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A modest Midwesterner who became one of the most influential geneticists of the first half of the 20th century, William E. Castle spent his career at Harvard and the University of California working on patterns of inheritance in mice, horses, and a variety of other mammalian taxa. An early proponent of Mendelian theory, Castle was director of the Bussey Institution at Harvard for almost thirty years, helping to train a number of important geneticists. The Castle Papers contain one linear foot of correspondence dating primarily from the period after Castle's "retirement" to Berkeley in 1936 until his death in 1962, dealing almost exclusively with his research on horse breeding and the inheritance of coat coloration in horses. Castle's correspondence with his former student L. C. Dunn is an exception, focusing on mouse genetics and ranging to a variety of topics from the conduct of scientific research during the Second World War to Castle's interests in the early history of genetics.
Call #:  
1 Linear feet

American Philosophical Society | Bell, Donald C. | Bibliographical matters -- Castle, William Ernest | Biographical and personal data | Biographical and personal data -- Castle, William Ernest | Castle, William E. (William Ernest), 1867-1962 | Dunn, L. C. (Leslie Clarence), 1893-1974 | Editorial matters | Editorial matters -- Genetics | Genetics | Genetics -- Cattle | Genetics -- Horses | Genetics -- Nomenclature | Genetics -- Pigs | Genetics -- Research -- United States | Genetics Society of America | Gregory, Paul Wallace, 1898- | Hair Samples -- Horses | Harvard University. Bussey Institution | Heredity | History of biology, especially genetics | Horses -- Breeding | Horses -- Genetics | Human genetics | International Congress of Genetics -- Tenth Congress | Mice -- Genetics | Mouse genetics | National Research Council | Odriozola, Miguel | Photographs | Photographs | Political issues -- Kilgore Bill | Ponies -- Genetics | Publication | Publication -- Genetics | Publication -- Journal of Heredity | Publication -- The California Horseman | Rabbit genetics | Rat genetics | Requests for reprints | Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory | Singleton, W. Ralph (Willard R | Singleton, Willard Ralph | Smith, Frank H. | Steele, Dewey George, 1898- | Teaching -- Harvard University | Travel -- Guatemala | University of Virginia. Blandy Experimental Farm | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Welsh Pony Society of America. | World War II -- Impact on science | Zoology -- Animal behavior



Founded in 1931, the Genetics Society of America works to facilitate communication among scientists with an interest in research and education in genetics and cognate fields. The GSA Records provide information on the history of the Genetics Society of America from the time of its founding in 1931. Included is correspondence between various officers, members, and outside individuals and organizations, files on standing and ad hoc committees, Records concerning accounts and finances, membership data, files relating to annual meetings, local meetings, and international meetings, and information on special commissions or ad hoc groups of the Society. Among the more noteworthy files are those for the Committee on Genetics, Race, and Intelligence, 1974-1975. This note is currently under review for revision.
Call #:  
24.5 Linear feet

American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Institute of Biological Sciences | American Institute of Biological Sciences | American Philosophical Society | American Society of Zoologists | Atomic Energy Commission | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Biology | Biology, genetics, eugenics | Botanical Society of America | Botany and plant genetics | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Displaced German scholars | Dunn, L. C. (Leslie Clarence), 1893-1974 | Dunn, Leslie Clarence | Genetics | Genetics -- Societies, etc. | Genetics Society of America | Genetics Society of America -- Committee activities | Genetics Society of America -- Committee on Aid to Geneticists Abroad | Genetics Society of America -- Golden Jubilee | Genetics Society of America. Committee on Genetics, Race, and Intelligence | Glass, Bentley, 1906-2005 | History of biology, especially genetics | Human genetics | Human genetics -- Race | International Congress of Genetics | International Congress of Genetics -- Eighth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Eleven Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Ninth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Seventh Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Tenth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Thirteenth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Twelfth Congress | Jensen, Arthur Robert | Jensen, Arthur Robert | National Academy of Sciences | National Institutes of Health | National Research Council | National Science Foundation | Preservation of historical materials | Publication | Race | Race, race relations, racism | Russian politics and science | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Scientific refugees | Shockley, William | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | World War II -- Impact on science



Arthur J. Cain is an evolutionary biologist whose research interests have included genetics, natural selection, biogeography, and systematics. Based at Oxford University and, later, the University of Liverpool, much of Cain's research was field-based, focusing on terrestrial gatsropods. This collection contains correspondence, grant applications, reports, programs for scientific meetings, unpublished papers and lectures, research notes, charts, graphs, maps, and manuscript reviews of journal articles and books. The Cain Papers is divided into three series: I. Correspondence ; II. Subject Files ; and, III. Papers by Colleagues. Arrangement is alphabetical by folder title, and chronological within each folder.
Call #:  
15.75 Linear feet

American Museum of Natural History | American Philosophical Society | Anthropology | Bibliographical matters | Biographical and personal data | Biology | Biology -- Classification | Birds. | Business | Cain, Arthur J. (Arthur James), 1921-1999 | Cancer, chemotherapy | Clarke, B. C. (Bryan C.) | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Simpson, George Gaylord. 80th birthday | Cranach, Mario von, b. 1931 | Darwin, Charles | Davis, George Morgan | Dobzhansky, Theodosius | Drosophila genetics | Ecology | Editorial matters | Evolution | Evolution (Biology) | Fellowships, assistantships | Fisher, Ronald Aylmer | Ford, Edmund Brisco | Gastropoda | Genetics | Genetics -- Birds | Genetics -- Cats | Genetics -- Invertebrates | Genetics -- Snails | Genetics Society (Great Britain) -- London | Genetics of plants | Glass, Bentley | Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson | History of biology, especially genetics | Human genetics | Huxley, Julian | Invitations | Kirkaldy, J. S. | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Lectures, public speaking | Maps | Mayr, Ernst | Mayr, Ernst, 1904-2005 | Medawar, Peter Brian | Mendel, Gregor | Mollusks | Natural selection | Ornithology | Oxford University | Paleontology | Population genetics | Population genetics -- Snails | Population, demography | Preservation of historical materials | Publication | Publication -- Animal Species and their Evolution | Pulmonata | Requests for reprints | Research support | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Scientific refugees | Sheppard, P. M. (Philip MacDonald), 1921-1976 | Sheppard, Philip M. | Teaching | Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre | Travel -- Africa | Travel -- Europe | Travel -- Greece | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | Travel -- Solomon Islands | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Woodruff, David S. | Wright, Sewall | Zoology | Zoology -- Africa | Zoology -- Classification | Zoology -- Gastropods | Zoology -- Invertebrates | Zoology -- Nomenclature



Mostly concerned with Blakeslee's studies on beans, blood groups, colchicine, Datura, embryo cultures, and horticulture. Many letters relate to the support and direction of the Smith College Genetics Experiment Station, which he headed. Other letters are about the Carnegie Institution of Washington, "Biological Abstracts," American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Philosophical Society, Institut de France, University of Connecticut. Also contains travel letters from Germany and miscellaneous lectures.
Call #:  
12.5 Linear feet

American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Philosophical Society | Amherst College | Beans - Research | Belling, John | Bibliographical matters | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data | Biographical and personal data -- Vries, Hugo de | Biographical and personal matters | Blakeslee, Albert Francis, 1874-1954 | Blood groups. | Botany and plant genetics | Brooklyn Botanical Garden | Buchholz, J. T. (John Theodore), 1888-1951 | Bush, Vannevar, 1890-1974 | Business -- Meetings | Business -- Minutes | Carnegie Institution of Washington | Carnegie Institution of Washington | Carnegie Institution of Washington -- Reports | Cleland, Ralph E. (Ralph Erskine), 1892-1971 | Colchicine - Research | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Thaxter, Roland. 70th birthday | Connecticut Argicultural College | Cytogenetics | Datura. | Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 | Davis, Bradley M. (Bradley Moore) | Displaced German scholars | Drosophila genetics | Editorial matters | Editorial matters -- Genetics | Educational matters | Embryology, developmental genetics | Embryology. | Eugenics | Evolution | Fellowships, assistantships | Flynn, John E. (John Edward), 1897-1965 | Geneticists -- United States. | Genetics | Genetics -- Research. | Genetics of plants | Genetics of plants -- Agglutinin from beans | Genetics of plants -- Colchicine | Genetics of plants -- Datura | Genetics of plants -- Mucor | Genetics of plants -- Sex in fungi | Germany -- Description and travel. | Goucher College | Graduate study | Harvard University | Honors | Horticulture. | Human genetics | Human genetics -- Odor | Human genetics -- Taste | Human genetics -- Twins | Hyde, James Hazen, 1876-1959 | Immunogenetics | Institut de France | International Botanical Congresses | International Congress of Genetics -- Sixth Congress | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Lectures, public speaking | Lectures. | Molecular genetics | Mount Holyoke College | National Research Foundation | National Science Foundation | Political issues | Political issues -- Germany | Publication | Publication -- Biological Abstracts | Radiation genetics | Recommendations | Research support | Robbins, William Jacob, 1890-1978 | Russian politics and science -- Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Shull, George Harrison, 1874-1954 | Sinnott, Edmund W. (Edmund Ware), 1888-1958 | Smith College | Smith College. Genetics Experiment Station | Teaching | Teaching -- Harvard University | Teaching -- University of Halle -- Blakeslee, Albert Francis | Thaxter, Roland | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | Travel -- South America | University of Connecticut | University of Maine | University of Massachusetts | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. -- Abstracts | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. -- Research | Waksman, Selman A. (Selman Abraham), 1888-1973 | Wellesley College | Wilson, Edwin Bidwell, 1879-1964 | World War I -- Impact on science | World War II -- Impact on science | Zea (maize) genetics



The correspondence in this collection concerns behavior genetics, evolution, heredity, etc. There is material relating to the congresses of the Permanent International Committee on Genetics, and the IXth (Bellagio, 1953), Xth (Montreal, 1958), and XIth (The Hague, 1963) International Congress of Genetics. There is also correspondence pertaining to the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology (1955), the Mendel Semi-Centennial Symposium (1950), the Soviet geneticists' visit to the U.S. in 1967, and to Anton R. Zhebrak.
Call #:  
3 Linear feet

Academic freedom | American Philosophical Society | Behavior genetics. | Berg, Raisa, 1913-2006 | Biographical and personal data | Biology. | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Congratulations, greetings, thanks | Crow, James F. | Cytogenetics | Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich, 1900-1975 | Drosophila genetics | Editorial matters | Educational matters | Educational matters -- U.S.S.R. | Evolution | Evolution. | Galley proofs. | Genetics | Genetics -- Homeostasis | Genetics -- Nomenclature | Genetics of plants | Genetics. | Goldschmidt, Richard, 1878-1958 | Gustafsson, Ake, 1908-1988 | Haldane, J. B. S. (John Burdon Sanderson), 1892-1964 | Heredity. | History of biology, especially genetics | Honors -- Nobel Prize | Human genetics -- Race | International Congress of Genetics -- Eleven Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Ninth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Tenth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Twelfth Congress | International Congress of Human Genetics -- First Congress | International Congress of Zoology -- Sixteenth Congress | International Union of Biological Societies | Koltsov, N. K. | Landauer, Walter, 1896-1978 | Lerner, I. Michael (Isadore Michael), 1910-1977 | Lewontin, Richard C., 1929- | Lush, Jay L. (Jay Laurence), 1896-1982 | Lysenko, Trofim, 1898-1976 | Manuscripts (for publication). | Mather, Kenneth, 1911-1990 | Mayr, Ernst, 1904-2005 | Medawar, P. B. (Peter Brian), 1915-1987 | Medvedev, Zhores A., 1925-2018 | Memorabilia | Mendel, Gregor | Mouse genetics | Muller, H. J. (Hermann Joseph), 1890-1967 | Muller, Hermann Joseph | National Academy of Sciences | Needham, Joseph, 1900-1995 | Neel, James V. (James Van Gundia), 1915-2000 | Permanent International Committee on Genetic Congresses -- Constitution | Permanent International Committee on Genetic Congresses -- Minutes | Permanent International Committee on Genetics. | Philosophy of science | Physiology | Political issues | Population genetics | Poultry genetics | Provine, William B. | Publication | Referee's report | Reviews | Russian politics and science | Russian politics and science -- Dubinin, Nikolai Petrovich | Russian politics and science -- Lobashov, M. E. | Russian politics and science -- Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich | Russian politics and science -- Medvedev, Zhores A. | Russian politics and science -- Timofeeff- Ressovsky, Nikolai W. | Russian politics and science -- Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Solzhenitsyn, Alexandr | Sonneborn, T. M. (Tracy Morton), 1905-1981 | Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics | Teaching | Timofeeff-Ressovsky, Nikolai W. | Timofeev-Resovskiĭ, N. V. (Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich), 1900-1981 | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. -- Medvedev, Zhores A. | Waddington, C. H. (Conrad Hal), 1905-1975 | Wallace, Bruce | Wallace, Bruce, 1920-2015 | World War II -- Impact on science | Wright, Sewall, 1889-1988 | Zhebrak, Anton Ramanavich, 1902-1965



A bacteriologist from MIT, Salvador E. Luria's work with Max Delbruck on bacteriophage demonstrated that bacterial resistance to certain phages arose through genetic mutations. His later work showed that phages also mutate genetically. He received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1969 with Max Delbruck and Alfred D. Hershey. The collection is organized into seven series: I. Correspondence, 1938-1992 ; IIa. Subject Files, 1938-1990 ; IIb. Personal Material. 1923-1991 ; III. Works by Luria, 1938-1987 ; IV. Works by Others, 1944-1990 ; V. Research Notes and Notebooks, 1941-1979 ; VI. Course Material, 1931-1991 ; VII. Photographs and Negatives, 1957-1982. Arrangement: Alphabetical by folder title and then chronological within each folder.
Call #:  
44 Linear feet

American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Philosophical Society | American Society for Microbiology | Anderson, Thomas Foxen, 1911-1991 | Annual reports. | Bacterial genetics | Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Bacteriophages-Genetics | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data | Bolton, Ellis T. | Borek, Ernest, 1911-1986 | Boston Area Faculty Group on Public Issues | Business | Cancer, chemotherapy | Carlson, Elof Axel | Carnegie Institution of Washington | Central America-Foreign relations-1979- | Civil defense | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Columbia University | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Congratulations, greetings, thanks | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Horwitz Prize | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Nobel Prize | Crick, Francis H. C. | Crow, James F. | Darwin, Charles | Davis, Bernard D., 1916-1994 | Delbruck, Max | Demerec, Milislav | Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich, 1900-1975 | Doermann, August H | Editorial matters | Educational matters | Ethical issues | Federation of American Scientists | Fellowships, assistantships | Fondation Royaumont | Genetics | Genetics Society of America | Glass, Bentley | Graduate study | Gunsalus, I. C. (Irwin Clyde) | Harvard University | Hershey, Alfred Day | History of biology, especially genetics | Hollaender, Alexander | Honors -- Horwitz Prize | Honors -- Nobel Prize | Honors -- Sc.D. | Human genetics | International Cell Research Organization | International Congress of Genetics | Jacob, Francois | Laboratory notebooks | Laboratory notes | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Lantern slides | Lectures | Lectures, public speaking | Lederberg, Joshua | Luria, S. E. (Salvador Edward), 1912-1991 | Lwoff, Andre | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | McClintock, Barbara | McClintock, Barbara, 1902-1992 | Medical research | Microbial genetics | Molecular biology | Molecular genetics | Monod, Jacques | Muller, Hermann Joseph | National Academy of Sciences | National Research Council | Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine | Nobel Prizes | Nuclear energy | Nuclear weapons | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Pauling, Linus, 1901-1994 | Photoprints | Political issues | Political issues -- Atomic weapons | Political participation | Preservation of historical materials | Protozoan genetics | Publication | Publication -- Not in Our Genes | Publication -- Science | Publication -- The Path to the Double Helix | Radiation genetics | Recommendations | Requests for reprints | Research support | Russian politics and science | Salk Institute for Biological Studies. | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics | Stern, Curt | Teaching | Travel -- France | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | United States. National Institutes of Health | University of Pennsylvania | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 | Viral genetics | Wallace, Bruce | Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.) | Wiesel, Elie, 1928-



Thomas F. Anderson (1911-1991) was a biophysicist and electron microscopist whose research included Raman spectroscopy; the physiology of yeast; the biological effects of radiation; the biological applications of electron microscopy; and the genetics of bacteria, bacterial viruses, and bacteriophage. He was a Professor of Biophysics at the University of Pennsylvania and a Senior Member of the Institute for Cancer Research in Fox Chase.
Call #:  
43 Linear feet

American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Philosophical Society | Anderson, Andy, b. 1927 | Anderson, Thomas Foxen, 1911-1991 | Bacterial genetics | Bacterial genetics. | Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Bacteriophages | Bibliographical matters -- Schultz, Jack | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data -- Schultz, Jack | Biophysical Society | Biophysics | California Institute of Technology | Cancer, chemotherapy | Caspari, Ernst Wilhelm | Chance, Britton, 1913-2010 | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Columbia University | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Delbruck, Max. 60th birthday | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Horwitz Prize | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Pauling, Linus. 75th birthday | Crick, Francis, 1916-2004 | Crow, James F. | Cytogenetics | Demerec, M. (Milislav), 1895-1966 | Drosophila genetics | Electron Microscope Society of America | Electron microscopy | Fellowships, assistantships | Fellowships, assistantships -- Guggenheim | Genetics | Genetics Society of America | Gibbons, Ian R. (Ian Read), b. | Glass plate negatives | Hall, Cecil Edwin, b. 1912 | Hayes, William | Heidelberger, Michael | Hershey, A. D. (Alfred Day) | History of biology, especially genetics | Honors -- Horwitz Prize | Honors -- National Medal of Science | Human genetics | Institute for Medical Research | International Committee on Nomenclature of Viruses | International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics | Invitations | Israel, Vance | Jacob, Francois, 1920-2013 | Kellenberger, Eduard | Kozinski, Andrzej W. | Laboratory notes | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Latarjet, Raymond | Lederberg, Joshua | Luria, Salvador Edward | Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole | Metz, Charles W. | Mintz, Beatrice | Mirsky, Alfred Ezra | Molecular genetics | Monod, Jacques, 1910-1976 | Morgan, Thomas Hunt | Mudd, Stuart | National Academy of Sciences | National Cancer Institute (U.S.) | National Research Council (U.S.) | National Science Foundation, U.S. | Pauling, Linus, 1901-1994 | Philadelphia Electron Microscope Society | Photonegatives | Photoprints | Poetry and literature | Population genetics | Preservation of historical materials | Protozoan genetics | Publication | Publication -- Genetics | RCA Laboratories | Radiation -- Physiological effect | Radiation genetics | Raman spectroscopy | Recommendations | Referee's report | Requests for aid in finding positions | Richards, A. Glenn, Jr. | Schultz, Jack | Schultz, Jack,1904-1971. | Slides. | Smadel, Joseph E. (Joseph Edwi | Sonneborn, T. M. (Tracy Morton), 1905-1981 | Sonneborn, Tracy M. | Stanley, Wendell M. (Wendell Meredith), 1904-1971 | Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics | Stereographs | Teaching | The Institute for Cancer Resea | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | U.S. Atomic Energy Commission | United States. National Institutes of Health | United States. Office of Naval Research | United States. Office of Scientific Research and Development | University of Pennsylvania. | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Viral genetics | Walker, Donald H., Jr. | Wollman, Elie | Wulff, Peter | Wyckoff, Ralph W. G. (Ralph Walter Graystone) | Yost, Don M., b. 1893 | Zinder, Norton D.



Sewall Wright ranks among the most influential figures in the field of population genetics during the 20th century, and made important contributions to biostatistics, biometrics, and evolutionary theory. These papers contain much of Wright's professional correspondence, scattered research notes, and drafts of a small number of papers.
Call #:  
17 Linear feet

American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Institute of Biological Sciences | American Museum of Natural History | American Philosophical Society | Avery, Oswald Theodore | Babcock, Ernest Brown | Bacterial genetics | Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Beadle, George Wells | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Berry, L. Joe | Bibliographical matters | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data | Biographical and personal data -- Castle, William Ernest | Biographical and personal data -- Muller, Hermann Joseph | Biographical and personal data -- Obituary | Biographical and personal data -- Wright, Sewall | Blakeslee, Albert Francis | Bush, Vannevar | Business | California Institute of Technology -- Thomas Hunt Morgan memorial | Cancer, chemotherapy | Carnegie Institution of Washington | Caspari, Ernst Wilhelm | Castle, William Ernest | Cattell, James McKeen | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Cole, Leon Jacob | Columbia University | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Conferences and symposia -- American Society of Zoologists | Conferences and symposia -- Darwin Centennial | Conferences and symposia -- Mendel Centennial | Congratulations, greetings, thanks | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- 50-year membership | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Leon J. Cole Professor of Genetics | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Muller, Hermann Joseph. 70th birthday | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- National Academy of Sciences | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Presidential medal | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Royal Society (Great Britain) | Crow, James F. | Cytogenetics | Davenport, Charles Benedict | Demerec, Milislav | Displaced German scholars | Dobzhansky, Theodosius | Dronamraju, Krishna R. | Drosophila genetics | Dunn, Leslie Clarence | East, Edward Murray | Editorial matters | Educational matters | Embryology, developmental genetics | Emerson, Rollins Adams | Epling, Carl | Eugenics Record Office | Evolution | Evolution (Biology) | Evolution -- Race | Fellowships, assistantships | Fisher, Ronald Aylmer | Genetic algebras | Genetics | Genetics -- Animals | Genetics -- Birds | Genetics -- Cattle | Genetics -- Genetic drift | Genetics -- Guinea pigs | Genetics -- Mammals | Genetics -- Neurospora | Genetics -- Nomenclature | Genetics -- Snails | Genetics -- Wasps | Genetics Society of America | Genetics Society of America -- Golden Jubilee | Genetics of plants | Gillespie, John H. | Glass, Bentley | Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict | Gordon, Robert Dean | Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson | Harvard University | History of biology, especially genetics | Honors | Honors -- Kimber Award | Honors -- Royal Society (Great Britain) | House Un-American Activities Committee | House, Verl L. | Human genetics | Human genetics -- Race | Iltis, Hugo | International Congress of Genetics | International Congress of Genetics -- Seventh Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Sixth Congress | International Congress of Zoology | Invitations | Jennings, Herbert Spencer | Kaufmann, Berwind Peterson | Keeler, Clyde A. | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Lectures, public speaking | Lectures, public speaking -- University of California, Berkeley | Levit, Solomon G. | Lewontin, Richard Charles | Little, Clarence Cook | Luria, Salvador Edward | Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole | Medical research | Mendel, Gregor | Mohr, Otto Louis | Molecular genetics | Morgenstern, Oskar | Mouse genetics | Muller, Hermann Joseph | National Academy of Sciences | National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) | National Academy of Sciences -- Committee activities | National Research Council | National Research Council (U.S.) | National Research Council -- Committee activities | National Science Foundation | Navashin, Sergei Gavrilovich | Neel, James V. | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Osborn, Frederick Henry | Paleontology | Pearl, Raymond | Physiology | Political issues -- Hitler manifesto | Population genetics | Preservation of historical materials | Protozoan genetics | Provine, William | Publication | Publication -- American Naturalist | Publication -- Genetics | Publication -- Journal of Heredity | Publication -- Nature | Publication -- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | Publication -- Science | Publication -- Society for the Study of Evolution | Rabbit genetics | Radiation genetics | Rat genetics | Recommendations | Reed, Sheldon Clark | Referee's report | Requests for aid in finding positions | Requests for reprints | Research support | Reviews | Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory | Russian politics and science | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- American Society of Zoologists | Serebrovsky, Alexander Sergeevich | Sheppard, Philip M. | Society for the Study of Evolution | Sociology | Sokoloff, Alexander | Solicitations for support or contribution | Sonneborn, Tracy M. | Stadler, Lewis John | Stalker, Harrison Dailey | Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics | Stern, Curt | Stern, Kurt | Sturtevant, Alfred Henry | Teaching | Tower, William L. | Travel -- Brazil | Travel -- Great Britain | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | Travel -- Norway | University of Chicago | University of Chicago | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. -- Research data | Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich | Wallace, Bruce | Watson, James D. | Whiting, Phineas W. | Wilson, Edwin Bidwell | Woodson, Robert E. | World War II -- England | World War II -- Impact on science | World War II -- Norway | Wright, Sewall, 1889-1988 | Zoology



The James V. Neel Papers document nearly every phase of the career of one of the founders of human population genetics in the United States. Neel was particularly thorough and organized, and retained virtually all of his significant scientific correspondence, committee reports, minutes of meetings, and drafts of manuscripts. The collection also includes data collected during Neel's work among the Xavante, Yanomanö and other indigenous populations. In a career that spanned the period from the late work of Thomas Hunt Morgan and Charles B. Davenport to the contemporary world of molecular genetics and nucleic acids, Neel knew, worked with, and corresponded with many of the most influential 20th century practitioners of genetics. The collection begins in earnest in 1943, after Neel had decided to focus on human genetics. Neel's work with Drosophila and none of his Drosophila manuscripts are found in the collection.
Call #:  
115.5 Linear feet

Agent Orange | American Eugenics Society | American Philosophical Society | American Society of Human Genetics | Amerindians | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | Anderson, Norman G. (Norman Gulack), b. 1919 | Anishinaabe | Anthropology | Anthropometry. | Asch, Timothy | Atland, Klaus | Atmospheric radiation. | Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission | Atomic Energy Commission | Atomic bomb | Atomic bomb -- History | Atomic bomb -- Japan -- Hiroshima | Atomic bomb -- Japan -- Nagasaki-shi | Aymara Indians | Ayoreo Indians | Baniwa Indians | Beadle, George Wells | Bearn, Alexander G., 1923-2009 | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data | Biographical and personal data -- Hadorn, | Biographical and personal data -- Stern, Curt | Black, Francis L., 1926-2007 | Borneo | Business | California Institute of Technology | Canamari Indians | Cancer, chemotherapy | Cayapo Indians | Chagnon, Napoleon A., 1938- | Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobyl, Ukraine, 1986 | Chibcha language | Chippewa Indians | Coimbra, Carlos E. A., Jr., (Everaldo Alvares), 1959- | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Conferences and symposia | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Dobzhansky, Theodosius. 70th birthday | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Kimber Award | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- National Academy of Sciences | Consanguinity | Correspondence. | Crick, Francis, 1916-2004 | Crow, James F. | Crow, James F. (James Franklin), 1916-2012 | Cytogenetics | Dausset, Jean, 1916-2009 | Demerec, M., (Milislav), 1895-1966 | Diabetes. | Dice, Lee R., (Lee Raymond), 1887-1977 | Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich, 1900-1975 | Drafts (preliminary versions). | Dronamraju, Krishna R. | Drosophila genetics | Dunn, L. C. (Leslie Clarence), 1893-1974 | Dunn, Leslie Clarence | Editorial matters -- Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases | Educational matters -- Germany | Embryology, developmental genetics | Environmental health. | Eriksson, A. W., (Aldur W.), 1927- | Eugenics | Evolution | Fellowships, assistantships | Gelatin silver prints | Genetics -- Mutation rates | Genetics -- Research | Genetics of plants | Graduate study | Guam | Guaymi Indians | Hare, George Harrison | Hematology | Hemoglobin | Heredity | Hirado-han (Japan) | Hiroshima-shi (Japan) | History of biology, especially genetics | Honors -- Kimber Award | Hook, Ernest B., 1936- | Hopi Indians | Human genetics | Human genetics -- Race | Human population genetics. | Indians of Central America -- Costa Rica | Indians of Central America -- Panama | Indians of South America -- Brazil | Indians of South America -- Venezuela | International Congress of Genetics | International Congress of Genetics -- Tenth Congress | International Congress of Human Genetics -- Third Congress | Invitations | Kaingang Indians | Kevles, David J. | Kimura, Motoo | Kraho Indians | Layrisse, Miguel | Lectures | Lectures, public speaking | Lectures, public speaking -- Rockefeller University | Levi-Strauss, Claude | Li, Ching Chun | Linear energy transfer | Macusi Indians | Malaria | Maps. | Maroons | Marshall Islands | Maruba Indians | Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil : State) | Maybury-Lewis, David | McKusick, Victor A., (Victor Almon), 1921-2008 | Measles. | Medical research | Migliazza, Ernest C. | Miller, Robert W., 1921-2006 | Molecular genetics | Mongoloid race | Morton, Newton E., (Newton Ennis), 1929- | Motulsky, Arno G. , 1923- | Mouse genetics | Muller, H. J. (Hermann Joseph), 1890-1967 | Muller, Hermann Joseph | Mustard gas | National Academy of Sciences | National Institutes of Health | National Research Council | Navajo Indians | Neel, James V. (James Van Gundia), 1915-2000 | Nesse, Randolph M. | Niswander, Jerry D. | Nuclear Weapons - Testing | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Ojibwa | Ojibwe people | Opitz, John M. | Panoan Indians | Photographs | Photomechanical prints | Piaroa Indians | Pima Indians | Plato, Chris C. | Political issues -- Environment | Political issues -- Pollution | Population Control | Population genetics | Preservation of historical materials | Public health -- United States. | Publication | Publication -- American Journal of Human Genetics | Publication -- American Naturalist | Publication -- Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases | Publication -- Genetics | Publication -- Quarterly Review of Biology | Quechua Indians | Radiation Effects Research Foundation. | Radiation genetics | Radiation. | Radioactive waste disposal | Recommendations | Referee's report | Requests for reprints | Research support | Retinoblastoma | Reviews | Rheumatic fever | Russian politics and science | Salzano, Francisco M. | Schull, William J. | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- Institute for the Study of Human Variation | Shull, George Harrison | Sickle Cell Anemia | Sketches. | Skolnick, Michael | Solicitations for support or contribution | Spielman, Richard S. | Stalker, Harrison Dailey | Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics | Stern, Curt | Stern, Curt, 1902-1981 | Sukernik, Rem I. | Sutton, H. Eldon, (Harry Eldon), 1927- | Teaching -- Columbia University | Tecumseh (Mich.) | Thalassemia | Tohono O'odham Indians | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | Trio Indians | Tristan da Cunha | Tucuna Indians | Twins -- Genetics | University of Michigan | University of Rochester | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. -- The Changing Man | Venezuela -- Description and travel. | Vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 | Wallace, Bruce, 1920-2015 | Wapishana Indians | Wayana Indians | Weiss, Kenneth M. | Willier, Benjamin Harrison | Woodruff, Ronny C. | World War I -- Germany | World War II -- Impact on science | Xavante Indians | Xingu River Valley (Brazil) | Yanomamo Indians | Yecuana Indians



Founded by the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences in 1890, the Biological Laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., was little more than a languishing outpost until the arrival of Charles B. Davenport in 1898. Over the course of two decades, the ambitious young biologist used his extraordinary administrative skills to transform the institution into the premier center of eugenical study and, as its director, to position himself as the leading spokesman for eugenical research in North America. The Davenport Papers (ca. 63 lin. feet) is a large and nearly comprehensive body of correspondence, lectures, diaries (1878-1942, mostly brief entries of an uneven character), student notebooks and family correspondence pertaining to Charles Davenport and the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. The collection is divided into two series, the Charles Davenport Papers, which provides valuable documentation of the development of American biology, animal and plant genetics, and eugenics during the period 1898-1942, with some perspective on the international eugenics movement. Series II, the Cold Spring Harbor Records (ca.20 lin. feet), consists largely of administrative correspondence relating to the laboratory, including Davenport's correspondence with Carnegie administrators (esp. Robert Woodward and John Merriam), accounts and reports concerning financial matters, publications, salaries, material relative to the early history of Cold Spring Harbor labs, and records relative to the numerous professional assistants who worked under Davenport. Among the major correspondents are the American Breeders Association, Committee on Eugenics; American Eugenics Society; American Society of Naturalists; Committee on a Study of the American Negro; Galton Society (see also the extensive correspondence with William K. Gregory); Eugenics Education Society (see Mrs. S. Gotto correspondence); International Congresses of Eugenics; International Federation of Eugenic Organizations, Committee on Race Crossing; National Committee on Mental Hygiene; National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor; and the Pan-American Conference on Eugenics and Homiculture. There are correspondence and papers relating to the Station for Experimental Evolution, the Eugenics Record Office, and the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and a substantial series relating to a long-range study of children carried out at Letchworth Village, Thiles, New York. This note is currently under review for revision.
Call #:  
63 Linear feet

Academic freedom | Afro-Americans | American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Eugenics Society | American Museum of Natural History | American Philosophical Society | Anthropology | Appointment books, diaries, notebooks | Baur, Erwin | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Belling, John | Bermuda Biological Station | Bermuda Biological Station for Research | Bibliographical matters | Bibliographical matters -- Abstracts | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data | Biographical and personal data -- Belling, John | Biographical and personal data -- Bridges, Calvin B. | Biographical and personal data -- Clausen, Roy Elwood | Biographical and personal data -- Davenport, Charles Benedict | Biographical and personal data -- Goodspeed, Thomas Harper | Biographical and personal data -- Vries, Hugo de | Biographical and personal data -- Zeleny, Charles | Biological Farm Project | Biologists. | Biology | Biology, genetics, eugenics | Birds | Blacks. | Blakeslee, Albert Francis | Botany and plant genetics | Brooklyn Botanical Garden | Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences | Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences | Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute | Burbank, Luther | Business | Cancer, chemotherapy | Carnegie Institution of Washington | Carnegie Institution of Washington -- Burbank, Luther | Carnegie Institution of Washington. Department of Genetics | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory -- Agol, I. J. | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory -- Levit, Solomon G. | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory -- Offerman, Carlos | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory -- Property | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. | Committee activities | Committee activities -- Executive committee | Committee activities -- Sterilization | Conferences and symposia | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- 75th birthday | Cytogenetics | Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 | Demerec, Milislav | Displaced German scholars | Drosophila genetics | Drosophila genetics -- Mutation rates | Ecology | Editorial matters | Editorial matters -- Genetics | Educational matters | Educational matters -- Dartmouth College | Embryology, developmental genetics | Ethical issues | Eugenics | Eugenics Record Association | Eugenics Record Office | Eugenics Record Office -- Bylaws | Eugenics Record Office -- Fieldworkers | Eugenics Record Office -- History | Eugenics Record Office -- Psychology | Eugenics Record Office -- Reports | Eugenics Record Office -- Summer courses | Eugenics Research Association | Eugenics Research Association | Evolution | Fellowships, assistantships | Genetics | Genetics -- Dogs | Genetics -- Horses | Genetics -- Lymantria | Genetics -- Sciara | Genetics -- Sheep | Genetics of plants | Genetics of plants -- Bursa | Genetics of plants -- Crepis | Genetics of plants -- Datura | Genetics of plants -- Mucor | Genetics of plants -- Oenothera | Genetics, Animal | Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict | Graduate study | Graduate study -- Harvard University | Harriman, Mrs. | Harriman, Mrs. E. H. | Harris, J. A. | Harvard University | History of biology, especially genetics | History of biology, especially genetics -- Darwin, Charles | History of biology, especially genetics -- Mendel, Gregor | Honors | Human Betterment Foundation | Human evolution, physical anthropology | Human evolution, physical anthropology -- Jamaicans | Human genetics | Human genetics -- Epilepsy | Human genetics -- Musical capacity | Human genetics -- Twins | International Congress of Eugenics | International Congress of Eugenics -- Exhibits | International Congress of Eugenics -- First Congress | International Congress of Eugenics -- Second Congress | International Congress of Eugenics -- Third Congress | International Congress of Genetics | International Congress of Genetics -- Fifth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Sixth Congress | International Congress of Zoology | International Congress of Zoology -- Eighth Congress | International Congress of Zoology -- First Congress | International Congress of Zoology -- Second Congress | International Congress of Zoology -- Seventh Congress | Invitations | Jennings, Herbert Spencer | Johns Hopkins University | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Laughlin, Harry Hamilton | Lectures, public speaking | Lectures, public speaking -- Experimental evolution | Letchworth Village | Letchworth Village | Long Island Biological Association | Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole | Merriam, John C. (John Campbell), 1869-1945 | Metz, Charles W. | Mohr, Otto Louis | Morgan, Thomas Hunt | Mount Holyoke College | Mount Hope Farm | Mouse genetics | Nassau County Association. | National Academy of Sciences | National Academy of Sciences -- Committee activities | National Research Council | National Research Council -- Committee activities | Ohio State University | Pellagra | Philosophy of science | Physiology | Political issues | Political issues -- Germany | Political issues -- Immigration | Political issues -- Pollution | Political issues -- Sterilization | Poultry genetics | Psychology | Publication | Publication -- Eugenical News | Publication -- Genetics | Punnett, Reginald Crundall | Rabbit genetics | Race Betterment Foundation | Race crossing | Race, race relations, racism | Radiation genetics | Rafinesque, Constantine | Rat genetics | Recommendations | Recommendations -- Bernstein, Felix | Recommendations -- Blakeslee, Albert Francis | Recommendations -- Burbank, Luther | Recommendations -- Harris, Reginald | Recommendations -- MacDowell, E. Carleton | Recommendations -- Morgan, Thomas Hunt | Recommendations -- Nobel Prize | Recommendations -- Satina, Sophie | Recommendations -- Steggerda, Morris | Recommendations -- Wright, Sewall | Referee's report | Regeneration | Requests for aid in finding positions | Requests for reprints | Research support | Reviews | Reviews -- Books | Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory | Russian politics and science | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- American Breeders' Association | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- International Federation of Eugenics Organizations | Scientific refugees | Shull, George Harrison | Solicitations for support or contribution | Station for Experimental Evolution -- Annual reports | Station for Experimental Evolution -- Beginnings | Station for Experimental Evolution -- Five-year plan (1920) | Station for Experimental Evolution -- History | Station for Experimental Evolution -- Library | Station for Experimental Evolution -- Plans | Station for Experimental Evolution -- Staff | Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics | Steggerda, Morris | Teaching | Teaching -- Dartmouth College | Teaching -- Harvard University | Teaching -- Princeton University | Teaching -- Smith College | Teaching -- University of Minnesota | Tower, William L. | Travel -- Germany | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | University of Chicago | University of Michigan | University of Pittsburgh | University of Texas | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Whitman, Charles Otis | Woodward, Robert | World War I -- Impact on science | World War II -- Impact on science | Zea (maize) genetics | Zoology | Zoology -- Gorillas



One of the seminal figures in the emergence of the Modern or Neo-Darwinian Synthesis during the mid-twentieth century, George Gaylord Simpson (1902-1984) helped define the unique contribution made by vertebrate paleontology to the life sciences. A specialist in Mesozoic and early Cenozoic mammals, Simpson's contributions to the fusion of Darwinian natural selection and Mendelian genetics were both empirical and theoretical, culminating in his major works Tempo and Mode in Evolution and The Meaning of Evolution. From his posts at the American Museum of Natural History (1927-1959), Columbia University (1945-1959), Harvard (1959-1967), and the University of Arizona (1967-1984), Simpson became one of the most influential paleontologists of the century, helped in part by his ability to write successfully for both a technical, professional audience and a popular audience. The Simpson Papers include a comprehensive assemblage of professional and personal correspondence, reflecting nealy all phases of Simpson's career. Written with charm, wit, and a sense of literary style, the correspondence touches on all aspects of modern paleontology, providing an important perspective on the emergence of contemporary evolutionary theory, biogeography, systematic theory and methodology, the relationship of science and religion, and creationism, as well as more general issues in scientific epistemology and social and political issues. The collection also includes autobiographical data and writings, lectures, class notes and papers, research data, material on his scientific expeditions (diaries in carbon form, photos, notes, etc.), publication material (he was author of some 800 publications), extensive photographic material, diplomas, and medals.
Call #:  
74.5 Linear feet

American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Humanist Association | American Museum of Natural History | American Museum of Natural History -- Darwin exhibit | American Philosophical Society | American Society of Mammalogists | American Society of Zoologists | Anthropology | Arambourg, C. (Camille), 1885-1969 | Ayala, Francisco J. | Ayala, Francisco Jose, 1934- | Barbour, Thomas, 1884-1946 | Bebe, William, 1877-1962 | Beck, William Samson, 1923-2003 | Behavior evolution | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Bennett, Wendell Clark, 1905-1953 | Bibliographical matters | Bibliographical matters -- Greenwood, Peter Humphrey | Bibliographical matters -- Jenkins, Farish A. | Bibliographical matters -- Levi, Herbert Walter | Bibliographical matters -- Williams, Ernest Edward | Biogeography. | Biographical and personal data | Biographical and personal data -- Greenwood, Peter Humphrey | Biographical and personal data -- Jenkins, Farish A. | Biographical and personal data -- Levi, Herbert Walter | Biographical and personal data -- Williams, Ernest Edward | Biology -- Classification | Bohr, Niels | Bordas, Alejandro F. | Boucot, A. J. (Arthur James), 1924-2017 | British Museum | Business | Cabrera, Angel, 1879-1960 | Clark, Wilfrid E. Le Gros (Wilfrid Edward Le Gros), 1895-1971 | Cloud, Preston, 1912- | Cockerell, Theodore D. A. (Theodore Dru Alison), 1866-1948 | Colbert, Edwin A. | Colbert, Edwin Harris, 1905- | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Columbia University | Columbia University -- Faculty. | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Conferences and symposia -- Darwin Centennial | Conferences and symposia -- History of Evolutionary Synthesis | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Dobzhansky, Theodosius. 70th birthday | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- National Academy of Sciences | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- National Medal of Science | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Presidential Science Award | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Royal Society (Great Britain) | Coon, Carleton S. | Couturier, Marcel A. J., 1897- | Cracraft, Joel | Creationism. | Crompton, Alfred W., 1927- | Darwin, Charles | De Beer, Gavin, Sir, 1899-1972 | De Camp, L. Sprague (Lyon Spra | Diplomas. | Displaced German scholars | Dobzhansky, Theodosius | Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich, 1900-1975 | Drosophila genetics | Dunbar, Carl O. (Carl Owen), 1891-1979 | Dunn, Leslie Clarence | Edinger, Tilly, 1897- | Editorial matters | Educational matters | Educational matters -- Biology textbooks | Educational matters -- Netherlands | Elias, Maxim K. (Maxim Konrado | Epling, Carl, 1894- | Evolution | Evolution (Biology) | Evolution -- Horses | Evolution -- Plants | Evolution -- Religious aspects | Evolution -- Reptiles | Evolution -- Teeth | Evolutionary synthesis. | Extinction (Biology) | Fellowships, assistantships | Field Museum of Natural History | Field notes. | Ford, E. B. (Edmund Briscoe), | Freeman, Derek | Gazin, Charles Lewis, 1904- | Genetics | Genetics -- Horses | Genetics Society of America -- Golden Jubilee | Genetics of plants | Geological Society of America. | Gidley, James W. | Gingerich, Philip D. | Gould, Stephen Jay | Gould, Stephen Jay, 1941-2002 | Graduate study | Graduate study -- Yale University | Grant, Verne | Gregory, Joseph Tracy, 1914- | Gregory, William K. (William K | Hall, E. Raymond (Eugene Raymo | Harvard University | Harvard University -- Museum of Comparative Zoology | Harvard University--Faculty | Heberer, Gerhardt, 1901-1973 | Hibbard, Claude William, 1905- | History of biology, especially genetics | Hoffstetter, Robert | Honors | Honors -- Darwin medal | Honors -- Elliot Medal | Hooijer, Dirk Albert | Hooijer, Dirk Albert | Hopwood, Arthur Tindell, 1897- | Horses -- Evolution | Human evolution, physical anthropology | Human genetics | Human genetics -- Race | Huxley, Julian, 1887-1975 | International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature | International Congress of Zoology -- Seventeenth Congress | International Congress of Zoology -- Thirteenth Congress | Invitations | Jenkins, Farish A., 1940- | Jepsen, Glenn Lowell, 1904- | Kellogg, Remington, 1893- | Kermack, K. A. (Kenneth A.) | Kuhn-Schnyder, Emil | Kurtén, BjC6rn | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Laporte, Léo F. | Lattimore, Owen, 1900- | Lavocat, René | Leakey, L. S. B. (Louis Seymour Bazett), 1903-1972 | Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett | Lectures, public speaking | Lectures, public speaking -- Dobzhansky memorial | Lerner, Isadore Michael | Lewontin, Richard C., 1929- | Lillegraven, Jason A., 1938- | Lull, Richard Swann, 1867-1957 | Lyell, Charles, Sir | Mammals -- Evolution | Mammals, Fossil | Marshall, Larry G. | Matthew, William Diller, 1871- | Mayr, Ernst | Mayr, Ernst, 1904-2005 | McGrew, Paul Orman, 1909- | McKenna, Malcolm C. | Medals | Molecular genetics | Montagu, Ashley, 1905-1999 | Morgan, Arthur Ernest, 1878-19 | Muller, H. J. (Hermann Joseph), 1890-1967 | Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales, Argentina | Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Buenos Aires | Museo de la Plata, Argentina | National Academy of Sciences | National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) | National Research Council | National Research Council -- Committee activities | National Science Foundation | Natural selection | Nelson, Gareth J. | Newell, Norman Dennis, 1909-2005 | Olsen, Stanley John, 1919- | Olson, Everett Claire, 1910- | Osborn, Henry Fairfield | Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857- | Ostrom, John H. | Oxford University | Paleontology | Paleontology -- Africa | Paleontology -- Argentina -- Patagonia | Paleontology -- Nomenclature | Paleontology -- Venezuela | Paleoscatology | Pascual, Rosendo | Pascual, Rosendo | Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) -- Description and travel | Patterson, Bryan | Patterson, Bryan, 1909- | Phelps, William Henry | Philosophy of science -- Language of science | Photographs | Photographs | Photonegatives | Physiology | Poetry and literature | Political issues | Political issues -- Animal welfare | Political issues -- Argentina | Political issues -- England | Political issues -- Environment | Population genetics | Population, demography | Provine, William B. | Publication | Publication -- American Journal of Science | Publication -- American Mesozoic Mammalia | Publication -- American Naturalist | Publication -- American Scientist | Publication -- Animal Species and their Evolution | Publication -- Attending Marvels | Publication -- Evolution | Publication -- George Gaylord Simpson Biography | Publication -- Life - An Introduction to Biology | Publication -- Meaning of Evolution | Publication -- Principles of Classification | Publication -- Quantitative Zoology | Publication -- Quarterly Review of Biology | Publication -- Science | Recommendations | Recommendations -- Gregory, Joseph T. | Recommendations -- Kurten, Bjorn | Recommendations -- Simpson, George Gaylord | Recommendations -- Williams, Ernest Edward | Referee's report | Reig, Osvaldo | Religion and science -- 20th century | Rensch, Bernhard | Requests for aid in finding positions | Requests for reprints | Research support | Reviews | Reynolds, Thomas Emmett, 1892- | Riggs, Elmer Samuel, 1869- | Roe, Anne, 1904- | Romer, Alfred Sherwood, 1894-1973 | Russell, Loris Shano, 1904- | Russian politics and science | Sagan, Carl | Scaglia, Galileo J. | Schaeffer, Bobb | Schuchert, Charles, 1858-1942 | Scientific expeditions | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- Zoological Society of London | Scott, William Berryman, 1858-1947 | Simons, Elwyn L. | Simpson, George Gaylord, 1902-1984 | Slides. | Society for the Study of Evolution | Society for the Study of Evolution | Society for the Study of Evolution -- Committee activities | Society of Systematic Zoology (U.S.) | Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. | Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics | Stebbins, G. Ledyard | Stebbins, G. Ledyard (George Ledyard), 1906-2000 | Stirtin, Ruben Arthur, 1901-19 | Stirton, Ruben Arthur | Teaching | Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre | Tieje, Arthur Jerrold, 1889- | Travel -- Algeria | Travel -- Antarctica | Travel -- Argentina | Travel -- England | Travel -- France | Travel -- India | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | Travel -- North Africa | Travel -- South America | U.S. Geological Survey | University of Arizona--Faculty | University of California, Berkeley | University of Chicago | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Van Valen, Leigh | Venezuela -- Description and travel | Westoll, T. Stanley | Wilson, Edward Osborne, 1929- | Wood, Albert Elmer, 1910- | Wood, Horace | Wood, Horace | Woodward, Arthur Smith, 1864-1 | World War II -- England | World War II -- Impact on science | World War, 1939-1945 | Yale University -- Peabody Museum of Natural History | Zoology | Zoology -- Africa | Zoology -- Animal behavior | Zoology -- Classification | Zoology -- Insects | Zoology -- Nomenclature | Zoology -- Snakes | ongratulations, greetings, thanks -- Osborn, Henry Fairfield. 70th birthday



The Papers of Curt Stern include extensive correspondence, lectures (1920s-1970s, 1.5 boxes), autobiographical material, articles, zoological course notes, photographs, etc. Stern's various areas of scientific interest are documented in the collection: the chromosome theory of heredity, role of gene mutation and chromosome rearrangements in evolution, action and interaction of genes during individual development, and particularly his contribution to the development of human genetics as a discipline (centered on his popular and influential book, Principles of Human Genetics, 1949, 1960, 1973). Both his career in Germany and the United States is documented in his correspondence. After studying with T. H. Morgan at Columbia University on a Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship (1924-1926), Stern returned to Richard Goldschmidt's lab at the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute (1926-1932). There is material of note in the collection concerning this period when Stern helped to establish the cytological basis of crossing over. After a short stay at the California Institute of Technology in 1932, Stern's temporary residence in the U. S. became permanent, and his later career at the University of Rochester, 1933-1947 (Chairman, Department of Zoology) and at the University of California, Berkeley, 1947-1970 (there is abundant material on the Department of Zoology) is covered in the collection. There is other material on: American Association for the Advancement of Science Inter-Society Committee on Science Foundation Legislation, 1946-1947; American Society of Human Genetics (Pres., 1957); Atomic Energy Commission (Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine, 1950-1955); Genetics (journal); Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Advisory Committee for Biology, 1955-1968); and the Rockefeller Foundation. Stern's correspondence with friends and colleagues in Germany, England, and the U. S., during the 1920s-1930s, is of particular note as it documents not only the developments in genetics and the institutional and administrative networks supporting research, but it also offers general comments and observations on science, Germany, and politics. The photographs (2 boxes) include pictures of many prominent geneticists and scientists.
Call #:  
21 Linear feet

Academic freedom | Agol, I. J. | Ahuja, Yog Raj | Alava, Aloha Margaret Hannah | Alava, Aloha Margaret Hannah, b. 1913 | American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science. Inter-Society Committee for a National Science Foundation | American Institute of Biological Sciences | American Philosophical Society | American Philosophical Society -- Curt Stern Papers | American Philosophical Society -- Nomination, election | American Society of Human Genetics | American Society of Human Genetics | Amherst College | Anderson, Ernest Gustav | Anthropology | Anthropology -- Cultural anthropology | Arizona State University | Art | Astaurov, B. L. (Boris L'vovich), 1904-1974 | Astaurov, Boris L. -- Death | Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission | Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission -- Japan | Atomic Energy Commission | Atomic Energy Commission -- Reports | Bacterial genetics | Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Baker, Gladys E. | Baltzer, Fritz | Bauer, Hans | Baur, Erwin | Beadle, George Wells | Beadle, George Wells, 1903-1989 | Becker, Hans Joachim | Becker, Hans-Joachim | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Behavioral genetics, IQ -- Chromosome abnormality and personality | Behavioral genetics, IQ -- Human | Behavioral genetics, IQ -- Mammals | Behavioral genetics, IQ -- Personality | Belar, Karl | Belar, Karl | Belar, Karl -- Death | Bernstein, Felix | Bernstein, Marianne | Bibliographical matters | Bibliographical matters -- Genetics | Bibliographical matters -- Nominees | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data | Biographical and personal data -- Anderson, Ernest Gustav | Biographical and personal data -- Belar, Karl | Biographical and personal data -- Boveri, Theodor | Biographical and personal data -- Bridges, Calvin B. | Biographical and personal data -- Calkins, Gary Nathan | Biographical and personal data -- Charles, Donald Randolph | Biographical and personal data -- Dunn, Leslie Clarence | Biographical and personal data -- Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict | Biographical and personal data -- Hecht, Selig | Biographical and personal data -- Heilbrunn, Lewis Victor | Biographical and personal data -- Huettner, Alfred F. | Biographical and personal data -- Humor | Biographical and personal data -- Just, Gunther | Biographical and personal data -- Morgan, Thomas Hunt | Biographical and personal data -- Muller, Hermann Joseph | Biographical and personal data -- Neel, James V. | Biographical and personal data -- Pincus, Gregory | Biographical and personal data -- Portraits of geneticists | Biographical and personal data -- Schrader, Franz | Biographical and personal data -- Schultz, Jack | Biographical and personal data -- Sherwood, Eva | Biographical and personal data -- Stern, Curt | Biographical and personal data -- Sturtevant, Alfred Henry | Biographical and personal data -- Taylor-Ephrussi, Harriet | Biographical and personal data -- Timofeeff-Ressovsky, Nikolai W. | Biographical and personal data -- Weinberg, Wilhelm | Biographical and personal data -- Wilson, Edmund Beecher | Biographical and personal data -- Wright, Sewall | Biology, genetics, eugenics | Boche, Robert D. | Bodenstein, Dietrich | Boveri, Theodor | Boyd, Lyle Gifford | Brasted, Adair | Brehme, Catherine | Bridges, Calvin B. | Bridges, Calvin B. (Calvin Blackman), 1889-1938 | Brigham Young University | Business | Business -- Genetics | Butenandt, Adolph Friedrich Johann | Cairns, John | California Institute of Technology | California State Department of Education | Cancer, chemotherapy | Carlson, Elof Axel | Carothers, Estrella Eleanor | Caspari, Ernst W., 1909-1988 | Caspari, Ernst Wilhelm | Castle, William Ernest | Centerwall, Willard R. | Charles, Donald Randolph | Chovnick, Arthur | Chromosomes | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Columbia University | Columbia University -- Fly room | Columbia University -- Pollister, Arthur W. | Columbia University -- Schrader, Franz | Committee activities | Committee activities -- Advisory Committee for Biology | Committee activities -- Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine | Committee activities -- Common Problems of Genetics and Paleontology | Committee activities -- Minutes | Committee activities -- Radiation effects | Committee activities -- Reports | Conferences and symposia | Conferences and symposia -- Cold Spring Harbor Symposium | Conferences and symposia -- Mendel Symposium, Brno | Conferences and symposia -- Princeton Conference | Congratulations, greetings, thanks | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- 75th birthday | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Allen Award | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Genetic Mosaics | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict. 70th birthday | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict. 80th birthday | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Kimber Award | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Komai, Taku. 84th birthday | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Kuhn, Alfred. 80th birthday | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- National Medal of Science | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Nobel Prize | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Origin of Genetics | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Stern, Curt. 70th birthday | Congresses and symposia -- Japan | Constantinescu, G. K. | Cooper, Kenneth W. | Cooper, Kenneth Willard | Correns, Carl | Crossing over (Genetics) | Cytogenetics | Dalton, Howard Clark | Danforth, Charles Haskell | Darlington, Cyril Dean | Dartmouth College | Delbruck, Max | Delbrück, Max, 1906-1981 | Demerec, M. (Milislav), 1895-1966 | Displaced German scholars | Displaced German scholars -- Braun, Joachim Werner | Displaced German scholars -- Caspari, Ernst Wilhelm | Displaced German scholars -- Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict | Displaced German scholars -- Gruneberg, Hans | Displaced German scholars -- Holtfreter, Johannes | Displaced German scholars -- Jollos, Victor | Dobzhansky, Theodosius | Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich, 1900-1975 | Dohrn, Anton | Driesch, Hans | Dronamraju, Krishna R. | Drosophila -- Genetics | Drosophila Information Service | Drosophila genetics | Drosophila genetics -- Crossing over | Drosophila genetics -- Nomenclature | Drosophila genetics -- Research data | Drosophila genetics -- Suppressor-v | DuBridge, Lee Alvin | Dunn, L. C. (Leslie Clarence), 1893-1974 | Dunn, Leslie Clarence | Ecology | Editorial matters | Editorial matters -- Advances in Genetics | Editorial matters -- Drosophila Information Service | Editorial matters -- Genetics | Editorial matters -- Journal of American Zoology | Editorial matters -- Scientific Monthly | Educational matters | Einstein, Albert | Embryology, developmental genetics | Ephrussi, Boris | Ethical issues | Eugenics | Eugenics -- Nazi eugenics | Evolution | Exchange of scholars | Fahmy, Myrtle J. | Fahmy, O. G. | Fano, Ugo | Federation of American Scientists -- Scientists' Committee on Loyalty Problems | Fellowships, assistantships | Fellowships, assistantships -- California Institute of Technology | Fellowships, assistantships -- Ephrussi, Boris | Fellowships, assistantships -- Germany | Fellowships, assistantships -- Guggenheim | Fellowships, assistantships -- John Innes Horticultural Institution | Fellowships, assistantships -- Kodani, Masuo | Fellowships, assistantships -- Mukherjee, Ardendu S. | Fellowships, assistantships -- Perkins, David | Fellowships, assistantships -- Shull, Elizabeth | Fellowships, assistantships -- Steinberg, Arthur G. | Fellowships, assistantships -- Stern, Curt | Fellowships, assistantships -- University of Rochester | Finney, David J. | Fisher, Ronald Aylmer | Frisch, Karl von | Gaffron, Hans, 1902- | Garrod, Archibald Edward, Sir | Genetics | Genetics -- Acetabularia | Genetics -- Animals | Genetics -- Antigen transformation | Genetics -- Cattle | Genetics -- Cell culture | Genetics -- Czechoslovakia | Genetics -- Ephestia | Genetics -- Guinea pigs | Genetics -- Habrobracon | Genetics -- Heritability | Genetics -- History | Genetics -- Ladybeetles | Genetics -- Lethality | Genetics -- Lymantria | Genetics -- Mammals | Genetics -- Mutation rates | Genetics -- Nomenclature | Genetics -- Path coefficient method | Genetics -- Solenobia | Genetics -- Triploids | Genetics Society (Great Britain) -- London | Genetics Society of America | Genetics Society of America -- Committee on Aid to Geneticists Abroad | Genetics Society of America -- Golden Jubilee | Genetics of plants | Genetics of plants -- Antirrhinum | Genetics of plants -- Delphinium | Germany -- Politics and government, 1918-1945 | Gloor, Hans | Goddard, David Rockwell | Goethe | Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict | Goldschmidt, Richard, 1878-1958 | Goodale, Hubert Dana | Gottschewski, Georg H. M. | Graduate study | Graduate study -- Bernstein, Marianne Wiener | Grobman, Arnold B. | Gruneberg, Hans | Hadorn, Ernst | Hadorn, Ernst | Haldane, Helen Spurway | Haldane, J. B. S. (John Burdon Sanderson), 1892-1964 | Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson | Hammerling, Joachim | Hanson, Frank Blair | Hartmann, Max | Hartmann, Max, 1876-1962 | Harvard University -- Prather Lecturer | Heitz, Emil | History of biology, especially genetics | History of biology, especially genetics -- Mendel, Gregor | History of biology, especially genetics -- Morgan, Thomas Hunt | Hogben, Lancelot | Hollaender, Alexander | Holtfreter, Johannes | Honors | Honors -- Belling Prize | Honors -- Career Development Award | Honors -- Kimber Award | Honors -- Lawrence Award | Honors -- Mendel Medal | Honors -- National Academy of Sciences | Honors -- Royal Society (Great Britain) | Honors -- University of Rochester | Hoover, Margaret | House, Verl L. | Hughes-Schrader, Sally | Human evolution, physical anthropology | Human evolution, physical anthropology -- Race | Human genetics | Human genetics -- Africa | Human genetics -- Blood groups | Human genetics -- Color blindness | Human genetics -- Dermatological genetics | Human genetics -- Diabetes | Human genetics -- Down's Syndrome | Human genetics -- Hairy ears | Human genetics -- Ichthyosis | Human genetics -- India | Human genetics -- Medical genetics | Human genetics -- Nomenclature | Human genetics -- Race | Human genetics -- Twins | Human genetics -- Y-chromosome | Huskins, C. Leonard | Huxley, Julian | Ibsen | Indiana University | International Congress of Genetics | International Congress of Genetics -- Fifth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Seventh Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Sixth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Thirteenth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Twelfth Congress | International Congress of Human Genetics | International Congress of Human Genetics -- Second Congress | International Congress of Human Genetics -- Third Congress | International Union of Biological Societies | Invitations | Invitations -- Columbia University | Invitations -- Lankenau Hospital Research Institute | Invitations -- Marine Experimental Station | Invitations -- Stern, Curt | Invitations -- Switzerland | Invitations -- University of California, Berkeley | Invitations -- University of Munchen | Iowa State University | Japan | John Innes Horticultural Institution | Johns Hopkins University | Jollos, Victor | Jones, Donald F. | Jones, Hardin B. | Judd, Burke H. | Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes | Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes -- Biology | Kaudewitz, Fritz | Kiefer, Barry I. | Kimball, Richard Fuller | Kodani, Masue | Kodani, Masuo | Koller, Peo Charles | Komai, Taku | Kuhn, Alfred | Laboratory techniques, equipment | LeFever, H. Michael | Lectures, public speaking | Lectures, public speaking -- Eulogy | Lectures, public speaking -- Israel | Lectures, public speaking -- Japan | Lectures, public speaking -- Medawar, Peter Brian | Lectures, public speaking -- Radio broadcasts | Lectures, public speaking -- Sigma Xi | Lectures, public speaking -- Stern, Curt | Lectures, public speaking -- Wells College | Legislative bills -- National Science Foundation Act | Lent, Fritz | Lerner, Isadore Michael | Levine, Paul | Levit, Solomon G. | Lewis, Edward B. | Lewis, Edward B., 1918-2004 | Li, Ching Chun | Libby, William J. | MacKnight, Robert H. | Maize -- Genetics | Mampell, Klaus | Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole | Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole -- Gene Conferences | Mathematics | Max-Planck Institutes | Mayr, Ernst, 1904-2005 | McClintock, Barbara | McClintock, Barbara, 1902-1992 | McClung, Clarence Erwin | McGill University | Memorabilia | Mendel, Gregor | Miller, Dwight D. | Mites | Mohr, Otto Louis | Mohr, Otto Louis, 1886- | Molecular genetics | Monod, Jacques | Morgan, Thomas Hunt | Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 1866-1945 | Morton, Newton | Mossige, Jeanne Coyne | Mouse genetics | Muller, H. J. (Hermann Joseph), 1890-1967 | Muller, Hermann Joseph | Munch, E. | Munchen | Nachtsheim, Hans | National Academy of Sciences | National Academy of Sciences -- Committee activities | National Academy of Sciences -- Committee on the Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation - Genetics Panel | National Academy of Sciences -- Kimber Award | National Council on Radiation Protection | National Institutes of Health | National Research Council | National Research Council. Committee on Common Problems in Genetics an | National Science Foundation | National Science Foundation -- Committee activities | Navashin, Sergei Gavrilovich | Nebel, Bernard R. | Neel, James V. | Neel, James V. (James Van Gundia), 1915-2000 | Nemec, Bohumil | Novitski, Edward | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Advisory Committee for Biology | Offerman, Carlos | Olby, Robert Cecil | Ottensooser, Fritz | Painter, Theophilus Shickel | Penrose, Lionel Sharples | Philip, Ursula | Philosophy of science | Photographs | Photomicrographs | Physiology | Plant genetics. | Plough, Harold Henry | Political issues | Political issues -- Anti-Semitism | Political issues -- Atomic weapons | Political issues -- Finland | Political issues -- France | Political issues -- Germany | Political issues -- Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes | Political issues -- Loyalty oaths | Political issues -- Poland | Political issues -- Shockley, William | Political issues -- U.S.S.R. | Political issues -- University of California, Berkeley | Political issues -- West Germany | Political refugees -- Germany | Pollister, Arthur W. | Population genetics | Population genetics -- Hardy-Weinberg law | Population genetics -- Tsubaki, Koji | Porter, Keith R. | Poultry genetics | Princeton University | Protozoan genetics | Protozoan genetics -- Rhizopoda | Publication | Publication -- A Child's World | Publication -- American Journal of Human Genetics | Publication -- Analysis of Development | Publication -- Biologie | Publication -- Biology of Drosophila | Publication -- Bodenstein, Dietrich | Publication -- Genetics | Publication -- Genetics and the Origin of Species | Publication -- Multiple Allelie | Publication -- Neel, James V. | Publication -- New York Times | Publication -- Population genetics | Publication -- Principles of Human Genetics | Publication -- Quarterly Review of Biology | Publication -- Saturday Evening Post | Publication -- Science | Publication -- Scientific Monthly | Publication -- The Origin of Genetics | Rabbit genetics | Race, race relations, racism | Radiation genetics | Radiobiology | Radiophosphorus | Recommendations | Recommendations -- Asinovsky, Joseph | Recommendations -- Becker, Hans Joachim | Recommendations -- Bishop, Sherman C. | Recommendations -- Blum, Harold | Recommendations -- Bodenstein, Dietrich | Recommendations -- Brasted, Adair | Recommendations -- Burdette, Walter | Recommendations -- Caspari, Ernst Wilhelm | Recommendations -- Cooper, Kenneth Willard | Recommendations -- Crow, James F. | Recommendations -- Denell, Robert | Recommendations -- Garcia y Bellido, Antonio | Recommendations -- Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict | Recommendations -- Hadorn, Ernst | Recommendations -- Heitz, Emil | Recommendations -- Hovanitz, William | Recommendations -- Kaliss, Nathan | Recommendations -- Kaplan | Recommendations -- Kuhn, David T. | Recommendations -- Lewontin, Richard Charles | Recommendations -- Maas, Werner | Recommendations -- Mazia, Daniel | Recommendations -- Neel, James V. | Recommendations -- Pollister, Arthur W. | Recommendations -- Poulson, Donald F. | Recommendations -- Roman, Herschel L. | Recommendations -- Rudnick | Recommendations -- Seidel |