This microfilm contains letters and drafts of replies, memoranda, lists of plants and shrubs, observations on natural history, diary notes, extracts from reading, and recipes. There is a "Catalogue of Books given to [Friends] Publick School of Philadelphia" by Collinson dated 1749. There is a copy by Collinson of a May 16, 1560 note by Elizabeth I of a gift of old clothes to her maids of honor. A 1811 letter is from C. S. Collinson to Aylmer Bourke Lambert.
Call #:
1 microfilm_reel(s)
View Subjects
Botany. | Breintnall, Joseph, d. 1746 | Bull, William, 1710-1791 | Collinson, C. S. | Collinson, Peter, 1694-1768 | Dobbs, Arthur, 1689-1765 | Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603 | Fothergill, John, 1712-1780 | Garden, Alexander, 1686-1756 | Gmelin, Johann Georg, 1709-1755 | Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761 | Hollyday, Henry | Kearsley, John | Lambert, Aylmer Bourke, 1761-1842 | Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778 | Microfilm Collection | Morris, Robert Hunter, 1713-1764 | Natural history. | Pemberton, Israel, 1715-1779 | Plants -- Collection and preservation. | Rainsford, Giles | Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia. | Wager, Charles, Sir, 1666-1743 | Wright, Edward