Ilse Lehiste Papers


Date: ca. 1950s-1990s | Size: ca. 40 Linear feet


Collection of research notes by Ilse Lehiste, mostly relating to phonetics. The collection includes over 200 audio recordings (mostly reel-to-reel tapes, and a small amount of cassettes and commercial Estonian vinyl records), many spectrograms (rolled and flat), research notes towards publications, other lab notes, and correspondence and other professional files. This collection is not yet processed. Languages within the collection include Estonian, Finnish, Baltic languages, Icelandic, Russian, Cree, Siksika, and Denesuline (Chipewyan).

Background note

Born in Tallinn, Estonia, Ilse Lehiste came to the United States in 1949 after receiving a Doctor of Philology degree from the University of Hamburg. She received a Ph. D. in linguistics from the University of Michigan in 1959 and received honorary degrees from Essex University, England, the University of Lund, Sweden, 1982, and the Tartu University, Estonia, 1989. A prolific writer, Lehiste penned 12 books, around 176 articles in professional journals, and 101 reviews.

Digital objects note

This collection contains digital materials that are available in the APS Digital Library. Links to these materials are provided with context in the inventory of this finding aid. A general listing of digital objects may also be found here.

Collection Information

Physical description

40 linear feet.

40 linear feet.


The following is a list of publications by Ilse Lehiste in chronological order. This is derived from the file "Publication list of Ilse Lehiste". Numbers provided here are identical to those within the original list, except preceded by "B" if a book or monograph and "A" if an article. Lehiste refers to these numbers throughout the collection, and during processing of the manuscripts, this organization will be maintained where possible, with reference made to this list throughout the collection finding aid.

Books and monographs:

  • B1. Über die Ethik der nach altnordischen Quellen geschaffenen Werke von William Morris. Dissertation Hamburg (1948). Pp. 1-115 (typescript).
  • B2. An Acoustic-Phonetic Study of Internal Open Juncture. Supplement to Phonetica 5 (1960). Pp. 1-54.
  • B3. (with Pavle Ivic). Accent in Serbocroatian. An Experimental Study. Ann Arbor. Michigan Slavic Materials 4 (1963). Pp. 1-142.
  • B4. Acoustic Characteristics of Selected English Consonants. Indiana University Bloomington, and Mouton & Co., The Hague, The Netherlands (1964). Pp. xii + 197.
  • B5. Some Acoustic Characteristics of Dysarthric Speech. Bibliotheca Phonetica 2. S. Karger A.G. Basel (1965). Pp. iv + 124.
  • B6. Consonant Quantity and Phonological Units in Estonian. Indiana University, Bloomington, and Mouton & Co., The Hague, The Netherlands (1966). Pp. 1-73.
  • B7. (Editor) Readings in Acoustic Phonetics. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England (1967). Pp. ix + 358.
  • B8. Suprasegmentals. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England (1970). Pp. viii + 194.
  • B9. (with Robert J. Jeffers) Principles and Methods for Historical Linguistics. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England (1979). Pp. x + 209.
  • B10. (with Pavle Ivic) Word and Sentence Prosody in Serbocroatian. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England (1986). Pp. xiii + 329.
  • B11. Lectures on Language Contact. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England (1988). Pp. 1-119.
  • B12. Noorest peast kirjutatud laulud. Luuletusi aastaist 1938-1948. Maarjamaa Publications, Scarborough, Ont., Canada (1989). Pp. 1-79.


  • A1. "Order of subject and predicate in scientific Russian." Mechanical Translation Vol. 4, 3 (1957). Pp. 66-67.
  • A2. "Names of Scandinavians in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicls." PMLA (Publications of the Modern Language Association of America) 73,1 (1958). Pp. 6-22.
  • A3. (with Gordon E. Peterson) "Linguistic considerations in the study of speech intelligibility." JASA (Journal of the Acoustical Society of America) 31, 3 (1959). Pp. 280-286.
  • A4. (with Gordon E. Peterson) "Vowel amplitude and phonemic stress in American English". JASA 31, 4 (1959). Pp. 428-435.
  • A5. (with Gordon E. Peterson) "The identification of filtered vowels". Phonetica 4, 4 (1959). Pp. 161-177.
  • A6. "Segmental and syllabic quantity in Estonian." American Studies in Uralic Linguistics, Vol. 1. Bloomington (1960). Pp. 21-82.
  • A7. (Gordon E. Peterson and Ilse Lehiste) "Duration of syllable nuclei in English". JASA 32, 6 (1960). Pp. 693-703.
  • A8. (with Gordon E. Peterson) "Transitions, glides, and diphthongs". JASA 33, 3 (1961). Pp. 268-277.
  • A9. (with Gordon E. Peterson) "Some basic considerations in the analysis of intonation". JASA 33, 4 (1961). Pp. 419-425.
  • A10. "The phonemes of Slovene". International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 4 (1961). Pp. 48-66.
  • A11. "Some acoustic correlates of accent in Serbo-Croatian". Phonetica 7 (1961). Pp. 114-147.
  • A12. (Gordon E. Peterson and Ilse Lehiste) "Revised CNC lists for auditory tests". Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 27, 1 (1962). Pp. 62-70.
  • A13. "Acoustic studies of boundary signals". Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Helsinki 1961. Mouton & Co., The Hague, The Netherlands (1962). Pp. 178-187.
  • A14. (Pavle Ivic and Ilse Lehiste) "Prilozi ispitivanju fonetske i fonoloske prirode akcenata u savremenom srpskohrvatskom jeziku". Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku 6 (1963). Novi Sad. Pp. 31-71 (+ 8 plates).
  • A15. "Compounding as a phonological process". Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, Cambridge, Mass., 1962. Mouton * Co., The Hague, The Netherlands (1964). Pp. 331-337.
  • A16. "Palatalization in Estonian: Some acoustic observations". Estonian Poetry and Language: Studies in Honor of Ants Oras. Ed. by V. Keressaar and A. Rannit. Stockholm (1965). Pp. 136-162.
  • A17, "A poem in Halbdeutsch and some questions concerning substratum". Word 21, 1 (1965), pp. 55-69.
  • A18. "The function of quantity in Finnish and Estonian". Language 41, 3 (1965), pp. 447-456.
  • A19. "Juncture". Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Münster 1964. S.Karger, Basel and New York (1965). Pp. 172-200.
  • A20. (Pavle Ivic and Ilse Lehiste) "Prilozi ispitivanju fonetske i fonoloske prirode akcenata u savremenom srpskohrvatskom jeziku, II". Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku 8 (1965). Novi Sad. Pp. 75-117 (+ 11 plates).
  • A21. (Pavle Ivic and Ilse Lehiste) "Prilozi ispitivanju fonetske i fonoloske prirode akcenata u savremenom srpskohrvatskom jeziku, TII". Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku 10 (1967). Novi Sad. Pp. 55-93 (+ 10 plates).
  • A22. (with Pavle Ivic) "Some problems concerning the syllable in Serbocroatian". Glossa 1, 2 (1967), pp. 126-136.
  • A23. "Vowel quantity in word and utterance in Estonian". Congressus Secundus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum. Helsinki 1965. Pars 1. Ed. Paavo Ravila. Societas Fenno-Ugrica, Helsinki (1968). Pp. 293-303.
  • A24. (Kalevi Wiik and Ilse Lehiste) "Vowel guantity in Finnish disyllabic words". Congressus Secundus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum, Helsinki 1965. Pars 1. Ed. Paavo Ravila. Societas Fenno-Ugrica. Helsinki (1968). Pp. 569-574.
  • A25. "Kahe uue luuletuskogu vormist ja sisust." Mana 33 (1968), pp. 95-101.
  • A26. (Pavle Ivic and Ilse Lehiste) "Prilozi ispitivanju fonetske i fonoloske prirode akcenata u savremenom srpskohrvatskom knjizevnom jeziku, IV". Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku 12 (1969). Novi Sad. Pp. 115-165 (+ 10 plates).
  • A27. ""Being' and 'having' in Estonian". Foundations of Language 5 (1969), pp. 324-341.
  • A28. "Diphthongs versus vowel sequences in Estonian". Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague 1967. Academia Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague (1970). Pp. 539-544 (+ 1 plate).
  • A29. "Suprasegmental features, segmental features, and long components". Actes du Xe Congrés International des Linguistes, Bucarest, 1967. Vol. 4, 13.1.1. Editions de 1l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie, Bucarest (1970). Pp. 3-8.
  • A30. (with Konstantin Popov) "Akustische Analyse bulgarischer Silbenkerne". Phonetica 21 (1970), pp. 40-48.
  • A31. "The quest for phonetic reality". Essays in Honor of C.M. Wise, ed. by Arthur J. Bronstein, Claude L. Shaver, and Cj Stevens. The Standard Printing Company, Hannibal, Missouri (1970). Pp. 25-35.
  • A32. (Pavle Ivic and Ilse Lehiste) "Prilozi ispitivanju fonetske i fonoloske prirode akcenata u savremenom srpskohrvatskom jeziku, Vv". Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku 13 (1970), pp. 225-246.
  • A33. "Grammatical variability and the difference between native and non-native speakers". Papers in Contrastive Linguistics, ed. by Gerhard Nickel. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1971). Pp. 69-74.
  • A34. "Temporal organization of spoken language". Form and Substance: Phonetic and Linguistic Papers Presented to Eli Fischer-Jgrgensen. Ed. by L.L. Hammerich, Roman Jakobson, and Eberhard Zwirner. Akademisk Forlag, Copenhagen (1971). Pp. 159-169.
  • A35. "Olemisest ja omamisest eesti keeles". Mana 38 (1971), pp. 87-92.
  • A36. "Temporal compensation in a guantity language". Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Montreal 1971. Ed. by André Rigault and René Charbonneau. Mouton, The Hague and Paris (1972). Pp. 929-939.
  • A37. (H. Hemami and Ilse Lehiste) "Interactive automatic speech segmentation". Conference Record: 1972 Conference on Speech Communication and Processing, April 24-26, 1972. Boston. Ed. by Caldwell P. Smith. Paper H5, pp. 291-294.
  • A38. "Manner of articulation, parallel processing, and the perception of duration". University of Essex Occasional Papers 13. Colchester (1972). Pp. 1-24.
  • A39. "The units of speech perception" Chapter 6 of Speech and Cortical Functioning, ed. by J. Gilbert. Academic Press, New York and London (1972). Pp. 187-235.
  • A40. "Three Estonian writers and the experience of exile". Lituanis 18 (1972), pp. 15-31.
  • A41. "The timing of utterances and linguistic boundaries". The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 51, 6 (1972), pp. 2018-2024.
  • A42. (with Linda Shockey) "On the perception of coarticulation effects in English VCV syllables". Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 15, 3 (1972), pp. 500-506.
  • A43. (with Pavle Ivic) "Experiments with synthesized Serbocroatian tones". Phonetica 26 (1972), pp. 1-15.
  • A44. (Pavle Ivic and Ilse Lehiste) "Prilozi ispitivanju fonetske i fonoloske prirode akcenata u savremenom srpskohrvatskom jeziku, VI". Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku 15 (Novi Sad, 1972). Pp. 95-113 (+ 4 plates).
  • A45. "Some observations concerning the third tone in Latvian". Papers in Linguistics and Phonetics to the Memory of Pierre Delattre. Ed. by Albert Valdman. Mouton, The Hague and Paris (1972). Pp. 309-315.
  • A46. "Presupositsioonidest ehk semantika ja grammatika piirimailt". Eesti Keele ja Kirjanduse Instituudi Aastaraamat I. Stockholm (1973). Pp. 39-49.
  • A47. "The well-formedness of an Estonian folk song line". Baltic Literature and Linguistics. Ed. by Arvids Ziedonis, Jr., Jaan Puhvel, Rimvydas Silbajoris, and Mardi Valgemäe. Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. Columbus, Ohio (1973). Pp. 135-139.
  • A48. "Tammsaare, Kangro, and the Devil". Baltic Literature and Linguistics, ed. by Arvids Ziedonis, Jr., Jaan Puhvel, Rimvydas Silbajoris, and Mardi Valgemde. Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. Columbus, Ohio (1973). Pp. 69-74.
  • A49. "Where hobgoblins spend the night". Journal of Baltic Studies 4, 4 (1973), pp. 321-326.
  • A50. "Vowel and speaker identification in natural and synthetic speech". Language and Speech 16, 4 (1973), pp. 356-364.
  • A51. (with Katherine Morton and M.A.A. Tatham) "An instrumental study of consonant gemination". Journal of Phonetics 1 (1973), pp. 131-148.
  • A52. "Phonetic disambiguation of syntactic ambiguity". Glossa 7, 2 (1973), pp. 107-122.
  • A53. "Rhythmic units and syntactic units in production and perception". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 54, 5 (1973), pp. 1228-1234.
  • A54. (with Pavle Ivic) "Akusticni opis akcenatskog sistema jednog cakavskog govora". Naucni sastanak slavista u Vukove dane 3. Beograd (1973), pp. 159-170.
  • A55. (with Pavle Ivic) "Interaction between tone and quantity in Serbocroatian". Phonetica 28 (1973), pp. 182-190.
  • A56. "Duration of syllable nuclei as a function of word length and stress pattern". Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress on Acoustics, London (1974). P. 300.
  • A57. "The syllable nucleus as a unit of timing". Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Linguists, ed. by Luigi Hellmann. Bologna-Florence, 1972. Societa editrice il Mulino Bologna (1975). Pp. 929-933.
  • A58. "The role of temporal factors in the establishment of linguistic units and boundaries". Phonologica 2. Ed. by Wolfgang U. Dressler and F.-V. Mares. Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Mtinchen-Salzburg (1975). Pp. 115-122.
  • A59. "Experiments with synthetic speech concerning quantity in Estonian". Congressus Tertius Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarun, Tallinn, 1970. Part I. Ed. by Valmen Hallap. "Valgus", Tallinn (1975). Pp. 254-269.
  • A60. "Some factors affecting the duration of syllable nuclei in English". Salzburger Beotrudge zur Linguistic 1: Akten der 1. Salzburger Frtthlingstagung ftir Linguistik, 1974. Verlag Gunter Narr, Tübingen (1975). Pp. 81-104.
  • A61. "The stressed vowels of a speaker of Standard German". Semasia 2 (1975), pp. 187-195.
  • A62. "The attitudes of bilinguals toward their personal names". American Speech 50, 1-2 (1975), pp. 30-35.
  • A63. "The phonetic structure of paragraphs". Structure and Process in Speech Perception: Proceedings of the Symposium on Dynamic Aspects of Speech Perception, held at I.P.0., Eindhoven, Netherlands, August 4-6, 1975. Ed. by A. Cohen and S.G. Nooteboom. Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York (1975). Pp. 195-203.
  • A64. "Influence of fundamental frequency pattern on the perception of duration". Journal of Phonetics 4 (1976), pp. 113-117.
  • A65. "Suprasegmental features of speech". Chapter 7 in Contemporary Issues in Experimental Phonetics, ed. by Norman J. Lass. Academic Press, New York (1976). Pp. 225-239.
  • A66. (with Pavle Ivic) "Fonetska analiza jedne slavonske akcentuacije". Naucni sastanak slavista u Vukove dane 6. Medjunarodni slavisticki centar SR Srbije, Beograd (1976). Pp. 67-84.
  • A67. "Keelekontakt - keelekonflikt". Mana 42 (1976), pp. 5-14.
  • A68. (with Joseph P. Olive and Lynn A. Streeter) "Role of duration in disambiguating syntactically ambiguous sentences". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 60, 5 (1976), pp. 1199-1202.
  • A69. "Contribution of pitch to the perception of segmental quality". Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid (1977). P. 522.
  • A70. "Isochrony reconsidered". Journal of Phonetics 5 (1977), pp. 253-263.
  • A71. (with William S-Y. Wang) "Perception of sentence boundaries with and without semantic information". Phonologica 1976. Akten der dritten Internationalen Phonologie-Tagung, Wien, 3.-4. September 1976. Ed. by Wolfgang U. Dressler and Oskar E. Pfeiffer. Innsbrucker Beitrdge zur Sprachwissenschaft 19 (1977). Pp. 277-283.
  • A72. "Viron Sanafonologian ongelmia". Virittdjä 2 (1977), pp. 178-186.
  • A73. "Variability in the production of suprasegmental features". Studies in Finno-Ugric Linguistics In Honor of Alo Raun. ed. by Denis Sinor. Indiana University Uralic and Altaic Series Volume 131. Bloomington (1977), pp. 131-139.
  • A74. "Quantity in Estonian language and poetry". Journal of Baltic Studies 8, 2 (1977), pp. 130-141.
  • A75. (with Douglas G. Danforth) "Foneettisten vihjeiden hierarkia viron kvantiteetin havaitsemisessa". Virittäjä 4 (1977), pp. 404-411.
  • A76. (with Pavle Ivic) "Interrelationship between word tone and sentence intonation in Serbocroatian". Elements of Tone, Stress and Intonation, ed. by Donna Jo Napoli. Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C. (1978). Pp. 100-128.
  • A77. "Language barriers and the poetry of Ilmar Laaban". Journal of Baltic Studies 9, 4 (1978), pp. 305-311.
  • A78. "Einige Beobachtungen ther Wortgrenzen im Deutschen". Wege der Worte: Festschrift für Wolfgang Fleischhauer. Ed. by Donald C. Riechel. Böhlau-Verlag, Köln und Wien (1978). Pp. 70-75.
  • A79. "The syllable as a structural unit in Estonian". Syllables and Segments, ed. by A. Bell and J.B. Hooper. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam (1978). Pp. 73-83.
  • A80. "Experimental studies in the phonology of discourse". Directions in Communication, 1978: Proceedings of the Ohio Conference on Communication. Ed. by William F. Eadie. Ohio University Center for Communication Studies, Special Report 37, October 1978. Athens, Ohio (1978), pp. 17-44.
  • A81. "Polytonicity in the area surrounding the Baltic Sea". Nordic Prosody: Papers from a Symposium. Travaux de l'Institut de Phonétique de Lund 13 (1978), ed. by Eva Garding, Gösta Bruce, and Robert Bannert. Department of Linguistics, Lund University, Lund (1978). Pp. 237-247.
  • A82. "The perception of duration within sequences of four intervals". Journal of Phonetics 7 (1979), pp. 313-316.
  • A83. (Pavle Ivic and Ilse Lehiste) "Akusticki opis akcenata u jednom kajkavskom govoru". Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku 22 (1979), pp. 179-192.
  • A84. "A note concerning quantity in Finland-Swedish". Sanomia: Juhlakirja Eeva Kangasmaa-Minnin 60-vuotispäiväksi 14.4.1979. Turku. Publications of the Department of Finnish and General Linguistics of the University of Turku (1979). Pp. 129-135.
  • A85. "Some temporal aspects of spoken discourse". Speech Communication Papers Presented at the 97th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, ed. by Jared J. Wolf and Dennis H. Klatt. Acoustical Society of America, New York, NY (1979), pp. 191-192.
  • A86. Moderator's Introduction to Symposium No. 5: Temporal relations within speech units. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Copenhagen 1979, Vol. II, ed. by E. Fischer-Jgrgensen, J. Rischel, and N. Thorsen. University of Copenhagen. Pp. 241-244.
  • A87. "Perception of sentence and paragraph boundaries". Frontiers of Speech Research, ed. by B. Lindblom and S. Ohman. Academic Press, London (1979). Pp. 191-202.
  • A88. "Sentence boundaries and paragraph boundaries - Perceptual evidence". The Elements: A Parasession on Linguistic Units and Levels. Ed. by Paul R. Clyne, William F. Hanks, and Carol L. Hofbauer. Chicaco Linguistic Society, University of Chicago (1979). Pp. 99-109.
  • A89. "Translation from Russian as a source of syntactic change in contemporary Estonian". The Elements: A Parasession on Linguistic Units and Levels. Ed. by Paul R. Clyne, William F. Hanks, and Carol L. Hofbauer. Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago (1979). Pp. 413-419.
  • A90. "Phonetic characteristics of discourse". Transactions of the Committee on Speech S80-4. Acoustical Society of Japan, Tokyo (1980), pp. 25-38.
  • A91. "Interaction between test word duration and length of utterance". The Melody of Language, ed. by Linda R. Waugh and C.H. van Schooneveld. University Park Press, Baltimore (1980), pp. 169-176.
  • A92. Chairman's comments, Seminar 6: Suprasegmental constraints on segmental representation. The Cognitive Representation of Speech, ed. by Terry Myers, John Laver, and John Anderson. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford (1981). Advances in Psychology 7. Pp. 161-163.
  • A93.a. "Phonetic manifestation of syntactic structure in English". Annual Bulletin of the Research Institute of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, University of Tokyo, 14 (1980), pp. 1-27. Also published in The Tokyo Journal of Medical Sciences 89, 1/2 (1982), pp. 3-22.
  • A93.b. "Temporal relations within speech units, with special reference to English". The Roles of Prosody and Syntax in Language. A Symposium Sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Special Project Research, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan. May 20, 1980, Tokyo. Pp. 25-39.
  • A93.c. "Phonetic characteristics of discourse". Meeting of the Committee on Speech Research, Acoustical Society of Japan. April 21, 1980. Pp. 25-38.
  • A93.d. "Disyllabic sequences as phonological units: evidence from Estonian and Serbo-Croatian". Tokyo (1980). Pp. 1-11.
  • A93.e. "Syllable and morpheme structure of words". Tokyo and Kyoto (1980). Pp. 1-11.
  • A93.f. "The role of Fo in the perception of duration". Tokyo (1980). Pp. 1-7.
  • A94. (with Linda Shockey) "Labeling, discrimination and repetition of stimuli with level and changing fundamental frequency". Journal of Phonetics 8 (1980), pp. 469-474.
  • A95. "Estonian linguistics: State of the art". General Linguistics 20, 4 (1980), pp. 194-208.
  • A96. "The role of prosody in the internal structuring of a sentence". Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Linguists, August 29-September 4, 1982, Tokyo. Ed. by Shiro Hattori and Kazuko Inoue. Tokyo (1983). Pp. 220-231.
  • A97. (with Pavle Ivic) "The phonetic nature of the Neo-Stokavian accent shift". Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Historical linguistics. Ed. by J. Peter Maher, Allan R. Bomhard and E.F. Konrad Koerner. Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, IV (1982). John Benjamins B.V., Amsterdam. Pp. 197-206.
  • A98. "Sentence and paragraph boundaries in Estonian". Congressus Ouintus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum, Turku 20.-27. VIII. 1980. Pars IV. Ed. Osmo Ikola. Suomen Kielen Seura. Turku (1981). Pp. 164-169.
  • A99. "Phonetics". McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 5th Edition. New York (1982). Pp. 159-162.
  • A100. (with Hiroya Fujisaki) "Temporal and tonal characteristics of declarative sentences in Estonian". Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Linguists, August 29-September 4, 1982, Tokyo. Ed. by Shiro Hattori and Kazuko Inoue. Tokyo (1983), p. 1313.
  • A101. (with Hiroya Fujisaki) "Some temporal and tonal characteristics of declarative sentences in Estonian". Preprints of Papers for the Working Group on Intonation, The XIIIth International Congress of Linguists, Tokyo (1982), pp. 121-130.
  • A102. (with Pavle Ivic) "The intonation of yes-or-no questions - a new Balkanism?" Balkanistica VI (1980), pp. 45-53.
  • A103. "Some phonetic characteristics of discourse". Studia Linguistica 36, 2 (1982), pp. 117-130.
  • A104. "Prosodic change in progress: Evidence from Estonian". Language Change, ed. by Irmengard Rauch and Gerald F. Carr. Indiana University Press, Bloomington (1983), pp. 10-27.
  • A105. (with Rimvydas Silbajoris) "Marie Under's poetry: Some problems of translation". Lituanus 29, 3 (1983), pp. 44-59.
  • A106. "Signalling syntactic structure in whispered speech". Folia Linguistica 17, 1-2 (1983), pp. 239-245.
  • A107. "German loanwords in Macedonian". Makedonski jazik XXXI (1980), pp. 113-119.
  • A108. "The many linguistic functions of duration". Chapter 6 of New Directions in Linguistics and Semiotics. ed. by James E. Copeland. Rice University Studies, Houston (1984), pp. 96-122.
  • A109. "Motisklusi eesti keele sisemise vormi kohta", Mana 51 (1982), pp. 11-14.
  • A110. Chairman's summary: Symposium 1: Semantics, Syntax and Prosody. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Utrecht 1983. Ed. by M.P.R. van den Broecke and A. Cohen. Foris Publications, Dordrecht-Holland (1984). Pp. 143-150.
  • A111. "The Estonian translation of the Elder Edda: Problems of metric equivalence". Journal of Baltic Studies XIV, 3 (1983), pp. 179-184.
  • A112. "Some remarks about the temporal structure of the deseterac". Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku XXVII-XXVILI (1984-1985), pp. 405-410.
  • A113. (with Pavle Ivic) "Geographical variation in the perception of Serbocroatian short accents". Papers for the V. Congress of Southeast European Studies, Belgrade, September 1984. Ed. by Kot K. Shangriladze and Erica W. Townsend. Slavica Publishers, Columbus, Ohio (1984). Pp. 277-283.
  • A114. (with Dzintra Bond) "The phonetic realization of the trochaeic meter in Latvian and Estonian". Journal of Baltic Studies XV, 4 (1984), pp. 293-302.
  • A115. "The metric structure of a recited Finnish spell". Ural-Altaische Jahrbticher 4 ( 1984), pp. 83-89.
  • A116. "Rhythm of poetry, rhythm of prose". Phonetic Linguistics: Essays in Honor of Peter Ladefoged. Ed. by Victoria Fromkin. Academic Press, Orlando-SanDiego-New York-London-Toronto-Montreal-Sydney-Tokyo (1985). Pp. 145-155.
  • A117. "An Estonian word game and the phonematic status of long vowels", Linguistic Inquiry 16, 3 (1985), pp. 490-492.
  • A118. Comment on the paper by K.J. Kohler. Invariance and Variability in Speech Process, ed. by Joseph S. Perkell and Dennis H. Klatt. Erlbaum: Hillsdale and London (1986). Pp. 290-291.
  • A119. (Robert Allen Fox and Ilse Lehiste) "The effect of unstressed affixes on stress beat location in English". Proceedings of Montreal Symposium on Speech Recognition, July 21-22, 1986, McGill University, Montreal. Pp. 36-37.
  • A120. (Robert Allen Fox and Ilse Lehiste) "The effect of vowel quality variations on stress-beat location". Journal of Phonetics 15, 1 (1987), pp. 1-13.
  • A121. (Robert Allen Fox and Ilse Lehiste) "Effect of unstressed affixes on stress-beat location in speech production and perception". Perceptual and Motor Skills 65 (1987), pp. 35-44.
  • A122. (Robert Allen Fox and Ilse Lehiste) "Discrimination of duration ratios by native English and Estonian listeners". Journal of Phonetics 15, 4 (1987), pp. 349-363.
  • A123. "Stress-timing and syllable-timing: Evidence from foreign accents". The Nordic Languages and Modern Linguistics 6, ed. by Pirkko Lilius and Mirja Saari. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Nordic and General Linguistics of Helsinki, August 18-22, 1986. Helsinki (1987), pp. 225-233.
  • A124. "Phonetic manifestation of linguistic hierarchies". Symposium on Language Universals. Ed. by Toomas Help and Sirje Murumets. Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, Institute of Language and Literature, Tallinn (1987). Pp. 64-71.
  • A125. "Duration: measurements, phonological functions, theoretical implications". Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, August 1-7, 1987, Tallinn, Estonia. Vol. 4. EA. by U. Viks. Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, Institute of Language and Literature, Tallinn (1987), pp. 9-15.
  • A126. "Rhythm in spoken sentences and read poetry". Phonologica 1984: Proceedings of the V International Phonology Meeting, Eisenstadt, June 25-28, 1984. Ed. by Wolfgang U. Dressler, Hans C. Luschtitzky, Oskar E. Pfeiffer and John R. Rennison. Cambridge University Press, London-New York-New Rochelle-Melbourne-Sydney (1987). Pp. 165-173.
  • A127. "Phonetic realization of metrical structure in some types of Estonian verse". Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher 6 (1986), pp. 11-20.
  • A128. "Linguistic aspects of the time dimension of the acoustic signal". Proceedings of Raman Centenary year Symposium on Acoustics, Bangalore, 25-28 October 1988. Journal of the Acoustical Society of India, 16, 3-4 (1988), pp. 165-175.
  • A129. (Robert Allen Fox and Ilse Lehiste) "Discrimination of duration ratios in bisyllabic tokens by native English and Estonian listeners". Journal of Phonetics 17, 3 (1989), pp. 167-174.
  • A130. "Current debates concerning Estonian quantity". FUSAC '88: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Finno-Ugric Studies Association of Canada, ed. by Joel Ashmore Nevis. University Press of America, Lanham-New York-London (1989), pp. 77-86.
  • A131. "Phonetic investigation of metrical structure in orally produced poetry". Journal of Phonetics 18 (1990), pp. 123-133.
  • A132. "Experimental studies of poetic rhythm". Speech Research '89: International Conference, June 1-3, 1989, Budapest. Linguistic Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (1989), pp. 365-368.
  • A133. "A comparison of Vuk's deseterac with L&nnrot's Kalevala verse". Naucni Sastanak Slavista u Vukove Dane 17, Beograd - Novi Sad - Trsic, 14.-20.IX 1987. Beograd (1989), pp. 101-111.
  • A134. "Some aspects of the phonetics of metrics: Durational patterns in contemporary productions of the Havamal". Nordic Prosody V: Papers from a Symposium. Ed. by Kalevi Wiik and Ilkka Raimo. University of Turku (1990), pp. 206-218.
  • A135. "An acoustic analysis of the metrical structure of orally produced Lithuanian poetry". Journal of Baltic Studies XXI, 2 (1990), pp. 145-156.
  • A136. "Moraic analysis of Finnish and Estonian". Congressus Septimus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum, Debrecen 27.VIII. - 2.1X. 1990. Sessiones Sectionum 3B, Linguistica. Ed. by Laszlo Jakab, Laszlo Keresztes, Antal Kiss, and Sandor Maticsak. Debrecen (1990), pp. 286-291.
  • A137. "Speech research: An overview". Chapter 9 of Music, Language, Speech and Brain. Wenner-Gren International Symposium Series, Vol. 59. Ed. by Johan Sundberg, Lennart Nord, and Rolf Carlson. Macmillan Academic and Professional Ltd., Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, and London (1991). Pp. 98-107.
  • A138. "Syllables and stress in phonetics" and "Tone in phonetics", entries in International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Vol. 4. Ed. by William Bright. Oxford University Press, New York - Oxford (1992), pp. 107 and 164-165.
  • A139. "Primena modela brojanja mora na tradicionalnu srpskohrvatsku poeziju." Naucni Sastanak Slavista u Vukove Dane, Beograd - Pancevo - Novi Sad - Trsic, 11-16.9.1990. Referati i saopstenja 20/2, Beograd (1991), pp. 97-104.
  • A140. (with Robert Allen Fox) "Perception of prominence by Estonian and English Listeners". Language and Speech 35, 4 (1992), pp. 419-434.
  • A141. "The phonetics of metrics". Empirical Studies of the Arts 10, 2 (1992), pp. 95-120.
  • A142. "Syllable and metric foot durations in two quantity languages". Proceedings of the Fourth Rhythm Workshop, Bourges, June 8-12, 1992. Ed. by C. Auxiette, C. Drake, and C. Gerard. Pp. 169-174.
  • A143. "Acoustic analysis of a set of recorded Faroese texts." The Nordic Languages and Modern Linguistics 7, ed. by J. Louis-Jensen and J.H.W. Poulsen. Torshavn (1992). Pp. 349-358.
  • A144. (with Donna Erickson) "Hesitation sounds: is there coarticulation across pause?" Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Oct. 12-16, 1992, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Vol. 2. Ed. by John J. Ohala, Terrance M. Nearey, Bruce L. Derwing, Megan M. Hodge, and Grace E. Wiebe. University of Alberta, Edmonton (1992). Pp. 923-926.
  • A145. "Timing of utterances and syntactic structures". Preprints of the International Symposium on Japanese Prosody, Nov. 4-7, 1992, Nara city, Japan. Pp. 153-162.
  • A146. "Durational patterns in Estonian trochaeic verse". FUSAC 91: Proceedings of the Eighth Meeting of the Finno-Ugric Studies Association of Canada. Ed. by Joel A. Nevis and Juta K. Kitching (1992). Pp. 37-44.
  • A147. "Temporal factors in speech: Papers on the case in Hungarian." Eurasian Studies Yearbook (Ural-Altaische Jahrbticher/Ural-Altaic Yearbook) 66 (1994).Pp. 1-12.
  • A148. "Iambic - or trochaeic with anacrusis?" In Honor of William S-Y. Wang: Interdisciplinary Studies on Language and Language Change. Ed. by Matthew Y. Chen. Pyramid Press, Taiwan (1994). Pp. 253-261.
  • A149. (Robert Allen Fox and Ilse Lehiste) "Effect of pitch movement timing on perceived duration and prominence in Estonian and English listeners". Proceedings of an ESCA Workshop on Prosody, September 27-29, 1993, Lund, Sweden. Ed. by David House and Paul Touati. Lund University Department of Linguistics, Working Papers 41 (1993). Pp. 250-253.
  • A150. (Jaan Ross and Ilse Lehiste) "Estonian and Karelian laments; A study of their temporal structure". SMAC 93: Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference, July 28 - Aug. 1, 1993. Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. Abstracts, p. 49.
  • A151. "Uusi fraseologisme eesti keeles". Language Reform and the Book, ed. by Helgi Vihma. Acta Bibliothecae Nationalis Estoniae III, Tallinn (1993). Pp. 117-123.
  • A152. (with Robert A. Fox) "Influence of duration and amplitude on the perception of prominence by Swedish listeners." Speech Communication 13 (1993), pp. 149-154.
  • A153. "Filoloogia olukorrast Eestis väljastvaataja seisukohalt". Keel ja Kirjandus XXXVI, 9 (1993), pp. 513-516.
  • A154. (Jaan Ross and Ilse Lehiste) "Lost prosodic oppositions: A study of contrastive duration in Estonian funeral laments". Language and Speech 37, 4 (1994), pp. 407-424.
  • A155. (Jaan Ross and Ilse Lehiste) "Temporal structure of Estonian Lament: A Case Study". Proceedings of the Third International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition, Liege, July 23-27, 1994. Ed. by Irene Deliege. Universite de Liege: Liege (1994). Pp. 407-408.
  • A156. "Language background and the perception of prosody". Proceedings, International Symposium on Prosody, September 18, 1994, Yokohama, Japan. Pp. 45-52.
  • A157. "Poetic metre, prominence, and the perception of prosody: A case of intersection of art and science of spoken language". Plenary lecture, 1994 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, September 18-22, 1994, Yokohama, Japan. Pp. 2237-2243.
  • A158. "The phonetics of metrics". Study of Sounds XXIII (1994), pp. 183-208.
  • A159. (Jaan Ross and Ilse Lehiste) "Temporal structure of an Estonian lament: A case study". OSU Working Papers in Linguistics 45 (1995), pp. 166-169.
  • A160. "What is areal linguistics?" Itämerensuomalainen kulttuurialue: The Fenno-Baltic Cultural Area, ed. by Seppo Suhonen. Congressus Octavus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarun, Jyväskyld, 12.8.1995. Castrenianumin toimitteita 49. Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura. Helsinki (1995). Pp. 20-30.
  • A161. (Jaan Ross and Ilse Lehiste) "Silpnootide pikkusest ühes karjala itkus". Congressus Octavus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum, Jyväskylä 10.-15.8.1995. Pars III, Sesseiones sectionum, Phonologia 8 Morphologia. Ed. by Heikki Leskinen, Sandor Maticsak, and Tenu Seilenthal. Jyväskylä (1995), pp. 45-48.
  • A162. "Cross-linguistic comparison of durational patterns in Finnish and Finland-Swedish". Proceedings of The XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Stockholm, 13-19 Aug., 1995. Vol. 3. Ed. by Kjell Elenius and Peter Branderud. Stockholm (1995), pp. 632-635.
  • A163. (D. Erickson and I. Lehiste) "Contrastive emphasis in elicited dialogue: durational compensation". Proceedings of The XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Stockholm, 13-19 Aug. 1995. Vol. 4. Ed. by Kjell Elenius and Peter Branderud. Stockholm (1995), pp. 352-355.
  • A164. "Suprasegmental Features of Speech". Chapter 6 of Principles of Experimental Phonetics, ed. by Norman J. Lass. Mosby, St. Louis, Mo (1996). Pp. 226-244.
  • A165 a. "Meetrika foneetikast". Keel ja Kirjandus XXXIII, 8 (1995), pp. 525-533.
  • A165 b. "Meetrika foneetikast". Keel ja Kirjandus XXXIII, 9 (1995), pp. 596-603.
  • A166. (Jaan Ross and Ilse Lehiste) "Akustiliste välteerinevuste neutraliseerumisest setu surnuitkude esitamisel". Keel ja Kirjandus XXXIV, 2 (1996), pp. 83-91.

Indexing Terms


  • Laboratory notes.
  • Manuscripts.
  • Sound recordings


  • Anthropology
  • Chipewyan language
  • Cree language
  • Dënesųłiné language
  • Linguistics
  • Siksika language
  • Voice -- Identification.

Detailed Inventory

 Audio Recordings

Processing information: Titles as provided on tapes. Tape numbers assigned by archivist.

 Peck, Charles.
001. An Acoustic Investigation of the Intonation of American English
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 002. Additional /r/ sounds
1960-06-23 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Additional /r/ words. Chapman, Hellworth, Peterson."

 003. Albanian intonation, copy
1971 or 1977 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

May relate to tape Serbocroatian - Albanian.

 004. Allen Experiment
1974-1975 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Track 1: items 1-12. Track 2: items 13-24. Copied December 1944[?]."

 005. Arabic
1958-01-10 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Cairene Arabic, Mr. & Mrs. Helney Hassan."

 006. Bantu clicks (original)
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Click consonants of a Zulu speaker." Includes click consonant inventory inside.

 007-009. Bead-beat
 007. Bead-beat
1976-08-05 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Synthetic stimuli: beat/t. 4 test stimuli (4 sec. betw.), 15 sec pause. 40 randomized test stimuli bad/t same as above. From Haskins OVE."

 008. Bead-beat imitation I
1977-07 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

Sessions 1-14. Names listed on box.

 009. Bead-beat imitation II
1977 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

Sessions 15-25. Names listed on reverse.

 010-021. Bell Telephone Laboratories

Speech synthesized at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Related material: See also tapes under "Syntactic Ambiguity", some of which also indicate they were recorded at Bell Labs.

 010. BTL1
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 011. BTL1
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Filtered through Krohn-Hite band-pass filter, cut off at 150hp, cut off rate 24db/oct."

 012. BTL1
1968-12 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "rita synthesized at BTL 1968-12-19; sada 12-18 [illegible] v1 1968-12-21; a few stimuli of the last set: 26-12, 29-9."

 013. BTL2
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Filtered."

 014. BTL2
1968-12-20 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Taka-tapa-tappa synthesis at BTL December 20 1968. sada [illegible] v1=20 [illegible]."

 015. BTL2
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 016. BTL - Pusti
1971 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "(1) Modified Lehiste data. (2) Natural speech. (3) Re-synthesized, natural intonation. (4) As in 3 but with click at 200ms from beginning. (5) As in 3 but with monotone. (6) As in 5 but with click at 200ms from beginning."

 017. IF YOU tape, BTL - original
1971-11 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 018. IF YOU test, original
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 019. IF YOU test, copy
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 020. Sada, spliced version, A
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "(a) randomised backwards; (b) restricted randomisation backwards; (c) randomised forwards; (d) restricted randomised forwards."

 021. Tapa, spliced version, B
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "(a) randomised backwards; (b) restricted randomised backwards; (c) randomised forwards; (d) restricted randomised forwards."

 022. Bulgarian
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 023. Bulgarian 1
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Copied December 23 1964."

 024. Bulgarian 2
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Copied December 23 1964."

 025. Bulgarian [Tape 2 Side 2]
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

Tape and side number is on insert.

 026. [Bulgarian sentences]
1967-02-16 1 sound_tape_reel 5.75"

Accompanying note from K. Popov, Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski", indicates this is 550 Bulgarian sentences.

 Jones, Daniel.
027. Cardinal vowels 1-18
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"

Personal Name(s): Jones, Daniel

 028. Chippewyan
1950s-1960s 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Speaker: Angeline McDonald, Uranium City. (1) Medical history. (2) Cree song (Algonquian). (3) Blackfoot (Algonquian). (4) Three Cree stories. Tape from Douglas Ellis. Re-recorded by Ilse Lehiste on July 13, 1959 and April 11, 1963."

Chippewyan 01-01 Lehiste, Ilse. Ellis, C. D. (Clarence Douglas), 1923-. McDonald, Angeline.
Elicitation of Dene numbers and phrases used in medical history interview

General physical description: 00:08:54

Geographic Name(s): Uranium City (Sask.)

Subject(s): Chipewyan Indians; Chipewyan language

Access digital object:

Chippewyan 01-02 Lehiste, Ilse. Ellis, C. D. (Clarence Douglas), 1923-.
Omushkego song

General physical description: 00:00:17

Geographic Name(s): Canada

Subject(s): Cree Indians -- Music

Access digital object:

Chippewyan 01-03 Tailfeathers, Shirley. Lehiste, Ilse. Ellis, C. D. (Clarence Douglas), 1923-.
Blackfoot story

General physical description: 00:02:01

Geographic Name(s): Blood Indian Reserve (Alta.)

Subject(s): Siksika language; Kainah Indians -- Folklore

Access digital object:

Chippewyan 01-04 Ellis, C. D. (Clarence Douglas), 1923-. Lehiste, Ilse.
Omushkego story of two men who met a polar bear

Story told by unidentified male speaker, mostly likely in Swampy Cree.

General physical description: 00:01:03

Geographic Name(s): Ontario (Canada)

Subject(s): Cree Indians -- Hunting; Polar bears; Cree language -- Dialects -- Ontario

Access digital object:

Chippewyan 01-05 Linklater, Joe. Lehiste, Ilse. Ellis, C. D. (Clarence Douglas), 1923-.
Omushkego story about moose hunting

Story told in Swampy Cree.

General physical description: 00:01:54

Geographic Name(s): Fort Albany (Ont.)

Subject(s): Cree Indians -- Hunting; Moose hunting; Cree language -- Dialects -- Ontario

Access digital object:

Chippewyan 01-06 Linklater, Joe. Lehiste, Ilse. Ellis, C. D. (Clarence Douglas), 1923-.
Omushkego story about the difficulties of transporting a moose after hunting

Story told in Swampy Cree.

General physical description: 00:01:40

Geographic Name(s): Fort Albany (Ont.)

Subject(s): Cree Indians -- Hunting; Moose hunting; Cree language -- Dialects -- Ontario

Access digital object:

 029. [Christmas music composed and sung by a computer]
1970 1 sound_tape_reel 3"

On tape box: "Words and music composed by computer, with the assistance of Mr. John Lansdown, the Computer Arts Society, UK. Sung by computer with help from Noriko Umeda, R. Monsen, Cecil Coker." Includes sheet music as insert. Sent to Lehiste from Umeda and Coker at Bell Labs.

 Lanham, Leonard Walter.
030. Clicks of Bantu - Dr Lanham
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 031. CNC Words - 5 speakers
1959-07-07 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

CNC = consonant nucleus consonant. On tape box: "Syllable nuclei. Track listing: (1) R. Bilger 60+10 words; (2) Bill Chapman 60+10 words; (3) George Hellevaita[?] 60+10 words; (4) Jerry Brumm 60+10 words; (5) James Reeds 60+10 words; (6) Dr. Peterson 4 lists at 120cps 4 lists at 200cps."

 032. Computer Music
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Matthews - Study III; Pierce - Music III Program; Lewis - Electronic Study 1a; Pierce; Guttman[?]; Matheus; Pierce; Pierce."

 033. Croatian course I
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Copied 1964"

 034. Croatian course II
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 035. Croatian course III
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 036. Croatian course IV
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Lessons 13-18 inclusive."

 037. Croatian course V
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Croatian course. Beginning of 19-25."

 038. Czech A1
1963-01-17 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Ladislav Matejka (questions) and Alexander Vitek (answers)"

 039. Czech A2
1963-01-17 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Alexander Vitek (questions) and Ladislav Majteka (answers)"

 040. Czech boundary signals - L. Matejka
1963-05-09 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 041. Czech boundary signals - A. Vitek
1963-07-09 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 042. David Stampe, Linda Shockey
1969-06-08 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 043. David Stampe, Linda Shockey
1969-06-10 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 044. Derivation as a temporal process
1970-11-15 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Dick Gregorski"

 045. Derivation as a temporal process
1970-1971 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Linda Shockey 1970-11-15; Sara Garnes 1971-12-02."

 046. Dutch
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "(a) Examples of speech sounds. (b) Text (Prinsjesdag). (c) Conversation. Speaker: JW van der Berg."

 047-049. Eesti noort luulet 1962-1972

Commercial 7" vinyl records of Estonian poetry from the series "Eesti noort luulet 1962-1972". Publisher: Melodiya, Ministerstvo Kultury SSSR.

Related material: Relates to publication A127.

 047. Jaan Kaplinski - poems
  1 record 7"
 048. Paul-Eerik Rummo - poems
  1 record 7"
 049. Jüri Üdi - poems
  1 record 7"
 050. [Elicitations, Dr. Peterson (GEP)]
  1 sound_tape_reel 3"

Description of elicitations on tape box.

Related material: Relates to publication B2.

 051. English - stress, pitch, juncture
1959-08-12 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Speaker: Mrs. Edith Crowell Trager. Copied April 11, 1963."

 052. Estonian - Gustav Must and Julie Lehiste
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Ilse Lehiste interviewing Gustav Must (diphthongs) and Julie Lehiste (vowels and consonants). Beginning: minimal pairs in palatization, Ilse Lehiste."

 053. Estonian - Ilse Lehiste with face mask
1961-02-28 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

There is writing on the tape box that is illegible and may have been erased.

 054. Estonian - Linda Shockey
1973-02-01 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Fractured Estonian." Includes letter from Lehiste to Shockey, January 31 1973, describing elicitation requested, and that this is for a paper on foreign accents.

 055. Estonian - Palatization
1960-04-23 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "(a) Minimal triples in quantity. (b) Minimal pairs in palatization. Speakers: Ilse Lehiste, [illegible]. Copied April 11, 1963."

 056. Estonian poems
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 057. Estonian poems - speakers 1, 2, 3
  1 audiocassette
 058. Estonian poems - speakers 4, 5, 6
  1 audiocassette
 059. Estonian quantity test
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 060-070. Estonian recordings 1968
 060. Helvi Einas 1-230
1968-06-12 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 061. Helvi Einas 230-500
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 062. Marika Haug 1-187
1968-11-22 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Born 1944. Radio."

 063. Marika Haug 187-500
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 064. Ea Jansen 1-65 (cut)
1968-11-18 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Recorded at Keele ja Kirjanduse Instituut" (Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia).

 065. Ea Jansen 65-500
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 066. Ea Jansen, sentences 1-64
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 067. Rein Kull 1-104
1968-11-18 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 068. Rein Kull 105-500
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 069. Rein Lepik 1-219
1968-11-22 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Born 1921. Radio."

 070. Rein Lepik 219-500
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 071-084. Estonian recordings 1970
 071. Tape 1A, Ea Jansen and Õnnela Piir
1970-08-26 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 072. Tape 1A, Ea Jansen and Õnnela Piir
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 073. Tape 1B, Ea Jansen
1970-08-26 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 074. Tape 1B, Ea Jansen
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 075. Tape 1C, Ea Jansen
1970-08-26 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 076. Tape 1C, Ea Jansen
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 077. Tape 2A, Rein Kull
1970-08-26 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 078. Tape 2A, Rein Kull
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 079. Tape 2B, Õnnela Piir and Rein Kull
1970-08-26 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 080. Tape 2B, Õnnela Piir and Rein Kull
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 081. Tape 2C, Õnnela Piir
1970-08-26 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 082. Tape 2C, Õnnela Piir
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 083. Tape 3, Rein Kull
1970-08-26 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 084. [Tape 3]
1970-08-26 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Rein Kull. Copy."

 085. Estonian sentences for Tokyo 1982
1981-11 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "4 speakers recorded in Tallinn by Mart Remmel." Includes handwritten insert from Remmel in Estonian, describing the speakers as Estonian radio announcers. See accompanying spectrograms.

 086. Exam tape copy, VI 1-18
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 087. Finland-Swedish
1978 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Turku"

 088. Finnish - Helsinki 1
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Beginning, Sovijärvi."

 089. Finnish - Helsinki 2
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 090. Finnish - Intensity tape
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Mr. Kauranen. Intensity tape (= restricted list)."

 091. Finnish - Intensity tape
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Finnish intensity, selected sentences. Kalevi Wiik list A and C. J. Puromies list A and C."

 092. Finnish - Juncture
1963 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Listening test (copy no. 1). P. Kauranen, K. Wiik. 10 minutes."

 093. Finnish - Listening Test, Intensity Tape
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "A - Kauranen. B - Wiik."

 094. Finnish - R. Jyväskylä I
1963-06 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

An insert may contain additional metadata.

 095. Finnish - R. Jyväskylä II
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 096. Finnish - R. Jyväskylä III
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 097. Finnish - R. Tku I
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "(1) Timo Salonen. (2) Turjo Lempinen. (3) Asko Lehtonen."

 098. Finnish - R. Tku II
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "(1) Koivisto, Olavi (2) Srilanka(?), O. A. O. (3) Laine, [illegible]"

 099. Finnish - R-I
1963 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "April 4 1963 (Prof. Ikola; Restricted + B 1-30). May 20 1963 (Mrs. Wiik; Restricted List; Kalevi Wiik; Nasal list; Mrs. Wiik; Nasal list)."

 100. Finnish A1
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Kalevi Wiik Tape A. Mitä-tarkoittaa (1-153 random list A)"

 101. Finnish A2
1963-01-17 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "List A. Martti Piela. Mitä-tarkottaa, random list A 1-153."

 102. Finnish A3
1963-01-30 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "List A3, Mrs. Wiik & Mrs. Kauranen, Q:W, A: K. Mrs Wiik - sentences, continued on A4."

 103. Finnish A4
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Tape A4 (sentences), Mrs. Wiik (end of list), Mrs. Kauranen sentences. Sentences 178 to end, Mrs. Wiik, Mrs. Kauranen."

 104. Finnish A5
1963-02-01 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "List A. Kalevi Wiik. Sentences 1-241, Frames 154-241."

 105. Finnish A6
1963-02-25 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "J. Puromies List A6, sentences 1-241. Mrs. Kauranen, restricted list 1-85."

 106. Finnish A7
1963-02-25 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

In tape box: "Martti Piela - Restricted list. J. Puromies List C. K. Wiik List C."

 107. Finnish A8
1963-03-21 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Mr. Kauranen, lists A and C."

 108. Finnish B1
1963-06-27 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Pentti Kauranen, List B questions."

 109. Finnish B1
1963-01-17 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Kalevi Wiik and Martti Piela. List B: Questions: Kalevi Wiik. Answers: Martti Piela."

 110. Finnish B2
1963-01-17 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Kalevi Wiik and Martti Piela. List B: Questions: Martti Piela, Answers: Kalevi Wiik."

 111. Finnish B3
1963-03-21 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "J. Puromies List B."

 112. Finnish D1
1963-05-07 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "J. Puromies."

 113. Finnish D2
1963-05-07 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Mr. Kauranen."

 114. Finnish D3
1963-05-31 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Kalevi Wiik, List D."

 115. Finnish N1
1963-02-07 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Kalevi Wiik - Finnish nasals. Dual track - vocal, nasal."

 116. Finnish R2 (A1A1)
1963-06-05 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Ilkka Raimo. Restricted list 1-118."

 117. French
1960-05-12 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Material from Delattre's book. Speaker: Alain Graujon[?]. Copied April 12, 1963."

 118. German 1
1960-05-12 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Examples from Moulton. Pronunciation exercises, speaker: H. D. Walther. Copied April 12 1963."

 119. German 2
1960-05-12 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "German - pronunciation exercises. Speaker: H. D. Walther. Recorded on May 12, 1960. Copied on April 12, 1963."

 120. German 3
1960-05-12 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "German - pronunciation exercises. Schiller, Kraniche des [?]. Speaker: H. D. Walther. Recorded on May 12, 1960. Copied on April 12, 1963."

 121. Hindi - Verma
1962-02-08 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 122. Householder - /e/ 1st tape
1963-08-15 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 123. Householder - /e/ 2nd tape
1962-12-16 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Slavonian dialect. CCIR Norm. Speaker III no. 3 and dialogue - frame sentences. Speaker IV Marija, sentences no. 4-3 and dialogue - frame."

 124. Hungarian - Emery George
1961-08-03 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Copied April 9, 1963."

 125. Icelandic
1959-03-10 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Baldur Jónsson. Copied April 9, 1963."

 126. Icelandic 2
1959-07-16 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Baldur Jónsson, Mrs. Jónsson. Minimal pairs, conversation, minimal pairs."

 127. Ilse Lehiste osia ruuosta Viimeinen Valssi, Riitta Blum
  1 audiocassette
 128. Isochrony
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"

May relate to course Linguistics 600.

 129. Isochrony listening test, Dick Gregorski and Linda Shockey
1972-10-19 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 130. Isochrony Units and Boundaries, Dick Gregorski and Linda Shockey
1972 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 131. Japanese - Dr. Hattori
1962-08-16 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 Peterson, Gordon E..
132. Juncture - Dr. Peterson (GEP), reel 1
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Sentences 1-98, three repetitions."

Related material: Relates to publication B2.

 Peterson, Gordon E..
133. Juncture - Dr. Peterson (GEP), reel 2
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Sentences 99-183. 184-192 first set; 99-192 second set. Paired contrasts - GEP 1."

Related material: Relates to publication B2.

 134. Juncture - James Brooks, reel 4
1959-01-15 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Juncture sentences and paired constraints."

 135. Juncture - listening tape
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 136. Kalevi haiku
  1 audiocassette

Kalevi is likely Kalevi Wiik (see Finnish recordings).

 137. Latvian - Valdis Zeps
1958-07 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Copied April 9, 1963."

 138. [Ling 600A Lenis?] a-á with English group headings, original
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 139. Ling 600A Lenis - a-á listening tape, final version
1969-1970 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Synthesized in Stockholm, 1969, spliced in Columbus, 1970."

 140. Ling 601A/Empty tape
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

Tape box is ambiguous as to the contents.

 141. Ljóðalestur. Spóla fyrir málvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands. [=Poetry reading. Tape for Linguistics Institute, University of Iceland.]
  1 sound_tape_reel 10.5" (BASF magnetic tape)

On tape box: "MM.1. afrit [=copy]".

 Wendell, Mary Virginia.
142. Mary Wendell
ca. 1971 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Intelligibility tests, male Columbus speaker. Mary Virginia Wendell."

 143. Mati Vaga
1981-05 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

May be Estonian.

 144. Modern Greek I
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 145. Modern Greek - Kostas Kazazis
1967-01-04 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 146. Norwegian - M. K. J.
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 Perkins, John.
147. Paragraph Structure
1975-01-02 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "John Perkins reading "Language is a composite of form and meaning"."

 Perkins, John.
148. Paragraph Structure copy 2
ca. 1975-01-02 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 149. Pat. Demo. + Synthesis
  1 sound_tape_reel 5.5"
 150. PAT Demonstration Tape
1962-05 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Copied December 13, 1962."

 151-154. Pike phonetics lecture

Likely Kenneth Pike. Phonetics lecture in 4 parts. Each includes a transcript.

 151. Pike A
1962-01-15 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 152. Pike B
1962-01-15 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 153. Pike C
1962-01-15 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 154. Pike D
1962-01-15 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 155. Pitch and Length
1974-12 or 1975 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Ilse Lehiste vowels. Rochland Digital Speech Synthesizer/Hd4516. Sony TC772." Includes letter from Zinny Bond at Department of the Air Force describing this as a synthesized tape containing the vowel /a/ at three durations with a changing fundamental.

 156. Pitch and Length - Rising-Falling-Falling-Rising Tape I
1975-05 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 157. Pitch and Length - Falling-Rising-Rising-Falling Tape II
1975-05 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 158. Polish - phonemes and text of North Wind
1959-09 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Speaker: Maria Zagórska Brooks. Copied April 12 1963."

 159. Rumanian 1
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Cours de language Roumaine [=Romanian language course], disk 1, lessons 1-14."

 160. Rumanian 2
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Cours de language Roumaine [=Romanian language course], disk 2, lessons 15-30."

 161. Russian Lessons 1-8
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 162. Russian Lessons 9-27
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 163. Russian Lessons 29-59
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 164. Russian Lessons 63-75
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 165-168. Russian palatization

On all tape boxes: "Copied April 12, 1963."

 165. Russian palatization - S. Andretz
1960-11-18 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 166. Russian palatization - Petr Archipov
1960-12-07 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 168. Russian palatization - N. Challis
1960-11-11 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 169. Russian palatization - Lev Kostikov
1960-12-02 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 Garnes, Sara.
169. Sara - Syllable Types and Frames
1973-10 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 170. Sentences 392-500, Ilse Lehiste, Estonian
1963-08-01 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 171-189. Serbocroatian

Related material: Many tapes indicate relating to publication B10.

 171. Albanian
1977-01-21 1 sound_tape_reel 3"

From Pavle Ivic. Name on tape, possibly speaker: Redžep Ismajli, University of Belgrade. More metadata on reverse in possibly Serbocroatian.

 172. Intensity tape - Serbian and Czech
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 173. KTH
1969-10-02 1 sound_tape_reel 4"
 174. KTH copy - radi-radi
1969-10-02 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "PI Text for listening tape, puste etc."

 175. Listening tape 2, Serbian[?]
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 176. Pušća I (Kajvakvian)

Empty tape box for a 5.75" reel-to-reel tape. Tape itself is not within the collection. On tape box: "(1) Imbro Cirkveni, b. 1902, 5 grades; frame sentences. (2) Dialogue of all three informants."

 177. Pušća II (Kajvakvian)

Empty tape box for a 5.75" reel-to-reel tape. Tape itself is not within the collection. On tape box: "(1) Kata Bregeš, b. 1905, 5 grades, frame sentences. (2) Bara Cirkveni, b. 1896, 5 grades, frame sentences. (3) Conversation of all three informants."

 178. Pusti listening test, randomised original
1971-12-17 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 179. Radi test tape
1969-1970 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Original version, with reversed order. Synthesized in Stockholm, 1969, spliced in Columbus, 1970."

 180. Radi test tape - final version
1969-1970 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Synthesized in Stockholm, 1969. Randomized in Columbus, 1970." Interior note from Linda Shockey: "Sedma grupa is now where it belongs, I think."

 181. Radi tape copy
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 182. Rita listening tape - original
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 183. Rita listening test, final intonation
1969-06-12 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 184. SCR listening test
1974-09-01 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "(a) 16 sentences: statement vs. question. (b) 16 sentences: complete vs. incomplete statement. (c) 32 sentences: location of emphasis."

 185. Serbian - Dušan Kalić
1960-03-14 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Copied April 11, 1963."

 186. Tape 1
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"

Previous metadata on tape box indicates it was test material and control tones. No additional information provided.

 187. Tape A - copy
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 188. Tape B - copy
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 189. Tape B - copy
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 190. Slavic 1 original
ca. 1965-01-19 1 sound_tape_reel 10.5" (Scotch magnetic tape)

On tape box: "Beginning of the recording of the sentence intonation, Novi Sad, January 19, 1965(?)."

Related material: Relates to publications A20 and A21.

 191. Slovene - Mimica Janež
1958-01 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "January 13 1958 and January 29 1958. Copied April 9 1963."

 192. Soundings: The Human Voice...And The Computer
1971-08-01 1 audiocassette

Sent to Lehiste by H. Hemami. Tape edited by Dr. Walter R. Beam, published by IEEE, and accompanies a copy of Soundings 1(4) with tracklisting.

 193. Speech Synthesis by Haar Functions
1971-10-20 1 audiocassette

On tape: "Demonstration Tape". Sent to Lehiste by H. Hemami.

 194. Steve or Sam or Bob will come
1972 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "(1) Dick 2 meanings 10x each (S or S) + B; S or (S+B). (2) Linda 2 meanings 10x each." Likely relates to tapes under "Syntactic Ambiguity".

 195. Stød in Danish
1962-01-29 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Mr. & Mrs . Rischel (Ampex 300)"

 196. Susak - Western Croatia
ca. 1953 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Recording of speech and ritual songs from Susak in Western Croatia (Yugoslavia). Very archaic dialect. Recording made for linguists of the University of Zagreb, presented to Dr. Barbara Krader by Dr. Peter Guberina in 1953, and copied for Ilse Lehiste in 1964 in Columbia."

 197. Swedish - Dr. Johannes Hedberg
1959-12-14 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Recorded December 14, 1959. Re-recorded April 11, 1963."

 198. Swedish-Danish-Formants/Harmonics
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "End of Swedish recording, Dr. J. Hedberg. + Dr. Svend Smith, 19 minimal pairs with stød."

 199-203. Syllable Nucleus as a Unit of Timing

Related material: Relating to publication A57 (and other versions not listed in the main bibliography in this collection).

 Garnes, Sara.
199. Sara - cap, clap, crap 144 onwards
1971-06-24 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

Personal Name(s): Garnes, Sara

 Garnes, Sara.
200. Sara - soapy stuff/Soap, -y, -ily
1971-06-24 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

Personal Name(s): Garnes, Sara

 201. Sleep, -y, cap, clap
1971-06-24 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Sara - speed, sleep; Dick - soap; Linda - soap; Sara - cap, clap, crap 1-143 (ignore 144)".

 Gregorski, Dick.
202. Syllable Nucleus as a Unit of Timing (cap, clap …)
1971-04-17 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

Personal Name(s): Gregorski, Dick

 Shockey, Linda.
203. Syllable Nucleus as a Unit of Timing (cap, clap …)
1971-04-17 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

Personal Name(s): Shockey, Linda

 204. Syllable Types and Frames
1973-05-16 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Speaker: Larry Schourup." More track metadata on box.

 205. Syllable Types and Frames
1975-05-31 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Pete Mosenthal. (1) Lists 1-4 in isolation. (2) Lists 1-4 in frame "say _ instead". (3) Lists 1-4 in frame "sometime it's useful to say the word _ instead". (4) Lists 1-4 in frame "th word _ is sometimes a useful example"."

 206-221. Syntactic Ambiguity
 206. Grammatical Ambiguity tape 1
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Speakers: Michael McConnell, Linda Shockey, Thomas Stankosky, Richard Gregorski."

 207. Grammatical Ambiguity tape 2
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Speakers: Michael McConnell, Thomas Stankosky, Linda Shockey, Richard Gregorski."

 208. Grammatical Ambiguity tape 3
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Speakers: Richard Gregorski, Thomas Stankosky, Linda Shockey, Michael McConnell."

 209. Grammatical Ambiguity tape 4
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Speakers: Richard Gregorski, Linda Shockey, Thomas Stankosky, Michael McConnell."

 210. Syntactic Ambiguities (original)
1972-06-22 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Speaker: Michael McConnell."

 211. Syntactic Ambiguities - J. Olive
1973 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "10 sentences, 11 versions. Original - BTL."

 212. Syntactic Ambiguity
1972-06 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Speakers: Michael McConnell, Linda Shockey, Thomas Stankosky, Richard Gregorski, Nancy Jones, Richard Baumen."

 213. Syntactic Ambiguity
1972-06 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Speakers: Michael McConnell, Linda Shockey, Thomas Stankosky, Richard Gregorski."

 214. Syntactic Ambiguity
1974-06-05 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Bell Labs, 4 sentences."

 215. Syntactic Ambiguity
1974 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

Includes unsigned note to Lehiste indicating it is the "master of the randomized unison of the earlier Bell listening test."

 216. Syntactic Ambiguity
1974 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Ambiguous sentences - monotone duration part II, 81 samples."

 217. Syntactic Ambiguity
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Speakers: Michael McConnell, Linda Shockey, Thomas Stankosky, Richard Gregorski. From original copy, 2nd G."

 218. Syntactic Ambiguity
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Speakers: Michael McConnell, Linda Shockey, Thomas Stankosky, Richard Gregorski. From original tape."

 219. Syntactic Ambiguity, 2nd test
1974 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Copy 1 - 4 sentences syntactic ambiguity listening test."

 220. Syntactic Ambiguity, 2nd test
1974 1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Copy 2 - 4 sentences syntactic ambiguity listening test."

 221. Syntactic Ambiguity - Pitch (mostly), original
1975-06 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 Klatt, D..
222. Synthesis-by-rule demo
1971-10-20 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 Flanagan, J. L..
223. Synthetic Voices for Computers
  1 sound_tape_reel 3"

On tape box: "Flanagan et. al." This may be the sample tape for the publication of the same name, IEEE Spectrum 7(10), 1970.

 224. Tape 2
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 225. Tempa tempo tempc tempd - Copy 1, short examples, side II
1973-08-16 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 226. Tempa tempo tempc tempd - Copy 2, lone examples, side I
1973-08-16 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 227. Tongan Text
  1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Donated to the department by William A. French."

 228. Ubykh
1959 1 sound_tape_reel 5"

On tape box: "Recording of some words, showing some interesting phonetic oppositions. Made in Norway, 1959, by professor Hans Vogt." Sent to Lehiste from Oslo, September 1962.

 229. Ubykh
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Cairene Arabic, Mr. & Mrs. Helney Hassan". Tape box is ambiguous as to the contents.

 230. Ukrainian - Vitali Vowk
1963-10-31 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 231. Ukrainian - Vitali Wowk
1963-10-31 1 sound_tape_reel 5"
 232-234. Unidentified recording session

Related material: May relate to "Temporal Organization" publications.

 232. JK, MM, KS
1969-10-27 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 233. KS
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Stay, stayed, steady, skit, skitty, skid, skiddy."

 234. TS, JK
1969-10-27 1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 235-239. Untitled tapes

Tapes with no writing on box, or no box.

 235. [Untitled tape]
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 236. [Untitled tape]
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 237. [Untitled tape]
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 238. [Untitled tape]
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 239. [Untitled tape]
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 240-242. Test tones
 240. 1000 cps tone
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "Plays back at same VU meter reading as the 250cps "record level" tone on the Ampex standard alignment tape. Rcorded on Ampex 300.". [Two recordings of 1000hz sine waves at 0db.

 241. Calibration 200cps
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"
 242. Low print thru 200cps pulse
  1 sound_tape_reel 7"

On tape box: "15ips 200.1 cps pulse train. 7.5ips 200.1 cps pulse train. Recorded on Ampex 300."