Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers


Date: 1920-2000 | Size: 103.5 Linear feet


The Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers include correspondence to and from 20th century anthropologists, ethnologists, historians, linguists, and psychiatrists and provides a wealth of resources for the study of technological and social change, American Indians, culture and personality, revitalization movements, the anthropological study of religion, and the cultural and biological bases of behavior. In addition to Wallace's correspondence, research notes, and drafts, the collection includes Wallace family correspondence and photographs, as well as Wallace's writings from childhood through recent years.

Background note

Anthony F.C. Wallace (1923- ) embarked on an anthropological career at a young age as a research assistant to his father, ethnologist and historian Paul A.W. Wallace in the 1930s. After briefly studying at Lebanon Valley College, Anthony enlisted in the U.S. Army, which assigned him to the 14th Armored Division. On American soil for a good portion of his enlistment, the division served in the European Theater and participated in the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp in 1945.

After his discharge, Wallace began a lifelong association with the University of Pennsylvania's anthropology department, of which he eventually became chair. His initial, somewhat untraditional, choice of undergraduate majors--history and physics--reflected his desire to combine humanistic studies with scientific and technological approaches to the study of man, but the evolutionary perspective of James Frazer's The Golden Bough later guided him toward the most interdisciplinary of the social sciences--anthropology. Influenced by his father's work and his own interest in Indians, Wallace pursued graduate studies of the Delaware and Tuscarora Indians under the guidance of A. Irving Hallowell, Frank G. Speck, and Loren C. Eiseley, all direct intellectual descendants of Franz Boas. Speck had studied with Boas at Columbia, where Boas taught both Speck and Hallowell in one seminar. Speck and Eiseley, whom Speck had taught at Oberlin and brought to Penn, persuaded Hallowell, their former colleague, to return to Penn after a period at Northwestern. As an heir to the Boasian ethnographic tradition through Speck and Hallowell, Wallace inherited Boas' careful attention to methodology and his interdisciplinary conception of anthropology as encompassing physical, psychological, linguistic, and cultural studies. From his father and Speck, he inherited an interest in the rapidly disappearing cultures of the Northeastern Indians and a personal commitment to his research subjects. Through Hallowell, one of the principal figures in ethnopsychology, he learned to carefully describe behavior and psychological traits while considering the cognitive and emotional structures of his subjects. All of these he synthesized to create a unique blend of ethnology and history influenced by the social, behavioral, and biological sciences, thereby becoming one of the pioneers in the development of ethnohistory as a distinct field.

At Penn, Wallace earned his BA, MA, and Ph.D. in rapid succession. From men not known to bestow praise lightly, he received glowing recommendations that described him as a brilliant, yet humble, scholar and one of the best anthropology students with whom they had ever worked. Weaving Hallowell's psychological perspective into the study of Indian-white relations, his MA thesis examined the Delaware Indians and their chief Teedyuscung from a psychological, as well as historical, perspective. The work contained the seeds of Wallace's later work on revitalization movements, contrasting the demoralized eastern Delawares who accepted the Christian teachings of Moravian colonists with the more powerful western Delawares who developed a revitalized culture that rejected European influences. Published only a year later, King of the Delawares: Teedyuscung drew the attention of national publications and garnered largely favorable reviews. Francis Jennings, a frequent critic of Wallace's work, has opined that Wallace allowed theory to influence his presentation of data and that he relied heavily on psychoanalytic theory and biased historical accounts, perhaps overly so. Yet such tendencies often characterize the work of young scholars, as Jennings explains, and in the case of Teedyuscung, they do not detract significantly from its value as a work of anthropology. He also points out that Wallace's views toward the Quakers, quite harsh in Teedyuscung, later softened; in Death and Rebirth of the Seneca (1970), he wrote approvingly of the positive teachings and role models presented by the Quaker missionaries.

For his dissertation, Wallace took his cue from Hallowell, who encouraged his students to use Rorschach tests as a means of studying personality and culture, and Fenton, who had reviewed Hallowell's work and suggested its applicability to the Iroquois, and began an ethnopsychological study of the Tuscarora Indians. Wallace hoped to determine the personality type that occurred most frequently among the Tuscaroras and thereby to study the interaction of personality and culture. Although the modal personality occurred in only 37 percent of the population and thus did not represent the personality of most Tuscaroras, the study provided insight into common personality characteristics found among the Tuscaroras.

Indian research continued to occupy most of Wallace's time in the 1950s. In addition to an ongoing study of Seneca history and culture that he incorporated into several monographs and books, he devoted much of his free time from 1952 through 1959 to research, consulting, and testifying as an expert witness for legal cases before the Indian Claims Commission. Initially hired by the Joint Efforts Group, led by Felix Cohen, an attorney who initiated reform legislation affecting Indians during the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration, Wallace worked for several Indian nations from the eastern Iroquois to the western Sioux. The Justice Department team, headed by Erminie Wheeler Voegelin, included the Marxist anthropologist Harold Hickerson. Most of the cases dealt with the federal government's legal jurisdiction and/or rights to land (or lack thereof) in various Indian nations based on sovereignty granted to the nations in treaties of the 18th and 19th centuries.

In the midst of his research for the Indian claims, Wallace became indirectly involved in the notorious Joseph McCarthy hearings when McCarthy named Walter Lowenfels, the father of Wallace's assistant Michal Lowenfels Kane, as one of the leading Communists in Philadelphia. Lowenfels, avant garde poet of the 1920s and the editor of the Pennsylvania edition of the Daily Worker, was the oldest of the "Philadelphia Nine," leaders of the local Communist Party arrested and convicted under the Smith Act during a five-month federal trial. Despite her father's troubles and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's refusal to admit her to their library, Kane continued to work with Wallace.

During this time, he also began nearly twenty years of research on the Seneca Indians that culminated in the publication of Death and Rebirth of the Seneca (1970), perhaps his best known and most influential work. Originally planned as a biography of the Seneca prophet Handsome Lake, the project expanded into a detailed study of Seneca society, focusing on the prophet's role in "revitalizing" Seneca culture following a tumultuous period of social and cultural change in the late 18th century. After a descent into a personal maelstrom of alcoholism and near-madness that mirrored the turbulence in Seneca society, Handsome Lake underwent a personal transformation in which he experienced a series of visions and revelations. From these, he syncretized traditional Seneca religious beliefs with ideas of individual, social, and agricultural reform inspired by Quaker missionaries into a new religion through which he sought to revitalize his culture much as he had revitalized his personal life.

Wallace noted similarities between the psychological and physiological changes that accompanied religious inspiration such as Handsome Lake's, psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, and the personality changes associated with stress, social and cultural change, and disasters. Bringing an anthropological perspective to the increasingly accepted psychiatric theory that schizophrenia resulted from a genetic and/or biological predisposition awakened by psychological trauma, Wallace speculated that schizophrenia had both biological and cultural components, a theory he explored in "The Biocultural Theory of Schizophrenia" and "Mental Illness, Biology, and Culture."

Drawing from biological and cognitive psychological theories, he hypothesized that perhaps similar symptoms could arise in any individual undergoing psychological and physiological stress, a theory that developed into the concept of mazeway resynthesis. He noted that when individuals encounter experiences that challenge the "mazeways" through which they perceive and understand their worlds, their minds often become overwhelmed by conflict, resulting in cognitive dissonance, a state of psychological and (often) physiological turmoil. Applying Hans Selye's concept of general adaptation syndrome to the human mind, Wallace argued that attempting to exist in such discomfort often precipitates physical or mental illness. To resolve such conflicts, individuals must modify their mazeways to accommodate new, formerly troubling, elements, a process he termed "mazeway resynthesis." In more extreme cases involving prophets and psychiatric patients, Wallace believed that the altered physiological milieu resulting from stress engendered not only the process of psychological mazeway resynthesis but also the accompanying visions or hallucinations.

During this time, Wallace also developed his theory of revitalization movements, which in many ways extrapolates the concept of mazeway resynthesis to the larger society. He described five typical stages, which roughly correspond to the process of mazeway resynthesis, but at the social and cultural level. He theorized that revitalization movements, which he defined as "deliberate, organized, conscious attempts by some or all of the members of a society to construct for themselves a more satisfying culture." were more likely to occur in societies undergoing rapid and/or devastating social change. Most involved prophets who had experienced personal declines similar to that of Handsome Lake, which culminated in psychological states resembling schizophrenia, often accompanied by visions. Following these experiences, the prophets underwent personal transformations, communicated their visions and new insights to others, and synthesized old and new beliefs into new religions or ways of living that revitalized their cultures.

The intertwining themes of mazeway resynthesis and revitalization movements recurred throughout much of Wallace's work during this time, most notably in the first three books in a series of works that perhaps unintentionally fell into trilogies by subject matter. The first trilogy included Religion: An Anthropological View, Culture and Personality, and Death and Rebirth of the Seneca, all of which focused on the psychological, physiological, and cultural aspects of religion, the interaction of personality and culture, and the revitalization of individual personalities as well as cultures. In Religion, he eschewed a strictly critical view of religion in favor of an analytical approach that drew from historical, anthropological, psychological, and physiological sources. He particularly emphasized the ways in which religion and rituals serve as routes through which people achieve a sense of purpose and meaning that most people find difficult to achieve through their daily lives and as means of resolving conflicts that could threaten the existence of their cultures. With the rise of a more scientific and secular society, he foresaw a concomitant waning of institutionalized religious belief and its replacement with a non-deistic philosophy of concern for humanity. Religion moves beyond ethnological, historical, theological, and psychological theories and provides a thorough examination of the psychological and physiological aspects of ritual and religious belief.

Wallace's scientific analyses of religious beliefs and experiences, which disavowed supernatural influences and drew parallels between religious inspiration and schizophrenia, may not have endeared him to the more religiously inclined, but they did challenge previously held assumptions with regard to both religion and schizophrenia. Through his examination of the psychological, physiological, and cultural aspects of religious experiences and schizophrenia, Wallace raised vital questions regarding the role of religion in society and scientifically explained the ways in which individuals and societies react to change.

Breaking with the earlier cultural anthropological tradition of pure ethnographic description without historical context, Wallace advocated studies of cultural evolution that emulated the approach of evolutionary biology. In Culture and Personality, a scientific and at times quantitative analysis, he examined cultural evolution, the psychology of culture change, and the ways in which cultures provide cognitive frames of reference through which their members perceive and interpret events. . Using the relatively new method of componential analysis, Wallace and other anthropologists such as Floyd Lounsbury and Ward Goodenough used linguistic analysis, particularly in relation to kinship terminology, to study and describe cultures from the perspectives of those cultures rather than the perspectives of Western anthropologists.

Wallace's interests in anthropology, cognitive psychology, and biology found a home at the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute (E.P.P.I.) as the federal government and private foundations increased funding for interdisciplinary research in the 1950s and 1960s. As a consultant and later Director of Clinical Research at E.P.P.I., Wallace researched physiological, genetic, social, and cultural aspects of psychiatric disorders, particularly schizophrenia, arctic hysteria (piblokto), and disorders relating to nutritional deficiencies such as hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia. Applying anthropological concepts of linguistics and culture to psychiatric research, his work included studies on the terminology of emotions and the relation of hospital staff consensus to patient disturbance. During this time, Wallace also helped to develop a code of ethics for research with human subjects, following the lead of the National Institute of Mental Health, which in turn had followed guidelines established as a result of the Nuremberg War Crimes trials.

Through his affiliation with various committees during the 1960s and 1970s, Wallace continued his interdisciplinary work through studies of the psychological effects of disasters and the association between television viewing and social behavior. His influential study Housing and Social Structure, published by the Philadelphia Housing Authority, explored the negative psychological impact of living in high-rise public housing years before widespread popular criticism of such structures. Wallace also presciently argued against the popular psychological conception of homosexuality as a mental illness during the 1960s when he served as a consultant on the National Institute of Mental Health's Task Force on Homosexuality.

Throughout his years of psychiatric and sociological research, Wallace remained rooted in anthropological modes of analysis while maintaining a strong interdisciplinary perspective. As president of the American Anthropological Association in the early 1970s, he sought to bring related organizations under its umbrella and to resolve ethical conflicts such as the controversy sparked by federal efforts to recruit anthropologists for counterinsurgency missions in politically volatile nations such as Thailand.

Following the 1970 publication of Death and Rebirth, Wallace moved away from American Indian studies for several years and turned to the study of technological and social change in white America during the 19th century from an anthropological perspective. This served as the theme of his second trilogy of works, which included Rockdale, The Social Context of Innovation, and St. Clair. Inspired by his rural Delaware County, Pennsylvania surroundings, Wallace began to explore the area's history in local historical societies and courthouses, where he found a wealth of information on early 19th century textile mills and Delaware County families. From public records, county histories, and collections of personal papers, he created an evocative portrait of the Rockdale area, which he combined with an analysis of the development of industrialization into the detailed ethnohistorical study Rockdale: The Growth of an American Village in the Early Industrial Revolution (1978). Rockdale examined the paternalistic relationship between the evangelical Christian proponents of early industrial capitalism and their employees, their conflicts with freethinking radicals or "infidels," and the ultimate triumph of Christian capitalism in Delaware County, a microcosm of the larger American society. Although one might be tempted to assume that the industrialists cynically dosed their workers with religious opium as a means of subduing incipient labor troubles, Wallace demonstrates through his careful analysis of their words and actions that the textile mill owners and operators did, for the most part, live exemplary lives that reflected their belief in hard work and personal salvation.

Shortly after completing Rockdale, Wallace pursued a work that he considered its companion study, one that would study the effects of a less successful model of industrialization in American society. St. Clair: A Nineteenth Century Coal Town's Experience with a Disaster-Prone Industry (1985) explored how coal operators' disregard of geologists' warnings regarding Pennsylvania coal region geology and their failure to apply new technological innovations led to inefficient mining techniques, poor mine ventilation, and frequent accidents and explosions. Despite a thriving economy fueled by the 19th century demand for coal, the Pennsylvania coal region eventually deteriorated into economic and social disaster, replete with mining accidents, ethnic conflicts, and violence against coal operators and mine supervisors. Financially troubled small coal operators often blamed accidents not on their own failures but on Irish laborers bent on retribution against the mining companies. This developed into the true yet semi-legendary story of the Molly Maguires, whose crimes, trials, and executions became the episodes for which the coal region is perhaps best known. In St. Clair, Wallace not only analyzed the region's most prominent coal operators and the economists and industrialists who influenced them, but also painted a vivid portrait of life in the coal towns and mine patches. Although St. Clair lacks some of the warmth and familiarity that characterizes Rockdale, perhaps because of his relative distance from its subject, as Francis Jennings has noted, Wallace's work remains one of the few detailed and well-researched accounts of Pennsylvania coal region history.

Between these two massive studies, Wallace sandwiched a shorter study, The Social Context of Innovation (1982), which incorporated his research on the textile industry with his then in-progress study of the coal region. In Social Context, he described the interrelationship of technology and culture during the Industrial Revolution and the ways in which technological innovation arose from as well as resulted in social change, contrasting the Darby family's successful model of industrialization in Coalbrookdale, England with the unsuccessful examples found in Pennsylvania's coal region.

The third trilogy of works consisted of Prelude to Disaster: The Black Hawk War of 1832 (1990) The Long Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians (1993) and Thomas Jefferson and the Indians: The Tragic Fate of the First Americans (1999), all of which focus on Indian-white relations, and particularly government policy toward the Indians. With these works, Wallace resumed his study of American Indians but with an emphasis on their relations with the United States government and with a more pessimistic flavor than his earlier Indian research. Prelude to Disaster and The Long Bitter Trail developed out of Wallace's research for Indian claims cases and examined, respectively, the tragedies of the Black Hawk War and Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policies. Originally published as the introduction to Ellen Whitney's compilation Introduction to the Black Hawk War, 1831-1832, this brief (51-page) work traces the course of Indian-white relations in Illinois that culminated in the Black Hawk War. The Long Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians details the misguided and often racist policies that led the federal government to drive the southeastern Indians from their land to reservations in Oklahoma. Thomas Jefferson and the Indians: The Tragic Fate of the First Americans, his most recent work, explores Jefferson's often-conflicted relationship with the American Indian. Wallace believes that Jefferson viewed the Indians as a noble yet doomed race, whose history and language he sought to preserve while pursuing policies that ultimately would destroy their way of life.

Since his 1987 retirement, Wallace has remained an active and influential scholar, as evidenced by the three works described above and by his recent talks on the benefits and limitations of local history, which incorporate materials he used for his studies of Rockdale and St. Clair.

Scope and content

The voluminous Anthony Wallace Papers contain a wealth of material for scholars of anthropology, history, and psychiatry. At first glance, the collection appears quite eclectic, yet common themes of technological, social, and cultural change unite the seemingly disparate subjects, providing a broad range of source materials for the study of technological and social change, American Indians, personality and culture, revitalization movements, the cultural and biological bases of behavior, and Pennsylvania history, particularly that of Delaware and Schuylkill Counties.

Along with Wallace's correspondence to and from such anthropologists as Frank G. Speck, A. Irving Hallowell, William N. Fenton, Floyd Lounsbury, and others, the collection includes extensive correspondence with knowledgeable local historians, reflecting Wallace's awareness of the benefits as well as the liabilities of their homegrown knowledge. There is extensive correspondence from Merle Deardorff of Warren, Pennsylvania and Robert Scherr of Schuylkill County; Deardorff's correspondence in particular provides a wealth of information on Iroquois history and traditions as well as the occasional sharp and uncompromising criticism of Wallace's work.

Wallace's research notes, drafts of his works, and photocopies of primary source material from various repositories and reprints of secondary sources comprise the majority of the collection. His assemblage of 19th century census and tax records, church records, and local histories for the Pennsylvania towns of Rockdale and St. Clair provides researchers with a centralized resource of materials from various repositories. Card files of information collected on various families of Delaware and Schuylkill Counties represent a valuable resource for scholars of Pennsylvania history as well as genealogists. The reprints, on topics ranging from social and technological change, personality and culture, and psychiatric research to Indian history and Pennsylvania coal region history appear in the subseries related to these subjects.

News clippings and magazine articles related to Wallace's work appear throughout the collection. The most significant include articles on federal efforts to recruit anthropologists for counterinsurgency and other politically-motivated missions, particularly in Thailand, and the Kinzua Dam controversy, when the state of New York built a dam that flooded much of the historic Cornplanter Grant on the Allegany Reservation. The collection also contains extensive materials on the Indian land claims cases of the 1950s, in which Wallace served as an expert witness.

Notes and research materials for Wallace's works since 1990 are not currently included in the collection, but Series IV, Works by Wallace, does include the original manuscript draft of his 1999 work on Thomas Jefferson and the Indians under the working title Logan's Mourner.

In addition to documenting the Wallaces' professional careers, the collection documents the personal side of their family through correspondence, photograph albums, and histories dating from the 1920s that also describe 19th century people and events. The family albums include three histories compiled by Paul A.W. Wallace; two histories compiled by Paul Wallace's father, clergyman Francis Huston Wallace; 19th century images of Wallace ancestors, homes, and the Wallace family library; photographs of Anthony Wallace and his brother David from childhood through adulthood; and Anthony Wallace's World War II scrapbook of photographs from his military service, which includes original photographs of Germany in 1945. The collection also includes Anthony Wallace's scrapbooks and notebooks as well as his writings from childhood through adolescence.

Digital objects note

This collection contains digital materials that are available in the APS Digital Library. Links to these materials are provided with context in the inventory of this finding aid. A general listing of digital objects may also be found here.

Collection Information


Restrictions on Use:

The following items are closed to researchers for 75 years from the date of creation:

  1. Rorschach tests conducted on Tuscarora Indians (Series II A, boxes 6 and 7, 1947-1951)
  2. Notes from psychiatric studies and tapes and transcripts of counseling sessions at the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute (Series VII, boxes 7, 8, and 9, 1958-1961)
  3. Student recommendations from the University of Pennsylvania (Series VIII, boxes 9 and 10, 1955-1988).


Gift of Anthony F.C. Wallace, 1988, 1999-2000 and Presented by David H. Wallace, 1967.

Preferred citation

Cite as: Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers, American Philosophical Society.

Processing information

Catalogued by Valerie Anne Lutz, 2003. This version of the finding aid is missing headers that clarify internal order within certain sections. A fuller, earlier form of the finding aid is available from APS staff. A full subject index to the collection is also available from APS staff.

Related material

APS possesses the papers of a few of Anthony Wallace's colleagues in the department of anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. See also the papers of Ward Goodenough (Mss.Ms.Coll.120), Dell Hymes (Mss.Ms.Coll.55), and Ruben Reina (Mss.Ms.Coll.67).

African American History Note

The Wallace Papers contain at least one set of materials which may be of interest to students of African American History:

Lott, Steve. [Student at West Chester State College.] "Slavery." 1972.

Photocopied introduction to Lott's paper "Industrialization and the Black Population in S.E. Penna., 1780-1840." Includes 36 bibliographic index cards pertaining to sources in African American history in Pennsylvania, focusing on slavery and abolitionism. Also includes a photocopy of Joseph E. Walker's "A Comparison of Negro and White Labor in a Charcoal Iron Community" from the journal Labor History, volume 10, number 3 (1969).

Indexing Terms

Corporate Name(s)

  • Akwesasne Counselor Organization
  • Mohawk nation at Akwesasne
  • Six Nations Indian Museum

Family Name(s)

  • Du Pont de Nemours family
  • Du Pont family
  • Smith Family


  • Carte de visite photographs
  • Gelatin silver prints
  • Gouaches -- Color
  • Maps.
  • Negatives
  • Newspaper clippings.
  • Photographs
  • Photomechanical prints
  • Postal cards.
  • Rorschach tests
  • Scrapbooks.
  • Sketches.
  • Slides.
  • Tintypes
  • Woodcuts -- Color

Personal Name(s)

  • Akweks, Aren, 1910-2008
  • Baird, Henry Carey, 1825-1912
  • Blacksnake, Governor, circa 1753-1859
  • Broomall, John Martin, 1816-18
  • Burhoe, Ralph Wendell 1911-
  • Carey family
  • Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839
  • Carpenter, Edmund, 1922-2011
  • Chittibhol, Bancha (Thai stude
  • Clay, Henry, 1777-1852
  • Congdon, Charles E. (Charles Edwin)
  • Cornplanter, 1732-1836
  • Cornplanter, Jesse J.
  • De Laguna, Frederica, 1906-2004
  • Deardorff, Merle H., d.1971
  • Eiseley, Loren C., 1907-1977
  • Fenton, William N. (William Nelson), 1908-2005
  • Fogelson, Raymond
  • Foster, Michael K.
  • Gowen, Franklin B. (Franklin B
  • Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974
  • Handsome Lake, 1735-1815
  • Hsu, Francis K.
  • Jackson, Halliday,1771-1835.
  • Jennings, Francis P.
  • Kehoe, John, 1837-1878
  • Lammot family
  • Lounsbury, Floyd Glenn, 1914-1998
  • Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978
  • Parker, Arthur Caswell, 1881-1955
  • Richter, Daniel (two letters,
  • Sellers family
  • Siney, John, 1835-1881
  • Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950
  • Spindler, George D.
  • Spiro, Melford Elliott
  • Sturtevant, William C.
  • Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015
  • Wallace, Paul A. W.
  • Witthoft, John


  • Abolition, emancipation, freedom
  • American Anthropological Association
  • American Philosophical Society
  • Anishinaabe
  • Anthracite coal industry -- United States -- Pennsylvania
  • Anthropology -- Methodology
  • Anthropology -- Research
  • Anthropology -- Study and teaching.
  • Arctic hysteria
  • British Americans -- Pennsylvania -- Schuylkill County
  • Cemeteries -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County
  • Chester County (Pa.) -- History
  • Coal -- Geology -- Pennsylvania
  • Coal mine accidents -- Pennsylvania -- History
  • Coal trade -- Pennsylvania -- History
  • Cognition and culture
  • Counterinsurgency -- Thailand
  • Cross-cultural studies
  • Cults
  • Culture
  • Delaware County (Pa.) -- History
  • Delaware Indians -- New York (State) -- History
  • Delaware Indians -- Pennsylvania -- History
  • Disasters
  • Disasters -- Psychological aspects
  • Disasters -- Social aspects
  • Domestic relations -- Pennsylvania -- 19th century
  • Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute (Philadelphia, Pa.)
  • Education -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
  • Ethnicity -- Pennsylvania -- History
  • Ethnohistory
  • Ethnopsychology
  • Geology -- Pennsylvania
  • Germans -- Pennsylvania
  • Goodenough, Ward Hunt
  • Haudenosaunee
  • Hypocalcemia
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Indians of North America -- Claims
  • Indians of North America -- Government relations
  • Indians of North America -- Missions
  • Indians of North America -- New York (State) -- History
  • Industrialization -- Pennsylvania -- History
  • Industries -- Pennsylvania -- History
  • Inuit -- Greenland
  • Irish -- Pennsylvania
  • Iron industry and trade -- History
  • Iroquois Indians -- Civilization and social life
  • Iroquois Indians -- Folklore
  • Iroquois Indians -- Government relations
  • Iroquois Indians -- History
  • Iroquois Indians -- Religion
  • Iroquois Indians -- Rites and ceremonies
  • Iroquois Indians -- Social conditions
  • Iroquois Indians -- Social life and customs
  • Kinzua Dam (Pa.)
  • Labor and laboring classes -- Pennsylvania -- History
  • Labor movements -- History
  • Labor, industrialization
  • Lowell (Mass.) -- History
  • Millenialism
  • Mills and millwork
  • Molly Maguires
  • National Science Foundation
  • Nativistic movements
  • Nutrition -- Psychological aspects
  • Onondaga Indians
  • Paranoia
  • Pennsylvania -- History
  • Personality and culture
  • Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company
  • Piblokto
  • Power (Social sciences)
  • Prophets
  • Psychiatric hospital care
  • Psychiatry
  • Psychobiology
  • Psychology
  • Psychology and religion
  • Psychotherapy patients
  • Quakers -- Pennsylvania
  • Railroads -- Pennsylvania -- History
  • Religion
  • Religion and science
  • Revitalization movements
  • Rockdale (Pa.) -- History
  • Rorschach test
  • Schizophrenia
  • Schizophrenia -- Genetic aspects
  • Schizophrenia -- Physiological aspects
  • Schizophrenics
  • Schuylkill County (Pa.) -- History
  • Seneca
  • Seneca Indians -- History
  • Seneca Indians -- Religion
  • Seneca Indians -- Social life and customs
  • Slaves, slavery, slave trade
  • Social change
  • Social movements
  • Social sciences -- Methodology
  • Society of Friends
  • St. Clair (Pa.) -- History
  • Strikes and lockouts -- Coal mining -- United States -- Pennsylvania
  • Technological innovation
  • Technology -- Social aspects
  • Textile industry
  • Textile machinery
  • Textile manufacturers -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County
  • Textile workers -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County
  • Transportation -- Pennsylvania -- History
  • Tuscarora Indians
  • Tuscarora Indians -- Social life and customs
  • Working class -- United States -- History -- 19th century
  • World War, 1939-1945

Collection overview

 11 lin. feetBox 1-23

Series I consists of Anthony F.C. Wallace's correspondence, primarily professional, interspersed with personal letters. Reflecting Wallace's meticulous attention to detail, the correspondence includes almost all outgoing as well as incoming letters. The 2048 correspondents include anthropologists and historians, both professional and amateur; American Indians, government officials, military officers, students, publishers, and readers of his work. Subjects include technological, social, and cultural change; Seneca and Iroquois history and culture; revitalization movements; personality and culture; linguistics; Delaware County history; and Pennsylvania coal region history, the University of Pennsylvania, and psychiatric research, particularly in relation to schizophrenia.

Wallace corresponded most extensively with his father Paul, anthropologist William N. Fenton, local historian Merle H. Deardorff of Warren County, Pennsylvania, and Ralph W. Burhoe, founder of Zygon and the Institute for the Study of Religion in an Age of Science. Other significant correspondents include his early mentors Frank G. Speck and A. Irving Hallowell and colleagues Francis K. Hsu, Raymond D. Fogelson, and Francis Jennings.

The correspondence between Anthony and Paul Wallace, with topics ranging from anthropological and historical research to family matters, provides a rare glimpse into the personal and professional relationship between two generations of an academic family. Spanning the first twenty years of Anthony Wallace's career, the correspondence shows the gradual evolution of Paul and Anthony's relationship from one of father/mentor and son to one of professional colleagues. The family correspondence also includes letters between Anthony and his brother David during World War II and letters from his father Paul A.W. Wallace to other family members, one of which describes the infant Anthony a few days after his birth.

The correspondence with Fenton and Deardorff contains detailed discussions of Iroquois history and culture and reflects not only their admiration and respect for one another but also the varied opinions of Iroquoian scholars. Particularly noteworthy examples include Fenton and Wallace's disagreement with regard to the Indian wampum controversy and Deardorff's occasionally sharp and uncompromising criticism of Wallace's work, particularly with regard to his statements regarding Cornplanter's life and family. The Deardorff correspondence, some of which also appears in Series II, also includes intriguing analyses of the lineage and clan memberships of Cornplanter, Handsome Lake, Blacksnake, and others based on their names and references to them and other family members.

The extensive correspondence with Ralph Burhoe is not as unlikely as it might initially appear, given Wallace's interests in religion and science. In lengthy and detailed letters, Burhoe discussed Wallace's theories of mazeway resynthesis as applied to religious inspiration and described his own attempts to reconcile religious belief with scientific knowledge, which led to the founding of Zygon and the Institute for the Study of Religion in an Age of Science.

The disappointingly spare correspondence with Hallowell reveals little, consisting largely of administrative material relating to the University of Pennsylvania. The letters between Speck and Wallace, although less extensive than one might hope due to their unfortunately short association that ended with Speck's death in 1950, still provide insight into one of Wallace's most influential professional relationships and complement the extensive Speck materials at the APS. Despite a few reservations regarding Wallace's psychological analysis of Teedyuscung, the only book-length Wallace work Speck lived to see, Speck's support for Wallace's work shines through in his encouraging and complimentary words regarding an early draft.

Hsu's correspondence includes discussions of kinship terminology and linguistic analysis interwoven with personal letters that reveal a warm friendship, with several references to family visits. As might be expected, correspondence with colleagues Fogelson and Jennings include reviews of each other's drafts, some of which appear in the correspondence and elsewhere in the collection. The Jennings correspondence reflects their frequent differences of interpretation

Other interesting and noteworthy correspondents include Tuscarora Indian Mina Brayley Smith, whom Wallace met during his research in the late 1940s, Bancha Chittibhol, a student who maintained contact with Wallace after her return to Thailand and sent a great deal of material relating to Thai culture, and Margaret Kint, who described her personal experiences with schizophrenia and became an advocate for research into the biological aspects of schizophrenia.

Additional correspondence regarding particular research topics or institutions and committees with which Wallace was affiliated may be found in Series II, VI, VII, VIII, and IX, including additional correspondence with Merle Deardorff, Robert Scherr, and others that Wallace kept with the materials to which it pertained.

 23 lin. feetBox 24-73

The largest series in the collection, Series II contains Anthony F.C. Wallace's research notes, drafts, photocopies of primary source material from various repositories, and correspondence that he filed with his research notes. The six subseries reflect Wallace's arrangement of his materials, which are also reflected in the organization of bibliographies in his respective works.

1947-19754.5 linear feet

Notes and drafts from Wallace's research among the Seneca and Tuscarora Indians. Materials include field notes, notes and photocopies from primary and secondary sources, and several issues of the Allegany Reservation newsletter Oh-Ho-Ye-Noh (1970-1972). Although restrictions exist on the Tuscarora Rorschach tests because of the sensitive personal information revealed, the series includes unrestricted censored versions and summary reports as well as the published work Modal Personality of the Tuscarora Indians as Revealed in the Rorschach Test.

Correspondence that Wallace filed with his notes also appears in Series II A, which includes correspondence with local historian Merle H. Deardorff of the Warren County (Pa.) Historical Society. The Deardorff correspondence contains detailed descriptions of Iroquois (particularly Seneca) history and culture, with thorough discussions and analyses of the lives of Cornplanter, Handsome Lake, and Blacksnake, and other Indians of New York State and Pennsylvania.

Related Indian materials appear in Subseries B, Revitalization and Culture; Series III, Bibliographic Notecards, which includes card files of primary and secondary source notes; Series XI, Photographs, which contains Indian reservation photographs taken by Wallace and his father, and in the Paul A.W. Wallace portion of the collection.

1950-19704.5 linear feet

Notes and drafts from Wallace's research on revitalization movements, personality and culture, cognition and culture, and religion. Materials include handwritten notes, photocopies of primary and secondary sources, and componential analyses of linguistic terminology. Some material overlaps with that in Subseries A, Indian Research.

1970-19953 linear feet

Notes and drafts relating to Wallace's study of technological innovation and its interaction with social and cultural change. Materials include handwritten notes, photocopies of primary and secondary sources, and several papers from conferences and talks on technology and social change.

1971-19958 linear feet

Materials from Anthony F.C. Wallace's research on the Rockdale area of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, particularly with regard to its mills and industries, but also including extensive information on well known families such as the Smiths and du Ponts. The Rockdale subseries includes notes, extensive photocopies of primary and secondary sources, papers from conferences and talks on Rockdale, Delaware County, and industrialization, student seminar papers related to industrialization and Delaware County history, and the original handwritten manuscript of Rockdale.

A unique item also appears with the Rockdale materials: an original 19th century account book from the Sharpless-Worrall company, which apparently supplied mills with raw materials and equipment. Several familiar Delaware County names such as Lammot, Pennell, Willcox, and others appear in the book.

Series III, Notecards, contains information on bibliographic sources for Rockdale and census data on Rockdale area families. Series XI, Photographs contains over 300 photographs and over 3000 slides of textile mills and machinery and the Rockdale area, a dream collection for historians of industrialization and Delaware County.

1978-19999 linear feet

Materials from Anthony F.C. Wallace's research on the St. Clair, Schuylkill County area of the Pennsylvania coal region, including notes, drafts, photocopies of primary and secondary sources of material relating to Pennsylvania coal region history and detailed analyses of census data for the town of St. Clair, and papers from conferences and talks on St. Clair, Schuylkill County, industrialization, and the role of the hero, particularly as represented by the industrialist, in 19th century America.

A valuable central resource for the study of Pennsylvania coal region history, with copies of rare items from repositories and libraries throughout Pennsylvania, the St. Clair subseries contains a wealth of material on coal mining, coal miners and labor organizations, Schuylkill County and Pennsylvania coal region history and the Molly Maguire crimes and trials. In addition to photocopies of most major 19th and 20th century sources on coal region history, arranged by author, the series contains primary source materials culled from several area repositories. These include deeds, correspondence, and other materials from Pennsylvania families as the Wetherills, Careys, and others influential in coal region history as well as notes and correspondence relating to the Pinkerton National Detective Agency's investigation of the Molly Maguires.

The St. Clair subseries also includes three linear feet of photocopies of Miners' Journal newspaper articles from 1830 to 1878, which Wallace and his wife Betty extracted and arranged by subject, thereby creating an index of sorts for a publication that has no known index.

Series III, Notecards, contains additional information on bibliographic sources for St. Clair, census data on St. Clair families, notes on prominent Schuylkill County individuals, and an alphabetical card file of miners injured and killed, which provides a less time-consuming alternative to researching the chronologically-arranged state mine accident reports for St. Clair. Series XI, Photographs, includes over 100 photo reproductions of 19th century prints and photographs depicting coal mining and the Pennsylvania coal region from the Historical Society of Schuylkill County.

1946-198515 linear feetBox 74-114

Index cards with notes on primary and secondary sources for Anthony F.C. Wallace's research on American Indians, Arctic Hysteria (Piblokto), Rockdale, St. Clair, and Indian claims.

ca.1937-19998 linear feetBox 115-132

Manuscripts, reprints, and reviews by Anthony F.C. Wallace. Works range from his earliest childhood writings to published writings.

ca.1950-19881 linear footBox 133-134

Manuscripts, reprints, and reviews by colleagues of Anthony F.C. Wallace. Most works by others appear throughout other series; this series consists of those that Anthony F.C. Wallace maintained separately.

1951-199510 linear feetBox 135-153

Materials relating to Anthony F.C. Wallace's private consulting work and his affiliation with various professional organizations, government agencies, and committees from 1951 through 1995, including minutes, reports, correspondence, and other administrative records for the following:

Although the committee files contain a great deal of routine administrative correspondence, most include reports of interest to those researching American society and culture in the mid to late 20th century. The American Anthropological Association records contain extensive information on the controversy sparked by government efforts to recruit anthropologists for counterinsurgency efforts in politically volatile nations such as Thailand and include several copies of "underground" or independent political publications. The U.S.-U.S.S.R. records include papers by Russian anthropologists and several items published in the Russian language.

  1. American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  2. American Anthropological Association (President, 1971-1972)
  3. American Association for the Advancement of Science: Chairman, Section H
  4. American Philosophical Society: Committee on Library
  5. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Mental Health Research Foundation: Research Advisory Committee
  6. Foundation's Fund for Research in Psychiatry: Board of Directors
  7. National Institute of Mental Health: Behavioral Science Study Section
  8. National Institute of Mental Health: Fellowship Review Panel, Behavioral Sciences
  9. National Research Council: Committee on Disaster Studies
  10. National Research Council: Division of Behavioral Sciences
  11. National Science Foundation: Social Science Research Advisory Committee, (chairman 1970-1971)
  12. New Jersey Neuro-Psychiatric Institute: Technical Advisory Committee
  13. Philadelphia Housing Authority (Philadelphia, Pa.)
  14. Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior
  15. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment : Space Program Advisory Panel
  16. U.S. Office of Education: Environment Panel, Cooperative Research Program
  17. U.S. Office of Education: Research Advisory Council
  18. U.S.-U.S.S.R. Commission on the Social Sciences and the Humanities (sponsored by American Council of Learned Societies): U.S. Subcommission on Anthropology
  19. Veterans Administration Hospital (Perry Point, Md.)
  20. Woodrow Wilson Center, Smithsonian Institution: Advisory Council, Program in American History and Culture
1955-19804.5 linear feetBox 154-162

Materials relating to Anthony F.C. Wallace's affiliation with the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute (E.P.P.I.) from 1955-1980. The series includes notes and reprints relating to psychiatric research as well as administrative materials and correspondence relating to E.P.P.I.'s Clinical Research Department.

The psychiatric research includes material on the physiological, genetic, social, and cultural aspects of psychological disorders, particularly schizophrenia. Material relating to Eskimos and the study of arctic hysteria (piblokto), which shares some similarities with Seasonal Affective Disorder, also comprises a significant portion of the series and includes information on the psychological effects of nutritional deficiencies such as hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia. The series also includes an early paper on premenstrual tension. Although about one-third of the series consists of restricted materials such as tapes and transcripts of personality and family studies conducted at E.P.P.I., the unrestricted portion provides detailed information on the clinical research department of a psychiatric hospital in the mid 20th century as well the relationship between physiological and psychological disorders.

1946-19905 linear feetBox 163-171

Materials relating to Anthony F.C. Wallace's half century of affiliation with the University of Pennsylvania, excluding committee work, which appears in Series VI. Materials include notes and syllabi for courses taken (1946-1950) and taught (1948-1988) by Wallace at the University of Pennsylvania, 1946-1985 and student dissertations for which Wallace served as advisor. Anthropological instructors include Frank G. Speck, A. Irving Hallowell, Theodore Stern, Wilton Krogman, Froehlich Rainey, Loren Eiseley, Frederica de Laguna, and Linton Satterthwaite. Particularly significant are notes for courses taught by Frank G. Speck, as Speck's papers include little material relating to his University of Pennsylvania tenure.

 15 linear feetBox 172-199

Materials relating to Anthony F.C. Wallace's extensive research as an expert witness during the Indian Claims Commission hearings, in which various Indian nations attempted to reclaim land taken from them by the federal government. The subseries includes Wallace's notes, photocopies of and extensive typewritten transcriptions of primary and secondary sources relating to American Indians, treaties, and land settlements; trial transcripts, and associated correspondence with attorneys, Indians, and the Indian Claims Commission.

1930-19881 linear footBox 200-201

Materials related to Anthony F.C. Wallace's personal life, including autobiographical notes; diaries from his military service during World War II, histories of his paternal and maternal families; two "early manuscripts" from 1930, high school and church information from Annville, Pennsylvania, and other miscellaneous items. The series also includes professional items that Wallace filed with his personal information, such as certificates and awards; recommendations from professors, employment offers, and letters of appointment for positions at the University of Pennsylvania.

 3 linear feetSee oversized boxes in LH-B-25 and OS folders stacked on the green cabinet adjacent to the locked black cabinet on the basement level of Library Hall.

Maps associated with Anthony F.C. Wallace's research on the Seneca and Tuscarora Indians, Indian nations throughout the United States during research for hearings of the Indian Claims Commission, the Rockdale area of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, the St. Clair area of the Pennsylvania coal region, and from his anthropological coursework at the University of Pennsylvania from 1947-1951.

Not individually catalogued

 9 linear feet

Photographs associated with Paul A.W. Wallace's fieldwork among the Indians of Pennsylvania, New York State, and Ontario and Anthony F.C. Wallace's research (1947-1985) on American Indians, industrialization, the Rockdale area of Delaware County, Pennsylvania and the St. Clair area of the Pennsylvania coal region, and Wallace family photograph albums. Original photographs of Indians taken by Paul and Anthony Wallace comprise a relatively small but valuable portion of the series. The bulk of the photographs represent Wallace's Rockdale research, with over 300 photographs and over 3,000 slides of textile mills and machinery and the Rockdale area. A relatively smaller but significant portion of the series consists of photo reproductions of 19th century prints and photographs depicting coal mining and the Pennsylvania coal region from the Historical Society of Schuylkill County.

The seven personal and family photograph albums include three family albums with histories written by Paul A.W. Wallace, two written by his father Francis Huston Wallace, and a scrapbook and World War II album compiled by Anthony F.C. Wallace. The photographs include images of Wallace ancestors, homes, and the Wallace family library; photographs of the Paul A.W. Wallace family, including photographs of Anthony Wallace and his brother David from childhood through adulthood; and photographs of the Anthony F.C. Wallace family from the 1940s through the 1960s.

The family albums provide a rare glimpse into the personal life of two American scholars as well as a documentation of an American family in the 19th and 20th centuries. The World War II album not only documents the military service of an American soldier, but also graphically depicts the Germany of 1945; subjects include landscapes, bombed buildings, German soldiers, concentration camp ovens and a grisly image of a charred foot.

One rare and unusual photograph also appears in the series: a photograph of Albert Einstein with Anthony Wallace's aunt, taken aboard a ship during a trip abroad to renew his passport.

Wallace Family papers, Native American Images note : Nearly 4,000 black and white silver gelatin photographs; black and white negatives; pencil and ink sketches; photomechanical prints; news clipping photographs; watercolor paintings; postcards; color slides; and maps of Iroquois tribes of the Six Nations Confederacy, particularly Tuscarora and Mohawk, from 1932-1977. Images represent the research of Paul A. W. Wallace and Anthony F. C. Wallace, father and son anthropologist. Paul's photograph collection presents traditional ethnographic images of social life and customs: dwellings, ceremonies, utensils, clothing, and individual portraits of Iroquois, with half of the material attributed to Akwesasne Mohawk Ray Fadden (Tehanetorens). Anthony's ethno-psychological emphasis is displayed in images of arctic hysteria suffered by Inuits and traditions of Tuscaroran culture. Of particular interest, pictographs by Lawrence H. Leder of Robert Livingston Indian records, watercolor paintings by Ray Fadden's son John, original drawings by Seneca Jesse Cornplanter and Tuscaroran Nellie Gansworth, and tintype and carte de visite portraits. Photographs taken by the Wallaces, except where noted. Images can be found in Paul Wallace's Correspondence, Series I; Anthony Wallace's Indian research, Series IIa; Graphic Series and Oversize collection. Oversize maps include Native American linguistic and tribal settlement distributions in northeastern United States and southeastern Canada from 1525-1850. Some references in Freeman's Guide to manuscripts relating to the American Indian and the manuscript sketch files.

Detailed Inventory

 Series I. Correspondence
 11 lin. feetBox 1-23

Series I consists of Anthony F.C. Wallace's correspondence, primarily professional, interspersed with personal letters. Reflecting Wallace's meticulous attention to detail, the correspondence includes almost all outgoing as well as incoming letters. The 2048 correspondents include anthropologists and historians, both professional and amateur; American Indians, government officials, military officers, students, publishers, and readers of his work. Subjects include technological, social, and cultural change; Seneca and Iroquois history and culture; revitalization movements; personality and culture; linguistics; Delaware County history; and Pennsylvania coal region history, the University of Pennsylvania, and psychiatric research, particularly in relation to schizophrenia.

Wallace corresponded most extensively with his father Paul, anthropologist William N. Fenton, local historian Merle H. Deardorff of Warren County, Pennsylvania, and Ralph W. Burhoe, founder of Zygon and the Institute for the Study of Religion in an Age of Science. Other significant correspondents include his early mentors Frank G. Speck and A. Irving Hallowell and colleagues Francis K. Hsu, Raymond D. Fogelson, and Francis Jennings.

The correspondence between Anthony and Paul Wallace, with topics ranging from anthropological and historical research to family matters, provides a rare glimpse into the personal and professional relationship between two generations of an academic family. Spanning the first twenty years of Anthony Wallace's career, the correspondence shows the gradual evolution of Paul and Anthony's relationship from one of father/mentor and son to one of professional colleagues. The family correspondence also includes letters between Anthony and his brother David during World War II and letters from his father Paul A.W. Wallace to other family members, one of which describes the infant Anthony a few days after his birth.

The correspondence with Fenton and Deardorff contains detailed discussions of Iroquois history and culture and reflects not only their admiration and respect for one another but also the varied opinions of Iroquoian scholars. Particularly noteworthy examples include Fenton and Wallace's disagreement with regard to the Indian wampum controversy and Deardorff's occasionally sharp and uncompromising criticism of Wallace's work, particularly with regard to his statements regarding Cornplanter's life and family. The Deardorff correspondence, some of which also appears in Series II, also includes intriguing analyses of the lineage and clan memberships of Cornplanter, Handsome Lake, Blacksnake, and others based on their names and references to them and other family members.

The extensive correspondence with Ralph Burhoe is not as unlikely as it might initially appear, given Wallace's interests in religion and science. In lengthy and detailed letters, Burhoe discussed Wallace's theories of mazeway resynthesis as applied to religious inspiration and described his own attempts to reconcile religious belief with scientific knowledge, which led to the founding of Zygon and the Institute for the Study of Religion in an Age of Science.

The disappointingly spare correspondence with Hallowell reveals little, consisting largely of administrative material relating to the University of Pennsylvania. The letters between Speck and Wallace, although less extensive than one might hope due to their unfortunately short association that ended with Speck's death in 1950, still provide insight into one of Wallace's most influential professional relationships and complement the extensive Speck materials at the APS. Despite a few reservations regarding Wallace's psychological analysis of Teedyuscung, the only book-length Wallace work Speck lived to see, Speck's support for Wallace's work shines through in his encouraging and complimentary words regarding an early draft.

Hsu's correspondence includes discussions of kinship terminology and linguistic analysis interwoven with personal letters that reveal a warm friendship, with several references to family visits. As might be expected, correspondence with colleagues Fogelson and Jennings include reviews of each other's drafts, some of which appear in the correspondence and elsewhere in the collection. The Jennings correspondence reflects their frequent differences of interpretation

Other interesting and noteworthy correspondents include Tuscarora Indian Mina Brayley Smith, whom Wallace met during his research in the late 1940s, Bancha Chittibhol, a student who maintained contact with Wallace after her return to Thailand and sent a great deal of material relating to Thai culture, and Margaret Kint, who described her personal experiences with schizophrenia and became an advocate for research into the biological aspects of schizophrenia.

Additional correspondence regarding particular research topics or institutions and committees with which Wallace was affiliated may be found in Series II, VI, VII, VIII, and IX, including additional correspondence with Merle Deardorff, Robert Scherr, and others that Wallace kept with the materials to which it pertained.

 Abel, Marianne
19762 items
 Abelson, Philip
19701 item
 Aberle, David Friend, 1918-
1954-19728 items
 Aborn, Murray
1962-197614 items
 Abrams, Ray Hamilton, 1896-
1956-19624 items
 Abrams, Sam
19693 items
 Acker, Wendy
19635 items
 Ackerman, Kenneth
1959-19692 items
 Ackerman, Robert, 1935-
1962-198010 items
 Adams, John M.
19896 items
 Adams, Mrs. K. Bruce
19621 item
 Adams, Richard N.
1962-19812 items
 Adams, Robert McC.
1973-19809 items
 Adams, Walter Randolph
19781 item
 Addison-Wesley Press
19622 items
 Adelman, Fred
1956-195810 items
 Adis, Abby
19731 item
 Adumuah, E.N.
19722 items
 Aginsky, Burt
19522 items
 Air Force Personnel and Training Research Center (U.S.)
19567 items
 Akweks, Aren
1952, 19552 items
 Al-Faruqi, Isma'il R., 1921-
19731 item
 Albany, Mrs. George A.
19842 items
 Albert Einstein College of Medicine
19584 items
 Albert Einstein Medical Center
19674 items
 Albright College
19891 item
 Albritton, Errett C. (Errett Cyril), 1890-
19632 items
 Alderfer, E. Gordon
19548 items
 Aldine Publishing
19731 item
 Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
1968-198179 items
 Allegheny College (Meadville, Pa.)
1954-19766 items
 Alley, Thomas R.
19631 item
 Alpert, Harry, 1912-
19591 item
 Altschuler, Milton
19661 item
 American Anthropological Association
1962-199129 items
 American Anthropologist
1957,1972-198918 items
 American Antiquarian Society
1954, 19824 items
 American Association for the Advancement of Science
1952-197323 items
 American Association of Retired Professors
19893 items
 American College of Hospital Administrators
19533 items
 American Council on Education
19641 item
 American Ethnological Society
19563 items
 American Heritage Publishing Company
19841 item
 American Historical Review
1974-19837 items
 American Indian Culture and Research Journal
19792 items
 American National Biography
19938 items
 American Orthopsychiatric Association, Inc.
1962-19676 items
 American Philosophical Society
1951-1991142 items
 American Psychological Association
19551 item
 American Society for Technion
19641 item
 American Sociological Review
1952-19635 items
 Ames, Michael M., 1933-
1958-19636 items
 Amis, William D.
19562 items
 Amplifier Corporation of America
195814 items
 Amsden, Diana Avery
1970-19712 items
 Anderson, George C.
19541 item
 Anderson, Jon
19653 items
 Anderson, Terese M.
1990-199211 items
 Anderson, William H.
19681 item
 Andre, James M.
19674 items
 Andrews, Egbert W.
1968-19806 items
 Angel, J. Lawrence (John Lawrence)
19571 item
 Animal Secrets
19672 items
 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1957-19627 items
 Annual Reviews Inc.
19693 items
 Anthony, E. James
19701 item
19762 items
 Antioch College
19627 items
 Antis, Claude S.
19702 items
 Appadurai, Arjun
1978-19834 items
 Appel, Kenneth E.
 Applezweig, Mortimer H.
19571 item
 Aquila, Richard
19744 items
 Archambaud, Molly N.
19693 items
 Archea, John
19703 items
 Architectural Forum
19572 items
 Arctic Health Research Center
19592 items
 Arctic Institute of North America
1962-19633 items
 Arensberg, Conrad Maynadier
19621 item
 Armstrong, David F.
19711 item
 Armstrong, Robert
19612 items
 Armstrong, William H.
19752 items
 Aronfreed, Justin Manuel, 1930-
ca.196020 items
 Aronoff, Joel
19623 items
 Aronson, Dan R.
19622 items
 Atkins, John
1959-19644 items
 Atkinson, John W.
19552 items
 Atlantic Monthly
19543 items
 Atwood, Kenneth L.
19622 items
 Auchincloss family
19791 item
 Axtell, James
1975-19807 items
 Babcock, Charlotte G.
1953-19543 items
 Bahnson, Claus
1970-19766 items
 Bailey, Clark J.
1969-19739 items
 Bain, Mary T.
19642 items
 Baker, Dwight P.
19721 item
 Balderston, C. Canby, 1897-
19521 item
 Baldwin, Alfred Lee, 1914-
19553 items
 Baldwin, John D., 1941-
19691 item
 Balikci, Asen, 1929-
19694 items
 Balzer, Marjorie Mandelstam
19872 items
 Banks, E. Pendleton
19621 item
 Barbehenn, Cathy Steen
19822 items
 Barkun, Michael
1971-19766 items
 Barnard, Robert D.
19561 item
 Barnett, James H.
 1 item
 Barnholth, Wm. I.
1955-19573 items
 Barnouw, Victor
19622 items
 Baron, Mitchel D.
19721 item
 Barr, William H.
19732 items
 Bartlett, F. Lewis
19632 items
 Bartz, John
19671 item
 Baruah, Amrit
19671 item
 Basic Book Service
19583 items
 Bass, William M., 1928-
19622 items
 Bauer, Catherine
1951-19528 items
 Bauman, Richard
19671 item
 Bauman, Robert F.
19551 item
 Bausch, Christa
19662 items
 Bayor, Ronald H.
19802 items
 Beaglehole, Ernest, 1906-
 Beals, Ralph Leon, 1901-
1964-19654 items
 Beamesderfer, Sam H.
19742 items
 Beck, Horace
19761 item
 Becker, Marshall Joseph
1961-198927 items
 Becker, Steven J.
19706 items
 Beker, Jerry P.
19596 items
 Bell, Robert F.
19694 items
 Bell, Whitfield J. [Whitfield Jenks]
1967-198330 items
 Belshaw, Cyrus S.
19581 item
 Benderly, Beryl Lieff
1969-19746 items
 Benet, F.
19591 item
 Benjamin, Richard Charles
19511 item
 Bennett, Wendell Clark, 1905-1953
19522 items
 Benson, Margaret
 Bentley, Amy
19891 item
 Benton, Raymond Jr.
1978-19803 items
 Berde, Stuart
19822 items
 Berg, Ivar E.
19851 item
 Berg, Kenneth
19622 items
 Berger, David
19582 items
 Bergin, James F.
n.d.1 item
 Berkhofer, Robert F.
1957-19792 items
 Berkowitz, Samuel H.
19593 items
 Bernard, H. Russell [Harvey Russell], 1940-
19761 item
 Berne, Henry
19691 item
 Berson, Elaine S.
19752 items
 Berwitz, Clement J., 1905-
19692 items
 Biechler, James E.
19831 item
 Bieder, Robert E. (Robert Eugene), 1938-
19752 items
 Billig, Otto
19731 item
 Bilu, Yoram
19773 items
 Bird, Caroline
19572 items
 Birr, Kendall
19751 item
 Blackford, Frank R.
1972-197416 items
 Blackie, Ian
19743 items
 Blankenship, Roy, 1943-
19831 item
 Blau, Harold
1963-19664 items
 Blumberg, Baruch S., 1925-
19692 items
 Blumenfeld, Ruth

See McKay, Ruth Blumenfeld

 Bobbs-Merrill Company
196413 items
 Bobrow, Davis B.
19641 item
 Bobrow, Sue B.
19617 items
 Bock, Philip K.
19622 items
 Boder, David P.
19552 items
 Boehm, Christopher
 Boggs, Stephen T.
1962-196713 items
 Bohannan, Laura
19711 item
 Bohannan, Paul
1962-197412 items
 Boissevain, Jeremy
19623 items
 Boisvert, Alain
19771 item
 Bollingen Foundation
19541 item
 Bolton, Ralph
19721 item
 Book Find Club
19541 item
 Book-of-the-Month Club
19542 items
 Books for Libraries, Inc.
19706 items
 Borie, Greta
19832 items
 Born, David O.
19684 items
 Boston University
19893 items
 Boszormenyi Nagy, Ivan, 1920-
1960-196713 items
 Bourguignon, Erika, 1924-
1955-19624 items
 Bowles, Gordon Townsend
19648 items
 Bowman, Frank
19802 items
 Brandeis University
1964-19899 items
 Braschi, Vincent
19823 items
 Brayley, Mina
1952-19586 items
 Brennan, John C.
19905 items
 Brewer, George F.
19621 item
 Bridenbaugh, Carl
1975-19794 items
 Briggs, Peter S.
19872 items
 Brodsky, Samuel
19521 item
 Bromberg, Jo Ann
1977-199063 items
 Brooks, Margaret
19691 item
 Brooks, Patricia Laiching
19753 items
 Brown University
1972-19845 items
 Brown, Cecil H., 1944-
1974-19757 items
 Brown, Jerry
19733 items
 Brown, Joanne
19782 items
 Browne, Donald E.
19721 item
 Bruner, Edward
1967, 19736 items
 Brunvand, Jan Harold
19722 items
 Bryant, Nancy
19581 item
 Bryn Mawr College
1982, 19875 items
 Brzezinski, Zbigniew K. 1928-
19744 items
 Buchanan, Barbara S.
19843 items
 Buchler, Ira R.
1966, 19804 items
 Bucknell Review
1969-19702 items
 Buddy, Robert S.
19662 items
 Buettner-Janusch, John 1924-
19733 items
 Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society
19531 item
 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
19571 item
 Bunker, Barbara E.
19792 items
 Burch, Ernest S. 1938-
19781 item
 Burdell, Edwin Sharp 1898-
19531 item
 Burger, Henry G. 1923-
1963-198510 items
 Burhoe, Ralph Wendell 1911-
1961-19832 folders
 Folder 1
1961-197069 items
 Folder 2
1970-198370 items
 Burks, Arthur W. (Arthur Walter), 1915-
19773 items
 Burling, Robbins
1964-19746 items
 Burton-Bradley, B.G.
1974-19778 items
 Bush, Robert
19581 item
 Bux-Mont Unitarian Fellowship
19644 items
 Buxbaum, Melvin H.
19832 items
 Cabell, Richard
19692 items
 Cabral, Edward
1981,19872 items
 Cadbury, Warder H.
19594 items
 Cadiz, Victoria
19722 items
 Caldwell, Lynton K. (Lynton Keith), 1913-
19653 items
 California State Personnel Board
19572 items
 Callaway, Chaudoin III
19743 items
 Cambra, Nancy
19723 items
 Cambridge University Press
 Campbell, Robert D.
1965-19706 items
 Campisi, Jack
 Camurca, Zelia S?viana
19791 item
 Cannel, Ward
1973-197618 items
 Carlson, Liz
19841 item
 Carlson, Robert G.
19822 items
 Carnegie Institute of Technology--Graduate School of Industrial Administration
19582 items
 Carnegie Institution of Washington
19541 item
 Carneiro, Robert L. (Robert Leonard), 1927-
19631 item
 Carpender, Sydney B.
19684 items
 Carpenter, Edmund Snow 1922-
1952-195828 items
 Carr, William K.
1956-19592 folders
 Carreras, Lou
19771 item
 Carroll, Anne B.
19672 items
 Carta, Mark R.
19742 items
 Carter, Edward Carlos 1928-
1981-198725 items
 Casagrande, Joseph Bartholomew, 1915-
1953-19736 items
 Catlett, Stephen
19832 items
 Caudill, William A.
1956-19625 items
 Caughey, John L., 1941-
1973-198010 items
 Cauthen, Nathan
19721 item
 Center for the Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
19561 item
 Center for the Study of Man Smithsonian Institution
19741 item
 Centre de Recherche et D'analyse en Sciences Humaines
19832 items
 Challenger Center
19871 item
 Chamber of Commerce of Greater Philadelphia
19671 item
 Chamberlain, Dwight Lewis
19673 items
 Champagne, Duane
19822 items
 Chance, Norman
19631 item
 Chapman, Dwight W.
19542 items
 Chard, Chester S.
 Charles Scribners Sons
19725 items
 Chazanof, William
19542 items
 Cheatum, E. Leonard
19643 items
 Chicago National Historical Museum
19651 item
 Chinas, Beverly
19882 items
 Chinese University of Hong Kong
197310 items
 Chittibhol, Bancha
 Folder 1
196553 items
 Folder 2
196539 items
 Folder 3
196541 items
 Folder 4
196572 items
 Seven Portuguese publications and several postcards

(see oversize box)

 Chmurny, William W.
19623 items
 Choe, Sang-goo
19822 items
 Chu, Clayton
19831 item
 Churchill, Henry S.
 Cimino, Louis F.
19801 item
 Citizens' Housing and Planning Council of New York
19591 item
 Clark University
19521 item
 Clark, A. McFayden
1975, 19812 items
 Clark, Margaret
1957-19586 items
 Clark, Robert D.
1962-196313 items
 Clausen, John A.
1951-19567 items
 Clemence, Gretchen
19624 items
 Clendenen, H. Franklin
19625 items
 Cleveland Foundation
19711 item
 Clifton, J.F.
19761 item
 Cochran, Thomas Childs, 1902-
195710 items
 Codere, Helen
1964-19653 items
 Coelho, George V.
 Coffman, Robert J.
19834 items
 Cohen, Eugene
1962-19654 items
 Cohen, Lucy
1954-19573 items
 Cohen, Martin M.
n.d.1 item
 Cohen, Sidney, 1910-
19572 items
 Coile, Jennifer
19742 items
 Coker, Gulbun
19621 item
 Cole, Fred
19662 items
 Cole, George Jr.
19712 items
 Cole, John
1962-19653 items
 Cole, Michael
19751 item
 Coleman, Michael
19753 items
 Collazo, Liz
19861 item
 College of William and Mary
19642 items
 Collier, Malcolm
1964-197110 items
 Collins, Caroline
19592 items
 Columbia University
1959-1973, 19807 items
 Columbia University Press
1976-19795 items
 Community Planning Association of Canada
19582 items
 Comparative Studies in Society and History An International Quarterly
1959-19898 items
 Condominas, Georges
19721 item
 Confrey, Eugene A.
 Congdon, Charles E.
1951-196811 items
 Conklin, Harold C.
1956-19597 items
 Conlon, Paula
19821 item
 Connelly, Gordon M.
19562 items
 Contemporary Films, Inc.
19595 items
 Conyers, Claude
19822 items
 Cook, John P.
19632 items
 Cook, Peter S.
19703 items
 Coon, Carleton Stevens, 1904-
19631 item
 Coonrad, Robert W.
19671 item
 Cooper, Chester L.
19732 items
 Cooper, Ralph
19663 items
 Cope, Oliver, 1902-
1966-19687 items
 Copernicus Society of America
19731 item
 Corning, Peter A.
19712 items
 Cornplanter, Jesse
19521 item
 Corwin, Ronald G.
19663 items
 Couch, Stephen Robert
19851 item
 Coulter, Robert T.
19757 items
 Cox, Margaret J.
19711 item
 Cox, Stephen
19721 item
 Cozin, Mark
 Craig, Alice J.
19625 items
 Crapanzano, Vincent
19702 items
 Crawford, Diane
19822 items
 Cremin, Lawrence Arthur, 1925-
19721 item
 Cromie, William J.
19731 item
 D'Andrade, Roy G.
1972-19743 items
 D'Angelo, Jim
19804 items
 D'Aquili, Eugene G., 1910-
1974, 19792 items
 D. Van Nostrand Company
19641 item
 Daiutolo, Robert
19872 items
 Dales, George
19702 items
 Dalzell, Robert F.
n.d.4 items
 Danforth Foundation, Saint Louis, Mo.
 Daniels, Robert Vincent
19712 items
 Dark, Philip John Crosskey
19653 items
 Darnell, Regna, 1943-
1983-197520 items
 Dauer, William T.
19812 items
 Davenport, William
1961, 19643 items
 David, Nicholas, 1937-
 Davidson, Richard J.
19755 items
 Davies, Leon T.
19701 item
 Davies, William E.
19672 items
 Davis, Derek
19831 item
 Davis, Helen I.
19711 item
 Davis, John E.
1954-19557 items
 Davis, Margaret
19721 item
 Davis, Mindy
19812 items
 Davis, Nancy Yaw
1975-198612 items
 Davis, V. Terrell
19582 items
 Day, Gordon M.
19772 items
 De Vos, George A.
19622 items
 Dean, R.F.A. [Reginald Francis Alfred]
19622 items
 Dean-John, Hazel
19783 items
 Deardorff, Merle H.
1961-197059 items
 Devereux, George, 1908-
1958-19596 items
 Dexter, Lewis Anthony
1959, 19742 items
 Diamond, John Diamond Baron, 1907
197024 items
 Dickey, John M.
19721 item
 Diggory, Sylvia [Farnham-Diggory, Sylvia]
19652 items
 Dike, Kenneth Onwuka
19635 items
 Diners Club
19682 items
 Dinsmore, Doug
19741 item
 DiRenzo, Gordon J.
19744 items
 Ditman, Keith S.
19592 items
 Dixon, James P.
19547 items
 Dixon, Josephine
19622 items
 Dixon, Rebecca
19723 items
 Dobkin de Rios, Marlene
 2 folders
 Folder 1

Other Descriptive Information: Folder originally labeled "De Rios, Marlene Dobkin"

 Folder 2
1970-198125 items
 Dodge, Ernest Stanley
1952-19533 items
 Donerly, C.G.
19512 items
 Donnenworth, Gregory
19621 item
 Donnorummo, Robert Pepe, 1944-
19742 items
 Doubleday and Company, Inc.
1958,19702 items
 Douglass, E.
19792 items
 Dowling, Sheila
1962-19636 items
 Downey, Gary L.
19843 items
 Doyle, Richard L.
19572 items
 Dreger, James Mason
19551 item
 Du Bois, Cora
1953-19634 items
 Du Toit, Brian M., 1935-
19672 items
 Dubhorn, Wilbert C.
19813 items
 Dudley, Mrs. George
 Duerr, Hans Peter
 Duke University
1963-19642 items
 Dunn, Gary
19721 item
 E.P. Dutton Firm
1955, 19683 items
 Earle, Louis P.
19727 items
 Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute
19561 item
 Eaton, Joseph W.
19571 item
 Ebihara, May
19822 items
 Eddy, Henry Howard
19515 items
 Edinger, Tilly, 1897-
19588 items
 Edmonds, Marilyn
19774 items
 Edson, Robert
19561 item
 Educational Expeditions International
19741 item
 Educational Testing Service
19694 items
 Eggan, Fred, 1906-
1969, 19802 items
 Ehrich, Robert W.
19702 items
 Eiseley, Loren C., 1907-1977
1948-197725 items
 Eisenstadt, S.N. [Shmuel Noah], 1923
1956-19627 items
 Eister, Allan W.
19714 items
 Elder, Jacob D.
19624 items
 Eleutherian Mills Hagley Foundation
1955-197621 items
 Elias, Pearl
19724 items
 Eliot, Thomas D.
19551 item
 Elizabethtown College
19732 items
 Elmore, Lee
19672 items
 Embree, Lester E.
19802 items
 Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.
1970-19749 items
 English, James R.
19854 items
 English, Nicholas Conover
19541 item
 English, Spurgeon
19551 item
 Erickson, Lee
19901 item
 Esman, Aaron H.
19672 items
 Espinola, Julio Cesar
19652 items
 Essaf, Louis
1970-19712 items
 Estroff, Sue E.
19863 items
 Et al [Los Angeles], serial
19723 items
19563 items
19911 item
1972, 19795 items
 Euler, Robert C.
1972, 19793 items
 Excerpta Medica
1952-1953, 19597 items
 Eyer, Joseph
19733 items
 F.G. Ludwig, Inc.
19551 item
 Fabrega, Horacio
1969, 19735 items
 Fadden, Ray

See Akweks, Aren

 Fales, Catherine
19592 items
 Fane, Diana
19822 items
 Fane, Hannah
 Farnham-Diggory, Sylvia

See Diggory, Sylvia

 Farr, Gail E.
19822 items
 Farris, Nancy
1974-19752 items
 Farrugia, Mary Aida
 Faust, Drew Gilpin
1974-19796 items
 Favazza, Armando R.
19743 items
 Fay, Marion
1965-19664 items
 Fay, Peter
 Feintuch, Bert
19862 items
 Feit, Harvey
1969, 197010 items
 Feldman, Carol
19621 item
 Feldman, Steve
19851 item
 Fenton, William Nelson, 1908-
1951-19902 folders
 Folder 1
1951-195674 items
 Folder 2
1957-199068 items
 Fernandez, James W.
196611 items
 Ferris, William
19804 items
 Feshbach, Seymour
19661 item
 Festinger, Leon, 1919-
19571 item
 Finch, Stuart McIntyre
19522 items
 Fine, Nathan J. [Nathan Jacob], 1916-
19572 items
 Finn, Bernard
19622 items
 Finnegan, Margaret
19632 items
 Fischer, J.L.
1958-19674 items
 Fisher, Lawrence E.
 Fisher, Vira
1985, n.d.2 items
 Fitz, Raymond
19741 item
 Fitzgerald, Tom
19722 items
 Fitzpatrick, Darleen
19666 items
 Fleming, E. McClung
 2 items
 Fleming, James E.
19572 items
 Flesch, Regina
19826 items
 Fletcher, Charles S.
19622 items
 Flores, Enya P.
19652 items
 Florida State University
1978-19827 items
 Flynn, Gerald P.
19732 items
 Foa, Uriel G., 1916-
 Fogelson, Raymond D.
1962-198736 items
 Fogg, John
19532 items
 Fonaroff, Arlene
19588 items
 Foose, Francis
19522 items
 Forbes, Richard
19842 items
 Ford Foundation
1953, 19683 items
 Ford, Miss
19561 item
 Forde, Cyril Daryll
19653 items
 Foster, Mary Frazer LeCron, 1914-
19823 items
 Foster, Michael K.
 Foundations Fund for Research in Psychiatry
19684 items
 Foust, Clarence
19531 item
 Fowler, Albert
19561 item
 Fowler, Gail
19814 items
 Fox, Renee C. [Renee Clair], 1928-
1970-19755 items
 Fox, Sherwood
 Frake, Charles O., 1930-
19592 items
 Fraley, Cornelia D.
19712 items
 Frame, E. Bartram
19861 item
 Framo, James L.
19672 items
 Francello, Joseph A.
19742 items
 Frantz, Charles
1967-198514 items
 Fratkin, Elliot
19702 items
 Fredrickson, Vera-Mae and Fredrickson, David A. [David Allen]
19721 item
 Freedman, James
19801 item
 Freeman, Derek
19832 items
 Freeman, John F.
19623 items
 Freeman, P.S.
19801 item
 Freilich, Morris, 1928-
1963-198910 items
 Fried, Jacob
19632 items
 Fried, Morton H. [Morton Herbert], 1923-1986
1958-196711 items
 Friedlander, Eva
19672 items
 Friedrich, Paul 1927-
1963, 19784 items
 Friel, Veronica
1970-19714 items
 Friends School
19531 item
 Fritz, Charles E.
19755 items
 Fruchtman, Milton
19621 item
 Fuller, Benjamin A.G.
 Fulton, Ann
19792 items
 Funaro, James
19703 items
 Furlow, Richard H.
19784 items
 Fusfeld, Warren
19762 items
 Gabor, Bob "Sagotaoala"
19524 items
 Gadbois, George
196512 items
 Gaffney, W.G.
19592 items
 Gaines, David
19793 items
 Gallagher, Eugene P.
19662 items
 Gallimard Firm
19642 items
 Garb, Jane L.
19721 item
 Gardner, Howard
19851 item
 Gardner, Peter
1962-198612 items
 Gardner, Stephen
19712 items
 Garn, Stanley M. [Stanley Marion], 1922-
1962-19793 items
 Garrad, Charles
19813 items
 Garvan, Anthony N.B.
19525 items
 Garvey, Lou Ann
19721 item
 Garvin, Paul L.
19692 items
 Geertz, Hildred
 Geffen, Elizabeth
19733 items
 Gellhorn, Alfred
1968-19699 items
 Genada Imports
19712 items
 George Braziller, Inc.
19702 items
 Georgia Historical Society
19541 item
 Gerdes, John
1974-19753 items
 Gerlough, D.L.
19571 item
 Gillin, John
1953, 19622 items
 Gilmore, David
19753 items
 Gilmore, William
19781 item
 Ginn and Company
19815 items
 Gipson, Lawrence
19542 items
 Given, Brian
19902 items
 Givens, R. Dale 1928-
1961, 19854 items
 Gladstone, Arthur
19562 items
 Gladwin, Thomas, 1916-
1956, 19593 items
 Glassie, Henry H.
19713 items
 Glick, Leonard
19621 item
 Goddard, David R.
 Godfrey, Eric Philip
19645 items
 Goffman, Erving
 Gohring, Heinz
19732 items
 Goldschmidt, Walter Rochs, 1913-
1955-197726 items
 Goldstein, Joseph D.
19571 item
 Goldstein, Kenneth
19811 item
 Goldstein, Melvyn
19761 item
 Goldstein, Sidney, 1927-
19653 items
 Goltz, Herbert
19753 items
 Good, Byron
19746 items
 Goodale, Jane
n.d.1 item
 Goodenough, Ward Hunt
1958-198532 items
 Goodenow, Ronald K.
19802 items
 Goodman, Mrs. Frank I.
19621 item
 Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Inc.
19772 items
 Gorman, C. Marshall
19822 items
 Gorman, Chester
19761 item
 Gorske, Randy
19822 items
 Gosner, Kevin, 1951-
19833 items
 Gottlieb, Martha E.
19621 item
 Grady, John
1981-198257 items
 Graham, Milton
19621 item
 Graham, Robert
19851 item
 Graham, Saxon
19551 item
 Graham, Todd
19723 items
 Grass, Ellen R.
19754 items
 Graves, Theodore D.
1961-197110 items
 Graybill, Jeffrey
19712 items
 Graymont, Barbara
19672 items
 Greaves, Thomas
1962-19837 items
 Green, Archie
19662 items
 Green, Arnold L.
19722 items
 Green, Eleanore
19692 items
 Gregory, James
19632 items
 Gregory, W. Edgar
19552 items
 Grinker, Roy R. (Roy Richard), 1900-
1970, 19832 items
 Groat, Charles V.
1976, 19794 items
 Grodman, Mark
19731 item
19684 items
 Gropper, Rena C.
19692 items
 Grosjean, Yasuko
19801 item
 Gross, Daniel R.
1970, 19843 items
 Gross, Neal
19693 items
 Grosser, George H.
19624 items
 Grove, Michael
19731 item
 Gruber, Jacob W.
1957, 19654 items
 Grudel, Regina
19582 items
 Grumet, Robert Steven
19722 items
 Guemple, D. Lee, 1930-
19626 items
 Guide to Psychiatric and Psychological Literature
19552 items
 Guillemin, Jeanne
19772 items
 Guizzetti, German
19662 items
 Gusfield, Joseph
19672 items
 Gutterman, Elane
19822 items
 Haas, Jonathan, 1949-
19849 items
 Haekel, Josef
19531 item
 Haessler, George
19822 items
 Hagey, Walter R.
19592 items
 Hagley Museum and Library
1975, 19875 items
 Hahn, Robert
1967, 19837 items
 Halberg, Franz
19701 item
 Halifax, Joan
19722 items
 Hall, Paul R.
19762 items
 Hallowell, A Irving [Alfred Irving], 1892-1974
1956-1957, 19694 items
 Hallowell, Maude
1974-19833 items
 Halsted Press
19762 items
 Hamady, Sania
19634 items
 Hamilton College
19539 items
 Hammel, E.A.
1962-197420 items
 Hammel, E.A.
19647 items
 Hammett, Van Buren O.
19722 items
 Hammond, Mrs. John E.
19531 item
 Hammond, Peter B.
 Hammond, Phillip E.
19693 items
 Hamp, Eric P.
19831 item
 Hampe, Warren
19541 item
 Hanks, L.M.
19622 items
 Hansell, Norris
1963-197232 items
 Hansen, Edith
19672 items
 Hanson, F Allan, 1913-
19692 items
 Haque, Abdul
19721 item
 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
19684 items
 Harding, Robert
19801 item
 Hardoy, Jorge Enrique
19652 items
 Harner, Michael
19711 item
 Harnwell, Gaylord P.
1957-197319 items
 Harper, Robert E.
19672 items
 Harris, Grace
19662 items
 Harris, Howell John, 1951-
19862 items
 Harris, Marvin
195910 items
 Harrison, Ira E.
19642 items
 Harrison, Mr.
19551 item
 Harvard Theological Review
19773 items
 Harvard University
1954-197954 items
 Harwood, Frances
19752 items
 Haselberger, H.
19702 items
 Hastie, Fred
19741 item
 Hatcher, Evelyn
1976-19858 items
 Haun, Paul
19572 items
 Hauptman, Laurence M.
1971-19722 items
 Haviland, William A.
1963, 19742 items
 Hawke, David F.
19812 items
 Hawkins, Norman G.
1958, 19592 items
 Haydu, George G.
19732 items
 Hayes, J.C.
19631 item
 Haynes, Michaele
1985-19863 items
 Hefny, Kadry M.
19721 item
 Heifetz, Harold
19712 items
 Heijboer, Jan J.
19748 items
 Heise, Paul Brian
19823 items
 Heisey, John W.
19731 item
 Heitman, Beverly
1968-19708 items
 Helm, June, 1924-
1974-198716 items
 Helmer, John
19691 item
 Henderson, Harry C.
1973-19827 items
 Henderson, Joe-Neil
19752 items
 Henle, Mary
19632 items
 Henney, Jeannette H.
19682 items
 Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery
19543 items
 Henry Francis duPont Winterthur Museum
19782 items
 Henry, Jeannette
19793 items

Correspondence regarding Bishop's challenge of Tantaquidgeon family's Mohegan ancestry. Includes letter to Henry from Richard H. Fawcett.

 Henry, Jules
1957-19676 items
 Herbst, Lawrence
19772 items
 Hertzberg, Sidney
19632 items
 Heston, Alan W.
19694 items
 Hickman, Pat
n.d.1 item
 Higgins, Patricia
1957, 19715 items
 Hill and Wang
19782 items
 Hines, Howard
1969-198416 items
19671 item
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania
1951-19905 items
 Holy Redeemer Hospital
19642 items
 Homrighaus, Barbara
19872 items
 Honigman, John
1955-196413 items
 Hontz, Miss
19561 item
 Hoople, Elizabeth L.
19723 items
 Horn, Lucille D.
1972-19731 item
 Horowitz, Michael M.
19641 item
 Horton, Gilbert
19621 item
 Horwitz, Frances
 Horwitz, Richard P., 1949-
1973-197627 items
 Horwood, Ruby
19691 item
 Hostetler, John Andrew, 1918-
1961-197410 items
 Houghton Mifflin Company
19631 item
 Housing Authority of Baltimore
19541 item
 Houtz, Florence
 Howard University
19623 items
 Howard, Irwin
19651 item
 Howard, Robert A.
 Howd, Giddings
19541 item
 Howell, Gerald
19643 items
 Howell, Richard W.
19742 items
 Howells, W.W.
19623 items
 Howerton, Eloise
 Hsu, Francis L.K., 1909-
1974-198157 items
 Hudson, Bradford
1953-19564 items
 Huggins, H.D.
19573 items
 Hughes, Charles C.
1962, 19733 items
 Hughes, Joseph
1962, 19662 items
 Human Organization
19571 item
 Human Relations Area Files, Inc.
1983-19848 items
 Hummel, William W.
19682 items
 Hunt, Robert C. Jr.
19592 items
 Hunt, William J. Jr.
19831 item
 Hunter, William A. (William Albert), 1908-
1952-19547 items
 Hurvich, Leo Maurice, 1910-
 Hussong, Wallace B.
19561 item
 Hutchinson, Glenn
19524 items
 Hutchinson, H.W.
1962-196312 items
 Hymes, Dell H.
1964-198329 items
 Ianni, Francis A. J.
1956-196319 items
 Illinois State Historical Library
1957-197932 items
 In Town Motor Hotels
19622 items
 Indiana University
1973, 19794 items
 Ingall, Gillian B.
19712 items
 Inkeles, Alex, 1920-
19591 item
 Institute for Human Rehabilitation Potential
19641 item
 Institute for Juvenile Research (Ill.)
1967-19689 items
 Institute for Scientific Information, Inc.
1981, 19906 items
 Institute of Early American History and Culture (Williamsburg, Va.)
1952-1954,197310 items
 Institute of Pacific Relations
19561 item
 International Encyclopedia of Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Neurology
19743 items
 International Enyclopedia of the Social Sciences
1962-19639 items
 International Journal of Psychiatry
19642 items
 International Record of Medicine
19563 items
 International Research and Exchanges Board
19802 items
 Iowa State University Press
19872 items
 Jabara, Abdeen M.
 Jackson, Bud
19702 items
 Jackson, Gabriel
19662 items
 Jackson, Jay
19651 item
 Jacob, Philip E.
19611 item
 Jacobs, Melville, 1902-
19584 items
 Jaenen, Cornelius J.
19692 items
 Jakobovits, Leon A.
19684 items
 Jamal, Faizunisa Yusef
19731 item
 James, Bernard J.
1964-196533 items
 James, Edward T.
19642 items
 Jameson, Michael H.
1962-19682 items
 Jay, Phyllis
19643 items
 Jefferson Hotel
19561 item
 Jefferson Medical College
19682 items
 Jemison, N. Perry
19532 items
 Jenkins, Bette
19541 item
 Jenkins, Carol
19771 item
 Jenkins, Reese V.
19841 item
 Jennings, Francis, 1918-
1964-197639 items
 Jeremy, David J.
1979-198518 items
 Jerison, Harry J.
19583 items
 Jessor, Richard
 Johannis, Theodore B.
19531 item
 Johannsen, Uwe
19842 items
 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
1954-198014 items
 John Wiley and Sons
 John, Randy Alan
19801 item
 Johnson, Dale L.
19713 items
 Johnson, F. Roy
19674 items
 Johnson, Frederick
19521 item
 Johnston, Francis E.
196214 items
 Johnston, Margaret E.
19792 items
 Jones, Denise
 1 item
 Jones, Ruthe B.
19733 items
 Jonitis, Peter Paul
19612 items
 Jorgensen, Joseph G., 1934-
19721 item
 Joseph, J.W.
19821 item
 Journal of American Folklore
1955-19686 items
 Journal of American History
19852 items
 Journal of Ethnic Studies
19722 items
 Journal of Housing
19523 items
 Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
1972-19827 items
 Journal of Psychological Anthropology
n.d.1 item
 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
19573 items
 Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
19684 items
 Juricek, John T.
19752 items
 Kaiser, Kyra
19893 items
 Kalasunas, John
1989-199138 items
 Kallman, Franz
19582 items
 Kameyama, Hiroku
19591 item
 Kamiya, Joseph
1963-19657 items
 Kandel, Lewis
19663 items
 Kane, Michael
19591 item
 Kane, Steven
19714 items
 Kantor, Mildred B.
19626 items
 Kaplan, Bert, 1919-
 Kaplan, Robert M.
19743 items
 Katz, Solomon, 1909-
1971-19869 items
 Kaufman, Anthony
19695 items
 Kaufman, Natalie
19631 item
 Kay, Paul
19672 items
 Kearney, George
19532 items
 Kehew, James G.
19634 items
 Kelley, David H.
19622 items
 Kelly, Mrs. Samuel P.
19772 items
 Kelly, Nina
19741 item
 Kelly, William H.
196913 items
 Kelner, Elizabeth
1967, 19703 items
 Kelsey, Harry B.
19562 items
 Kelso, A.J. (Alec John ), 1930-
19733 items
 Kemnitzer, Luis
1967-19738 items
 Keniston, Kenneth
1983-198410 items
 Kennard, Edward A. (Edward Allan), 1907-
1958-196237 items
 Kenney, William
1971-19725 items
 Kenny, Michael
19873 items
 Kent, Barry C.
19691 item
 Kent, Donald H.
1952-197510 items
 Keppel, Francis
1963-19653 items
 Kerri, James
19742 items
 Kessler, John J.
19561 item
 Kesson, Florence S.
 Keyes, John H.
19623 items
 Kidd, Kenneth E.
196326 items
 Kiefer, Christie W.
1971-19764 items
 Kiev, Ari
19593 items
 Kilbourne, Benjamin
n.d., ca. 19744 items
 Kilpatrick, F.P.
19561 item
 Kimball, Solon Toothaker
1969-19717 items
 King, Morton B.
19633 items
 King, Robert E.
1972-19819 items
 Kint, John Richard
19753 items
 Kint, Margaret
1973-197526 items
 Kirkpatrick, B.
19561 item
 Kirkus Reviews
19812 items
 Kitamura, Yoshito
19672 items
 Klausner, Samuel Z.
1968-198419 items
 Klein, George S.
19521 item
 Kleinsasser, Dennis
19622 items
 Klopfenstein, Carl G.
19541 item
 Kluckhohn, Clyde, 1905-1960
1958-19596 items
 Kluckhohn, Lucy
19722 items
 Kneeskern, Alice Barnard
 Knollenberg, B.W.
1954-195519 items
 Köbben, A. J. F.
19562 items
 Koch, Edward A.
19622 items
 Koelling, Charles H.
19627 items
 Kohn, Tamara
ca. 198511 items
 Kohr, Leopold, 1909-
19731 item
 Kolb, Joy
1982-198520 items
 Kool, Kenneth
19541 item
 Koprowski, Hilary
19621 item
 Kopytoff, Barbara Klamon
1962-19737 items
 Kopytoff, Igor
1961-19708 items
 Koss, Joan D.
1959-19744 items
 Koster, Paul
19891 item
 Krader, Lawrence
1962-19655 items
 Krakau, Knud
19833 items
 Kramer, Carol, 1943-
19797 items
 Kramer, Lucy
19562 items
 Kramer, Morton, 1914-
19581 item
 Kraus, Robert F.
19649 items
 Krebs, Isabel Snyder
19522 items
 Krech, Shepard, 1944-
 Kreisberg, Gary
19714 items
 Kremen, Irwin
19592 items
 Kreniske, John
19861 item
 Kreuzer, F.
19682 items
 Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960
 Kroeber, Clifton B.
19741 item
 Krogman, Wilton Marion, 1903-
196310 items
 Kruskal, William, 1919-
19836 items
 Kuenzli, Alfred E.
19521 item
 Kuklick, Bruce, 1941-
1975, 19813 items
 Kulczycki, James
19672 items
 Kumbnani, H.K.
19645 items
 Kuna, Ralph
19762 items
 Kunstadter, Peter
19631 item
 Kurath, Gertrude Prokosch
19551 item
 Kurtz, Ronald
19621 item
 Kushner, Gilbert
19669 items
 Kutsche, Paul, 1927-
1957-198622 items
 Kutscher, Austin H.
19703 items
 La Barre, Weston, 1911-
1952-197422 items
 Lacey, Michael James
1979-198410 items
 Lade, Joan
19732 items
 Lamar, Howard Roberts
197811 items
 Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C., 1937-
19624 items
 Lambert, Richard D.
1969-19715 items
 Lander, Patricia Slade
19787 items
 Landsman, Gail H., 1951-
19862 items
 Landy, David
1955-198533 items
 Lange, Charles H.
19544 items
 Langenscheidt (Firm)
19671 item
 Langness, L. L. (Lewis L.), 1929-
19723 items
 Lanning, Edward P.
19702 items
 Lantis, Margaret, 1909-
19652 items
 Larriva, Victoria
19772 items
 Larson, Joseph S.
19682 items
 Lasker, Albert Davis
19583 items
 Lasker, Bruno, 1880-1965
 Lasky, Julian Jack
 Lathbury, Virginia L.
1962-19746 items
 Latimer, John T.
19841 item
 Laub, Jean
 Laughlin, Charles
1971-19797 items
 Laurence, Alfred E.
19621 item
 Lavin, Jules
19742 items
 Lawatsch, Shirley V.
19802 items
 Le Blanc, Peter
19682 items
 Leaf, Murray
19662 items
 Lebra, William P.
1967-19725 items
 Lee, Alfred McClung, 1906-
1960, 19623 items
 Lee, Frank
 Lee, Robert S.
n.d.1 item
 Leemon, Thomas A.
19673 items
 Lees, Lynn Hollen
19751 item
 Lefferts, H. Leedom
19682 items
 Lehman, Edward J.
1971-198726 items
 Leider, Phoebe
19702 items
 Leighton, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton), 1908-
19722 items
 Leiter, Jeffrey Carl
19861 item
 Lemieux, Christine M.
1963-19827 items
 Lemons, Hoyt
19541 item
 León Portilla, Miguel
19622 items
 Leon, Jorge
 Leopold, Pat
 Leopold, Robert L., 1922-
1952-19543 items
 Leslie, Vernon
19714 items
 Levak, Zarko
19612 items
 Levene, Howard
19583 items
 Lévi-Strauss, Claude
19561 item
 Levine, Harold
1972-19794 items
 Levine, Robert
 Levins, Rosario
 Lewis III, Clifford
 Lewis, David
19672 items
 Lewis, Oscar
19622 items
 Lex, Barbara
1973-19804 items
 Libby, W.L.
19731 item
 Liberty Real Estate
19551 item
 Liberty, John J.
19631 item
 Library of Congress
1947-19556 items
 Lifton, Robert Jay, 1926-
19572 items
 Liles, Charles
19633 items
 Liljeblad, Sven
19661 item
 Linares, Olga F.
19711 item
 Lincoln, Joan
19693 items
 Lindzey, Gardner
1959-197615 items
 Linker, Ruth T.
19621 item
 Lins, Mario
19613 items
 Linton, Ralph, 1893-1953
19521 item
 Little, Bryce
n.d.1 item
 Livingston, Marius
19753 items
 Loder, Richard
19752 items
 Lofland, John
19741 item
 Logan, Bert
19831 item
 London, Ivan
19632 items
 Long, Barbara
19741 item
 Long, Joseph K.
1974-199010 items
 Long, Walter
19712 items
 Loomis, Charles Price, 1905-
19653 items
 Loomis, Jr., Earl A.
195111 items
 Loring, William C.
19573 items
 Lorr, Maurice, 1911-
19701 item
 Lounsbury, Floyd G.
1951-195817 items
 Loveland, Franklin O.
19762 items
 Lovett, Joseph Ernest, Jr.
19662 items
 Lowe, Joan
19903 items
 Lower, Katherine
19551 item
 Luckman, Edith S.
19653 items
 Lucy, Charles
19533 items
 Luhman, Hope Elizabeth
19892 items
 Lumen, Fritz
19761 item
 Lurie, Nancy Oestreich
1955-198427 items
 Luth, Dietrich
 Lutheran Student Association of America
19642 items
 Lutterman, Kenneth G.
1968-19707 items
 Lutz, Nancy
19742 items
 Luzerene, Miss
19561 item
 Lyman, Thomas Amis
19651 item
 Lynch, Edward C.
19731 item
 M D Publications
1956-19576 items
 M I T Press
19812 items
 MacGregor, Billie
19823 items
 Macht, Arlene
19612 items
 Macklin, June
 MacLachlan, Bruce B.
19625 items
 MacLauchlin, Anna Margaret
1973-19743 items
 Made in U.S.A. Development Corporation
198320 items
 Madonna, John
1980, 19835 items
 Madow, Leo
19561 item
 Maeder, LeRoy M.A.
1952-195811 items
 Magruder, William B.
1971-19725 items
 Mahar, Pauline M.
1958-19594 items
 Major, J. Russell
19792 items
 Malarkey, James M.
19712 items
 Malim, Lucille
19621 item
 Malzberg, Benjamin, 1893-
19577 items
 Mandelbaum, Seymour J.
n.d.1 item
 Mandler, George
19681 item
 Manley, Henry
19581959 items
 Manning, Roy O.
19692 items
 Maranda, Pierre
1965-19663 items
 Marchand, Sylvie
19816 items
 Maretzki, Thomas W.
196611 items
 Margolis, Julius
19722 items
 Marier, Roger
19542 items
 Markey, Sydney B.
19547 items
 Markley, O. W.
1972-19735 items
 Marks, Bayly Ellen
19831 item
 Marquardt, William
19781 item
 Marshall, Benton H.
19621 item
 Marshall, Willoughby
19723 items
 Martin, Calvin
19772 items
 Martinez, J.M.
 Maruyama, Magoroh
19762 items
 Marvel, William
19521 item
 Marx, John H.
19732 items
 Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission.
19693 items
 Masland, John W.
19633 items
 Mason, James Adland
19572 items
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1969, 19714 items
 Master, Gene
19521 item
 Masterson, William H. (William Henry), 1914-1983
19622 items
 Mathewson, John H.
19572 items
 Maxwell, Allen
19782 items
 Maxwell, Robert J.
19682 items
 Mayer-Oakes, William J., 1923-
19521 item
 Mayock, Thomas J.
19732 items
 Maziarz, Edward A.
19758 items
 McAfee, Ward
19723 items
 McAllester, David Park, 1916-
19652 items
 McAulay, John D.
19652 items
 McBee Company
1952-19545 items
 McCaffery, Judy
 McCain, Claude
19631 item
 McCandless, Frederick
19632 items
 McCann, L.D.
19848 items
 McCarthy, Marilyn A.
19692 items
 McClellan, Catharine
19726 items
 McClellan, Hugh
19564 items
 McClelland, David Clarence
1962-19634 items
 McCluny, Eugene
19661 item
 McCluskey, Stephen C. (Stephen Clement), 1940-
19834 items
 McCown, T.D.
19521 item
 McCrorey, H. Lawrence
19721 item
 McCutchen, Leighton
19693 items
 McDonnell, Kilian
19692 items
 McGettrick, Jane Ann
19877 items
 McGiffert, Michael
1962-19633 items
 McGrath, Francis
19541 item
 McGraw-Hill Book Company
1953, 19695 items
 McHarg, Ian L.
 17 items
 McIlwraith, T.
 McKay, Dorothy
19623 items
 McKay, Ruth Blumenfeld
196221 items
 McKenzie, John
1970, 19774 items
 McKenzie, Richard
19643 items
 McLean, G. Robert
19622 items
 McManus, John
19681 item
 McMaster University
19861 item
 McMichael, Harrison
19711 item
 McNamara, Thomas C.
19702 items
 McNickle, Dorothy
 4 items
 McPherson, Mary Patterson
19875 items
 Mead, Margaret, 1901-
1952-19628 items
 Meadville Theological School
19633 items
 Meister, Albert
19594 items
 Meister, Joan
19692 items
 Melko, Matthew
19731 item
 Mendels, J.
19676 items
 Mendez, Alfredo
19621 item
 Merbs, Charles
19732 items
 Merchant, Joel
19622 items
 Meredith, Austin
19632 items
 Meredith, Darwin
19845 items
 Merton, Robert C.
19511 item
 Merz, William C.
19902 items
 Messenger, John C. (John Cowan), 1920-
1967-19704 items
 Messing, Alice
19782 items
 Metraux, Rhoda
1955, 19592 items
 Metzger, Duane
19581 item
 Meyers, Arthur
19679 items
 Meyerson, Martin
1972-19779 items
 Meyerson, Rolf
19662 items
 Michael, Ronald L.
19782 items
 Michail, Ronald
19663 items
 Michigan State University
1959-19648 items
 Micklin, Michael
19625 items
 Microcard Foundation
195613 items
 Middle Atlantic Press
19784 items
 Middleton, Jane
19692 items
 Mikulka, Stephen
19862 items
 Miles, Tracy Williams
19792 items
 Miller, Beatrice
19651 item
 Miller, Donald
19861 item
 Miller, Elizabeth R.
19661 item
 Miller, Elmer S., 1931-
19726 items
 Miller, Ernest
19553 items
 Miller, Frederic K.
19711 item
 Miller, George
19571 item
 Miller, James G.
19565 items
 Miller, R.H.
19644 items
 Miller, Robert Lee
19621 item
 Milzer, Albert
19571 item
 Mintz, Norbett L.
19551 item
 Miracle, Andrew W.
19907 items
 Mishler, Elliot George, 1924-
19691 item
 Miska, Maxine
19751 item
 Mississippi State University
19621 item
 Missouri Botanical Garden
19732 items
 Mitchell, Robert
19861 item
 Mitchell, Roland
197210 items
 Mittelman, Karen
19845 items
 Miyazawa, Yasuto
n.d.1 item
 Modern Photography
19721 item
 Mohanty, Gail Fowler
19867 items
 Molnar, Augusta
19722 items
 Montagu, Ashley, 1905-
1954, 19716 items
 Mook, Maurice
19683 items
 Mooney, James
19861 item
 Mooney, Kathleen A.
19681 item
 Moore, Bruce
19742 items
 Moore, Floy Jack
19571 item
 Moore, Leonard Joseph, 1952-
19812 items
 Moore, Robert
19698 items
 Moore, William R.
19682 items
 Moorhouse, Virginia W.
19793 items
 Moos, Anthony M.
19562 items
 Morales de Cruz, Xenia
19873 items
 Morey, Nancy C.
19812 items
 Morgan, Arthur E.
19628 items
 Morgan, Olive John
19632 items
 Morison, Elting Elmore
19631 item
 Morley, Jane
19883 items
 Morris, Celia, 1935-
19762 items
 Morris, Eleanor
19784 items
 Morris, Harold
19631 item
 Morris, Mabel
19682 items
 Morris, Richard
19812 items
 Morrison, Denton
19742 items
 Morrison, Harold
19681 item
 Moses, Kurt
1965-196613 items
 Moses, Russell
19594 items
 Moss, Leonard
1971-19726 items
 Mossman, Elliott
19801 item
 Mosteller, Frederick, 1916-
19591 item
 Moxley, Evelyn
1972-19732 items
 Mudd, Emily (Hartshorne)
1965, 19834 items
 Muir, Lin
19582 items
 Muir, Ruth
19562 items
 Mulligan, William H.
1978-19857 items
 Multigraph-Multilith Corporation
19541 item
 Murano-Anderson, Teresa

See Anderson, Terese M.

 Murdock, George Peter, 1897-
1955-19616 items
 Murphey, Murray G.
1972-198411 items
 Murphy, Jane M.
19741 item
 Murray, Stephen
198420 items
 Museum of New Mexico
19651 item
 Musgrave, John Brent
19841 item
 Muskin, John
19821 item
 Myers, Barbara
19641 item
 Nackman, Mark E.
19702 items
 Nader, Laura
19711 item
 Naegele, Kaspar D., 1923-1965
1955-195910 items
 Naff, Thomas
19711 item
 Nagle, James R.
1961-196211 items
 Nairn, Charles E.
19703 items
 Nash, Arnold Samuel
 1 item
 Nash, Dennison
19614 items
 Nash, Gary B.
19742 items
 Nassan, Michael
19622 items
 Natelson, Benjamin H.
19622 items
 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.
1978-199114 items
 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.--National Research Council
1953-197661 items

See also Hammond, Peter

 National Archives and Records Administration U S
19542 items
 National Association for Better Broadcasting
19702 items
 National Association of Housing Officials U.S.
1952-19558 items
 National Endowment for the Humanities
1972-19749 items
 National Institute of Mental Health, U.S.
1962--197111 items
 National Institutes of Health U S
1961-19675 items
 National Museum of Denmark

See Nationalmuseet Denmark

 National Press Books
19733 items
 National Research Council

See National Academy of Sciences, U.S.--National Research Council

 National Science Foundation, U.S.
1962-198017 items
 Nationalmuseet Denmark
 Natural History Press
1967-19698 items
 Natural History
1967-197810 items
 Nebraska State Historical Society
19852 items
 Nedwick, Arlene
19703 items
 Nehnevajsa, Jiri
19755 items
 Nelson, C.O.
19812 items
 Nelson, Gail C.
199025 items
 Nelson, Ted
19571 item
 Nephew, Oscar
1952, 19543 items
 Netting, Robert
1977-19782 items
 Neusner, Jacob
1967, 19736 items
 Neutra, Raymond
19693 items
 New Directions
196916 items
 New York Academy of Sciences
 New York Review of Books
19681 item
 New York State Library
19542 items
 New York Times
19586 items
 New York University
19582 items
 Newberry Library
19744 items
 Newman, Frank
1962, 19868 items
 Newman, Helena
19511 item
 Newman, Paul
19623 items
 Newman, Roger
 Newman, Sidney
19701 item
 Newman, Stanley S. 1905-
 Newmark, Leonard
19643 items
 Newsom, C.V.
19552 items
 Newsom, Lionel
19562 items
19531 item
 Niagara County Historical Society
19482 items
 Nicholas, Ralph W.
19731 item
 Nichols, Jeannette
19744 items
 Nichols, Roy F. (Roy Franklin), 1896-1973
1954-196427 items
 Niemeyer, Roger
19652 items
 Nixon, Eugene R.
19597 items
 Niyekawa-Howard, Agnes
n.d.1 item
 Norbeck, Edward, 1915-
1962-19767 items
 Norma Pencil Corporation
19531 item
 Norristown State Hospital (Norristown, Pa.)
19547 items
 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, U.S.
19653 items
 Page, James Daniel, 1910-
 5 items
 Paglione, Teresa
19821 item
 Paine, Robert, 1926-
19694 items
 Pajer, Robert
19642 items
 Palmer House
19511 item
 Palmer, Gary B., 1942-
19683 items
 Pandey, Triloki
19752 items
 Paredes, J. Anthony (James Anthony), 1939-
19742 items
 Parenti, Michael, 1933-
19672 items
 Pargellis, Stanley McCrory, 1898-
19542 items
 Park Shelton Hotel
19542 items
 Parker, Arthur Caswell 1881-1955
19542 items
 Parker, F.B.
19631 item
 Parker, Seymour, 1922-
1959-197111 items
 Parsons, Anne, 1930-1964
19644 items
 Parsons, Pat
19691 item
 Parsons, William Thomas
19702 items
 Paul, Benjamin D. (Benjamin David), 1911-
1957-195813 items
 Paulist Press
19775 items
 Paulson, Richard
19632 items
 Peacock, Samuel M. Jr.
196010 items
 Peck, Ann
19811 item
 Peckham, Morse
19542 items
 Peeney, James D.
19561 item
 Peeples, E.H.
19633 items
 Peixoto, Rui Agostinho Brito
198219 items
 Pelto, Pertti J.
19641 item
 Penn Sherwood Hotel
19531 item
 Penn, Ted
19761 item
 Pennock, Joseph
19662 items
 Pennsylvania Gazette
19832 items
 Pennsylvania Heritage Affairs Commission
19894 items
 Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
19521 item
 Pennsylvania History
19827 items
 Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
195310 items
 Pennsylvania Prison Society
19632 items
 Pennsylvania Society to Protect Children from Cruelty
19611 item
 Pennsylvania Sociological Society
196210 items
 Pepitone, Albert Davison, 1923-
195616 items
 Peregrine, Peter N. (Peter Neal), 1963-
19862 items
 Pérez, Brittmarie Janson
198211 items
 Perkins, Lynn
197711 items
 Perrow, Charles
19632 items
 Perry, Michael
19762 items
 Peters, Holly
19742 items
 Peters, K.M.
19633 items
 Peters, Karl
198016 items
 Peterson, Mark
19865 items
 Pettifer, Donald
19852 items
 Pfaffman, Carl
19643 items
 Pfeiffer, John E.
19702 items
 Pfeiffer, Marcia
19692 items
 Pfeiffer, Mildred
19593 items
 Pfund, Mrs. A.C. Jr.
19623 items
 Phelps, David Sutton
19635 items
 Phenix, Philip Henry, 1915-
19652 items
 Philadelphia Anthropological Society
19891 item
 Philadelphia Council for the Social Studies
19661 item
 Philadelphia Geriatric Center
19682 items
 Philadelphia Housing Association
1952-195913 items
 Philadelphia Housing Authority
1951-195614 items

See also Journal of Housing

 Philadelphia Psychiatric Society
19561 item
 Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Society
19543 items
 Philadelphia State Hospital
19591 item
 Phillips, Helen
19691 item
 Phillips, Herbert P.
19722 items
 Philomathean Club
19892 items
 Pi Gamma Nu
19671 item
 Piepkorn, Arthur Carl, 1907-1973
196811 items
 Pierre Lecomte du Nouy American Foundation
19611 item
 Pierson, Donald
19542 items
 Pietrzyk, Alfred
19721 item
 Pignato, Carmela
19825 items
 Pilant, Elizabeth
19552 items
 Pilant, Richard
1958-19596 items
 Pious, W.L.
19623 items
 Piszek, Edward
19731 item
 Pitelka, Frank A.
19681 item
 Pittel, Stephen
19693 items
 Plains Anthropologist
19922 items
 Plath, David
19631 item
 Platig, E. Raymond
19682 items
 Poggie, John
19691 item
 Poirier, Frank
19622 items
 Polf, William A.
19743 items
 Polgar, Steven
19702 items
 Pollak, Janet
19682 items
 Pommer, John
n.d.1 item
 Poole, C.
19721 item
 Porter, Glenn
19622 items
 Porter, Glenn
19804 items
 Porter, Jane
19621 item
 Poseru-Zielinska, Miroslawa
19725 items
 Posey, Thomas
19682 items
 Postal, Susan
19642 items
 Posthuma, Allan B.
19762 items
 Potmis, V.R.
19562 items
 Potter, Jack M.
19684 items
 Potter, Van Rensselaer, 1911-
1962-196937 items
 Potts, Edwin
19531 item
 Powell, Clinton
19664 items
 Powers, Cameron
19691 item
 Powsner, Seth
19732 items
 Prall, Robert
197217 items
 Prentice Hall, Inc.
1954, 19642 items
 Preston, Julie
19741 item
 Preston, Richard
19832 items
19561 item
 Price, Charlton
19621 item
 Price-Williams, Douglass Richard
19737 items
 Prigot, Aaron
19591 item
 Prince, E.
19561 item
 Pringle, Kim
19761 item
 Pritchard, Gilbert
 Prokosch, Eric
19624 items
 Prosnitz, David
19722 items
 Pruitt, Shirley
19652 items
 Pryor, Frederic L.
19722 items
 Psathas, George
19672 items
 Psychoanalytic Study of Society
19891 item
 Psychohistory Forum
19844 items
 Psychology Today
19702 items
 Public Opinion Quarterly
19571 item
 Pullar, D.W.
19726 items
 Pupka, M.
19751 item
 Pusey, Nathan Marsh, 1907-
19653 items
 Quadrangle Books, Inc.
19658 items
 Quinn, Olive Westbrooke
19643 items
 R.L. Polk Company
19542 items
 Rademan, Lenore
1961-19622 items
 Ragsdale, Evan C.
19722 items
 Rainey, Froehlich
1960-197019 items
 Rainey, Sheldon
19621 item
 Raker, John
19562 items
 Rand Corporation
 Randle, Martha
19518 items
 Random House (Firm)
1963-19783 folders
 Folder 1
1965-1978196 items
 Folder 2
1962-1967155 items
 Houck, Leonore: Misc. additional correspondence
1963-196717 items
 Rao, M.S.A.
19724 items
 Raper, John
19631 item
 Rapoport, Anatol, 1911-
19752 items
 Rapoport, Robert N.
1958, 19705 items
 Rashkis, Harold Albert, 1920-
1960-19709 items
 Ravdin, Robert
19655 items
 Rayner, Jeannette
1953-196539 items
 Read, Kenneth
1961-196510 items
 Recordak Corporation
19551 item
 Reddy, N. Subba
19782 items
 Redmond, Alice
19621 item
 Reeve, Richard
1963-19645 items
 Regional Conference of Historical Agencies
19773 items
 Regueiro, Victor
19653 items
 Reid, Ira
 Reid, Otto M.
 Reilly, Paul
1963-196913 items
 Reimer, Edward
19511 item
 Reina, Ruben E.
1961-198334 items
 Reinhardt, Louis
19721 item
 Reining, Conrad C.
19687 items
 Reiser, Morton F., 1919-
19733 items
 Reisman, Karl
19632 items
 Reitz, Curtis R.
19716 items
 Renner, Egon
1973, 19863 items
 Research and Design Institute
19693 items
 Research Institute for the Study of Man
19592 items
 Reviews in Anthropology
19745 items
 Reynolds, Barrie
19751 item
 Reynolds, Ruth
19532 items
 Reznik, H.L.P.
19656 items
 Rhoads, James Berton
19721 item
 Ricciardelli, Alex
1956-196525 items
 Ricciardelli, Catherine H.
1956-196525 items
 Richard, Paul-Bernard
19681 item
 Richards, Cara Elizabeth, 1927-
19559 items
 Richardson, Arleigh Dygert
 Richardson, James
19773 items
 Richardson, W. Macon
19624 items
 Richman, Steve
19689 items
 Richter, Conrad, 1890-1968
19523 items
 Richter, Daniel K.
19815 items
 Riecken, Henry W.
 Riegel, Theodore
 Riegelman, Strasser, and Spiegelberg
19542 items
 Riemer, Mary
19803 items
 Riesman, David, 1909-
1952-19635 items
 Riesman, Paul
 Rihl, Michal
19622 items
 Riley, Robert A.
19694 items
 Rioch, David
1956-19574 items
 Ritchie, William
19523 items
 Ritter, John A.
19621 item
 Robbins, Michael
19691 item
 Robeck, Stephen P.
1978-198258 items
 Robert, David
19541 item
 Roberts, John M.
19722 items
 Robertson, Donald
19722 items
 Robison, Janet McClintock
197312 items
 Rochester Historical Society (N.Y.)
19532 items
 Rochmes, Louis
19555 items
 Rogers, Mary Black
19815 items
 Rogow, Sally M. (Sally Muriel), 1930-
19534 items
 Rohn, Arthur H., 1929-
19672 items
 Rolett, Ronald
19624 items
 Rolph, William
19622 items
 Romney, Jay
19581 item
 Rondeau, Edward
19622 items
 Ronkin, R. R.
19641 item
 Rosborough, Brian A.
19744 items
 Rose, Dan
19795 items
 Rose, Peter
19742 items
 Rosenband, Leonard
19802 items
 Rosenberg Library
 Rosenberg, Charles E.
1970-19825 items
 Rosenberg, Ellen MacGilvra, 1929-
196828 items
 Rosenberg, George S.
19701 item
 Rosenberger, Homer Tope, 1908-
197913 items
 Rosenthal, Robert
19592 items
 Rosenzweig, Saul, 1907-
19521 item
 Rosner, Burton
19692 items
 Ross, Eric
19682 items
 Ross, Stanley
19632 items
 Rossi, Ino
19735 items
 Rote, Max
19541 item
 Roth, John E.
 Rothemund, Indira Nalin
19585 items
 Rothmund, Hildegard
19554 items
 Rountree, Helen C., 1944-
19712 items
 Rouse, Irving, 1913-
19626 items
 Row, Peterson and Company
19532 items
 Rowe, Ethyl
19543 items
 Rowe, John
19632 items
 Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
19591 item
 Royal York Hotel
19721 item
 Royer, B. Franklin
19572 items
 Rozin, Paul, 1936-
19791 item
 Rubel, Arthur J.
1964,19747 items
 Rubin, Leonard
1960-19614 items
 Rubin, Vera, 1928-
19591 item
 Rubinstein, Don
19704 items
 Rubinstein, Eli A. (Eli Abraham)
196919 items
 Rubinstein, Robert A.
19731 item
 Ruch, Barbara
197049 items
 Rucker, Henry
19682 items
 Rudes, Blair A.
19792 items
 Rudin, Donald
19611 item
 Ruff, George E.
19638 items
 Runyan, Henry
19875 items
 Ruoff, Howard R.
19743 items
 Rupp, Lawrence
19655 items
 Russell, David
19642 items
 Russell, Roger
19632 items
 Russo, Richard
19871 item
 Rutgers University
19794 items
 Rutgers University Press
1962, 197818 items
 Rutherford, Walter
19581 item
 Rutman, Irvin
19753 items
 Rutman, R.J.
1975-19762 items
 Ryan, Joseph Michael
1978, 19895 items
 Ryane, Nattalia
19892 items
 Sabloff, Jeremy A.
197013 items
 Sachs, Viola
19803 items
 Sagi, Philip C.
19611 item
 Sahay, B. N., 1937-
19623 items
 Salgado dos Santos, Annunciata
19722 items
 Salomon, Eva
19631 item
 Salz, Beate R.
19616 items
 Sample, Frederick P.
19762 items
 San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute
19511 item
 Sanday, Peggy R.
19716 items
 Sankar, D. V. Siva, 1927-
19672 items
 Sapir, Philip
19567 items
 Sarana, Gopala
19651 item
 Saraydar, Stephen
19861 item
 Sargant, William Walters
19545 items
 Sasinck, Mary
19653 items
 Sathyavathi, K.
19722 items
 Saul, Leon Joseph, 1901-
19622 items
 Scalbom, Linda
19632 items
 Scanlon, Leo J.
19631 item
 Scates, Alice
19622 items
 Schaefer, J. Crosier
19742 items
 Scheflen, Albert E.
195511 items
 Schein, Edgar H.
 Scheper-Hughes, Nancy
19782 items
 Schlenker, Sue
19582 items
 Schmidt, Peter
19773 items
 Schmitz, Carl A.
19622 items
 Schneider, David M.
195514 items
 Schneider, Richard I.
197823 items
 Scholte, Bob
19692 items
 School District of Philadelphia, Pa. Board of Public Education
196523 items
 Schuesser, Greta
19781 item
 Schults, Charles B.
19641 item
 Schumacher, Paul
19622 items
 Schuyler, Robert L., 1947-
19892 items
 Schwab, John J.
19703 items
 Schwab, William
19531 item
 Schwartz, Emanuel K., 1908-
19554 items
 Schwartz, Lola
19671 item
 Schwartz, Theodore
1953-197712 items
 Schwarz, Henry
19732 items
 Schweiker, Richard
1969-19703 items
 Sciacchitano, David
n.d.1 item
1962-19634 items
 Sears, Robert Richardson, 1908-
19522 items
 Seaton, S. Lee
19693 items
 Segal, Bernard G.
19801 item
 Segel, Nathan P.
1972, 19747 items
 Seijas, Haydee
19731 item
 Seitz, Frederick, 1911-
19632 items
 Selby, Dorothy
1955-19565 items
 Selby, Karen Lynn
19851 item
 Selden, Steven
1956, 19722 items
 Sellers, Peter H.
19711 item
 Sellin, Thorsten
1952-19557 items
 Seymour, Francis
19722 items
 Shackelford, Ella May, 1909-
19682 items
 Shainberg, David
19732 items
 Shapiro, Harry
19573 items
 Shapiro, Judith
19822 items
 Sharer, Robert J.
19772 items
19561 item
 Sharp, Lesley Alexandra
1985-19863 items
 Shay, Ralph S.
1948,1966-196724 items
 Shearer, Ronald
19792 items
 Sheffield, Ann
19841 item
 Shelton, Cindy
19792 items
 Sheng, Angela
19841 item
 Shepard, Roger N.
19782 items
 Shepperson, George
1956-19598 items
 Sheraton Hotel
19541 item
 Shiloh, Ailon
19673 items
 Shimkin, Demitri Boris, 1916-
19779 items
 Shimony, Anne Marie
19715 items
 Shirley, David A.
19781 item
 Shivers, Lyda Gordon
19842 items
 Shneidman, Edwin S.
19635 items
 Shoben, Edward Joseph
19633 items
 Short, James
1970-19717 items
 Shortridge, Pauline
19593 items
 Showers, R.M.
1969-19709 items
 Shrenkel, John
19692 items
 Shull, Harrison
19651 item
 Shull, Stephen
19793 items
 Shuman, Sara
19522 items
 Shweder, Richard A.
19851 item
 Sibley, Elbridge
195211 items
 Sider, Gerald M.
19811 item
 Siegel, Bernard
1959, 19683 items
 Siegel, Martha Royce
19642 items
 Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
19894 items
 Sikes, John
19482 items
 Silberman, Bernard S., 1930-
19732 items
 Silbey, Margie
19741 item
 Silver, Andrew M.
19812 items
 Silverberg, James
19641 item
 Silverman, Martin G.
19711 item
 Simmons, Patricia
19702 items
 Simmons, William
19795 items
 Simon and Schuster, Inc.
1970-19718 items
 Simonds, John
19752 items
 Skinner, G. William (George William), 1925-
19781 item
 Slaski, Eugene
19791 item
 Slobodin, Richard, 1915-
19722 items
 Smail, John
19623 items
 Smalley, Ruth Elizabeth
1962, 19655 items
 Smead, Gloria
19652 items
 Smelser, William
19627 items
 Smith, Allen
1963, 19684 items
 Smith, Donald
19725 items
 Smith, Edward H.
19481 item
 Smith, Florence Austin
19904 items
 Smith, Hallett Darius, 1907-
19622 items
 Smith, Howard
19542 items
 Smith, Ira F.
19792 items
 Smith, J. Gordon
19612 items
 Smith, Karl U.
19562 items
 Smith, Marian Wesley, 1907-1961
19588 items
 Smith, Martha
19723 items
 Smith, Mina

See Brayley, Mina

 Smith, Raymond
19771 item
 Smith, Robert Jack
1956-196828 items
 Smith, Ruth
1966-19737 items
 Smith, William
19714 items
 Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll
19734 items
 Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology
19524 items
 Smithsonian Institution
1948-197113 items
 Smythies, John R. (John Raymond), 1922-
19561 item
 Snook, Douglas
19712 items
 Snyder, Benson R., 1923-
1965-196915 items
 Snyder-Freeman, Patricia
19806 items
 Snyderman, George Simon, 1908-
19541 item
 Social Casework
19542 items
 Social Science Research Council
1952-19644 items
 Social Studies
19722 items
 Society for Applied Anthropology
1955-19587 items
 Society for Applied Archaeology
 Society for General Systems Research
1974, 19764 items
 Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness
19902 items
 Society for the History of Technology
19774 items
 Society of American Historians
19802 items
 Solenberger, Robert
19511 item
 Sonosky, Marvin
19551 item
 Southwestern Journal of Anthropology
195511 items
 Spaulding, Albert Clanton, 1914-
19611 item
 Speck, Florence
19533 items
 Speck, Frank Gouldsmith, 1881-1950
1947-194812 items
 Speck, Reinhard S.
19632 items
 Speck, Ross V.
1966, 196919 items
 Spector, Aaron
19621 item
 Spicer, Edward Holland, 1906-
19744 items
 Spicer, Rosamond
19831 item
 Spindler, George Dearborn
1956-197830 items
19721 item
 Spiro, Melford E.
1957-197513 items
 Spitzer, William
19861 item
 Spivack, George
19621 item
 Spoehr, Alexander, 1913-
1952, 19655 items
 Spooner, Brian
1975, 19793 items
 Springer, J. Herbert
19472 items
 Springfield Senior High School [Delaware County (Pa.)]
19642 items
 Squibb, George
19652 items
 Srivastava, O. N.
19721 item
 Stabler, Sarah
19481 item
 Stanley, George M.
19732 items
 Stanley, Sam
19732 items
 Stapleton, Darwin H.
19862 items
 Stark, Stanley
19723 items
 State Historical Society of Wisconsin
19532 items
 State of New York Department of Mental Hygiene
19572 items
 State University of New York
1959-19867 items
 Statler-Hilton Hotel
19641 item
 Stearns, Peter N.
19831 item
 Stebbins, Phillip Eugene, 1934-
1972-19733 items
 Steele, Kay
1961-19623 items
 Steen, Jeffrey
1966, 19713 items
 Steffen, Jerome O., 1942-
19862 items
 Steggert, Frank X.
19651 item
 Stein, Herman
19672 items
 Stein, Howard, 1952-
19752 items
 Stein, Leone
19722 items
 Stein, Marvin
19683 items
 Stein, William W.
19632 items
 Steinberg, Arthur
19861 item
 Steisel, Ira M.
19642 items
 Stellar, Eliot, 1919-
1973-19869 items
 Stenn, Frederick
19662 items
 Sterling, Peter
197810 items
 Sternbach, Ruth
19611 item
 Stevens, Lida
19561 item
 Stevens, S.K.
19541 item
 Stewart, Omer Call, 1908-
1956-19837 items
 Stirling, Mathew
1956, 19622 items
 Stocking, George W., 1928-
1966-198315 items
 Stodolsky, David
19721 item
 Stokes, James
19731 item
 Stoller, Marianne
197814 items
 Stone, Frederick L.
19632 items
 Stone, Lawrence
19665 items
 Stone, Leo, 1904-
1973-197520 items
 Stonesifer, Richard James, 1922-
19631 item
 Straub, Jean
19624 items
 Straus, Murray Arnold, 1926-
19531 item
 Straus, Robert
196516 items
 Strauss, Gordon
19801 item
 Strausz-Hupé, Robert, 1903-
196819 items
 Strecker, Edward A.
19516 items
 Stunkard, Albert J., 1922-
1962-197022 items
 Sturtevant, William C.
1957-197313 items
 Sudak, Alexander
19812 items
 Sue, Hiroko
19652 items
 Sullivan Family
19481 item
 Sumberg, Alfred
19651 item
 Summerfield, Harry L.
19746 items
 Sutton, Imre, 1928-
198115 items
 Swarthmore College
1964-19689 items
 Swartz, Marc J.
1975, 19823 items
 Swayne, Henry G.
19541 item
 Swayne, Mrs. Henry G.
19542 items
19561 item
 Sykes, Gresham M.
19663 items
 Syracuse University Press
19836 items
 Szwed, John F., 1936-
1964-19695 items
 Tabor, John
19636 items
 Tait, Norman
 Taketomo, Yasuhiko
19732 items
 Tapp, Robert B.
 Tavener, Christopher
19652 items
 Tax, Sol, 1907-
1955-196475 items
 Taylor, James B.
19711 item
 Taylor, Larry
198310 items
 Taylor, Robb
19642 items
 Tedlock, Barbara
1981-19824 items
 Teeters, Negley King, 1896-
19481 item
 Teicher, Morton I.
19563 items
 Telik, Bernice
19692 items
 Temple University Press
19726 items
 Tenazas, Rosa C. P.
196510 items
 Terwilliger, Wesley
19571 item
 Tesmer, Floyd
1973-19778 items
 Textor, Robert B.
19682 items
 Thaxton, Ralph, 1944-
19692 items
 Thayer, Lee
19702 items
 The Journal of Interdisciplinary History
1973-19917 items
 Thomas, Charles C.
19571 item
 Thomas, Darlene
1978-197925 items
 Thomas, David B.
19633 items
 Thomas, Ronald A.
19771 item
 Thompson, A.G.
19722 items
 Thompson, Dorothy
19561 item
 Thompson, Laura, 1905-
1953, 19693 items
 Thompson, Maria
19811 item
 Thompson, Pauline
19542 items
 Thompson, Richard
1963-19644 items
 Thrush, Virginia
19642 items
 Thurman, George
19791 item
 Thurston, Richard
19731 item
 Tiboni, E.A.
19571 item
 Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965
19541 item
 Timpanaro, Michael
19853 items
 Tinklepaugh, Clyde
19832 items
 Tobach, Ethel, 1921-
19656 items
 Tollner, Erich
19731 item
19552 items
 Tooker, Elisabeth
1965-197913 items
 Torgerson, Warren S.
19521 item
 Tottingham, Eula
19481 item
 Trachtenberg, Alan
 Trelease, Allen W.
19585 items
 Trigger, Bruce G.
19707 items
 Trommler, Frank, 1939-
19834 items
 Trostle, James
19842 items
 Tucker, Robert C.
19712 items
 Tucker, W.T.
19639 items
 Tulane University
1955, 19862 items
 Turner, Barbara Collins
19821 item
 Turner, Brian
 Tyhurst, J.S.
19571 item
 Tyler, Ralph W.
1956-196718 items
 Tyler, Stephen A.
19676 items
 U.S. Air Force
 12 items
 U.S. Navy
19561 item
 Ulrich, Roger
19682 items
19551 item
 United States Army Medical Department
19532 items
 United States Department of Health and Human Services
19649 items
 Universal Knowledge Foundation
19622 items
 University Microfilms International
19544 items
 University of California Irvine
19742 items
 University of California Los Angeles
19783 items
 University of California Press
1963, 197512 items
 University of California, San Francisco Medical Center
19644 items
 University of California, Santa Barbara
19773 items
 University of Chicago
1954-198916 items
 University of Chicago Press
1955-198016 items
 University of Colorado
19592 items
 University of Connecticut
19727 items
 University of Delaware
19821 item
 University of Florida
19795 items
 University of Georgia
1969, 19845 items
 University of Hawaii
1957, 1971 
 University of Ife, Nigeria
19613 items
 University of Illinois
1968-19698 items
 University of Illinois Press
1970,1980-198321 items
 University of Iowa
19573 items
 University of Michigan
19521 item
 University of Michigan Press
1959, 19737 items
 University of Minnesota
1964-19658 items
 University of New Mexico Press
19868 items
 University of Notre Dame Press
197517 items
 University of Oklahoma Press
1954, 19877 items
 University of Oregon
19621 item
 University of Pennsylvania
1953-1991147 items
 University of Pennsylvania Dean's Office
1955-1987167 items
 University of Pennsylvania Library
1962-19736 items
 University of Pennsylvania Press
1947-197420 items
 University of Pennsylvania--University Museum
1962-199010 items
 University of Saskatchewan
19713 items
 University of Tennessee
1969-19744 items
 University of Texas Press
19801 item
 University of Texas
19722 items
 University of Virginia
19712 items
 University of Wisconsin
1963, 19658 items
 Useem, John
19552 items
 Valentine, C.
19572 items
 Valentine, Charles A.
19671 item
 Vallance, Theodore R.
196429 items
 Vallier, Ivan
19693 items
 Van Arsdale, Minor
19622 items
 Van Ness, John R.
1971-197426 items
 Van Valkenburgh, Sue
19702 items
 Vanatta, Shirley
1969-19708 items
 Vanderbilt University
 Vassar College
1954-19553 items
 Vecsey, Christopher
19831 item
19704 items
 Veen, Klaas W. van der
19673 items
 Velich, Ralph
19721 item
 Vellenga, Dorothy
19732 items
 Verdrey, Katherine
19772 items
 Veterans Administration Hospital (Battle Creek, Mich.)
1963-19648 items
 Vicary, James M.
n.d.1 item
 Vincent, Clark
19621 item
 Vincent, Joan
1982, 19874 items
 Virgin Islands of the United States Department of Health
1954-19552 items
 Voegelin, Erminie
19581 item
 Vogt, Evon Zartman, 1918-
1955-19758 items
 Volkart, Edmund Howell, 1919-
 Volkman, Arthur
19532 items
 Vollbrecht, Judith
19773 items
 Von Mering, Otto
1966-19687 items
 Vreeland, Herbert Harold, 1920-
 W.B. Saunders Company
19703 items
 Wagner Free Institute of Science
1968-19692 items
 Wailes, Bernard
1962--19754 items
 Waitzkin, Howard
19632 items
 Wakely, Gillian
19851 item
 Wald, George
1974-19755 items
 Waldman, Marilyn
19833 items
 Walker, Deward E.
 Wallace, Anthony Clarke Montgomery
19641 item
 Wallace, David
1943-19863 folders
 Folder 1
1943-194540 items
 Folder 2
1956-19864 items
 Folder 3
1959-197611 items
 Wallace, Dorothy
1957-19623 folders
 Folder 1
1957-196212 items
 Folder 2
1957-195910 items
 Folder 3
19591 item
 Wallace, Evelyn
19572 items
 Wallace, Muriel J.
c. 1955-19632 folders
 Folder 1
c. 1955-19637 items
 Folder 2
c. 19612 items
 Wallace, Paul A.W.
1923-19663 folders
 Folder 1
1923-192817 items
 Folder 2
1951-195884 items
 Folder 3
1959-196674 items
 Walsh, Thomas
19632 items
 Walters, Dianne
19751 item
 Walton, Lee
19662 items
 Wang, Richard
19632 items
 Ward, John
19542 items
 Ward, Robert
19702 items
 Waring, Patricia
19783 items
 Warner, Richard
19722 items
 Warren County Historical Society (N.Y.)
19691 item
 Warren, Mrs. Arthur
19732 items
 Washburn, Sherwood
19623 items
 Washburn, Wilcomb E.
1956, 19588 items
 Watson, James B. (James Bennett), 1918-
 Watson, Karen Ann
19692 items
 Watson, Mrs. B.R.
19896 items
 Watts, Franklin
19622 items
 Wauchope, Robert, 1909-
19742 items
 Wayne State University
19682 items
 Webb and Company
19721 item
 Webb, John
 Weber, R.E.
19741 item
 Weil, R.J.
19702 items
 Weinberg, Daniela
19835 items
 Weiner, Annette B., 1933-
1975-19775 items
 Weingartner, Rudolph H. (Rudolph Herbert)
19812 items
 Weinreich, Uriel
 Weisenberg, Linda
19622 items
 Weiss, Mitchell
19793 items
 Weissinger, A. Jeanne
 Weissleder, Wolfgang
19594 items
 Welbon, Guy Richard
19797 items
 Welch, Claude
1962, 1967 
 Weller, Gunter, 1934-
19873 items
 Wellin, Edward
19592 items
 Wells, Colby
 Welsh, Jane
19743 items
 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
1962-198914 items
 Werner, Oswald
1965-19758 items
 Wescott, Lloyd B.
19582 items
 Weslager, C.A. [Clinton Alfred], 1909-
1953-197212 items
 West, Doris
19531 item
 West, Glen C.
19532 items
 West, Stanley A.
19742 items
 Westerman, R. C. (Robert C.)
197021 items
 Westermayer, Joseph
19732 items
 Westervelt, Esther M.
196414 items
 Westley, William A.
19622 items
 Wetmore, A.Y.
19851 item
 WGBH (Television station : Boston, Mass.)
19724 items
 Wheaton, William L. C.
1955-196612 items
 Whipkey, Harry E.
19783 items
 Whitaker, Ian
19734 items
 White, Barbara
19672 items
 White, Leslie A., 1900-1975
19681 item
 White, Marian E. (Marian Emily), 1921-1975
19662 items
 Whiteman, J.
19622 items
 Whiting, Beatrice
19631 item
 Whiting, John
1955-197416 items
 Whitney, Vincent
1965, 19714 items
 Whybrow, Peter C.
1987, 19894 items
 Wiebe, Gerhart D.
19721 item
 Wightman, Richard F.
19705 items
 Wilkins, Elwood
19554 items
 Wilkinson, Norman B.
1952-19717 items
 Wilkinson, Stephen
 Willems, Em?lio
19641 item
 Willey, Gordon R.
1952, 19623 items
 William and Mary Quarterly
1974-198215 items
 William L. Clements Library
1954-19696 items
 William Morrow and Company
1952, 19554 items
 Williams and Wilkins
19721 item
 Williams, Edwin
19551 item
 Williams, Harry
1953-198486 items
 Williams, Herbert
1955-197315 items
 Williams, Judith
19762 items
 Williams, Peter
19846 items
 Williams, Richmond
19842 items
 Williams, Roger
19571 item
 Williams, Stephen
19612 items
 Williams, Susan B.
19713 items
 Williams, Thomas Rhys, 1928-
196211 items
 Williamson, Robert
19641 item
 Wilmington Public Library
19615 items
 Wilson, Bryan R.
19672 items
 Wilson, Edmund, 1895-1972
19591 item
 Wilson, Walter
19703 items
 Wingerd, Judy
19702 items
 Winig, Hugh
19712 items
 Winkelman, Michael
19802 items
 Winkler, John
n.d.1 item
 Winter, Jeanne
19731 item
 Winterthur Museum (See Henry Francis duPont Winterthur Museum)
 Wisconsin State Historical Society (See State Historical Society of Wisconsin)
 Wise, Margaret
19652 items
 Witthoft, John
1951-19523 items
 Wittkower, Eric David, 1899-
19561 item
 Wolf, Amy
1982-198477 items
 Wolf, Eric Robert, 1923-
19571 item
 Wolf, Father Adam
19643 items
 Wolfe, Sally
19701 item
 Wolfman, Bernard
19691 item
 Womsley, William
19633 items
 Wood, Langley
19732 items
 Woolford, Ellen
19823 items
 Workie, Abaineh
19715 items
 Worsley, Peter
19558 items
 Worthington, John J.
19663 items
 Wozniak, John
19733 items
 Wright, C. Ben
19724 items
 Wright, J.E.
1973-19742 items
 WTAG Radio (Worcester, Mass.)
19551 item
 Wu, David Y. H.
19761 item
 Wunder, John
19862 items
 Wyeth Laboratories
19571 item
 Wynbeek, David
19572 items
 Yager, Joel
19801 item
 Yale University
1969-19804 items
 Yale University Press
1952-199024 items
 Yalman, Nur
19731 item
 Yassky, Alfred D.
1969, 19765 items
 Yinger, J. Milton (John Milton), 1916-
19703 items
 Ylvisaker, Paul N.
19735 items
 Yolles, Stanley F., 1919-
1966-196934 items
 Yoseloff, Thomas, 1913-
19621 item
 Young, Allan
1969-19724 items
 Young, Frank W. (Frank Wilbur), 1928-
19622 items
 Young, Katharine
1973, 19855 items
 Young, Philip D.
19722 items
 Young, T. Cuyler
19542 items
 Yourgrau, Wolfgang
19621 item
 Zalenski, John
n.d.4 items
 Zamora, Mario D.
19642 items
 Zatz, Ellen
19774 items
 Zavelloni, Narisa
1970, 19723 items
 Zevin, Rona
19702 items
 Zill, Nicholas
n.d.1 item
 Zim, Sonia
19526 items
 Zuckerman, Michael
19772 items
1971, 19835 items
 Series II. Research Notes and Drafts
 23 lin. feetBox 24-73

The largest series in the collection, Series II contains Anthony F.C. Wallace's research notes, drafts, photocopies of primary source material from various repositories, and correspondence that he filed with his research notes. The six subseries reflect Wallace's arrangement of his materials, which are also reflected in the organization of bibliographies in his respective works.

 A. Indian Research
1947-19754.5 linear feet

Notes and drafts from Wallace's research among the Seneca and Tuscarora Indians. Materials include field notes, notes and photocopies from primary and secondary sources, and several issues of the Allegany Reservation newsletter Oh-Ho-Ye-Noh (1970-1972). Although restrictions exist on the Tuscarora Rorschach tests because of the sensitive personal information revealed, the series includes unrestricted censored versions and summary reports as well as the published work Modal Personality of the Tuscarora Indians as Revealed in the Rorschach Test.

Correspondence that Wallace filed with his notes also appears in Series II A, which includes correspondence with local historian Merle H. Deardorff of the Warren County (Pa.) Historical Society. The Deardorff correspondence contains detailed descriptions of Iroquois (particularly Seneca) history and culture, with thorough discussions and analyses of the lives of Cornplanter, Handsome Lake, and Blacksnake, and other Indians of New York State and Pennsylvania.

Related Indian materials appear in Subseries B, Revitalization and Culture; Series III, Bibliographic Notecards, which includes card files of primary and secondary source notes; Series XI, Photographs, which contains Indian reservation photographs taken by Wallace and his father, and in the Paul A.W. Wallace portion of the collection.

 American Quarterly
19795 items
 American Philosophical Society - Conference on American Indian Collections
196769 items
 American Philosophical Society - Iroquois Field Trip, 1952 - APS Grant Materials
 25 items
 Beaver Research Expenses
1962-196728 items
 Bonsall, Isaac - Journal Excerpts
1803-18232 folders
 Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society
 Carlson, Liz - The Good Message of Handsome Lake (script)
198439 items
 Cold Spring and Tonawanda - Trip, July 3-9, 1952
195217 items
 Cornplanter, Seneca chief, 1740-1836 - Miscellaneous papers
188321 items
 Deardorff, Merle H.
1952-196865 items
 Delaware Indians - Ethnohistory of Diehl and Overpeck Sites
 Delaware Indians - Notes
 Delaware Indians - Printed Materials
 Detroit Public Library - Burton Historical Collection - Notes
 Field notes:
 Archaeology, Kintnersville, 1947
194737 items
 Cold Spring, 16-31 August 1952
195213 items
 Cold Spring, 20-26 October 1951 "Six Nations Meeting"
19511 vol.
 Cold Spring, 30 January-8 February 1952
19521 vol.
 Handsome Lake, 1735-1815 - Miscellaneous Notes
 Hays, John - Journal
176038 items
 Henry Francis duPont Winterthur Museum
1978-19792 items
 Hewitt, J. N. B. - Tuscarora Myths (ca. 1888-1890)
1888-18901 vol.
 Hunter, John Dunn, 1798?-1827 - Hunter Problem, The
 44 items
 Iroquois Research Project
 54 items
 Jackson, Halliday, 1771-1835 - Notes on [Chester County Historical Society]
1799-187883 items
 Jackson, Halliday, 1771-1835 - Sketch of the Manners, Customs, Religion, and Government of the Senecas in 1800
180031 items
 Jesuit Relations-- Huron and Iroquois Materials [Notes]
n.d.4 items
 Kinzua Dam
196217 items
 Kirkland's Census of Iroquois [1789]
 Maclay, Samuel, 1741-1811 - Journal
188716 items
 Munsee Recitation Festival
n.d.7 items
 Oh-he-yoh-noh Newsletter (Allegany Indian Reservation)
1972-19775 folders
 Folder 1
June 22, 1972-May 30, 197325 items
 Folder 2
June 6, 1973-January 4, 197425 items
 Folder 3
January 23, 1974-December 18, 197437 items
 Folder 4
January 8, 1975-November 5, 197531 items
 Folder 5
November 12, 1975-October 26, 197733 items
 Ohsweken Field Trip, December 1946
1946-194727 items
 Parker, Arthur Caswell, 1881-1955
19543 items
 Post, Christian Frederick, 1710?-1785 - Journal, 1 April-30 June 1760
176045 items
 Princeton University - Draper Collection, Brant Manuscripts
 2 folders
 Reed, John Elmer - Erie Triangle
n.d.1 vol.
 Research Notes: American Indians
 2 folders
 Research Notes: American Philosophical Society and Historical Society of Pennsylvania
 Schenck, J. S. - History of Warren County, Pennsylvania
 Seneca Pictorial Material
 Sharpless, Joshua - Visit to Cornplanter in 1798
 State Historical Society of Wisconsin
19532 items
 Swayne, Joel - Journal excerpts and correspondence with Mary Jackson Shoemaker regarding Joel Sawyne
 Wallace, Paul A.W.
1936-19478 folders
 Ethnological field notes
 Six Nations Journal
 Six Nations Reserve: Hess, Jacob and Loft, William
 Six Nations Reserve: Hess, Jacob
 Six Nations Reserve: Loft, William Dewaseragech, Interview
1937, 1942 
 Six Nations Reserve: Montour, Joseph F.
 Six Nations Reserve: Peters, Nichodemus
 Six Nations Reserve: Williams, Isaiah
 Warren, Pennsylvania Centennial
 Western Missionary Society - Notes
 White, Emma Siggins - Genealogical Gleanings of Siggins and Other Pennsylvania Families
 Wilkinson, Norman B. - Robert Morris
 B. Revitalization and Culture
1950-19704.5 linear feet

Notes and drafts from Wallace's research on revitalization movements, personality and culture, cognition and culture, and religion. Materials include handwritten notes, photocopies of primary and secondary sources, and componential analyses of linguistic terminology. Some material overlaps with that in Subseries A, Indian Research.

 Aesthetic Realism Foundation.
Right of Aesthetic Realism to be Known
19751 item
 Africa, John, 1931-1985.
The Code of John Africa
circa 1978-1985 

Manifesto by the founder of MOVE.

 Akweks, Aren, 1910-2008.
History of the St. Regis Reservation and several Iroquois pamphlets and drawings
c. 194868 items
 Appadurai, Arjun, 1949-.
Puzzling Status of Brahman Priests in Hindu India
198310 items
 Atkins, John.
Componential Analysis Revisited and Memoranda
n.d.40 items
 Atkins, John.
Game Rules and the Rules of Culture (from Buchler, Ira and Hugo Nutini, ed., Game Theory in the the Behavioral Sciences, Ch. 11)
196924 items
 Babcock, Charlotte.
Psychoanalytic Observations of the Acculturation Process
195426 items
 Barkun, Michael, 1938-.
Movements of Total Transformation
19724 items
 Becker, Marshall Joseph.
Becker, Marshall. Grant Proposal--Lenape Lives
199093 items
 Becker, Marshall Joseph.
Origins of Trade Silver Among the Lenape
19906 items
 Benedek, Therese, 1892-1977.
Defense Mechanisms and Structure of the Total Personality
193617 items
 Bibring, Edward, 1894-1959.
Development and Problems of the Theory of the Instincts
1936-193726 items
 Black, Mary B..
Hallowell Symposium (American Anthropological Association)
1975114 items
 Boszormenyi-Nagy, Ivan, 1920-2007.
Miscellaneous publications
1954-195940 items
 Brown, Augustus F..
Structure of Interpersonal Relations in Onondaga Society (M.A. Thesis, University of Pennsylvania)
195049 items
 Burger, Henry G. 1923-.
Panculture: A Taxonomy from Murdock's Universal Basics (chapter from Bernardo Bernardi, ed., The Concepts and Dynamics of Culture, The Hague and Paris: Mouton Publishers)
197728 items
 Burhoe, Ralph Wendell 1911-.
Phenomenon of Religion Seen Scientifically: An Essay to Integrate a Multi-disciplinary Picture
197120 items
 Bush, Robert R..
Natchez Social Structure
n.d.6 items
 Campbell, Donald T. (Donald Thomas), 1916-1996.
Evolutionary Theory in Social Science: A Reappraisal
196152 items
 Campbell, Donald T. (Donald Thomas), 1916-1996.
Some Contributions of Anthropology to Psychology and Some Psychological Comments on Anthropological Method
195830 items
 Clark University (Worcester, Mass.).
Symposium on Genetic Psychology
19521 vol.
 Coben, Stanley.
A Study in Nativism: The Red Scare of 1919-1920 (manuscript and published forms)
196429 items
 Colby, B. N..
Binary Value Categories
196050 items
 Cooper, Lee.
Publish or Perish: Negro Jehovah's Witness Cultural Adaptation in the Ghetto
197035 items
 Curtis, George.
A Systematic Study of the Roles of Verbal Content and of Visual and Auditory Cues
n.d.8 items
 D'Angelo, James J..
Denbrook Forge and Mill Sites: An Archaeological Study (M.A. Thesis, Drew University)
1980165 items
 Deardorff, Merle H., d.1971.
Cornplanter articles
1941, 197028 items
 Flesch, Regina.
Concept of Anomie
n.d.23 items
 Fogelson, Raymond.
Atlantic City Fantasia
n.d.35 items
 Fogelson, Raymond.
Cherokee Booger Mask Tradition
197938 items
 Fogelson, Raymond.
Native North American Philosophy and World View
198037 items
 Fogelson, Raymond.
Person, Self, and Identity: Some Anthropological Retrospects, Circumspects, and Prospects
198243 items
 Fratio, Toni.
Jesters: Reflections on Anthropology and on Human Nature
197611 items
 Friel, Veronica.
Aquarian New Age Community and Religion (two papers)
197126 items
 Gans, Herbert J..
Effects of Suburban New Town Life (proposal)
195737 items
 Gans, Herbert J..
Human Implications of Current Redevelopment and Relocation Planning
1956-195757 items
 Goodenough, Ward Hunt.
Gradual and Quantum Changes in the History of Chuukese (Trukese) Phonology
199211 items
 Graham, Robert.
Management Lessons from the Industrial Revolution: A Comparative Study of Industrial Innovation in England and France, 1066-1850
19847 items
 Grob, Charles S., 1950-.
Adolescent Drug Use in Cross-Cultural Perspective
19929 items
 Gussow, Zachary.
An Ethnological report on the Historic Habitat of the Sauk, Fox, and Iowa Indians (from Docket 158, Indian Claims Commission)
195562 items
 Hage, Per.
Who's Cooking? A Group Model of Auto-Culinary Practices
n.d.29 items
 Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974.
Review of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's The Phenomenon of Man
19522 items
 Hammel, Jan.
Interview with "Rita," Southwest Philadelphia resident and mother of a biracial child (draft and final copy)
196040 items
 Hendrick, Ives.
Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Institute
193219 items
 Hirsch, Carl.
S.D.S. as a Revitalization Movement
196925 items
 Hoffmann, Hans.
19703 items
 Holtzapple, Vicki Rea, 1944-.
On the General Applicability of Revitalization Theory
1972112 items
 Jacob, Philip E..
Operational Definition of Values (special supplement in the American Behavioral Scientist)
19622 vols.
 Kelly, William H..
Equivalence Structures and the Organization of Diversity
19718 items
 Ota, Kakuko. Rice, Janet. Kent, Barry C..
A Map of 18th Century Indian Towns in Pennsylvania
n.d.26 items
 Koltes, John.
Correspondence and notes regarding psychiatric hospitals in England
195570 items
 Kopytoff, Igor.
1979-199160 items
 Krusche, Rolf.
Zur Genese des Maskenwesens im ostlichen Waldland Nordamerikas (in Deutsch)
197573 items
 Kunreuther, Howard, 1938-.
Economic Analysis of Natural Hazards: An Ordered Choice Approach
197328 items
 Lebra, Takie Sugiyama, 1930-2017.
Millenarian Movements and Resocialization
197212 items
 Lindzey, Gardner.
Projective Techniques and their Cross-Cultural Application (three chapters)
n.d.2 folders
 Folder 1
n.d.116 items
 Folder 2
n.d.104 items
 Linton, Ralph, 1893-1953.
Nativistic Movements (review of article, probably by AFCW)
19435 items
 Lowie, Robert Harry, 1883-1957.
Letters from Edward Sapir
196579 items
 Maeder, Leroy, 1898-1968.
Diagnostic Criteria--The Concept of Normal and Abnormal and notes by AFCW
194113 items
 Mahler, Margaret S..
Observations on Adaptation and Defense In Statu Nascendi
196811 items
 Mahler, Margaret S..
On Human Symbiosis and the Vicissitudes of Individuation
196712 items
 Mahoney, Francis B..
Projective Psychological Findings in Palau Personality (notes)
n.d.4 items
 Maslow, Abraham H. (Abraham Harold), 1908-1970.
A Theory of Metamotivation: The Biological Rooting of the Value-Life
 Miller, Beatrice.
Revitalization Movements: Theory and Practice as Evidenced among the Buddhists of Marahashtra, India
n.d.21 items
 Nunberg, Herman, 1884-1970.
Synthetic Function of the Ego
192916 items
 Orlans, Harold.
Infant Care and Personality (reversed image photostat and notes)
195954 items
 Osmond, Humphry, 1917-2004.
On Being Mad (includes six page letter from Osmond)
1952, 196610 items
 Pennes, Harry Harvey, 1918-1963.
Publications on Drugs, Psychoses, and Schizophrenia
1953-195641 items
 Perey, Arnold.
Publications on Osksapmin people
 7 items
 Philadelphia State Hospital (Pa.).
Social Rehabilitation of the Chronic Mental Patient
196146 items
 Pious, William.
Publications on Schizophrenia
1949-196230 items
 Posinsky, S. H..
Publications on Culture
1956-195840 items
 Potter, Van Rensselaer.
Role of Disorder in Human Activity and Thought (apparently chapter 8 of a larger text)
n.d.28 items
 Prall, Robert C., 1918-2002.
Child Development and the Dwelling Unit
195717 items
 Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., 1881-1955 (Alfred Reginald).
Nature of a Theoretical Natural Science of Society and notes on Radcliffe-Brown
1948, n.d.134 items
 Rashkis, Harold Albert, 1920-2013.
Publications on Cognition and Culture
1959-1963109 items
 Reminick, Ronald A..
Analysis of Highland Amhara Personality Organization by Means of the Rorschach Test and Ethnographic Information
197525 items
 Renner, Egon, 1935-2019.
Worte eines Seneca (Staat New York)
197315 items
 Roazen, Paul, 1936-2005.
Freud and Reich (review of Higgins, Mary and Chester M. Raphael's Reich Speaks of Freud)
 Rossman, Joseph, 1899-1972.
Psychology of the Inventor (notes)
n.d.4 items
 Rubin, Leonard.
Publications on Psychoses
1956-196277 items
 Schmitt, Abraham.
To Observe the Response of Socially Crippled Patients to a Resocialization Program of Functional Social Work Intervention
196329 items
 Shiloh, Ailon.
Psychological Anthropology: A Case Study in Culture Blindness?
197412 items
 Simmons, William S..
Papers on Indian Conversion
197847 items
 Smith, Robert Jack.
Impact of an Innovative Treatment Program on the Structure and Culture of a Large State Mental Hospital
196146 items
 Smythies, John R. (John Raymond), 1922-2019.
A Logical and Cultural Analysis of Hallucinatory Sense-Experience
19564 items
 Speck, Ross V., 1927-2015.
Home-Centered Treatment of the Social Network of Schizophrenic Families: Two Approaches
ca. 196716 items
 Speck, Ross V., 1927-2015.
Social Network of the Family of a Schizophrenic: Implications for Social and Preventive Psychiatry
 16 items
 Spindler, Louise S.. Spindler, George D..
American Indian Personality Types and their Sociocultural Roots
n.d.52 items
 Spooner, Brian.
Ecology in perspective: The human context of ecological research. In International Social Science Journal, vol. XXXIV, no. 3 (see printed materials catalog)
 Stewart, Omer C..
Peyote Religion and the Ghost Dance
19724 items
 Stoller, Robert J..
Reprints on Gender Identity and Transsexualism
1959-196868 items
 Systems Theory: Notes and bibliographies
ca. 197040 items
 Taiping Rebellion: Notes
n.d.102 items
 Thomas, Darlene.
Beginnings, Endings, and New Endings in North American Indian Mythology
197913 items
 Thompson, Clara, 1893-1958.
Notes on the Psychoanalytic Significance of the Choice of Analyst
 Tobin, Joseph M..
Clinical Evaluation of Psychostimulants
19597 items
 Tobin, Joseph M..
Preliminary Evaluation of Librium (RO 5-0690) in the Treatment of Anxiety Reactions
n.d. (ca. 1959?)22 items
 Walder, Robert.
Principle of Multiple Function: Observations on Over-Determination
1936, 195211 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Myth Analysis (aborted Culture and Personality project) 100 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Papers on Wallace by University of Minnesota students
196564 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Papers on Mircea Eliade and ritual
 Watson, Karen.
Revitalization: The Songs of the Sixties
196977 items
 Westervelt, Esther.
Women's Status and Career Patterns materials
196942 items
 Witthoft, John.
Miscellaneous articles
1950-19674 items
 Witthoft, John.
Technology of the Calico Site
n.d.17 items
 Worsley, Peter, 1924-2013.
Waiting for Deliverance
n.d.12 items
 Yao, Tao-chung.
Ch' u an-chen: A Revitalization Movement in North China During the 12th and 13th Centuries
n.d.8 items
 Zeidner, Philip.
Zeidner, Philip. Cultural Integration of the Hallucinatory Experience--The Use of Peyote within the Native American Culture
197122 items
 C. Technology and Culture
1970-19953 linear feet

Notes and drafts relating to Wallace's study of technological innovation and its interaction with social and cultural change. Materials include handwritten notes, photocopies of primary and secondary sources, and several papers from conferences and talks on technology and social change.

 Bryn Mawr College. Talk--Seminar on Culture and Technology
198754 items
 Changing Worlds (Random House)
 22 folders
 Changing Worlds: Agents
1976-19784 items
 Changing Worlds: Anthropology Text ("Team Text")--Correspondence
1969-197118 items
 Changing Worlds: Bibliography
n.d.1 vol.
 Changing Worlds: Board of Trustees Talk
19622 items
 Changing Worlds: Chapter 1--Nature of Culture
ca. 196988 items
 Changing Worlds: Chapter 2--Revisions
ca. 196917 items
 Changing Worlds: Chapter 2--Surviving Hunters and Gatherers
ca. 196944 items
 Changing Worlds: Chapter 3--The Village Farmers and Herdsmen
ca. 196935 items
 Changing Worlds: Chapter 4--The Cantonal System
ca. 196921 items
 Changing Worlds: Chapter 5--The Classical States
ca. 196946 items
 Changing Worlds: Chapter 5B--The Industrial Revolution
ca. 196962 items
 Changing Worlds: Chapter 6--The Nature of Man
ca. 196912 items
 Changing Worlds: Expenses
 Changing Worlds: Introduction to Cultural Text Project
ca. 19697 items
 Changing Worlds: Manuscript--Chapters 1-3
1978248 items
 Changing Worlds: Manuscript--Chapters 4-Notes
1978224 items
 Changing Worlds: Preface
n.d.1 item
 Changing Worlds: Prospectus
ca. 19696 items
 Changing Worlds: Publishers
1976-197721 items
 Changing Worlds: Reviews by Random House Readers
197922 items
 Changing Worlds: Revisions after September 15, 1978
ca. 19788 items
 Changing Worlds: Table of Contents
ca. 19695 items
 Horchler, Dora - Central European Mining Information
1979-198042 items
 Jeremy, David J.
1973-19862 folders
 Articles on Technology Transmission
1973-198179 items
 Articles on Textile Technology and Workers
1973-198634 items
 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation - Fellowship
197854 items
 McPherron Colloqium - Neolithic Period--Southern and Eastern Europe
19775 items
 Mellon Seminar
 Administrative Materials
1986154 items
 Commentaries by a Few
198730 items
 Rethinking Technology and Culture
1985131 items
 Technology and Culture Notes
1987-1988134 items
 Mechanical Revolution: Inventors' name list (aborted project)
ca. 197862 items
 Noriega, Inigo - Notes
n.d.3 items
 Polgar, Katherine
19794 items
 Princeton University Press
1979-1985142 items
 Program for Assessing and Revitalizing the Social Sciences - Technology and Culture Seminars
1988-19904 folders
 Social Context of Innovation
 17 folders
 "Front Matter"
 1 item
 Book Reviews
1981-198435 items
 Chapter I--The Challenge
n.d.6 items
 Chapter IA--Steam
n.d.42 items
 Chapter II--The First Responses
n.d.24 items
 Chapter IIA--Iron
n.d.15 items
 Chapter III--The Gentlemen of Atlantis
n.d.11 items
 Chapter IIIA--Coal
 64 items
 Chapter IV--The Tradesmen
n.d.9 items
 Chapter V--The Mechanicians
n.d.4 items
 Idea/Inventor Sequences--Charts
n.d.7 items
 Industrial Revolution as Evolutionary Event
n.d.2 items
n.d.2 folders; 42 items
n.d.23 items
 The Conquest of the World
n.d.9 items
 Theory of Culture
n.d.1 item
 Wallace, Anthony F. C. - Myth of Flawed Creation (handwritten manuscript)
n.d.77 items
 Witthoft, John - Text Plan
196945 items
 D. Rockdale
1971-19958 linear feet

Materials from Anthony F.C. Wallace's research on the Rockdale area of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, particularly with regard to its mills and industries, but also including extensive information on well known families such as the Smiths and du Ponts. The Rockdale subseries includes notes, extensive photocopies of primary and secondary sources, papers from conferences and talks on Rockdale, Delaware County, and industrialization, student seminar papers related to industrialization and Delaware County history, and the original handwritten manuscript of Rockdale.

A unique item also appears with the Rockdale materials: an original 19th century account book from the Sharpless-Worrall company, which apparently supplied mills with raw materials and equipment. Several familiar Delaware County names such as Lammot, Pennell, Willcox, and others appear in the book.

Series III, Notecards, contains information on bibliographic sources for Rockdale and census data on Rockdale area families. Series XI, Photographs contains over 300 photographs and over 3000 slides of textile mills and machinery and the Rockdale area, a dream collection for historians of industrialization and Delaware County.

 Subseries 1. Primary Source notes
 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia - Haines Collection
 10 items
 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia - Phillips Collection (notes)
 22 items
 American Baptist Historical Society - Notes
 9 items
 American Baptist Publication Society - Publications list (photocopies)
 43 items
 American Philosophical Society - Bache, Alexander Dallas to John P. Crozier (transcription)
18442 items
 American Philosophical Society - Broomall, John M. (notes)
 1 item
 American Philosophical Society - Crozer, John P. (notes)
 3 items
 American Philosophical Society - Dutton, Thomas (photocopies)
 37 items
 American Philosophical Society - Hill, Peter-- Business (notes and photocopies)
 35 items
 American Philosophical Society - Lammot, Daniel--Lenni Mill Lease
 5 items
 American Philosophical Society - London Cooperative Society Constitution
18256 items
 American Philosophical Society - Maclure, William--Papers (notes)
 5 items
 American Philosophical Society - Martin, William--Machinery List
 1 item
 American Philosophical Society - Miscellaneous
1973, 197815 items
 American Philosophical Society - Ord, George--Papers (notes)
 3 items
 American Philosophical Society - Peale-Sellers Papers (notes)
 55 items
 American Philosophical Society - Phillips, John S.--Letter from L. Lederer
18411 item
 American Philosophical Society - Sellers Family Poetry
 8 items
 American Philosophical Society - Sellers Genealogy (notes)
 5 items
 American Philosophical Society - Sellers, Anne--Diary (notes and photocopy)
1828, 183018 items
 American Philosophical Society - Sellers, George Escol--Personal Recollections of Coleman Sellers by his son George Escol Sellers
 63 items
 American Philosophical Society - Sellers, George Escol--Personal Recollections of Nathan Sellers
 26 items
 American Philosophical Society - Sellers Papers (photocopies)
1824-1831115 items
 American Philosophical Society - Sellers Papers (photocopies)
1824-1851132 items
 Baker Library - Account Books of Manufacturers (notes)
 19 items
 Baker Library - Dun and Bradstreet manuscripts (notes and photocopies)
1852-188837 items
 Baker Library - Miscellaneous Notes
 11 items
 Brown University - Ronaldson, James to Jonathan Russell
18224 items
 Calvary Church (Rockdale, Pa.) - Church records (notes)
 43 items
 Calvary Church (Rockdale, Pa.) - Congregation of Calvary Protestant Episcopal Church
 20 items
 Chester County Historical Society - Darlington, Edward--Letters (notes and photocopies)
1830-186523 items
 Chester County Historical Society - Darlington, William--Ledger "A" (photocopies)
1804-18093 items
 Chester County Historical Society - Hill, Peter (notes and photocopies)
1855,18585 items
 Chester County Historical Society - Lammot, Daniel (notes and photocopies)
1849, 18524 items
 Chester County Historical Society - Medical Reporter (notes)
1853-9 items
 Chester County Historical Society - Miscellaneous Notes on Sources
 36 items
 Chester County Historical Society - Morley, Christine C.--Types of Early Mills in Delaware County, and their Use of Water Power
195313 items
 Chester County Historical Society - Riddle, Samuel--Letter (photocopy)
18712 items
 Chester County Historical Society - Townsend, Washington--On Marriage (notes and photocopies)
18476 items
 Chester County Historical Society - Valley Forge Commune, Latta Family (notes and photocopies)
1814-189010 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Blakely, Theodore and Miscellaneous Blakely Records
 11 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Conspiracy Trial
18427 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Crozer, John P.--Will and Related Documents
1866-187035 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Deeds--Smith, Richard S.
1832-18758 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Latter Day Saints Microfilm--Delaware County Records (notes and correspondence)
197115 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Pennell, Hannah--Will (1836)
 7 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Phillips, John S.--Lease
18254 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Poor Children's Names
182912 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Pusey's Mill
17301 item
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Riddle, Samuel--Will
188818 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Riddle Papers (notes and photocopies)
1835-197224 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Smith, Richard S.--Deed,Old Sable Works
18456 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Strike Conspirators' Tax Assessments
1829-1860, 189419 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Tax Assessments I
1829-1859ca. 75 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Tax Assessments II
1829-1859ca. 75 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Tax Assessments (notes)
 10 items
 Delaware County Courthouse (Media, Pa.) - Wills (transcripts)
1828-1926102 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Broomall, John
 2 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - County Tax Records
 11 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Dutton Papers (notes)
 1 item
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Glen Riddle Mills, Parkmount Mills
 ca. 20 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Baker Notebooks (notes)
 1 item
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Leiper, Thomas--Collection
 5 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Post-Boy newspaper (notes)
 3 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Miscellaneous notes
 42 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Glen Mills Paper Mills, Sarum Forge
1759-19394 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Will Book "A": Aston, Concord, Middletown and Thornbury
1789-180432 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Assessments--Real and Personal Property: Aston, Middletown 1790
1790-1807150 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Marriage Register--Middletown Monthly Meeting
1790-18103 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Delaware County Poor House (lists of persons supported; minors' petitions)
1800-184143 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Septennial Census (Tax Lists)
180715 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Darlington Papers (notes and photocopies)
1824-184387 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Upland Union newspaper articles (photocopies)
1825-1842110 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Delaware County Republican
1840-1842, 184711 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Upland Union newspaper articles (notes and photocopies)
1842, 1847-184827 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Delaware County Republican (notes and photocopies)
1842-186535 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Upland Union newspaper articles (notes and photocopies)
1843-1848132 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Penn's Grove Day Book #1 (indexed on 5x8 cards)
1844-1847128 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Reynolds, William--Day Book
1846-1867133 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Penn's Grove Day Book #2 (indexed on 5x8 cards)
1847-1850119 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Penn's Grove Rent Book
1847-185357 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Grave Marker Survey (W.P.A.)--Calvary Protestant Episcopal Church, Aston Twp. (Delaware Co., Pa.)
1936-193723 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Historical Sites Survey (W.P.A.)
193664 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Grave Marker Survey (W.P.A.)--St. Thomas R.C. Church
193717 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Grave Merker Survey (W.P.A.)--Friends' (Hicksite) Cemetery, Concord Twp. (Delaware Co., Pa.)
193718 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Grave Marker Survey (W.P.A.)--Friends (Hicksite) Cemetery, Middletown Twp. (Delaware Co., Pa.)
193729 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Grave Marker Survey (W.P.A.)--Friends' (Orthodox) Cemetery, Middletown Twp. (Delaware Co., Pa.)
19373 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Grave Marker Survey (W.P.A.)--Middletown Friends (Orthodox)
19373 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Grave Marker Survey (W.P.A.)--Middletown Presbyterian
193741 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Grave Marker Survey (W.P.A.)--St. John's Episcopal
193713 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Grave Marker Survey (W.P.A.)--Table of Contents
19375 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Grave Marker Survey (W.P.A.)--Upland Baptist (Upland, Pa.)
193719 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Grave Marker Survey (W.P.A.) --Upper Chichester Friends
193710 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Blue Church (Aston Township, Pa.)
19371 item
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Grave Marker Survey (W.P.A.)--Mount Hope Methodist Episcopal
193760 items
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Butterworth Calvary Church Names (early pioneers of industry in Aston Township)
19471 item
 Delaware County Historical Society (Broomall, Pa.) - Broomall, Anna--Notebooks
ca. 1906-191275 items
 Delaware County Institute of Science (Media, Pa.) - Minutes, Memorials, and Correspondence (notes)
1814-186143 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Longwood Manuscripts: Stove for Cotton Factory
181518 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Du Pont, Eleuthere--Letters out (notes)
 1 item
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Cheyney, Joseph R.--Notes
 1 item
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Brandywine Manufacturers' Sunday School Papers (notes and photocopies)
 69 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Accounts (excerpts)
 5 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Winterthur Group--Du Pont Daughters--Smith, E.B. [Elizabeth Beach] to Victorine du Pont Bauduy (notes and photocopies)
1790-187130 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Lammot, Susan (Beck)--Notes (notes and photocopies)
1806-18127 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Lammot, Anna Potts (Smith)--Poetry and Letters (notes and photocopies)
1808-182342 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Smith Collection--Smith, Francis Gurney to Eleuthera Du Pont
1810-182968 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Ronaldson, James (photocopy)
18132 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Lammot, Daniel--Business Correspondence
1814-183411 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Carter, John D. (notes and photocopies)
1816-18609 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Winterthur Group--Smith, Clementina (notes and typed transcripts)
1818-1865, 1880s122 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Winterthur Group--Du Pont, Alfred V. to Du Pont, Margaretta (Lammot) (typescript, notes, and photocopies)
1820-187831 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Smith, Francis Gurney to Du Pont (notes)
1822-18344 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Miscellaneous Papers--Blockley Cotton Factory (notes and photocopies)
1822-184848 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Du Pont, Margaretta (Lammot) (notes and photocopies)
1822-185337 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Lammot, Daniel--Letterbooks--Religious Correspondence (notes and photocopies)
1823-182548 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Du Pont, Ella (notes and photocopies)
1823-184811 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Lammot, Daniel--Letterbooks--Cotton Manufacturing Scheme
182530 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Winterthur Group--Du Pont Daughters--Smith, Harriet to Sophie DuPont
1826-18276 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Rey, Gabriel de Montaymont to Du Ponts (notes and photocopies)
182673 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Bancroft, Joseph--Notes on Machinery
1827-183093 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Smith, Francis Gurney to Eleuthere Du Pont (notes)
1827-18324 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Smith, Clementina to Sophie Du Pont--Correspondence (notes and photocopies)
1827-1850, 1834-184442 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - National Archives Film--Patent Office
1828-18334 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Winterthur Group--Du Pont Daughters--Smith, Eliza (Mackie) to Eleuthera Du Pont Smith (notes and photocopies)
1828-184519 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Winterthur Group--Du Pont Daughters--Smith, Eleuthera du Pont--Diaries
1829-187446 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Delaware Free Press (notes)
1830-183288 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Crowninsheild, Louise DuPont and Pierre S. DuPont--Tancopanicon Chronicle
1830-183480 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Du Pont, Sophie--Diaries, etc.
1830-185442 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Bancroft, Joseph: Wage Records--Bottomley, William
1831-18338 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Winterthur Group--Du Pont Daughters--Bauduy, Victorine du Pont (notes and photocopies)
1831-18348 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Maryland Historical Society--Briggs, Isaac (notes)
18311 item
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Winterthur Group--Du Pont Daughters--Smith, Eleuthera (Du Pont)--Letters to (notes)
1832, ca. 1850's1 item
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Winterthur Group--Du Pont Daughters--Smith, Joanna to Eleuthera (notes and photocopies)
1833-18348 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Gilpin Collection (notes and photocopies)
1833-184411 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Smith, Clementina to Sophie Du Pont--Correspondence (photocopies)
1834-1859143 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Workers' Letters (photocopies)
1834-186012 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Smith Collection--Smith, Richard S.
1834-186520 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - DuPont Collection--Blakely, Sarah and Maria (Miles) to Sophie DuPont (notes and photocopies)
1835-186522 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Bancroft Collection--Notes
1836-23 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Winterthur Group--Du Pont Daughters--Lammot, Eleanora to Sophie DuPont (notes and photocopies)
1836-18398 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Lammot, Daniel--Correspondence
1836-184946 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Du Pont, Charles--Machinery order
18361 item
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Winterthur Group--Du Pont Daughters--Smith, Clementina to Victorine Du Pont (notes)
18381 item
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Bancroft, John, Woolen Factory Ledger
1839-184226 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Columbia Insurance Company (notes and photocopies)
1840-185520 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Du Pont, Lammot (notes)
1843-18754 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Phillips Collection (notes and photocopy)
1845-18766 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Longwood Manuscripts--Jessup, A.E. to Samuel Riddle (notes and photocopy)
18452 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Lammot, Robert--Correspondence
1849-185714 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Heights of Various Persons Taken Off Our Porch Before Painting
1852-18775 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Du Pont, Samuel to Sophie Du Pont (notes and photocopies)
1857-185810 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Griffith, Richard S.--Notes and Material from Du Pont and Longwood Manuscripts--Sketches (notes and photocopies)
1859-186831 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Shanks, Mary to Sophie Du Pont (notes and photocopies)
1860-186111 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Smith, Clementina to Sophie Du Pont--Correspondence (photocopies)
1860-1864121 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Hexamer's General Surveys of Wilmington, Delaware
18667 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Gilpin, Mary S. (photocopies)
1868, n.d.5 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Riddle, James--Will
187321 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - DuPont, Francis--Turbine End Orsement
18832 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Chester Times (Chester, Pa.)--Smith, Harriet--Obituary
19031 item
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Hancock, Harold--Delaware Paper Makers (notes)
1955, n.d.6 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Boatman, Roy--The Brandywine Cotton Industry, 1975-1805
19578 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Winterthur Group--Du Pont, Alfred Victor to Du Pont, Margaretta (Lammot)
ca. 1820-183332 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Hounsfield, Mary Augusta (Lammot) to Sophie Du Pont (notes)
ca. 1834-1836, 18651 item
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Du Pont Collection--Leonard, William B. (notes)
ca. 1848-18493 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Griffith, Richard S.--Sketches
n.d.5 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library - Jenks, Alfred and Son--Illustrated Catalogue of Machines built by Alfred Jenks and Son
n.d.21 items
 Franklin Institute - Charter and Early Memberships
1824-182619 items
 Franklin Institute - Exhibitions
1824-187468 items
 Franklin Institute - Water Wheel Committee (Journal of the Franklin Institute)
183134 items
 Franklin Institute - Lowell Machinery (from Journal of the Franklin Institute)
1833-6 items
 Franklin Institute - Patent Descriptions
1847-185015 items
 Franklin Institute - Graff Collection of Drawings
n.d.6 items
 Franklin Institute - Miscellaneous (notes)
n.d.20 items
 Free Library of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Pa.) - Hexamer Collection (notes)
n.d.1 item
 Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore - Broomall, John (notes)
n.d.1 item
 Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore - The Friend (publication)--Notes and photocopies
1827-183233 items
 Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore - Jackson, Halliday--Civilization of the Indian Natives (photostats)
183087 items
 Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore - Jackson, Halliday--Sketch of the Manners, Customs, Religion and Government of the Seneca Indians
180032 items
 Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore - Miscellaneous
n.d.4 items
 Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore - Philadelphia Yearly Meeting--Miscellaneous
1803105 items
 Genealogical Society of Philadelphia - Shelf List--Delaware County
n.d.1 item
 Historical Society of Delaware - Poole Papers
1830-18386 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Broomall, John--Miscellaneous Speeches and Manuscripts
 2 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Coxe Collection--Pollard, William to Tench Coxe
17812 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Martin, John Hill--Journal
 41 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Miscellaneous Notes
 142 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Pictorial Material (notes)
 4 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - McPherson Collection--Notes on Anti-Masonic Movements
 1 item
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Willcox Papers--Notes #2
 3 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Willcox Papers--Willcox, Harriet Manigault--Diaries
1813-1816133 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Universalist Church Records (notes)
 5 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Willcox Papers--Notes #1
 1 item
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Poor House Records (Delaware County, Pennsylvania)
 9 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Marshall, Christopher--Diary (notes)
1782-17912 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Dreer Collection--Crozer, John and James Knowles (notes)
1784-18123 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Lovering Collection (notes)
1789-185345 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Gilpin, Thomas--On the Manufacturing of Woolen Goods and notes on Gilpin material
181339 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Saint John's Church (Concord, Pennsylvania)
1819-18491 item
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Martin, William--Receipt Book
1821-1832150 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Gilpin Collection--Gilpin Family Correspondence and History
1825-184330 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia Newspapers and Mechanics Free Press (notes)
18289 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Notes on the History and Principles of a Tariff and of Public Labor
183271 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia Liberalist (notes)
1833-18342 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Martin, John S. and William Martin (notes)
1834-187111 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Cadwallader Collection--Cadwallader, John (notes)
18362 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Martin, John Hill--Historical Notebook
187424 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Gilpin Collection--Gilpin, Thomas--Notes on English Cotton Manufacturing
ca. 181569 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Gilpin Collection--Gilpin, Thomas--Report on Manufacturers in Delaware
ca. 1832 
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania - Calvary Church (Rockdale, Pa.)--Memo
ca. 1861-18627 items
 Historical Society of York County (York, Pa.) - Notes
 5 items
 Howard, Robert A. - Drawings
n.d.27 items
 Indians of North America--New York (State) - Archaeology
19502 items

New York Times article and editorial describing how archaeologists learned through radioactive carbon dating that Indians had lived in New York 5,000 years before.

 Interviews - Gorman, William and Nellie
19726 items
 Interviews - Newsome, Samuel H. (notes)
19734 items
 Interviews - Rhoads, J.E.
19747 items
 Interviews - Miscellaneous Informants
ca. 1970-197556 items
 Library Company of Philadelphia - Notes
 3 items
 Library of Congress - Miscellaneous
 17 items
 Library of Congress - Pollard Reference
 1 item
 Library of Congress - American Colonization Society--Crozer Family Correspondence
1861-186542 items
 Library of Congress - American Colonization Society--Crozer, Samuel--Correspondence
1866-18673 items
 Library of Congress - American Colonization Society--Crozer, Samuel--Letters
18194 items
 Library of Congress - American Colonization Society--Crozer, Samuel--Death (ACS Annual Report)
n.d.32 items
 Library of Congress - Crozer, Samuel--Journal
1820ca. 20 items
 Public Ledger--Labor Law articles (notes and clippings)
1842, 184717 items
 Morris, Mrs. - Delaware County History--Notes
1786-190837 items
 Morris, Mrs. - Delaware County History--Notebooks
190819 items
 Mount Hope Methodist Church
 1 item
 National Archives and Records Administration - Patent Office Information
 National Archives and Records Administration - Census Materials in Possession
 21 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - Patent Office Records--Patent Extensions--Names of Inventors
 42 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - United States--Census--Notes
 4 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - Military Service Records
 7 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - Patent Office Records--Patents
 7 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - Patent Office--Pollard,William (photcopies)
17916 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - United States--Census, 2nd, 1800
180037 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - United States--Census, 3rd, 1810
181031 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - War of 1812 Papers--U.S. Marshall's Returns of Enemy Aliens
1812-181445 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - United States--Census, 4th, 1820
182038 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - United States--Census, 5th, 1830 and United States--Census, 6th, 1840
1830, 18402 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - United States Census, 5th, 1830
183081 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - United States Records--Miscellaneous Notes
1832-184425 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - United States--Census, 6th, 1840
184072 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - United States--Census, 7th, 1850
185064 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - United States--Census, 8th, 1860
186056 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - United States Courts in Pennsylvania (Johnson, Marion M. , Mary Jo Grotenrath, and Henry T. Ulasek--Records of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
196046 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - Census of Manufactures (Correspondence)
1971-197512 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - United States--Census--Miscellaneous Publications and Correspondence
19725 items
 National Archives and Records Administration - Miscellaneous Sheets
ca. 1810, n.d.12 items
 New Harmony, Ind. - Miscellaneous Information
 8 items
 New Harmony, Ind. - Workingmen's Institute--Library--Notes and Photocopies
1824-1826, 197431 items
 New Harmony, Ind. - Free Enquirer (Publication)
1828-182937 items
 New York Historical Society - Rogers, John--Letters
1850-180 items
 New York Historical Society - Miscellaneous Notes
n.d.27 items
 Painter Library, Tyler Arboretum - Anti-Masonic Register (notes)
18300 items
 Painter Library, Tyler Arboretum - Painter, Minshall
1836-185458 items
 Painter Library, Tyler Arboretum - Painter, Minshall--Letter from John P. Crozer
18411 item
 Painter Library, Tyler Arboretum - Monthly Jubilee (publication)
185335 items
 Painter Library, Tyler Arboretum - Middletown Township (Delaware County, Pa.) map
ca. 18301 item
 Painter Library, Tyler Arboretum - Manuscript Lists
ca. 197164 items
 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts - Phillips, John S. (notes and photocopies)
 16 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - Eastern State Penitentiary (notes)
 1 item
 Pennsylvania State Archives - Commons, John R.--Labor newspapers (notes)
 1 item
 Pennsylvania State Archives - Controller General's Papers (notes)
 1 item
 Pennsylvania State Archives - Map Division--Delaware County (Pa.) maps
 ca. 10 items

Includes photocopies of Rockdale Herald, October 15, 1898

 Pennsylvania State Archives - Election Returns (Pennsylvania Archives Sixth Series)--Notes
17895 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - Election Returns (County Elections, RG 26)--Notes
1790-183825 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - United States Septennial Census
179315 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - United States Direct Tax
1798108 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - United States Septennial Census
180013 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - Trimble's Medicine List
1813ca. items

List of medical articles received at Fort Mifflin

 Pennsylvania State Archives - Laws of Pennsylvania--Act Ordering Melish Map
18172 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - Brobson, W.P.--Diaries (notes)
1825-182817 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - House of Representatives--Journal (Journal of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania)
1827-182817 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - Aerial Photograph--Delaware County
19373 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - Miscellaneous
1962-197024 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - Research Conferences (includes finding aids from PHMC)
1968-197019 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - State Roads--Media to Maryland, Birmingham to West Chester Pike
1836, 18528 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives - Bureau of Land Records
n.d.7 items
 Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science - Pastore Library (notes)
n.d.1 item
 Philadelphia Museum of Art - Notes
n.d.4 items
 Philadelphia, City of - Register of Wills--Phillips family wills
1845,187620 items
 Presbyterian Historical Society - Ely, Ezra Styles
 3 items
 Presbyterian Historical Society - Landis, Robert--Correspondence from John Price Crozer
1833-183610 items
 Smithsonian Institution - Notes on textile machinery
197317 items
 State Library of Pennsylvania (Harrisburg, Pa.) - Notes
 7 items
 Swedenborgian School of Religion (Newton, Pa.) - Lammot, Daniel
1843-13 items
 Upland Baptist Church (Delaware County, Pa.) - Minutes
1852-188517 items
 Upland Baptist Church (Delaware County, Pa.) - Miscellaneous notes
1873-ca. 18779 items
 Upland Baptist Church (Delaware County, Pa.) - Pamphlets and history
190274 items
 Subseries 2. Historical Sites, Societies, and Surveys
 1704 House
 1 item
 Ash Map--Aston and Middletown Townships--Index
 19 items
 Batsto, New Jersey--Historical materials
19642 items
 Bishop's Mill Historical Institute (Edgemont, Pa.)
 9 items
 Chester and Delaware Counties--Public Offices--Notes
 8 items
 Chester County (Pa.)--Miscellaneous
 10 items
 Chester Group
198175 items
 Chronological Notes
1799-185162 items
 Cultural Dynamics Course--University of Pennsylvania
196887 items
 Darlington, Edward--Congress
1833-1839167 items
 Del Sordo, Stephen--Glen Riddle mill site
 32 items
 Delaware County Scene (newspaper)
1968-197112 items
 Dossiers--Mill Employees
1832-185011 items
 Employees:Day Books
1790-186058 items
 Graveyard Survey (Works Progress Administration)--Parkmount Names
1790-185040 items
 Historic Buildings--Pennsylvania
n.d.5 items
 Howard, Robert--Illustrations and Sharpless Account Book
1829-184379 items
 Institute of Pennsylvania Rural Life and Culture
1973-19763 items
 Maine Farmer and Journal of the Arts
1840-5 items
 Merrimack Valley Textile Museum (North Andover, Massachusetts)
 6 items
 Mill Genealogies
1818-188826 items
 Newlin's Mill--Miscellaneous
 2 items
 Newspapers--Pennsylvania (notes)
 19 items
 Old Sturbridge Village (Sturbridge, Mass.)
 53 items
OS1 Parkmount Names and Families in U.S. Census
1790-1850106 items
 Parkmount Pay Book--Analysis
 Paterson, New Jersey
 Penn's Grove Factory Composition--1850
 Penn's Grove Rent Book--Analysis
 Pollard, William--Arkwright Patent
 Pollard, William--Arkwright Patents Correspondence
 Pollard, William--Arkwright/Old Know Mss. (Butler Library, Columbia University)
 Pollard, William--Census and City Directory Listings
 Pollard, William--Coxe, Tench--Papers (Historical Society of Pennsylvania)
 Pollard, William--Estate
 Pollard, William--Jeremy, David J.--Correspondence with Anthony F.C. Wallace
 Pollard, William--Letter Book 1772-1774 (Historical Society of Pennsylvania)
 Pollard, William--Nicholson Collection--Campbell Papers (Historical Society of Pennsylvania)
 Pollard, William--Nicholson Collection--Pollard Papers (Pennsylvania State Archives)
 Pollard, William--Nicholson Letter Book (Historical Society of Pennsylvania)
 Pollard, William--Patent Application
 Pollard, William--Pennsylvania Society for Encouragement of Manufactures (Wetherill Papers, University of Pennsylvania)
 Pusey House (Upland, Pa.)
 Riddle, Samuel--Rent Book, Lenni and Glen Riddle (1890-1907)
 Rockdale Herald--Miscellaneous Articles
 Rockdale Legislators
 Rockdale Physicians
 Rockdale--Civil War Soldiers
 Sellers Family
 Slater Mill (Pawtucket, RI)
19723 items
 Society for the Preservation of Old Mills (1972)
 St. Peter's Village (Saint Peter's, Pa.)
 Tariff Notes
 Tax Lists: Employees
 50 items
 Textile Fabrics
 75 items
 U.S. Census--1850--Rockdale (Pa.)--Analysis
 100 items
 U.S. Census--Materials in Possession
 10 items
 Upper Canada Village (Morrisburg, Ontario)
1970s8 items
 Visual Thinking
 Weaving Terms--Glossary
 Westtown School (Westtown, Pa.)--Catalogs
ca. 19653 items
 Winterthur (Winterthur, Delaware)
 Historical Prints and Engravings
1971-19735 brochures items

Catalogs with illustrations of Delaware County, Philadelphia in 1876, list of prints from American Heritage, and Pictorial Collections at the Eleutherian Mills Historical Library

 Subseries 3. Miscellaneous
 Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
1974-198034 items
 Case, Robert P. -- Socioeconomic Change in a Middle Atlantic Mill Town, 1860-1900
ca. 19905 items
 Correspondence--General #1
1971-1986111 items
 Correspondence--General #2
1970-1975119 items
1978-198066 items
 Delaware County (Pa.) Times--Rockdale Story
19712 items
 Dramatis Personae and Epilogue
ca. 19773 items
 Fasanella, Ralph
 Heritage Commission of Delaware County
19794 items
 Matteawan Manufacturing Company (by AFCW?)
n.d.16 items
 Notes and Ideas--Miscellaneous
n.d.64 items
ca. 197720 items
 Reviews #1
197850 items
 Reviews #2
197875 items
 Rockdale Manuscript #1
 Rockdale Manuscript #2
 ca. 200 items
 Rockdale Manuscript #3
 ca. 200 items
 Rockdale Manuscript #4
 ca. 200 items
 Rockdale Manuscript #5
 ca. 200 items
 Rockdale Manuscript #6
 ca. 200 items
 Rockdale Manuscript #7
 ca. 200 items
 Rockdale Manuscript #8
 ca. 200 items
 Rockdale Manuscript #9
 ca. 200 items
 Rockdale Manuscript #10
 ca. 200 items
 Rockdale Manuscript #11
 ca. 200 items
 Rockdale--Free copies sent
197155 items
 Rockdale--Illustrations. Includes Rockdale Herald newspaper (Golden Jubilee 1948-1898 edition)
1948, 1973-197782 items
 Rockdale--Manuscript Notes---Chapter 1
 28 items
 Rockdale--Manuscript Notes--Bibliography
ca. 19752 items
 Rockdale--Manuscript Notes--Chapter 2
 29 items
 Rockdale--Manuscript Notes--Chapter 3
 31 items
 Rockdale--Manuscript Notes--Chapter 4
 9 items
 Rockdale--Manuscript Notes--Chapter 5
 21 items
 Rockdale--Manuscript Notes--Chapter 6
 30 items
 Rockdale--Manuscript Notes--Chapter 7
 25 items
 Rockdale--Manuscript Notes--Chapter 8
 36 items
 Rockdale--Manuscript Notes--Chapter 8
 55 items
 Rockdale--Manuscript Notes--Dramatic Personae and Epilogue
 5 items
 Rockdale--Manuscript Notes--Preface
 11 items
n.d.24 items
197728 items
1977-197848 items
ca. 197747 items
 Sharpless-Worrall Account Book
1829-18431 vol.

Account book, early 19th century, for Sharpless-Worrall (textile supplies)

 W.W. Norton and Company
1979-19808 items
 Subseries 4. Finances
 Budget Summaries
1972-197519 items
 Dossiers on Rockdale Residents--Plans for
n.d.3 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Society Application
19764 items
1972-197620 items
 Leave of Absence
1971-197219 items
 National Science Foundation Application
1977-197867 items
 National Science Foundation Budget
1972-197353 items
 National Science Foundation Budget
1973-197465 items
 National Science Foundation Budget
1974-197546 items
 National Science Foundation Grant Proposal
197299 items
 National Science Foundation Supplemental Request
1975-197628 items
1972-197640 items
 Research Administration Memos
1974-197615 items
 Rockefeller Foundation Application
1975-197674 items
 Work-Study Students
1973-197639 items
 Subseries 5. Student Seminar Papers
 Bartovics, Albert F.--Archaeology of Daniels' Village (prospectus)
1973-197417 items
 Becker, Marshall Joseph
 Behnke, Michael C.--The Anti-Masonic Monument
1827-184023 items
 Bromberg, JoAnn--Dissertation Proposal
n.d.4 items
 Coleman, Michael C.--Christianizing and Americanizing the Nez Perce: Sue L. McBeth and her Attitudes to the Indians

Separated material: Not in this collection. Item was removed to the APS's printed materials catalogue.

 Gerdes, John F.--Bibliography on the Nature and Application of Models in Anthropology
n.d.8 items
 Gerdes, John F.--Marxian Man: Marx's View of Human Nature
 39 items
 Gilmore, David D.--Data on Public Activities of Mill Owners
197252 items
 Horwitz, Richard P.--Dissertation Introduction (two copies)
197316 items
 Horwitz, Richard P.--Society and Culture in a Nineteenth Century Community: Winthrop, Maine, 1830-1850 (dissertation introduction)
1972-197329 items
 Horwitz, Richard--Lowell Boardinghouse
1971, 197343 items
 Hsu-Balzer, Eileen--Japanese Professional Women
197235 items
 Kasserman, David--American Merchant Bibliography
197221 items
 Kasserman, David--Daniel Lammot
n.d.7 items
 Kasserman, David--Dissertation Proposal
 35 items
 Kasserman, David--T.W. Dyott and Industrial Democracy
197028 items
 King, Robert--Cultural Innovation that Failed: The Rise and Fall of Industrial Democracy (dissertation proposal)
197534 items
 Lemieux, Christine--Living to Die: Rite of Passage Concerning Dying in Southeastern Pennsylvania, 1790-1860
197254 items
 Lesnich ---Photocopies of Articles on Early Pennsylvania Education
 41 items
 Lott, Steve--Slavery (Lott's notes; intro to Lott's "Industrialization and the Black Population in S.E. Penna., 1780-1840; and photocopy of Joseph E. Walker's "A Comparison of Negro and White Labor in a Charcoal Iron Community."
n.d., 197261 items
 Marx, Sandy--Literary Values of Chester and Delaware Counties (paper and notes)
1790-1850118 items
 Ostrach, Stefan A.--John P. Crozier's Religious World View: A Study in Legitimation
197362 items
 Ostrach, Stefan A.--Lowell: A Study in the Rationalization of the Industrial System
197126 items
 Robison, Janet McClintock--An Ethnography of Medical Practice, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1790-1861 (dissertation proposal)
1972-197399 items
 Robison, Janet McClintock--Dissertation Proposal and Conclusion
197329 items
 Sanday, Peggy R. and Rae Alexander Minter--Frankford Bicentennial Project
197594 items
 Walters, Dianne Bertoty--The Sharpless: A Study in Cousin Marriage
n.d.57 items
 E. St. Clair
1978-19999 linear feet

Materials from Anthony F.C. Wallace's research on the St. Clair, Schuylkill County area of the Pennsylvania coal region, including notes, drafts, photocopies of primary and secondary sources of material relating to Pennsylvania coal region history and detailed analyses of census data for the town of St. Clair, and papers from conferences and talks on St. Clair, Schuylkill County, industrialization, and the role of the hero, particularly as represented by the industrialist, in 19th century America.

A valuable central resource for the study of Pennsylvania coal region history, with copies of rare items from repositories and libraries throughout Pennsylvania, the St. Clair subseries contains a wealth of material on coal mining, coal miners and labor organizations, Schuylkill County and Pennsylvania coal region history and the Molly Maguire crimes and trials. In addition to photocopies of most major 19th and 20th century sources on coal region history, arranged by author, the series contains primary source materials culled from several area repositories. These include deeds, correspondence, and other materials from Pennsylvania families as the Wetherills, Careys, and others influential in coal region history as well as notes and correspondence relating to the Pinkerton National Detective Agency's investigation of the Molly Maguires.

The St. Clair subseries also includes three linear feet of photocopies of Miners' Journal newspaper articles from 1830 to 1878, which Wallace and his wife Betty extracted and arranged by subject, thereby creating an index of sorts for a publication that has no known index.

Series III, Notecards, contains additional information on bibliographic sources for St. Clair, census data on St. Clair families, notes on prominent Schuylkill County individuals, and an alphabetical card file of miners injured and killed, which provides a less time-consuming alternative to researching the chronologically-arranged state mine accident reports for St. Clair. Series XI, Photographs, includes over 100 photo reproductions of 19th century prints and photographs depicting coal mining and the Pennsylvania coal region from the Historical Society of Schuylkill County.

 Subseries 1. Published Primary Sources
 Addis, John -- Crawshay Dynasty
195733 items
 Allen, John Scott, 1925- -- 1712 and other Newcomen Engines of the Earls of Dudley
196533 items
 Allen, John Scott, 1925- -- Introduction of the Newcomen Engine 1710-1733
 24 items
 Appadurai, Arjun -- Culture and Consumption in an Indian Peasant Community (proposal to National Science Foundatuion)
198016 items
 Appleton's Mechanics Magazine--Notes
18511 item
 Arensberg, Conrad Maynadier -- Irish Countryman; an Anthropological Study
193711 items
 Ashton, T.S. and Sykes, Joseph -- Coal Industry of the Eighteenth Century
19297 items
 Ashton, T.S. -- Discoveries of the Darbys of Coalbrookdale
19246 items
 Aurand, Harold and William Gudelunas -- Mythical Qualities of Molly Maguire
19828 items
 Aurand, Harold W. -- Anthracite Miner--An Occupational Analysis
19806 items
 Aurand, Harold W. -- Anthracite Strike of 1887-1888
 9 items
 Aurand, Harold W. -- Diversifying the Economy of the Anthracite Regions, 1880-1900
19704 items
 Aurand, Harold W. -- From the Molly Maguires to the United Mine Workers--Notes
 4 items
 Aurand, Harold W. -- Workingmen's Benevolent Association
 9 items
 Baer, Christopher T. -- Constraints and Transport in the Coal Trade, 1800-1855
198112 items
 Baer, Christopher T. -- Miner as Market Victim, 1840-1860
197926 items
 Barone, Deborah -- Study of Domestic Cast Iron Articles Produced at Colebrookdale Furnace, Berks County, PA, 1735-1751
198033 items
 Bell, I. Lowthian (Isaac Lowthian), 1816-1904 -- Notes of a Visit to Coal- and Iron-Mines and Ironworks in the United States
187536 items
 Berthoff, Rowland, 1921- -- Social Order of the Anthracite Region, 1825-1902
 15 items
 Bining, Arthur Cecil, 1893-1957 -- Rise of Iron Manufacture in Western Pennsylvania
193312 items
 Black, Max, 1909- -- Making Intelligent Choices: How Useful is Decision Theory?
19841 item
 Bowen, Eli, b. 1824 -- Coal Regions of Pennsylvania
184825 items
 Bowen, Eli, b. 1824 -- Coal and Coal Oil
18659 items
 Bowen, Eli, b. 1824 -- Coal and the Coal-Mines of Pennsylvania
185714 items
 Bowen, Eli, b. 1824 -- Coal Regions of Pennsylvania, Being a General, Geological, Historical and Statistical Review of the Anthracite Coal Districts
184839 items
 Bowen, Eli, b. 1824 -- Coal, and the Coal Trade. A Series of Letters on the Origin of Coal and Oil Springs
186226 items
 Bowen, Eli, b. 1824 -- McGinnes Theory of the Schuylkill Coal Formation
185529 items
 Butler, Richard -- Effect of Industrial Changes on Occupational "Inheritance" in Four Pennsylvania Communities
19486 items
 Campbell, Stuart -- Businessmen and Anthracite: Aspects of Change in the Late Nineteenth Century Anthracite Industry (excerpt)
19789 items
 Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879 -- Letter to Messrs. C.L. Harding, S.L. French, Geo. Bacon, Abbott Lawrence, B.X. Rotch, and Others, Stockholders in the St. Clair Coal Company of Boston
186517 items
 Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879 -- Memorials
1885-195920 items
 Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879 -- Miners Journal letters
186043 items
 Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879 -- Works
 Carpenter, John T. -- Ectrotic Virtues of Iodine in Variola
185527 items
 Carpenter, John T. -- Report of the Schuylkill County Medical Society
1868-18695 items
 Carter, Edward Carlos 1928- -- I have the Itch of Botany, of Chemistry, of Mathematics strong upon me: the Science of Benjamin Henry Latrobe
19841 vol.
 Casey, Robert J. (Robert Joseph), 1890-1962 -- Lackawanna Story: First Hundred Years of the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad (excerpts)
 Chandler, Alfred Dupont -- Anthracite Coal and the Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in the United States
 Chandler, Alfred Dupont -- Industrial Revolutions and Institutional Arrangements
19801 item
 Cochran, Thomas Childs, 1902- -- Frontiers of Change: Early Industrialism in America (draft of chapter 1, "Why America and and Britain?")
c. 198019 items
 Commons, John Rogers, 1862-1945, ed. -- Knights of Labor (excerpt from A Documentary History of American Industrial Society, Vol. X, Labor Movement)
191110 items
 Commonwealth versus John Kehoe (Notes)
n.d.11 items
 Couch, Stephen Robert -- Centralia Grant Application
c. 198235 items
 Couch, Stephen Robert -- Chronic Technical Disaster: Toward a Social Scientific Perspective
19851 item
 Coxe, Eckley Brinton, 1839-1895 -- Biographical Notice of Franklin B. Gowen
18903 items
 Coxe, Eckley Brinton, 1839-1895 -- Mining Legislation. A Paper Read at the General Meeting of the American Social Science Association at Philadelphia, October 25, 1870
187010 items
 Coxe, Eckley Brinton, 1839-1895 -- New Method of Sinking Shafts
187213 items
 Coxe, Eckley Brinton, 1839-1895 -- Secondary Technical Education. An Address Delivered Before the American Institute of Mining Engineers at their Baltimore Meeting
18797 items
 Coxe, Eckley Brinton, 1839-1895 -- Social Science Association of Philadelphia. Papers of 1871. Boards of Conciliation and Arbitration
187114 items
 Coxe, Eckley Brinton, 1839-1895
 Daddow, Samuel Harries, 1827-1875 -- Coal, Iron, and Oil; or, the Practical American Miner
1866438 items
 Daddow, Samuel Harries, 1827-1875 -- Noncarra's Bad Luck
 5 items
 Daddow, Samuel Harries, 1827-1875 -- Trevaro, and other occasional poems, written by "Alpha Lyra" [pseud.], [Place]
1853159 items
 Dana, James Dwight, 1813-1895 -- New text-book of geology. Designed for schools and academies (excerpt), [Place]
pref. 18775 items
 Danville and Pottsville Railroad -- Report of the President and Managers of the Danville and Pottsville Rail Road Company to the Stockholders
183912 items
 Davies, Edward J., II, 1947- -- Anthracite aristocracy : leadership and social change in the hard coal regions of northeastern Pennsylvania, 1800-1930 (Notes)
n.d.2 items
 Davies, Edward J., II, 1947-
 Davy, Humphry, Sir, 1788-1829 -- On the Fire Damp of Coal Mines (notes)
18162 items
 Day, Sherman, 1806-1884 -- Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania (excerpts)
18438 items
 Donovan, Arthur -- Carboniferous Capitalism: Excess Productive Capacity and Institutional Backwardness in the U.S. Coal Industry
19837 items
 Eavenson, Howard Nicholas, 1873- -- First Century and a Quarter of American Coal (notes)
19421 item
 Ecenbarger, William -- John O'Hara Could Go Home Again, [Place]
 Eleutherian Mills Hagley Foundation -- Anthracite Conference
198211 items
 Erickson, Charlotte, 1923- -- Invisible Immigrants: The Adaptation of English and Scottish Immigrants in Nineteenth Century America (excerpts)
197216 items
 Evans, Chris -- History of United Mine Workers of America from the year 1860 to 1890
1918?-192043 items
 Faler, Paul G. (Paul Gustaf), 1940- -- Cultural Aspects of the Industrial Revolution: Lynn, Massachusetts, Shoemakers, and Industrial Morality, 1826-1860. From Labor History 15
197427 items
 Faust, Drew Gilpin -- Rhetoric and Ritual of Agriculture in Antebellum South Carolina. Journal of Southern History, Vol. XLV, No. 4
197914 items
 Fowler, John A. d. 1911 -- Fire Insurance Premium
187611 items
 Fowler, John A. d. 1911 -- History of insurance in Philadelphia for two centuries (1683-1882)
 Geddes, William F., printer -- Comparative Views of the Most Important Anthracite Collieries in Pennsylvania, [Place]
 George, Henry -- Labor in Pennsylvania, North American Review, vol. 143 (1886); vol. 144 (1887)
1886-188726 items
 Government Publications--Hasse, Adelaide Rosalia, 1868-1953 -- Index of State Documents: Pennsylvania
191964 items
 Government Publications--Packer--Report on the Coal Trade -- Packer, S.J. Report of the Committee of the Senate upon the Subject of the Coal Trade
183499 items
 Government Publications--Pennsylvania Bureau of Industrial Statistics -- Pennsylvania Bureau of Industrial Statistics. Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Industrial Statistics
 Government Publications--Pennsylvania Bureau of Statistics of Labor -- Philadelphia Social Science Association, The Census in Philadelphia
1872-187384 items
 Government Publications--Pennsylvania Bureau of Statistics of Labor -- United States Department of Energy--Historian's Office, [Place]
19795 items
 Government Publications--Pennsylvania Joint Committee of the Legislature -- Report of the Joint Committee of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, Appointed to Inquire into the Affairs of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company and...Railroad Company
 Government Publications--Pennsylvania, House of Representatives -- Journal of House of Representatives and Journal of Senate; Acts 885 and 1327, [Place]
186621 items
 Government Publications--Pennsylvania. Senate -- Pennsylvania. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary General. Report in Relation to the Anthracite Coal Difficulties
1871123 items
 Government Publications--St. Clair Coal Company -- Answer of the St. Clair Coal Company Before the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission
190124 items
 Government Publications--U.S. Report of U.S. Coal Commission -- United States. Coal commission. Report of the United States Coal Commission
192553 items
 Government Publications--U.S. Report on Capital and Labor in Mining Industry -- United States. Industrial Commission. Report of the Industrial Commission on the Relations and Conditions of Capital and Labor Employed in the Mining Industry
190127 items
 Government Publications--United States Department of Energy -- Historian's Office--Energy History Report
1979-19805 items
 Government Publications--United States, House--Labor Troubles -- United States. Congress. House. Committee on Commerce. Labor Troubles in the Anthracite Regions of Pennsylvania
1887-1888309 items
 Grady, John -- Grant Proposals
 Greene, Victor, 1933- -- A Study in Slavs, Strikes, and Unions: The Anthracite Strike of 1897
 Gregory, J.W. -- Henry Darwin Rogers: An Address to the Glasgow University Geological Society
191620 items
 Grob, Gerald N., 1931- -- Workers and Utopia. A Study of Ideological Conflict in the American Labor Movement 1865-1900 (Ch. 2 Reform Unionism: The National Labor Union)
196125 items
 Gudelunas, William A. -- Rise of the Irish Factor in Anthracite Politics, 1850-1880
198125 items
 Haldeman, H.L. -- Chickie's Furnace, [Place]
18969 items
 Hall, J.W. -- Notes on Coalbrookdale and the Darbys
19248 items
 Hare, Jay V. -- History of the Reading
1909-191455 items
 Harper's Weekly -- Down among the coal mines
18736 items
 Harper's Weekly -- Horrors of the Mine
18738 items
 Harris, Joseph S. -- Report of Joseph S. Harris, Esq., upon the coal landsof the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co.
188032 items
 Hart, Lane S., printer and binder -- White slaves of monopolies; or, John Fitz Patrick, the miner, soldier and workingman's friend : A history of his struggles with mine owners, corporations [etc.]
1884186 items
 Hartranft, Paul Edgar -- History of the Public Schools (excerpts and notes), M.A. thesis, Pennsylvania State University
n.d.12 items
 Hedley, John -- A Practical Treatise on the Working and Ventilation of Coal Mines; with Suggestions for Improvements in Mining (excerpt)
 Henning, D.C. -- Early Annals of Pottsville
191028 items
 Hewitt, Nancy A., 1951- -- An Ethnohistorical Approach to Women's Activism in Rochester, New York, 1820-1860
 Hirsch, Mark D. (Mark David), 1910- -- Class, Ethnicity and the Irish Miners of the Lower Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania 1850-1880
198130 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Channell, G.W.--Port Carbon and Her People
19126 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Early History of Coal Mining and Mining Machinery in Schuylkill County, [Place]
191222 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Eastman, Elizabeth--Early Days in Pottsville, [Place]
19114 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Elssler, Ermina--History of the Henry Clay Monument, [Place]
190913 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Filbert, J.H.--Joseph F. Patterson. Delivered before the Schuylkill County Historical Society
19246 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- John, J.J.--Rambles Over a King's Highway of Colonial Times
190531 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- John, J.J.--The Centre Turnpike Road: One of the Famous Old Turnpikes of Our Commonwealth
190917 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- John, J.J.--The Story About One of the First Chartered Railroads in America, [Place]
190635 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Maguire, John--Early Pennsylvania Coal Mine Legislation
 2 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Newell, William H.--Legends and Traditions of Schuylkill County, [Place]
19123 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Patterson, Joseph F.--Old W.B.A. Days, [Place]
191031 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Patterson, Joseph F.--Reminiscences of John Maguire After Fifty Years of Mining
191243 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Patterson, Joseph--After the W.B.A., [Place]
19119 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Volume I, [Place]
1907136 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Volume IV, [Place]
1912370 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County Publications -- Volume V., No. 3, [Place]
n.d.13 items
 Homrighaus, Barbara -- Dangerous Work Must Be Done: Oral Histories of Child Labor, [Place]
19871 vol.
 Homrighaus, Barbara -- Immigration and Ethnicity in the Anthracite Region: The Peter Kowker Story, [Place]
1986-198711 items
 Horwitz, Richard P., 1949- -- Architecture and Culture: the Meaning of the Lowell Boarding House
197313 items
 Howard, Robert A. and E. Alvin Gerhardt, Jr. -- Mary Patton, Powder Maker of the Revolution (removed for cataloguing), [Place]
 Howard, Robert A. -- A Primer on Water Turbines
n.d.22 items
 Howard, Robert A. -- Gunpowder in the American Revolution (in Arms Gazette--removed for cataloguing)
 Howard, Robert A. -- Interchangeable Parts Reexamined: The Private Sector of the American Arms Industry on the Eve of the Civil War.
197817 items
 Howard, Robert A. -- Technology Outline
n.d.9 items
 Howard, Robert A. -- Water Power: How it Works
19791 vol.
 Howard, Robert A.
 Hughes, Thomas Parke -- Bridge that Spanned the World (transcript), [Place]
 Hughes, Thomas Parke -- Convergent Themes in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology (removed for cataloguing)
19819 items
 Humphrey, H.D. -- Historical Summary of Coal-Mine Explosions in the United States, 1810-1958 (Bulletin 586, Bureau of Mines)
196015 items
 Insurance -- Insurance Yearbook for 1874 (excerpt), [Place]
18742 items
 Insurance -- Annual Report of the Committee on Adjustments and Statistics of the National Board of Fire Underwriters
1873-187463 items
 Insurance -- Binney, Horace--Address (from Centennial Meeting of the Philadelphia Contributorship for the Insurance of Houses from Loss by Fire
185222 items
 Insurance -- Miners' Journal Advertisements
1860-18674 items
 Itter, William A. -- Early Labor Troubles in the Schuylkill Anthracite District. (Pennsylvania History, vol. 1)
19345 items
 Jenkins, Rhys -- A Sketch of the Industrial History of the Coalbrookdale District
19243 items
 Jenkins, Rhys -- Iron-making in the Forest of Dean
192524 items
 John, A.H. -- Minutes Relating to Messrs. Samuel Walker and Co. Rotherham, Iron Founders and Steel Refiners, 1741-1829 and Messrs. Walkers, Parker, and Co. Lead Manufacturers, 1788-1893
19519 items
 Johnson, Mary -- Ennui as a Force in History (panel proposal for Fifth Berkshire Conference on Women's History)
c. 1980-19816 items
 Johnson, Mary -- Madame E.I. du Pont and Madame Victorine du Pont Bauduy, The First Mistresses of Eleutherian Mills: Models of Domesticity in the Brandywine Valley during the Antebellum Era
198137 items
 Johnson, Mary -- Servant Problem in the Brandywine Valley in the Antebellum Era
198143 items
 Johnson, Walter R. (Walter Rogers), 1794-1852 -- Notes on the Use of Anthracite in the Manufacture of Iron with Some Remarks on its Evaporating Power
184130 items
 Jordan, William M. -- Geology and the Industrial-Transportation Revolution in Early to Mid Nineteenth-Century Pennsylvania
19798 items
 Journal of the Franklin Institute -- Notes and Articles on Mining, [Place]
1867, 187248 items
 Kaminsky, John -- Carpatho-Slav Culture and Culture Change in St. Clair, Pennsylvania
195188 items
 Karaska, Gerald J. -- Pattern of Settlements in the Southern and Middle Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania (abstract)
n.d.2 items
 Killeen, Charles E. -- John Siney: The Pioneer in American Industrial Unionism and Industrial Government
1942126 items
 Kline, Benjamin F. G. -- Pitch Pine and Prop Timber: The Logging Railroads of South-Central Pennsylvania
 Knox, Thomas Wallace, 1835-1896 -- Underground or Life Below the Surface
18747 items
 Korson, George Gershon, 1899-1967 -- Black rock, mining folklore of the Pennsylvania Dutch., [Place]
196027 items
 Korson, George Gershon, 1899-1967 -- Minstrels of the Mine Patch, [Place]
1964148 items
 Korson, George Gershon, 1899-1967 -- Songs and Ballads of the Anthracite Miners, [Place]
192715 items
 Kroll-Smith, J. Stephen, 1947- -- Chronic Technical Disaster: Toward a Social Scientific Perspective
19851 item
 Lacey, Michael James -- National Seminary of Learning: Washington Scientists and the Rise of the Modern State in the Late Nineteenth Century
198224 items
 Lakoff, Sanford A. -- Technology and the Intellectuals
19821 item
 Lea, Mathew Carey, 1823-1897 -- On the First, or Southern Coal Field of Pennsylvania
18413 items
 Lehigh Valley Railroad -- Guide-book of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, [Place]
187319 items
 Leighton, George Ross, 1902-1966 -- Shenandoah, Pennsylvania. The Story of An Anthracite Town
193717 items
 Lesley, J. Peter, 1819-1903 -- A Few Facts Regarding the Geological Survey of Pennsylvania Exposing the Erroneous Statements and Claims of J.P. Lesley, Secretary of the American Iron Association
185912 items
 Lesley, J. Peter, 1819-1903 -- A geological hand atlas of the sixty-seven counties of Pennsylvania, embodying the results of the field work of the survey, from 1874 to 1884 (chapter CXXII, The Southern Coal Fields)
188546 items
 Lesley, J. Peter, 1819-1903 -- A geological hand atlas of the sixty-seven counties of Pennsylvania, embodying the results of the field work of the survey, from 1874 to 1884 (chapter CXXII, The Southern Coal Fields)
1885131 items
 Lesley, J. Peter, 1819-1903 -- Life and Letters of Peter and Susan Lesley, [Place]
190970 items
 Lesley, J. Peter, 1819-1903 -- Manual of Coal and its Topography
 Leslie's illustrated weekly newspaper -- Among the Coal Mines
 11 items
 Licht, Walter, 1946- -- Getting and Losing Work in Philadelphia, 1870-1935: An Analysis of a Survey, [Place]
198244 items
 Lippincott's Magazine -- Life in the Coal Mines
 3 items
 Lippincott's Magazine -- Vignettes from the Schuylkill Valley
 19 items
 Low, Betty-Bright P. -- Women's Travels, 1800-1840, Antidote to Ennui?
198121 items
 Lyell, Charles, Sir, 1797-1875 -- Travels in North America; with geological observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. (Chapter 4, Tour to the Anthracite Region)
184511 items
 MacLean, Annie Marion -- Life in the Pennsylvania Coal Fields with Particular Reference to Women
 23 items
 McCarthy, Charles Ambrose, 1907- -- Great Molly Maguire Hoax (Ch. 6--Gowen's decision to get Kehoe), [Place]
196922 items
 McCurdy -- Potts family (notes)
n.d.3 items
 Miller, Donald L. 1944- -- Kingdom of Coal: Anthracite Culture in Pennsylvania (outline)
c. 198020 items
 Miners' Journal -- Accidents (selected articles)
1844-1877191 items
 Miners' Journal -- Anthracite Iron (selected articles)
1830-1856131 items
 Miners' Journal -- Avondale and Mining Legislation
1869-187355 items
 Miners' Journal -- Biographical Information
1839-187432 items
 Miners' Journal -- Boundy, John--The Miner Artist
1867-186811 items
 Miners' Journal -- Canals (Tolls)
1855, 18706 items
 Miners' Journal -- Clay, Henry
1845-185518 items
 Miners' Journal -- Coal Companies
1855-18665 items
 Miners' Journal -- Coal Trade Statistics
1845-1872154 items
 Miners' Journal -- Coal Trade
1838-187475 items
 Miners' Journal -- Colliery Sketches and Machinery
1846-1878111 items
 Miners' Journal -- Crime
1842-187587 items
 Miners' Journal -- Education
1845-187023 items
 Miners' Journal -- European Correspondence
1839-1877158 items
 Miners' Journal -- Iron Ore
18678 items
 Miners' Journal -- James, Gomer (murder case)
1873-18747 items
 Miners' Journal -- Labor
1838-187467 items
 Miners' Journal -- Militarization
1842-18745 items
 Miners' Journal -- Mine Fires
1839-187524 items
 Miners' Journal -- Mine Hill Shaft Company bill
18551 item
 Miners' Journal -- Miners' Hospital Bill
1842-187017 items
 Miners' Journal -- Minersville (Pa.)
1844-1847, 187417 items
 Miners' Journal -- Molly Maguires Trials--(Notes from Miners' Journal supplements)
1876-187712 items
 Miners' Journal -- Molly Maguires
1857, 1871-187410 items
 Miners' Journal -- Notes #1
1838-1865168 items
 Miners' Journal -- Notes #2
1865-1874199 items
 Miners' Journal -- Notes and Miscellaneous
1846-1873126 items
 Miners' Journal -- Obituaries
 Miners' Journal -- Poetry and Ballads
 23 items
 Miners' Journal -- Politics
1838-187276 items
 Miners' Journal -- Pottsville Descriptions
1838-187453 items
 Miners' Journal -- Pottsville-Philadelphia Railroad Opening
1839-184226 items
 Miners' Journal -- Railroads
1840-187330 items
 Miners' Journal -- Saint Clair (Pa.)
1845-1874128 items
 Miners' Journal -- Selected articles
1850-185577 items
 Miners' Journal -- Shafts
1839-187337 items
 Miners' Journal -- Shenandoah
18732 items
 Miners' Journal -- Statistics of the Coal Trade
1866-187083 items
 Miners' Journal -- Strike--Ashland, Pa.
185819 items
 Miners' Journal -- Strikes (other)
1862-187235 items
 Miners' Journal -- Technological Innovations
1840-187448 items
 Miners' Journal -- Technology
1838-187437 items
 Miners' Journal -- Under-river mining
18731 item
 Miners' Journal -- Ventilation
1845-1871129 items
 Moore, Ralph -- Ventilation of Mines
18594 items
 Morris, Phineas -- Mining Rights in Pennsylvania (notes)
18602 items
 Nash, June C., 1927- -- Grant Proposals and Labor Bibliographies
198182 items
 Nef, J.U. -- Progress of Technology and the Growth of Large-Scale Industry in Great Britain, 1540-1640
193412 items
 Newspaper clippings (see oversize box)
 Newspaper clippings -- St. Clair (Pa.)--History
 Nolan, J. Bennett (James Bennett), 1877-1964 -- Schuylkill (River)
 28 items
 Page, William -- A History of Lancashire (vol. IV of The Victoria History of the Counties of England)
191112 items
 Philadelphia Press -- Labor (article titled "What the People Say")
18694 items
 Phillipps, G. Jenkin -- System of Mining Coal (map excerpts, photocopies)
185810 items
 Pitlick, Mary -- Victorian New York in Historical Perspective: The European Heritage and the American Legacy
197939 items
 Powell, H. Benjamin -- Coal, Philadelphia, and the Schuylkill (pp. 70-156)
196826 items
 Powell, H. Benjamin -- Schuylkill Coal Trade, 1825-1842
 Rogers, Henry D, Henry Darwin, 1808-1866, -- Analysis of some of the Coals of Pennsylvania
1834-183711 items
 Rogers, Henry D, Henry Darwin, 1808-1866 -- Coal and Coal Mining (Harper's New Monthly article)
18646 items
 Rogers, Henry D, Henry Darwin, 1808-1866 -- Geology of Pennsylvania (preface and excerpts)
185845 items
 Rogers, Henry D, Henry Darwin, 1808-1866 -- Second Annual Report on the Geological Exploration of the State of Pennsylvania
183844 items
 Rogers, Henry D, Henry Darwin, 1808-1866 -- Third Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Pennsylvania (excerpt)
183918 items
 Rood, Henry Edward, 1867- -- A Pennsylvania Colliery Village (published in The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine)
1897-189823 items
 Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 -- Coal Miner at Home
 10 items
 Rose, Dan -- Aesthetic and Moral Ordering of the Material World in Southern Chester County, Pennsylvania
 8 items
 Ross, Dorothy -- Socialism and American Liberalism: Academic Social Thought in the 1880s
1977-197837 items
 Roy, Andrew -- A History of the Coal Miners of the United States
190265 items
 Rupp, I. Daniel (Israel Daniel), 1803-1878 -- History of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Carbon, and Schuylkill Counties
184569 items
 Sachs, Viola -- Removed for cataloguing--see list
 Sanderlin, Walter S., 1920- -- Expanding Horizons of the Schuylkill Navigation Company
19699 items
 Schlegal, Marvin -- Ruler of the Reading: The Life of Franklin B. Gowen (excerpts)
 5 items
 Schlegal, Marvin -- Workingmen's Benevolent Association
 12 items
 Schuylkill County History -- [Beers, J.H.,] Schuylkill County Pennsylvania--Genealogy--Family History--Biography (excerpts)
1916139 items
 Schuylkill County History -- [Munsell, W.W.,] History of Schuylkill County, Pa. (excerpts and several chapters)
 Schuylkill County History -- Bast, Gideon
1858, 18693 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Beers Atlas/St. Clair Directory
18751 item
 Schuylkill County History -- Beers Atlas
196825 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Carey, Henry
1910-191124 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Chambers, George--History of Pottsville
187612 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Civil War Regiments (excerpts from Munsell's History of Schuylkill County)
188150 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Dictionary of American Biography (excerpts)
 Schuylkill County History -- Dictionary of National Biography
n.d.6 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Dives, Pomeroy, and Stewart--History of the County of Schuylkill (excerpts)
191110 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Dun and Bradstreet and Mercantile Reporting References
1866-187647 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Elliot, Ella Zerbey--Old Schuylkill Tales (excerpts and notes)
190647 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Hart, Daniel L. (notes and biographical material)
1928-19787 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Lawton, Charles (notes)
n.d.4 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Lea Collection, University of Pennsylvania (notes)
19813 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Lea, Henry Charles, 1825-1909--Tribute
1909-19104 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Lea, Isaac--Obituary
18863 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Lea, Matthew Carey
 Schuylkill County History -- Lea, Matthew Carey--Obituary
18987 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Lewis, William D. ("Harris, Lewis, and the Hollow Tree" by James Berton Rhoads)
196220 items
 Schuylkill County History -- List, Friedrich (article "Friedrich List--The Father of German Railroads" by R.W. Brown)
19505 items
 Schuylkill County History -- McCool, Sarah
1874-1875; 1934-1935 
 Schuylkill County History -- Miesse, Charles--Points on Coal and the Coal Business (excerpts)
188772 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Morgan, John William
18781 item
 Schuylkill County History -- O'Hara, John (notes from "The Life of John O'Hara" by Frank MacShane
19803 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Randall, Samuel and Turner, John
187429 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Reese, John W. (notes)
n.d.14 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Rogers, Henry Darwin
n.d.3 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Schalck, Adolph--History of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania
190729 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Sheafer, Peter Wenrick
n.d.7 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Siney, John--Miners' Journal clippings and notes
1868-187311 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Siney, John--National Labor Tribune
188836 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Siney, John--United Mine Workers Journal (biographical survey by Terence Powderly)
190053 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Siney, John--Workingman's Advocate article by Andrew Cameron and notes
187348 items
 Schuylkill County History -- St. Clair Directories
1875-18768 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Wallace, Francis B.--Memorial of the Patriotism of Schuylkill County in the American Slaveholder's Rebellion (excerpts for Wetherill Rifles, Tower Guards, and St. Clair)
18653 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Wetherill, Samuel
n.d.4 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Wiley, Samuel T.--Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania (excerpts)
189350 items
 Schuylkill County History -- Zerbey, Joseph Henry, 1858-1933--Joseph Henry Zerbey History of Pottsville and Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania (excerpts and notes)
1934-1935100 items
 Schuylkill County Medical Society -- Report of the Schuylkill County Medical Society (notes)
18569 items
 Scientific American -- Mining articles
1860-187318 items
 Sharp, Lesley Alexandra -- Occupational Health in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Countries (excerpts)
198528 items
 Sharpless, Richard E. -- Kingdom of Coal: Anthracite Culture in Pennsylvania (outline)
c. 198020 items
 Sheafer Brothers -- Colliery Shafts
 4 items
 Sheafer, H.C. -- Hygiene of Coal Mines
187912 items
 Sheafer, P. W., Peter Wenrick, b. 1819 -- Anthracite Coal Fields
188110 items
 Sheafer, P. W., Peter Wenrick, b. 1819 -- Coals and Collieries
18586 items
 Sheafer, P. W., Peter Wenrick, b. 1819 -- Geology of Schuylkill County
 8 items
 Sheafer, P. W., Peter Wenrick, b. 1819 -- Mammoth Vein Consolidated Coal Company
186413 items
 Sheafer, P. W., Peter Wenrick, b. 1819 -- Progress of the Anthracite Coal Trade of Pennsylvania, [Place]
187?1 item
 Shepard, Roger N. -- Correspondence and articles
1977-198245 items
 Siney, John, 1831-1880 -- Transcriptions of and notes on articles by and about John Siney
1871-188060 items
 Smelser, Neil J. -- Vicissitudes of Work and Love in Anglo-American Society
19801 item
 Smiles, Samuel, 1812-1904 -- Life of George Stephenson and of his son Robert Stephenson (excerpt and notes)
18687 items
 Smith, Edwin F. -- Schuylkill Navigation (from Publications of the Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Vol. 2)
191014 items
 Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll -- Lecture notes
19801 item
 Stapleton, Darwin H. -- American Philosophical Society Library: Holdings in Early American Technology
19821 vol.
 Stapleton, Darwin H. -- I have the Itch of Botany, of Chemistry, of Mathematicsstrong upon me: the Science of Benjamin Henry Latrobe
19841 vol.
 Stapleton, Darwin H. -- Transfer of Technology to the United States in the Nineteenth Century (chapter IV, David Thomas and the Anthracite Iron Revolution in the United States)
197599 items
 Steffens, Lincoln, 1866-1936 -- A Labor Leader of To-day, John Mitchell and What He Stands For
n.d.3 items
 Superintendent of Public Instruction -- Common Schools of Pennsylvania
187810 items
 Swank, James M. -- Introduction to a History of Ironmaking and Coal Mining in Pennsylvania, [Place]
187885 items
 Taylor, Richard Cowling -- Statistics of Coal (excerpts), [Place]
184891 items
 Taylor, Richard Cowling -- Statistics of Coal (excerpts)
1848, 185544 items
 Thomas, Samuel -- Reminiscences of the Early Anthracite-Iron Industry
189930 items
 Thrupp, Sylvia Lettice, 1903- -- Gilds (probably from Society and history:essays / by Sylvia L. Thrupp; edited by Raymond Grew and Nicholas H. Steneck
n.d.4 items
 Verenne, Herve -- Aims and Purposes of The Symbolization of America: Advances in the Anthropological Study of American Culture
n.d.2 items
 Verenne, Herve -- Jocks and Freaks: The Symbolic Structure of the Expression of Social Interaction Among American Senior High School Students
198218 items
 Virtue, G.O. -- Anthracite Mine Laborer
189747 items
 Wance, William -- Effect of Industrial Changes on Occupational "Inheritance" in Four Pennsylvania Communities
19486 items
 Wetherill, Charles -- Report on the Coal and Iron of Pennsylvania, [Place]
 Wetherill, John Price -- Methods of Mining (from Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania)
188133 items
 Wetherill, John -- Mars in Mahantango, A Play in Five Acts
1852101 items
 Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth, 1845-1928 -- In Old Pennsylvania Towns
19206 items
 White, Josiah -- Josiah White's History (removed to printed materials)
n.d.5 items
 White, Lynn -- Embryology of Columbus' Discovery and Notes
19764 items
 Winpenny, Thomas -- Cultural Factors in the Persistence of Hand Technology in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
n.d.18 items
 Winpenny, Thomas -- Hard Data on Hard Coal: Reflections on Chandler's Anthracite Thesis
19798 items
 Wren, John Y. -- Historical Sketch of the Wren Family (Publications of Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Vol. 2)
19108 items
 Wright, George, 1952- -- Cultural Differences in Probabilistic Thinking
197816 items
 Yearley, Clifton K. -- Enterprise and Anthracite: Economics and Democracy in Schuylkill County, 1820-1875
1961134 items
 Young, W.A. -- Works Organization in the Seventeenth Century
192415 items
 Subseries 2. Manuscripts from Other Repositories
 American Philosophical Society -- Notes
c. 198016 items
 Balch Institute -- Notes
n.d.14 items
 College of Physicians of Philadelphia -- Medical Society of Schuylkill County
n.d.9 items
 College of Physicians of Philadelphia -- Mining Town and Its Company Doctor by J. Howard Cloud, [Place]
190015 items
 College of Physicians of Philadelphia -- State Hospital, Ashland, Pa.--Reports
1886-189930 items
 Columbia University -- Charlemagne Tower Collection--Notes and photocopies
1869-188834 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- Coal Mining Association of Schuylkill County--Reports and Constitution
1836-185555 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- du Pont Collection--Smith Correspondence (Notes)
1858-186530 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- Du Pont Collection--Smith Correspondence (notes)
1858-186530 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- Du Pont de Nemours and Co.--Daddow and Beadle's Miners' Safety Squibs
1873-18839 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- duPont Collection--Saint Clair Mills and Saint Clair Powder Works notes
1878-19052 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- Miscellaneous notes
 35 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- Reading Collection--Mill Creek and Mine Hill Railroad
1845-186119 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- Reading Collection--Pinkerton National Detective Agency (notes and photocopies)
1873-1877128 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- Report of the Bureau of Mines
190292 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- St. Clair Coal Company and Smyth Correspondence
1895-190219 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- United States Census, 7th, 1850 and United States Census, 8th, 1860 (Pottsville)
1850, 186012 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- United States Census, 8th, 1860 (Manufacturers--Schuylkill County)
186082 items
 Eleutherian Mills Historical Library -- United States--Census, 20th, 1980
19824 items
 Frankford Arsenal (Pa.) -- Frankford Arsenal
1982-19839 items
 German Society of Pennsylvania -- In the New Country. Historical Information about the German Immigrants
188413 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Baird, Eliza--Notes
1855-18722 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Baird, Henry Carey, 1825-1912--Notes
1853-18645 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Baird, Thomas J. (notes)
1813-185016 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Baird, Thomas J. (notes)
1817-184320 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Cadwallader Collection (notes)
1817-18481 item
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Carey, Edward L. (notes)
1822, 18392 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879--Dinner and tour (articles from Philadelphia North American and United States Gazette). Removed to oversize box
18593 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879--Notes
1845-18703 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879--Wills (notes)
18644 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Carey-Gardiner Collection (notes)
1847-186318 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Carey-Gardiner Collection (notes)
1979-198228 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Coxe Mining Company--Notes
1881-18934 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Holy Apostles Church (St. Clair, Pa.)--Notes
19827 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- McGinnes, Enoch W.--Letters
1855-1861, 187799 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Mine, coal, and iron pamphlets (notes)
1823-186412 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Pinkerton Detective Agency (Molly Maguires)
 19 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Pollock, William--Accounts (bibliographical citation)
n.d.1 item
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Raguet, Condy (photocopies and notes from Carey-Gardiner papers)
1788, 1819-182126 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Russell, Andrew (notes)
1841-186840 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Schuylkill County pamphlets (photcopies and notes)
1875-187630 items
 Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- St. Clair Coal Company Papers (Carey-Gardiner)
1833-189195 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Coal mined by operators (see oversize box)
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Collieries (notes and citations)
1848-186915 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Legal Testimony--Tobias H. Winterstein vs. Henry C. Carey et al (photocopies)
186880 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Loeser Collection (notes)
1855-187920 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Maddison Papers
1835-185536 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Maddison, John--Reports (notes)
1845-18542 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Maddison, John--Reports--Eagle Colliery
1850-185324 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Maddison, John--Reports--St. Clair Shaft
1851-185441 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Maps--Schuylkill County (see oversize box)
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Mining Accidents and Explosions (news clippings)
1887-18893 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Miscellaneous (notes and correspondence)
1981-198530 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Parry Papers--St. Clair Coal Lands
1830-1862100 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Scherr Collection (notes and photocopies)
1844-1856c. 198263 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Scherr Collection--Miscellaneous legal manuscripts (HSSC) (includes a 1969 article on coal mining)
1844-1865, 186969 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Smith, George (notes)
1860-18623 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Snyder Papers (photocopies)
1848-186378 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- St. Clair Real Estate--Lots sold
1844-185410 items
 Insurance Company of North America -- Insurance Company of North America
1794-188628 items
 Lafayette College (Easton, Pa.) -- Schuylkill County Coal Mining Community of St. Clair
1984-198545 items
 National Archives -- Beadle Ventilation Patent
186530 items
 National Archives -- Correspondence
19792 items
 Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of Engineering and Technology, London -- Newcomen Society
c. 198310 items
 Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission -- Cameron Papers
1850-186621 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives -- Notes
c. 197917 items
 Pennsylvania State Archives -- Works Progress Administration Anthracite Project
198510 items
 Pennsylvania State Library -- Notes
c. 19855 items
 Pennsylvania State University -- Anthracite Monitor
1842-1872, 198525 items
 Pennsylvania. Senate -- Journal
18557 items
 Philadelphia, City of -- Carey Wills
n.d.8 items
 Scherr, Robert -- Battin--Coal Processing, Technological Improvements
184316 items
 Scherr, Robert -- Correspondence and notes
1983-198449 items
 Scherr, Robert -- East Norwegian Township Tax Records
186917 items
 Scherr, Robert -- Kaska William Colliery (notes)
1851-18538 items
 Scherr, Robert -- Kirk and Baum pay list, St. Clair
18613 items
 Scherr, Robert -- North American Coal Company and Carey-Cameron Connections
1843-186633 items
 Scherr, Robert -- Parry Papers (Historical Society of Schuylkill County)
1788-1870201 item
 Scherr, Robert -- Schuylkill Coal and Improvement Company
186421 items
 Scherr, Robert -- Soldiers' Monument, Odd Fellows Cemetery
n.d.9 items
 Scherr, Robert -- St. Clair Borough Council
1858-187976 items
 Scherr, Robert -- St. Clair Jury List
18796 items
 Scherr, Robert -- St. Clair--Incorporation and Ordinances
187619 items
 Schuylkill County Courthouse (Pottsville, Pa.) -- Johns, William--Will
 26 items
 Schuylkill County Courthouse (Pottsville, Pa.) -- Miscellaneous
 4 items
 Smithsonian Institution -- Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Papers (notes)
19854 items
 Swarthmore College -- Bathe Collection (notes)
c. 19852 items
 University of Pennsylvania -- Wetherill Papers (notes and photocopies)
1830-186573 items
 Subseries 3. Talks
 American Anthropological Association -- Heroes of the Coal Trade
198552 items
 American Anthropological Association -- Plot and the Concept of Culture in Historiography
1980102 items
 American Anthropological Association -- Plot and the Concept of Culture in Historiography
1980124 items
 American Anthropological Association -- Speck, Frank Gouldsmith, 1881-1950 (conference)
198832 items
 American Studies Association -- Deciphering Douglas: Or, Why Some Anthropologists are Good to Think (article by Jay Mechling)
198335 items
 Anthracite Museum Complex (Pa.) -- Miners of St. Clair
198276 items
 Anthracite Museum Complex (Pa.) -- Who is Responsible for Coal Mine Safety? The 19th Century Origins of a Moral and Legal Dilemma
198106 items
 Bryn Mawr College -- Technological Change Seminar
19866 items
 Canadian Historical Association -- Ventilation of Coal Mines
1982153 items
 Drexel University -- Ventilation of Coal Mines and the Perception of Risk
198347 items
 Eleutherian Mills Hagley Foundation -- Extended Families and the Role of Women
1981106 items
 Eleutherian Mills Hagley Foundation -- Historical Archeology Conference
19852 items
 Hagley Museum and Library -- Studying a Nineteenth Century Mining Town and its Collieries
19856 items
 Henry Francis duPont Winterthur Museum -- Conference
n.d.228 items
 Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pa. -- Two Paths to Industrialization
198822 items
 Indiana University -- Technology, Society, and Disaster
197939 items
 Johns Hopkins University -- Circumstance and Dogma: Rationalizing a Coal Town's Experience with a Disaster-Prone Industry
1987-198877 items
 Middletown Tricentennial -- Notes
n.d.5 items
 Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology
198343 items
 Pennsylvania Gazette -- Mind of Enoch McGinniss
19859 items
 Pennsylvania Historical Association -- St. Clair: An Anthracite Mining Town in the Nineteenth Century
198419 items
 Pennsylvania State University -- Circumstance and Dogma: Rationalizing a Coal Town's Experience with a Disaster-Prone Industry
1987-198877 items
 Pennsylvania State University -- Two Paths to Industrialization: Rockdale and St. Clair Compared
198520 items
 Pennsylvania State University -- Who is Responsible for Coal Mine Safety? The 19th Century Origins of a Moral and Legal Dilemma
198106 items
 Perception of Risk in Nineteenth Century Mining Operations [American Philosophical Society]
198249 items
 Smith College -- Industrialist as Hero
198264 items
 Smithsonian Institution -- Some Implications of Colliery Design in an Anthracite Mining Town
198515 items
 Society for Industrial Archeology -- Old Collieries at St. Clair
198510 items
 Society for Industrial Archeology -- Symposium on Pennsylvania Industry
198273 items
 Society for the History of Technology
1982167 items
 Three Mile Island Public Health Fund
1987170 items
 University of Pennsylvania -- Coal as Commodity: Ethnohistory Workshop
198411 items
 University of Pennsylvania -- History and Sociology of Science
19867 items
 University of Pennsylvania--University Museum -- Circumstance and Dogma: Rationalizing a Coal Town's Experience with a Disaster-Prone Industry
1987-198877 items
 University of Pennsylvania--University Museum -- Miscellaneous Talks--Industrialist as Hero/Risk-Taking in Mining
1982164 items
 Winterthur Museum (See Henry Francis duPont Winterthur Museum)
 Subseries 4. Miscellaneous
 Scherr, Robert -- Correspondence and news clippings
1983-1990; n.d.62 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Anthracite Statistics
ca. 18502 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Bibliographic Notes
n.d.19 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Burning Mountains
ca. 198112 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Carey Lands (notes and photostats)
18429 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Churches
n.d.2 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Coal Mine Accident Casualty Analysis
1870-190218 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Collieries Analysis
1845-187530 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Cost Estimates
1852-18727 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Demographics and Tax List Analysis
1850-188037 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Diseases (Occupational)
n.d.3 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Extended Families
1850-188013 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Genealogies
n.d.31 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Maps drawn by Anthony Wallace (essentially blank grids, possibly for eventual maps of St. Clair)
n.d.2 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- McGrath family
n.d.1 item
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Mine Deaths and Injuries
1869-188559 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Molly Maguire Cases--St. Clair. Includes five selected pages of William M. Thomas murder trial (Report of the Case of the Commonwealth vs. John Kehoe, et al.)
1867-18768 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Orme family
n.d.1 item
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Risk and Insurance (mostly brief notes and bibliographic citations)
n.d.12 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Society for Industrial Archeology--Anthracite Tour
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- St. Clair Coal Company--Down Time
1900-190227 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Tempest family
 13 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Tonnage Figures
1870-18808 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- United States Census Analyses (St. Clair, Schuylkill County, Pa.)
1850-187039 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- United States Census Analyses (St. Clair, Schuylkill County, Pa.)
185051 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- United States Census Analysis (St. Clair, Schuylkill County, Pa.)
187033 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- United States Census Tallies (St. Clair, Schuylkill County, Pa.)
185061 items
 Schuylkill County Analyses -- Vent and Milne--Standardization of Mine Accounting (photocopy)
 11 items
 Smyth, H. Gordon
1979-198023 items
 St. Clair, Borough of (Schuylkill County, Pa.) -- Saint Clair's Our Town Sesquicentennial Commemorative Book
19991 vol.
 St. Clair, Borough of (Schuylkill County, Pa.) -- St. Clair's Our Own Sequicentennial Commemorative Book
19991 vol.
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Chapter I: Heroes of the Coal Trade
n.d.77 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Chapter II: A Workingman's Town in the Coal Region
n.d.68 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Chapter III: The Coal Mines at St. Clair
n.d.121 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Chapter IV: The Politics of Safety
n.d.61 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Chapter V: The Culture of Violence
n.d.91 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Chapter VI: A State Called Anthracite
n.d.49 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Chapter VII: Notes on Ideology
n.d.35 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Chapter VIII: Economic Rationality, Risk, and the Disaster Mentality
n.d.80 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Corrections
n.d.8 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Draft #1--Cuts
n.d.112 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Edits #1
n.d.192 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Edits #2
n.d.42 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Epilogue: The Burning Mountains
n.d.14 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Preface
n.d.2 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- Prologue--Investing in the Future: The Happiest of Nations
n.d.5 items
 St. Clair--Manuscript Notes and Drafts -- St. Clair: A Mining Town (outline and notes)
n.d.21 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Avondale Mine Disaster--Newspaper articles
186935 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Burrison, William
1979-198011 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Clay, Henry (monument)
19852 items
OS St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Coal region articles--oversize
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Community History (notes, articles, and brochures). Includes grant proposal of William Culver for local history project
198347 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Consultants and informants (names, addresses, telephone numbers)
ca. 197912 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Cornell University Press
1987-19897 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Correspondence
1979-1992178 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Dexter Prize (articles and correspondence)
198926 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Gowen, Jim (Tom Fox's Philadelphia Inquirer column about Molly Maguires and descendants)
19791 item
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Illustrations: Notes and Correspondence
198627 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Jennings, Francis, 1918-- (St. Clair correspondence)
19795 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Loose Ends (miscellaneous notes and articles)
1983-198633 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Newspaper articles
1979-198515 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Notes--St. Clair Area Events
1833-187752 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Parvin's Slope--Maps
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Permissions
198640 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Personnel (research assistants)
1978--198446 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Publishers
1978--198742 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Publishers--Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
1981-198848 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Reviews
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- Revisions
1985-198631 items
 St. Clair--Miscellaneous -- St. Clair--Map (by AFCW)
n.d.6 items
 United Mine Workers of America -- Historical Programs and Memorials
1974, 19888 items
 University of Pennsylvania -- Segal Professorship Accounts
1984-1987130 items
 Series III. Notecards
1946-198515 linear feetBox 74-114

Index cards with notes on primary and secondary sources for Anthony F.C. Wallace's research on American Indians, Arctic Hysteria (Piblokto), Rockdale, St. Clair, and Indian claims.

 Culture and Personality Notecards: Box 1--Cultural Epidemiology through Background
 Culture and Personality Notecards: Box 2--Ecology through Psychic Unity
 Culture and Personality Notecards: Box 3--Small Groups through Religion, Comparative and Theoretical
 Culture and Personality Notecards: Box 4--Bastian, Adolph through Evolution
 Culture and Personality Notecards: Box 5--Applied Anthropology through Anthropology and Public Health
 Culture and Personality Notecards: Box 6--Ruesch, J. through Rennie, T.A.C.
 Culture and Personality Notecards: Box 7--Aitken, Barbara through Benedict, Ruth: Vision Biography
 Indian Research Notecards: Box 1--A-Z file
 Indian Research Notecards: Box 2--Iroquois and Delaware Claims
 Indian Research Notecards: Box 3--Ohio Tribes: Adlum-Orr
 Indian Research Notecards: Box 4--Ohio Tribes: Parker-Pennsylvania Archives; Illinois: General
 Indian Research Notecards: Box 5--Potawatomi Indians
 Indian Research Notecards: Box 6--Miami and Ohio, Iowa, Sac and Fox
 Indian Research Notecards: Box 7--Sac and Fox: Sibley, Ramsay, McCleod and Taliaferro Letter Books through Iowa National Territory
 Piblokto Notecards -- Piblokto Notecards
 Revitalization Notecards, Box 1--Asia through American Frontier
 Revitalization Notecards, Box 2--American Sects through Xosa, Summary and Analysis
 Revitalization Notecards, Box 3--India (Burma)
 Revitalization Notecards, Box 4--Dobree, 1931 through Abstracts, Specific Movements
 Revitalization Notecards, Box 5--Abel, R.W. through Borneo
 Revitalization Notecards, Box 6--Soga, J.H., Southeastern Bantu through Dimond, 1926
 Revitalization Notecards, Box 7--Early and Medieval through Bibliography
 Revitalization Notecards, Box 8--Analyses and Notes through Flathead
 Revitalization Notecards, Box 9--South America through Christian Origin
 Revitalization Notecards, Box 10--Gros Ventre through Yuma
 Revitalization Notecards, Box 11--Seminole through Schoolcraft, 1843
 Rockdale/St. Clair Notecards -- Rockdale and St. Clair Bibliography: Early Local Technology through A-Z St. Clair; includes St. Clair property ownership
 Rockdale/St. Clair Notecards -- Rockdale and St. Clair Bibliography: Iron through Interviews
 St. Clair Notecards -- "Workers" (Miners Injured and Killed, A-Z)
 St. Clair Notecards -- St. Clair Census cards A through L
 St. Clair Notecards -- St. Clair census cards M through Z
 Series IV. Works by Wallace
ca.1937-19998 linear feetBox 115-132

Manuscripts, reprints, and reviews by Anthony F.C. Wallace. Works range from his earliest childhood writings to published writings.

 A. Professional
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Adaptation and Disease
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Administrative Forms of Social Organization
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Administrative Forms of Social Organization
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Agonistic Aggression
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Alfred Irving Hallowell (1892-1974)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
America after 1950: Technology and Identity (unpublished)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
American Indian Land Tenure and Political Organization
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
American Kinship, Review of
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Personality
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Personality
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Anthropological Perspective on Behavior and Disease
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Anthropological Uses of Historical Documents
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Anthropology (American Annual)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Anthropology and Folklore (Wallace and Welsh's section of American Studies text edited by Murray G. Murphey and Luther S. Luedtke)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Anthropology and Psychiatry
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Anthropology and Psychopathology (Temple Symposium)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
n.d.2 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Art Analysis
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
As Escolas Nas Sociedades Revolucionarias e Conservadoras (Schools in Revolutionary and Conservative Societies, en Espanol)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Basic Studies, Applied Projects, and Eventual Implementation
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Biocultural Theory of Schizophrenia, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Biocultural Theory of Schizophrenia
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Black Napoleon: The Story of Chaka, the Mad King of the Zulus (notes)
ca. 19519 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Book Reviews #1
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Book Reviews #2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Career of William N. Fenton and the Development of Iroquoian Studies 1
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Career of William N. Fenton and the Development of Iroquoian Studies 2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Career of William N. Fenton and the Development of Iroquoian Studies (Wallace overview in Extending the Rafters: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Iroquoian Studies, edited by Michael K. Foster, Jack Campisi, and Marianne Mithun
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Charles Darwin and the Idea of Progress (incomplete; missing pages)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Cognitive Organization
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Cognitive Theory
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Comments on Dr. Hammett's Paper "Reactions to Change"
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Comments on Dr. Hammett's Paper (Psychiatric Residency in Service Settings)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Complexity of Cultures: On Being Just Complicated Enough
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Componential Analysis and the Relations of Cultural and Individual Concepts
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Concept of Culture: A Resource Unit in World Cultures
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Concept of Culture
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Conference on Iroquois Research--8th
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Contributions of Cultural Anthropology as Applied to Psychiatry
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Conversion Experience: Talk, American Folklore Society Annual Meeting
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Cornplanter Medal (notes for talk)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Crossing the Ice: A Migration Legend of the Tuscarora Indians
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Crossing the Ice: A Migration Legend of the Tuscarora Indians
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Cultural Approaches to Cognition (Encyclopedia of Social Sciences)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Cultural Composition of the Handsome Lake Religion
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Cultural Determinants of Response to Hallucinatory Experience
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Cultural Determinants of Response to Hallucinatory Experience
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Cultural Materialism, Review of
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Cultural Revitalization
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Cultural Universals in Community Structure
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Culture and Cognition (Science magazine)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Culture and Cognition
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Culture and Personality #1
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Culture and Personality (Biennial Review of Anthropology)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Culture and Personality 2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Culture and Personality, 2nd edition
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Culture and the Beaver
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Culture and the Beaver
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Cultures of Animals, The (unpublished)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Day at the Office, A
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Day at the Office, A
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Death and Rebirth of the Seneca #1
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Death and Rebirth of the Seneca #2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Death and Rebirth of the Seneca #3
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Dekanawideh Myth, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Detailed Reservations Regarding the Task Force Recommendations
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Determinants of Mental Illness (chapter on Culture Change and Mental Illnessby Wallace; correspondence and chapter descriptions only)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Development of the Handsome Lake Religion (for Handbook of North American Indians)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Direction of Culture and Personality Studies
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Disruption of the Individual's Identification with the Culture in Disasters and Other Extreme Situations
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Dreams and the Wishes of the Soul
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Dreams and Wishes of the Soul: A Type of Psychoanalytic Theory Among the Seventeenth Century Iroquois
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Driving to Work
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Driving to Work
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Eisely, Loren C.--Symposium (Wallace's discussion of papers by Benson Saler, Richard Emerick, and Jacob Gruber)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Emotion Terminology #1
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Emotion Terminology #2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Emotion Terminology #2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Emotional Factor in Political Behavior
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Enculturation (Comments on Shimahara's paper)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Encyclopedia Americana--"Anthropology" (1959)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Encyclopedia Brittanica
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Equivalence Structures and the Cultural Articulation of Private Cognitive Worlds
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Evolution of Culture and Evolution of Brain
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Evolution: Ergodic Processes
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Extended Family and the Role of Women in Early Industrial Societies
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Foreign Relations of Indian Tribes and Confederacies
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Frank G. Speck Collection
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Freedom and the Fate of Man
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Grammars of Kinship
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Groupmanship (notes)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Halliday Jackson's Journal to the Seneca Indians, 1798-1800
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Halliday Jackson's Journal to the Seneca Indians, 1798-1800
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Hallowell, Alfred Irving (introduction to)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Hallowell, Alfred Irving
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Hallowell, Alfred Irving--Memorial
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Hallowell, Alfred Irving--Studying Anthropology with
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Handbook of North American Indians--Wallace biographical entry
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Handsome Lake and the Decline of the Iroquois Matriarchy
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Handsome Lake and the Decline of the Iroquois Matriarchate
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Handsome Lake and the Great Revival in the West
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Handsome Lake System
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
History and the Study of Single Events
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
History of Anthropology
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Houser and the Social Scientist, The (paper presented by Wallace at meeting of Philadelphia Housing Association)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Housing and Social Structure #1
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Housing and Social Structure #2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Housing and Social Structure (includes 1980 review by E.G. Arias)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Housing and Social Structure: A Preliminary Survey with Particular Reference to Multi-Storey, Low-Rent Public Housing Projects
19521 vol.

Includes correspondence from Dorothy S. Montgomery of Philadelphia Housing Association and Robert Gutman of the Urban Studies Center at Rutgers University.

 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Human Adaptation to Disaster #1 (with Nicholas Demerath)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Human Adaptation to Disaster #2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Human Adaptation to Disaster
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Human Behavior in Extreme Situations
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Idea of Cultural Evolution Before Darwin, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Identity and Revolution (Revitalization and Revolution)--Stanford Speech
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Identity and the Nature of Revolution
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Identity Processes in Personality and in Culture
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Identity Processes
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Identity Struggle, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Identity Struggle, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
In Memoriam: Frank G. Speck
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Indian-White Relations in Land
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Individual Differences and Cultural Uniformities
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Individual Differences and Cultural Uniformities
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Industrialist as Hero, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Institutionalization of Cathartic and Control Strategies
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Institutionalization of Cathartic and Control Strategies in Iroquois Religious Psychotherapy
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Mental Disorder Among the Polar Eskimos of Northwest Greenland
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Introduction to "Visual Metaphors: A Formal Analysis of Navaho Art" by Evelyn Hatcher (written by Wallace)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Introduction to Hatcher's Navaho Art
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Introduction to Selected Papers of Alfred Irving Hallowell
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Iowa and Sac and Fox Indians in Iowa and Missouri
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Land Tenure and Political Organization Among the Northeastern Indians
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Limited Discussion or Limited Relevance: A Reply to Alec MacLaurin
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Logan's Mourner: The Ambivalent World of Thomas Jefferson and the Indians #1--Title page, references, and bibliography
199825 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Logan's Mourner: The Ambivalent World of Thomas Jefferson and the Indians #2--Introduction, Chapters I-III
1998164 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Logan's Mourner: The Ambivalent World of Thomas Jefferson and the Indians #3--Chapters IV-VI
1998148 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Logan's Mourner: The Ambivalent World of Thomas Jefferson and the Indians #4--Chapters VII-IX
1998173 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Logic and Application of Componential Analysis
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Logic and Componential Analysis--See Componential Analysis and the Relations of
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Long Noon (contains only one 75th anniversary booklet for Family Service of Philadelphia)
19541 item
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Long Noon, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Making of Psychological Anthropology, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Manual of Archaeology
194869 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mass Hysteria (Encyclopedia of Mental Health)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mass Phenomena (International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mass Phenomena
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mazeway Resynthesis: A Biocultural Theory of Religious Inspiration
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mazeway Resynthesis
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mazeway, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Meaning of Kinship Terms
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Meaning of Kinship Terms
 123 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Men and Culture (correspondence with publisher)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mental Illness, Biology, and Culture
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mental Illness, Biology, and Culture--Manuscript
ca. 1961-1976136 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mental Illness, Biology, and Culture--Notes and Correspondence
1959-1971132 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mentaweian Social Organization
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mentaweian Social Organization
ca. 195044 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Miners of St. Clair: Family, Class, and Ethnicity in a Mining Town in Schuylkill County 1850-1880 (chapter in Hard Coal, Hard Times: Ethnicity and Labor in the Anthracite Region, edited by David L. Salay)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Modal Personality Structure of the Tuscarora Indians, as revealed by the Rorschach Test
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Modal Personality Structure of the Tuscarora Indians, as revealed by the Rorschach Test
1950169 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mooney, James (International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mooney, James
1871-197440 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mooney, James--Wallace introduction to Mooney's Ghost Dance Religion book)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Nativism and Revivalism (International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Nativism and Revivalism (International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Nature and the Concept of Nature in Cultural Perspective
1958-196130 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
New Culture and Personality, The
196178 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
New Religions Among the Delaware Indians, 1600-1900
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
New Religions Among the Delaware Indians
ca. 195647 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Ohio Indians and Six Nations Reports (Indian Claims Reports to Lawyers)
195383 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
On Being Just Complicated Enough
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
On the Supposed Absence of Obsessive-Compulsive Neurosis in Primitive Societies
194913 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
On the Use of the Historical Biography in Anthropology
n.d.33 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Organization of a Culture Area: American Indian Land Tenure and Political Organization in the Northeastern Agricultural Area, 1650-1830
n.d.48 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Organization: Miscellanous Notes
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Organizational Measure of Psychological Systems #1
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Organizational Measure of Socio-Cultural Systems
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Organizational Measures of Psychological Systems #2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Origins of Iroquois Neutrality (Correspondence)
19577 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Origins of Iroquois Neutrality: The Grand Settlement of 1701
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Origins of the Longhouse Religion
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Paradigm Development Processes in Cultural Evolution
1971-197338 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Patient's Theory of Illness, The
n.d.11 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Pattern and Event in the Study of Culture Change
n.d.14 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Patterns of Group Behavior in Disaster
195720 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Patterns of Indian Warfare and Evaluation of the Black Hawk War (Report to Lawyers Re: Indian Claims)
ca.19 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Perception of Risk in 19th Century Mining Operations

See: Series II, Subseries E, Subsubseries 3. Perception of Risk in Nineteenth Century Mining Operations [American Philosophical Society]

 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Perceptions of Order and Richness in American Culture
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Perceptions of Order and Richness in Human Culture
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Perspectives in Anthropology
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Political Organization and Land Tenure
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Possible Technique for Recognizing Psychological Characteristics of the Ancient Maya
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Possible Technique for Recognizing Psychological Characteristics of the Ancient Maya from an Analysis of their Art
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Preliminary Study of the Ethnological Position of the Tuscarora Indians
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Prelude to Disaster: The Course of Indian-White Relations Which Led to the Black Hawk War of 1832
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Prelude to Disaster
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Primitive Weapons (notes)
n.d.1 item
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Problem of Psychological Reality
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Problem of the Psychological Validity of Componential Analysis
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Problems of Psycho-Biological Theory in Cultural Anthropology
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Projective Techniques, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Psychiatric Terminology: Componential Analysis
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Psychic Unity of Human Groups
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Psychic Unity of Human Groups
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Psychic Unity of Iroquois and Navaho Witchcraft
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Psychoanalysis and Social Institutions
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Psychocultural Analysis of the Life of Teedyuscung, a Delaware Indian, 1700-1763
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Psychological Analysis of Teedyuscung
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Psychological Preparation for War
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Psychological Preparations for War
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Psychology and Anthropology in America in 1841
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Public Policy, Contributions of Anthropology to
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Quantity of Organization in Socio-Cultural Systems
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Quantity of Organization in Stochastic Systems
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Reciprocal Effect, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Relation of Staff Consensus to Patient Disturbance on Mental Hospital Wards
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Relation of Staff Consensus to Patient Disturbance on Mental Hospital Wards
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Relational Analysis of American Kinship Terminology
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Relational Analysis of American Kinship Terminology
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Religion Book: Notes
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Religion in South Asia
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Religion: An Anthropological Study
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Religion: An Anthropological View
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Religious Revitalization: A Function of Religion
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Religious Revitalization
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Reprint list (requesters of reprints)
ca. 197222 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of "Psychology and Anthropology in America in 1841" by Frederick A. Rauch
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of "Toward a Classification of Cult Movements: Some Further Contributions" by Marian W. Smith
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of American Kinship: A Cultural Account by David Schneider
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of Biography of a Small Town by Elvin Hatch
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of Culture and Personality Publications
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of Fathers and Children: Andrew Jackson and the Subjugation of the American Indian by Michael Paul Rogin
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of Harpers Ferry Armory and the New Technology: The Challenge of Change by Merritt Roe Smith
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of Historical Ethnography of the Industrial Revolution
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of Iroquois Ceremonial of Midwinter (Tooker, Elizabeth)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of Regulated Children/Liberated Children: Education in Psychohistorical Perspective by Barbara Finkelstein, ed.
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of Samuel Slater and the Origins of the American Textile Industry by Barbara M. Tucker
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of Science Encounters the Indian, 1820-1880: The Early Years of American Ethnology by Robert E. Bieder
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of Silk City: Studies on the Paterson Silk Industry, 1860-1940 by Philip B. Scranton, ed.
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Review of Studies in Ethnomethodology by Harold Garfinkel
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Revitalization Movements and the Study of Ethnic and National Consciousness
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Revitalization Movements in Development
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Revitalization Movements
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Revivalism and Nativism
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Rituals: Sacred and Profane
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Rituals: Sacred and Profane
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Sac and Fox Notes and Bibliography
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Schools in Revolutionary and Conservative Societies
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Schools in Revolutionary and Conservative Societies
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Science for an Industrial America: The Franklin Institute
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Science of Human Behavior, A
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Semantic Calculus
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Sharing and Diversity in Emotion Terminology
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Social Approval
1942-1946152 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Social Role of the Psychoanalyst, The
19528 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Social Science and Social Art
 22 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Some Anthropological Cocneptions of Mental Illness: Battle Creek, Michigan
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Some Cultural-Semantic Barrriers to Research in Schizophrenia
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Some Problems in the Develoment of a Science of Human Behavior
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Some Psychological Determinants of Culture Change in an Iroquoian Community
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Some Psychological Determinants of Culture Change in an Iroquoian Community
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Some Psychotherapeutic Functions of Religious Movements
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Some Reflections on Kwakiutl "Paranoia"
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Some Reflections on the Contribution of Anthropology to Public Policy
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Speck, Frank G.--Description of Speck Collection at the American Philosophical Society
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Speck, Frank G.--Field Trip to Indian River #1; also Nanticokes, Delawares, etc.
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Speck, Frank G.--Field Trip to Indian River #2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Statistical Inference from Archaeological Data: Seriation Studies
n.d.82 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Strategy of Threat and Retaliation: Iroquois Warfare, 1755-1795
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Stress and Rapid Personality Change
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Stress, Rapid Personality Change, and Paranoid Creativity
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Title Study of Processes of Organization and Revitalization of psychological and socio-cultural systems, based on a comparative study of nativistic religious revivals
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Study of Social Problems by American Anthropologists
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Study of Social Problems by American Anthropologists
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Symposium on Cherokee and Iroquois Culture
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Talks (unpublished)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Technology and Identity
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Technology and Identity
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Teedyuscung (Encyclopedia of the American Indian)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Textbook Menace, The
n.d.20 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Theoretical Considerations for the Comparative Study of Revitalization Movements
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Tornado in Worcester
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Toward Systematic Theory in Social Psychiatry
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Towards a New Poetry
n.d.65 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Trip, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Trip, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Tuscarora Field Work
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Tuscaroras: Sixth Nation of the Iroquois Confederacy
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Tuscaroras: Sixth Nation of the Iroquois Confederacy
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
United States Policy Toward the Northeastern Tribes, 1783-1795
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
University of Pennsylvania Scientists Study: Pennsylvania's Indians
n.d.8 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Violence, Morality, and Revitalization
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Violence, Morality, and Revitalization
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Vision of Handsome Lake, The: Plan
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
War and Revitalization: Revitalization and Mobilization Processes
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
William Pollard and the Arkwright Patents
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
William Pollard and the Arkwright Patents
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
William Pollard and the Arkwright Patents--Revised Version
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Women, Land, and Society (Delaware Political Organization)
ca. 194878 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Women, Land, and Society: Three Aspects of Aboriginal Delaware Life
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Work and Play
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Wylie, Philip--Reply to Wylie's Review of Disaster Studies
 Welsh, Peter.
Anthropology and Folklore (Wallace and Welsh's section of American Studies text edited by Murray G. Murphey and Luther S. Luedtke)
 B. Creative Writing
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Alsace--The Rose Garden of Europe
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Ambassador from the Iroquois
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Anatomy of Bibliophobia (originally filed as "College Papers")
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Art and Artists
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Autobiographical Materials
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Ben Franklin Discourses of Chivalry in the Springtime
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Big Sister
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Biology of Speech
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Bowman's Cabin
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Case, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Catalan Company, The (notes, originally filed as "College Papers")
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Don't Let it Get You Down
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Dunkerque #1
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Dunkerque #2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Edge of Darkness, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Extinction #1
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Extinction #2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Fantastic Stories
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Hagenau (originally filed as "College Papers")
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Ivory Tower, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
James Ralph (originally filed as "College Papers")
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
James Ralph
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Journey to Fort Pitt
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Let's Go to the Movies (originally filed as "College Papers")
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Lonesome Road
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Long Trail, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Look Back No More
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mirror of Time
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Miscellaneous Poetry
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
No Plan for Happiness
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Ohio Novel
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Post-Delivery Depression
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Practical Witch, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Riddle of Stalin, The (originally filed as "College Papers")
 C. Juvenilia
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Act of Bravery, An
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Advantages of Local Government in Pennsylvania
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Arabian Night, An
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Aviation for the Average Man
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Barbary Pirates
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Basketball Game, A (missing some pages)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Benefits of Democracy
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Bombs over Madrid
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Caesar's Funeral
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Chinese Birthday
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Christmas Customs
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Church at Stiegel's Run
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Culture: Early Notes on
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Czar, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Day, A
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Dead Ship, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Devil in Jordan County, The (A Little Town)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Dickybird's Best Flight
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Education of Wang, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Elements, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
End of Red Arrow, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
End of the World
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Famous Ghost of Cabin One
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Fires Never Burn (idea for one-act play)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Genius, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Hangman's Time
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Hazard of Jungle Island
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Hut, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
I am a Man: A Political Essay
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
I Like to Read Dickens
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Join or Die
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Joseph in Agypten
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Julius Caesar
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Last Miracle, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Lectures and Discussion
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Man Who Killed, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Man Who was Brave, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Memory of Beauty, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mickey Mouse and Me
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Midwinter Nightmare
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mistake, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Morale is a Woman's Business
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
My Impression of a Modern Radio Interview
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Mystery of the Seven Careless Men
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Nature in Homer
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
On Washington's Farewell Address
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Owl, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Philosophy of Enjoyment vs. the Philosophy of Desire
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Professor Poppycock: An Ill-Humored Play
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Pyramids of Destiny, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Rain of Death, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Real Hiawatha, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Rock, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Ruins of Warsaw, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Saga of Olaf, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Scientific Attitude, The (i.e. Laughter)
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Sea of Faith, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Sequel to Murder, A ("description of character or the start of the story")
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Sheik's House Party
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Skull, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Sloane Comes to the End of His Trail
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Spanish Summer Afternoon
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Spy, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Story fo the Three Apples, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Story of Private Diu
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Third from the Sun
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Ticket for San Francisco
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Unfinished Mss.
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Untitled Play
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Upon My Soul!
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Variation on a Theme
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
War in the Fourth Dimension
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Weak Man, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Will O' the Wisp
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
William Saroyan
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Wind, Sand, and Stars Book Review
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Work, The Fight, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Wrong Side of the Bed, The
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Years of the Heart, The
 Series V. Works by Others
ca.1950-19881 linear footBox 133-134

Manuscripts, reprints, and reviews by colleagues of Anthony F.C. Wallace. Most works by others appear throughout other series; this series consists of those that Anthony F.C. Wallace maintained separately.

 Atkins, John.
On the Fundamental Consanguineal Numbers and their Structural Basis
 Atkins, John.
Romney and D'Andrade on American Kinship Terms
 Bolton, Ralph, 1939-.
Wallace Review of Bolton Mansucript on Hypoglycemia and Aggression
 Burger, Henry G. 1923-.
 Burhoe, Ralph Wendell 1911-.
Reprints and Proposal for Center for Advanced Study in Religion and Science (CASIRAS)
 Caspary, William R., 1937-.
General Neurosis of Mankind
 Chaney, Richard Paul.
On the Concepts of "Culture Area" and "Language-Culture"
 Cohen, Samuel.
"Referote" on the Second of Freud's "Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex"
 Freeman, Derek.
Biological Study of Behaviour: Some References
 Freeman, Derek.
Shaman and Incubus
 Freeman, Derek.
Social Anthropology and the Scientific Study of Human Behaviour
 Funaro, James.
Function of Ritual as Social Communication in Animal and Human Societies
 Goodenough, Erwin Ramsdell, 18.
Religion and Psychology
 Halifax, Joan.
First Approximation of Supportive and Assimilative Aspects of Santeria in Southern Florida
 Human Relations Area Files, Inc.
Human Relations Area Files and Cross-Cultural Survey Society Lists
 Hunter, William A. (William Al.
The Forbidden Path: Teedyuscung's Embassy to the Western Indians in 1760. Edited by William A. Hunter. With a Sketch of the Indian Background by John Witthoft, State Anthropologist
 Katcher, Aaron.
Structuring of Aberrant Behavior in a Messianic Cult and in Pathogenic Families; also abstract of The Use of Overseas Indian Populations for Study of the Epidemiology of Hypertension
 Katcher, Joan.
Structuring of Aberrant Behavior in a Messianic Cult and in Pathogenic Families; also abstract of The Use of Overseas Indian Populations for Study of the Epidemiology of Hypertension
 Kendall, Walter.
Republican Revival Debate--Private Economic Power, the Forgotten Factor
 17 items
 Kint, Margaret.
Schizophrenia: Senses, Sensations, and Sense
 Kint, Margaret.
Toward a Unified Biocultural Theory of Schizophrenia
 Melko, Matthew.
Impact of the Relational Outlook on the Science of Anthropology
 Paine, Robert, 1926-.
Second Thoughts about Barth's Models
 Parsons family.
Religious Autobiographies of Juliana (Parsons) Horsfield and Johanna Christiana (Zeidig) Parsons
 Richard, Paul-Bernard.
Determinism of Dam construction of the Rhone Beaver (handwritten translation from French)
 Roheim, Géza, 1891-1953.
Notes and Articles
 Sabloff, Jeremy A..
Cognition and Archaeology: A Preliminary Statement
 Salovesh, Michael.
Componential Analysis of a Tzotzil Maya Kinship System
 Sargant, William Walters.
Mechanism of "Conversion," The
 Sargant, William Walters.
Some Cultural Group Abreactive Techniques and their Relation to Modern Treatments
 Sargant, William Walters.
Therapeutic Biologique
 Sharer, Robert J..
Maya Collapse Revisited: Internal and External Perspectives
 Smith, Donald.
Frank Speck (1881-1950): "White Indian Anthropologist"
 Tesmer, Floyd.
 Witthoft, John.
The Forbidden Path: Teedyuscung's Embassy to the Western Indians in 1760. Edited by William A. Hunter. With a Sketch of the Indian Background by John Witthoft, State Anthropologist
 Series VI. Consulting and Committee Work
1951-199510 linear feetBox 135-153

Materials relating to Anthony F.C. Wallace's private consulting work and his affiliation with various professional organizations, government agencies, and committees from 1951 through 1995, including minutes, reports, correspondence, and other administrative records for the following:

Although the committee files contain a great deal of routine administrative correspondence, most include reports of interest to those researching American society and culture in the mid to late 20th century. The American Anthropological Association records contain extensive information on the controversy sparked by government efforts to recruit anthropologists for counterinsurgency efforts in politically volatile nations such as Thailand and include several copies of "underground" or independent political publications. The U.S.-U.S.S.R. records include papers by Russian anthropologists and several items published in the Russian language.

  1. American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  2. American Anthropological Association (President, 1971-1972)
  3. American Association for the Advancement of Science: Chairman, Section H
  4. American Philosophical Society: Committee on Library
  5. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Mental Health Research Foundation: Research Advisory Committee
  6. Foundation's Fund for Research in Psychiatry: Board of Directors
  7. National Institute of Mental Health: Behavioral Science Study Section
  8. National Institute of Mental Health: Fellowship Review Panel, Behavioral Sciences
  9. National Research Council: Committee on Disaster Studies
  10. National Research Council: Division of Behavioral Sciences
  11. National Science Foundation: Social Science Research Advisory Committee, (chairman 1970-1971)
  12. New Jersey Neuro-Psychiatric Institute: Technical Advisory Committee
  13. Philadelphia Housing Authority (Philadelphia, Pa.)
  14. Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior
  15. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment : Space Program Advisory Panel
  16. U.S. Office of Education: Environment Panel, Cooperative Research Program
  17. U.S. Office of Education: Research Advisory Council
  18. U.S.-U.S.S.R. Commission on the Social Sciences and the Humanities (sponsored by American Council of Learned Societies): U.S. Subcommission on Anthropology
  19. Veterans Administration Hospital (Perry Point, Md.)
  20. Woodrow Wilson Center, Smithsonian Institution: Advisory Council, Program in American History and Culture

 A. American Anthropological Association
 American Anthropological Association.
Ad Hoc Committee of Inquiry in Relation to Thailand #1
 American Anthropological Association.
Ad Hoc Committee of Inquiry in Relation to Thailand #2
 American Anthropological Association.
Ad Hoc Committee of Inquiry in Relation to Thailand #3
 American Anthropological Association.
Ad Hoc Committee on Reorganization [of the AAA]
 American Anthropological Association.
American Anthropologist and Publications Committee
 American Anthropological Association.
Annual Meeting, 1972: "To Do" lists and miscellaneous items
 American Anthropological Association.
Annual Meeting, 1972: Plans
 American Anthropological Association.
Annual Reports
 American Anthropological Association.
Anthropologists for Radical Political Action
 American Anthropological Association.
Anthropology Newsletter
 American Anthropological Association.
Awards Luncheon Remarks
 American Anthropological Association.
Brownrigg, Leslie Ann (George Washington University Ethics case)
 American Anthropological Association.
Committee on Ethics of the A.A.A.
 American Anthropological Association.
Constitution and By-Laws of A.A.A.; Professional Ethics statements
 American Anthropological Association.
Correspondence--A.A.A. matters--Private
 American Anthropological Association.
Council of the American Anthropological Association
 American Anthropological Association.
Davenport, William, et. al.--Report of the Ad Hoc Committee of Inquiry in Relation to Thailand
 American Anthropological Association.
Deganawidah Quetzalcoaltl University Newspaper
 American Anthropological Association.
Department of Health and Human Support Services (U.S.)--Institutional Guide to DHEW Policy on Protection of Human Subjects
 American Anthropological Association.
Executive Board Meeting: Agenda (Fried, Adams, Helm, Casagrande, A.F.C.W.)
 American Anthropological Association.
Executive Board Meeting: Minutes
 American Anthropological Association.
Executive Board: Agenda, 74th Meeting
 American Anthropological Association.
Executive Board: Correspondence and Reports
 American Anthropological Association.
Executive Board: Miscellaneous Papers, 74th Meeting
 American Anthropological Association.
Finance Committee
 American Anthropological Association.
Finance Committee
 American Anthropological Association.
Finance Committee
 American Anthropological Association.
Finances and Report on Examination: Year Ended June 30, 1980
 American Anthropological Association.
Finances and Report on Examination: Year ended June 30, 1981
 American Anthropological Association.
Financial Statements and Correspondence
 American Anthropological Association.
Harris, Marvin. "Big Bust on Morningside Heights" (issue of The Nation, June 10, 1968, "A Generation Up in Arms"
 American Anthropological Association.
Iroquois Wampum #1
 American Anthropological Association.
Iroquois Wampum #2
 American Anthropological Association.
Newsletter and Members and Addresses
 American Anthropological Association.
Planning and Development Committee
 American Anthropological Association.
Program Editor (A.F.C.W.)
 American Anthropological Association.
Thailand Controversy
 Harris, Marvin.
Big Bust on Morningside Heights (issue of The Nation, June 10, 1968, "A Generation Up in Arms"
 Jorgensen, Joseph G., 1934-.
Anthropology on the Warpath in Thailand (issue of New York Review of Books, November 19, 1970)
 Moore, John.
Radical Academic Guide: Perspectives for a Partisan Anthropology, with comment by Mike Seliger (issue of Liberation magazine, November 1971)
 National Academy of Sciences (U.S.).
Study of Effects of Herbicide in Vietnam #1
 National Academy of Sciences (U.S.).
Study of Effects of Herbicide in Vietnam #2
 National Institute of Mental Health, U.S..
Conference: Palo Alto, California
 Science and Government Report.
Science and Government Report (publication), 17 issues
 17 items
 Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, British Columbia).
Counterinsurgency Efforts in Thailand
 Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam.
Counterinsurgency Research on Campus Exposed (cover story, issue of Student Mobilizer, April 2, 1970)
 Wolf, Eric Robert, 1923-.
Anthropology on the Warpath in Thailand (issue of New York Review of Books, November 19, 1970)
 B. U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology
 Akademiia Nauk SSSR (Academy of Sciences of the USSR).
Scholar Exchange Programs and American Council of Learned Societies
 Alexyev, V. P..
Genetic Structure of Asiatic Eskimos and Coastal Chukchis Compared to that of American Arctic Populations (originally filed under "Soviet Papers")
 Anderson, Douglas.
Archeology and the Evidence for the Prehistoric Development of Eskimo Culture: An Assessment (originally filed under "American Papers")
 Arutjunov, S..
Problems of Comparative Studies in Arctic Maritime Cultures on Archaological Data (originally filed under "Soviet Papers")
 Bromley, Julian Vladimirovich, 1921-1990.
Subject Matter and Main Trends of Investigation of Culture by Soviet Ethnographers (originally filed under "Soviet Papers")
 Burch, Ernest S. 1938-.
Ethnography of Northern North America--Draft (originally filed under "American Papers")
 Burch, Ernest S. 1938-.
Ethnography of Northern North America--Paper (originally filed under "American Papers")
 Goodenough, Ward Hunt.
Concerns of Cultural Anthropology in the United States (originally filed under "American Papers")
 Gurvich, I.S..
On the Question of Studying the Cultural Affinities of the Peoples in North Asia and North America (originally filed with "Soviet Papers")
 Hanlon, Sean.
Rebuilding the Ancient Ice Bridge
 International Research and Exc.
Reports and Correspondence
 Laughlin, William S..
Problems in the Physical Anthropology of North American Indians, Eskimos, and Aleuts
 MacNeish, Richard S..
Early Man in the New World
 National Academy of Sciences (U.S.).
Assembly of Behavioral and Social Sciences
 National Research Council.
Assembly of Behavioral and Social Sciences
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Invitations and Attendance
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Meeting (Tarrytown)
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Meeting of American Members, 21 March 1977
197724 items
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Meeting, 1974 (First)
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Meeting, 1975 (Second)
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Minutes and Follow-up Letters
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Peopling of the New World--Correspondence
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Peopling of the New World--Films
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Peopling of the New World--Local Arrangements
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Peopling of the New World--Project
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Peopling of the New World--Publications
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Peopling of the New World--Remarks by Anthony F.C. Wallace
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Proposals for Discussion
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
Subcommission Meeting
 U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology.
 C. Other Committees
 American Academy of Arts and Sciences
 American Antiquarian Society.
American Antiquarian Society
 American Indian Ethnohistoric Conference.
American Indian Ethnohistoric Conference
 Committee on the Library #1
 Committee on the Library #2
 Phillips Fund
 Anthropology Curriculum Study Project.
Anthropology Curriculum Study Project
 Aspen Conference.
Psychiatric Residency Training in Effective Delivery Systems
 Center for Study of Southern Culture (University of Mississippi).
Center for Study of Southern Culture (University of Mississippi)
 Columbia University..
Teacher's College
 Commission on Theology and the Frontiers of Learning
 Foundations Fund for Research in Psychiatry
 Foundations Fund for Research in Psychiatry - FFRP Board
 Franklin Institute Project
 Horizon House Institute for Research and Development
 Institute of Early American History and Culture (Williamsburg, Va.).
 Institute of Early American History and Culture (Williamsburg, Va.).
 Institute on Religion in an Age of Science
 Institute on Religion in an Age of Science.
Star Island Conference #2
 Institute on Religion in an Age of Science.
Star Island Meeting #1
 International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences.
Fifth Congress--Publication Data (Business and Finance)
 International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences.
Seventh Congress
 Iroquois Conference.
 Iroquois Conference.
 Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Medical Education Conference
 National Academy of Sciences (U.S.).
Membership Nominations
 National Academy of Sciences (U.S.).
 National Academy of Sciences (U.S.).
 National Association of Housing Officials U.S.
 National Endowment for the Humanities
 National Institute of Education (U.S.).
 National Institute of Education (U.S.).
Planning Conference
 National Institute of Mental Health, U.S..
Behavioral Sciences Study Section
 National Institute of Mental Health, U.S..
Fellowship Review Board
 National Institute of Mental Health, U.S..
Task Force on Homosexuality #1
 National Institute of Mental Health, U.S..
Task Force on Homosexuality #2
 National Institute of Mental Health, U.S..
Task Force on Homosexuality #3
 National Research Council (U.S.).
Committees #1
 National Research Council (U.S.).
Committees #2
 National Research Council (U.S.).
Disaster Studies--Finances and Expenses
 National Research Council (U.S.).
Disaster Studies--Worcester County Tornado, WTAG (Radio station) Recordings
 National Research Council (U.S.).
Fellowship Committee
 National Research Council (U.S.).
Fritz, Charles
 National Research Council (U.S.).
 National Science Foundation, U.S..
Advisory Committee for the Social Sciences #1
 National Science Foundation, U.S..
Advisory Committee for the Social Sciences #2
 National Science Foundation, U.S..
Annual Report
 National Science Foundation, U.S..
Behavioral Sciences Committee
 National Science Foundation, U.S..
Board Meeting (one letter)
19721 item
 National Science Foundation, U.S..
Chairman's Report
 National Science Foundation, U.S..
Committee on Social Studies
 National Science Foundation, U.S..
Problem-Oriented Research
 National Science Foundation, U.S..
Research Applied to National Needs (RANN) Advisory Committee
 Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.
Consulting Work
 Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.
Consulting Work--Cox, Jonathan P.
 Smithsonian Institution.
Drug Use in Social and Cultural Perspective
 Social Science Research Council. Institute in Law and Social Relations.
Conference on Anthropology and Mental Health
 Social Science Research Council. Institute in Law and Social Relations.
Conference on Culture and Personality
 Social Studies and Humanities Curriculum Program
 Society for Applied Anthropology.
 Space Program Advisory Panel.
Administrative Information
 Space Program Advisory Panel.
Drew, Russell C.--U.S. Posture in Space: A Retrospective Assessment
 Space Program Advisory Panel.
Invitation to Serve and Acceptance
 Space Program Advisory Panel.
Logsdon, John M.--Evolution of the U.S. Civilian Space Program
 Space Program Advisory Panel.
Meeting and NASA Presentation
 Space Program Advisory Panel.
Meeting Information Package
 Space Program Advisory Panel.
Meeting Summaries
 Space Program Advisory Panel.
Space Policy and Applications Study Information Package
 Space Program Advisory Panel.
Space Policy and Applications Workshops
 Space Program Advisory Panel.
United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment--Annual Report
 Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior
 Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior - Correspondence, Memoranda, etc.
 Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior - Wallace, A.F.C.--Comments
 Texas Christian University. Institute of Behavioral Research.
Social Structure and Group Behavior in Extended Duration Space Missions
 U.S. Office of Education.
Grant Panel #1
 U.S. Office of Education.
Grant Panel #2
 U.S. Office of Education.
Research Advisory Council
 United States Information Agency.
 United States. Department of State.
Report on the International Control of Atomic Energy
 University of Pittsburgh.
Summer Institute in Anthropology (Plan)
 White House Conference on Narcotic and Drug Abuse
 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Annual Reports
 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Correspondence and Miscellaneous Materials
 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Gitelman, Howard M.--Research Proposal
 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Isaac, Rhys
 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Parenti, Michael John--Research Proposal
 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Thomas, John Lovell--Research Proposal
 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Welter, Rush Eastman--Research Proposal
 D. University of Pennsylvania
 University of Pennsylvania Press.
1980-1981>75 items
 University of Pennsylvania Press.
1982>100 items
 University of Pennsylvania Press.
1983-1985>100 items
 University of Pennsylvania Press.
1986-1988>100 items
 University of Pennsylvania..
American Civilization Department--Secondary Appointment
 University of Pennsylvania..
Anthropology Department--Internal and External Affairs #1
 University of Pennsylvania..
Anthropology Department--Internal and External Affairs #2
 University of Pennsylvania..
Anthropology Department--Internal and External Reviews
 University of Pennsylvania..
Anthropology Department--Search Committee
 University of Pennsylvania..
Behavioral Research Council #1
 University of Pennsylvania..
Behavioral Research Council #2
1950-1955, 1969 
 University of Pennsylvania..
Chase, Diane Z.--Dissertation Committee Dissolution
 University of Pennsylvania..
City Ties and Educational Outreach: Faculty of Arts and Sciences Ad Hoc Committee
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Administration #2
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Administration #1
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: American Association of University Professors and University of Pennsylvania Statements
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Bell, Lanny [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Davis, Patricia A. [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Doppelt, Gerald [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Fitzgerald, Paul [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Lazic, Margaret [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Li, Hui Lin [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Merker, Milton #1 [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Merker, Milton #2, Subcommittee File [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Minutes
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Minutes
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Miscellaneous Case Matters [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Phelps, Wayne [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Procedures #1
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Procedures #2
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on Educational Policy
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committee on the Organization of the College Faculty
 University of Pennsylvania..
Committees: "Current"
 University of Pennsylvania..
Departmental Development
 University of Pennsylvania..
Educational Planning Committee
 University of Pennsylvania..
Eiseley, Loren C.: Memorial Fund
 University of Pennsylvania..
Ethnohistory Program: Administrative Materials
 University of Pennsylvania..
Ethnohistory Program: Description
 University of Pennsylvania..
Ethnohistory Program: Grant Proposal
 University of Pennsylvania..
Ethnohistory Program: History Department
 University of Pennsylvania..
Ethnohistory Program: NEH Proposal
 University of Pennsylvania..
Ethnohistory Workshop
 University of Pennsylvania..
Ethnohistory Workshop
 University of Pennsylvania..
 University of Pennsylvania..
Folklore Committee
 University of Pennsylvania..
Graduate Liberal Studies/Professional Development Program #4
 University of Pennsylvania..
Graduate Liberal Studies/Professional Development Program #3
 University of Pennsylvania..
Graduate Liberal Studies/Professional Development Program #2
 University of Pennsylvania..
Graduate Liberal Studies/Professional Development Program #1
 University of Pennsylvania..
Graduate Liberal Studies/Professional Development Program
 University of Pennsylvania..
History and Philosophy of Science Department
 University of Pennsylvania..
Miscellaneous Committees
 University of Pennsylvania..
Moffett, John [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Personnel Committee: Anthropology Department
 University of Pennsylvania..
Personnel Committee: Faculty of Arts and Sciences [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Personnel Committee: Faculty of Arts and Sciences 1978 #3 [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Personnel Committee: Faculty of Arts and Sciences 1978 #4 [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Personnel Committee: Faculty of Arts and Sciences 1978 #5 [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Personnel Committee: Faculty of Arts and Sciences 1978 #2 [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Personnel Committee: Faculty of Arts and Sciences 1978 #1 [RESTRICTED]
 University of Pennsylvania..
Physical Anthropology Projects
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: Degrees Granted (# of B.A.'s)
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: Enrollments (Arts and Sciences)
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: Faculty History (Arts and Sciences)
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: Geology Department
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: National Rankings
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: Projections
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: Quantitative Factors
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: Reports and Long Range Plans #2
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: Reports and Long-Range Plans #1
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: School of Arts and Sciences #1
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: School of Arts and Sciences #2
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: School of Arts and Sciences #3
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: School of Arts and Sciences Centers
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: School of Medicine
 University of Pennsylvania..
Planning Committee: Teaching Loads (Arts and Sciences)
 University of Pennsylvania..
Social Work Subcommittee: Educational Survey
 University of Pennsylvania..
Sociology Department: Search Committee for Chairman
 University of Pennsylvania..
Sociology Department: Search Committee for Chairman--Chairman's Final Report
 University of Pennsylvania..
Trustee Committee on External Affairs
 University of Pennsylvania..
University of Pennsylvania Press Editorial Committee: Minutes and Official Papers
 University of Pennsylvania..
University of Pennsylvania Press: Correspondence and Reviews
 University of Pennsylvania..
University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation
 University of Pennsylvania..
War or Peace: 1976 (project of the University Museum and the Bicentennial Coordinating Committee of the University of Pennsylvania)
 E. University of Pennsylvania External Education Committees
 Center for Urban Research and Experiment
 Cliveden (Philadelphia, Pa.) Advisory Committee
 Cliveden (Philadelphia, Pa.) Advisory Committee.
Annual Reports
1988, 1990 
 Cliveden (Philadelphia, Pa.) Advisory Committee.
Chew Family Papers (Historical Society of Pennsylvania): Description and Inventory
 Cliveden (Philadelphia, Pa.) Advisory Committee.
Historic Structure Report
 Cliveden (Philadelphia, Pa.) Advisory Committee.
1990, 1992 
 Cliveden (Philadelphia, Pa.) Advisory Committee.
Richards, Nancy--City Home of Benjamin Chew, Sr. and His Family: A Case Study of the Textures of Life
 Cliveden (Philadelphia, Pa.) Advisory Committee.
Tinkcom, Margaret B.--Cliveden: The Building of a Philadelphia Country Seat 1763-1767
 Council on Urbanism and Related Human Resources
 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Poewe, Karla--Grant Application Review
1987-1991ca. 50 items

Includes reprint of Poewe's article "On the Metonymic Structure of Religious Experiences: The Example Of Charismatic Christianity," Cultural Dynbamics, Vol. II (1989), pp. 362-380 and Irving Hexham's "Modernity or Reaction in South Africa: The Case of Afrikaner Religion," in Nicholls, William, ed. Modernity and Religion, Sr. Supplements, Volume 19 (1987).

 State Museum of Pennsylvania.
Hall of History Exhibit: Correspondence and Miscellaneous
 State Museum of Pennsylvania.
Hall of History Exhibit: Cox, Jonathan P.--Exhibit Script, Part 2
 State Museum of Pennsylvania.
Hall of History Exhibit: Cox, Jonathan P.--Exhibit Script, Part 1
 State Museum of Pennsylvania.
Hall of History Exhibit: List of Objects, Images, Display, and Interpretive Techniques (First Draft)
 State Museum of Pennsylvania.
Hall of History Exhibit: Weatherwax, Sarah--Public Life ca. 1680-1820
 Universities-Related Schools Program
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Levens, Charlotte: Report #2
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Levens, Charlotte: Reports #1
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Minutes, Memos, and Reports #2
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Minutes, Reports, and Memos #1
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Miscellaneous Articles and Information
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Universities-Related Schools Program #1
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Universities-Related Schools Program #2
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Universities-Related Schools Program #3
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Universities-Related Schools Program #4
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Universities-Related Schools Program #5
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Universities-Related Schools Program #6
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Universities-Related Schools Program #7
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Universities-Related Schools Program #8
 University Council Committee to Review Education in University City.
Universities-Related Schools Program: Administrative History
 University of Pennsylvania..
University of Pennsylvania. Graduate School of Education: Urban Education Proposals to Ford Foundation
 University of Pennsylvania..
University of Pennsylvania. Human Resources Center
 West Philadelphia Community Mental Health Consortium (Philadelphia, Pa.
West Philadelphia Community Mental Health Consortium (Philadelphia, Pa.)
 West Philadelphia Corporation (Philadelphia, Pa.).
West Philadelphia Corporation (Philadelphia, Pa.)
 West Philadelphia Free School (Philadelphia, Pa.).
West Philadelphia Free School (Philadelphia, Pa.)
 Series VII. Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute
1955-19804.5 linear feetBox 154-162

Materials relating to Anthony F.C. Wallace's affiliation with the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute (E.P.P.I.) from 1955-1980. The series includes notes and reprints relating to psychiatric research as well as administrative materials and correspondence relating to E.P.P.I.'s Clinical Research Department.

The psychiatric research includes material on the physiological, genetic, social, and cultural aspects of psychological disorders, particularly schizophrenia. Material relating to Eskimos and the study of arctic hysteria (piblokto), which shares some similarities with Seasonal Affective Disorder, also comprises a significant portion of the series and includes information on the psychological effects of nutritional deficiencies such as hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia. The series also includes an early paper on premenstrual tension. Although about one-third of the series consists of restricted materials such as tapes and transcripts of personality and family studies conducted at E.P.P.I., the unrestricted portion provides detailed information on the clinical research department of a psychiatric hospital in the mid 20th century as well the relationship between physiological and psychological disorders.

 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #1
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #2
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #3
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #4
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #5
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #6
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #7
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #8
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #9
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #10
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #11
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #12
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #13
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #14
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #15
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #16
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #17
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Administrative Materials and Correspondence #18
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Annual Report
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Annual Report
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Care of the Mentally Retarded
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Clinical Research Report
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Clinical Research
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Elwyn--West Philadelphia Rehabilitation Center
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Peer Review Program Information
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Phillips, William: Clinical Research Meetings
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- Phillips, William: Medical School Participation at Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute
 Administrative Materials and Correspondence -- United States Public Health Service: Grant M1106 Budget
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Baptist Revival Meeting (includes one apparently misplaced sheet of unrelated patient informant)
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Calcium Sample: Patient Records
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Dining Room Project [RESTRICTED]
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute: Policy
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute: Programming [RESTRICTED]
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute: Structure of and Publications #1
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute: Structure of and Publications #2
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Hypocalcemia, Physiology of (includes extensive discussion of hypoglycemia)
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Identity Project
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Information-Authority Project
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Menstrual Tension: Project Taboo
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Patient Seating Project (not published): Patient Code List [RESTRICTED]
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Perrin, George: Report on AFCW Research Projects, E.P.P.I., February 1964
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Philadelphia State Hospital: Social Rehabilitation of the Chronic Mental Patient (Byberry Project)
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Psychiatric Hospitals and Research: Miscellaneous Notes and Descriptions
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Relation of Staff Consensus to Patient Disturbance: Overall Project Design
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Religious Participation: Classroom Study (not published)
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Roper Public Opinion Research Center at Williams College: 1960 Bulletin
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Schizophrenia, Psychophysiological Correlates of
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Schizophrenia, Theory of
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Survey Design
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. and Raymond D. Fogelson: Identity Struggle, The
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. and Raymond D. Fogelson: Identity Struggles in American Society (original manuscript)
 Miscellaneous Psychiatric Research
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Ackerknecht, Erwin, 1880-1960: Medicine and Disease Among Eskimos
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Arctic Exploration: Photostats of 19th Century Pamphlets
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Bertelsen, A.: Neuro-patologiske Meddelelser fra Gronland (in Danish)
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Case Characteristics
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Cold Adaptation--Reprints
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Correspondence and Applications
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Correspondence: Research Grant Proposal Materials
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Correspondence
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Culture, Nutrition, and Behavior
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- East Greenland: Anthropology, Nosology, and Metabolism Reprints
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Freuchen, P.: Om Sundhedstilstanden blandt Polareskimoerne
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Genealogy: Polar Eskimo
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Grygier, Tadeusz: Psychiatric Observations in the Arctic
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Gussow, Zachary--Piblokto Among the Polar Eskimo: An Ethnopsychiatric Study
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Health of the Aged: Reports and Reprints
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Hypoglycemia, Insulin Coma Therapy, and Shock Therapies
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Klineberg, Otto--Varieties of Abnormality (from text Social Psychology)
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Lapps--Notes
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Larsen, Helge and Jorgen Medlgaard--Paleo-Eskimo Culture in Disko Bugt, West Greenland
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Laughlin, W.S.--Genetic Analysis of Racial Traits: Blood Groups, Morphology, and Population Size of the Eskimos
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Malaurie, J. Reprints
1952-195652 items
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Mitskevich, S.I.--Menerik and Emiryachene Forms of Hysteria in the Kolymsk Region
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Notes
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Perkoff, Gerald T. and Frank H. Tyler--Hypoglycemia
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Photographs--See Series X, Photographs
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Physiology, Metabolism, and the Central Nervous System #2
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Physiology, Metabolism, and the Central Nervous System: Reprints #1 (un et Francais)
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Piblokto: Proposal for Research Project
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Rasmussen, Knud, 1879-1933. Before the Eye of the Day: Life in Greenland Before the Polar Night
 10 items
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Rasmussen, Knud: Piblokto (Danish)
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Rodahl, Kaare--Eskimo Physiology and Metabolism Reprints
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Saler, Benson--Arctic Hysteria
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Siberian Research--Menerik, Meriak
 Piblokto (Arctic Hysteria) Research -- Thule District--Polar Eskimo
 Research Projects -- Research: Family Sessions--Tapes and Transcripts [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Research: Situational Analysis and Reality Orientation [NOT RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Staff Consensus Project #1 [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Staff Consensus Project #2 [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Staff Consensus Project #3 [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Staff Consensus Project #4 [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #1: Dictionary Lists #1 [NOT RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #10 [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #11 [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #12 [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #13 [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #14 [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #2: Dictionary Lists #2 [NOT RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #3 [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #4: Summary Sheets (Females) [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #5: Summary Sheets (Males) [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #6: Terms and Frequencies [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #7 [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #8 [RESTRICTED]
 Research Projects -- Terminology of Emotions #9 [RESTRICTED]
 Transcripts and Tapes -- Nineteen case files with transcripts of counseling sessions. Recordings removed to audio collection. [RESTRICTED]
 Series VIII. University of Pennsylvania
1946-19905 linear feetBox 163-171

Materials relating to Anthony F.C. Wallace's half century of affiliation with the University of Pennsylvania, excluding committee work, which appears in Series VI. Materials include notes and syllabi for courses taken (1946-1950) and taught (1948-1988) by Wallace at the University of Pennsylvania, 1946-1985 and student dissertations for which Wallace served as advisor. Anthropological instructors include Frank G. Speck, A. Irving Hallowell, Theodore Stern, Wilton Krogman, Froehlich Rainey, Loren Eiseley, Frederica de Laguna, and Linton Satterthwaite. Particularly significant are notes for courses taught by Frank G. Speck, as Speck's papers include little material relating to his University of Pennsylvania tenure.

 A. Courses
 Courses Taken -- Advanced Abnormal Psychology: Wishner
 Courses Taken -- Anthropology 2: Speck, Frank G., 1946
 Courses Taken -- Anthropology 521: Psychology and Culture, Hallowell, A. Irving
 Courses Taken -- Anthropology 617: Seminar on the American Indian #1
 Courses Taken -- Anthropology 617: Seminar on the American Indian #2
 Courses Taken -- Anthropology 619: Hallowell, A. Irving
 Courses Taken -- Archaeology and Ethnology of the Circumpolar Regions-
 Courses Taken -- Archaeology
 Courses Taken -- Bibliographies, Anthropological
 Courses Taken -- Courses Taken: History of Anthropology
 Courses Taken -- Cultural Dynamics: DeLaguna, Frederica
 Courses Taken -- Culture and Personality Seminar
19675 items
 Courses Taken -- Examinations--Early
 Courses Taken -- History of English and American Civilization
 Courses Taken -- Human Paleontology: Eiseley, Loren
 Courses Taken -- Krogman, W.M. and Richard Snodgrass: Manual of Anthropometry
 Courses Taken -- Latin American History: Satterthwaite, Linton
 Courses Taken -- Linguistics
 Courses Taken -- Ojibwa
 Courses Taken -- Philosophy
 Courses Taken -- Physical Anthropology: Krogrman, W.M. with Richard Snodgrass, assistant
 Courses Taken -- Psychology
 Courses Taken -- Religion: Bibliographic Notes
 Courses Taken -- Renaissance, Reformation, and Modern European History: Lynn Case
 Courses Taken -- Social Organization
 Courses Taken -- Social Science, Methods in: Hutchinson
 Courses Taken -- Sociology, Introduction to #1
 Courses Taken -- Sociology, Introduction to #2
 Courses Taken -- Sociology, Introduction to #3
 Courses Taken -- Statistics
 Courses Taken -- Zoology #1
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 100: Administration, 1975
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 100: Administration, 1976 (Fall)
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 100: Administration, 1976 (Spring)
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 100: Administration, 1978 (Spring)
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 100: Lectures, Spring 1978
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 520 (Ethnohistory): Administration #1
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 520 (Ethnohistory): Administration #2
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 520 (Ethnohistory): Bibliography
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 521 (Theories of Human Nature): 1973
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 521 (Theories of Human Nature): Administration, 1972
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 521 (Theories of Human Nature): Administration, Fall 1973
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 521 (Theories of Human Nature): Bibliography--Culture and Personality, Spring 1972
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 521 (Theories of Human Nature): Bibliography--Miscellaneous, 1972
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 521 (Theories of Human Nature): Class Lists
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 521 (Theories of Human Nature): Exam (take-home)
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 521 (Theories of Human Nature): Exams
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 521 (Theories of Human Nature): Psychology and Culture Bibliography #1
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 521 (Theories of Human Nature): Psychology and Culture Bibliography #2
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 521: Psychology and Culture Bibliography #2
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 601 (Cultural Anthropology): Administration, 1974
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 601 (Cultural Anthropology): Administration, 1975
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 601 (Cultural Anthropology): Bibliography
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 601 (Cultural Anthropology): Fall 1974
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 601 (Cultural Anthropology): Fall 1974
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 601 (Cultural Anthropology): Lectures, notes
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 601: Administration
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 601: Bibliography
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 601: Lectures, notes
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 630 (Formal Methods)
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 630 (Formal Methods)
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 683: American Indian Readings
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 683: American Indian Readings
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 683: Guest Lecturer Readings
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 683: Hero Theme
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 683: Hero Theme
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 703 (Industrial Revolution Seminar): Administration
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 703 (Industrial Revolution Seminar): Bibliography
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology 703 (Industrial Revolution Seminar): Course plans
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology and Abnormal Psychology
 Courses Taught -- Anthropology, General
 Courses Taught -- Applied Anthropology #1
 Courses Taught -- Applied Anthropology #2
 Courses Taught -- Comparative Social Behavior
 Courses Taught -- Course Outline, 1969
 Courses Taught -- Course Outline, 1972
 Courses Taught -- Course Outlines, various dates
 Courses Taught -- Courses Taught: Anthropology 300
 Courses Taught -- Culture and Cognition
 Courses Taught -- Culture and Personality Seminar: Notes on National Character
 Courses Taught -- Formal Analysis
 Courses Taught -- Methods in Ethnohistory: Administrative, 1985
 Courses Taught -- Methods in Ethnohistory: Administrative
 Courses Taught -- Methods in Ethnohistory: Cassanelli, Lee--Oral History Lecture Readings
 Courses Taught -- Methods in Ethnohistory: Course Proposal
 Courses Taught -- Methods in Ethnohistory: Readings (extra)
 Courses Taught -- Methods in Ethnohistory
 Courses Taught -- Nativistic Movements: Courses in 1957, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1966, 1969, 1970
 Courses Taught -- Physiology and Culture with Sol Katz
 Courses Taught -- Primitive Religion #1
 Courses Taught -- Primitive Religion #2
 Courses Taught -- Primitive Religion, 1963
 Courses Taught -- Primitive Religion, Spring 1966-1967
 Courses Taught -- Readings in Ethnology
 Courses Taught -- Revitalization Movements, 1985
 Courses Taught -- Revitalization Movements: Administrative, Spring 1974, etc.
 Courses Taught -- Revitalization Movements: Bibliography, ca. 1960
 Courses Taught -- Revitalization Movements: Bibliography, Misc.
 Courses Taught -- Revitalization Movements: Bibliography, Spring 1960--American Negro
 Courses Taught -- Revitalization Movements: Bibliography, Spring 1962
 Courses Taught -- Social Theory
 Courses Taught -- Sociology 1: College for Women
 Courses Taught -- Sociology 19
 Courses Taught -- Sociology 1a: Wharton #1
 Courses Taught -- Sociology 1a: Wharton #2
 Courses Taught -- Sociology 1b: Demography #1
 Courses Taught -- Sociology 1b: Demography #2
 Courses Taught -- Sociology 8: Social Institutions
 Courses Taught -- University of Pennsylvania: Medical School Lecture
 Courses Taught -- Wilson College (Chambersburg, Pa.): Lecture
 Courses Taught
 Courses Taught
 B. Miscellaneous
 Bromberg, Jo Ann -- Dissertation correspondence
1978-1982113 items
 Camurca, Zelia Sáviana -- Dissertation correspondence
1979-198887 items
 Sapir, J. David -- Tenure Denial
1970-1971102 items
 University of Pennsylvania -- Student recommendations [RESTRICTED]
1975-1978>100 items
 University of Pennsylvania -- Student recommendations [RESTRICTED]
1978-1983>100 items
 University of Pennsylvania -- Student recommendations [RESTRICTED]
1983-1986>100 items
 Series IX. Indian Claims
 15 linear feetBox 172-199

Materials relating to Anthony F.C. Wallace's extensive research as an expert witness during the Indian Claims Commission hearings, in which various Indian nations attempted to reclaim land taken from them by the federal government. The subseries includes Wallace's notes, photocopies of and extensive typewritten transcriptions of primary and secondary sources relating to American Indians, treaties, and land settlements; trial transcripts, and associated correspondence with attorneys, Indians, and the Indian Claims Commission.

 Abel, A.H. -- Tableau's Narrative of Loisel's Expedition to the Upper Missouri
 Agnew, Daniel -- Notes by AFCW
 American Anthropological Association -- 53rd Annual Meeting: Symposium on Anthropology and Indian Claims Litigation
 American Anthropologist -- Excerpts
 American Ethnological Society -- Anthropology and Indian Land Claims Litigation: A Symposium
 American State Papers -- Indian Affairs
 American State Papers -- Public Lands
 American State Papers -- Vol. I Excerpts
 American State Papers -- Vol. I Excerpts
 American State Papers -- Vol. I Excerpts
 American State Papers -- Vol. II Excerpts
 American State Papers -- Vol. II Excerpts
 Anonymous -- History of Lee County, Iowa (excerpts)
 Bacqueville de La Potherie, M. de (Claude-Charles Le Roy), 1668-1738 -- Histoire de l'Am?(c)rique septentrionale : relation d'un séjour en Nouvelle-France (excerpts)
 Bauman, Robert F. -- Ottawa, the Huron-Wyandot, and the Land
 Bauman, Robert F. -- Ottawa, the Huron-Wyandot, and the Land
 Beltrami, J.C. -- Pilgrimage in Europe and America Leading to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippiand Ohio
 Bibliographic Information
 Blair, Emma Helen, d. 1911 -- Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes (excerpts)
 Carter, Clarence Edwin, 1881-1961 -- Territorial Papers of the United States: Extracts #1
 Carter, Clarence Edwin, 1881-1961 -- Territorial Papers of the United States: Extracts #2
 Carter, Clarence Edwin, 1881-1961 -- Territorial Papers of the United States: Extracts #3
 Carter, Clarence Edwin, 1881-1961 -- Territorial Papers of the United States: Extracts #4
 Catlin, George, 1796-1872 -- North American Indians: Being Letters and Notes on their Manners, Customs, and Conditions, Written During Eight Years' Travel Amongst the Wildest Tribes of Indians in North America, 1832-1839
 Central States Anthropological Society (U.S.) -- Anthropology and Indian Land Claims Litigation: A Symposium
 Charlevoix, Pierre-François-Xavier de, 1682-1761 -- Journal of a Voyage to North America (excerpts)
 Chippewa Indians -- Red Lake, Pembina and White Earth Bands, and Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, et. al. v. the United States of America
 Coeur d'Alene Indians -- Coeur d'Alene Tribe of Indians v. the United States of America
 Correspondence and Instructions 1
 Correspondence and Instructions 2
 Creek Indians -- Creek Nation v. U.S.: Docket No. 21
 Dakota Indians -- Notes
 Dakota Indians -- Wallace, Anthony F.C.-- Eastern Dakota: Outline of Locations, Population, Culture and History, 1800-1862
 Delaware Indians -- Delaware of Oklahoma vs. United States of America, Docket 202 (Ohio Lands)
 Delaware Indians -- Delaware of Oklahoma vs. United States of America, Docket 202 (Ohio Trial Memoranda)
 Delaware Indians -- Delaware of Oklahoma vs. United States of America, Docket 338
 Delaware Indians -- Delaware of Oklahoma vs. United States of America, Docket 337
 Delaware Indians -- Hunter, William--Traders on the Ohio: 1730
 Delaware Indians -- Notes
 Delaware Indians -- Tribal Histories
 Edwards, Ninian Wirt -- Life and Times of Ninian Edwards
 Fox Indians -- Atwater, Caleb. Remarks Made on Tour to Prairie du Chien
 Fox Indians -- Black Hawk War, 1832 #1
 Fox Indians -- Black Hawk War, 1832 #2
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs #14
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs #6
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #1
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #10
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #11
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #12
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #13
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #15
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #2
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #3
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #4
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #5
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #7
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #8
 Fox Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #9
 Fox Indians -- Chocteau, August. Indian Affairs
 Fox Indians -- Correspondence (Early)
 Fox Indians -- Finances
 Fox Indians -- Forsyth, Thomas. Account of the Manners and Customs of the Sauk and Fox Nations of Indians Tradition
 Fox Indians -- Forsyth, Thomas. Original Causes of the Troubles with a party of Sauk and Fox Indians under the direction or command of the Black Hawk who is no Chief.
 Fox Indians -- Iowa Indians of Kansas and Nebraska: Trial Memorandum
 Fox Indians -- Iowa Indians: Miscellaneous Material
 Fox Indians -- Iowa Indians: Tribal Histories
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 135
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 135
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 135, April 23, 1956
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 135, April 24, 1956
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 135, April 25, 1956
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 135, April 26, 1956
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 135: Brief in Support of Findings of Fact Proposed by Sac and Fox Petitioners
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 135: Correspondence
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 135: Proposed Findings of Fact by Sac and Fox Petitioners
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 135: Report of Additional Research
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138: Brief in Support of Findings of Fact Proposed by Sac and Fox Petitioners
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138: Correspondence
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138: Defendant's Request for Findings of Fact, Objections to Findings of Fact Requested by Petitioners, and Brief
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138: Exhibits (Government) Notes
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138: Objections of Iowa Petitioners to Proposed Findings of Fact by Sac and Fox Petitioners, and to Defendant's Proposed Findings of Fact
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138: Proposed Finding of Fact by Petitioners Iowa, et. al.
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138: Proposed Findings of Fact by Petitioners Iowa
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138: Proposed Findings of Fact by Sac and Fox Petitioners
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138: Rebuttal Testimony, February 23, 1955
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No.
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No.
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138:
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138:
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138:
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 138:
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 135,
 Fox Indians -- Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 135:
 Fox Indians -- Iowa Tribe or Nation of Indians, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 153:
 Fox Indians -- Iowa Tribe or Nation of Indians, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 153:
 Fox Indians -- Iowa Tribe or Nation of Indians, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 153: Petition
 Fox Indians -- Iowa Tribe or Nation of Indians, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 153: Trial
 Fox Indians -- Iowa Tribe or Nation of Indians, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket Nos. 209
 Fox Indians -- Iowa Tribe or Nation of Indians, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 153: 28, 29, 30
 Fox Indians -- Iowa Tribe or Nation of Indians, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 153: 28, 29, 30
 Fox Indians -- Jones, William. Ethnography of the Fox Indians (extracts)
 Fox Indians -- Jones, William. Notes on the Fox Indians (extracts)
 Fox Indians -- Marston, M. Letter to Dr. Morse
 Fox Indians -- Miscellaneous Material
 Fox Indians -- Newberry Library: Miscellaneous Material
 Fox Indians -- Peace Policy Period: 1804-1828
 Fox Indians -- Prehistoric and Historic Habitat of the Missouri and Oto Indians (extract on Sauk and Fox)
 Fox Indians -- Removal from Suakenuk, 1828-1831 #1
 Fox Indians -- Removal from Suakenuk, 1828-1831 #2
 Fox Indians -- Reynolds, John. My Own Times: Embracing Also the History of My Life" (extracts)
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, no docket no., no
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, no docket no., no
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, no docket no., no
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83, 31
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No.
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket Nos. 83,
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, no docket no., no
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 143:
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83, 17
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83, 18
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83, 17
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158, 3
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158, 4
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158, 6
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 158, 5
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83, 30
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83, 30
 Fox Indians -- Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 83, 1
 Fox Indians -- Sauk and Fox Chronology
 Fox Indians -- Sauk and Fox Material #1
 Fox Indians -- Sauk and Fox Material #2
 Fox Indians -- Sauk and Fox Material #3
 Fox Indians -- Sauk and Fox Treaties #1
 Fox Indians -- Sauk and Fox Treaties #2
 Fox Indians -- Sauk and Fox Treaties #3
 Fox Indians -- Skinner, Alanson. Observation on the Ethnology of the Sauk Indians
 Fox Indians -- Treaty of 1804 and Surrounding Circumstances
 Fox Indians -- Tribal Histories
 Fox Indians -- United States Government Exhibits
 Fox Indians -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. Iowa and Sac and Fox Indians in Iowa and Missouri #1
 Fox Indians -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. Iowa and Sac and Fox Indians in Iowa and Missouri #2
 Fox Indians -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. Iowa and Sac and Fox Indians in Iowa and Missouri #3
 Fox Indians -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. Iowa and Sac and Fox Indians in Iowa and Missouri #4
 Fox Indians -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. Iowa and Sac and Fox Indians in Iowa and Missouri #5
 Fox Indians -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. Iowa and Sac and Fox Indians in Iowa and Missouri: Corrected copy #1
 Fox Indians -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. Iowa and Sac and Fox Indians in Iowa and Missouri: Corrected copy #2
 Fox Indians -- Whitney, Helen. Sauk and Fox Prisoners
 Gue, Benjamin F., 1828-1904 -- History of Iowa from the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century (excerpts)
 Hodge, F.W. -- Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico (excerpts)
 Houck, Louis -- History of Missouri (extracts)
 Houck, Louis -- Spanish Regime in Missouri (excerpts)
 Illinois Indians -- Correspondence and Finances
 Illinois Indians -- Notes
 Illinois Indians -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. Memorandum on Illinois Indians
 Illinois State Historical Society -- Notes and Extracts
 Illinois State Historical Society -- Notes and extracts
 Illinois State Historical Society -- Notes, Extracts, Newsletters
 Illinois State Historical Society -- Reprints
 Indiana Historical Society -- Reprints
 Indians of North America--Warfare -- Notes
 Indians, Publication Catalogs
 Iowa Indians -- Atwater, Caleb. Remarks Made on Tour to Prairie du Chien
 Iowa Indians -- Black Hawk War, 1832 #1
 Iowa Indians -- Black Hawk War, 1832 #2
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs #14
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs #6
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #1
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #10
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #11
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #12
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #13
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #15
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #2
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #3
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #4
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #5
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #7
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #8
 Iowa Indians -- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records #9
 Iowa Indians -- Chocteau, August. Indian Affairs
 Iowa Indians -- Correspondence (Early)
 Iowa Indians -- Finances
 Iowa Indians -- Forsyth, Thomas. Account of the Manners and Customs of the Sauk and Fox Nations of Indians Tradition
 Iowa Indians -- Forsyth, Thomas. Original Causes of the Troubles with a party of Sauk and Fox Indians under the direction or command of the Black Hawk who is no Chief.
 Iowa Indians -- Iowa Indians of Kansas and Nebraska: Trial Memorandum
 Iowa Indians -- Iowa Indians: Miscellaneous Material
 Iowa Indians -- Iowa Indians: Tribal Histories
 Iowa Indians -- Jones, William. Ethnography of the Fox Indians (extracts)
 Iowa Indians -- Jones, William. Notes on the Fox Indians (extracts)
 Iowa Indians -- Marston, M. Letter to Dr. Morse
 Iowa Indians -- Miscellaneous Material
 Iowa Indians -- Newberry Library: Miscellaneous Material
 Iowa Indians -- Peace Policy Period: 1804-1828
 Iowa Indians -- Prehistoric and Historic Habitat of the Missouri and Oto Indians (extract)
 Iowa Indians -- Removal from Suakenuk, 1828-1831 #1
 Iowa Indians -- Removal from Suakenuk, 1828-1831 #2
 Iowa Indians -- Reynolds, John. My Own Times: Embracing Also the History of My Life" (extracts)
 Iowa Indians -- Sauk and Fox Chronology
 Iowa Indians -- Sauk and Fox Material #1
 Iowa Indians -- Sauk and Fox Material #2
 Iowa Indians -- Sauk and Fox Material #3
 Iowa Indians -- Sauk and Fox Treaties #1
 Iowa Indians -- Sauk and Fox Treaties #2
 Iowa Indians -- Sauk and Fox Treaties #3
 Iowa Indians -- Skinner, Alanson. Observation on the Ethnology of the Sauk Indians
 Iowa Indians -- Treaty of 1804 and Surrounding Circumstances
 Iowa Indians -- Tribal Histories
 Iowa Indians -- United States Government Exhibits
 Iowa Indians -- Whitney, Helen. Sauk and Fox Prisoners
 Iowa Journal of History and Politics -- Excerpts
 Iroquois Indians -- Barnholt, William I.--Cuyahoga-Tuscarawas Portage: A Documentary History
 Iroquois Indians -- Beauchamp, William--History of New York Iroquois (notes)
 Iroquois Indians -- Big Tree and Sale of Reservations: Miscellaneous Manuscripts
 Iroquois Indians -- Brunhouse, Robert (notes)
 2 items
 Iroquois Indians -- Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian: Articles on English policy and New York policy
 Iroquois Indians -- Cammerhoff, Br. and David Zeisberger: Diary of the Joruney of Br. Cammerhoff and David Zeisberger to the Five Nations from May 3-14 to August 6-17, 1750
 Iroquois Indians -- Deardorff, Merle H.:Cornplanter Grant in Warren County
 Iroquois Indians -- Hays, John: Journal
 Iroquois Indians -- History of New York Iroquois (notes)
 Iroquois Indians -- Holland Land Company: Notes
 Iroquois Indians -- Indian Records Vol. I, 1668-1838 (Works Progress Administration), page 201 to end
 Iroquois Indians -- Indian Records Vol. I, 1668-1838 (Works Progress Administration), to page 200
 Iroquois Indians -- Indian Records Vol. II, 1839-1859 (Works Progress Administration), page 201 to end
 Iroquois Indians -- Indian Records Vol. II, 1839-1859 (Works Progress Administration), to page 200
 Iroquois Indians -- Indian Records Vol. III, 1860-1883 (Works Progress Administration)
 Iroquois Indians -- Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 (notes)
 Iroquois Indians -- Kent, Donald H.: Historical Report on the Niagara River and the Niagara River Strip to 1759
 Iroquois Indians -- Kirkland, Samuel
 Iroquois Indians -- Lindley, Jacob: His Account of His "Religious Visit" to the Friends in Canada, and to Indians on Buffalo Creek, in 1797
 Iroquois Indians -- Maclay, Samuel: Journal, 1790 (notes)
 Iroquois Indians -- Mohr, Walter: Federal Indian Relations 1774-1788 (notes)
 Iroquois Indians -- Morse, Jedediah: Report to the Secretary of War of the United States on Indian Affairs, 1822 (excerpts)
 Iroquois Indians -- Navarre, 1742: Report
 Iroquois Indians -- O'Reilly Papers, New York Historical Society and Pickering Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society (notes)
 Iroquois Indians -- Pennsylvania Archives (notes)
 Iroquois Indians -- Pickering Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society): American Ethnology (notes)
 Iroquois Indians -- Post, Christian Frederick: Journal, 1760
 Iroquois Indians -- Savery, William: Journal of Life, Travels, and Religious Labours of William Savery
 Iroquois Indians -- Seaver, James Everett: Life of Mary Jemison (notes)
 Iroquois Indians -- Semple, Ellen Churchill: American History and its Geographic Conditions (extracts)
 Iroquois Indians -- Seneca Nation of Indians and Tonawanda Band of Seneca Indians, vs. the United States
 Iroquois Indians -- Seneca Nation of Indians vs. United States of America and Tonawanda Band of Seneca Indians vs. the United States of America, Dockets No. 342-A and 368-A
 Iroquois Indians -- Seneca Nation of Indians vs. United States of America and Tonawanda Band of Seneca Indians vs. the United States of America, Dockets No. 342-H, Appeal 11-63
19651 item
 Iroquois Indians -- Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma vs. the United States of America, Docket 341, Trial Memorandum
 Iroquois Indians -- Sipe, C. Hale. Principal Indian Towns of Western Pennsylvania
 Iroquois Indians -- Six Nations et. al. vs. the United States of America, Appeal No. 8-63
 Iroquois Indians -- Six Nations Northwest Pennsylvania and the Erie Triangle vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 344: Trial Memorandum
 Iroquois Indians -- Six Nations, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 89: Ohio Trial Memoranda
 Iroquois Indians -- Six Nations, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 344: Final Order
 Iroquois Indians -- Six Nations, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket Nos. 342-A and 344: Correspondence (New York and Pennsylvania)
 Iroquois Indians -- Six Nations, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 89: Ohio Trial Memoranda
 Iroquois Indians -- Six Nations, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 344: Final Order
 Iroquois Indians -- Six Nations: Notes
 Iroquois Indians -- Snyderman, George S. Concepts of Land Ownership Among the Iroquois and their Neighbors
 Iroquois Indians -- Snyderman, George S. Notes on the Economic Life of the Indians of the Northwest Territory and Ohio
 Iroquois Indians -- Testimony #1
 Iroquois Indians -- Treaties and Treaty Journals 1701-1857
 Iroquois Indians -- United States House of Representatives: Compilation of Materials Relating to the Indians of the United States, etc. by Subcommittee on Indian Affairs
 Iroquois Indians -- Washington, George: Journal of a Tour to the Ohio River in 1770
 Iroquois Indians -- Washington, George: Writings (notes)
 Iroquois Indians -- Wilkinson, Norman: Robert Morris and the Treaty of Big Tree
 Kane, Michal -- American Indian Ethnohistoric Conference Newsletter No. 1
 Kane, Michal -- Chippewa Notes
 Kane, Michal -- Dakota (Eastern Dakota): Notes
 Kane, Michal -- Exhibits for Dr. Wallace from National Archives
 2 items
 Kane, Michal -- Finances
 Kane, Michal -- Illinois Indians: Notes and Research Results
 Kane, Michal -- Iowa
 Kane, Michal -- Miami Indians: Notes and Research Results
 Kane, Michal -- Notes Index: Johnson Papers, Documents Relating to the Colonial History of New York, and Documentary History of the State of New York
 Kane, Michal -- Ottawa Indians
 Kane, Michal -- Pickering Papers (notes)
 Kane, Michal -- Potawatomi Locations: Notes
 Kane, Michal -- Potawatomi Political Organization
 Kane, Michal -- Potawatomi Treaty Signers
 Kane, Michal -- Safi-Sioux Conflict: Notes and Explanation for Map
 Kane, Michal -- Sioux Claims: Calendar of Selections from Senate and House Documents
 Kane, Michal -- Sioux's Eye View of Minnesota History
 Kane, Michal -- Treaties of 1833 and 1846
 Kane, Michal -- Treaty of 1804; Sac and Fox
 Kane, Michal -- War Among the Sac and Fox; the Black Hawk "War;" Sac and Fox Locations and Tribal Movements
 Kane, Michal -- Wea and Piankeshaw Locations and Fur Trade in Cession 151: Bibliographic Survey
 Kane, Michal -- Wea Notes
 Kaw Indians -- Kaw Tribe, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket Nos. 33, 34, and 35: Trial Memorandum
 Kellogg, Louise Phelps, d. 1942 -- Early Narratives of the Northwest: 1634-1699 (excerpt)
 Kickapoo Indians -- Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas, the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma, the Kickapoo Nation, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 194 and Trial Memorandum
 Kickapoo Indians -- Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas, the Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma, the Kickapoo Nation, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Dockets 315 and 317
 Kickapoo Indians -- Notes
 Kickapoo Indians -- Tribal Histories
 Kinnaird, Lawrence -- Spain in the Mississippi Valley (excerpts)
 Le Raye, Charles -- Topographical Description of the State of Ohio Indiana Territory, and Louisiana
 Lea, Albert Miller, 1807-1890 -- Notes on the Wisconsin Territory; Particularly with Reference to the Iowa District, or the Black Hawk Purchase
 Marest, Gabriel, 1662-1714 -- Letter in Neill, N.D., History of Minnesota (extract)
17002 items
 Margry, Pierre, 1818-1894 -- Narratives and Inedited Memoirs for the History of France
 McCoy, Isaac, 1784-1846 -- History of Baptist Indian Missions (excerpts)
 McKenney, Thomas Loraine, 1785-1859 -- Young Mahaskah (excerpt from History of the Indian Tribes of North America)
 Miami Indians -- Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, also known as the Miami Tribe, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 67
 Miami Indians -- Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, also known as the Miami Tribe, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 67 (Trial Memoranda)
 Miami Indians -- Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, also known as the Miami Tribe, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket Nos. 251-256
 Miami Indians -- Miami Tribe of Oklahoma: Tribal Histories
 Miami Indians -- Miami Tribe vs. the United States of America: Treaties
 Miami Indians -- Miscellaneous Material
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Historical Societies: Chicago
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Historical Societies: Indiana
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Historical Societies: Iowa
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Historical Societies: Kansas
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Historical Societies: Massachusetts
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Historical Societies: Michigan
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Historical Societies: Minnesota
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Historical Societies: Missouri
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Historical Societies: Pennsylvania
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Historical Societies: Presbyterian
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Hutchins, Thomas: Papers
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Johnson, Sir William: Papers
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Journals of the Continental Congress
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Minutes of Provincial Council of Pennsylvania
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Miscellaneous
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- National Archives: Martin, John L., compiler, List of Documents Concerning the Negotiation of Ratified Indian Treaties 1801-1869
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- O'Callaghan, E.B., ed. Documents Relating to the Colonial History of New York
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- O'Reilly, Henry: Papers (New York Historical Society)
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Pennsylvania Archives
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Pickering, Timothy: Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society)
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Thwaites, Reuben Gold and Samuel Kellogg (Wisconsin Historical Society, Draper Collection)
 Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections -- Washington, George: Papers
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Breaking up of Tribal Organization
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Greenville Treaty
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- High Cost of Killing Indians
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Indian Land Policy in the Mexican Cession
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Indian Removal Policy
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Miscellaneous Material #1
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Miscellaneous Material #2
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Moravian Archives (in Deutsch)
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Notes
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Notes
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Otoe and Missouri, vs. the United States of America, Docket Nos. 11-!, 138, and 332-A
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Peoria Tribe of Oklahoma and Mabel Staton Parker on behalf of the Piankeshaw Nation and the Absentee Delaware Tribe of Oklahoma and the Delaware Nationvs. the United States of America, Docket 289
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Peoria Tribe of Oklahoma and Mabel Staton Parker on behalf of the Piankeshaw Nation vs. the United States of America, Docket 99
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Peoria Tribe of Oklahoma, Guy Froman on behalf of the Peoria Nation, and Fred Ensworth on behalf of the Kaskaskia Nation vs. the United States of America, Docket Nos. 313 and 314 and Trial Memorandum
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Pressure to Force Indian Land Cessions
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Trespass on Indian Lands
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. American Indian Land Tenure and Political Organization in the Northeastern Agricultural Area, 1650-1830
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. Bibliography
 Miscellaneous Tribes -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. Policy Toward the Northeastern Indian Tribes, 1783-1795
 Missouri Historical Review -- Excerpts
 Missouri Indians -- Otoe and Missouri Tribes of Indians vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 11
 Missouri Indians -- Otoe and Missouria Tribe of Indians vs. the United States, Docket No. 11-A: Objections and Reply
 Missouri Indians -- Tribal Histories
 Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826 -- American Gazetteer. Report to the Secretary of War of the United States on Indian Affairs, Comprising a Narrative of a Tour (excerpts)
 Moses, John -- Illinois, Historical and Statistical Comprising the Essential Facts (extracts)
 Muckleshoot Indians -- Muckleshoot Tribe vs. the United States, Docket No. 98
 Nasatir, Abraham Phineas, 1904- -- Before Lewis and Clark : documents illustrating the history of the Missouri, 1785-1804 (excerpts)
 Ohio Research -- Correspondence
 Ohio Research -- Finances
 Ohio Research -- Notes
 2 items
 Oneida Indians -- Oneida Nation of New York, vs. the United States of America, Docket 301
 Oneida Indians -- Oneida of Wisconsin: Correspondence
 Oneida Indians -- Oneida of Wisconsin: Finances
 Oto Indians -- Otoe and Missouri Tribes of Indians vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 11
 Oto Indians -- Otoe and Missouria Tribe of Indians vs. the United States, Docket No. 11-A: Objections and Reply
 Oto Indians -- Tribal Histories
 Ottawa Indians -- Notes
 Ottawa Indians -- Ohio Trial Memorandum
 Ottawa Indians -- Ottawa of Oklahoma: Tribal History
 Ottawa Indians -- Ottawa Tribe of Indians vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 40-B, 133
 Ottawa Indians -- Ottawa Tribe, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 133
 Parsons, William -- Bibliography and Notes
 Pawnee Indians -- Pawnee Indian Tribe of Oklahoma vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 10: Findings
 Pawnee Indians -- Pawnee Indian Tribe of Oklahoma vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 10: Opinion
 Peckham, Howard Henry, 1910- -- Pontiac and the Indian Uprising (excerpt)
 Pennsylvania Archaeologist -- Excerpts
 Peoria Indians -- Peoria Tribe of Oklahoma and Fred Ensworth on behalf of the Kaskaskia Nation, Docket No. 66
 Peoria Indians -- Peoria Tribe of Oklahoma: Tribal Histories
 Perrot, Nicolas, 1644 1718 -- Memoir on the Mores, Customs, and Religion of the Savages of North America
 Piankeshaw Indians -- Notes
 Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, 1779-1813 -- Account of Expeditions to Sources of the Mississippi
 Population -- Notes
 Potawatomi Indians -- Finances
 Potawatomi Indians -- Hannahville Indian Community, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Miscellaneous Docket Nos.: Memoranda
 Potawatomi Indians -- Notes #1
 Potawatomi Indians -- Notes #2
 12 items
 Potawatomi Indians -- Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 71
 Potawatomi Indians -- Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 71-A and Petitioners' Brief
 Potawatomi Indians -- Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 128
 Potawatomi Indians -- Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 146
 Potawatomi Indians -- Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 216
 Potawatomi Indians -- Potawatomi Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket Nos. 306 and 311
 Potawatomi Indians -- Potawatomi Indians vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 146 and Trial Memoranda
 Potawatomi Indians -- Potawatomi Indians, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket Nos. 146 and 15-M: Petitioners' Findings and Brief (consolidated for hearing with miscellaneous other docket nos.)
 Potawatomi Indians -- Potawatomi Indians vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 217: Trial Memorandum
 Potawatomi Indians -- Quimby, George. Potawatomi Indians
 Potawatomi Indians -- Regulations Book #1: Tribal History (Preliminary Report)
 Potawatomi Indians -- Regulations Book #2: Treaties #1
 Potawatomi Indians -- Regulations Book #3: Treaties #2
 Potawatomi Indians -- Strong, James, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 13-M, et. al. (includes AFC Wallace testimony)
 Potawatomi Indians -- Transcript of Hearing, 7 July 1953 (includes AFC Wallace testimony)
 Potawatomi Indians -- Wallace, Anthony F.C. Potawatomi Political System and Tribal Membership
 Reynolds, John, 1788-1865 -- Pioneer History of Illinois Containing the Discovery in 1673, and the History of the Country to the Year 1818?(extracts)
 Salter, William, 1821-1910 -- Iowa, the First Free State in the Louisiana Purchase
 Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864 -- Archives of Aboriginal Knowledge (excerpts)
 Shawnee Indians -- Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket No. 335
 Shawnee Indians -- Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket 335: Ohio Trial Memoranda
 Shawnee Indians -- Notes
 Shawnee Indians -- Tribal Histories
 Shea, John Dawson Gilmary, 1824-1892 -- Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley(excerpts)
 Sioux Indians -- Correspondence: Cragun, John W.
 Sioux Indians -- Correspondence: Sonosky, Marvin (Finances)
 Sioux Indians -- Correspondence
 Sioux Indians -- Exhibits: Sac and Fox Cases, Bureau of Indian Affairs
 Sioux Indians -- Maps
 Sioux Indians -- Notes #1
 Sioux Indians -- Notes #2
 Sioux Indians -- Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands or Tribes, etc. et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket Nos. 142, 359-363: Proposed Findings of Fact and Brief in Support Thereof, in Behalf of Mississippi Sioux, Petitioners, Vol. I
 Sioux Indians -- Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands or Tribes, etc. et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket Nos. 142, 359-363: Proposed Findings of Fact and Brief in Support Thereof, in Behalf of Mississippi Sioux, Petitioners, Vol. II
 Sioux Indians -- Swanton, John R. Early History of Eastern Siouan Tribes (notes)
 Smet, Pierre-Jean de, 1801-1873 -- Life, Letters, and Travels of Father Pierre-Jean De Smet, S.J., 1801-1873
 Snyderman, George Simon, 1908- -- Joint Efforts Group Reports: Delaware-Michigan
 Snyderman, George Simon, 1908- -- Joint Efforts Group Reports: Northwest and Ohio-Wisconsin
 St. Cosme, Jean Francois Buisson -- Voyage of St. Cosme, 1698-1699
 State Historical Society of Wisconsin -- Book 1, #1
 State Historical Society of Wisconsin -- Book 1, #2
 State Historical Society of Wisconsin -- Book 1, #3
 State Historical Society of Wisconsin -- Book 1, #4
 State Historical Society of Wisconsin -- Book 1, #5
 State Historical Society of Wisconsin -- Draper Collection #1
 State Historical Society of Wisconsin -- Draper Collection #2
 State Historical Society of Wisconsin -- Draper Collection #3
 Stoddard, Amos, 1762-1813 -- Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, of Louisiana (excerpts)
 Tee-Hit-Ton Indians -- Tee-Hit-Ton Indians vs. the United States
 Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 1853-1913 -- Bradbury, John. Travels in the Interior of America
 Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 1853-1913 -- Early Western Travels (excerpts)
 Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 1853-1913 -- Jesuit Relations (excerpts)
 Todd, John -- Early Settlement and Growth of Western Iowa or Reminiscences
 Tonty, Henri de -- Early Narratives of the Northwest (excerpts)
 Tribal Membership -- Notes
 Tuscarora Indians -- American Antiquarian Society: Notes
 United States. Congress -- Harrison, William Henry. Messages and Letters.
 United States. Congress -- House Executive Documents
 United States. Congress -- Messages and Papers of the Presidents
 United States. Congress -- Senate Documents U.S. Congress. 23rd Congress. 1st Session
 United States. Congress -- United States Statutes at Large: Indian Treaties, Volume VII
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923- -- Joint Efforts Group Reports
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923- -- Manuscripts
 Wea Indians -- Notes
 Wyandot Indians -- Notes
 Series X. Personal
1930-19881 linear footBox 200-201

Materials related to Anthony F.C. Wallace's personal life, including autobiographical notes; diaries from his military service during World War II, histories of his paternal and maternal families; two "early manuscripts" from 1930, high school and church information from Annville, Pennsylvania, and other miscellaneous items. The series also includes professional items that Wallace filed with his personal information, such as certificates and awards; recommendations from professors, employment offers, and letters of appointment for positions at the University of Pennsylvania.

 American Philosophical Society - Wallace, Paul A.W. Papers
 Annville Evangelical United Brethren Church (Annville, Pa.)
 Annville Free Library (Annville, Pa.)
 Aston Township (Pa.).
Board of Commissioners--Rehabilitation Committee
1959>25 items
 Columbia University..
Bancroft Prize (for Rockdale)
19791 item
 Dreibelbis Family.
Family Tree
 Hilbert, Wendy.
Correspondence with Paul A.W. Wallace
19258 items
 Lebanon Valley College.
Survey of English Literature
1942-1943ca. 50 items
 National Scholastic Awards.
Literary Division: Short Story Award
19381 item
 Patch, Alexander M..
Lebanon Valley College Honorary Degree Ceremony
 U.S. Army.
Rich, John L., et. al. Geography: A Manual for the Army Training Programs at University of Cincinnati
19441 vol.
 University of Chicago.
Honorary Doctorate
19831 item
 University of Pennsylvania..
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology certificate
19881 item
 Wallace Family History: Barker
 Wallace Family History: Wallace
 Wallace Family - Documents
 Wallace Family History: Clarke
 Wallace Family History: Michael
 Wallace Family.
Personal Information
 Wallace Family History: Wilson
 Wallace, Anthony Clarke Montgo.
Correspondence with David H. Wallace
 Wallace, Anthony Clarke Montgo.
 6 items
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Personal Papers: Miscellaneous #2
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Army Insignia and Pins
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Autobiographical Notes
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Automobile Accident
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Certificates and Awards
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
University of Pennsylvania
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Personal Papers: Miscellaneous #1
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Ph.D. materials
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
University of Pennsylvania Letters of Appointment
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
University of Pennsylvania Personnel Information
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
War Diaries
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Yale University: American Studies Offer
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Recommendations from others
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Childhood writings ("Early Manuscripts")
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Notebook: Dreams
1937-19401 vol.
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Plots, Suggestions, and Titles for Stories
ca. 19401 vol.
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015.
Magazine Photos
ca. 19401 vol.
 Wallace, Betty (Shillot).
Correspondence with Paul A.W. and Dorothy Wallace
 Wallace, David.
19791 item
 Wallace, Dorothy.
Correspondence with Anthony F.C. Wallace
 Wallace, Muriel J..
1937, 1961-1972 
 Wallace, Paul A. W..
Correspondence with Anthony F.C. Wallace
 Wallace, Paul A. W..
Correspondence with Muriel Wallace
 Wallace, Paul.
Correspondence with Anthony F.C. Wallace
 Wallace, Anthony Francis Clark. Curriculum Vitae
1985, 2003 
 Series XI. Maps
 3 linear feetSee oversized boxes in LH-B-25 and OS folders stacked on the green cabinet adjacent to the locked black cabinet on the basement level of Library Hall.

Maps associated with Anthony F.C. Wallace's research on the Seneca and Tuscarora Indians, Indian nations throughout the United States during research for hearings of the Indian Claims Commission, the Rockdale area of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, the St. Clair area of the Pennsylvania coal region, and from his anthropological coursework at the University of Pennsylvania from 1947-1951.

Not individually catalogued

 Map 1
 Series XII. Graphics
 9 linear feet

Photographs associated with Paul A.W. Wallace's fieldwork among the Indians of Pennsylvania, New York State, and Ontario and Anthony F.C. Wallace's research (1947-1985) on American Indians, industrialization, the Rockdale area of Delaware County, Pennsylvania and the St. Clair area of the Pennsylvania coal region, and Wallace family photograph albums. Original photographs of Indians taken by Paul and Anthony Wallace comprise a relatively small but valuable portion of the series. The bulk of the photographs represent Wallace's Rockdale research, with over 300 photographs and over 3,000 slides of textile mills and machinery and the Rockdale area. A relatively smaller but significant portion of the series consists of photo reproductions of 19th century prints and photographs depicting coal mining and the Pennsylvania coal region from the Historical Society of Schuylkill County.

The seven personal and family photograph albums include three family albums with histories written by Paul A.W. Wallace, two written by his father Francis Huston Wallace, and a scrapbook and World War II album compiled by Anthony F.C. Wallace. The photographs include images of Wallace ancestors, homes, and the Wallace family library; photographs of the Paul A.W. Wallace family, including photographs of Anthony Wallace and his brother David from childhood through adulthood; and photographs of the Anthony F.C. Wallace family from the 1940s through the 1960s.

The family albums provide a rare glimpse into the personal life of two American scholars as well as a documentation of an American family in the 19th and 20th centuries. The World War II album not only documents the military service of an American soldier, but also graphically depicts the Germany of 1945; subjects include landscapes, bombed buildings, German soldiers, concentration camp ovens and a grisly image of a charred foot.

One rare and unusual photograph also appears in the series: a photograph of Albert Einstein with Anthony Wallace's aunt, taken aboard a ship during a trip abroad to renew his passport.

Wallace Family papers, Native American Images note : Nearly 4,000 black and white silver gelatin photographs; black and white negatives; pencil and ink sketches; photomechanical prints; news clipping photographs; watercolor paintings; postcards; color slides; and maps of Iroquois tribes of the Six Nations Confederacy, particularly Tuscarora and Mohawk, from 1932-1977. Images represent the research of Paul A. W. Wallace and Anthony F. C. Wallace, father and son anthropologist. Paul's photograph collection presents traditional ethnographic images of social life and customs: dwellings, ceremonies, utensils, clothing, and individual portraits of Iroquois, with half of the material attributed to Akwesasne Mohawk Ray Fadden (Tehanetorens). Anthony's ethno-psychological emphasis is displayed in images of arctic hysteria suffered by Inuits and traditions of Tuscaroran culture. Of particular interest, pictographs by Lawrence H. Leder of Robert Livingston Indian records, watercolor paintings by Ray Fadden's son John, original drawings by Seneca Jesse Cornplanter and Tuscaroran Nellie Gansworth, and tintype and carte de visite portraits. Photographs taken by the Wallaces, except where noted. Images can be found in Paul Wallace's Correspondence, Series I; Anthony Wallace's Indian research, Series IIa; Graphic Series and Oversize collection. Oversize maps include Native American linguistic and tribal settlement distributions in northeastern United States and southeastern Canada from 1525-1850. Some references in Freeman's Guide to manuscripts relating to the American Indian and the manuscript sketch files.

 Allison, Robert -- Portrait
n.d.1 itemW8.1.1

From A.H. Ritchie engraving in History of Schuylkill County (W.W. Munsell and Co., 1881)

 Annville High School (Annville, Pa.) -- 60th reunion
19911 item5x7
 Annville High School (Annville, Pa.) -- Basketball team
ca. 19412 itemsW8.1.2
 Annville High School (Annville, Pa.) -- Class of 1941, 25th Reunion
19661 itemW8.1.3
 Antoinette monoplane -- Drawing from publication
ca. 1936 4x5
 Arctic hysteria -- Arctic hysteria victims
n.d.20 itemsW8.1.4
 Arctic hysteria -- Dog exhibiting symptoms of arctic hysteria
n.d.4 itemsW8.1.6

From American Museum of Natural History

 Arctic hysteria -- Eskimo hunt
ca. 19051 item5x7

Eskimos and dogs on a hunt. From American Museum of Natural History

 Arctic hysteria -- Inah-loo (Eskimo woman) during normal activities
ca. 19053 items5x7

From American Museum of Natural History.

 Arctic hysteria -- Inah-loo (Eskimo woman) engaged in normal daily activities
 3 itemsW8.1.8
 Arctic hysteria -- Inah-loo (Eskimo woman) suffering arctic hysteria symptoms
ca. 19056 items5x7
 Arctic hysteria -- Inah-loo (Eskimo woman) suffering arctic hysteria symptoms
ca. 19053 items5x7

From American Museum of Natural History.

 Arctic hysteria -- Inah-loo (Eskimo woman) suffering arctic hysteria symptoms
ca. 19054 items5x7

From American Museum of Natural History.

 Arctic hysteria -- Inah-loo (Eskimo woman) suffering arctic hysteria symptoms
ca. 19055 items5x7
 Arctic hysteria -- Inah-loo (Eskimo woman) suffering arctic hysteria symptoms
ca. 1905 5x7
 Arctic hysteria -- Inah-loo (Eskimo woman) suffering from arctic hysteria (piblokto)
 4 itemsW8.1.9
 Arctic hysteria -- Inah-loo (Eskimo woman), normal activities
ca. 19055 items4x5
 Arctic hysteria -- Piblocto dog (dog exhibiting symptoms of arctic hysteria)
ca. 19054 items4x5
 Bannan, Benjamin, 1807-1875
ca. 18501 itemW8.1.10
 Beavers -- Culture and the Beaver, dam images
n.d.14 items8x10
 Berdonnet, Pauline Henriette Hyde de Neuville, vicomtesse de, 1814-1900 -- Indians of North America
n.d.7 items8x10

Images from NYHS. Includes the following: "Fair Indian of Buffalo Tribe;" "An Indian and his Squaw;" "Indian Family;" "The Chief Red Jacket;" "Tonaventa Peter;" "Mary, Squaw of Oneida Tribe;" "Squaw of Seneca and Papoose," and "First Cottage (probably Moses Van Campen's) of Angelica, New York."

 Big Thunder (Ka-te-no-go)
 Brant, Joseph, 1742-1807 -- Portrait
18421 itemW8.1.5

Photograph of charcoal print from McKenney, Thomas and Hall, James. History of the Indian Tribes of North America? Philadelphia: Rice and Clark, 1842 II:(117). New York Historical Society.

 Butler Township (Schuylkill County, Pa.) -- Gordon Plane--Railroad tracks, three views
ca. 18903 itemsW8.1.11
 Campbell, Alexander
ca. 18751 itemW8.1.13
 Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879 -- Portrait, after painting by T. Henry Smith, and photograph
 2 itemsW8.1.12

Smith portrait courtesy of HSP; photograph courtesy of Van Pelt Library, Univ. of Pa.

 Carpenter, Edmund Snow 1922- -- Eskimo woman, laughing and smoking cigar, with sleeping companion (son?)
19502 items5x7

Eskimo woman, one image laughing; in other image lighting cigar and sleeping companion (son?) more visible.

 Children of coal miners -- Coal miners' children with Girard Trust members
18912 items8x10
 Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 -- Monument (Pottsville, Pa.)
n.d.1 item8x10
 Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 -- Monuments
 3 items8x10
 Coal mine accidents -- Avondale (Pa.)
18691 itemW8.1.14

Street view and image of injured miners

 Coal mine accidents -- Powder magazine explosion, three views
18783 itemsW8.1.15
 Coal miners -- Breaker boys
ca. 1900 8x10
 Coal miners -- Eagle Colliery workers and superintendent
ca. 18901 item8x10
 Coal miners -- Mule drivers, four images
ca. 18905 items8x10
 Coal miners -- Sketches
ca. 18803 items8x10
 Coal mines and mining -- Coal breaker--early form
n.d.1 item8x10

Sketch of train passing early coal breaker

 Coal mines and mining -- Coal breakers--interior views (sketches)
n.d.2 items8x10
 Coal mines and mining -- Coal mining processes (methods of entry)
n.d.2 items8x10
 Coal mines and mining -- Coal slope
18571 item8x10

From Harper's New Monthly

 Coal mines and mining -- Collieries, Schuylkill County, Hickory through Johns Eagle
n.d.12 items8x10
 Coal mines and mining -- Collieries, Schuylkill County, Pine Forest through York Farm
n.d.11 items8x10
 Coal mines and mining -- Collieries, Schuylkill County, unidentified images of three locations
n.d.6 items8x10
 Coal mines and mining -- John's Eagle Colliery and John's Patch
ca. 198410 itemsW8.1.7
 Coal mines and mining -- John's Eagle Colliery and John's Patch
ca. 19841 item4x5
 Coal mines and mining -- John's Eagle Colliery, day view, stripping
ca. 19843 items5x7
 Coal mines and mining -- John's Eagle Colliery, night view of stripping
ca. 19843 items5x7
 Coal mines and mining -- John's Patch (Schuylkill County, Pa.)--Miner's house
ca. 19842 items5x7

Small green-shingled one-story home in mining patch.

 Coal mines and mining -- John's Patch, miner's house
ca. 19841 item4x5

Color print of two-story, green-shingled miner's house

 Coal mines and mining -- Miners at work, Kohinoor Colliery
ca. 18808 items4x5
 Coal mines and mining -- Patterson Furnace and cemetery
ca. 198410 items5x7

Four images of cemetery showing Soldiers' Monument and graves of Samuel Harries Daddow and others; six views of area that appears mostly wooded and overgrown, with few remains of furnace.

 Coal mines and mining -- Pine Forest Stripping, sent by Robert Scherr
19849 items5x7

Views of strip mining, close-up and from distance, showing landscape and rock and soil layers.

 Coal mines and mining -- Pine Forest stripping
ca. 19843 items5x7

Three images showing close-up views of rock and soil layers in stripping area.

 Coal mines and mining -- Port Carbon (Pa.) coal depot
n.d.1 item8x10
 Coal mines and mining -- Saint Clair Coal Company (former John's Eagle colliery), abandoned remains
n.d.2 items8x10
 Coal mines and mining -- Wadesville Shaft Colliery
n.d.3 items5x7
 Coal mining machinery -- Drawings and photographs of ventilators, fans, shaft, and breaker
1857, n.d.6 items8x10
 Coal mining--Geology -- Geological cross-sections of northern Schuylkill County
1858-18955 items8x10
 Cornplanter, Seneca chief, 1740-1836 -- Portraits
n.d.1 item8x10
 Cressona (Schuylkill County, Pa.) -- Connor's Crossing, boy fishing
n.d.2 items8x10
 Daddow, Samuel Harries, 1827-1875 -- Portrait
n.d.2 items8x10
 Delker, Eddie -- Portraits
ca. 19503 items5x7

Three postcards, two with b/w portraits and one with stylized color image, possibly reproduction of watercolor, with two images of Delker pitching and hitting.

 Du Pont, Sophie Madelaine, 1810-1888 -- Diary excerpts
18322 items8x10
 Eckley (Pa.) -- Eckley Mining Village, colliery
19842 items8x10
 Eckley (Pa.) -- Street scenes and houses
n.d.8 items8x10
 Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 -- Einstein and Wallace's aunt Hilda Michael on ship
ca. 19321 item4x5
 Albert Einstein with Hilda Michael on ship.
ca. 1932 
 Frankford Arsenal (Pa.)
ca. 1983 4x5
 Frankford Arsenal (Pa.)
ca. 1983 4x5
 Frankford Arsenal (Pa.)
ca. 1983 4x5
 Frankford Arsenal (Pa.)
ca. 19835 items4x5
 Frankford Arsenal (Pa.)
ca. 19835 items4x5
 Girardville (Schuylkill County, Pa.) -- "Colliery man's pay day" and "Old Girard Tunnel"
1894, n.d.2 items8x10
 Gowen, Franklin B. 1836-1889 (Franklin Benjamin) -- Portrait
ca. 18701 item8x10
 Gypsies--Schuylkill County (Pa.) -- Gypsies at Tumbling Run
19101 item8x10
 Hagley Museum and Library -- Textile mill model
ca. 19732 items8x10

Photograph of scale model showing textile mill operations.

 Haywood, Benjamin -- Portrait
 1 item8x10
 John's Patch (Schuylkill County, Pa.) -- Miners' house
ca. 19841 item8x10
 Kerrigan, James -- Portrait
ca. 18731 item8x10
 Lammot, Daniel, 1782-1877 -- Correspondence
182421 items8x10
 Lammot, Daniel, 1782-1877 -- Correspondence
182510 items8x10
 Lammot, Daniel, 1782-1877 -- Correspondence
1837-1838, 18516 items8x10
 Maguire, John -- Portrait
ca. 18651 item8x10
 McParlan, James, 1844- -- Portrait
ca. 18902 items8x10
 Molly Maguires -- "Coffin notice" (warning to mine bosses), alleged
ca. 18731 item8x10

From Pinkerton Detective Agency archives

 Montgomery and Wright, Traveling Artists (Kansas City, Mo.) -- Indian baby, wrapped as papoose
n.d.1 item4x5
 Mount Carbon (Schuylkill County, Pa.) -- Mansion House, two images
ca. 1890, ca. 19302 items8x10

Early image shows hotel in its prime; second view from a distance, appears abandoned.

 New Castle Township (Schuylkill County, Pa.) -- Washington House; also location of Necho Allen's first discovery of coal in Schuylkill County
ca. 19001 item8x10

Verso has newspaper clipping with same image and description.

 New Harmony, Ind. -- Pages of 19th century journal
19738 items4x5
 Palo Alto (Schuylkill County, Pa.) -- Canal dock
ca. 18601 item8x10
 Patch, Alexander M.
19451 item8x10

Lieutenant General Alexander M. Patch receiving award from Lebanon County Chamber of Commerce.

 Philadelphia (Pa.) -- Street scenes, site of alleged Indian reservation, seven images
ca. 194914 items4x5
 Photograph Albums and Scrapbooks -- Scrap album
1932-19371 vol.OSBOX
 Photograph Albums and Scrapbooks -- Wallace, Francis Huston, 1851-1930. Memories: A Family Record I
19211 itemOSBOX

Manuscript typed on onion-skin paper, bound. Contains much description of people and events in 19th century Canada.

 Photograph Albums and Scrapbooks -- Wallace, Francis Huston, 1851-1930. Memories: A Family Record II
19211 vol.OSBOX

Manuscript typed on onion-skin paper, bound. In addition to family information, contains numerous biographical descriptions of prominent Canadian and English religious and political figures.

 Photograph Albums and Scrapbooks -- Wallace, Paul A.W. House Not Made With Hands I
 1 vol.OSBOX
 Photograph Albums and Scrapbooks -- Wallace, Paul A.W. House Not Made With Hands II
 1 vol.OSBOX
 Photograph Albums and Scrapbooks -- Wallace, Paul A.W. House Not Made With Hands III
 1 vol.OSBOX
 Photograph Albums and Scrapbooks -- World War II Scrapbook
1942-194521 itemsOSBOX
 Pottsville (Pa.) -- Miner's Journal Building, three views
n.d.4 items8x10
 Pottsville (Pa.) -- Street scenes
ca. 1880-19104 items8x10

Centre and Mahantango Streets, Mortimer House, D.H. Esterley, Oscar St. Clair's South East Ward Wine and Beer Saloon.

 Pottsville (Pa.) -- Yuengling's Brewery
n.d.1 item8x10
 Red Jacket, Seneca Chief, 1751-1830 -- Portraits
n.d.1 item8x10

Portrait by Robert W. Weir (1803-1889), oil on canvas

 Roarity, James -- Portrait
ca. 18731 item8x10
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Cotton manufacturing photographs
ca. 19206 items9x12

Philadelphia Museums photographs

 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Documents and correspondence (19th century), photographs of
19737 items4x5
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Landscapes (halftones for slides)
ca. 1973 5x7
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Landscapes, abandoned houses and mills
ca. 197210 items4x5
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Landscapes, halftones for slides
ca. 19735 items5x7
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Landscapes, halftones for slides
ca. 19734 items5x7
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Landscapes
ca. 197210 items4x5
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Mill floor plans
n.d.6 items4x5
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Mill floor plans
n.d.7 items4x5
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Mill floor plans
n.d.6 items4x5
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Mill, abandoned
19737 items4x5
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Mill, abandoned
19738 items4x5
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Photographs
n.d.39 items11x14A

From Delaware County Historical Society and "Old Mills of Delaware County"

 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Photographs
n.d.39 items11x14E

From Delaware County Historical Society and "Old Mills of Delaware County," and Proceedings of Delaware County Institute of Science

 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Photographs
n.d.35 items11x14D

From Delaware County Historical Society and "Old Mills of Delaware County"

 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Photographs
n.d.41 items11x14B

From Delaware County Historical Society and "Old Mills of Delaware County"

 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Photographs
n.d.42 items11x14C

From Delaware County Historical Society and "Old Mills of Delaware County"

 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Textile workers and machinery
n.d.5 items4x5
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Textile workers and machinery
n.d.5 items4x5
 Rockdale (Pa.) -- Textile workers and machinery
n.d.5 items4x5
 Scherr, Robert -- Snapshots of early photographs
ca. 19838 items4x5

Sepia images of photographs on cork board; poor quality but interesting for reference.

 Shenandoah (Schuylkill County, Pa.) -- Town view
n.d.1 item8x10
 Silver Creek (Schuylkill County, Pa.) -- Railroad tracks and bridge
n.d.1 item8x10
 Siney, John, 1831-1880 -- Portrait
18702 items8x10
 Speck, Frank Gouldsmith, 1881-1950 -- Montagnais Naskapi woman smoking pipe
n.d.1 item5x7

Montagnais Naskapi woman smoking pipe, wearing hat. Photograph possibly ca. 1900

 Speck, Frank Gouldsmith, 1881-1950 -- Montagnais-Naskapi man with hat, deep in thought
ca. 19201 item4x5

Man (?) with hat, appears deep in thought; image is pale and rapidly fading.

 Speck, Frank Gouldsmith, 1881-1950 -- Pierce, Sarah, Allegany Reserve, New York, daughter of Abenaki mother, wearing Abenaki peaked cap
19491 item4x5
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Churches and jail
ca. 19849 items4x5
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Dormer's Tavern
ca. 19832 items4x5
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Maps, four views
1864-18954 items8x10
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Monuments (Soldiers' Monument)
ca. 19841 item8x10
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Monuments
ca. 19833 items4x5
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Parades, three views
ca. 19104 items8x10
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Parades
ca. 19102 items5x7
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Postcard with view of town
ca. 19101 item5x7

Original envelope stated from Robert Scherr.

 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Rohrig House
ca. 19832 items4x5
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Souvenir booklet with street scenes
ca. 19401 item5x7

"Souvenir Letter, St. Clair, Pa." Souvenir booklet with green cover and eight black and white photographic images

 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church
ca. 19831 item4x5
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Street scenes, two views
ca. 19003 items8x10

Second Street and Hancock Street, apparently enlarged from much smaller images, very blurred and grainy

 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Street scenes
ca. 198310 items4x5
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Street scenes
ca. 198314 items4x5
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Street scenes
ca. 198310 items4x5
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Test sheet for book printing
ca. 19781 item8x10

Transparency of page

 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Town views, three images
1873, n.d.4 items8x10
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Town views
ca. 19402 items
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.) -- Welsh Baptist Church
 St. Clair (Schuykill County, Pa.)
ca. 19839 items4x5
 Thailand -- Chittibhol, Bancha: Home and family
1965-196811 items4x5
 Thailand -- Chittibhol, Bancha: Home and family
1965-196812 items4x5
 Thailand -- Chittibhol, Bancha: Home, family, and ancestors
1890-19207 items
 Thailand -- Chittibhol, Bancha: Portuguese postcards
ca. 196716 items5x7
 Thailand -- Postcards: Statues
ca. 19655 items5x7
 Thailand -- Postcards
1965-196718 items5x7
 Thailand -- Postcards
1965-196717 items5x7
 Thailand -- Religious ceremony and family
ca. 196511 items5x7

Religious ceremony that includes couple kneeling before altar; images of aunts holding children.

 Thailand -- Religious ceremony
1965, n.d.2 items8x10

Appears to be explanation of family relationships, illustrated in the photos in 4 x 5 and 5 x 7 boxes.

 Thailand -- Thai bungalow and surroundings
ca. 19668 items4x5
 Tuscarora Indians -- Anthony Wallace with Nellie Gansworth and Dan Smith
19481 item
 Tuscarora Indians -- Rickard, Clinton in Indian dress
ca. 19481 item4x5
 Tuscarora Indians -- Tuscarora Reservation, automobile with small blond boy on running board and two images of baby on blanket, one blurred
19488 items4x5
 Tuscarora Indians -- Tuscarora Reservation, Dan Smith, group of chiefs, and small girl, about age 5, four images
19485 items4x5
 Tuscarora Indians -- Tuscarora Reservation, four images (young couple, small girl about age 3
194810 items4x5
 Tuscarora Indians -- Tuscarora Reservation, surroundings and household tools, six images
194812 items4x5

Six images: gravel road in wooded area, dried-up stream bed, corn mortar and pestle, corn-washing basket, and baby board

 University of Pennsylvania -- Faculty and staff
19611 item8x10
 "Visiting Chiefs" site, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
 Wadesville (Schuylkill County, Pa.) -- Silt dam
19101 item8x10
 Wallace Family -- Wallace children, Sun-Ai Kim in Korean and American dress, Betty, Monty and Daniel
1959-19618 items4x5
 Wallace Family (A.F.C.W., Betty, Dorothy, Sun-Ai, and Son-Wi)
19627 items4x5

Anthony F.C. and Betty Wallace, two adopted Korean children Sun-Ai and Son-Wi and mother Dorothy (Clarke) Wallace

 Wallace Family -- Wallace, Betty with Sun-Ai and Monty
19616 items4x5
 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923- -- Germany, 1945: Negatives
ca. 19451 item4x5

Images include Café Fischer, soldier group

 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923- -- Germany, 1945: Photographs
ca. 19452 items4x5

Images include Café Fischer, two soldiers (one apparently Wallace)

 Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923- -- Portrait
19611 item8x10

Enlarged image of portrait in University of Pennsylvania, Faculty and Staff.

 Wallace, Betty (Shillot) -- Betty Wallace with infant and Tuscarora Indian child Terri-Bear on reservation and in rocky area near Pine Forest stripping in Schuylkill County.
ca. 1949, 1984 5x7
 Wetherill, John Macomb -- Portrait
ca. 18701 item8x10
 Yost, Benjamin -- Portrait
ca. 18701 item8x10
 Iroquois cradleboard
 Iroquois pictographs
 Tuscarora man and woman
 Tuscarora woman