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This item is Dorothea V. Kaschube's typescript manuscript published in 1978 by the University of Chicago Press based on Crow texts elicited in 1953-1954 from Henrietta Pretty On Top, a native Crow speaker from Lodgegrass, Montana, "who at that time was a young woman, a mother, in her early twenties." Kaschube was a graduate assistant for a Field Methods and Techniques course conducted by Carl F. Voegelin and Henry Lee Smith in Bloomington, Indiana. She spent considerable time with Pretty On Top, one of the language consultants for the course, and includes both linguistic materials and ethnographic observations in this manuscript. The audio tapes of the texts are deposited in the Language Archives of the World at Indiana University.
Call #:  
1 volume(s)



Linguistic field recordings of Gwich'in or Loucheux language. Elicitation of a numbered list of words and phrases. Recorded by Harry Hoijer with consultant Christine Albert in Edmonton, Alberta on July 29-30, 1964.
Call #:  
4 reel(s)



A student of Edward Sapir's at the University of Chicago (PhD, 1931), Harry Hoijer began his career in linguistics with intensive fieldwork on the Coahuiltecan language, Tonkawa, though shortly thereafter he turned to an intensive study of Athapaskan, including several Apache languages, Navajo, Sarsi (Tsuut'ina), and Galice. Employed as an instructor at the University of Chicago for several years, Hoijer moved to the new Department of Anthropology at UCLA in 1940, where he remained until his retirement. The Hoijer Collection contains textual materials representing comparative linguistic studies of Athapascan languages, including Dakelh ("Carrier"), Dënesųłiné ("Chipewyan"), Galice, Navajo, Tsuut'ina ("Sarsi"), and five Apache languages and dialects, (Chiricahua, Jicarilla, Mescalero, Lipan, and San Carlos). The collection also includes four audio recordings of Gwich'in ("Loucheux"), and copies of texts collected by Hoijer from colleagues Berard Haile, Diamond Jenness, David Mandelbaum, Chic Sandoval, and Edward Sapir.
Call #:  
4 Linear feet



Dell Hymes' doctoral research on Kathlamet Chinook (Indiana University, 1955) grew into a lifelong interest in the relationship between ethnography and linguistics. Following academic appointments at Harvard University (1955-1960) and the University of California, Berkley (1960-1965), Hymes joined the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania in 1965. During twenty-two years tenure at Penn he was a professor of folklore, linguistics, sociology and education. In 1975, he was promoted to Dean of the Graduate School of Education (1975-1987). A principal proponent of the emergent field of sociolinguistics, his most influential works include Reinventing Anthropology and Language in Culture and Society. The Hymes papers cover all aspects of Dell Hymes' professional life. Subcollection I is concentrated on his years at the University of Pennsylvania, his presidencies of the American Association of Anthropology and the Linguistic Society of America, and his editorship of the journal Language in Society. Subcollection II is broader, focusing much more on published and unpublished linguistic work on dozens of languages, mostly of North America. Of particular interest is his rich correspondence with colleagues and students on linguistic issues. The papers reflect Hymes' interests in the history of linguistics and anthropology, Native American languages (especially oral literatures), and his comparative ethnographies of communication.
Call #:  
176 Linear feet

Aberle, David F. (David Friend), 1918-2004 | American Academy of Arts and Sciences | American Anthropological Association | American Association of Applied Linguistics | American Folklore Society | Anthropologists -- United States. | Anthropology, ethnography, fieldwork | Austerlitz, Robert, 1923-1994 | Basso, Keith, 1940-2013 | Baugh, John, 1949- | Bauman, Richard, 1940- | Ben-Amos, Dan, 1934- | Bennett, Ruth (Ruth S.) | Bernstein, Basil, 1924-2000 | Bright, William, 1928-2006 | Burke, Kenneth,1897-1993 | Cambridge University Press | Cathlamet dialect | Cazden, Courtney, 1925- | Chinookan languages | Chomsky, Noam | Cowgill, George L. | Creole dialects | Diamond, Stanley | Douglas, Mary, 1921- | Dozier, Edward, 1916-1971 | Driver, Harold | Duranti, Alessandro, 1950- | Durbin, Marshall | Dyk, Walter, 1899-1972 | Embree, Lester | Fought, John. | Frake, Charles O. | French, David H. | Friedrich , Paul | Fromm, Erich,1900-1980 | Goffman, Erving | Goodenough, Ward Hunt | Gregorian, Vartan, 1934- | Grimshaw, Allen D. | Gumperz, John J. (John Joseph), 1922-2013 | Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Harris, Marvin, 1927-2001 | Harris, Zellig S. (Zellig Sabbettai), 1909-1992 | Hiz, Henry T. | Hockett, Charles, 1916- | Hoenigswald, Henry M., 1915-20 | Hoijer, Harry, 1904-1976 | Hymes, Dell H. | Indians of North America -- Ethnology | Indians of North America -- Languages | Indians of North America -- Northwest Coast | Indians of North America -- Oregon | Irvine, Judith. | Jacobs, Melville, 1902-1971 | Jakobson, Roman, 1896-1982 | Koerner, E.F. Konrad, | Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960 | Kroeber, Theodora | Labov, William, 1927- | Language in Society | Language, linguistics | Languages, Mixed | Lévi-Strauss, Claude | Linguistic Society of America. | Linguistics | Lounsbury, Floyd Glenn, 1914-1998 | Martin, Paul S., 1899-1974 | McDermott, Ray | Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978 | Mintz, Sidney Wilfred | Mouton Publishers | Nader, Laura, 1930- | Neustupny, Jiri | Nida, Eugene A. | Philips, Susan U. | Pidgin languages | Race, race relations, racism | Ramsey, Jarold | Rigsby, Bruce Joseph | Sankoff, Gillian | Sapir, J. David | Sapir, Philip | Schneider, David M., 1918-1995 | Scholte, Bob, 1902-1983 | Sebeok, Thomas A., 1920-2001 | Shahaptian languages | Sherzer, Joel. | Shuy, Roger W. | Silverstein, Michael | Snyder, Gary, 1930- | Social Science Research Council. Institute in Law and Social Relations | Stocking, George W. | Sturtevant, William C. | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Szwed, John F. | Tax, Sol, 1907-1995 | Tedlock, Dennis, 1939- | Toelken, Barre, 1935- | University of Pennsylvania Press | University of Pennsylvania-Annenberg School of Communication | University of Pennsylvania-Department of Anthropology | University of Pennsylvania-Department of Folklore & Folklife | University of Pennsylvania-Department of Linguistics | University of Pennsylvania-Department of Sociology | University of Pennsylvania-Graduate School of Education | University of Pennsylvania. | Voegelin, C. F. (Charles Frederick), 1906-1986 | Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015 | Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research | Worth, Sol, 1922-1977


1953, 1956, 1963, 1965, 1967-68, 1970-73

Audio recordings, primarily linguistic field recordings of Native American languges, removed from the James M. Crawford papers. The bulk of the recordings are in three areas: Alabama songs, stories, and fiddle music; Cocopa folklore, autobiographical stories, songs, and elicited words and sentences; Yuchi autobiographical stories, conversations, and elicitied word lists. Other material includes: Cherokee conversations; Chickasaw word and phrases lists; readings from a Chontal-Spanish dictionary; a Diegueño text; words lists and discussion regarding the Mobilian trade language (Yama); intermixed Mobilian, Choctaw, and Koasati word lists; Mohave songs, with explanations; a Navajo elicitation session, with interview and conversation; elicited Shoshoni expressions; Tolowa songs, Yavapai word lists and texts; and Yuki words and expressions. The small amount of non-Native American material in the collection generally consists of unidentified conversations, readings of English and Russian texts, and recordings of baby talk.
Call #:  
30 tape(s)

Alabama -- History | Alabama Indians -- Folklore | Alabama Indians -- History | Alabama Indians -- Music | Alabama and Coushatta Indian Reservation (Tex.) | Alabama language | Alligators -- Folklore | Arizona | Banjo -- Performance | Birds -- Songs and music | Blackbirds -- Folklore | Blindness -- Folklore | Bloodroot | Bullock, Matthew | Cannibalism -- Folklore | Celestine, Phoebie | Cherokee language | Chickasaw language | Childhood | Children -- Language | Choctaw Indians -- Music | Choctaw language | Choctaw language -- Number | Chontal language -- Dictionaries | Chontal language -- Dictionaries -- English | Chontal language -- Dictionaries -- Spanish | Church charities | Cocopa Indians | Cocopa Indians -- Domestic life | Cocopa Indians -- Economic conditions | Cocopa Indians -- Education | Cocopa Indians -- Folklore | Cocopa Indians -- Kinship | Cocopa Indians -- Music | Cocopa Indians -- Social life and customs | Cocopa language | Cocopa language -- Number | Cocopa language -- Sentences | Cocopa mythology | Cocopa, Mary | Conversation | Couro, Ted | Coyote (Legendary character) -- Legends | Crawford, James Mack, 1925-1989 | Creation -- Mythology | Crescent City (Calif.) | Crows -- Folklore | Daughters | Deer -- Folklore | Devil -- Folklore | Eagles -- Folklore | Earthquakes | Elton (La.) | Fiddle music | Fiddle tunes | Fire -- Folklore | Floods -- Folklore | Frank, Neddie | Frank, Seymour | Garcia, Florence | Gardening | Gazzam, Warren | Georgia -- Description and travel | Grandchildren | Guitar -- Performance | Hayes, Lillian | Hayes, Victor | Hoijer, Harry, 1904-1976 | Huck, Charlie | Hunger -- Folklore | Hunters -- Folklore | Imataichi, David | Indians of North America -- Arizona | Indians of North America -- Oklahoma | Infants -- Language | Invitations | Jackson, Gil | King, Laura | Kings and rulers -- Folklore | Koasati language | Koasati language -- Number | Kumiai language | Langley, Arzelie | Langley, Rosaline | Language and languages -- Documentation | Lavan, Leonard | Linguists | Lizards -- Folklore | Loggerhead shrike -- Folklore | Lopez, Sam | Lopez, Sam, Mrs. | Marriage customs and rites -- Folklore | McCall, Mary | Melton, Robert | Miller, Hope | Miller, Sam | Miller, Wick R. | Mobilian trade language | Mohave Indians -- Music | Moral exhortation | Navajo Indians | Navajo Indians -- Kinship | Navajo language | North Carolina | Oklahoma | Orphans -- Folklore | Parties | Phoenix (Ariz.) | Poetry -- Recitation | Poncho, Maggie | Pulte, William John, 1941- | Puma -- Folklore | Quails -- Folklore | Rabbits -- Folklore | Recorder (Musical instrument) | Round Valley Indian Reservation (Calif.) | Russian language | Russian language -- Texts | San Pablo Villa de Mitla (Mexico) | Sapulpa (Okla.) | Seasons -- Folklore | Shepherds -- Folklore | Shoshoni language | Sound recordings | Spanish language -- Dictionaries -- Chontal | Sun -- Folklore | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Texas | Thomas, Esther | Thomas, Frank | Thomas, Josephine | Thomas, Mary | Thomas, Vivian | Timms, Lester | Timms, Lester, Mrs. | Tolowa Indians -- Music | Tolowa language | Trail of Tears, 1838-1839 | Turner, Paul R. | Turner, Shirley | Turtles -- Folklore | Twins -- Folklore | Underwood, Isaac | Weather | Wildcat, Nancy | Witchcraft -- Folklore | Yavapai Indians -- Music | Yavapai language | Yuchi Indians | Yuchi Indians -- Economic conditions | Yuchi Indians -- Educiation | Yuchi Indians -- History | Yuchi Indians -- Medicine | Yuchi Indians -- Religion | Yuchi Indians -- Social life and customs | Yuchi language | Yuchi language -- Grammar | Yuchi language -- Phonology | Yuki language | Yuma (Ariz.) | Zárate, Clemente


1853, 1882-1959

For many years referred to as the "Franz Boas Collection of American Indian Linguistics," this collection consists of a large body of linguistic and ethnographic material gathered together by Boas and many of his colleagues and students primarily from the 1890s to the 1940s. It contains the bulk of Boas's own fieldwork material, with the main exception of most of his Inuit and earliest Northwest Coast fieldwork. It contains the majority of the work sponsored by American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, which was directed by Franz Boas, Edward Sapir, Alfred Kroeber, and other academic linguists from 1927-1937. The collection, however, also contains related kinds of fieldwork and derived secondary materials created outside the auspices of this Committee, both earlier and later. The first deposit of the material arrivied in 1945. Subsequently, additional related materials were donated and added, as noted in the listings. Additionally, the documentary materials produced by some of the early projects (1945 to circa 1955) of the APS Phillips Fund for Native American Research were added to this collection. The collection has grown to over 80 linear feet of material representing at least 166 languages and dialects from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The formats range from field notes and ethnographic texts to slip files, vocabularies, lexica, and grammars, and dozens of linguists and Native consultants are represented.
Call #:  
80 Linear feet

'Nak'waxda'xw | 'Namgis | Achumawi language | African Americans -- Florida | African Americans -- Folklore | African Americans -- West Virginia | Airplanes | American ginseng | Amos | Anishinaabe | Anthropology, ethnography, fieldwork | Ants -- Folklore | Athapascan languages | Atsugewi language | Autobiography | Awa'etłala | Babies -- Care | Banister, John, Jr. | Baptists -- North Carolina -- History | Basket making | Bears | Bella Coola Indians | Bella Coola language | Benin -- History | Betrothal | Birds -- Folklore | Cats -- Folklore | Chatino language | Chehalis language | Cherokee Indians -- Economic conditions | Cherokee Indians -- Education | Cherokee Indians -- Fishing | Cherokee Indians -- Folklore | Cherokee Indians -- Funeral customs and rites | Cherokee Indians -- Games | Cherokee Indians -- Government relations | Cherokee Indians -- History | Cherokee Indians -- Land tenure | Cherokee Indians -- Marriage customs and rites | Cherokee Indians -- Material culture | Cherokee Indians -- Medicine | Cherokee Indians -- Military service | Cherokee Indians -- Music | Cherokee Indians -- Politics and government | Cherokee Indians -- Religion | Cherokee Indians -- Rites and ceremonies | Cherokee Indians -- Social life and customs | Cherokee Indians -- Violence against -- Tennessee | Cherokee dance | Cherokee language | Child care | Children -- Death | Chimakum language | Chinese language | Chiricahua language | Christianity -- Africa | Chukchi -- History | Clothing and dress -- Middle East | Comox Indians | Corn -- Folklore | Creation -- Mythology | Cree language | Culture, community, organizations | Cyanotypes | DEnaxdax | Da'naxda'xw | Dakota language | Deloria, Vine, 1901-1990 | Dictionaries. | Dogs -- Folklore | Drawings. | Dzawada'enuxw | Eagle, Johnson | Ethnographic texts | Ethnology -- Africa | Ethnology -- Russia | Ethnology -- United States | Face painting | Fairs -- North Carolina | Field notes. | Fijians -- Social life and customs | Fire -- Folklore | Folk music -- Puerto Rico | Folklore | Folklore -- Africa | Folklore -- British Columbia | Folklore -- Florida | Folklore -- Uganda | Gelatin silver prints | Geological Survey of Canada. | Ghost stories | Ghosts -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia | Gop'inuxw | Gourds | Group portraits | Gusgimukw | Gwasala | Ha'xwamis | Haida Indians | Haida language | Haudenosaunee | Heiltsuk | Heiltsuk Indians | Hoijer, Harry, 1904-1976 | Hopi language | Hupa language | Hymns | Illustrations. | Imprisonment -- North Carolina | Indians of North America -- Alaska | Indians of North America -- British Columbia | Indians of North America -- Languages | Inuktitut language | Jenness, Diamond, 1886-1969 | Jews, Ethiopian | Kagwa, Apolo | Kalapuya language | Kalispel language | Kathlamet language | Kidder, Alfred Vincent, 1885-1963 | Kootenai language | Koskimo | Ktunaxa | Kwagu'ł | Kwakiutl language | Kwikwasutinuxw | Laguna dialect | Lillooet language | Linguistics | Ma'amtagila | Makah Indians | Mamalilikala | Mandan language | Maps. | Mayan languages | Michelson, Truman, 1879-1938 | Milky Way -- Folklore | Mooney, James, 1861-1921 | Mukasa, Ham, 1871-1956 | Nahuatl language | Nass language | Nature -- Effect of human beings on -- North Carolina | Navajo language | Nez Percé language | Nimpkish | Nitinat language | Nlaka'pamux | Nootka Indians | Nootka language | North Carolina | Northwest Coast Indians | Ntlakyapamuk language | Nuu-chah-nulth | Nuxalk Indians | Ojibwe people | Old Bull | Omens | Oowekeeno Indians | Owls -- Folklore | Philadelphia (Pa.) | Philadelphia (Pa.) -- Description and travel | Photographs | Photomechanical prints | Plantations | Pleiades -- Folklore | Pomo language | Powwows | Quileute Indians | Quileute language | Rabbits -- Folklore | Religion, religious organizations | Robertson, W. M. | Salish Indians | Salishan languages | Sarsi Indians | Sarsi language | Schitsu'umsh | Secwepemc | Sermons | Shasta language | Sketches. | Slip files | Smallpox -- United States -- History | Social conditions, social advocacy, social reform | Social psychology | Sound recordings | St'at'imc | Standing Holy | Sturtevant, Edgar H. (Edgar Howard), 1875-1952 | Swearing | Tarahumara language | Tarascan language | Thunder, Fire | Tlingit Indians | Tlingit language | Tolowa language | Trail of Tears, 1838-1839 | Tsetsaut Indians | Tsimshian language | Tsuut'ina language | Tunica language | Turtles -- Folklore | Twi (African people) | Tłatłasikwala | United States -- Emigration and immigration. | United States Indian School (Carlisle, Pa.) | Volga River Region (Russia) -- History | Wailaki language | Warren, John | Watercolors | Wenatchi | Winnebago language | Wintu language | Witches -- Folklore | Word lists | World War I | World War, 1939-1945 | Wuikinuxv | Xuyalas | Yana language | Zapotec language | Ławit'sis