These papers include letters, reports, accounts, and memoranda relating to the work of the American Board of Home Missions among the Abnaki, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Dakota, Mackinaw, Maumee, Mayhaw, Ojibwa, Osage, Pawnee, Penobscot, Sioux, and Stockbridge Indians of Arkansas, New York, and Oregon.
These papers related to Benjamin Franklin and the American Philosophical Society, and include correspondence among Benjamin Franklin, William Franklin, Jonathan Williams, Sr., and Jonathan Williams, Jr. Also included is Williams' journal of a trip through England with Benjamin Franklin, Jan Ingenhousz, and John Canton (1771), memoranda and essays by Williams on trade, meteorology, and sugar refining, and notes and drawings.
These papers include letters, reports, minutes, memoranda, and addresses to Indian chiefs, selected from the Pickering papers from the Massachusetts Historical Society. Includes letters and documents pertaining to Pickering, Henry Knox, John Sergeant, Jasper Parrish and Samuel Kirkland; relates to New York and Western Indian affairs, principally Iroquois, but also Nanticoke, Shawano, Delaware, Wyandot, Miami, Seneca.
These selections include letters, bills, accounts, receipts, memoranda, and official communications and documents relating to the Iroquois in New York state, selected from volumes 6-15 of O'Reilly's collections, "Mementos of western settlement," together with copies of documents from the American State Papers, etc. Included are letters of Phelps, Gorham, Chapin, Brant, Kirkland, Knox, Pickering, Irvine, and Morris. Many manuscripts appear to be from the papers of General Israel Chapin, an Indian agent.