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Manuscript Collection
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Manuscript Collection
Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc.
Biographical and personal data
Conferences and symposia
Human genetics
Population genetics
Scientific organizations, meetings, programs
Drosophila genetics
Lectures, public speaking
World War II -- Impact on science
Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich, 1900-1975
Editorial matters
Fellowships, assistantships
Gelatin silver prints
Graduate study
Political issues
Radiation genetics
Research support
Behavioral genetics, IQ
Educational matters
Genetics of plants
History of biology, especially genetics
Molecular genetics
Publication -- Genetics
Travel -- Invitations, arrangements
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Laboratory techniques, equipment
Russian politics and science
Congratulations, greetings, thanks
Dobzhansky, Theodosius
Genetics Society of America
Muller, H. J. (Hermann Joseph), 1890-1967
Referee's report
Requests for reprints
Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics
World War, 1939-1945
American Institute of Biological Sciences
Bibliographical matters
Biochemistry and organic chemistry
Committee activities
Human evolution, physical anthropology
Human genetics -- Race
Mouse genetics
National Research Council
National Science Foundation
Photomechanical prints
Solicitations for support or contribution
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Philosophical Society
Atomic Energy Commission
Bacterial genetics
California Institute of Technology
Cancer, chemotherapy
Columbia University
Drosophila -- Genetics
Embryology, developmental genetics
Evolution (Biology)
Field notes.
International Congress of Genetics
Mayr, Ernst, 1904-2005
Muller, Hermann Joseph
National Academy of Sciences
Ojibwe people
Requests for aid in finding positions
Russian politics and science -- Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich
Society for the Study of Evolution
Tlingit Indians
World War, 1914-1918
American Eugenics Society
Atomic bomb
Boas, Franz, 1858-1942
Demerec, M. (Milislav), 1895-1966
Displaced German scholars
Dunn, Leslie Clarence
Genetics -- Mutation rates
Haida Indians
International Congress of Genetics -- Tenth Congress
Lewontin, Richard Charles
Li, Ching Chun
Medical research
National Institutes of Health
Nootka Indians
Ojibwa Indians
Plains Indians
Poetry and literature
Population, demography
Publication -- American Naturalist
Publication -- Evolution
Seneca Indians -- Religion
Sound recordings
Southwest Indians
Stern, Curt, 1902-1981
University of Rochester
Wright, Sewall
American Society of Human Genetics
Athapascan languages
Bacteriophage and viral genetics
Beadle, George Wells
Biology, genetics, eugenics
Bridges, Calvin B. (Calvin Blackman), 1889-1938
Bronk, Detlev W. (Detlev Wulf), 1897-1975
Caspari, Ernst W., 1909-1988
Cayuga Indians
Chehalis language
Cherokee language
Comox Indians
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Dobzhansky, Theodosius. 70th birthday
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- National Academy of Sciences
Cree language
Crow, James F.
Dakota language
Darwin, Charles
Drosophila Information Service
Drosophila genetics -- Nomenclature
Dunn, L. C. (Leslie Clarence), 1893-1974
Editorial matters -- Genetics
Fisher, Ronald Aylmer
Genetics -- Cattle
Genetics -- Research
Goldschmidt, Richard, 1878-1958
Haldane, J. B. S. (John Burdon Sanderson), 1892-1964
Halkomelem language
Heiltsuk Indians
Hopi Indians
Hupa language
Indians of North America -- Arizona
Indians of North America -- British Columbia
Indians of North America -- New York (State)
Indians of North America -- Oklahoma
Indians of North America -- Photographs
International Congress of Human Genetics
Iroquois Indians
Kickapoo language
Kimura, Motoo
Kwakiutl Indians
Kwakiutl language
Laboratory notes
Lerner, Isadore Michael
Lewontin, Richard C., 1929-
Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978
Mendel, Gregor
Natural selection
Navajo Indians
Navajo language
Neel, James V.
Nitinat language
Nootka language
Northwest Coast Indians
Ojibwa language
Oowekeeno Indians
Osborn, Frederick, 1889-1981
Political issues -- Environment
Pomo language
Princeton University
Publication -- Quarterly Review of Biology
Quileute language
Rabbit genetics
Race, race relations, racism
Rockefeller Foundation
Salishan languages
Sarsi language
Scientific refugees
Smithsonian Institution
Social conditions, social advocacy, social reform
Sonneborn, T. M. (Tracy Morton), 1905-1981
Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950
Stanford University
Timofeeff-Ressovsky, Nikolai W.
Tlingit language
Tohono O'odham Indians
Travel -- India
Travel -- Japan
Travel -- Mexico
Tuscarora Indians
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
University of Hawaii
University of Texas
Vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975
Washington University (Saint Louis, Mo.)
World War I
Yana language
Abenaki language
Abolition, emancipation, freedom
Academic freedom
Achumawi language
Akwesasne Counselor Organization
Albumen prints
Aleut language
Algonquian Indians -- Social life and customs
Algonquian languages
American Cancer Society
American Physical Society
Americans Abroad
Anthropology, ethnography, fieldwork
Arapaho language
Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
Atomic bomb -- Japan -- Nagasaki-shi
Ayala, Francisco J.
Ayala, Francisco Jose, 1934-
Aymara language
Bateson, Beatrice
Bayne-Jones, Stanhope, 1888-1970
Behavior genetics.
Beyond Early America
Biographical and personal data -- Bridges, Calvin B.
Biographical and personal data -- Muller, Hermann Joseph
Biographical and personal data -- Stern, Curt
Biographical and personal data -- Timofeeff-Ressovsky, Nikolai W.
Blackfoot language
Blakeslee, Albert Francis, 1874-1954
Bridges, Calvin B.
Business and Skilled Trades
Cahuilla language
Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839
Carson, Hampton L.
Carson, Hampton L. (Hampton Lawrence), 1914-2004
Carte de visite photographs
Castle, William E. (William Ernest), 1867-1962
Cattell, James McKeen, 1860-1944
Central Yupik language
Chehalis Indians
Cherokee Indians
Cherokee Indians -- Education
Cherokee Indians -- Games
Cherokee Indians -- Government relations
Cherokee Indians -- History
Cherokee Indians -- Land tenure
Cherokee Indians -- Medicine
Cherokee Indians -- Music
Cherokee Indians -- Religion
Cherokee Indians -- Social life and customs
Chevak Cup'ik language
Cheyenne language
Chickasaw Indians
Chickasaw language
Chippewa Indians
Choctaw Indians
Choctaw language
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Comanche Indians
Committee activities -- Reports
Compton, Arthur Holly, 1892-1962
Condon, Edward Uhler, 1902-1974
Conferences and symposia -- Darwin Centennial
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Kimber Award
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- National Medal of Science
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Royal Society (Great Britain)
Corner, George Washington, 1889-1981
Cree Indians
Creek Indians
Creek Indians -- Oklahoma -- Religion
Creek language
Crow Indians
Culture, community, organizations
Dakota Indians
Dalton, Howard Clark
Dane-zaa language
Darlington, Cyril Dean
Delaware Indians
Delaware language
Dempster, Everett R. (Everett Ross)
Ditidaht Indians
Dronamraju, Krishna R.
Dubos, René J. (René Jules), 1
Eiseley, Loren C., 1907-1977
Ethical issues
Ethnographic texts
Family Correspondence
Fellowships, assistantships -- California Institute of Technology
Fellowships, assistantships -- University of Rochester
Fenton, William N. (William Nelson), 1908-2005
Fisher, Ronald Aylmer, Sir, 1890-1962
Flexner, Simon, 1863-1946
Ford, E. B. (Edmund Briscoe),
Fox Indians
Gaffron, Hans, 1902-
Gasser, Herbert Spencer, 1888-
General Correspondence
Genetics -- Ephestia
Genetics -- Horses
Genetics -- Nomenclature
Genetics Society of America -- Committee on Aid to Geneticists Abroad
Genetics Society of America -- Golden Jubilee
Genetics of plants -- Delphinium
Geology -- Pennsylvania
Glass, Bentley, 1906-2005
Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict
Hadorn, Ernst
Haida language
Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson
Harvard University
Hidatsa language
Highland Chontal language
History of biology, especially genetics -- Mendel, Gregor
Hollaender, Alexander
Hollaender, Alexander, 1898-1986
Honors -- Kimber Award
Hopi language
Human evolution
Human genetics -- Blood groups
Human genetics -- Twins
Huxley, Julian
Huxley, Julian, 1887-1975
Indiana University
Indians of Mexico
Indians of North America -- Alaska
Indians of North America -- Canada
Indians of North America -- Dance
Indians of North America -- Government relations
Indians of North America -- Great Lakes (North America)
Indians of North America -- Languages
Indians of North America -- Missions
Indians of North America -- New Mexico
Indians of North America -- Northwest Coast
International Congress of Genetics -- Seventh Congress
International Congress of Genetics -- Sixth Congress
International Congress of Genetics -- Thirteenth Congress
International Congress of Genetics -- Twelfth Congress
International Congress of Human Genetics -- Third Congress
International Travel
Inuit -- Greenland
Inuktitut language
Iroquois Indians -- History
Iroquois Indians -- Religion
Iroquois Indians -- Rites and ceremonies
Iroquois Indians -- Social life and customs
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826
Jennings, Francis P.
Jewish scientists
Kalapuya language
Kalispel language
Karok language
Karuk language
Kinzua Dam (Pa.)
Koasati Indians
Koasati language
Kootenai language
Kuhn, Alfred
Kumeyaay language
Kutenai language
Laguna dialect
Lakota language
Lantern slides
Lecture notes
Lectures, public speaking -- Radio broadcasts
Levit, Solomon G.
Lillooet language
Literature, Arts, and Culture
Maize -- Genetics
Makah Indians
Mandan Indians
Mandan language
Manuscripts (for publication).
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole
Marriage and Family Life
Maya Indians
Mayan languages
Mayr, Ernst
McClintock, Barbara
McClintock, Barbara, 1902-1992
Medical sciences
Menominee language
Michif language
Micmac language
Mikasuki language
Miwok language
Mobilian trade language
Moe, Henry Allen, 1894-1975
Mohawk Indians
Mohawk Indians -- Social life and customs
Munsee language
Nahuatl language
National Academy of Sciences -- Committee on the Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation - Genetics Panel
National Research Council -- Committee activities
Neel, James V. (James Van Gundia), 1915-2000
New York University
Nez Percé language
Niska Indians
Nooksack Indians
Northern Paiute language
Ntlakyapamuk Indians
Ntlakyapamuk language
Nuu-chah-nulth language
Nuxalk Indians
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ojibwa Indians -- Canada
Ojibwa Indians -- Social life and customs
Ojibwa dance
Oneida Indians
Oneida language
Onondaga Indians
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1904-1967
Oral histories
Osborn, Henry Fairfield
Oxford University
Paiute language
Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews, 1875-1941
Pawnee language
Penobscot language
Personality and culture
Philosophy of science -- Language of science
Pima Indians
Plant genetics
Political issues -- England
Political issues -- Loyalty oaths
Political refugees -- Germany
Potawatomi language
Poultry genetics
Powell, Jeffrey R.
Protozoan genetics
Provine, William B.
Publication -- American Journal of Human Genetics
Publication -- Principles of Human Genetics
Publication -- Science
Pueblo Indians
Puyallup Indians
Quakers -- Pennsylvania
Quechua Indians
Quileute Indians
Rat genetics
Recommendations -- Spencer, Warren P.
Reed, Sheldon C. (Sheldon Clark), 1910-2003
Referee's report -- American Naturalist
Roe, Anne, 1904-
Rorschach test
Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory
Rous, Peyton, 1879-1970
Salish Indians
Sarsi Indians
Segrè, Emilio Gino, 1905-1989
Seminole Indians
Seminole Indians -- History
Seminole Indians -- Politics and government
Seminole language
Seneca Indians -- History
Seneca Indians -- New York (State)
Seneca Indians -- Social life and customs
Seneca masks
Shasta language
Shawnee language
Shull, George Harrison
Simpson, George Gaylord
Siouan languages
Smallpox -- United States -- History
Society of Friends
Spanish language
Spencer, Warren P.
Stalker, Harrison D. (Harrison Dailey), 1915-1982
Stalker, Harrison Dailey
Stebbins, G. Ledyard (George Ledyard), 1906-2000
Stern, Curt
Stone, Wilson Stuart
Stó:lō Indians
Sturtevant, A. H. (Alfred Henry), 1891-1970
Sturtevant, Alfred Henry
Sturtevant, William C.
Sub-Arctic Indians
Taos language
Teaching -- Harvard University
Tolowa language
Travel -- Australia
Travel -- Brazil
Travel -- Canada
Travel -- England
Travel -- France
Travel -- Israel
Travel -- U.S.S.R.
Travel -- Yugoslavia
Travel Narratives and Journals
Tsimshian Indians
Tsimshian language
Tsuut'ina language
Tunica language
Tuscarora Indians -- Social life and customs
Twins -- Genetics
United States. Navy
University of California, Berkeley
University of Michigan
University of Rochester--Faculty
University of Wisconsin
Uto-Aztecan languages
Virtanen, A. I. (Artturi Ilmari), 1895-1973
Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015
Wallace, Bruce
Wallace, Bruce, 1920-2015
Wappo language
Weaver, Warren
Western Apache language
Winnebago language
Wintu language
World War I -- Impact on science
Yuchi language
Yurok language
Zapotec language
Zea (maize) genetics
Zoology -- Animal behavior
Zoology -- Classification
Zuni Indians
Zuni language
Aaniiih (language)
Abbot, Griffith Evans, 1850-1927
Abeille, Louis-Paul, 1719-1807
Abenaki Indians
Abenaki language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.
Abler, Thomas S. (Thomas Struthers), 1941-2019
Académie des Sciences (France)
Acjachemen Nation
Acoma dialect
Acoma language
Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848
Adaptation (Biology)
Addis, Thomas, 1881-1949
Adler, Judith
Advances in Genetics
Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, Inc.
Aeronautics and Astronautics
African Americans
African Americans -- Florida
African Americans -- Folklore
African Americans -- West Virginia
Agent Orange
Agol, I. J.
Agriculture -- History
Ahuja, M. R., Mulkh Raj, 1933-
Ahuja, Yog Raj
Air and Space Magazine
Akademiia Nauk SSSR (Academy of Sciences of the USSR)
Akimel O'odham language
Aksakov, Aleksandr, 1832-1903
Alabama Indians
Alabama Indians -- History
Alabama language
Alaska -- History
Alava, Aloha Margaret Hannah
Alava, Aloha Margaret Hannah, b. 1913
Aleuts -- History
Alexanian, Diran, 1881-1954
Algonquian Indians
Algonquian Indians -- Canada
Algonquian Indians -- Religion and mythology
Algonquian Indians -- United States
Algonquin language
Alien abduction
Allegany Reservation (N.Y.)
Allegheny Forest Experiment Station
Allen, Woody, 1935-
American Anthropological Association
American Association for the Advancement of Science. Committee of One Hundred on Scientific Research
American Association for the Advancement of Science. Inter-Society Committee for a National Science Foundation
American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom
American Council of Learned Societies. Committee on Native American Languages
American Humanist Association
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
American Jersey Cattle Club
American Medical Association
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History -- Darwin exhibit
American Philosophical Society -- Curt Stern Papers
American Philosophical Society -- Nomination, election
American Society of Mammalogists
American Society of Naturalists
American Society of Naturalists -- Committee activities
American Society of Naturalists -- Honorary membership
American Society of Naturalists -- Nominating committee
American Society of Zoologists
American ginseng
Amherst College
Amnesty International
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Anders, Fritz Wilhelm, b. 1919
Anderson, Ernest Gustav
Anderson, Norman G. (Norman Gulack), b. 1919
Andrewes, C. H. (Christopher Howard), 1896-1988
Animal magnetism.
Animal psychology.
Anschütz, Ludwig, b. 1889
Anthracite coal industry -- United States -- Pennsylvania
Anthropoiden Station auf Teneriffa
Anthropological linguistics -- America.
Anthropologists -- United States.
Anthropology -- Cultural anthropology
Anthropology -- History
Anthropology -- Methodology
Anthropology -- Research
Anthropology -- Research -- United States
Anthropology -- Study and teaching.
Anthropology -- United States -- History.
Anthropology -- United States.
Antoniani, Claudio, 1899-1968
Ants -- Folklore
Apache Indians
Apache Indians -- Music
Apalachee language
Apollo 12 (Spacecraft)
Apollo 8 (Spacecraft)
Arambourg, C. (Camille), 1885-1969
Arapaho Indians -- Music
Arapaho Indians -- Wyoming
Arapaho dance
Arapaho language -- Verbs
Archaeology -- Georgia
Archaeology -- Greenland
Archaeology -- Mexico -- Photographs
Archaeology -- Pennsylvania
Arctic hysteria
Arikara Indians
Arizona State University
Arndt, Charles Homer
Aron, Hans, b. 1881
Asch, Timothy
Assiniboine Indians
Assiniboine Indians -- Folklore
Assiniboine Indians -- History
Assiniboine Indians -- Religion
Assiniboine Indians -- Social life and customs
Assiniboine dialect
Association pour l'Investigation Historique des Phenomenes Insolites
Astaurov, B. L. (Boris L'vovich), 1904-1974
Astaurov, Boris L.
Astaurov, Boris L. -- Death
Astronomy -- Early works to 1800
Astronomy -- France
Astronomy -- Great Britain -- 18th century
Atakapa language
Atayal language
Athapascan Indians
Atikamekw language
Atland, Klaus
Atmospheric radiation.
Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission -- Japan
Atomic Energy Commission -- Reports
Atomic bomb -- History
Atomic bomb -- Japan -- Hiroshima
Atsugewi language
Auhagen, Ernst
Aymara Indians
Ayoreo Indians
Azikiwe, Nnamdi, 1904-1996
Azores -- Description and travel
Babcock, E. B. (Ernest Brown), 1877-1954
Babies -- Care
Bacterial genetics -- Nomenclature
Baffin Island (N.W.T.)
Bailey, Charles
Bainbridge, Kenneth T. (Kenneth Tompkins), 1904-1996
Baird, Henry Carey, 1825-1912
Baker, Gladys E.
Ballistic missiles
Baltzer, Fritz
Banach, Stefan, 1892-1945
Banff Conference on Theoretical Psychology
Banister, John, Jr.
Baniwa Indians
Baptists -- North Carolina -- History
Baptists -- Oklahoma
Barbeau, Marius, 1883-1969
Barbour, Thomas, 1884-1946
Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812
Bartholomew, Robert E., 1958-
Bartol Research Foundation
Barton, Henry Askew, 1898-1983
Bartram, John, 1699-1777
Basket making
Bateson, William, 1861-1926
Baudisch, Oskar, 1881-1950
Bauer, Hans
Bauer, L. A. (Louis Agricola), 1865-1932
Bauer, Raymond
Baur, Erwin
Beadle, George Wells, 1903-1989
Beams, Jesse W. (Jesse Wakefield), 1898-1977
Beard, Joseph W. (Joseph Willis), 1901-1983
Bearn, Alexander G., 1923-2009
Bears -- Folklore
Bears -- Mythology
Bebe, William, 1877-1962
Beck, William Samson, 1923-2003
Becker, Hans Joachim
Becker, Hans-Joachim
Behavior evolution
Behavioral genetics, IQ -- Chromosome abnormality and personality
Behavioral genetics, IQ -- Human
Behavioral genetics, IQ -- Mammals
Behavioral genetics, IQ -- Personality
Behavioral genetics, IQ -- Twins
Belar, Karl
Belar, Karl -- Death
Bell, Donald C.
Bella Coola Indians
Bella Coola language
Belling, John, 1866-1933
Benin -- History
Bennett, Wendell Clark, 1905-1953
Beothuk language
Berenblum, I. (Isaac), 1903-2000
Bergakademie Freiberg
Berkeley (Calif.)
Bernstein, Felix
Bernstein, Marianne
Berry, George Packer, 1898-1986
Bertrand, J. (Joseph), 1822-1900
Besant, Annie, 1847-1933
Bibliographical matters -- Castle, William Ernest
Bibliographical matters -- Genetics
Bibliographical matters -- Greenwood, Peter Humphrey
Bibliographical matters -- Jenkins, Farish A.
Bibliographical matters -- Levi, Herbert Walter
Bibliographical matters -- Nominees
Bibliographical matters -- Twins
Bibliographical matters -- Williams, Ernest Edward
Biloxi language
Bingham, William, 1752-1804
Biographical and personal data -- Anderson, Ernest Gustav
Biographical and personal data -- Bateson family
Biographical and personal data -- Bateson, William N.
Biographical and personal data -- Belar, Karl
Biographical and personal data -- Belling, John
Biographical and personal data -- Blakeslee, Albert Francis
Biographical and personal data -- Boveri, Theodor
Biographical and personal data -- Calkins, Gary Nathan
Biographical and personal data -- Castle, William Ernest
Biographical and personal data -- Charles, Donald Randolph
Biographical and personal data -- Demerec, Milislav
Biographical and personal data -- Demerec, Rada
Biographical and personal data -- Dunn, Leslie Clarence
Biographical and personal data -- Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict
Biographical and personal data -- Greenwood, Peter Humphrey
Biographical and personal data -- Hadorn,
Biographical and personal data -- Hecht, Selig
Biographical and personal data -- Heilbrunn, Lewis Victor
Biographical and personal data -- Huettner, Alfred F.
Biographical and personal data -- Humor
Biographical and personal data -- Jenkins, Farish A.
Biographical and personal data -- Just, Gunther
Biographical and personal data -- Levi, Herbert Walter
Biographical and personal data -- Mayr, Ernst
Biographical and personal data -- Morgan, Thomas Hunt
Biographical and personal data -- Neel, James V.
Biographical and personal data -- Pincus, Gregory
Biographical and personal data -- Portraits of geneticists
Biographical and personal data -- Schrader, Franz
Biographical and personal data -- Schultz, Jack
Biographical and personal data -- Sherwood, Eva
Biographical and personal data -- Sturtevant, Alfred Henry
Biographical and personal data -- Sutton, Eileen
Biographical and personal data -- Taylor-Ephrussi, Harriet
Biographical and personal data -- Weinberg, Wilhelm
Biographical and personal data -- Williams, Ernest Edward
Biographical and personal data -- Wilson, Edmund Beecher
Biographical and personal data -- Wright, Sewall
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study
Biology -- Classification
Biology -- Research
Birds -- Folklore
Biston betularia
Black, Francis L., 1926-2007
Blackfoot Indians
Blacksnake, Governor, circa 1753-1859
Blankenhorn, Marion A. (Marion Arthur), 1885-1957
Bloch-Frankenthal, Leah
Blood -- Research
Blood banks
Boas, Ernst P. (Ernst Philip), 1891-1955
Boas, Marie Anna Ernestina Krackowizer, 1861-1929
Boche, Robert D.
Bodenstein, Dietrich
Bohr, Niels
Bohr, Niels, 1885-1962
Boitsova, Lusya
Bordas, Alejandro F.
Botanical gardens -- Pennsylvania
Botany -- History
Botany and plant genetics
Boucot, A. J. (Arthur James), 1924-2017
Boveri, Theodor
Boyd, Lyle Gifford
Bradbury, Norris, 1909-1997
Brasted, Adair
Braun, J. Werner (Joachim Werner), 1914-1972
Breck, Samuel, 1771-1862
Brehme, Catherine
Briggs, Lyman J. (Lyman James), 1874-1963
Brigham Young University
Brighton Reservation (Fla.)
Brissot de Warville, J.-P. (Jacques-Pierre), 1754-1793
British Americans -- Pennsylvania -- Schuylkill County
British Museum
Broomall, John Martin, 1816-18
Brower, Lincoln P.
Brown, Keith S.
Brown, Newell Kay, 1932-
Bunzel, Ruth Leah, 1898-1990
Burden, Douglas
Burmese language
Business -- Genetics
Business -- Grant proposals
Business -- Newsletters
Business -- Reports
Business Records and Accounts
Butenandt, Adolf
Butenandt, Adolph Friedrich Johann
Buzzati-Traverso, Adriano A.
C. W. Post College
Cabrera, Angel, 1879-1960
Caddo Indians
Caddo Indians -- Religion
Caddo language
Cahuilla Indians
Cain, Arthur J. (Arthur James), 1921-1999
Cain, Arthur James
Cairns, John
Calhoun, John B.
California -- Description and travel
California State Department of Education
Cambridge University
Canada. Canadian Army
Canamari Indians
Cancer -- Research
Cancer, chemotherapy -- Chemical mutagens
Cannon, Walter B. (Walter Bradford), 1871-1945
Capra, Frank, 1897-1991
Card catalogs.
Carey family
Carl Neuberg Society for International Scientific Relations
Carlson, Elof Axel
Carnegie Corporation
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Carothers, Estrella Eleanor
Carpenter, Edmund, 1922-2011
Carrier language
Carter, Harold Augustine, 1916
Cartozian, Tatos
Casagrande, Joseph B. (Joseph Bartholomew), 1915-1982
Casals, Pablo, 1876-1973
Caspari, Ernst Wilhelm
Castle, William Ernest
Catawba language
Catholic Church -- History
Cats -- Folklore
Cattell, Jacques, 1904-1960
Cattle -- Breeding.
Cauqui language
Cayapo Indians
Cayuga Indians -- Politics
Cayuga Indians -- Rites and ceremonies
Cayuga language
Cemeteries -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (Stanford, CA)
Center for UFO Studies
Centerwall, Willard R.
Century Association (New York, N.Y.)
Chafe, Wallace L.
Chagnon, Napoleon A., 1938-
Challman, Robert C. (Robert Chester)
Champlin, Arthur Kingsley
Charities -- United States.
Charles, Donald Randolph
Charnay, Désiré, 1828-1915
Charterhouse School, Godalming, England
Chastellux, François Jean, Marquis de, 1734-1788
Chatard, Patricia M.
Chatino language
Chatterjee, S. D.
Chemical industry -- United States.
Chemical mutagenesis.
Chernobyl Nuclear Accident, Chornobyl, Ukraine, 1986
Cherokee (N.C.)
Cherokee Indians -- Economic conditions
Cherokee Indians -- Fishing
Cherokee Indians -- Folklore
Cherokee Indians -- Funeral customs and rites
Cherokee Indians -- Marriage customs and rites
Cherokee Indians -- Material culture
Cherokee Indians -- Military service
Cherokee Indians -- Photographs
Cherokee Indians -- Politics and government
Cherokee Indians -- Rites and ceremonies
Cherokee Indians -- Violence against -- Tennessee
Cherokee children
Cherokee dance
Cherokee language -- Alphabet
Cherokee language -- Phonology
Cherokee language -- Syntax
Cheslatta Carrier Nation Cheslatta T'En
Chesney, Alan M. (Alan Mason), 1888-1964
Chester County (Pa.) -- History
Chetverikov, Sergei S.
Cheyenne Indians
Cheyenne Indians -- Folklore
Cheyenne Indians -- History
Cheyenne Indians -- Photographs
Cheyenne Indians -- Religion
Cheyenne Indians -- Social life and customs
Cheyenne dance
Chiapas (Mexico)
Chiapas (Mexico) -- History
Chiapas (Mexico) History Tzeltal Revolt, 1712
Chibcha language
Chichen Itza Site (Mexico) -- Photographs
Chicomuceltec language
Chief Peter
Chilcotin language
Child care
Children -- Death
Chimakum language
Chimariko language
Chinard, Francis P., 1918-
Chinese language
Chinookan languages
Chipewyan language
Chippewa Indians -- History
Chippewa Indians -- Photographs
Chiricahua language
Chitimacha language
Chittibhol, Bancha (Thai stude
Chiwere language
Choctaw Indians -- History
Choctaw Indians -- Mississippi
Choctaw Indians -- Photographs
Choctaw Indians -- Politics and government
Choctaw Indians -- Social life and customs
Chontal Indians
Chontal Indians -- Folklore
Chontal language
Chontal language -- Texts
Chovnick, Arthur
Christianity -- Africa
Chukchi -- History
City planning.
Civil defense -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
Civilian Committee on Selective Service
Clamer, G. H.
Clark, Wilfrid E. Le Gros (Wilfrid Edward Le Gros), 1895-1971
Clarke, Cyril A. (Cyril Astley)
Clarke, Cyril Astley
Clarke, Frieda
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852
Clevenger, S. J.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Clothing and dress -- Middle East
Cloud, Preston, 1912-
Coal -- Geology -- Pennsylvania
Coal mine accidents -- Pennsylvania -- History
Coal mines and mining -- Germany
Coal mines and mining -- Great Britain
Coal trade -- Pennsylvania -- History
Coast Salish Indians
Cobbett, William, 1763-1835
Cochiti dialect
Cockerell, Theodore D. A. (Theodore Dru Alison), 1866-1948
Cocopa language
Coeur d'Alene language
Cognition and culture
Cohn, Alfred E. (Alfred Einstein), 1879-1957
Coimbra, Carlos E. A., Jr., (Everaldo Alvares), 1959-
Colbert, Edwin A.
Colbert, Edwin Harris, 1905-
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory -- Board of Directors
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory -- Department of Genetics
Cole, Rufus Ivory, 1872-1966
Collatz, Herbert, 1902-
Colorado River Numic language
Columbia University -- Faculty.
Columbia University -- Fly room
Columbia University -- Pollister, Arthur W.
Columbia University -- Schrader, Franz
Columbia University.
Columbia-Wenatchi language
Colville Indian Reservation (Wash.)
Colville Indians
Colville Lake (N.W.T.)
Colville dialect
Comalcalco Site (Mexico) -- Photographs
Comanche dance
Comanche language
Combustion, Spontaneous human
Comecrudo language
Committee activities -- Advisory Committee for Biology
Committee activities -- Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine
Committee activities -- Common Problems of Genetics and Paleontology
Committee activities -- Massachusetts
Committee activities -- Minutes
Committee activities -- Pennsylvania
Committee activities -- Radiation effects
Committee activities -- Utah
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
Commonplace Book
Communists -- United States
Comox language
Compton, K. T. (Karl Taylor), 1887-1954
Conchology -- Great Britain
Condon Report
Conference on Population (1st: 1968: Princeton, N.J.)
Conferences and symposia -- Bacterial genetics
Conferences and symposia -- Bacteriophage and viral genetics
Conferences and symposia -- Cold Spring Harbor Symposium
Conferences and symposia -- History of Evolutionary Synthesis
Conferences and symposia -- Mendel Symposium, Brno
Conferences and symposia -- Princeton Conference
Congdon, Charles E. (Charles Edwin)
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- 75th birthday
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Allen Award
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Darwin medal
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Genetic Mosaics
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict. 70th birthday
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict. 80th birthday
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Komai, Taku. 84th birthday
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Kuhn, Alfred. 80th birthday
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Muller, Hermann Joseph. 70th birthday
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Nobel Prize
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Origin of Genetics
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Presidential Science Award
Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- Stern, Curt. 70th birthday
Congresses and symposia -- Japan
Conrad, Herbert Spencer, 1904-
Constantinescu, G. K.
Contact sheets
Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907
Coon, Carleton S.
Cooper, Kenneth W.
Cooper, Kenneth Willard
Cope, E. D. (Edward Drinker), 1840-1897
Coquille Indians
Cora language
Corn -- Folklore
Cornplanter, 1732-1836
Cornplanter, Jesse J.
Cornwall -- Description and travel
Correns, Carl
Cosmic rays.
Cotta, Berhnard von, 1808-1879
Cotter, William Bryan, Jr.
Cotterman, Charles William, 1914-1989
Couch, Jonathan, 1789-1870
Counterinsurgency -- Thailand
Couturier, Marcel A. J., 1897-
Cowichan Indians
Cowlitz Indians
Cowlitz language
Coxe, John Redman, 1773-1864
Coyote -- Folklore
Cracraft, Joel
Cranefield, Paul F. (Paul Fred
Creation -- Mythology
Cree Indians -- History
Creek Indians -- Education
Creek Indians -- Government relations
Creek Indians -- History
Creek Indians -- Politics and government
Crick, Francis H. C.
Crick, Francis, 1916-2004
Crompton, Alfred W., 1927-
Cronkite, Walter, 1916 -
Crop circles
Cross-cultural studies
Crossing over (Genetics)
Crow language
Crow, James F. (James Franklin), 1916-2012
Crutcher, Katherine G.
Cup'ig dialect
Curaçao -- Social life and customs
Cutler, Richard B.
Dahlberg, Gunnar, 1893-1956
Dakota Indians -- History
Dakota Indians -- Music
Dakota Indians -- Photographs
Dance -- Anthropological aspects -- United States
Dance -- Societies, etc.
Danforth, Charles Haskell
Danforth, William E.
Darlington, C. D. (Cyril Dean), 1903-1981
Darnell, Regna
Darrow, Karl K. (Karl Kelchner), 1891-1982
Dartmouth College
Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882
Dausset, Jean, 1916-2009
Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944
Day, Gordon M.
De Beer, Gavin, Sir, 1899-1972
De Camp, L. Sprague (Lyon Spra
De Laguna, Frederica, 1906-2004
DeMaeyer, E. M.
Dean, Henry R.
Deardorff, Merle H., d.1971
Deepesh, N. D.
Deg Hit'an Indians
Deg Xitan language
Del Norte County (Calif.)
Delaware County (Pa.) -- History
Delaware Indians -- History
Delaware Indians -- Music
Delaware Indians -- New York (State) -- History
Delaware Indians -- Pennsylvania -- History
Delaware Indians -- Religion
Delaware dance
Delbruck, Max
Delbrück, Max, 1906-1981
Deloria, Ella Cara, 1889-1971
Deloria, Vine, 1901-1990
Demerec, M., (Milislav), 1895-1966
Denver UFO Society
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
Depressions -- 1929
Desor, E. (Edouard), 1811-1882
Deuticke, Hans
Developmental biology -- Great Britain
Developmental genetics
Dice, Lee R., (Lee Raymond), 1887-1977
Diegueño language
Digital images
Directed energy weapons
Disasters -- Psychological aspects
Disasters -- Social aspects
Discovering science
Displaced German scholars -- Braun, Joachim Werner
Displaced German scholars -- Caspari, Ernst Wilhelm
Displaced German scholars -- Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict
Displaced German scholars -- Gruneberg, Hans
Displaced German scholars -- Holtfreter, Johannes
Displaced German scholars -- Jollos, Victor
Ditidaht language
Dogrib Indians
Dogs -- Folklore
Dohrn, Anton
Dolman, Claude E. (Claude Ernest), 1906-1994
Domestic relations -- Pennsylvania -- 19th century
Drafts (preliminary versions).
Driesch, Hans
Drosophila genetics -- Crossing over
Drosophila genetics -- Mexico
Drosophila genetics -- Research data
Drosophila genetics -- Sketches
Drosophila genetics -- Suppressor-v
Du Pont de Nemours family
Du Pont family
DuBridge, Lee Alvin
Dubinin, Nikolai Petrovich
Dunbar, Carl O. (Carl Owen), 1891-1979
Durham, Florence
Durig, Arnold, 1872-
Duryee, William R.
Eagle, Johnson
Eakins, Thomas, 1844-1916
Early National Politics
Eastern Airlines
Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Edinger, Tilly, 1897-
Editorial matters -- Advances in Genetics
Editorial matters -- Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases
Editorial matters -- Drosophila Information Service
Editorial matters -- Evolution
Editorial matters -- Journal of American Zoology
Editorial matters -- Journal of Heredity
Editorial matters -- Quarterly Review of Biology
Editorial matters -- Scientific Monthly
Education -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
Education -- United States
Educational Material
Educational matters -- Biology textbooks
Educational matters -- Germany
Educational matters -- Netherlands
Educational matters -- Research programs
Educational matters -- Training grants
Efron, David
Egelhaaf, Albrecht, 1922-
Eggan, Fred, 1906-1991
Egypt -- Antiquities.
Egyptian language -- Writing, Hieroglyphic
Ehrenhaft, Felix, 1879-
Ehrman, Lee
Eicher, Eva M. (Eva Mae)
Einhorn, Arthur
Einstein, Albert
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955
Eisenberg, Maurice
Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler, 1876-1965
Eisner, Thomas, 1929-
Electromagnetic theory
Electron microscopy
Electron optics
Elias, Maxim K. (Maxim Konrado
Embryology, developmental genetics -- Lectures, public speaking
Embryology, developmental genetics -- Twins
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882
Emerson, Rollins Adams
Emerson, Rollins Adams, 1873-1947
Environmental health.
Ephrussi, Boris
Ephrussi, Boris, 1901-1979
Epling, Carl, 1894-
Erikson, Henry A. (Henry Anton
Eriksson, A. W., (Aldur W.), 1927-
Erlenmeyer-Kimling, L.
Eskimos -- Baffin Island (N.W.T.)
Eskimos -- Greenland -- Social life and customs
Esterle, Alain
Ethnicity -- Pennsylvania -- History
Ethnographic photography
Ethnology -- Africa
Ethnology -- North America
Ethnology -- Russia
Ethnology -- United States
Ettawageshik, Fred, 1896-1969
Eugenics -- Foundation for Germinal Choice
Eugenics -- Nazi eugenics
Eugenics -- Societies, etc.
Eugenics -- United States
Euler, Hans von, 1873-1964
Everett, C. J. (Cornelius Jose
Evolution -- Horses
Evolution -- Humor
Evolution -- Plants
Evolution -- Religious aspects
Evolution -- Reptiles
Evolution -- Teeth
Evolutionary synthesis.
Excavations (Archaeology) -- Georgia -- Baldwin County
Exchange of scholars
Extinction (Biology)
Eyak language
Face painting
Fahmy, Myrtle J.
Fahmy, O. G.
Fairs -- North Carolina
Fano, Ugo
Fate magazine
Federal aid to research -- United States
Federation of American Scientists -- Scientists' Committee on Loyalty Problems
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Federer, Charles Anthony, 1909
Feigl, Fritz, 1891-
Fellowships, assistantships -- Buck, John B.
Fellowships, assistantships -- Delbruck, Max
Fellowships, assistantships -- Ephrussi, Boris
Fellowships, assistantships -- Germany
Fellowships, assistantships -- Guggenheim
Fellowships, assistantships -- Gustafsson, Ake
Fellowships, assistantships -- Hoecker, Frank E.
Fellowships, assistantships -- John Innes Horticultural Institution
Fellowships, assistantships -- Kodani, Masuo
Fellowships, assistantships -- Mukherjee, Ardendu S.
Fellowships, assistantships -- Perkins, David
Fellowships, assistantships -- Shull, Elizabeth
Fellowships, assistantships -- Slizynski, B. M.
Fellowships, assistantships -- Steinberg, Arthur G.
Fellowships, assistantships -- Stern, Curt
Fellowships, assistantships -- University of Michigan
Fellowships, assistantships -- Westergaard, Morgens
Fermi, Enrico, 1901-1954
Feynman, Richard P. (Richard Phillips), 1918-1988
Fiddle tunes
Field Museum of Natural History
Fijians -- Social life and customs
Finney, David J.
Finns -- United States
Fire -- Folklore
Firshein, W. (William), 1930-
Fisheries -- Great Britain
Fishes -- Great Britain
Fishing nets
Fitter Family Contests
Fleuriais, Georges-Ernest, 1840-1895
Flint, Austin
Focus magazine
Fodor, Andor, 1884-
Folk music -- Puerto Rico
Folklore -- Africa
Folklore -- British Columbia
Folklore -- Florida
Folklore -- Uganda
Foras, Eloi Amédée Jacques Fra
Ford, Edmund Brisco
Fort Good Hope (N.W.T.)
Fortune, Reo, 1903-1979
Foster, Michael K.
Foundation for Germinal Choice.
Founder effect
Fox language
Fox, George, 1759-1828
Fox, Samuel, 1794-1874
France -- Description and travel
Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790
Franklinia alatamaha
Frazer, John
Frazer, John A.
Freeman, Derek
Friend, Robert J.
Frisch, Karl von
Frisch, Otto Robert, 1904-1979
Fromageot, Claude, 1899-
Fry, Daniel W.
Fund for UFO Research, Inc.
Funeral rites and ceremonies -- Egypt
Fur trade
Fur trade -- United States.
Furness, Horace Howard, 1833-1912
Futuyma, Douglas J.
GEPAN (Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Study Group)-French Space Agency
Gall, Joseph
Gallone, Selene
Galton, Francis
Gambling -- Songs and music
Gamow, George, 1904-1968
Garrod, Archibald Edward, Sir
Gazin, Charles Lewis, 1904-
Gemini Project (U.S.)
Genetics -- Acetabularia
Genetics -- Animals
Genetics -- Antigen transformation
Genetics -- Birds
Genetics -- Butterflies, moths
Genetics -- Cats
Genetics -- Cell culture
Genetics -- Czechoslovakia
Genetics -- Great Britain
Genetics -- Guinea pigs
Genetics -- Habrobracon
Genetics -- Heritability
Genetics -- History
Genetics -- Ladybeetles
Genetics -- Lethality
Genetics -- Lymantria
Genetics -- Mammals
Genetics -- Mutable genes
Genetics -- Neurospora
Genetics -- Path coefficient method
Genetics -- Penicillium
Genetics -- Pigs
Genetics -- Polymorphism
Genetics -- Research -- United States
Genetics -- Research.
Genetics -- Snails
Genetics -- Societies, etc.
Genetics -- Solenobia
Genetics -- Somatic hybrids
Genetics -- Soviet Union
Genetics -- Triploids
Genetics -- Variegation
Genetics -- Wasps
Genetics -- Yeast
Genetics Society (Great Britain) -- London
Genetics Society of America -- Committee activities
Genetics Society of America -- President
Genetics Society of America.
Genetics of plants -- Antirrhinum
Genetics of plants -- Barley
Genetics of plants -- Crepis
Geography -- Study and teaching
Geological Society of America.
Geological Survey of Canada.
Geological Survey of Pennsylvania
Geology -- Germany
Geology -- Great Britain
Geology -- Maps
Geology -- Nova Scotia -- Surveys
Germans -- Pennsylvania
Germany -- Description and travel
Germany -- History -- 1945-1955
Germany -- Politics and government, 1918-1945
Ghost dance
Ghost stories
Ghosts -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
Gibbs, J. Willard (Josiah Willard), 1839-1903
Gibbs, Wolcott, 1822-1908
Gidley, James W.
Gielow, Donald L.
Gilding, Henry P.
Gill, William B.
Gingerich, Philip D.
Gitksan Indians
Gitksan language
Glass negatives
Gloor, Hans
Goddard, David Rockwell
Godel, Kurt
Golden Hill Paugussett Indian Nation
Goldwater, Barry
Goodale, Hubert Dana
Goodenough, Ward Hunt
Gore (Okla.)
Gottlieb, Frederick Jay, 1935-
Gottschewski, Georg H. M.
Gouaches -- Color
Gould, Stephen Jay
Gould, Stephen Jay, 1941-2002
Gowen, Franklin B. (Franklin B
Gowen, John Whittemore, 1893-1
Graduate study -- Bernstein, Marianne Wiener
Graduate study -- Great Britain
Graduate study -- Kessler, Seymour
Graduate study -- University of Rochester
Graduate study -- Yale University
Graham, Lee M.
Grant applications
Grant, Verne
Gray, Joseph Alexander, 1884-1966
Great Britain -- Colonies
Great Britain -- Colonies -- Administration.
Great Britain -- Colonies -- America
Great Falls Manufacturing Company
Green, Melvin M.
Greenland -- Description and travel.
Greenland -- Languages
Gregg, Alan, 1890-1957
Gregory, Joseph Tracy, 1914-
Gregory, Paul Wallace, 1898-
Gregory, William K. (William K
Gressitt, J. Linsley
Grobman, Arnold B.
Gros Ventre Indians
Group portraits
Gruneberg, Hans
Guaymi Indians
Gwenhoot Indians
Gwich'in Indians
Gwich'in Indians -- History
Gwich'in language
Gye, Will E.
Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996
Hahn, Otto, 1879-1968
Haida Indians -- Biography
Haida Indians -- Music
Haines, Richard F.
Hair Samples -- Horses
Haisla Indians
Haisla language
Haiti -- Description and travel
Haldane, Helen Spurway
Hale, Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody), 1820-1900
Hall & Sellers
Hall, E. Raymond (Eugene Raymo
Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974
Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804
Hammerling, Joachim
Han language
Handbook of North American Indians
Handsome Lake Religion
Handsome Lake, 1735-1815
Hanson, Frank Blair
Hanson, H. O.
Harder, James A.
Hare Indians
Hare, George Harrison
Harjo, Alice
Harlan, Richard, 1796-1843
Harriman, W. Averell (William
Harrington, John Peabody
Harris, Kathleen
Hartmann, Max
Hartmann, Max, 1876-1962
Harvard University -- Museum of Comparative Zoology
Harvard University -- Prather Lecturer
Harvard University--Faculty
Harvard University. Bussey Institution
Harvard University. Museum of Comparative Zoology
Havasupai Indians -- Music
Havasupai–Hualapai language
Hawaiian language
Hawaiians -- Dance
Healy, George Peter Alexander, 1813-1894
Heberer, Gerhardt, 1901-1973
Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823
Heftel, Cecil
Heiltsuk Indians -- History
Heiltsuk language
Heitz, Emil
Henry, Charles
Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878
Hershey, A. D. (Alfred Day)
Hesburgh, Theodore Martin, 191
Hess, Victor Francis, 1883-
Hevesy, Georg von, 1885-1966
Hiaki language
Hibbard, Claude William, 1905-
Hidatsa Indians
Hidatsa Indians -- History
Hilger, M. Inez (Mary Inez), 1891-1977
Hill Abduction Case, 1961
Hill, James
Hirado-han (Japan)
Hiroshima-shi (Japan)
History of biology, especially genetics -- Morgan, Thomas Hunt
Hitchiti language
Hoebel, E. Adamson (Edward Ada
Hoffstetter, Robert
Hofmann, Eduard, 1897-
Hogben, Lancelot
Hoijer, Harry, 1904-1976
Hollywood Indian Reservation (Fla.)
Holtfreter, Johannes
Holyoke, Edward Augustus, 1728
Honors -- American Philosophical Society
Honors -- Belling Prize
Honors -- Career Development Award
Honors -- Darwin medal
Honors -- Elliot Medal
Honors -- Lawrence Award
Honors -- Mendel Medal
Honors -- National Academy of Sciences
Honors -- Royal Society (Great Britain)
Honors -- University of Rochester
Honors -- Walden prize
Hooijer, Dirk Albert
Hook, Ernest B., 1936-
Hoopa (Calif.)
Hoover, Margaret
Hopi Indians -- Domestic life
Hopi Indians -- Ethnoanatomy
Hopi Indians -- Folklore
Hopi Indians -- Food
Hopi Indians -- History
Hopi Indians -- Material culture
Hopi Indians -- Music
Hopi Indians -- Religion
Hopi Indians -- Rites and ceremonies
Hopi Indians -- Social life and customs
Hopi dance
Hopi pottery
Hopkins, Bud
Hopwood, Arthur Tindell, 1897-
Horses -- Breeding
Horses -- Evolution
Horses -- Genetics
House, Verl L.
Howe, Linda
Hsu, Francis K.
Hualapai language
Hualapai language -- Study and teaching
Huave language
Hudspeth, Emmett L
Huggins, Charles Brenton, 1901-1997
Hughes-Schrader, Sally
Huichol language
Human Betterment Foundation
Human Genetics Society of America
Human evolution, physical anthropology -- Race
Human genetics -- Africa
Human genetics -- Color blindness
Human genetics -- Dermatological genetics
Human genetics -- Diabetes
Human genetics -- Down's Syndrome
Human genetics -- Hairy ears
Human genetics -- Ichthyosis
Human genetics -- India
Human genetics -- Medical genetics
Human genetics -- Nomenclature
Human genetics -- Pedigrees
Human genetics -- Y-chromosome
Human population genetics.
Human rights -- Soviet Union
Hunt, George
Hunting songs
Hupa Indians -- Folklore
Hupa Indians -- Medicine
Hupa Indians -- Music
Hupa Indians -- Religion
Hupa Indians -- Social life and customs
Huskins, C. Leonard
Hydrogen bomb
Hymns, Nez Percé
Hynek, J. Allen (Joseph Allen), 1910-1986
Illinois language
Imprisonment -- North Carolina
Indian Shaker Church
Indian art -- North America
Indian art -- United States
Indian dance -- Michigan
Indians of Central America -- Costa Rica
Indians of Central America -- Panama
Indians of Mexico -- Chiapas
Indians of Mexico -- Mexico -- Chiapas
Indians of Mexico -- Mexico -- Chiapas -- Religion
Indians of Mexico -- Oaxaca
Indians of Mexico -- Photographs
Indians of Mexico -- Religion
Indians of North America
Indians of North America -- Arkansas
Indians of North America -- California
Indians of North America -- California -- History
Indians of North America -- Canada, Northern -- Social life and customs
Indians of North America -- Canada.
Indians of North America -- Claims
Indians of North America -- Clothing & dress
Indians of North America -- Connecticut
Indians of North America -- Education
Indians of North America -- Ethnology
Indians of North America -- Legal status, laws, etc.
Indians of North America -- Manitoba
Indians of North America -- Manitoba -- Languages
Indians of North America -- Massachusetts
Indians of North America -- Michigan
Indians of North America -- Migrations
Indians of North America -- Minnesota
Indians of North America -- Montana
Indians of North America -- Music
Indians of North America -- New England
Indians of North America -- New York (State) -- History
Indians of North America -- Northwest Territories -- Languages
Indians of North America -- Nunavut -- Languages
Indians of North America -- Oklahoma -- Dance
Indians of North America -- Oklahoma -- Languages
Indians of North America -- Oklahoma -- Music
Indians of North America -- Ontario
Indians of North America -- Pacific Coast
Indians of North America -- Pennsylvania
Indians of North America -- Photographs.
Indians of North America -- Quebec (Province)
Indians of North America -- Religion
Indians of North America -- Saskatchewan
Indians of North America -- South Carolina
Indians of North America -- South Dakota
Indians of North America -- Southeastern States
Indians of North America -- Wars -- 1750-1815
Indians of North America -- Wisconsin
Indians of South America -- Andes Region
Indians of South America -- Brazil
Indians of South America -- Venezuela
Indians of the West Indies -- Antilles, Lesser
Indigenous peoples -- British Columbia.
Industrialization -- Pennsylvania -- History
Industries -- Pennsylvania -- History
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Intelligence tests
Inter-tribal Ceremonial (Gallup, N.M.) -- Photographs
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences
International Congress of Eugenics -- Second Congress
International Congress of Genetics -- Eighth Congress
International Congress of Genetics -- Fifth Congress
International Congress of Genetics -- Fourteenth Congress
International Congress of Genetics -- Ninth Congress
International Congress of Genetics -- Organizing Committee
International Congress of Human Genetics -- Second Congress
International Congress of Zoology
International Congress of Zoology -- Seventeenth Congress
International Congress of Zoology -- Thirteenth Congress
International Union of Biological Societies
International trade
Inuit languages
Inupiaq dialect
Inupiaq language
Inupiat -- Alaska -- Social life and customs
Invitations -- Columbia University
Invitations -- Lankenau Hospital Research Institute
Invitations -- Marine Experimental Station
Invitations -- Stern, Curt
Invitations -- Switzerland
Invitations -- University of California, Berkeley
Invitations -- University of Munchen
Iowa -- Maps
Iowa Indians
Iowa State University
Iowa language
Irish -- Pennsylvania
Iron industry and trade -- History
Iroquoian Indians
Iroquoian Indians -- Religion
Iroquoian languages
Iroquois Indians -- Civilization and social life
Iroquois Indians -- Dwellings
Iroquois Indians -- Folklore
Iroquois Indians -- Government relations
Iroquois Indians -- History -- 17th century
Iroquois Indians -- History -- 18th century
Iroquois Indians -- Politics and government
Iroquois Indians -- Social conditions
Iroquois Indians -- Virginia
Iroquois dance
Jackson, Halliday,1771-1835.
Jackson, Robert H.
Jackson, William F.
Jacobs, David M. (Michael), 19
Jaqaru language
Javanese language
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826 -- Manuscripts
Jemez Indians -- Photographs
Jemez language
Jenkins, Farish A., 1940-
Jenness, Diamond, 1886-1969
Jensen, Arthur Robert
Jepsen, Glenn Lowell, 1904-
Jews, Ethiopian
Jicarilla language
John Innes Horticultural Institution
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson, Earl
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Bai
Johnson, Thomas H.
Jollos, Victor
Jones, Donald F.
Jones, Hardin B.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Journal of Scientific Exploration
Journals (notebooks)
Judd, Burke H.
Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 187
Kabah Site (Mexico) -- Photographs
Kagwa, Apolo
Kaingang Indians
Kaiser Wilhelm Institut fur Biochemie
Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes
Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes -- Biology
Karankawa language
Karsner, Howard Thomas, b. 187
Kathlamet language
Kaudewitz, Fritz
Kaufmann, B. P. (Berwind Peterson), 1897-1975
Kawchottine Indians
Kawchottine Indians -- Fishing
Kawchottine Indians -- Hunting
Kawchottine Indians -- Social life and customs
Kawchottine language
Kawki language
Keeler, Clyde E. (Clyde Edgar), 1900-1994
Kehoe, John, 1837-1878
Kellogg, Remington, 1893-
Kelly, Mary Isabel
Keres language
Kermack, K. A. (Kenneth A.)
Kettlewell, H. B. D. (Henry Be
Kettlewell, Henry Bernard Davis
Kevles, David J.
Kickapoo Indians
Kidd, John Graydon, 1908-
Kidder, Alfred Vincent, 1885-1963
Kiefer, Barry I.
Kiliwa language
Kimball, Richard Fuller
Kiowa Apache Indians -- Social life and customs
Kiowa Apache dance
Kiowa Apache language
Kiowa Indians
Kiowa Indians -- Religion
Kiowa Indians -- Rites and ceremonies
Kiowa Indians -- Social life and customs
Kiowa dance
Kiskht language
Kistiakowsky, George B. (George Bogdan), 1900-1982
Klamath Indians
Klamath language
Klass, Philip J.
Klein, Richard M
Klopfer, Bruno
Kluckhorn, Clyden Kay
Kluyver, A. J. (Albert Jan), 1888-1956
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Koasati Indians -- History
Kodani, Masue
Kodani, Masuo
Koller, Peo Charles
Koltsov, N. K.
Komai, Taku
Konawa (Okla.)
Kootenai Indians
Korff, Serge A. (Serge Alexander), 1906-1989
Kovalev, Ivan
Kovalev, Sergei Adamovich, 193
Koyukon people
Kraho Indians
Kral, Elmer
Krivshenko, J. D.
Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960
Krumbhaar, E. B. (Edward Bell), 1882-1966
Kuhn-Schnyder, Emil
Kuiper, Gerard Peter
Kumeyaay Indians
Kumiai Indians -- Social life and customs
Kumiai language
Kuna language
Kuratowski, Kazimierz, 1896-
Kurtén, BjC6rn
Kühn, Alfred, 1885-1968
Köhler, Wolfgang,1887-1967.
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François-Alexandre-Frédéric, Duc de, 1747-1827
Labor and laboring classes -- Pennsylvania -- History
Labor movements -- History
Labor, industrialization
Laboratory techniques, equipment -- U.S.S.R.
Lacandon Indians
Lacandon Indians -- Photographs
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, Marquis de, 1757-1834
Lakota Indians
Lakota Indians -- Ethnic identity
Lakota Indians -- Government relations
Lakota Indians -- History
Lakota Indians -- Music
Lakota Indians -- Politics and government
Lakota dialect
Lammot family
Land and Speculation
Landsteiner, Karl, 1868-1943
Language and culture
Language and languages
Laporte, Léo F.
Lark-Horovitz, K. (Karl), 1892-1958
Last, Rosa
Latin language
Lattimore, Owen, 1900-
Lavocat, René
Layrisse, Miguel
LeFever, H. Michael
Leakey, L. S. B. (Louis Seymour Bazett), 1903-1972
Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett
Lectures, public speaking -- Dobzhansky memorial
Lectures, public speaking -- Eulogy
Lectures, public speaking -- Israel
Lectures, public speaking -- Japan
Lectures, public speaking -- Medawar, Peter Brian
Lectures, public speaking -- Rockefeller University
Lectures, public speaking -- Sermons
Lectures, public speaking -- Sigma Xi
Lectures, public speaking -- Stern, Curt
Lectures, public speaking -- University of Liverpool
Lectures, public speaking -- Visiting lectures
Lectures, public speaking -- Wells College
Lederberg, Joshua
Legislative bills -- National Science Foundation Act
Leighton, Dorothea Cross, 1908
Lekwungen Indians
Lent, Fritz
Lepidoptera -- Genetics
Lepidoptera -- Great Britain
Lepidoptera -- Research grants
Lesley, Allen
Lesley, J. P. (J. Peter), 1819-1903
Lesley, Joseph, 1831-1889
Lesley, Susan I. (Susan Inches), 1823-1904
Letombe, Philippe Joseph
Levene, Howard
Levi-Strauss, Claude
Levine, Paul
Levitan, Max
Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806)
Lewis, Edward B.
Lewis, Edward B., 1918-2004
Lex, Barbara W.
Libby, William J.
Liddell, Urner
Lillegraven, Jason A., 1938-
Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974
Linear energy transfer
Linguistic texts
Linton, Ralph, 1893-1953
Lipschutz, Alexander, 1883-1980
Little Bog Horn, Battle of, 1876
Littmann, Mark
Loeb, Jacques, 1859-1924
Loeb, Leo, 1869-1959
Logic, Symbolic and mathematical
Lomnicki, Zbigniew A.
Long Island Biological Association
Long, Esmond R. (Esmond Ray)
Longevity -- Genetic aspects.
Lorimer, Frank, 1894-
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Louis Philippe, King of the Fr
Lounsbury, Floyd Glenn, 1914-1998
Love songs
Lowell (Mass.) -- History
Lowie, Robert Harry, 1883-1957
LuckGe, Baldwin
Luiseno language
Luiseño -- Medicine
Luiseño people
Lull, Richard Swann, 1867-1957
Lyell, Charles, Sir
Lyman, Benjamin Smith, 1835-1920
Lynge, Herman Henrik Julius, 1822-1897
M'Kim, J. Miller (James Miller), 1810-1874
MARINER 4 (Spacecraft)
MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964
MacDonald, W. W.
MacKnight, Robert H.
MacNider, William de Berniere, 1881-1951
Maccabee, Bruce S.
Mack, John E., 1929-
Mackenzie River Delta (N.W.T.)
Macusi Indians
Madeira (Madeira Islands) -- Photographs
Maengwyn-Davies, Gertrude, 191
Magnetic fields
Mahican Indians
Maidu Indians
Maidu language
Makah language
Malecite language
Maliseet–Passamaquoddy language
Mam language
Mammals -- Evolution
Mammals, Fossil
Mampell, Klaus
Mandan Indians -- History
Mandelbrot, Benoit B.
Mangelsdorf, Paul C.
Manhattan Project (U.S.)
Manitoba -- Maps
Manning, Raymond
Maps and Surveys
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole -- Gene Conferences
Marsh, Othniel Charles, 1831-1899
Marshall Islands
Marshall, George C. (George Ca
Marshall, Larry G.
Maruba Indians
Massachusett language
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Material culture
Mathematical physics
Mathematics -- Study and teaching
Matlatzinca language
Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil : State)
Matthew, William Diller, 1871-
Mattina, Nancy
Max-Planck Institutes
May, Albert von
Maya Indians -- Photographs
Mayan languages -- Writing
Mayas -- Guatemala
Maybury-Lewis, David
Mazatec language
Mazur, Stanislaw
McClung, Clarence Erwin
McConnell, Richard B.
McDermott, Walsh, 1909-
McDonald, Ellice, 1876-
McDonald, James E., 1920 -
McGiffert, James
McGill University
McGrew, Paul Orman, 1909-
McKenna, Malcolm C.
McKinley, Alexander
McKusick, Victor A., (Victor Almon), 1921-2008
Medical administration
Medical genetics
Medical genetics.
Medicine -- Research
Medicine -- Research -- Finance
Medicine -- Study and teaching.
Medicine, Experimental
Medicine, Military
Mende language
Mendel, Gregor, 1822-1884
Menominee Indians
Menzel, Donald Howard, 1901-1976
Mescalero language
Meskwaki language
Metallurgy -- Study and teaching
Metropolis, N. (Nicholas), 1915-1999
Metz, Charles William, 1889-1975
Mexico -- Antiquities -- Photographs
Mexico -- Description and travel
Mexico -- Languages
Miami Indians
Miami art
Miami language (Ind. and Okla.)
Mice -- Genetics
Michaux, André, 1746-1802
Michelson, Truman, 1879-1938
Micmac Indians
Micmac Indians -- Ceremonies
Migliazza, Ernest C.
Migration, Internal -- United States -- History -- 18th century
Migration, Internal -- United States -- History -- 19th century
Mikasuki Indians
Milano, Ann
Milano, Madelyn
Miles, Walter R. (Walter Richard)
Milky Way -- Folklore
Miller, Dwight D.
Miller, Dwight Dana
Miller, Oscar
Miller, Robert W., 1921-2006
Mills and millwork
Mimicry (Biology) -- Genetic aspects
Mining engineering -- Great Britain
Mission Indian Federation
Missionaries -- North America.
Missouri -- Maps
Missouri Indians
Mitla Site (Mexico) -- Photographs
Mixtec Indians
Mixtec Indians -- Photographs
Mixtec language
Mohawk Indians -- Economy
Mohawk Indians -- History
Mohawk Indians -- Politics and government
Mohawk Indians -- Religion
Mohawk language
Mohawk language -- Texts
Mohegan Indians
Mohegan Indians -- History
Mohegan Indians -- Social life and customs
Mohegan language
Mohr, Otto Louis
Mohr, Otto Louis, 1886-
Molala language
Molly Maguires
Mongoloid race
Mono Indians
Monod, Jacques
Montagu, Ashley, 1905-1999
Mooney, James, 1861-1921
Mooser, Hermann
Moravian Indians
Moravians -- Missions
Moravians -- Pennsylvania -- History
Morgan, Arthur Ernest, 1878-19
Morgan, Thomas Hunt
Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 1866-1945
Morris, Robert, 1734-1806
Morton, Newton
Morton, Newton E., (Newton Ennis), 1929-
Mossige, Jeanne Coyne
Motion pictures
Motulsky, Arno G. , 1923-
Mounds (Burial)
Mountain Indians
Mouse -- Genetics
Mucha, Alphonse Marie, 1860-19
Mukasa, Ham, 1871-1956
Munch, E.
Munsee Indians
Munsee Indians -- History
Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales, Argentina
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Buenos Aires
Museo Nacional de Mexico--Photographs
Museo de la Plata, Argentina
Museum of Practical Geology (Great Britain)
Music -- Curaçao
Music -- Psychological aspects
Muskogean languages
Muskogee Indians -- Folklore
Muskogee language
Mustard gas
Mutation (Biology)
Muth, Friedrich Wilhelm
Mycielski, Jan, 1932
Mysteries old and new
Nachmansohn, David, 1899-
Nachtsheim, Hans
Nachtsheim, Hans, 1890-1979
Nadar, Félix, 1820-1910
Nahuas -- Folklore
Nahuas -- Religion
Nahuas -- Social life and customs
Names, Geographical -- Alaska
Narragansett Indians
Narragansett Indians -- History
Narragansett language
Nass language
Natchez Indians
Natchez Indians -- Folklore
Natchez Indians -- Music
Natchez Indians -- Rites and ceremonies
Natchez language
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
National Academy of Sciences -- Allard, Robert Wayne
National Academy of Sciences -- Ayala, Francisco J.
National Academy of Sciences -- Carson, Hampton L.
National Academy of Sciences -- Committee activities
National Academy of Sciences -- Kimber Award
National Academy of Sciences -- Lewontin, Richard Charles
National Academy of Sciences -- Shockley, William
National Academy of Sciences -- Wallace, Bruce
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Council on Radiation Protection
National Enquirer
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
National Geographic Society
National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.
National Research Council (U.S.)
National Research Council Canada
National Research Council. Committee on Common Problems in Genetics an
National Science Foundation -- Committee activities
Native American Church of North America
Nativistic movements
Natural history
Natural history -- Great Britain
Natural history -- Great Britain -- 19th century
Nature -- Effect of human beings on -- North Carolina
Navajo Indians -- Education
Navajo Indians -- Ethnoanatomy
Navajo Indians -- History
Navajo Indians -- Kinship
Navajo Indians -- Material culture
Navajo Indians -- Photographs
Navajo Indians -- Poetry
Navajo Indians -- Politics and government
Navajo Indians -- Religion
Navajo Indians -- Social life and customs
Navajo Mountain (Utah and Ariz.)
Navajo art
Navajo language -- Semantics
Navashin, Sergei Gavrilovich
Nawa, Saburo
Nebel, Bernard R.
Nelson, Gareth J.
Nemec, Bohumil
Nesse, Randolph M.
Neuberg, Carl
Nevo, Evitar
New York (State) -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
New York Academy of Medicine
New York Review of Books
New York Times
New Yorker
Newell, Norman Dennis, 1909-2005
Newspaper clippings
Newspaper clippings.
Nez Percé women
Nez Percé Indians
Nez Percé Indians -- History
Nez Percé Indians -- Music
Nez Percé Indians -- Religion
Nez Percé Indians -- Social life and customs
Nicollet, J. N. (Joseph Nicolas), 1786-1843
Niimiipuutímt language
Nisga'a language
Niska language
Niswander, Jerry D.
Nitrate negatives
Nlaka'pamuctsin language
Nobel Prize
Nooksack language
Nootka Indians -- Music
Nord, Friedrich Franz, 1889-1973
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
North Carolina
Northern Paiute Indians -- Folklore
Nova Scotia -- Surveys
Novitski, Edward
Nuclear Weapons - Testing
Nuclear physics.
Nuclear weapons
Number theory
Nutrition -- Psychological aspects
O'Connor, Basil, 1892-1972
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Advisory Committee for Biology
Oaxaca (Mexico) -- Antiquities -- Photographs
Oberg, James E., 1944 -
Occom, Samson, 1723-1792
Ochoa, Severo, 1905-
Odawa people
Odriozola, Miguel
Offerman, Carlos
Official Government Documents and Records
Ofo language
Ohio -- Maps
Ojibwa Indians -- History
Ojibwa Indians -- Kinship
Ojibwa Indians -- Medicine
Ojibwa Indians -- Michigan
Ojibwa Indians -- Music
Ojibwa Indians -- Religion
Ojibwa Indians -- Religion and mythology
Ojibwa Indians -- United States
Ojibwa children -- Canada
Ojibwa children -- United States
Ojibwe -- Economy
Ojibwe -- Ethnobotany
Okanagan Indians
Okanagan Indians -- Folklore
Okanagan language
Okie, John M.
Olby, Robert Cecil
Old Bull
Olsen, Stanley John, 1919-
Olson, Everett Claire, 1910-
Omaha Indians
Oneida Indians -- Religion
Oneida Indians -- Wisconsin
Onondaga language
Ontario -- Maps
Ooweekeeno language
Opitz, John M.
Optical illusions
Oregon -- History
Orleans (Calif.)
Orléans, Henri Philippe Marie,
Osage Indians
Osage Indians -- Music
Osage Indians -- Photographs
Osage dance
Osage language
Osborn, Frederick Henry
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-
Osborn, William Church, 1862-1
Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919
Ostrom, John H.
Oto indians
Otomi Indians -- Folklore
Otomi language
Ottawa Indians
Ottawa Indians -- History
Ottensooser, Fritz
Owen, Richard, 1804-1892
Owls -- Folklore
Painter, Theophilus Shickel
Painters -- United States
Paiute Indians
Paiute Indians -- History
Paladino, Eusapia, 1854-
Palenque (Chiapas, Mexico) -- Photographs
Paleontology -- Africa
Paleontology -- Argentina -- Patagonia
Paleontology -- Nomenclature
Paleontology -- Pennsylvania
Paleontology -- Venezuela
Palisades Interstate Park Commission.
Panamint language
Panoan Indians
Papamiento language
Paper money
Paper money -- United States -- Forgeries
Paper money -- United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783
Parade Magazine
Parker, Arthur Caswell, 1881-1955
Parks -- New York
Parrish, John
Particles (Nuclear physics)
Pascual, Rosendo
Passamaquoddy Indians
Passamaquoddy language
Passamaquoddy language -- Syntax
Passamaquoddy language -- Texts
Pasta, John
Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) -- Description and travel
Patterson, Bryan
Patterson, Bryan, 1909-
Patterson, John Thomas
Patuxent Naval Air Test Center (Md.)
Patwin language
Paul Ehrlich Stiftung
Pawnee Indians
Pawnee Indians -- Photographs
Pawnee Indians -- Religion
Payne, Melvin M.
Peale family
Peale's Museum (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Peale, Anna Claypoole, 1791-1878
Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827
Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827 -- Art collections.
Peale, James,1749-1831.
Peale, Mary Jane, 1827-1902
Peale, Raphaelle, 1774-1825
Peale, Rembrandt, 1778-1860
Peale, Rubens, 1784-1865
Peale, Sarah Miriam, 1800-1885
Pelletier, Horace
Pen works
Pencil works
Penn, John, 1729-1795
Pennsylvania -- History
Pennsylvania -- Surveys
Pennsylvania History
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
Penobscot Indians
Penobscot Indians -- History
Penrose, Lionel Sharples
Pentlatch Indians
Pepinsky, Abe
Pequot Indians
Percy, John, 1817-1889
Perisco, Enrico
Personality tests
Peyote songs
Pfeiffer, Robert Charles
Phelps, William Henry
Philadelphia (Pa.)
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- Description and travel
Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture.
Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company
Philip, Ursula
Phillips, John
Philosophy of science
Photograph albums
Photographic analysis
Photographic prints -- Color
Physics -- Early works to 1800
Physics -- Study and teaching
Piaroa Indians
Piccard, Jean
Picuris language
Pima Bajo language
Pima language
Piman languages
Pine, Robert Edge, 1730?-1788
Pipkin, Sarah B.
Pit River Tribe
Plains Miwok language
Plains Sign Talk
Plant genetics.
Plant names
Plant physiology
Plato, Chris C.
Pleiades -- Folklore
Pliny the Younger
Plough, Harold Henry
Pohley, Heinz-Joachim
Pokomam language
Poles -- United States
Poliomyelitis -- Research
Poliomyelitis -- Vaccination
Political issues -- Animal welfare
Political issues -- Anti-Semitism
Political issues -- Argentina
Political issues -- Atomic weapons
Political issues -- Birth control
Political issues -- Chile
Political issues -- Finland
Political issues -- France
Political issues -- Germany
Political issues -- Greece
Political issues -- Israel
Political issues -- Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes
Political issues -- Kilgore Bill
Political issues -- Poland
Political issues -- Pollution
Political issues -- Shockley, William
Political issues -- U.S.S.R.
Political issues -- United States
Political issues -- University of California, Berkeley
Political issues -- West Germany
Political issues -- Yugoslavia
Political prisoners -- Soviet Union
Political refugees
Political refugees.
Pollister, Arthur W.
Polnauer, Frederick F.
Polynesians -- Dance
Pomo Indians
Ponca Indians
Ponca Indians -- Music
Ponca Indians -- Photographs
Ponca dance
Ponies -- Genetics
Population Control
Population Council
Population biology
Population genetics -- Hardy-Weinberg law
Population genetics -- Tsubaki, Koji
Population, demography -- U.S.S.R.
Poqomam language
Porter, Keith R.
Postal cards.
Potawatomi Indians
Potawatomi Indians -- History
Potawatomi Indians -- Photographs
Power (Social sciences)
Powhatan Indians
Powhatan language
Powhattan Indians -- History
Preservation of historical materials
Price, Bronson,1905-1978.
Princeton Conferences
Project Apollo (U.S.)
Project Blue Book (U.S.)
Projective techniques
Protozoan genetics -- Rhizopoda
Psychiatric hospital care
Psychoanalysis and culture
Psychology -- France
Psychology and religion
Psychotherapy patients
Public health -- United States.
Publication -- A Child's World
Publication -- Advances in Genetics
Publication -- American Journal of Botany
Publication -- American Journal of Science
Publication -- American Mesozoic Mammalia
Publication -- American Scientist
Publication -- Analysis of Development
Publication -- Animal Species and their Evolution
Publication -- Attending Marvels
Publication -- Biologie
Publication -- Biology of Drosophila
Publication -- Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases
Publication -- Bodenstein, Dietrich
Publication -- Discovery
Publication -- Eugenical News
Publication -- Evolutionary Biology
Publication -- Evolutionary Theory
Publication -- Genetics and the Origin of Species
Publication -- George Gaylord Simpson Biography
Publication -- International Congress of Genetics Proceedings
Publication -- Journal of Heredity
Publication -- Life - An Introduction to Biology
Publication -- Meaning of Evolution
Publication -- Multiple Allelie
Publication -- Neel, James V.
Publication -- New York Times
Publication -- Newspaper clippings
Publication -- Population genetics
Publication -- Practical Genetics
Publication -- Principles of Classification
Publication -- Quantitative Zoology
Publication -- Saturday Evening Post
Publication -- Scientific Monthly
Publication -- Social Biology
Publication -- The California Horseman
Publication -- The Origin of Genetics
Pueblo Indians -- Photographs
Puget Sound Salish Indians
Puget Sound Salish languages
Quakers -- Missions.
Quantum physics -- History
Quantum theory.
Quapaw Indians
Quapaw language
Quechan Indians
Quechua Indians -- History
Quechua language
Quinault Indians
Quiripi language
RB-47 UFO Case, July 1957
RCA Corporation
Rabbits -- Folklore
Rabi, I. I. (Isidor Isaac), 1898-1988
Radiation -- Physiological effect
Radiation -- Physiological effects.
Radiation Effects Research Foundation.
Radioactive waste disposal
Raguet, Condy, 1784-1842
Railroads -- Massachusetts
Railroads -- Pennsylvania -- History
Ramberg, E. G. (Edward Granville)
Recommendations -- Asinovsky, Joseph
Recommendations -- Becker, Hans Joachim
Recommendations -- Bishop, Sherman C.
Recommendations -- Blum, Harold
Recommendations -- Bodenstein, Dietrich
Recommendations -- Brasted, Adair
Recommendations -- Brink, R. Alex
Recommendations -- Burdette, Walter
Recommendations -- Carlson, Elof Axel
Recommendations -- Caspari, Ernst Wilhelm
Recommendations -- Cooper, Kenneth Willard
Recommendations -- Crow, James F.
Recommendations -- Denell, Robert
Recommendations -- Fano, Ugo
Recommendations -- Garcia y Bellido, Antonio
Recommendations -- Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict
Recommendations -- Gregory, Joseph T.
Recommendations -- Hadorn, Ernst
Recommendations -- Harnley, Morris H.
Recommendations -- Heitz, Emil
Recommendations -- Hovanitz, William
Recommendations -- Huskins, C. Leonard
Recommendations -- Kaliss, Nathan
Recommendations -- Kaplan
Recommendations -- Kuhn, David T.
Recommendations -- Kurten, Bjorn
Recommendations -- Lewontin, Richard Charles
Recommendations -- Maas, Werner
Recommendations -- Mazia, Daniel
Recommendations -- Neel, James V.
Recommendations -- Pollister, Arthur W.
Recommendations -- Poulson, Donald F.
Recommendations -- Richmond, Rollin C.
Recommendations -- Roman, Herschel L.
Recommendations -- Rudnick
Recommendations -- Seidel
Recommendations -- Simpson, George Gaylord
Recommendations -- Slizynski, B. M.
Recommendations -- Sonneborn, Tracy M.
Recommendations -- Sparrow, Arne
Recommendations -- Stalker, Harrison Dailey
Recommendations -- Steinbach, H. Burr
Recommendations -- Stern, Curt
Recommendations -- Tokunaga, Chiyoko
Recommendations -- Tyler, Albert
Recommendations -- Ursprung, Heinrich
Recommendations -- Waddington, Conrad Hal
Recommendations -- Wald, George
Recommendations -- Williams, Ernest Edward
Referee's report -- Alava, Aloha Margaret Hannah
Referee's report -- Caspari, Ernst Wilhelm
Referee's report -- Dubinin, Nikolai Petrovich
Referee's report -- Ehrman, Lee Rothschild
Referee's report -- Fox, Arthur L.
Referee's report -- Gates, Reginald Ruggles
Referee's report -- Gregg, John
Referee's report -- Kazazian, Haig H., Jr.
Referee's report -- Lerner, Isadore Michael
Referee's report -- Moewus, Franz
Referee's report -- Montalenti, Giuseppe
Referee's report -- Muller, Hermann Joseph
Referee's report -- Robertson, Alan
Referee's report -- Shaw, Margery W.
Referee's report -- Snell, George D.
Referee's report -- Wijsman, Robert A.
Refugee scholars -- Germany
Refugees, Political
Reichard, Gladys Amanda, 1893-1955
Reichel, Willy
Reig, Osvaldo
Relativity (Physics)
Religion and culture
Religion and science
Religion and science -- 20th century
Religion, religious organizations
Rensch, Bernhard
Research notes.
Research support -- Bajema, Carl Jay
Research support -- Heidenthal, Gertrude
Research support -- Mouse mutant stocks
Research support -- Proposals
Research support -- Reports
Research support -- U. S. Army Chemical Corps
Reviews -- Grobman, Arnold B.
Reviews -- Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich
Reviews -- Origin of Mendelism
Reviews -- Principles of Human Genetics
Reviews -- The Science of Genetics (film)
Revitalization movements
Reynolds, Thomas Emmett, 1892-
Rheumatic fever
Richter, Daniel (two letters,
Riggs, Elmer Samuel, 1869-
Ris, Hans
Rivers, Thomas M. (Thomas Milton), 1888-1962
Robertson, W. M.
Rochas d'Aiglun, Albert de, 18
Rockdale (Pa.) -- History
Rockefeller Institute
Rockefeller Institute. Hospital
Rockefeller University
Rockefeller, John D. (John Davison), 1874-1960
Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908-1979
Rockwell, Alfred Perkins, 1834-1903
Rockwell, Katherine Virginia Foote, 1839-1902
Rogers, E. Stanfield
Romer, Alfred Sherwood, 1894-1973
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Frankl
Rorschach tests
Roscoe, Theodore
Rose, William C.
Rostoptchine, Lydie, 1837-1915
Rothenberg, Diane
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal Society (Great Britain)
Royal Society (Great Britain). Aldabra Research Committee
Royal Society of Medicine Foundation.
Rugby School
Rumsen language
Rush, Benjamin, 1746-1813
Rush, William, 1756-1833
Rusk, Dean, 1909-
Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970
Russell, Loris Shano, 1904-
Russell, William Lawson
Russian politics and science -- Kerkis, Julius J.
Russian politics and science -- Medvedev, Zhores A.
Russian politics and science -- Twins
Russians -- United States
Rutgers University
S'gaw Karen language
Sabin, Albert B. (Albert Bruce)
Sac and Fox Indians -- Photographs
Sagan, Carl
Sagan, Carl, 1934-1996
Sahaptin language
Saint Regis Mohawk Indian Reservation (N.Y.)
Sakharov, Andrei, 1921-1989
Salinan language
Salisbury, Frank B.
Salzano, Francisco M.
San Carlos Apache language
San Felipe dialect
Sandia Pueblo (N.M.)
Sandia dialect
Santa Ana dialect
Santa Fe (N.M.) -- Photographs
Santa Fe (N.M.) Fiesta -- Photographs
Santo Domingo dialect
Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939
Sarkar, S. S.
Satsop Indians
Saucer smear
Sauk Indians
Savicki, Wieczeslav
Scaglia, Galileo J.
Schaeffer, Bobb
Schaeffer, Elizabeth
Scheinfeld, Amram
Schindler, Alois
Schizophrenia -- Genetic aspects
Schizophrenia -- Physiological aspects
Schoenebeck, Otto von
Scholastic Book Services
Schrader, Franz
Schrandt, Robert
Schrenck-Notzing, Albert Phili
Schroth, David A.
Schuchert, Charles, 1858-1942
Schull, William J.
Schultz, Helen Redfield, 1900-1988
Schultz, Jack
Schultz, Jack -- Chromosome pairing
Schultz, Jack,1904-1971.
Schuylkill County (Pa.) -- History
Schwarz, Ernst, 1989-
Science -- Political aspects -- History -- 20th century
Science Research Council (Great Britain)
Science publishing.
Scientific Data
Scientific expeditions
Scientific expeditions -- Arctic regions.
Scientific expeditions -- France
Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- American Association of Physical Anthropologists
Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- American Institute of Biological Sciences
Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- American Society of Zoologists
Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- Committee activities
Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- Growth Society
Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- Institute for the Study of Human Variation
Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- Population Council
Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- Population, demography
Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- Sigma Xi
Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- Society for the Study of Social Biology
Scientific organizations, meetings, programs -- Zoological Society of London
Scientists' Committee on Loyalty Problems
Scientists, Refugee
Scott, William Berryman, 1858-1947
Seaborg, Glenn Theodore, 1912-1999
Second Look
Secwepemc people
Seiler, Jakob
Sellers family
Sellers, Charles Coleman, 1903-1980
Seminole Indians -- Music
Seminole Indians -- Oklahoma -- Religion
Seminole Indians -- Photographs
Seminole Indians -- Social life and customs
Seneca Indians -- Missions
Seneca Indians -- Music
Seneca Indians -- Politics and government
Seneca Indians -- Rites and ceremonies
Seneca art
Seneca dance
Seneca language
Serrano language
Set theory
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate , 1841-1906
Shapley, Harlow, 1885-1972
Shawnee Indians
Shawnee Indians -- Folklore
Shawnee Indians -- Music
Shawnee Indians -- Rites and ceremonies
Shawnee Indians -- Social life and customs
Shawnee dance
Sheaffer, Robert
Sheppard, P. M. (Philip MacDonald), 1921-1976
Sherwood, Eva
Shindler, A. Zeno (Antonio Zeno), 1823-1899
Shockley, William
Shockley, William, 1910-1989
Shope, Richard E. (Richard Edwin)
Shoshoni Indians
Shoshoni Indians -- History
Shoshoni Indians -- Religion
Shoshoni language
Shull, George Harrison, 1874-1954
Shuswap Indians
Sickle Cell Anemia
Sierpinski, Waclaw, 1882-1969
Siksika Indians
Simons, Elwyn L.
Simpson, George Gaylord, 1902-1984
Siney, John, 1835-1881
Singleton, W. Ralph (Willard R
Singleton, Willard Ralph
Siouan languages -- Mutual intelligibility
Sioux Nation
Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation, South Dakota
Six Nations Indian Museum
Skagit Indians
Skeptical Inquirer
Skokomish Indians
Skolnick, Michael
Skoog, E. N.
Slave Indians
Slavery -- United States.
Slaves, slavery, slave trade
Slavey language
Slavic languages
Slip files
Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research.
Smith Family
Smith, Frank H.
Smith, Frederick
Smith, Woollcott
Snails -- Genetics.
Snow, Dean R.
Snyderman, George S., 1908-2000
Sobatka, Harry H.
Social Life and Custom
Social Science Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Genetics and Behavior
Social Science Research Council -- Committee activities
Social change
Social evolution.
Social movements
Social psychology
Social sciences -- Methodology
Socialists -- United States
Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained
Society for the Study of Evolution -- Committee activities
Society of Friends -- Missions
Society of Systematic Zoology (U.S.)
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.
Solicitations for support or contribution -- Bibliographical matters
Solicitations for support or contribution -- University of California, Berkeley
Songs, Papiamento
Soviet Union
Soviet Union -- Politics and government -- 1917-1936
Sowerby, George Brettingham, 1788-1854
Space based weapons
Speciation (Biology)
Spemann, Hans
Spence, Warren P.
Spielman, Richard S.
Spier, Leslie, 1893-1961
Spiess, Eliot B.
Spirit photography
Spiritism -- France
Spiritualism -- France
Spiro, Melford E.
Spiro, Melford Elliott
Spokane language
Sprinkle, R. Leo, 1930 -
St. Clair (Pa.) -- History
St. John de Crèvecoeur, J. Hector, 1735-1813
Stacy, Dennis
Stadler, Janice B.
Stadler, Lewis John
Standing Holy
Stanley, Wendell Meredith, 193
Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics -- Correlation analysis
Stebbins, G. Ledyard
Steele, Dewey George, 1898-
Steiger, Brad
Stein, Myron
Stein, Paul
Steinberg, Arthur G.
Steinhaus, Hugo, 1887-1972
Stent, Gunther S.
Sterilization (Birth control)
Stirtin, Ruben Arthur, 1901-19
Stirton, Ruben Arthur
Stockbridge Indians -- History
Stocking, George W.
Stone, Marshall H. (Marshall Harvey), 1903-1989
Stone, Wilson Stuart, 1907-1968
Stoney language
Strategic Defense Initiative
Strategy for Peace Conference
Strieber, Whitley
Strikes and lockouts -- Coal mining -- United States -- Pennsylvania
Stromberg, Gustaf, 1882-
Students' notes
Sturtevant, Edgar H. (Edgar Howard), 1875-1952
Sukernik, Rem I.
Sully, Thomas, 1783-1872
Sulphur, Alex
Sulphur, Fannie
Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874
Superstition -- Great Britain
Suquamish Indians
Surveying and Maps
Sutton, Eileen
Sutton, H. Eldon, (Harry Eldon), 1927-
Swann, William F.
Swann, William Francis Gray, 1884-1962
Swarthmore College
Switzerland -- Description and travel
Tahltan language
Taino Indians
Takelma language
Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles M
Tan, C. C.
Tanaka, Katsumi
Tanana language
Taos Indians
Tarahumara language
Tarascan language
Tarski, Alfred
Tate, John Torrence, 1889-1950
Taves, Ernest H. (Ernest Henry
Teaching -- Biology
Teaching -- Colegio de Agricultura y Artes Mecanicas, University of Puerto Rico
Teaching -- Columbia University
Teaching -- Evolution
Teaching -- Examination questions
Teaching -- Genetics
Teaching -- Green, Melvin Martin
Teaching -- Griffen, Allen B.
Teaching -- Stadler, Lewis John
Teaching -- University of California, Berkeley
Teaching -- University of Lagos
Teaching -- University of New England (Australia)
Teaching -- University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Teaching -- University of Oslo
Teaching -- University of Turku
Teaching -- Wesleyan University
Teaching -- Wooster College
Technological innovation
Technology -- Social aspects
Tecumseh (Mich.)
Teicher, Luz S.
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
Teller, Edward, 1908-2003
Telschow, Ernst, 1889-
Temple University. Department of Physics
TenBroeck, Carl, 1885-1966
Teotihuacan Site (San Juan Teotihuacan, Mexico) -- Photographs
Terman, Louis Madison, 1877-19
Teton Indians
Teton Indians -- History
Teuber, Eugen,1889-1958.
Tewa Indians
Tewa Indians -- Folklore
Tewa Indians -- Music
Tewa art
Tewa dance
Tewa language
Tewa pottery
Textile industry
Textile industry -- New Hampsire
Textile machinery
Textile manufacturers -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County
Textile workers -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County
Thai language
Thematic Apperception Test.
Thomas, Karl, 1883-
Thomson, J. Edgar (James Edgar), 1808-1874
Thunder, Fire
Tieje, Arthur Jerrold, 1889-
Tillamook Indians
Timofeev-Resovskiĭ, N. V. (Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich), 1900-1981
Timoféef-Resovskii, N. W. (Nik
Timucua language
Tissot, James, 1836-1902
Tiwa language
Tla'amin First Nation
Tlakluit language
Tlaxcalan Indians
Tlinchon language
Tlingit Indians -- Religion
Tohono O'odham Indians -- Music
Tohono O'odham dialect
Tojolabal Indians -- Religion
Tokunaga, Chiyoko
Tol language
Tolowa Indians
Toltecs -- Antiquities -- Photographs
Tonkawa language
Tooker, Elisabeth, 1927-2004
Trail of Tears, 1838-1839
Translocation (Genetics).
Transportation -- Pennsylvania -- History
Travel -- Africa
Travel -- Algeria
Travel -- Antarctica
Travel -- Argentina
Travel -- Chile
Travel -- East Germany
Travel -- Ecuador
Travel -- Germany
Travel -- Guatemala
Travel -- Hawaii
Travel -- Nigeria
Travel -- North Africa
Travel -- Russia
Travel -- South America
Travel -- Surinam
Trigger, Bruce Graham
Trinity College of Music
Trio Indians
Tristan da Cunha
True, Katherine McAssey, d.192
True, Rodney H.(Rodney Howard) (1866-1940)
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972
Tschermak-Seysenegg, Erich
Tschermak-Seysenegg, Erich von
Tsetsaut Indians
Tucuna Indians
Tula Site (Tula de Allende, Mexico) -- Photographs
Tunica Indians
Turner, John R. G.
Turtles -- Folklore
Tuscarora Indians -- History
Tuscarora Indians -- Politics and government
Tuscarora Indians -- Religion
Tuscarora language
Tuscarora language -- Study and teaching
Tutelo language
Tutwiler, Carrington C.
Twana language
Twi (African people)
Tzeltal Indians
Tzeltal Indians -- Religion
Tzotzil Indians
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine
U.S. Geological Survey
Ulam, Stanislaw M. (Stanislaw Marcin), 1909-1984
Ulrichs, P. C.
Umaersus, Magnhild
Umatilla language
Unidentified flying objects
Unidentified flying objects -- Religious aspects
Unidentified flying objects -- Sightings and encounters
Unidentified flying objects in motion pictures
Unidentified flying objects in popular culture
United Airlines
United Nations. Atomic Energy Commission
United Nations. Commission for Conventional Armaments
United States - History - Civil War, 1861-1865
United States - History - Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775
United States -- Biography
United States -- Emigration and immigration.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1945-1953
United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- American forces
United States -- History -- Revolution, 1776-1783
United States -- History -- Revolutionary War, 1775-1783
United States -- Politics and government -- 1815-1861.
United States -- Politics and government -- 19th century.
United States -- Politics and government.
United States Air Force
United States Air Force--Operation Blue Book
United States Indian School (Carlisle, Pa.)
United States. Army
United States. Army. Air Corps.
United States. Army. Information and Education Division
United States. Central Intelligence Agency
United States. Coast Guard
United States. Congress
United States. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities.
United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States. House of Representatives
United States. Navy. Naval Medical Research Unit II
United States. Office of Naval Intelligence
United States. Public Health Service
University of Arizona--Faculty
University of Berlin
University of California, Berkeley -- Department of Zoology
University of California, Berkeley -- Miller Research Professorship
University of California, Davis
University of California, San Francisco
University of California. Department of Zoology--Faculty