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Drosophila genetics
Kempthorne, Oscar
Pearson, Karl


Circa 1963-1980

The collection includes three accessions: (1) a portion of Lewontin's correspondence files (mainly A-L) and copies of papers acquired in 1979; (2) a 2003 accession with files on various subjects and correspondence with about 30 colleagues, and (3) a substantial 2018 accession of about 60 linear feet that includes correspondence, manuscripts, and subject files. The topics discussed in the letters are numerous, including much on contemporary scientific controversies such as race, Darwin, evolution, intelligence, and biological determinism.
Call #:  
4 Linear feet

Abelson, Philip Hauge, 1913-2004 | Academic freedom | American Institute of Biological Sciences | American Museum of Natural History | Anthropology | Atomic Energy Commission | Bacterial genetics | Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Baker, William Kaufman, 1919-2008 | Barker, J. S. F. (James Stuart Flinton), 1931- | Becker, Gary | Beckwith, Jonathan R. | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Bethel, Thomas | Bibliographical matters | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data | Biology, genetics, eugenics | Burt, Cyril Lodowic, Sir | Calder, Nigel | Chovnick, Arthur | Cogan, Alex | Columbia University | Conferences and symposia | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- National Academy of Sciences | Congratulations, greetings, thanks -- National Medal of Science | Cordeiro, Antonio R. | Crow, James F. | Crow, James F. (James Franklin), 1916-2012 | Darwin, Charles | Davis, Bernard | Delbrück, Max, 1906-1981 | Dobzhansky, Theodosius | Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich, 1900-1975 | Drosophila genetics | Editorial matters | Ehrlich, Paul R. | Ethical issues | Eugenics | Evolution | Evolution. | Feldman, Marcus | Fellowships, assistantships | Fellowships, assistantships -- Harvard | Fisher, Ronald Aylmer | Genetics | Genetics of plants | Genetics. | Goldberger, Arthur Stanley | Haldane, J. B. S. (John Burdon Sanderson), 1892-1964 | Hirsch, Jerry | Honors -- University of Chicago | Human genetics | Human genetics -- Race | Human genetics -- Twins | Intellect. | Invitations | Jacquard, Albert | Jensen, Arthur Robert | Johnson, George | Kamin, Leon J. | Kempthorne, Oscar | Kimura, Motoo | Krimbas, Costas B. | Krimbas, Costas B. | Laboratory techniques, equipment | Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de | Lectures, public speaking | Lectures, public speaking -- Behavioral Genetics Association | Lectures, public speaking -- Nova | Lerner, Isadore Michael | Lewontin, Richard C., 1929- | Li, Ching Chun | McClintock, Barbara | Molecular genetics | Mouse genetics | Muller, Hermann Joseph | National Academy of Sciences | National Science Foundation | Peacock, William James | Pearson, Karl | Philosophy of science | Political issues | Political issues -- Greece | Political issues -- Social Darwinism | Population genetics | Publication | Publication -- BioScience | Publication -- Darkness in El Dorado | Publication -- Horizon | Publication -- Science | Race, race relations, racism | Race. | Radiation genetics | Recommendations | Referee's report | Requests for reprints | Research support | Reviews -- Behavior Genetics | Reviews -- Kamin, Leon J. | Russian politics and science | Scientific organizations, meetings, programs | Shockley, William | Smith, Dean O. | Sociobiology | Spassky, Boris | Statistics, biostatistics, biometrics | Stone, Wilson Stuart | Tan, C. C. | Thomas, Hoben | Tierney, Patrick | Travel -- Invitations, arrangements | University of Sydney | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich | Vorontsov, Nikolai | Wallace, Bruce | Ware, James H. | Zoology