John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder letters, 1816-1822, to Peter Stephen Du Ponceau


Date: 1816-1822 | Size: 0.5 Linear feet, Ca. 115 items


Letters relating to American Indian languages, Moravian missionaries, various Heckewelder publications. Some of the replies from Du Ponceau are copied in the letter books of the Historical and Literary Committee.

Background note

John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder (1743-1823) was a missionary of the renewed Unitas Fratrum, or the Moravian Church to the Native American tribes of Ohio. He retired from active missionary service in 1786. In 1792 he was appointed to a U.S. Government commission headed by General Putnam to arrange the Peace Treaty of Vincennes. In 1801 returned to Gnadenhűtten to administer the Indian "estate" on the Muskingum. In 1810, at the request of Caspar Wistar of the American Philosophical Society, Heckewelder recorded his knowledge of Indian life, published as an "Account of the History, Manners, and Customs of the Indian Nations, Who Once Inhabited Pennsylvania and the Neighboring States," that appeared in Transactions of the Historical & Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 1 (1819).

Heckewelder was the son of a Moravian clergyman and native of Moravia, who served the church of the Unitas Fratrum in England. He was born in Bedford, England, and started his education in Moravian schools there, before moving with his parents to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1754. There he finished the last three years of his education at the Moravian Boys' School. Afterward, he was sent to assist in the operation of the Economy Farm of the Moravian Brethren at Christian's Spring near Nazareth. He was indentured to a cedar cooper or barrel maker in Bethlehem, although he expressed a strong interest in evangelism and asked that he be allowed to participate in the work of David Zeisberger and Christian Frederick Post, Moravian missionaries to the Indians on the Muskingum River in the Ohio territory. In 1762 he got his chance, when Post asked him to assist with the transfer of several groups of Christian Delawares from the Susquehanna river area to Ohio. Plans for the migration were temporarily suspended by Pontiac's War in 1763, and between 1763-1771 Heckewelder was forced to remain a cooper, only occasionally being dispatched as a messenger to the Indian settlement at Wyalusing, Pennsylvania, as well as other Indian towns along the western Susquehanna.

Heckewelder displayed a remarkable understanding of native American customs and languages, spending hours studying their language, traditions, and legendary history. In 1771 he began regular mission duties for a period of fifteen years, during which he was an assistant to David Zeisberger. He lived among the Moravian Christian Indians, guiding Indian groups from the Susquehanna to the Big Beaver River and beyond to Schoenbrunn and Gnadenhütten on the Muskingum river in western Pennsylvania. During those years he was constantly on horseback, leading groups of Indians between Bethlehem and Detroit. He served as their "passport" and guide since the notion of Indians as peaceful and God-fearing people was incongruous to many frontier people. Toward the end of the Revolutionary War in 1781, Heckewelder and all of his companions were taken prisoner by a wandering band of Loyalists and Indians, who held them as American spies in Upper Sandusky, Ohio. He was twice summoned to Detroit by the British authorities and arraigned before the English commandant of the post. During his absence from the Ohio territory in 1782, ninety-six Christian Indians at Gnadenhütten were massacred by white settlers.

In 1780 Heckewelder married Sarah Ohneberg of Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Six years later he retired from active missionary service and moved to Bethlehem, where he continued to be active in church work. However, the new government of the United States soon utilized Heckewelder's expertise with Indian languages and culture, calling on him as an adviser to the War Department in 1792. Secretary of War Henry Knox asked him to accompany a commission led by General Rufus Putnam to negotiate the Treaty of Vincennes, recognizing American ownership of the Vincennes tract by the Miami Indians. The following year he advised a similar delegation, consisting of General Lincoln, Colonel Pickering and Virginia Governor Beverly Randolph, involved in negotiations with the Iroquois, leading to the Pickering Treaty or the Treaty of Canandaigua. Finally, in 1801 Heckewelder returned to Gnadenhütten, where for nine years he administered the Indian estate on the Muskingum river held in trust for Delaware Indian descendants by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. By this time most of these Indians had been transferred to Fairfield, Canada through Heckewelder's efforts.

In 1810 Heckewelder and his family returned to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where new labors awaited him. Caspar Wistar of the American Philosophical Society, solicited his efforts in recording his knowledge of Indian life. The resulting work, an "Account of the History, Manners, and Customs of the Indian Nations, Who Once Inhabited Pennsylvania and the Neighboring States," appeared in Transactions of the Historical & Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 1 (1819), translated into German and French editions. Heckewelder died in 1823.

Scope and content

The John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder Letters written to Peter Stephen Du Ponceau, Secretary of the Historical and Literary Committee in 1815 and President of the American Philosophical Society from 1827-1844, represent the Moravian missionary's responses to the Committee's inquiries on the languages and cultures of native American peoples. Of the 113 letters, written over a span of seven years (April 3, 1816-May 5, 1822), a selection of thirteen letters from 1816-1818 were published in the Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society (Vol. 1, . 1819). In Du Ponceau's report as Corresponding Secretary, he explains that Heckewelder was a "respectable missionary," who was identified to the Committee for his "intimate knowledge . . . of the languages and manners of various Indian nations, among whom he resided for more than forty years." Not only did Heckewelder author An Account of the History and Manners and Customs, of the Indian Natives, who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the Neighboring States for the first volume of the Committee's Transactions, he also lent it German manuscript copies of (the late) David Zeisberger's Grammar of . . . the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians, and his "copious vocabulary of the same language." Heckewelder's role as an authoritative resource for information about native American languages and cultures was critical for the linguistic endeavors of Duponceau and the A.P.S. Historical and Literary Committee. Much of the correspondence responds directly to specific questions from the Committee, such as a June 24, 1816 letter titled Answers to Queries on Indian Words. He answers their first query on the Lenni Lenape use of double consonants by explaining these are often necessary for proper pronunciation of a word and in many instances allow the speaker to be "distinctly heard". Other letters offer more general observations, such as one related in a letter of May 27. 1816. There Heckewelder relates the statement of a certain "French Gentleman," whom he encountered while living among the Muskingum between 1773-1781. The Frenchman maintained that the Lenape language had such a "wide" range, that he had traveled more than a thousand miles among Indian nations by whom he was well understood. Table of Contents Available

Collection Information

Physical description

Ca. 115 items.


Presented by Peter Stephen Du Ponceau, 1840.

Alternate formats available

This collection is also available on microfilm (Film 1268).

General note

Printed in part in Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society 1 (1819): 351-450.

Early American History Note

The John Heckewelder Collection consists of an assortment of documents, almost all of which deal with Native Americans. Heckewelder was a Moravian missionary to Delaware Indians in Pennsylvania who was a prominent figure in nineteenth century intellectual circles. The primary focus of the collection is on his attempt to preserve Native American languages, especially those of the Lenni Lenape (Delaware) in Pennsylvania. His correspondence and one publication also chronicle Native American history, customs, and life. Heckewelder also kept a meteorological journal while on his mission to Gnadenhutten, Pennsylvania from 1802-1814, which is part of the collection. Much of the collection comes from Heckewelder's correspondence with the APS and its prominent member and linguist Stephen Du Ponceau.

Summary of Collection: There are many content rich sources in the collection. Heckewelder's "Communications to the Historical and Literary Committee" is a 187-page bound volume of correspondence that includes responses to queries on Indian history, his own observations of Native culture, and records of Native American oral histories as conveyed to Heckewelder (970.1 H35c). The record provides insight in Native American history, white understanding of Native cultures, and oral traditions in the early nineteenth century. Among the oral histories Heckewelder records is a contact story, the history of the "emigration" of the Lenni Lenape from the west, and origins stories of other Native groups as related by the Delaware.

The collection also contains his extensive correspondence with Peter Du Ponceau on Indian culture and language (497.3 H35o). The content of these letters add additional details that were not included in his publications or other writings.

Also of significance are his notes on the names that the Lenni Lenape called areas of the Mid-Atlantic that also contain a list of important Indian leaders (497.3 H35n). These brief biographical sketches are based on details provided by Indians or Heckewelder's own interactions with them.

Finally, remaining portions of the Heckewelder Collection contain detailed meteorological data for Gnadenhutten (551.5 H352) and other language data.

Indexing Terms


  • Diaries
  • Language Material
  • Meteorological Data
  • Native American Materials
  • Oral History

Personal Name(s)

  • Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844
  • Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823


  • Indians of North America -- Languages
  • Language and Linguistics
  • Native America

Detailed Inventory

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to [Caspar] Wistar;
April 3, 181610-1/2x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.1-2.) Printed: APS Hist.& Lit.Comm. Trans., v.1, p. 363

General physical description: 10-1/2x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
May 27, 18169-3/4x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.3-6.) Printed: APS Hist.& Lit. Comm. Trans., v.I, pp.366-369.)

General physical description: 9-3/4x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau;
June 20, 181613x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 4p.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters..., pp.7-10.) Printed (under totally different arrangement, and not complete): APS Hist. & Lit.Com. Trans., V.I, pp.377-381.)

General physical description: 13x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to [Peter S. DuPonceau];
June 24, 18167-3/4x6-1/2

A.L.S. 4p. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.11-14.) Printed: APS Hist.& Lit.comm. Trans., v.I, pp.382-383.)

General physical description: 7-3/4x6-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
June 29, 181613x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.15-18.) Forwards material to the society pertaining to Indians of the U.S.

General physical description: 13x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to [Peter S. DuPonceau];
July 22, 18167-3/4x6-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L. 14p.and end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.19-34.) Printed (under totally different arrangement, and incomplete): APS Hist. & Lit.comm. Trans., v.I, pp.338-391.)

General physical description: 7-3/4x6-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 31, 181613x7-3/4 and 6-1/2x4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end.and enc.of 4p. ''Pr Favor Dr. Wistar'' (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.35-40.) Concerning Indian linguistics and sends list of Indian words.

General physical description: 13x7-3/4 and 6-1/2x4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Aug. 14, 181613x8 and 7-3/4x6-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. Enc.of of 9p. to which letter Heckewelder answered. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.45-60.) Printed: (under totally different arrangement, and incomplete); APS Hist.& Lit.comm. Trans., v.I, pp.410-414.)

General physical description: 13x8 and 7-3/4x6-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Aug. 23, 18168x6-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.61-64.) Will answer his letters as soon as he can.

General physical description: 8x6-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to [Peter S. DuPonceau];
Sept. 20, 18168x6-1/2

A.L.S. 4p. End.: "Answer to Letter of 3d Augst 1826." (see Heckewelder. Letter; pp.41-44.) Concerning Indian linguistics.

General physical description: 8x6-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Sept. 27, 181613-1/4x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.65-66.) Concerning Indian languages.

General physical description: 13-1/4x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 5, 181613x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.67-68.) Questions whether the Hist.and Lit. Comm.want his Indian vocabularies. Refers to Caspar Wistar.

General physical description: 13x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Dec. 11, 18169-1/2x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.69-72.) Concerning his narrative of the Indians. Refers to Wistar, J. Vaughan, and Vanuxem.

General physical description: 9-1/2x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Dec. 23, 181610-3/4x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.73-76.) Concerning correspondence between Barton and Zeisberger about the Indians. Refers to Wistar and the Historical committee.

General physical description: 10-3/4x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Jan. 4, 181710-3/4x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.and end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.77-80.) Concerning the publication of his work on the Indians.

General physical description: 10-3/4x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
April 13, 181712-1/2x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p. and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.81-86.) Friendly letter. Encloses paper on Indian linguistics taken from a letter by Dencke. Refers to Wistar, Vaughan and Vanuxem .

General physical description: 12-1/2x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 23, 181710x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.87-90.) Sympathy for the death of his wife. Is writing on the Indians.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Dec. 2, 18179-3/4x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.91-94.) Personal news. Concerning his writing on the Indians. Errors in writings on the Indians by other authors.

General physical description: 9-3/4x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Nov.1, 181813x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.235-238.) Concerning his publication. Refers to Wistar and Zeisberger. Concerning the Indians' languages.

General physical description: 13x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Jan. 27, 18189-3/4x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.95-98.) Death of Wistar.

General physical description: 9-3/4x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
March 11, 18189-3/4x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add;end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.99-102.) Will send the Committee papers dealing with Indian affairs, in the hands of B. Franklin, Weiser, Parsons, and Horsfield. Concerning an article by Zeisberger.

General physical description: 9-3/4x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
March 30, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.103.-106.) Concerning the study of the Indian languages. Will send additional old letters for the committee. Concerning Wistar.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
June 4, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.107-110.) Concerning his work on the Indians. Refers to Zeisberger. Concerning Indian languages. Refers to Correa de Serra.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
June 14, 181810x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.111-114.) Will be very happy to have him and Correa de Serra visit. Refers to J.Vaughan.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
June 27, 18189-1/2x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.115-118.) Concerning and anecdote concerning the Indians and a Col. Arent Schyler De Peyster. Friendly letter.

General physical description: 9-1/2x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 3, 18188x6-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end.and enc.of 5p. (see Heckwelder. Letters; pp.119-126.) Forwards additional notes on the Indians.

General physical description: 8x6-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 8, 181811-1/2x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.127-130.) Corrections for his publication. Concerning the Indians of Pennsylvania. Friendly letter. Refers to the committee

General physical description: 11-1/2x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 12, 181810-1/2x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.131-134.) Forwards volumes for the APS by Dencke.

General physical description: 10-1/2x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 23, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.135-138.) Death of Steinhauer.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 29, 181811x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.139-142.) Corrections for his publications. Is forwarding a dictionary, by Zeisberger, of the Indian languages.

General physical description: 11x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 30, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add;end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.143-146.) Concerning his publication. Concerning Zeisberger's manuscripts on Indian languages. Refers to Steinhauer and C.W. Peale.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Aug. 6, 181811-1/2x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckwelder. Letters; pp.147-150.) Suppositions on the origin of the Indians. Concerning his publication.

General physical description: 11-1/2x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau;
Aug. 12, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 4p. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.151-154.) Concerning the Indians. Concerning Zeisberger. Friendly letter. Printed:Ethnohistory,v.6,no.1,1959, 70-78. Article by E.Wheeler-Voegelin.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Aug. 18, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.155-158.) Corrections and additions for his publication. Concerning Indian languages.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Aug. 22, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.159-162.) Concerning the Indians and their languages.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Sept. 3, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.163-166.) Concerning the Indians. Refers to Correa and Gambold. Concerning Indian languages.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Sept. 5, 181813x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.167-170.) Meaning of friendship to the Indians. Anecdotes defining friendship with them. Refers to Zeisberger.

General physical description: 13x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Sept. 13, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.171-174.) Friendly letter. Concerning Indian names.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Sept. 20, 181810x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.175-178.) Corrections for his publication. Concerning Indian languages. Refers to the Committee and Wistar.

General physical description: 10x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Sept. 21, 181813x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 4p.,add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.179-182.) Concerning Indian languages. Corrections in his publication.

General physical description: 13x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau;
Sept. 27, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.183-186.) Concerning his Publication. Refers to Wistar. Concerning Indian languages.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 1, 181813x8

[received] A.L.S. 4p.,add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.187-190.) Forwards errata for his publication. Refers to Wistar and the Historical committee.

General physical description: 13x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 1, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.191-194.) Concerning his publication.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 3, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckwelder. Letters; pp.195-198.) Concerning his publication. Friendly letter.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 7, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.199-202.) Concerning his publication on the Indians. Concerning Indian languages.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 10, 181813x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters; pp.203-206.) Concerning his publication. Refers to Wistar.

General physical description: 13x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 13, 181813x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.207-210.) Corrections for his publications. Concerning Indian linguistics. Refers to Wistar.

General physical description: 13x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 14, 181813x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.211-214.) Copies letter from Dencke concerning Indian linguistics.

General physical description: 13x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 15, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters... ; pp.215-218.) Concerning Indian languages. Concerning certain Indian customs.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 18, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.219-222.) Concerning Indian languages. Concerning his publication. Refers to the Historical committee.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 22, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.223-226.) Concerning Indian languages.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 25, 181810x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p. and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.227-230.) Concerning his publication.

General physical description: 10x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau;
Oct. 29, 181810x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.233-234.) Concerning his publication. Friendly letter.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Nov. 3, 181811x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.239-242.) Concerning Indian languages.

General physical description: 11x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Nov. 8, 181811-1/2x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters... ; pp.243-246.) Concerning his publication. Deposits the Zeisberger items with the APS.from the Moravian archives.

General physical description: 11-1/2x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Nov. 25, 181810x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp. 247-250.) Concerning Indian publications forthcoming from the Committee. Friendly letter.

General physical description: 10x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Dec. 5, 181810x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp. 251-254.) Concerning Indian languages. Refers to Gambold. Concerning publications of the APS Historical and Literary committee.

General physical description: 10x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Dec. 26, 181810x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p. and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.255-258.) Concerning his publication. Refers to Dencke. Asks of Boudinot.

General physical description: 10x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Jan. 31, 181910x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp. 259-262.) Concerning Indian languages. Friendly letter. Refers to Dencke.

General physical description: 10x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Feb. 3, 181910x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.263-266.) Concerning Indian languages.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Feb. 7, 181910x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.267-270.) Concerning the study of Indian languages by the committee. Refers to Zeisberger, Barton and Dencke.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
March 14, 181910x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.271-274.) Concerning his publication. Friendly letter.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
March 21, 181910x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.275-278.) Concerning Dencke and Indian translation. Refers to Barton and botany. the APS, Wistar and Jefferson. Concerning his publication.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
March 29, 181910x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters... ; pp.279-282.) Concerning comments on his publication. Does not think he can write more of Indian languages. Refers to the Historical committee.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau;
April 8, 181910-3/4x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 4p.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.283-286.) Concerning a translation into Indian languages. Refers to Zeisberger, the Historical committee, and sends part of a letter from Dencke. Printed: Mass.Hist.Soc.Collections, Ser.2,vol.9,xxvii-xxviii.

General physical description: 10-3/4x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
April 21, 181910x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.287-290.) Thanks of the Moravians for the publication of the Historical committee.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
April 29, 181911x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.291-294.) Concerning Indian linguistics. Friendly letter. Concerning the distribution of his publication. Refers to Zeisberger and Dencke.and the committee.

General physical description: 11x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
May 15, 181910x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.295-298.) Concerning the distribution of his publication. Concerning Dencke and his writing on Indian languages. Refers to Correa de Serra and the committee.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
May 30, 181911-3/4x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.299-302.) Concerning his writings on Indian languages and histories. Refers to Humboldt, the committee, Wistar, Dencke and Barton.

General physical description: 11-3/4x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 1, 181910x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder, Letters...; pp.303-306) Concerning his publication. Concerning Indian history. Refers to Adams and Zeisberger.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 10, 181910x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters . . . ; pp.307-310.) Concerning the Indians and their languages. Refers to the committee. Copies extract of a letter from Abraham Steiner.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 18, 18199-3/4x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.311-314.) Concerning his publication. Concerning Vater.

General physical description: 9-3/4x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 25, 181910x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. In German. (see Heckwelder. Letters... ; pp.315-318.) His publications, foreign scholars. Mentions Vater, Bartram, Barton. Indian language.

General physical description: 10x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Aug. 15, 181910x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.319-322.) Concerning Indian linguistics. Refers to Adelung, C.W.Peale, Peale's museum, Vaux and Zeisberger.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Sept. 18, 181910x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.323-326.) Concerning a review of his work. Concerning the Indians, their languages and further work on them. Refers to Vaux.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Sept. 25, 181910x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp. 327-330.) Is sorry his eyes are bad. Concerning Indian words.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 10, 181910x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.331-334.) Concerning reviews of his publication. Refers to Vater. Concerning Indian languages.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Nov. 17, 181910x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.335-338.) Concerning Indian languages. Is placing accent marks on various publications to be sent to Europe.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Nov. 21, 181910x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.339-342.) Forwards books in Indian languages. Anecdote on difficulty in writing an Indian tongue. Friendly letter.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Dec. 5, 181910x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters... ; pp.343-346.) Concerning a publication for Vater on Indians. Concerning a sketch of Indians which Peale might copy. Refers to John Vaughan.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Dec. 15, 181910x7-1/2

Bethlehem, L.S. 2p.and add;end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.347-350.) Concerning his publication. Refers to Albers, the committee, and John Vaughan.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Jan. 8, 182013x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.351-352.) Concerning Indians. Refers to his new publications and to Vaux.

General physical description: 13x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Feb. 19, 18209-1/2x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.353-356.) Concerning the Indians and their languages. Refers to J.Vaughan, the APS, Vaux, Mrs. Logan, C.Thomson, Zeisberger, and his new publication.

General physical description: 9-1/2x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
March 4, 18209-1/2x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.357-360.) Forwards manuscript dictionaries of Indian languages. Refers to Vaughan and Zeisberger.

General physical description: 9-1/2x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
March 19, 18209-1/2x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.361-364.) Concerning Indian linguistics. Forwards books to J. Vaughan. Asks what T. Jefferson thought of his publication.

General physical description: 9-1/2x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
March 31, 18209-1/2x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.365-368.) Concerning publications on Indians and their languages. Refers to Zeisberger.

General physical description: 9-1/2x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
April 20, 18209-1/2x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.369-372.) Concerning his forthcoming publication. Refers to Vaux.

General physical description: 9-1/2x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
May 16, 18209-1/2x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.373-376.) Concerning his publication.

General physical description: 9-1/2x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
June 11, 18209-3/4x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.377-380.) Concerning his publication.

General physical description: 9-3/4x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 15, 182010x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.381-384.) Concerning Indian languages. Refers to the committee. Forwards copies of his Narrative to him and the APS.

General physical description: 10x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Aug. 2, 18209-3/4x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.385-388.) Concerning Indian languages of the U.S.

General physical description: 9-3/4x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Aug. 18, 182010x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.389-392.) Concerning publications on the Indians and their languages.

General physical description: 10x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 7, 18209-3/4x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.393-396.) Concerning Indian languages. Will send copy of his Narrative for the APS.

General physical description: 9-3/4x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Jan. 11, 182110x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.397-400.) Concerning the Indians of the U.S. Will send his Narrative of the APS.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau;
Jan. 15, 18218x4-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.401-404.) Forwards Narrative for the APS and encloses list of errata. Concerning Indian words.

General physical description: 8x4-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
March 31, 182110x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.405-408.) Forwards publications for himself and the committee. Friendly letter.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
June 16, 182110x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.409-412.) Death of Albers. Friendly letter. Refers to Mitchill.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
July 14, 182110x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.413-416.) Concerning the possibility of his Account being printed in England. Refers to Zeisberger, Humboldt and the APS Concerning Indian Vocabularies.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Aug. 7, 182110x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.417-420.) Concerning Indian languages. Sends Zeisberger book for the APS or Humboldt. Refers to Jefferson and Mitchill.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Aug. 23, 182110x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 1p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.421-424.) Concerning Indian languages. Printed: Coll.Mass.Hist.Soc.Ser.2,vol. 9,xv-xvi note. DuPonceau. "Notes..."

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Aug. 25, 182110x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckwelder. Letters...; pp.425-428.) Concerning Indian languages. Refers to Zeisberger.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Sept. 13, 182110x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.429-432.) Concerning Indian languages. Does not believe Dencke can be relied on to draw up an Indian vocabulary.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 9, 182110x7-3/4

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.433-436.) Concerning Indian languages.

General physical description: 10x7-3/4

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau;
Oct. 11, 182110x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.437-438.) Concerning Indian numerals.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. Du Ponceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 13, 182110x7-1/2

A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.439-442.) Printed: Mass.Hist.Soc.,Collections, Ser.2,Vol.9,xxxvi-x1. On same sheet is letter from DuPonceau to Pickering; Oct. 16, 1821.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844.
Letter to John Pickering, Salem;
Oct. 16, 182110x7-1/2

Philadelphia, A.L.S. 1p.and add. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; p.441.) Forwards letter from Heckewelder. On same sheet as letter from Heckewelder to DuPonceau; Oct. 13, 1821.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
Oct. 18, 182110-3/4x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end.with forwarding note from DuPonceau to John Pickering. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.443-446.) Concerning Indian languages.

General physical description: 10-3/4x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau;
Oct. 25, 182110x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.447-448. ) Concerning Indian languages. Refers to Pickering.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau;
Feb. 28, 182210x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.449-452.) Concerning his Narrative. Forwards list of Indian names for the committee.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
March 19, 182210x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.453-456.) Concerning Indian affairs. Friendly letter.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
April 23, 182210x7-1/2

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 2p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.457-460.) Thanks for German translation of his Account. Refers to Schweinitz and the APS.

General physical description: 10x7-1/2

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
April 28, 18229-3/4x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 4p.,add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.461-464. ) Concerning his Narrative. Concerning Indians.

General physical description: 9-3/4x8

 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823.
Letter to Peter S. DuPonceau, Philadelphia;
May 5, 18229-3/4x8

Bethlehem, A.L.S. 3p.and add.,end. (see Heckewelder. Letters...; pp.465-468.) Concerning publications on Indians. Refers to Pickering and Schweinitz. Refers to the APS.

General physical description: 9-3/4x8