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Drosophila genetics
Gilbert, Walter
Pardee, Arthur



Between 1968 and 1978, the historian of science Horace Freeland Judson conducted extensive oral history interviews with biochemists and molecular biologists relating to the development of their field. The correspondence, transcripts of interviews, and taped interviews that comprise the Judson collection formed the research material used by Judson in his book, The Eighth Day of Creation (New York, 1979). Permission to quote must be obtained from Dr. Judson and access to some files is restricted.
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Ames, Bruce N., 1928- | Audureau, Alice | Bacterial genetics | Bacteriophage and viral genetics | Baltimore, David | Barnett, Leslie, 1920-2002 | Beadle, George Wells | Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989 | Behavioral genetics, IQ | Benzer, Seymour, 1921-2007 | Berg, Paul, 1926- | Biochemistry and organic chemistry | Biographical and personal data | Blow, David | Bodmer, W. F. (Walter Fred), 1936- | Bohr, Niels | Bragg, William Lawrence, Sir, 1890-1971 | Brenner, Sydney, 1927-2019 | Bridges, Calvin B. | Brown, Angela Martin | Cairns, John | California Institute of Technology | Cambridge University | Cancer, chemotherapy | Caspersson, Torbjörn (Torbjörn Oskar), 1910-1997 | Cavendish Laboratory (Cambridge, England) | Chargaff, Erwin | Chargaff, Erwin, 1905-2002 | Cohen, Georges | Cohn, Melvin | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Cowan, Pauline | Crick, Francis H. C. | Crick, Francis, 1916-2004 | Crick, Francis--with Maddox, John | Crick, Francis--with Olby, Robert | Crick, Odile | Cytogenetics | DNA -- History | Davern, Cedric | Delbruck, Max | Delbrück, Max, 1906-1981 | Donohue, Jerry | Drosophila genetics | Dubos, René | Dulbecco, Renato | Dunitz, Jack D. | Educational matters | Embryology, developmental genetics | Engelhardt, Vladimir Alexandrovich | Ephrussi, Boris, 1901-1979 | Ethical issues | Eugenics | Evolution | Fell, Dame Honor | Fourcade, Bertrand | Fraenkel-Conrat, Heinz | Fraser, Mary J. | Furberg, Sven | Gamow, George | Garen, Alan | Gilbert, Walter | Gosling, Ray | Griffiths, Wendell--with Olby, Robert | Gros, François | Grunberg-Manago, Marianne | Guidotti, Guido | Guillemin, Roger | Gurdon, John | Harrison, Pauline Cowan | Haurowitz, Felix | Hayes, William | Heppel, Leon | Hershey, A. D. (Alfred Day) | History of biology, especially genetics | Hoagland, Mahlon | Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot | Hogness, David | Holley, Robert W. | Honors -- Nobel Prize | Horecker, Bernard | Hotchkiss, Rollin Douglas, 1911-2004 | Hubel, David | Hussain, Farooq | Huxley, Hugh | Ingram, Vernon M. | Institut Pasteur (Paris, France) | Jackson, Sylvia Fitton | Jacob, Francois, 1920-2013 | Judson, Horace Freeland, 1931-2011 | Jungelson, Eugene | Kalckar, Herman M. (Herman Moritz), 1908-1991 | Kendrew, John | Keynes, Richard D. | Kierkegaard quotation | Klug, Aaron | Kornberg, Roger | Lectures, public speaking | Lederberg, Joshua | Lennox, E. S. (Edwin Samuel) | Lerman, Leonard | Lewis, Herman | Lipmann, Fritz | Lipscomb, William N., 1919-2011 | Luria, S. E. (Salvador Edward), 1912-1991 | Luzzati, Vittorio | Lwoff, André | M'Ewen, Marjorie | Maaløe, Ole | Maas, Werner | Maddox, John | Markham, Roy | Matthaei, Heinrich | McClintock, Barbara, 1902-1992 | Medawar, P. B. (Peter Brian), 1915-1987 | Medvedev, Zhores A., 1925-2018 | Mertz, Janet | Meselson, Matthew | Miller, Stanley | Mitchison, Avrian | Molecular biology -- History | Molecular genetics | Monod, Jacques | Monod, Jacques | Monod, Olivier | Monod, Phillipe | Morgan, Thomas Hunt | Mouse genetics | National Institutes of Health | Nirenberg, Marshall W., 1927-2010 | North, Margaret Pratt | Noufflard, Geneviève | Ochoa, Severo | Olby, Robert | Oral histories | Orgel, Leslie | Pardee, Arthur | Pauling, Linus | Pauling, Linus, 1901-1994 | Pauling, Peter | Perrin, David | Perutz, Max | Phillips, David | Philosophy of science | Political issues | Pollack, Robert | Population, demography | Potter, Lincoln | Protozoan genetics | Ptashne, Mark | Publication -- The Double Helix | Publication -- The Eighth Day of Creation | Research support | Rich, Alexander | Ruderman, Warren | Russian politics and science | Russian politics and science -- Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich | Sanger, Frederick | Sayre, Anne | Schachman, Howard | Schmidt, Benno | Schultz, Jack | Shils, E.A. | Singer, Maxine | Smith, John | Spear, Walter Eric | Stent, Gunther | Stoker, Michael | Stokes, Alexander | Sturtevant, Alfred Henry | Swift, Hewson | Szent-Gyorgi, Andrew Gabriel | Temins, Howard | Terheggen, Heinz Georg | Thomas, Charles | Tissières, Alfred | Travers, Andrew | Ullman, Agnès | University of Chicago | Unpublished manuscripts, notes, etc. | Watson, James D. | Watson, James D. | Weil, Adrienne | Wilkins, Maurice | Wollman, Élie | World War II -- France | Wyatt, Gerard | Yanofsky, Charles | Zamecnik, Paul | Zea (maize) genetics