Subject• | Abolition, emancipation, freedom |
| • | Admiralty |
| • | Admiralty -- United States |
| • | Advance (Brig) |
| • | Africa, West -- Description and travel |
| • | African American churches -- United States |
| • | African Americans -- History -- To 1863 |
| • | American Academy of Music (Philadelphia, Pa.) |
| • | American Colonization Society |
| • | American Philosophical Society |
| • | American loyalists. |
| • | Antislavery movements -- Pennsylvania |
| • | Apprentices -- Pennsylvania. |
| • | Archaeology -- Pennsylvania |
| • | Arctic Regions -- Discovery and exploration |
| • | Bank of the United States (1816-1836) |
| • | Bankruptcy -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia. |
| • | Banks and banking -- United States -- History -- 19th century. |
| • | Birds. |
| • | Chemistry -- 18th century |
| • | Church and State -- Great Britain -- 18th century |
| • | Cobbett, William, 1763-1835 |
| • | Colonization, repatriation |
| • | Commerce. |
| • | Commercial law -- United States. |
| • | Courts. |
| • | Deeds -- Pennsylvania. |
| • | Dinosaurs -- New Jersey |
| • | Eastern State Penitentiary (Philadelphia, Pa.) |
| • | Estate -- Valuation |
| • | Finance,Personal |
| • | France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 |
| • | Freedom of the seas. |
| • | Freemasons -- Pennsylvania |
| • | Genealogy. |
| • | Geological Survey of Pennsylvania |
| • | Geology -- Pennsylvania |
| • | Germans -- United States. |
| • | Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1789-1820 |
| • | Great Britain. High Court of Admiralty |
| • | Haviland, John, 1792-1852 |
| • | Hayes, I. I. (Isaac Israel), 1832-1881 |
| • | Indentured servants -- Pennsylvania. |
| • | Indians of North America -- Languages |
| • | Judges -- New Jersey. |
| • | Judges -- Pennsylvania. |
| • | Judicial opinions |
| • | Kane, Elisha Kent, 1820-1857 |
| • | Lancaster (Penn.) County Prison |
| • | Lancaster County (Pa.) -- History |
| 1 | Author: | Miller, Peter | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Register Book H, 1765-1777
| | | Dates: | 1765-1777 | | | Abstract: | The Peter Miller deposition book contains a wealth of information about the social life of Philadelphia. Miller was a notary public in the city and had many people appear before him on a variety of matters. The depositions can occasionally provide intriguing details about events and litigation that happened in Philadelphia. One deposition describes a controversy over a rotten tobacco shipment, while others deal with personal disputes over debts. Some of the depositions are in German, providing insight on the German community within Philadelphia.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.347.96.M615 | | | Extent: | 1 volume(s) | | | Topics: | Philadelphia History | | | Genre: | Legal Records | | | Subjects: | Legal documents. | Notaries -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia. | |
2 | Author: | New Hampshire.Admiralty Court. | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Lusanna Prize Case Records
| | | Dates: | 1777 - 1778 | | | Abstract: | Although the record states that this bound volume contains the proceedings of the controversial Admiralty Courts for New Hampshire, the court cases brought before it cover all of New England, especially Massachusetts. The records in this volume date from 1775 to 1778 and involve a single case brought against Elisha Doane from Wellfleet. A variety of evidence is included in this case, including copies of letters, cargo manifests, depositions, and court proceedings. The case appears to have continued until 1778. The last page is signed by Charles Thomson, secretary of the Continental Congress, who reports that the case files were sent to him, but he does not know why.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.973.3.N41 | | | Extent: | 1 volume(s) | | | Topics: | American Revolution | International Trade. | Law | Military History | | | Genre: | Legal Records | | | Subjects: | Admiralty | Lusanna (Vessel) -- Trials, litigation, etc. | Privateering -- New Hampshire | Prize-courts -- New Hampshire | Prizes -- Cases | |
6 | Author: | Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844 | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Sea terms in different languages, [n.d.]
| | | Dates: | n.d. | | | Abstract: | The Peter Stephen Du Ponceau Collection has a wide array of material. This entry refers to a dictionary of terms relating to the sea and seafaring (359.03 D92). This portion likely reflected both Du Ponceau's personal interest in linguistics and his career as a lawyer who specialized in international law and trade. This volume include terms from French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Danish.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.359.03.D92 | | | Extent: | 1 volume(s) | | | Topics: | International Trade. | Law | | | Genre: | Language Material | Legal Records | | | Subjects: | Language and languages | Philology. | |
11 | Author: | State Penitentiary for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania | Requires cookie* | | Title: | State Penitentiary for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Records
| | | Dates: | 1819-1955 | | | Abstract: | These two volumes record the admissions to Eastern State Penitentiary for the years 1839-1850 (excluding, apparently, 1844). The records contain a wealth of information about each prisoner admitted. The entries often contain a physical description of the inmate, a description of the crime(s) committed, and, occasionally, statements the prisoner made. Most entries contain a detailed biographical history of the prisoner that includes information on the background of the criminal, such as their family life, how they were raised, previous incarcerations, and the social habits of the prisoner, such as drinking in taverns or their religiosity.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.365.P381p | | | Extent: | 0.5 Linear Feet | | | Topics: | Government Affairs | Law | Philadelphia History | Social Life and Custom | | | Genre: | Legal Records | Official Government Documents and Records | | | Subjects: | Prisoners -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | Prisons -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | Women prisoners -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | |
14 | Author: | Fox, George, 1759-1828 | Requires cookie* | | Title: | George Fox letterbook, 1786-1797
| | | Dates: | 1786-1797 | | | Abstract: | This letter book contains the correspondence of George Fox, a prominent Philadelphian and associate of William Temple Franklin, for the years 1786-1797. Fox corresponded with William Temple Franklin extensively and discussed financial and political matters. Lands owned by Franklin and Fox in western Pennsylvania were frequently discussed, as were other investments and speculations. For much of this period, Franklin was in Europe and Fox served as Franklin's business representative in Pennsylvania.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.B.F832 | | | Extent: | 1 volume(s) | | | Topics: | Land and Speculation | | | Genre: | Business Records and Accounts | Legal Records | | | Subjects: | Real property -- Pennsylvania. | |
15 | Author: | Jones, Robert Strettel,1745-17 | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Robert Strettel Jones papers, 1761-1779
| | | Dates: | 1761-1779 | | | Abstract: | The Robert Strettell Jones Collection contains an assortment of small, but potentially interesting documents. Jones' notes from a course on metaphysics and rhetoric at the University of Pennsylvania are included in a bound notebook. Also from his college days, Jones apparently ran into trouble receiving his degree, crossing paths with Doctor Francis Allison, the vice provost. Jones' appeal and supporting documents are also included in the collection. During the British occupation of Philadelphia, Jones was accused of treason for helping raise arms and there are depositions taken to rebut this charge, including statements from prominent Philadelphians like Joseph Shippen.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.B.J732 | | | Extent: | 0.25 Linear Feet | | | Topics: | American Revolution | Education | Philadelphia History | | | Genre: | Educational Material | General Correspondence | Legal Records | | | Subjects: | Metaphysics. | Rhetoric. | Treason -- United States. | |
19 | Author: | unknown | Requires cookie* | | Title: | Documents relating to the Wyoming Controversy, 1751-1814, 1823
| | | Dates: | 1751-1823 | | | Abstract: | This volume relates to the controversy between Pennsylvania and Connecticut over control of the northern third of what is today Pennsylvania. While much of this documentation is available in printed sources – namely the Pennsylvania Archives and the Papers of the Susquehanna Company – these are originals of these documents. Some of the documents in the APS collection do not appear to be part of these printed collections, notably a series of legal documents and pronouncements that contain marginalia that may be of interest to historians. The documents span the entire period of the controversy, with the first documents dated from the 1750s and the last ones from the early nineteenth century. Many are manuscript copies of originals.
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| | | Call #: | Mss.974.83.D65 | | | Extent: | 1 volume(s) | | | Topics: | Colonial Politics | Pennsylvania History | | | Genre: | Legal Records | Official Government Documents and Records | | | Subjects: | Land settlement -- Pennsylvania. | |