These are chiefly working papers on subjects requiring statistical analysis and letters, reports, and papers relating to professional organizations. There is little personal material.
Call #:
61 Linear feet
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Advisory Committee on Statistical Policy (U.S.) | American Association for Public Opinion Research | American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Council on Education | American Educational Research Association | American Institute of Biological Sciences | American Marketing Association | American Mathematical Society | American Ordnance Association | American Philosophical Society | American Society for Quality Control | American Society for Testing Materials | American Society of Human Genetics | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | American Standards Association | American Statistical Association | American Telegraph & Telephone Company | Annals of Mathematical Statistics | Applied Mathematics Group | Applied Mathematics Panel | Army Mathematics Advisory Panel (U.S.) | Army Mathematics Steering Group (U.S.) | Association of Mathematics Teachers of New Jersey | Ballistics. | Biometric Society | Bureau of Labor Statistics (U.S.) | Carnegie Foundation (U.S.) | College Entrance Examination Board. | Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government | Committee on Applied Mathematical Statistics | Committee on Operations Research (U.S.) | Committee on Regional Development of Mathematics | Committee on Statistical Program for the City of New York | Committee on Training and Research in Applied Mathematics | Controllo Della Qualita | Educational Testing Service. | Engineering, Science, and Management War Training Program | Fulbright Awards Committee | Genetics | Institute of Mathematical Statistics. | Inter-American Statistical Institute | International Business Machines Corporation. | International Organization for Standardization | International Statistical Institute. | Journal of Neurophysiology | Life Magazine | Magazine Audience Group | Mathematical Association of America. | Mathematical statistics. | Mathematics -- Societies, etc. | National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) | National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) | National Bureau of Economic Research (U.S.) | National Quality Control Society | National Research Council (U.S.) | National Research Council (U.S.). Committee for Research in Problems of Sex | National Research Council Commission on Mathematics | National Science Foundation (U.S.) | National Science Foundation (U.S.). | National Science Foundation, U.S. | National Security Resources Board | New Jersey Bell Telephone Company | New York Telephone Company | New York University | Newark College of Engineering | Northwestern University | Office of Ordnance Research (U.S.) | Office of Statistical Standards (U.S.) | Organization of Federal Executive Departments and Agencies | Princeton University | Rand Corporation. | Random House Publishing | Reports. | Rinehart & Company Publishing | Rip Van Winkle Clinic | Russell Sage Foundation | Science -- Societies, etc. | Selective Service System | Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs | Social Science Research Council (U.S.) | Society of Industrial Quality Statisticians | Statistical Research Group | Statistics. | Swarthmore College | System Development Corporation. | The American Weekly | The Department of Health of the City of New York | The Lawrenceville School Fathers Association | The Southern New England Telephone Company | The United States National Commission for UNESCO | Thurstone, Louis Leon, 1887-1955 | Time Magazine | U.S. Atomic Energy Commission | U.S. Office of Education | United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | United States Army Air Forces | United States Bureau of Ordnance | United States. -- Air Force. -- Systems Command. | United States. Bureau of the Census | United States. Navy | United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development | University of Chicago | University of Pennsylvania | Wiley Publishing | Wilks, S. S. (Samuel Stanley), 1906-1964