F. H. (Frank Henry) Pike Papers, circa 1922-1952


Date: 1922-1952 | Size: 7 Linear feet


This collection contains correspondence (approximately 150 letters), subject files, and notes on various research projects. The various subject areas include the central nervous systems, brains, and physiologies of many animals. Included are some anatomical drawings.

Background note

Frank Henry Pike (1876-1953) was a neurophysiologist who taught for thirty years in the Department of Physiology of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University. He made significant contributions to the studies of the physiology of the nervous system and physiological psychology.

Pike was born in Aurora, Illinois on January 20, 1876. He was the eighth child of William Dana Pike and Maria Wilmoth Pike. He spent much of his youth on the family farm near Plainfield, Illinois. At age 15, he and a brother drove a wagon west to Montrose, Colorado, where they homesteaded for two years. Afterwards, Pike began his collegiate studies, studying at Valparaiso and Indiana Universities. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the latter institution in 1903.

Pike then pursued a Ph.D. at the University of Chicago, specializing in the physiology of respiration. There, he studied under A. G. Mathews. Earning a doctorate in 1907, for the next four years he taught physiology at Chicago.

In 1911, Pike was hired as assistant professor in the Department of Physiology of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University. This began a thirty-year official association with Columbia. He retired as a full professor in 1941, afterwards serving as a special lecturer until his death.

In addition to studying and teaching physiology, Pike maintained an interest in physics and was equally at home in all of the sciences. He sought to relate other fields of science to physiology through his teaching. He espoused the importance of comparative physiology. His chief interest was discovering how the nervous system worked.

Pike married Susan Hattie Reece (1871-1943) on June 24, 1907. Together, they had one child, Eugene Wilmoth Pike (1909-1980).

Pike died on November 13, 1953.

Collection Information

Physical description

7 linear feet.


Presented by Mrs. Rook Metzger McCulloch and accessioned, 04/29/1970 (1970 657ms).

Indexing Terms


  • Drawings.

Personal Name(s)

  • Adams, Charles C. (Charles Christopher), 1873-1955
  • Donaldson, Henry Herbert, 1857-1938
  • Hektoen, Ludvig, 1863-1951
  • Pike, F. H. (Frank Henry), 1876-1953
  • Riddle, Oscar, 1877-1968
  • Shapley, Harlow, 1885-1972


  • Brain.
  • Central nervous system.
  • Medical sciences.
  • Physiology -- Research.
  • Zoology.

Detailed Inventory

 I. Correspondence
 Adams, Charles C. (Charles Christopher), 1873-1955
 American Association of University Women
 Andrus, William De Witt, 1896-1951
 Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease
 Babak, Eduard, 1873-1926
 Bakance, Charles
 Barbour, Henry G. (Henry Gray), 1886-1943
 Behre, Chas. H. (Charles H.), 1896-1986
 Berry, Frank W.
 Birkhoff, George David, 1884-1944
 Blanshard, Brand, 1892-1987
 Bott, Edward Alexander, 1887-1974
 Burchell, Samuel C., 1897-1986
 Cannon, Walter B. (Walter Bradford), 1871-1945
 Carmichael, Leonard, 1898-1973
 Cathcart, John Philip Selby, 1890-1973
 Cattell, James McKeen, 1860-1944
 Cheney, Clarence Orion, 1887-1947
 Cobb, Stanley, 1887-1968
 Columbia University
 Darby, Hugh H. (Hugh Hackland), b. 1895
 Detlefsen, J. A. (John Adolph), 1883-1936
 Donaldson, Henry Herbert, 1857-1938
 Dresden, Arnold, 1882-1954
 Dusser de Barenne, J. G. (Joannes Gregorius), 1885-1940
 Elsberg, Charles A. (Charles Albert), 1871-1948
 Emerson, Alfred E. (Alfred Edwards), 1896-1976
 Fischer, Martin, 1879-1962
 Gregory, William H.
 Guild, Stacy Rufus, 1890-1966
 Harrington, Milton, 1884-1942
 Hawkes, Herbert E. (Herbert Edwin), 1872-1943
 Hawley, Amos Henry, 1910-2009
 Heilbrunn, L. V. (Lewis Victor), 1892-1959
 Hektoen, Ludvig, 1863-1951
 Hooker, -----
 Hunt, Reid, 1870-1948
 Huskins, C. Leonard (Charles Leonard), 1897-1953
 Hyman, Harold Thomas, 1894-1985
 Indiana University. Alumni Office
 Jones, Isaac H. (Isaac Hampshur), 1881-1956
 Lawton, Shailer Upton, 1894-1966
 Loring, Marguerite G.
 Lyon, Elias Potter, 1867-1937
 MacKinnon, -----
 Magnus, R. (Rudolf), 1873-1927
 Mast, S. O. (Samuel Ottmar), 1871-1947
 Max, Louis William, 1901-1995
 Maxwell, Samuel Steen, 1860-1939
 Miller, Heymen Rudolph, b. 1888
 Morris, Robert T. (Robert Tuttle), 1857-1945
 Moulton, Forest Ray, 1872-1952
 Muschenheim, Carl, 1905-1977
 National Committee for Mental Hygiene
 National Research Council
 National Research Council. Vestibular Research Committee
 National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel
 Nelsen, T. G.
 Noble, G. Kingsley (Gladwyn Kingsley), 1894-1940
 Northrop, F. S. C. (Filmer Stuart Cuckow), 1893-1992
 Notkin, J.
 Palmer, W. W.
 Papez, James W. (James Wenceslas), 1883-1958
 Pike, Eugene Wilmoth, 1909-1980
 Price, George McCready, 1870-1963
 Putnam, Tracy Jackson, 1894-1975
 Radachy, Esther, 1904-1985
 Rappleye, Willard C. (Willard Cole), 1892-1976
 Renner, D. S.
 Riddle, Oscar, 1877-1968
 Rough, Roberts
 Salway, Elizabeth
 Shand, S. James (Samuel James), 1882-1957
 Shapley, Harlow, 1885-1972
 Sinnott, Edmund W. (Edmund Ware), 1888-1958
 Sollman, Torald Herman, 1874-1965
 Stefano, James J., 1893-1955
 Stewart, John Quincy, 1894-1972
 Tati, John
 Terman, Lewis M. (Lewis Madison), 1877-1956
 Tilney, Frederick, 1875-1938
 Trueblood, Charles K.
 Wendt, G. Richard (George Richard), 1906-1977
 Williams, N. B.
 Wilson, J. Gordon, 1858-1948
 Winker, Cora S.
 Wolff, Harold G. (Harold George), 1898-1962
 II. Subject Files
 Abstracts of Papers
 Adaptional Factors in the Origin and Development of the Lungs
 Afferent Conduction in the Cranial Nerves
 Afferent-Efferent Relationships in the Central System
 Afferent Nerve Notes
 Afferent System
 Afferent System, Analysis Of
 American Medical Association Questionaire
 Anatomical Drawings
 Anxiety Neurosis is of Automatic Origin
 Apparatus for Studying Visual Pattern Discrimination in the Cat
 Approach to Symbiosis or Parasitism in Nerve Cell and Sheath Cell
 Approach to the Study of the Physiology of the Central Nervous System of Vertebrates
 Aristotle Pneuma (Jaeger and von Bonn)
 Atrophy and Degeneration in Inactive Cells
 Biographical Material
 Bromides in Experimentally Produced Convulsions
 Can any Mechanism be Devised
 Cerebellum Lesions
 Combined Lesions of the Decussations of the Pyramidal Tracts
 Carmichael Leonard, 1898-1973.
Concerning Functional Organization of Nervous System
 Conduct of Impulses within the Central Nervous System
 Conduction in the Central System
 Cranial Nerves
 Decerebrate Rigidity
 Definition of Life
 Development of the Ideas of Functional Organization of the Nervous System of Vertebrates in More Recent Years
 Development of the Various Theories of Functional Organization of the Nervous System Subsequent to the Early Work of Jackson
 Diaphragmatic Hernia in Cats
 Diary Notes and Pictures of Cats
 Disorderly Movements of Chorea and Convulsions
 Effect of Potassium and of Cardiac Glucosides on the Vagus Reactions of the Turtle's Heart and Stomach
 Equipment Design Drawings
 Ethics and Scientific Thought
 Evolution and Saving of Work as Shown in the Respiratory Mechanism
 Evolution - Nervous System in Deuterostomia
 Evolution of the Nervous System
 Experimental Convulsions
 Experiments, Results of
 Foerster, Otfrid, 1873-1941. Gage, O..
On the Clinico-Patho-Physiologico-Anatomical Studies...Column in Man
 From Goltz to Steiner: The Period of the Ascendancy of Schock
 Functional Origin of the Nervous System
 Fundamental Adjustments of Living Organisms to the Formal Conditions of Existence
 General Data of the Physiology of the Nervous System
 General Status of Constructive Scholarship and its Needs in America
 Ground Work of Physiology
 Hypotheses: Some Comments and Some Characteristics
 Influence of Parathyroid Hormone on Certain Joint Disturbances and Other Conditions
 Journal of Comparative Neurology
 Last Illness of Sue R. Pike
 Laws of Physiology
 Limitations of the Method of Conditioned Reflex
 Lipschutz, Alexander, 1883-1980.
Sexual Glands and their Action
 Longet's Treatise on Physiology
 Mechanism and the Biological Sciences
 Metabolism of a Nerve Fiber
 Mind and the Conservation of Energy
 Moll Galvanometer
 Nature of a Law of Science
 Nature of Mind
 Nature of Nervous Reactions
 Nerve Cells
 Nerves, by Various Writers
 Nervous Reactions
 Nervous System
 Neural Bases of Behavior
 Neurological Experiments and Notes
 Newspaper Clippings
 Notkin, J..
Intravenous Pharmacodynamic Study of the Vegetative Nervous System in the Cryptogenic Group of Convulsive State
 Ocular Muscle Imbalance and Afferent Impulses from the Muscle: Fatigue in Reading
 Olivary System Material
 Organization of the Mind
 Origin and Evolution of Polyzoa
 Origin and Evolution of the Nervous System - Bryozoa
 Origin of the Central Nervous System
  2 folders
 Origin of the Nervous System of Vertebrates
 Origin of Vertebrate Nervous System
 Outlines and Notes on Physiology
 Physical Basis of Mind
 Physiological Properties
 Physiology and Experimental Science
 Physiology of the Central Nervous System of Vertebrates
  5 folders
 Physiology of the Central Nervous System of Vertebrates
 Physiology of the Central Nervous System of Vertebrates ... of Organic Evolution
 Physiology of the Central Nervous System of Vertebrates. Outline
 Physiology of the Central Nervous System of Vertebrates. Preface
 Physiology of the Central Nervous System of Vertebrates. Rough Notes
 Physiology: Thermodynamic Aspects
 Point and the Line
 Possible Relationship between the Current of Injury and the White Blood Cell in Inflammation
 Problem of Functional Organization in the Central Nervous System of Vertebrate Animals
 Problems of Organic Evolution Considered from the Point of View of Physiology
 Procedures Used in Semantic Conditioning
 Pruritis Ani
 Psychogenic Origin
 References on the Nervous System
 Relation of the Atmosphere to Plants, Animals, and to Man
 Relation of Man to his Environment
 Respiration and Oxidation
 Role of Certain Hormones in Organic Synthesis
 Rose: Balance and Disturbance of Balance in the Autonomic Nervous System
 Some Considerations from General Biology which Affect the Study of the Nervous System
 Spinal Column Sketches
 Spinal Cord of Plagiostomea
  2 folders
 Surface Tension
  2 folders
 Turck, Fenton B. (Fenton Benedict), 1857-1932.
Breakdown of Metabolism and the Organs of Metabolism in the Alimentary Tract
 Type of Nerve Cell Concerned in a Particular Function
 Underlying Thermodynamic Factors in Evolution
 III. Notes
  3 boxes
 IV. Graphics
  1 box