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Diplomatic Material (1)
Travel Narratives and Journals[X]


Constitutional conventions -- United States. (1)
Indians of North America[X]
1Author:  Woodruff, Robert.Requires cookie*
 Title:  Robert Woodruff journal. December 17, 1785 - May 1, 1788     
 Dates:  1785-1788 
 Abstract:  This travel journal offers fascinating insight on the early republic. Robert Woodruff accompanied John Anstey, the official British emissary representing Loyalist claims, on his travels throughout the United States from 1785-1788. Woodruff travels corresponded with the drafting of the Federal Constitution and its ratification, and his journal often records observations on the debates surrounding the document. Among the more notable stories is that of a public procession in Boston after the ratification of the Constitution. Aside from the political, Woodruff gives detailed accounts of towns and cities he visited throughout the east coast. He often relays stories of the revolutionary war he hears and learns about as he travels. He also recounts dinners with some of the most prominent figures in the early republic, including one with George Washington at Mount Vernon. The details of his afternoon at Mount Vernon accounts for one of the longest entries. Finally, Woodruff also reports briefly on Native American affairs in the South and North. He discusses the Creek Indians and ongoing strife and war in Georgia. He also visited the Five Nations in New York.

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 Call #:  Mss.917.4.W852 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Diplomatic History | Early National Politics | Native America | Travel 
 Genre:  Diplomatic Material | Travel Narratives and Journals 
 Subjects:  Constitutional conventions -- United States. | Indians of North America