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This microfilm contains correspondence from scientists, including Friedrich Wilhelm Bissell, 1816-1846 [from Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin]; Matthew F. Maury, 1849-1859 [from National Archives, Washington, D.C.]; Paulus Usteri, 1789-1821 [from Bibliothèque Universitaire, Zurich; and Johann G. Galle, 1836-1858 [from Frau von Heinz, Schloss Tegal]. There is also correspondence from the Royal Society, London; Bibliothèque Nationale, Geneva; Göttingen University Library; British Museum; Massachusetts Historical Society; Bancroft Library of the University of California; Yale University; Henry E. Huntington Library; Library of Congress; the Alexander von Humboldt Kommission; Westdeutsche Bibliotek, Marburg; and Deutsche Staatsbibliotek, Berlin. The materials were, in general, collected by Helmut de Terra and contain correspondence with various scientists. A few items pertain to Humboldt's travels and general comments on American Indian linguistics.