item(s) | | | Topics: | Colonial Politics | Pennsylvania History | | | Genre: | Manuscript Essays | |
5 | Author: | Coxe, John Redman, 1773-1864 | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Observations & remarks tending to explain certain parts of the sacred scriptures, 1812-1813
| | | Dates: | 1812-1813 | | | Abstract: | John Redman Coxe was a premier physician in nineteenth century America best known for his work in medicine as a physician, teacher, and author. The John Redman Coxe Collection shows a different side of Coxe. The APS Collection is a bound, handwritten essay by Coxe entitled, "Observations and Remarks Tending to Explain Certain Parts of the Sacred Scriptures, 1812-1813." This fascinating and often-sophisticated volume deals with various arguments put forward by skeptics that challenge the accuracy of the Bible, with particular attention paid to Genesis. Coxe then offers his own rebuttal or the rebuttal of others. Coxe frequently challenges prevailing translations of Hebrew words, believing that more accurate definitions can sometimes solve confusion or controversy. Although the work was never published, it does offer insight into the types of debates about the Bible accessible to Americans in the nineteenth century.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.220.2.C836 | | | Extent: | 1 volume(s) | | | Topics: | Natural history | Religion | Science and technology | | | Genre: | Manuscript Essays | | | Subjects: | Bible - Criticism, interpretation, etc. | |
7 | Author: | Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790 | Requires cookie* | | Title: | To the freeholders and freemen
| | | Dates: | 1727 | | | Abstract: | This essay, written in 1727, advocates free and open election in Philadelphia. It criticizes the recent practice of governor's appointing assessors and other officers. Instead, it argues that more power should reside in the legislature of the colony. This document is in Benjamin Franklin's hand, although it is likely that Franklin transcribed a printed pamphlet published by Andrew Bradford.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.324.F85 | | | Extent: | 1 item(s) | | | Topics: | Colonial Politics | Pennsylvania History | Philadelphia History | | | Genre: | Manuscript Essays | |
8 | Author: | Galiani, Ferdinando, 1728-1787 | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Laws of neutrality
| | | Dates: | 1775 | | | Abstract: | Sometime in the 19th Century, Stephen Du Ponceau translated Ferdinando Galiani's famous tract on the laws of neutrality. These two bound volumes of Galiani's work appear to be in Du Ponceau's hand and bound within the text are long and detailed notes on the work. Du Ponceau's interest likely had to do with his legal career that dealt with issues of international trade, a focus that is a prominent part of Du Ponceau's papers at the APS.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.341.3.G13 | | | Extent: | 2 volume(s) | | | Topics: | Diplomatic History | International Affairs | Trade | | | Genre: | Manuscript Essays | | | Subjects: | International trade | Law. | Neutrality | |
9 | Author: | Vaux, Roberts,1786-1836. | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Address on the impolicy of slavery, 1824
| | | Dates: | 1824 | | | Abstract: | This collection contains the text of a speech Robert Vaux, a Philadelphia-area philanthropist, delivered to the Association for the Education of Men of Colour. The speech's content is aimed at criticizing the institution of slavery and its effects on society. Vaux's speech sometimes applies a comparative historical account of slavery, discussing its practice in Europe, such as in Sicily and during Roman times. More often, he describes the ill-effects of slavery on the economy and general development of slave societies, often drawing comparisons to what life is like in the free states.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.371.974.As7 | | | Extent: | 1 item(s) | | | Topics: | African American | Antebellum Politics | | | Genre: | Manuscript Essays | | | Subjects: | Abolition, emancipation, freedom | Slavery -- United States. | Slaves, slavery, slave trade | Social conditions, social advocacy, social reform | |
13 | Author: | Unidentified | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Criticism of Franklin's historical review of the constitution and government of Pennsylvania
| | | Dates: | Circa 1760 | | | Abstract: | This manuscript offers a critique of A Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania (1759). A Historical review was anonymously published, but it has been credited to either Benjamin Franklin or Richard Jackson. Written in the wake of the politically divisive 1750s, the pamphlet attacked the proprietors of Pennsylvania and the proprietary nature of the colonial government and defended the actions of the Assembly and Quaker Party during the Seven Years' War. The manuscript in the APS's vault was written in 1759 or 1760, likely in London. It defends the proprietor and the government in general. Largely unknown to historians, this manuscript provides insight into the deep political divisions within colonial Pennsylvania by offering a clear view into the beliefs of the proprietors and the proprietary party. The anonymous author of the work is almost certainly Thomas Penn. The manuscript was never published.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.974.8.C86 | | | Extent: | 1 volume(s) | | | Topics: | Colonial Politics | Pennsylvania History | Seven Years' War | | | Genre: | Manuscript Essays | |
14 | Author: | Keith, William, 1680-1749 | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Letter. . . To Mr. James Logan. . . On occasion of Mr. Logan's having sent to Sir William a copy of his printed paper called the Antidote
| | | Dates: | 1725 | | | Abstract: | This bound volume contains a long letter – more like an essay – from Sir William Keith, the governor of Pennsylvania, to James Logan, the secretary for the proprietors. The letter discusses Logan's recent pamphlet, "The Antidote." The letter was printed by Andrew Bradford in Philadelphia, and this handwritten copy was likely made of this printed pamphlet.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.974.8.K26 | | | Extent: | 1 volume(s) | | | Topics: | Colonial Politics | Pennsylvania History | | | Genre: | Manuscript Essays | |
17 | Author: | Trevelyan, Charles E.(Charles | Requires cookie* | | Title: | The natural process by which a conquered people in an inferior grade of civilization adopt the language and system of learning of their more civilized conquerors, 1832
| | | Dates: | 1832 | | | Abstract: | This manuscript essay from 1832 was written by Charles Trevelyan, the governor of Madras. Broken into eleven sections, he outlines the ways in which imperial governments can force assimilation and acculturation through state policies and institutions in India.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.954.T725 | | | Extent: | 1 volume(s) | | | Topics: | Beyond Early America | | | Genre: | Manuscript Essays | | | Subjects: | Imperialism. | |
19 | Author: | Rush, Samuel,1795-1859. | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Samuel Rush notebook, 1859
| | | Dates: | 1859 | | | Abstract: | This volume contains an assortment of essays presumably written by Samuel Rush. The topics are wide ranging and cover many cultural and social issues of the day. The opening essay critiques "public singers," while others touch on suicide, music, and public life.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.B.R895 | | | Extent: | 1 volume(s) | | | Topics: | Literature, Arts, and Culture | | | Genre: | Manuscript Essays | |
20 | Author: | Hays, I. Minis (Isaac Minis), 1847-1925 | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Biographical tributes to Caspar Wistar, 1918
| | | Dates: | 1918 | | | Abstract: | This volume contains a series of essays and papers that were read at the APS to mark the one-hundredth anniversary of Caspar Wistar's death. The essays contain information on Wistar's life and some include transcriptions of letters.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.B.W76a | | | Extent: | 1 volume(s) | | | Topics: | Medicine | | | Genre: | Manuscript Essays | |