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1.Title:  Sylvanus Griswold Morley Diaries (1905-1947)
 Dates:  1905 - 1947 
 Extent:  39 volumes  
 Locations:  Baltimore | Boston | Havana | Mexico City | New York | Philadelphia | Washington D.C. | Acajutla | Aguas Calientes | Albany | Albuquerque | Altar de Sacrificios | Amapala | Antonito | Apizaco | Baldwinville | Benque Viejo del Carmen | Bluefields | Cahabon | Cambridge | Camotan | Campeche | Cayo | Chable | El Ceibal | Chester | Chenku | Chichen | Chorro | Cliff Palace | Copan | Corozal | Esperanza | Flores | Guatemala City | Ithaca | Itza | Jocotan | La Junta | Little Ruin Canyon | Livingston | Merida | Metapan | Miami | Monte Alban | Nashua | New Orleans | Oaxaca | Orizaba | Pabellon de Arteaga | Palenque | Palizada | Palm Beach | Panzos | Paso Caballos | Peten | Piedras Negras | Piste | Prinzapolka | Progreso | Puebla City | Puerto Barrios | Puerto Cortez | Puerto Morelos | Puerto San Jose | Quetzaltenango | El Remate | Rio de Janeiro | Rochester | San Cristobal | San Francisco | San Lorenzo | San Pedro Sula | San Salvador | Santa Fe | Sayaxche | Sipacate | Socorro | Springfield | Swarthmore | Tapachula | Tegucigalpa | Ticul | Tikal | Topoxte | Trujillo | Tulum | Tuxtla Gutierrez | Uaxactun | Utila | Valladolid | Wilkes-Barre | Worcester | X-Kanchakan | Xocenpich | Yaloch | Zacapa | Zacatecoluca 
 Abstract:  The 39 volumes of Sylvanus ("Vay") Griswold Morley diaries span 42 years of the first-half of the twentieth century, and provide textured accounts of Morley's personal affairs, archaeological expeditions in Central and South America, and developments of World War I and II in South America. Morley began keeping a journal while he was in school (1905) and continued maintaining it until 1946, a year before his death the year before his death (1947). Notably, all entries are typed, enabling researchers to quickly scan volumes for specific interests. 
Morley's early diaries provide intimate accounts of personal affairs, including his romantic relationships and education at Harvard University. In addition to documenting his budding relationship with Alice Williams, whom he would marry in 1908 and divorce in 1914, Morley writes at length about the planning of his first field trip to the Yucatan (1906-07). During that trip, he provides rich accounts of Havana (2/4/1907), Uxmal (2/15/1907), and his first excavation (8/19/1907).
Starting in 1912, his diary takes on a closer resemblance to a field notebook, with detailed accounts of his excavations in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico. Interspersed in those records are fascinating accounts of the World War I and World War II, including oblique references to Morley's espionage work. For example, on January 9, 1914 he writes of a "curious telegram warning" from Washington: "'Make no affiliations in the C.matter. This is a danger signal. Await further advices.' I cannot imagine what this can mean. Is it a warning against H.? I sent the following reply: 'Have made no affiliations whatever. Will make none. Will preserve absolute secrecy and keep free from all entanglements. My case is in your hands. Am awaiting further instructions.' Think I will hear by Monday."
As the war unfolded, Morley recorded its effects in both Central and South America, including President Woodrow Wilson's "destructive" policy in Mexico (2/13/1914), the geopolitical scramble for Guatemala, and the "key-stone of the arch between the Rio Grande and the canal" (12/8/1917). Later, at the outset of World War II, Morley notes Japanese encroachment on the Dutch East Indies (2/19/1941), and even the attack on Pearl Harbor, "a series of shots that literally were heard around the world" (12/29/1941).
In fact, war proves disruptive for Morley's work. A colleague, Dr. Moise La Fleur, is killed during a Mexican chicleros attack (5/17-19/1916), an incident from which Morley does not soon recover. Moreover his excavation of Chichen Itza is badly delayed until 4/28/1924.
Nevertheless, researchers interested in both the history of South America and the field of archaeology will be rewarded with meticulous descriptions of excavations conducted between the 1920s-1940s.
The 39 volumes of Sylvanus ("Vay") Griswold Morley diaries span 42 years of the first-half of the twentieth century, and provide textured accounts of Morley's personal affairs, archaeological expeditions in Central and South America, and developments of World War I and II in South America. Morley began keeping a journal while he was in school (1905) and continued maintaining it until 1946, a year before his death the year before his death (1947). Notably, all entries are typed, enabling researchers to quickly scan volumes for specific interests.
Morley's early diaries provide intimate accounts of personal affairs, including his romantic relationships and education at Harvard University. In addition to documenting his budding relationship with Alice Williams, whom he would marry in 1908 and divorce in 1914, Morley writes at length about the planning of his first field trip to the Yucatan (1906-07). During that trip, he provides rich accounts of Havana (2/4/1907), Uxmal (2/15/1907), and his first excavation (8/19/1907).
Starting in 1912, his diary takes on a closer resemblance to a field notebook, with detailed accounts of his excavations in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico. Interspersed in those records are fascinating accounts of the World War I and World War II, including oblique references to Morley's espionage work. For example, on January 9, 1914 he writes of a "curious telegram warning" from Washington: "'Make no affiliations in the C.matter. This is a danger signal. Await further advices.' I cannot imagine what this can mean. Is it a warning against H.? I sent the following reply: 'Have made no affiliations whatever. Will make none. Will preserve absolute secrecy and keep free from all entanglements. My case is in your hands. Am awaiting further instructions.' Think I will hear by Monday."
As the war unfolded, Morley recorded its effects in both Central and South America, including President Woodrow Wilson's "destructive" policy in Mexico (2/13/1914), the geopolitical scramble for Guatemala, and the "key-stone of the arch between the Rio Grande and the canal" (12/8/1917). Later, at the outset of World War II, Morley notes Japanese encroachment on the Dutch East Indies (2/19/1941), and even the attack on Pearl Harbor, "a series of shots that literally were heard around the world" (12/29/1941).
In fact, war proves disruptive for Morley's work. A colleague, Dr. Moise La Fleur, is killed during a Mexican chicleros attack (5/17-19/1916), an incident from which Morley does not soon recover. Moreover his excavation of Chichen Itza is badly delayed until 4/28/1924.
Nevertheless, researchers interested in both the history of South America and the field of archaeology will be rewarded with meticulous descriptions of excavations conducted between the 1920s-1940s.
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  Selected Quotations
  • Anxiety about the Chichen Itza project: "I am good for nothing to-day. My anxiety is such that when I try to concentrate my heart jumps into my mouth. A thousand times look at my watch. It reads ten I think twelve in Washington. And so it has been all day. I have done my best now the only thing to do is to wait" (1/15/1914)

  • Acknowledges difficulty of diary-writing: "These annual diaries of mind begin (usually) the day I leave Washington and should continue until I get back, but in looking over them I find that they usually stop when I get back to civilization as expressed by some frontier-town at the edge of the bush on my last trip there into. Perhaps this year of 1922 I may do better but quien sabe, a real diary of events in these eventful countries is a real business to keep going and I may fall by the wayside" (1/10/1922)

  • On marriage and work: "How could I think that June morning of 1923 10 years ago as we sat around the big mahogany table in the Board Room of the Administration Building there in Washington, that just 10 years hence I would be concluding the arrangements with the Mexican Government, which that report then presented was to inaugurate. Just 10 years getting to it. The European War intervened, came too the smashing of my married life, and a tremendous change in me. From an old-fashioned, highly conservative, and unworldly young man, I have changed into—well at least I love my work and I hope have built higher and higher ideals for myself in it. As for the rest in a few years we are gone for always never never to return. Oppressive as that thought is, it is due to our own personal conceit, it is not too dreadful. This world is a delightful place to be alive in, and the privilege of living in it at all, is worth the pains and trials that living necessarily entails" (6/6/1923)
 Subjects:  Archaeology. | Aztec art. | Aztec architecture. | Carnegie Institute. | Central America. | Diaries. | Expedition | Mayan hieroglyphic research | South America. | Travel. | United States--Politics and government. | World War I. | World War II. 
 Collection:  Sylvanus Griswold Morley diaries, 1905-1947  (Mss.B.M828)  
  Go to the collection