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1Author:  Benbow, John, Jr.Requires cookie*
 Title:  The Bee Book     
 Dates:  1846-1854 
 Abstract:  The "Bee Book" is a small, pocket-sized notebook kept by John Benbow, an amateur beekeeper. The journal is handwritten and has extensive and detailed sketches of beehives and beekeeping. The 250 page volume details beekeeping practices, customs, and stories. It contains a log of Benbow's practice from 1846-1854. The book is intended to be not only a guide to beekeeping, but also a source of entertainment and is filled with amusing anecdotes and sketches.

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 Call #:  Mss.630.4.B43 
 Extent:  1 volume(s) 
 Topics:  Beyond Early America 
 Genre:  Art | Diaries | Manuscript Essays | Sketchbooks 
 Subjects:  Bee culture -- Great Britain