Founded in 1931, the Genetics Society of America works to facilitate communication among scientists with an interest in research and education in genetics and cognate fields.
The GSA Records provide information on the history of the Genetics Society of America from the time of its founding in 1931. Included is correspondence between various officers, members, and outside individuals and organizations, files on standing and ad hoc committees, Records concerning accounts and finances, membership data, files relating to annual meetings, local meetings, and international meetings, and information on special commissions or ad hoc groups of the Society. Among the more noteworthy files are those for the Committee on Genetics, Race, and Intelligence, 1974-1975. This note is currently under review for revision.
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24.5 Linear feet
View Subjects
American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Institute of Biological Sciences | American Institute of Biological Sciences | American Philosophical Society | American Society of Zoologists | Atomic Energy Commission | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Biology | Biology, genetics, eugenics | Botanical Society of America | Botany and plant genetics | Committee activities | Conferences and symposia | Displaced German scholars | Dunn, L. C. (Leslie Clarence), 1893-1974 | Dunn, Leslie Clarence | Genetics | Genetics -- Societies, etc. | Genetics Society of America | Genetics Society of America -- Committee activities | Genetics Society of America -- Committee on Aid to Geneticists Abroad | Genetics Society of America -- Golden Jubilee | Genetics Society of America. Committee on Genetics, Race, and Intelligence | Glass, Bentley, 1906-2005 | History of biology, especially genetics | Human genetics | Human genetics -- Race | International Congress of Genetics | International Congress of Genetics -- Eighth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Eleven Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Ninth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Seventh Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Tenth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Thirteenth Congress | International Congress of Genetics -- Twelfth Congress | Jensen, Arthur Robert | Jensen, Arthur Robert | National Academy of Sciences | National Institutes of Health | National Research Council | National Science Foundation | Preservation of historical materials | Publication | Race | Race, race relations, racism | Russian politics and science | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Scientific refugees | Shockley, William | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | World War II -- Impact on science